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Advance Reading Copy

Building New Solidarities

with Palestine
Building New Solidarities
with Palestine
Advance Reading Copy

Publication Date: June 11, 2024, ISBN: 9798888900994, $24.95

This is an uncorrected proof. Please do not quote from this

edition without consulting the final text. Distributed to the trade in
the United States by Consortium Book Sales and Distribution,

Contact: Rory Fanning,

This volume is dedicated to my grandmother Sumayyah Khoury,
who taught me solidarity by example when her family, among many
families in Nazareth, hid and housed the people of Saffuriyeh when
their village was destroyed by Israeli forces in 1948. Thank you for
teaching us how to live together.


00 07
Foreword From Bilad al-Haramayn to al-Quds:
YASMIN EL-RIFAE Rumor, Sovereignty, and Solidarity

Introduction 08
Renewing Solidarity Everywhere in the World
MAHDI SABBAGH There Is a Chinatown; in China There
Is a Khaliltown
Gaza Lovesong

Choices Under Siege Wounds in Place: Football as a Manual
for Survival in Ongoing Colonization
Try to Be in Palestine
City and Anti-City
Reflections on Structural Gaslighting
Concerning the Violence of Architecture
Wretched Gaza: Confronting the Abject

French-Israeli Nuclear Coloniality




February 12, 2024 of human pain and catastrophe.

It is the fifth month of Israel’s genocidal What is happening is both shocking
assault against Palestinians in Gaza. Like and a clear continuation of decades of Israeli
millions of people around the world I am policy aimed at the total domination and
trying, and failing, to balance my knowledge expulsion of Palestinian life. That policy has
of what is happening in Palestine with been enacted on the ground, with settlement
my ability to function. I know that by the building, demolition of homes and villages,
time this book is printed and read by you, unlawful arrests, the wall, the checkpoints,
the world will have changed again and the killing and beating of Palestinian bodies
again because of what is happening now. throughout the land, and the 17-year siege
Today, Israel has killed more than 25,000 on Gaza. It has also been enacted on the
Palestinians in fourth months, displaced level of discourse and ideas, with Israel’s
nearly two million, starved the entire seemingly inexhaustible commitment to
population through the winter, destroyed the control what is sayable and what is not
healthcare system, and is poised to invade when it comes to Palestine in the Western
Rafah, the last standing city in Gaza, where world in particular. It knows that its material
most of the population is sheltering. It feels existence as an ethnostate and an occupying
absurd to write or do anything that is not military depends on the maintenance of an
aimed at immediately stopping this apogee inverted understanding of power and threat

among the populations of the United States the crucial role of the idea, of the narration
and other patron governments. For decades, of experience, of the direct questioning of
it has successfully produced and safeguard- domination, and of the creativity summoned
ed a cultural view that Israel is a weak state in surviving that which we are not meant
surrounded by hostile, armed Arabs, that to survive. We learn that Zionism and other
all Palestinian action towards freedom is fascist nationalist projects operate, psycho-
terrorism, that Israel represents Judaism, that logically, beyond our biological timelines
a people who survived a genocide cannot and depend on our thought being limited
perpetrate another. That the eruptions of by them. They count on our exhaustion, on
conflict in and around Palestine are about our despair, our giving up, and so we must
complicated biblical claims and embedded discipline our minds and our politics to see
religious feuds, rather than a people strug- longer, to look farther: to look alongside
gling against a consistently expansionist those struggling, and not simply at them.
state structure. It has made vocal support of As I write this Palestinians in Gaza are
this view a pre-requisite for viable presiden- saying they refuse to leave Rafah, where
tial candidacy in the US. many of them have now been twice- or
It is this, the foundational networks of thrice-displaced in the last four months, hun-
international political and military support gry, cold, and under constant attack. They
for Israel, imbedded and intransigent to a refuse to leave and be killed in ever-less dig-
level that many did not believe was possible, nified conditions. They refuse to leave and
that means we must continue to speak, fight, be separated from the family they have been
write, disrupt, boycott, and escalate our able to survive with. They care for children
tactics wherever we are. It is this that moves who are not their own, report through their
us from our despair and paralysis, when it heartbreak and homelessness. When the
is so clear that all of the images and expo- bombs stop falling we will hear more about
sure and witnessing of trembling children the horrors that Israel has committed against
and broken bodies and numbered, naked, this population. We will also hear about
blindfolded, executed Palestinian men, that the difficult and inspiring things people are
all off the op-eds and rallies and speeches doing to survive. No one should have to be a
and discursive progress and mainstreaming hero, and it does not lighten the horror of the
of the Palestinian cause, all of it is too slow, crime. But this is what humans do, in their
too slow to stop the catastrophe that is struggle for life. Who am I to give up? Who
happening, too slow to stop the unspeakable are we?
pain and suffering. One wants to give up, Gaza –enterprising and besieged,
to say there is no point, that the only action ancient and crowded, overlooked and at
worth doing is to chain one’s self to the the core – has shattered several lies : that
right fence, to physically stop the movement colonialism is in the past, that Israel is
of weapons. And this, too, we should do. special and should be treated as such, that
But we learn from Palestinians as we learn Palestinians do not exist.
from struggling people throughout history Despite the tremendous effort to isolate
the irreplaceable value of the long horizon, and diminish Palestine physically, geograph-

ically, and as an idea, it has always garnered for.
the solidarity of most of the world’s people Our solidarity cannot be made – and
because the world’s majority are the people it is an act of creation – from a position of
surviving displacement, war, surveillance, passive witnessing. In what I witness and
incarceration, restricted movement, and what I learn I must also ask: what does
ethnonationalism. The unprecedented Palestine need? My solidarity with Palestine
mobilization of cross-movement solidity is, and must be, a practice that is also about
with Palestine in the United States and me, and my life, and my future, and that of
other parts of the world demonstrates that my children. This book is not for readers to
people also understand that Palestinians are understand Palestine, although it will impart
being dominated in the same ways and with some knowledge about that place. It is for
the same visions and technologies that the readers to better understand themselves,
majority of us are. The connections built and their futures, and how they might fight for
made between decolonial struggles of the them.
last century and through to the Black Lives
Matter and Indiginous rights movements of
recent years are helping to propel a historic
shift in people’s understandings and posi-
tions on Palestine, and Israel.
These essays, which were written and
edited before the October 7 attacks on Israel
by Hamas fighters from Gaza, can help carry
us through the rupture and the overwhelm-
ing violence of this moment to a solidarity
that is clear eyed about its shared stakes. On
these pages is Palestine as part of the world,
alive and connected to other places, markets,
ideas, cities, and struggles. In their approach
and engagement, the essays reflect a shift
in the Palestine of Festival of Literature,
which has brought hundreds of writers and
artists from around the world to Palestine
since 2008. PalFest has always been an act
of solidarity, and over time it has moved
from a post-Intifada, pre-social media focus
on the act of witnessing and exposure, to a
festival that is about an exchange of ideas
and experiences between writers from across
the global south in Palestine, one that is
orientated to enable work towards mutual
freedom, which is the only kind we can hope




ow can you live in this place?” to pack up and leave Jerusalem. But she
shouted our history and geography returned to our classroom daily, and crossed
teacher, entering our tenth-grade the checkpoint daily, until we had all passed
classroom.1 “I do not understand how our baccalauréat and graduated. The simple,
anyone can live like this!” She was late, inconceivable act of staying in Palestine
flustered, and, as we soon learned, had just exemplified solidarity as it’s typically
crossed a checkpoint where Israeli soldiers discussed: a foreigner eschewed many
had harassed her. Although she was not easier lifestyles to live among us, choosing
Palestinian, she had chosen to live in a to contribute to our community despite
Palestinian neighborhood in Jerusalem its many challenges. But solidarity was a
during the depths of the second Intifada, and way of life that we as Palestinians already
her experience at the checkpoint reflected a understood intimately. We protected each
daily occurrence for her Palestinian students. other on the streets, on buses, in schools, at
She was right to be angry: the ways our lives checkpoints. Solidarity was and continues
were endangered, our environment besieged to be a collective culture in which we’re
and reduced to a military experiment, were raised and a code of ethics that we continue
hard to bear. to practice. Perhaps those who visited or
At that moment, she had the option moved to Palestine to be with us hadn’t

brought solidarity with them but had simply culprit; it merely slipped comfortably into
learned how to be Palestinian. the gaps of our societies and made them
Many of us carry sensibilities of soli- larger, more visible, more concrete, harder
darity in our day-to-day life. We know when to patch. Inequality, we keep repeating to
to hide, but also when to render ourselves ourselves, is at an all-time high in virtu-
visible in order to support each other. We de- ally every sector of society. Inequality is
velop languages—textual, oral, and bodily; discussed as a condition to be remedied by
through symbolism, through image, through policies, by law, by economics, by taxes,
sound—that make the political legible. The by charity, by capital. But those who cannot
genesis of this volume lay in the questions make ends meet, whose livelihoods and
I asked of my own subjectivity in relation lives are violated, experience inequality not
to solidarity, and soon enough that inquiry as a bureaucratic operation but as injustice,
encompassed a plurality of knowledge based as a continuous siege. The pandemic, and
on the infinitely diverse experiences of its governments’ kneejerk reactions to it,
authors. Solidarities and the many forms besieged communities already dispossessed
they can take are always new, because by capitalism’s extractive properties. This
they require constant renewal, updating, is where relationality steps in as a tactical
adjusting in order to move side by side with remedy to this condition: it calls for us to
struggles and movements. Beyond Frontiers come together. But drawing connections
is a reflection on what we perhaps already between different realities––each of which
know because we are in it daily, attempting grapples with inequality differently––can be
to make sense of the great struggles—but difficult and reductive, prone to an infinity
also the great possibilities—that come when of errors. And yet, my hope is that this very
we stand beyond the limitations imposed act, of drawing connections, can lead to
on our imaginations to be in solidarity with novel possibilities, maybe even solutions.
each other. Because I come from Jerusalem, I have
learned to see injustice vividly, often to my
“Thank you for resisting the invitation to own detriment and sometimes even errone-
dance on our graves,”2 ously. It has been ingrained in me since my
or Making Choices Under Siege birth in a city under siege where the oppres-
To step outside the distinctly complex sion of a colonized people is visible to the
negotiations central to Palestinian life for most untrained of naked eyes: from the daily
a moment, writing about, and thinking violence inflicted on Palestinian youth by
clearly within, our dystopian reality is not a Israeli soldiers at Damascus Gate, to the po-
simple task. The term “burnout” has become licing and harassment of Palestinian bodies
inadequate to describe the level of emotional at dozens of now permanently constructed
exhaustion that individuals and communities checkpoints, to the planning policies that
face as they grapple with the ongoing pan- expropriate Palestinian lands and that refuse
demic, the clearer-than-ever disposability to give out building permits, then send in
of our lives, and the devaluing of our labor. the bulldozers when Palestinians build.
The Covid-19 pandemic, of course, isn’t the Much like in Manu Karuka’s framework

on the North American continent, Palestine this volume doesn’t directly answer the
is reduced to a state of “frontier,” where a questions here, it uses them as a backdrop to
suspension of morals and ethics allows the explore solidarity with and from Palestine.
allegedly democratic government, benefiting This volume floats in the flows of
corporations, businesses, and individual liberatory ideas that come from under and
settlers to cross “the line from civilization in spite of settler-colonial geographies.
to savagery” with complete impunity.3 In It understands solidarity as a collective
the case of Palestine, this frontier, of course, work in progress with immense potential
isn’t a line but a spatial condition that and possibility for a liberated, just future.
occurs whenever Israeli settler colonialism Solidarity––coming or acting together
approaches a Palestinian space, Palestinian based on or in order to achieve a shared set
built environment, or Palestinian body. of goals and principles––has been at the
But far from inducing despair (how much heart of the Palestine Festival of Literature
injustice can our societies put up with?) this (PalFest), itself the product of a network
has made me attuned to settler colonialism’s of writers and thinkers concerned with
banality––the banality of its architecture, of Palestine. Solidarity has always been there,
its predictable similarity wherever humans explicitly and implicitly, and this volume
might inflict it. This hyperawareness to invites us to discuss solidarity as an episte-
injustice in settler-colonial formations is the mology. Good solidarity work is continuous:
backdrop for my own subjectivity. In New it doesn’t cease to move and expand; it
York, from which I am writing this reflec- builds, it amasses people and knowledge.
tion, injustice is also painfully visible, albeit In his 2008 letter to the Palestine Festival
in very different contexts than in Jerusalem. of Literature, which was published in
It is visible in the movement of people the 2017 volume This Is Not a Border,
through the city’s gentrifying neighbor- Mahmoud Darwish describes solidarity
hoods. Simply walk down any street and visits to Palestine as “an expression of what
observe the contrast in people’s lives: Who Palestine has come to mean to the living
commutes at 6:00 a.m.? Who gets to work human conscience.”4 For Darwish, visiting
from home or from a coffeeshop? Who Palestine for the exclusive sake of being
delivers food to whose door? Who takes the in solidarity is an act of engagement, of
subway, who drives, who gets driven? There understanding one’s role, of truth-searching.
are infinite examples of inequity’s everyday Many of the essays in this book directly and
manifestations that need not be listed here indirectly propose ways of doing, acting,
to acknowledge that they also (when applied and positioning, both taking Darwish’s letter
systemically) result in a condition where to heart and proving that the letter’s call is
injustice dominates. Instead, the funda- well and alive.
mental questions through which I would The Palestinian people have never
like to frame this reflection are: What does ceased to struggle for the liberation of our
one do, how does one act, and where does lands and built environments. However, at
one position oneself vis-à-vis the banality least prior to October of 2023, promises
of inequality, vis-à-vis injustice? While and tactics proposed by old leadership––in

the occupied territories, but also in 1948 as ever, but even a genocide could not crush
Palestine (Israel)––have failed because, the poetry of Refaat Alareer, who was mar-
simply put, that leadership has profited tyred on December 6th, 2023, in Gaza. His
from gradual Israeli settler-colonialist gargantuan words, “If I must die / . . . / let it
expansion on Palestinian houses, lands, be a tale,” ricochet through cities across the
and resources. Scholar Ahmad El Hirbawi planet in solidarity with Palestine.
pointed to how the Palestinian public, at In fact, central to the Palestinian
least in 2022, had largely ceased to see its struggle is the telling and retelling of tales,
single-party political leadership in Gaza stories, memories that are both real and
and the West Bank as representative of or imagined. There is a veritable sprouting
effective in communal and political life; of newPalestinian critical perspectives on
against the will of the public, the leadership our history and geography, embodied in
had instead defaulted to tribalism, meaning archival projects such as ‫ حكايا غزة‬Gaza
to modes of governance based on loyalty Story); Grassroots Al-Quds; Sabil Library;
to political parties.5 This observation was Rasha Salti and Kristine Khouri’s Past
written prior to the genocidal war on Gaza, Disquiet: Narratives and Ghosts from the
whose political, human, environmental, International Art Exhibition for Palestine,
psychological, and moral ramifications we 1978; the Palestinian Museum Digital
have yet to fully comprehend. What we Archive; Mohanad Yaqubi (Subversive
do understand is that it has eclipsed much Film)’s Tokyo Reels; Lama Suleiman’s
of what we believed and simultaneously Parallax Haifa; Danah Abdulla and Sarona
provided us with a painful clarity that we Abuaker’s Countless Palestinian Futures;
are not safe from genocide. This ongoing Skin Deep’s Palestine: Ways of Being, curat-
Nakba propels us to organize even more, ed by Zena Agha; and Lifta Volumes. These
and proudly. The 2021 Unity Intifada and many other projects begin to suggest a
rendered clear to many that Palestinians, and diversification of liberatory narratives that
especially young Palestinians, have been reformulate existing archives, build archives
shifting their collective discourse toward where there are none, and infuse Palestinian
new grassroots narratives and directions history with feminist ideologies and futur-
throughout 1948 Palestine, the West Bank, ism. This, in turn, produces a potentiality
the Gaza Strip, refugee camps across the for many futures for Palestine, despite an
Arab World, and the diaspora beyond. On entrenching settler-colonial apparatus.
the ground, this shift is seen in the pluraliza- Throughout this long political shift, the
tion of activist voices coming from Sheikh praxis of solidarity appears like a thread,
Jarrah, Silwan, Gaza, Haifa, Nazareth, and weaving through different movements back
the Naqab, but also importantly in growing and forth and enabling the exchange of
ties to other liberatory movements across the ideas, tactics, and tools.
planet, such as the Black Lives Matter and In Time-Space Colonialism, Juliana
NoDALP movements and other Indigenous Hu Pegues studies Asian laborers’ and
and landed struggles. Today’s conditions of Indigenous Tlingit people’s experiences in
settler colonialism in Palestine are as dire settler colonialism in Alaska.6 Through their

(forced) labor in canneries, each community the exhibition traveled to Japan, then to
has a window onto the other’s commonality, Iran, then to Norway.7 Khouri and Salti
and this, Hu Pegues shows, subsequently describe solidarity as simultaneously “an
forms a potential bedrock for mutuality in incarnation” and “a projection.”8 Grassroots
solidarity. This potential lies in tapping into solidarity work here led to a larger cultural
the possibility of solidarity from muddled project that benefited the PLO, and Khouri
and complex realities where it is infinitely and Salti remind us that “the first pillar of
easier to conform to the illusion of assim- international solidarity with the Palestinian
ilation through hard labor—not having a struggle was spontaneous, grassroots
choice in where you get displaced to but cer- pan-Arab mobilization.”9 Solidarity is a
tainly having a choice in how you position possibility harnessed by both organizational
yourself politically. The Funambulist’s nu- bodies and grassroots movements, and,
merous publications form another example ultimately, solidarity is a tool available to us
of solidarity praxis, becoming an aggregate all, as individuals, as collectives, as families,
of writings that highlight liberation activism and as communities. Remembering histor-
and fuel solidarity work. Jewish American ical solidarity, pondering the relationalities
allies and Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions that result from solidarity, and tapping into
(BDS) activists such as those in Jewish a contemporary web of solidarity thought is
Voice for Peace (JVP) enact through their perhaps an attempt to exist in this world, for
work a future possibility that Zionism many of us marginalized and violated by the
categorically denies us. Coerced or perfor- day-to-day violence of existing structures of
mative coexistence runs amuck and typically power.
upholds severely unequal sharing of power
and resources—a “peacewashing.” But Witnessing
JVP’s important work, on the contrary, not A fundamental precursor for solidarity build-
only assists and complements the liberatory ing is the act of witnessing. It is certainly
narratives coming out of Palestine but also possible to understand settler colonialism in
fundamentally enacts a future inevitability Palestine by reading, looking at maps, and
of pluralism and genuine coexistence. so on. But witnessing—what Gil Hochberg
Solidarity with Palestine is, of course, calls “countervisual practice” that under-
a decades-long project. In their research and mines “Israeli visual dominance”—allows
exhibition work, curators Kristine Khouri us to visualize what, in the case of Palestine,
and Rasha Salti touch on the International is often unfathomable injustice.10 Through
Art Exhibition for Palestine, organized her study of photography and Palestinian
by the Palestine Liberation Organization art, Alessandra Amin reminds us that to
(PLO) in 1978 in Beirut. The exhibition “bear witness” to Palestinian suffering from
was an important culmination of art and outside of Palestine constitutes a gaze that
media with the dual function of garnering can “substitute the impotent and voyeuristic
solidarity and educating a Palestinian and act of looking for meaningful intervention
larger Arab population on the struggle. It against the atrocities depicted.”11 Witnessing
also had international ambitions: parts of by itself is in fact futile. Witnessing must

be integrated into a practice of solidarity to help solidify an existing understanding of
formulate meaningful change. To witness injustice. Maybe we ought to understand
injustice, seared into the landscape, into witnessing as an active approach, not a
the built environment, allows the mind passive one. During the 2020 Black Lives
to ask a cascade of questions: How do Matter uprising in the United States, protest-
people experience injustice? Why are they ers learned to pause and observe anytime a
subjugated to injustice? Who designed this police officer stopped a Black individual on
injustice? How was it funded? Who benefits the street, sometimes through the cameras
from it? Witnessing the built environment on their phones. It became, one would
helps us begin to tackle these questions, hope, common knowledge that it is one’s
as the answer lies right in front of us. As civic responsibility to observe, to not turn
entrenched and complex as settler colonial- one’s back on an interaction that by its very
ism might seem at first, the forms in which design is an enactment of white supremacy.
it manifests itself spatially are self-evident, The documentation of state-sponsored
their function mundanely obvious. brutality—as we have seen in Saint Louis,
In Palestine, as in other geographies in Standing Rock, in Cairo, in Hong Kong,
plagued by settler colonialism, witnessing in Jerusalem—not only becomes active
has become an ingrained tradition. It is a witnessing but also suggests how savvy
skill we pick up shortly after birth. We learn our societies have become at building
to cry, to eat, to walk, and then to witness. bodies of evidence and disseminating them
During the second Intifada, we were quickly. Through his work on mutual aid in
mostly locked up at home in Beit Hanina, moments of crisis, Dean Spade reminds us
Jerusalem. In 2004, on a cool summer night, that “contact with the complex realities of
my father called me to go with him to the injustice” eventually births a commitment to
roof of our apartment building. From the solidarity.12
roof he pointed in the direction of Ramallah: Witnessing can also be applied as a spa-
“Look.” You could see Ramallah’s dark tial and visual lens to see buildings, streets,
skyline (like us in East Jerusalem, they had cities and how they operate and behave.
also lost electricity) and every few minutes Witnessing allows the witness to develop
a bright flash of light would fall from the a spatial index of injustice. On a recent
sky onto the buildings, followed by a long, visit to the American Southwest, I went to
faint boom. I will always remember this day visit the ancestral land of the O’odham and
as a lesson in witnessing. The importance is Piipaash people in Arizona. I was, of course,
to pay attention, to turn to where the crime aware of their ongoing dispossession, but
is happening, to observe, to remember. it wasn’t until I saw Phoenix and the Salt
Witnessing is perhaps important because River Pima-Maricopa Reservation that
it acts as a foundation for undeniability, a I understood what exactly dispossession
foundation on which one can begin to reach looked like—and how hauntingly familiar it
out once the violence has paused. A founda- felt. Dispossession, here and elsewhere, is a
tion for solidarity. condition that permeates all aspects of daily
Witnessing is also an act that can life and every granule of the built environ-

ment. Witnessing the stark contrast between Solidarity with Palestine also inspired
the wealthy Scottsdale urban sprawl—man- Palestinians to look outward toward the
icured, desertscape lawns, serviced by golf possibility of new coalitions: with other
courses and immaculately paved roads—and Indigenous people, with Black liberation,
the Salt River Reservation’s roadside trash with movements to open borders. We have
and cracked asphalt roads revealed in just much in common with others who have
how many ways dispossession manifests been crushed by settler colonialism else-
itself spatially on the reservation. Settlement where, and this commonality can become
expanded throughout the 1800s, and then mutual solidarity, or mutuality, if we act on
president Rutherford B. Hayes’s 1879 it. This important political space, between
Executive Order established a 680,000-acre silence and appropriation, is difficult and
reservation that solidified and legalized uncomfortable, as it perhaps should be.
settlement expansion by confining the There is also a particular danger of diluting,
Indigenous population. Later that year, of muddling, of confusing, that happens
Hayes signed another executive order that when we attempt to equate conditions across
reduced the Salt River Reservation to just disparate timelines, disparate geographies,
46,627 acres, effectively cutting off the and disparate configurations of racial and
O’odham and Piipaash peoples from the colonial formations. Meaningful mutuality
majority of their land and access to the river does not flatten this difference, nor does
that had been their source of food, culture, it accept its limitations and walk away; it
and identity, and making way for what instead recognizes difference and learns
became the city of Phoenix.13 America is from it.
especially skilled at constructing inequality, Kanaka Maoli activist and educator
and thresholds between unequal allocations J. Kēhaulani Kauanui describes how in
of resources can be seen everywhere: from the mobilization to protect the sacred,
disparities in street and water infrastructure living mountain of Mauna Kea in Hawai‘i,
between Scottsdale and the Salt River solidarity in many forms poured in from
Reservation, to how supermarkets and fresh neighboring islands and from around the
produce are allocated along racial lines in globe and that the key was “responding to
New York’s Hunts Point, to how access what people on the ground are calling for.”15
to abortion begins and ends along shifting This can happen in many ways: by ampli-
invisible borders at the strike of a supreme fying the voices of those on the ground, by
court justice’s pen. In actively witnessing using the language that they put forward, by
what oppressive systems do to communities respecting and solidifying their picket lines.
and their environments we begin to build Solidarity can only be effective in response
a tradition of witnessing, one that makes to guidance from those directly affected, and
solidarity not only possible but inevitable. when solidarity moves in both directions
it becomes exponentially more powerful.
“Although I often feel lost on this trail, I Mutuality is a tactic that first requires and
know I am not alone,”14 then further enables communities to listen
or Mutuality and learn from one another to form ideo-

logical ties, coalitions, and triangulations of killing of their people in 1976 by the Israeli
knowledge exchange.16 Mutuality is power. state, and LANDBACK, a call to give
Under our mutually devastated land back to Indigenous people on Turtle
environments, one need not look far to Island.19 Another example is the slogan “No
find shared struggles and opportunities for Ban on Stolen Land” deployed by Melanie
mutuality. For example, although concerns Yazzie and Nick Estes at a protest against
of land and housing in Palestine (such as the Trump administration’s Executive Order
in Sheikh Jarrah and Silwan) and issues of 13769, which banned travelers from several
houselessness in Indigenous communities majority-Muslim countries. The slogan, and
on Turtle Island originated in different its subsequent viral spread on social media,
temporal, political, and social formations, called into question our understanding of
people confronting these conditions could, borders imposed by settler states by instead
in recognizing each other, learn from each turning to “migrant and refugee justice
other’s perseverance.17 Prisoner movements grounded in Indigenous sovereignty.”20 The
in Palestine and abolitionist ideology decades-long relationship between South
in Black communities and Indigenous African and Palestinian anti-apartheid,
communities in North America have much grassroots movements has steadily grown in
to learn from each other as well. One can impact in recent decades. In July of 2022,
imagine future possibilities for mutual South Africa’s minister of international rela-
learning between Palestine and endless tions and cooperation, Naledi Pandor, called
other Indigenous geographies: Armenia, for Israel to be designated an apartheid state.
Kurdistan, Western Sahara, Haudenosaunee “As oppressed South Africans,” she stated,
territory, Puerto Rico, Dinétah, Guatemala, “we experienced firsthand the effects of
Hawai‘i, Aotearoa, among many others. racial inequality, discrimination and denial,
The intention isn’t to reduce liberatory and we cannot stand by while another
struggles to abstractions or metaphors, nor generation of Palestinians are left behind.”21
is it to cover every ground, but to propose The possibility for a different relationality,
and demonstrate the infinite possibility of for kinship, occurs when we reach out
relating to one another, of mutualities yet to and attempt to be in mutual solidarity.
come. Palestinian American writer Steven Salaita
Mutuality of course is already occur- calls this “inter/nationalism” and reminds
ring. For example the Indigenous group the us that this shift in thought, in practice, and
Red Nation has made a pledge of solidarity in worldview can and should also occur in
to Palestinian liberation, highlighting the scholarship.22
important role of what they call “lateral Settler colonialism pushes colonized
solidarity” in the Indigenous liberation people into silos and forces them onto
movement.18 Their position paper “The islands of resistance. Building mutuality re-
Right of Return Is LANDBACK” makes minds us that we in fact are not alone. Visual
clear connections between Palestine’s Land cues—for example, a large, hand-painted
Day, a day when Palestinians commemorate “NO DAPL” sign tucked behind a local
the expropriation of their land and the eatery at the Salt River Reservation, a

George Floyd mural painted on a destroyed in their homes despite daily harassment is a
building in Gaza City, the raising of an practice of sumud. This also appears in the
Algerian flag next to a Palestinian one over acts of building and renovating homes. This
al-Aqsa Mosque or at a football game—all architectural sumud is a defiant practice that
remind us of the power of mutual solidar- puts the needs of the residents before the
ity to transcend geographic distance and bureaucracy that illegalizes the very act of
isolation. They remind us that our struggles building on one’s own land.26
are interconnected in a number of ways: not Sumud can be practiced individually,
only are there multiple struggles occurring but when practiced collectively it begins
simultaneously against colonial regimes that to also produce communal awareness.
behave with expected similarities, but also Practiced at the scale of an entire communi-
our traditions of resistance, or what Estes ty, it is a sumud that aims to build political
calls an “accumulation of resistance”23 have consciousness, establish relational bonds of
the potential to be interconnected, to teach care, and develop politically active com-
us, and to give us moral and ideological munities. Communal sumud is especially
grounding on which to continue what often critical because it has the ability to break
feels like an impossible task. down fear: fear of waving a Palestinian flag,
fear of taking the Israeli municipality to
Still Steadfast, Still Persevering, court, fear of saying no to exploitation, fear
or ‫صمود‬ of pushing back. After the 2014 kidnapping,
In the Palestinian context, this “accu- torture, and murder of Mohammed Abu
mulation of resistance” has a particular Khdeir by Israeli right-wing nationalists,
context: that of ‫( صمود‬sumud), or steadfast his family did not have to deal with the
perseverance. Palestinians have developed tragedy alone: the entirely of Shu’fat and
a collective praxis of resistance that has Beit Hanina rose in rebellion to protest the
become ingrained and can be conceptualized murder, creating a condition of high visibil-
in many ways. The practice of sumud is an ity that ultimately forced Israeli authorities
ideological principle developed after the to arrest and try the murderers. Jerusalem’s
1967 war, when the West Bank and Gaza Palestinians rose again, in unison, after the
Strip fell under Israeli occupation. Sumud Israeli army executed Shireen Abu Akleh
suggests a third way of existing, beyond in 2022, forcing the world to witness and to
submission or exile.24 Some practices of react to the frontier condition that exposes
sumud look inward—for example, when the lack of democratic practices in Israel,
one stays put on one’s land.25 This static but also warning the Israeli authorities that
sumud is a practice seen, for example, in Palestinians will reject their assumed dispos-
Jerusalem in Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah, ability and honor every living being. Protest,
where Palestinians’ lives are made unlivable even when it might appear futile, is a
by Israel’s policies of ethnic cleansing, as practice of sumud. Another crucial example
well as by settler organizations that view of communal sumud is seen in the ability of
Palestinian lives as disposable, as less than Gazans to remain alive and defiant despite
human. Palestinians’ will and ability to stay the crushing Israeli-Egyptian blockade, the

inadequate nutritional rations dictated by the ties across the planet, reaching out to new
blockade, and a total lack of accountability locales, emboldening allies, and forming
for Israeli war crimes committed during unprecedented connections with other
the almost annual military assaults on Gaza struggles. This global sumud has histori-
between 2006 and 2022.27 Gaza practices cally, ironically been fueled by the forced
sumud through the Great Marches of Return, exiles of Palestinian thinkers and activists
but also through the people’s daily lives, who learned to be steadfast under Israeli
constantly coming up with new solutions rule first. For example, in 1970 Sabri Jiryis
to cope with the debilitating siege. Such was forced out of historic Palestine and
practices of coming together in protest con- resettled in Beirut. Instead of stopping his
stitute communal sumud. These moments activism, he brought his political knowledge
become critical in Palestinian teaching, in from the Land Movement (Al Ard) to the
witnessing and rendering visible what Israel PLO’s work in Lebanon. His exile, far from
tries desperately to conceal abroad through ending his sumud, intensified it—now as an
elaborate public relations campaigns and as outward-facing tactic that allowed him to
popular political education. take part in a nascent network of solidarity.
We typically think of sumud as a princi- Global sumud teaches us that one need
ple that one enacts on the land, in Palestine, not be in Palestine, or even Palestinian, to
under occupation. But what if repertoires of remain steadfast in solidarity with Palestine.
sumud are also useful to those who are not This volume takes this question further
in Palestine, but who work toward justice in by asking whether tactics of steadfast
Palestine? Other critical practices of sumud perseverance can be helpful when adopted
look further afield, toward the world outside by other communities that work toward
of historic Palestine. As more Palestinians decolonization, wherever they might be.
find themselves in refugee camps, in the With mutuality in mind, the volume also
diaspora, in self-imposed exiles at all four asks whether Palestinians in their sumud can
corners of the planet, sumud takes on learn from Black and Indigenous societies
new forms, ones that reach outward and and their tactics of survival and resistance.
bring in allyships, networks of solidarity. What might a kind of sumud that learns
What does it mean to hold onto sumud in from other struggles and returns to Palestine
exile? How does this relate to solidarity? with a more expanded repertoire of resis-
Palestine activism is regularly suppressed tance look like?
and censored in the West, in ways that at
times echo the suppression of freedom Writing on Solidarities as “Poetic
of expression and of political affiliation Knowledge” 28
under direct Israeli rule. In exile, solidarity While the catalyst of this volume was the
also requires steadfastness, the ability to May 2021 Palestinian Unity Intifada, much
continue to act in solidarity despite attempts of the writing and editing work occurred
at silencing and censorship. Sumud is an closer to the assassination of Shireen Abu
increasingly effective Palestinian praxis that Akleh, another act of heinous colonial
latches onto solidarity and helps it build violence that garnered immense internation-

al solidarity with Palestine across the planet. of witnessing structural violence, attempting
Nevertheless, this volume is not to be mutuality work, and practicing sumud.
understood as a response to a specific event, The ten authors you will read here each
year, or phase of settler colonialism, but cover a world of ideas. In contributions
rather as a reflection that can travel back loosely grouped in three parts, Choices
and forth in time with the ebbs and flows under Siege, Witnessing, and Mutuality, the
of resistance movements. Perhaps it can authors share their political choice-making,
aim to be added to the Palestinian critical their perceptive vision, and their efforts at
perspectives mentioned above, and hope to mutual understanding. When we begin to
be understood, in the words of Robin D. G. ask questions, how do we confront the need
Kelley, as “poetic knowledge,” meaning an to take difficult political stances? Keller
imagination, an effort to see future possi- Easterling takes deep cuts through time to
bility in the present. Kelley reminds us that encourage us to try to be in Palestine. Tareq
“things need not always be this way.”29 Baconi takes us to Gaza where he asks us to
Israel exports techniques and technol- confront the abject. Dina Omar embarks on
ogies of war and biopolitical governmen- the difficult journey of unlearning by seeing
tality (of debilitation) to the world,30 and the ways Palestinians are perpetually gaslit
Palestine becomes the testing ground for by those who uphold structural power today.
resistance, for life, for cultural production, How do we make sense of the destruction,
and for global solidarities in the seams of the uprooting, of the pain that we wit-
of nation states and at the peripheries of ness? Samia Henni takes us back in time
state-sanctioned narratives. What Palestine to look at records that expose French and
can offer the world is a manual for means: Israeli practices of nuclear destruction in the
means for twenty-first-century life, for colonized deserts of Algeria and Palestine.
kinship, for hiding, for survival under Omer Shah takes us back and forth between
extreme disparities of wealth and harsh the holy sanctuaries of Islam and the hege-
environmental conditions. This increasingly monies of power that coerce them. Kareem
vital knowledge is not always tangible or Rabie shows us how people form identities
written. It is produced once we practice within worlds of capitalist alienation in
relationality and solidarity work. which exile is often inevitable. Given this
Although some of the thinkers who seemingly impossible reality, how is mutu-
tirelessly contributed here experienced ality then constructed? Ellen van Neerven
Palestine through PalFest’s 2019 festival, intimately gears us through the possibility
this volume became a reality once I reached of surviving unfathomable erasure together.
out to them two years later with a prompt Omar Robert Hamilton stitches Cairo and
on solidarity and its future. It is difficult Jerusalem together, reflecting on the urban
to write about violence, let alone to build changes transforming both cities into ugly,
solidarity knowledge in the face of it, when hypersurveilled, anti-cities. Mabel O.
its pain is fresh in one’s mind. The hope is Wilson, through her attentive eyes, teaches
that the various essays of this volume are us how to read the violence of architecture,
legible to our readers in any and all stages leaving us with the guiding words of Franz

This anthology in no way claims
to function as a complete aggregate of
solidarities, as that would be impossible. It
should instead be understood as a humble
contribution to an increasingly expanding
web of solidarity thought that connects
archipelagos severed from each other by
design. Read this volume as an instigation,
a call to continue to think differently. Read
it for its proposed language, proposed
analysis, proposed futures that might help us
continue to weave this web of defiance that
relentlessly grabs the attention of the fragile
and insecure power structures of planetary
settler colonialism. Read it as a catalyst for
connections, a window into the propelling
world of possibilities that solidarities grant

is hard to


1. My use of the pronouns Mauna Kea Hundreds

“we,” “us,” and “ours” here 7. Kristine Khouri & Rasha Are Holding a Refuge and
and later in this introduction Salti, eds., Past Disquiet: Defending Land from the
refer to a collective state of Artists, International Solidarity Proponents of False Progress,”
being Palestinian. Many of the and Museums in Exile New Inquiry, August 2, 2019,
events we, as Palestinians, go (Museum of Modern Art in
through—such as crossing a Warsaw, 2019), 33. fight-for-the-future/.
checkpoint—are experienced
as a collective. 8. Khouri and Salti, Past 16. Cornum, “Fight for the
Disquiet, 21. Future.”
2. Mahmoud Darwish,
“Welcome,” in This Is Not 9. Khouri and Salti, Past 17. See The Red Nation, The
a Border: Reportage & Disquiet, 20. Red Deal: Indigenous Action
Reflection from the Palestine to Save Our Earth (Brooklyn:
Festival of Literature, ed. 10. Gil Z. Hochberg, Visual Common Notions Press, 2021),
Ahdaf Soueif and Omar Occupations: Violence and 55, 81.
Robert Hamilton (New York: Visibility in a Conflict Zone
Bloomsbury, 2017), 9. (Durham, NC: Duke University 18. The Red Nation, “The
Press, 2015), 8. Liberation of Palestine
3. Manu Karuka, Empire’s Represents an Alternative Path
Tracks: Indigenous Nations, 11. Alessandra Amin, “‘A for Native Nations,” Samidoun:
Chinese Workers, and the Treasury of Rays’: Finding a Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity
Transcontinental Railroad Winter Garden in Palestine,” Network, September 17, 2019,
(Berkeley: University of in “Family Photographs,”
California Press, 2019), 169. ed. Deepali Dewan, special the-red-nation-the-liberation-
issue, Trans Asia Photography of-palestine-represents-an-
4. Darwish, “Welcome,” 7. 9, no. 1 (Fall 2018), http:// alternative-path-for-native- nations/.
‫ حوار | السلطة‬،‫ سليمان أبو ارشيد‬.5 spo.7977573.0009.103.
‫الفلسطينية بين فشل الدولة وعودة‬ 19. NDN Collective,
July 26, 2022 ٤٨ ‫ عرب‬،‫القبيلة‬ 12. Dean Spade, Mutual Aid: “The Right of Return Is
ngual / Building Solidarity during This LANDBACK,” https://
‫تايلحم‬/‫تاراوح‬/2022/07/16/ Crisis (and the Next) (London:
erlink ‫راوح‬-%7C-‫ةطلسلا‬- Verso, 2020), 15. return-is-landback/.
ard to ‫ةينيطسلفلا‬-‫نيب‬-‫لشف‬-
‫ةلودلا‬-‫ةدوعو‬-‫ةليبقلا‬. 13. This history is laid out in 20. Harshita Yalamarty,
mat.. [Discussion | The Palestinian detail in the permanent displays “Lessons from ‘No Ban on
Authority between state of the Huhugam Ki Museum in Stolen Land,’” Studies in
failure and a return to the Salt River Reservation in Social Justice 14, no. 2 (2021):
tribalism] so-called Phoenix, Arizona. 476.

6. Juliana Hu Pegues, Space- 14. Layli Long Soldier, 21. Thabi Menya, “South
Time Colonialism: Alaska’s Whereas (Minneapolis: Africa Calls for Israel to Be
Indigenous and Asian Graywolf Press, 2017), 50. Declared an ‘Apartheid State,’”
Entanglements (Chapel Hill: Al Jazeera, July 26, 2022,
University of North Carolina 15. Quoted in Lou Cornum,
Press, 2021). “Fight for the Future: On news/2022/7/26/south-africa-

calls-for-israels-proscription- Yaniv Kubovich, “Israeli Arms
as-apartheid-state. Exports Spike 30%, Hit All-
Time High,” Haaretz, April
22. Steven Salaita, Inter/ 12, 2002, https://www.haaretz.
Nationalism: Decolonizing com/israel-news/2022-04-12/
Native America and Palestine ty-article/.premium/israels-
(Minneapolis: University of arms-exports-hit-record-high-
Minnesota Press, 2016), 170. in-2021/00000180-5b94-d718-
23. Nick Estes, Our History
Is the Future: Standing Rock
Versus the Dakota Access
Pipeline, and the Long
Tradition of Indigenous
Resistance (London: Verso,
2019), 167.

24. Mahdi Sabbagh, “Sumud:

Repertoires of Resistance
in Silwan,” Public Culture
34, no. 3 (2022), https://

25. Samih K. Farsoun and

Jean M. Landis, “Structures
of Resistance and the ‘War of
Position’: A Case Study of the
Palestinian Uprising,” Arab
Studies Quarterly 11, no. 4,
(1989): 76.

26. Sabbagh, “Sumud.”

27. See Tareq Baconi,

“Wretched Gaza: Confronting
the Abject” in this volume.

28. Robin D. G. Kelley,

Freedom Dreams: The Black
Radical Imagination (Boston:
Beacon Press, 2002), 9.

29. Kelley, Freedom Dreams, 9.

30. Jasbir Puar, The Right to

Maim: Debility, Capacity,
and Disability (Durham, NC:
Duke, 2017), 153. See also

empty page


I go to Erez to remind myself that Gaza is now an angry ball of flames behind the wall,
my eyes shut, fingers move on their own to
read the sky in braille.
The clouds are pocked with fire balloons, they burn my fingers up.

I don’t know how many times I died on the way to this place but never arrived.
You call to say: even the dead grow old without a homeland.
(this is)
You call to say: we cross the borders with our blood.
(this is how)
The air, it’s full of children’s songs, look


(this is how we set the siege on fire)

An earlier version of this poem was published in the Funambulist 25 (September–

October 2019).



tories of activist solidarity frequently neoliberal turn, the Global North managed
rewind to the 1960s and ’70s—the to manipulate the very same conundrums to
moment when the Pan-African, civil acquire extra shape-shifting powers while
rights, Non-Aligned, and Tricontinental breaking South-South solidarity.
movements intertwined to generate complex Palestine has been partially shaped
international relays of people and ideas. The within these conundrums. It has been
movements arguably flowered because of continually invaded by a nation created
how well they matched and countered the for a diaspora and backed by Western
confused conundrums of sovereignty exer- superpowers, but diplomatic offerings are
cised by the colonizing and globalizing of still presented in terms of realist politics and
imperial powers masquerading as nations.1 bounded nation-states. Or there are only the
The victims of these oscillating sovereign- cold-blooded offerings of the captor to its
ties also exercised exceptional forms of captives—those of political superbugs who
sovereignty—sometimes taking the form of embody some of these extra shape-shifting
a state and sometimes finding strength in an powers and seem to be inoculated against
atomized presence. But the movements, led consequence. Palestine, adopting and at
in part by developing countries in the Global times embodying some of the creative
South, arguably also failed because, at the sovereignties of 1960s and ’70s international

solidarity, remains both a situated territory from 1900 to 1945 called for a transnational
that cannot be relinquished and an atomized sovereignty for Black people for whom
nation—a diaspora of supportive interna- slavery had already created a forced global
tional activist networks. diaspora. When linked together, Pan-
PalFest maintains some of the elegant Africanism, Black nationalism, and US
repertoires of international solidarity from civil rights organizations acquired sufficient
the 1960s and ’70s. But it also explores a strength and international scope to bolster
broader repertoire capable of facing the Afro-Asian solidarity emerging from the
recent, ever more treacherous and untrace- 1955 Bandung Asian-African meetings
able surges of capitalizing, colonizing, and the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) in
and globalizing since the neoliberal turn. 1961.
In this moment, prevailing ideological Activists, intellectuals, artists, musi-
positions provide insufficient preparation, cians, and other celebrities joined elected
and the political superbugs have also leaders as the ambassadors and delegates of
managed to pass off some of the dangers this special sovereignty. Du Bois, C. L. R.
to nonhuman atmospheres with larger James, Aimé Cesaire, Franz Fanon, Richard
environmental consequences. How might an Wright, Eric Williams, George Padmore, and
activist repertoire not only match but also others provided an electrifying literature.
exceed and overwhelm the sovereignties Sukarno, Josip Broz Tito, Kwame Nkrumah,
of contemporary dominant powers? Do the Jawaharlal Nehru, and Gamal Abdel Nasser
greater dangers they pose ironically inspire created places of pilgrimage within the
or even empower another, more robust form decolonizing wave of the 1950s and ’60s. A
of solidarity—a planetary solidarity that year after Nkrumah was elected president of
prevailing powers cannot evade or subdue? an independent Ghana in 1960, Accra had
Return to that mid-twentieth-century become such a destination. And the remark-
moment of international solidarity and able detail noted in many versions of this
animate just a few of the most familiar familiar story: as if embodying the shifting
stories again. Although this complex history sovereignties of the moment, Du Bois had
has been told with vivid detail and synthesis moved to Ghana and was living there until
by many others, a fast-forward even be- his death on August 28, 1963—the very day
tween moments in a bare outline is sufficient of the March on Washington.
to see the sovereignties mixing—to see The participants organized additional
how movements are catalyzed, diluted, or collective entities and convened in a variety
concentrated at various junctures or how of headquarters, assembly buildings, hotels,
some terms circulating between struggles nightclubs, and arenas for conferences
become pivotal or contagious.2 as well as cultural festivals and concerts.
Turning the tables on colonizing Tito’s UN-style secretariat portrayed the
powers, the advocacies of W. E. B. Du Non-Aligned Movement as a power to
Bois, Marcus Garvey’s Universal Negro rival the West. Nkrumah’s Organization
Improvement Association, and a series of for African Unity (OAU) hoped to foster
five international Pan-African conferences international solidarities among African

states. In 1959, Malcolm X visited Africa Miriam Makeba, Youssou N’Dour, and
and Asia as a representative of the Nation too many others to mention were mixing
of Islam (NOI), and, after departing from with rock, folk, and freedom songs playing
the NOI in 1964, he traveled again across on the radio. Newsreel, later Third World
Africa and the Middle East.3 In the same Newsreel, was established in 1967 in New
year, inspired by the OAU, he established York City to report news from the other side
an Organization for African American Unity of the world and the other side of national
(OAAU) that invited global leaders to the or imperial agendas.5 While NASA was
Audubon Ballroom in Harlem. Also in 1964, putting a man on the moon in 1969, PANAF,
the United Nations Conference on Trade the first Pan-African festival in Algiers,
and Development (UNCTAD) and the was also looking at the planet from a new
Group of 77 (G-77) were established as the perspective.
bureaucratic governance organs potentially After Nkrumah was deposed in
capable of making the necessary deals for 1964, attention had shifted from Ghana to
more equality between the Global North and Tanzania. President Julius K. Nyerere’s
South. Arusha Declaration of 1967 announced a
The 1966 Tricontinental Conference in socialist policy of Ujamaa, or familyhood,
Havana further consolidated a truly global that established villages and cultural
resistance to imperialism and US bullying organizations in keeping with precolonial
in the Americas. The Organization of Indigenous culture. Tanzania hosted the
Solidarity with the People of Asia, Africa, Sixth Pan-African Conference in 1974,
and Latin America (OSPAAAL) and its further strengthening Dar es Salaam as
TRIcontinental magazine were clearing- a new destination for global gatherings
houses of movements and conflicts around and pilgrimages of Black leaders, in-
the world, in Vietnam, Guinea-Bissau, and cluding Angela Davis and members of
Palestine, as Zionism was increasingly the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE)
associated with US-backed imperialism. and the Student Nonviolent Coordinating
Activists circulating in these conflicts were Committee (SNCC).6 Guyanese historian
present in its pages, and the magazine’s Walter Rodney, author of How Europe
graphics served as supporting posters all Underdeveloped Africa (1972), and Shirley
around the world.4 Among the most unusual Graham Du Bois were headquartered
agents of international sovereignty, Che there. Rodney forged a link between Dar
Guevara, who had delivered a speech to es Salaam and Atlanta, Georgia, where the
the United Nations in 1964, was something Institute of the Black World had become a
like a one-man military attaché or general crossroads of Black thinkers and activists,
available to initiate or lead in any struggle among them Sylvia Wynter.7
giving fight to superpowers. Meanwhile, as the US Federal Bureau
The festivals and conferences continued of Investigation’s COINTELPRO targeted
as a cultural revolution was broadcast Black leaders, they ironically intensified
around the world from the satellites and this international networking. Kwame Ture
devices of a globalizing media. Sun Ra, (Stokely Carmichael), former SNCC chair-

man, Black Power advocate, and “honorary Finally, the G-77 was no match for
prime minister” of the Black Panther Party, the G7. The established powers were too
lived in exile in Guinea with Nkrumah. entrenched and too good at positioning
Robert F. Williams, COINTELPRO exile themselves to be the beneficiaries of
and author of Negroes with Guns, moved tilted playing fields while congratulating
between Cuba, Vietnam, China, and themselves for beneficence and eventually
Tanzania for nearly a decade.8 Broadcast for post-Cold War liberation and prosperity.
from Havana, Williams’s Radio Free Dixie They used the Bretton Woods institutions
mixed jazz with news of struggles around designed to remedy financial causes of
the world. In another astonishing construc- conflict to create a manipulated market
tion of sovereignty, while still in Tanzania, claiming to be a free market. When their
Williams was named the first president of own economies were threatened, they
the Republic of New Afrika, a proposed worked to break solidarities in the Global
nation of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, South. The Organization of the Petroleum
Georgia, and South Carolina that would be Exporting Countries (OPEC)’s responses
based on the principles of Ujamaa.9
Through the United Nations
Conference on Trade and Development and
the G-77, leaders in the Global South—
Nyerere primary among them—proposed
a New International Economic Order in
1974 that would establish greater equity
between the North and the South. The
Brandt Commission Report of 1980 warned
of the consequences of continued inequality,
now expressed in terms of the survival of
the planet. But the Thatcher and Reagan
administrations managed to block reforms
and even strengthen what would become
known as the “Washington Consensus.” The
subsequent South Commission that Nyerere
led outlined a program for South-South co-
operation. But The Challenge of the South:
The Report of the South Commission came
out in 1990, just as it seemed that the West
had won the Cold War and the so-called
free market had triumphed. Even worse, the
report came out as Saddam Hussein invaded
Kuwait and the US was revving up its
military engines around delusions of saving
the world and protecting its stake in oil.10

to US support for Israel had been a strong in the internationalist tradition of Black
hand, but the West flexed their muscles to activists of the 1960s and ’70s with trips to
get OPEC to deal more favorably. And by Palestine, Cuba, and the UK.13 Some of the
raising the interest rate on debt to address in- very same coalitions, even some of the very
flation partly related to oil, the West returned same people, like Angela Davis, are there
developing countries to dependent relation- to declare solidarity again. In this tradition,
ships. The only way to pay the debt was to PalFest carries on the essential practices of
follow Washington Consensus rules and convening, witnessing, programming, and
enter business relationships in the free-zone publishing, but they are asking questions
engine rooms of neoliberalism. And when about additional forms and capacities for
substantial members of the NAM—China solidarity in the aftermath of a neoliberal
and the OPEC countries among them—de- turn.
ployed forms like free zones in ways that In that aftermath, there is no singular
mimicked the West, they also arguably led enemy. That would be too easy. It is worse
to breaks in South-South solidarity.11 than that. There is a spectrum of dangers
No single fast-forward through this from capitalism, fascism, racism, whiteness,
moment—what Adom Getachew has called caste, religious intolerance, xenophobia,
an episode of “worldmaking” activism—can sociopathic leadership, and countless other
do it justice.12 But you can tell another means of hoarding authoritarian power
story about the solidarities between the while oppressing others and abusing the
Pan-African, civil rights, Non-Aligned, planet. Still, the spectrum keeps forming
and Tricontinental movements featuring familiar cocktails of whiteness, imperialism,
different markers and different figures. It settler colonialism, racialized capital, and
too will likely conjure a rich panorama of labor abuse. And those sewing the clothes,
transnational networks and novel organs of mining the minerals, sitting on the exhausted
governance or sovereignty as well as a sense land, or facing the fire and water are often
that multiple systemic agents, rather than people of color or other victims of the
military events, changed the ground under extremes of inequality.
everyone’s feet. With no elementary particle like
With some adaptations to a polycentric a nation-state, many dilemmas are the
world, contemporary activism revives result of nested and conflicting forms of
many of the techniques from the 1960s sovereignty enacted by many players.
and ’70s. The Zapatistas are both a local Established, situated states and intergovern-
and an omni-distributed coalition fighting mental organizations protect fluid, mobile
for Indigenous liberation in Chiapas. The organizations that move like weather fronts
World Social Forum represents another across national boundaries, deploying
congress producing nonbinding declarations financial instruments, legal exemptions,
like the 2006 Bamako Appeal, which may data monopolies, and spatial products to
struggle to get any leverage but nevertheless expand their territory. The secular myths
represent some degree of international of modernism mix with fabled myths of
consensus. Black Lives Matter follows imperial conquest in a totemic marketplace.

Political superbugs—whether figures like the fight they crave—thus not releasing but
Bibi, Trump, Modi, and Putin, or bulletproof rather increasing the leveraging pressure.
commercial organizations of capital—ma- It is the mixture of multiple techniques that
nipulate many different props, spaces, and is crucial to dissensus—dissensus with the
scrambled ideologies. Sometimes it does not capacity to keep power disoriented.
matter what they are, but only that they are Maintaining multiple situated and
changeable and constantly refreshed. atomized sovereignties strengthens this
There is reason enough to be out in dissensus in a contemporary context. And
the streets every day, pressuring these nascent in the 1960s and ’70s, but circulat-
consolidated powers to relinquish their ing more robustly with multiple contempo-
grip. Activism will always be advocating, rary struggles, references to indigeneity and
marching, unionizing, rioting, sabotaging, planetary scales may also offer additional
boycotting, blockading, sanctioning, and ways to convert the full spectrum of dangers
divesting among many other things. But in into extra powers and solidarities.
addition to the conventional battlegrounds As multiple sovereignties and coalitions
and barricades, the places of contestation thicken, Indigenous, Black, anarchist,
are everywhere. And an ability to detect abolitionist, and feminist victims of modern
environmental violence—the temperament Enlightenment whiteness continue to
embedded in all spaces and organizations— offer increasingly powerful counterlogics.
only offers more reasons to fight. Sylvia Wynter, who was moving in the rich
But maybe a broader tradition practiced networks of 1960s and ’70s international
in the remarkable episodes of the 1960s and activism, synthesizing writers like Fanon
’70s also involves converting abuses into and Césaire, leads a way to so many others
advantages—like converting a forced dias- who have been working to dismantle
pora into Pan-Africanism or converting the dominant habits of mind.14 Those habits are
excesses of COINTELPRO into strength- continually reproduced even when trying to
ened networks of international solidarity. resist or overturn them—like the activists
In this way, converting the superinsulated, who feed superbugs with singular evils and
superlubricated powers operating after a singular solutions. But focused less on mir-
neoliberal turn may involve not the custom- roring and thus aggrandizing an opponent,
ary declarations of singular evils and singu- Wynter wrote about a broad reenchantment
lar solutions but a confrontation with the full of human potentials.15
spectrum of evils. Singularity reproduces the Since property and capital were some
modern Enlightenment logics of the last five of the most durable instruments of that
hundred years. Singularity makes it easier modern Enlightenment mind, these counter-
for the superbugs, with their many masks logics also continually return the extra
and lies, to manipulate temperaments and powers of mutualism or commoning on land
incite binary fights from which to harvest that is not regarded as property. Mutualism
loyalties and claim self-defense. The more sheds the desire for the singular, the mod-
agile activists know how to double-cross the ular, or the elementary particle because it
superbugs by occasionally starving them of relies on the differences that generate value

through interdependence. Just as planting the Civil War, Black people congregated
one seed returns ten, these exchanges, often in the Black Belt of the southern United
engaging the live crust of the earth, produce States but were preyed upon by surrounding
an excess or abundance that does not make whites. All around the world, cooperative
sense to capital or property. Redoubling any experiments from the 1950s to the 1970s—
resources given to them, these organizations the Ujamaa villages in Tanzania, the ejido
constitute an infrastructure as worthy of land in Mexico, the gramdan movement in
funding as those of concrete and conduit. India, or the Black cooperative movement
Powers accrue within broadening coali- in the US South—were forced to shrink or
tions around these land-based politics. This disappear by hostile surrounding powers.
is the undercommons in which, paraphrasing Intolerance and xenophobia ghettoize and
Fred Moten, it is harder for dominant pow- terrorize religious groups and migrating
ers to steal our right to share.16 This is Arturo peoples. Infrastructures that should serve
Escobar’s “convivial” interplay between hu- communities segregate and isolate them. But
mans and nonhumans in a pluriverse. It is a as international solidarities have strength-
reflection of the South American philosophy ened, migrations and media form a mobility
of buen vivir—an amalgam of anticapitalist, commons that can never be completely shut
feminist, Indigenous, and environmentalist down. A mobility commons not only returns
approaches. This is the mutualism that ten seeds for every one that is planted, it is
aligns with the African tradition of ubuntu.17 a limitless resource that can always find a
These are the “community economies” way to spread through ideas, practices, and
about which J. K. Gibson-Graham writes.18 unexpected forms of kinship.
This is the commons that scholars like And there seem to be yet more
Peter Linebaugh and Marcus Rediker have special powers associated with invoking a
chronicled as the prevailing approach to land global “kaleidoscopic” understanding of
before European colonization even in an indigeneity.21 The term indigeneity as used
Anglo tradition.19 Referencing Indigenous by Palestinians comes with some caveats,
practices of inhabiting the land, this is also and it has even been used by Zionists to
the “mobility commons” about which Mimi justify Israeli expansion. But it nevertheless
Sheller writes, which exists as “a relational reverberates with all those around the world
practice of heterogenous coming together in whose land was seized by conquest. 22
negotiated political alliance.”20 Commoning Palestinian protests have been linking arms
is not only a means to occupy a place, it is with other victims of settler colonialism,
also a pattern of circulating ideas. of any race, tribe, or identity. This alliance
As was clear in the activism of the is claimed in the streets in the West Bank,
1960s and ’70s, the commons sometimes Gaza, and within 1948 Palestine (Israel)
only exist as an archipelago surrounded or repeated in the countless international
by threatening powers but linked by a conferences, Zoom meetings, and marches
mobility commons. Indigenous peoples have around the world.23 The 2019 PalFest gather-
routinely been corralled into an archipelago ing also reflected the increased reference
surrounded by encroaching property. After to indigeneity in Palestinian activism while

building ongoing alliances with Indigenous for all those in a coalition of the impure who
groups. choose to confront their whiteness and turn
But some within these broad alli- to work at the edges of not one but many
ances have taken the term even further. recovered centers of knowledge eclipsed by
Considering the Black diaspora of slavery or the last 500 years of stupidity?
migrants of other conflicts, Saidiya Hartman Maybe this discontinuous commons,
has suggested that indigeneity can be about together with “a particular inhabitation of
“a certain kind of inhabitation of the land earth” that is multivalent and “inconsistent,”
or relation to Earth.” Indigeneity might be begins to claim special repertoires for
made, not in relation to a “political claim.” activism that go beyond international or
You can be Indigenous wherever you are global solidarity to planetary solidarity.
with “no natal claims” because, like the “Global” is often used in relation to modern,
slaves who traveled with seeds in their hair, totalizing organizations that address gov-
you have a relationship to the land that does ernance beyond nations—dreams of a new
not regard it as a possession.24 world order as a singular platform parsed by
Similarly, Anna Tsing notes that an anointed philosophical, legal, or technical
indigeneity is associated with “rhetorics of language. But, again countering the white/
sovereignty; narratives of pluriethnic au- modern/Enlightenment mind reproduced in
tonomy; (and) environmental stewardship.” that conception, planetary solidarity might
And while there are only contradictory involve shared goals that are addressed with
definitions of indigeneity, she notes that “in extremely particular and situated responses.
contrast to Enlightenment universals, inter- If the global tends toward the universal,
national Indigenous politics opens a global the planetary tends toward the mutual, the
politics in which inconsistency and contra- patchy, and the partial—the discontinuous
diction become our greatest assets.… Still, world that cannot be parsed with an elemen-
Indigenous victories depend on mismatching tary particle, or, after the Zapatistas, “the
universal rights and local cultural legacies, world where many worlds fit.”27
expert science and place-based knowledge, If dangers and abuses can be converted
social justice, and communal precedence.”25 to extra powers, a shift to planetary solidar-
It is a view of the world that Tsing and ity meets an obvious opportunity to convert
others have characterized as “patchy.”26 climate catastrophes—catastrophes harming
With multiplicity at its heart, this view those who are already the victims of what
does not generalize or dilute the countless, Robyn Maynard and Leanne Betasamosake
searing, individual understandings of indi- Simpson call the “world-ending” logics
geneity, and it is not Indigenous knowledge of the last 500 years.28 Can worldmaking
regarded as a mythic or monolithic target of activism, aware of its planetary histories
yet more extraction or cloying white cultural and futures, not only divert these additional
cooptation. Instead, does this indigeneity world-ending forces of climate catastrophe
begin to model another way of being on the away from the usual victims but also convert
earth even for those who have depraved and their power into new sovereignties and
repulsive ancestors? Are these ways of being solidarities? This is a fight over land that is

on land that is not regarded as property.
It is no wonder that Olúfémi O. Táíwò
returns to the activism of the 1960s and
’70s to inspire a planetary approach to
reparations.29 Physical, spatial consequences
of atmospheric chemicals, together with
the constantly self-replenishing resources
of community economies, inundate the
puny financial abstractions of capital. Now
not only are the calculations of capital
zeroing out in the face of floods and fires
but community economies are also creating
incalculable excessive values with the
capacity to address the incalculable debt of
Palestine may be among the most
potent, graphic examples of a discontinuous
archipelago of commoning linked by a
mobility commons. Mahdi Sabbagh writes
about the 2021 demonstrations in Silwan
that invoked sumud as a communal aware-
ness holding ground within a contested state
while also reaching out to a mobile dias-
pora.30 Those who have not been isolated
over fifty miles thick and filled with gases and surrounded as captives can only try to
and solids. Its atmospheres move in swirling empathize, but, through that unspeakable
fronts that disregard state boundaries or de- pain, does Palestine model a special shared
marcations of property. It does not respond condition? Without relinquishing land
to geometry, and it cannot be enclosed. It that has become the contested territory of
seeps and fills volumetrically. It plays tricks nations—thus rewarding those who long for
that can enhance dissensus. With forms of war—does the collective fight for another
lethality different from war, it creeps up kind of land provide it with extra powers?
from behind to slap you and swallow you Something seems so important about
with hot water or fire. It can be adjusted the shape of places that are at once situated
with remote effects from multiple positions and surrounded by hostility while also being
within the diaspora—situated knowledge as diasporadic and linked to allies. In a way
well as a mobile exchange across oceans and that may seem counterintuitive, discon-
continents. tinuity, inconsistency, and patchiness are
But this fight can also deploy the the secret weapons of their activism. They
superabundances associated with live contribute to defiance and dissensus while
organizations of mutualism and commoning reflecting a world of multiple ecologies that

rely on difference and interdependence.
To match a spectrum of dangers there is a
spectrum of regenerative possibilities for
being human. To match the situated and
mobile forces of colonizing, capitalizing,
and globalizing, there is a situated as well
as a mobile commons with a capacity for
planetary sovereignty and solidarity. These
activists can put their bodies in specific
places to stop political superbugs while
also shape-shifting to become the moving
targets that keep the superbugs starved and
disoriented. It is not only a symmetrical
war against the stupidity of the last five
hundred years. It is the flowering of live
organizations of community and kinship.
It is a release into abundant, unstoppable,
entangled economies to overwhelm that
stupidity with potentials that are already
there, if everyone tries to be in Palestine.

1. “Sovereignty” in this Challenge of Blackness: The
discussion does not mean only a Institute of the Black World and 12. Adom Getachew,
supreme force, but the apparatus Political Activism of the 1970s Worldmaking after Empire:
that accompanies an entity’s (Gainesville: University Press of The Rise and Fall of Self-
defendable right to exist. Florida, 2011). Determination (Princeton:
Princeton University Press,
2. For one such historical 8. Robert F. Williams, Negroes 2019).
synthesis, see Robin D. G. with Guns (New York: Marzani
Kelley, Freedom Dreams: The and Munsell, 1962); Timothy 13. Mahler, From the
Black Radical Imagination B. Tyson, Radio Free Dixie: Tricontinental, 237.
(Boston: Beacon Press, 2002). Robert F. Williams and the Roots
of Black Power (Chapel Hill: 14. See, for example, Denise
3. Malcolm X with Alex Haley, University of North Carolina Ferreira da Silva, Toward
The Autobiography of Malcolm X Press, 1999). a Global Idea of Race
(New York: Grove Press, 1965). (Minneapolis: University of
9. Kelley, Freedom Dreams; Minnesota Press, 2007); Saidiya
4. Anne Garland Mahler, Edward Onaci, Free the Land: V. Hartman, Wayward Lives,
From the Tricontinental to The Republic of New Afrika and Beautiful Experiments: Intimate
the Global South: Race, the Pursuit of a Black Nation- Stories of Upheaval (New
Radicalism, and Transnational State (Chapel Hill: University York: Norton, 2019); Tiffany
Solidarity (Durham, NC: Duke of North Carolina Press, 2020); Lethabo King, The Black Shoals:
University Press, 2018). See Paul Karolczyk, “Subjugated Offshore Formations of Black
also an archive of TRIcontinenal Territory: The New Afrikan and Native Studies (Durham,
magazine: https://search. Independence Movement and NC: Duke University Press,; Josh the Space of Black Power” 2019); and Katherine McKittrick,
MacPhee, “Constructing Third (dissertation, Louisiana State Dear Science and Other Stories
World Struggle: The Design of University, 2014); Dan Berger, (Durham, NC: Duke University
the OSPAAAL & Tricontinenal,” “‘Free the Land’: Fifty Years of Press, 2021).
Funambulist 22, (March–April the Republic of New Afrika,”
2019): 50–55. Black Perspectives, April 10, 15. David Scott, “The Re-
2018, Enchantment of Humanism: An
5. Cynthia Ann Young, Soul free-the-land-fifty-years-of-the- Interview with Sylvia Wynter,”
Power Culture, Radicalism, republic-of-new-afrika/. Small Axe 8 (September 2000):
and the Making of a U.S. 119–207.
Third World Left (Durham NC: 10. Vijay Prashad, The Poorer
Duke University Press, 2006), Nations: A Possible History of 16. Hanif Adurraqib and Fred
100–144. the Global South (New York: Moten, “Building a Stairway
Verso, 2012); “The Challenge to Get Us Closer to Something
6. Sophia Azeb, “Pan-African of the South: Report of the Beyond This Place,” Millennials
Performance and Possibility South Commission: Conclusions Are Killing Capitalism,
in North Africa: Lessons from and Recommendations,” May 13, 2021, https://
Algiers 1969,” Funambulist 32 Foreign Trade Review 25, no. millennialsarekillingcapitalism.
(November–December 2020): 3 (1990): 293-316, https://doi.
28–33. org/10.1177/0015732515900307. fred-moten-building-a-stairway-
7. Derrick E. White, The 11. Prashad, Poorer Nations. beyond-this-place; Stefano

Harney and Fred Moten, The see Lana Tatour, “The Voice” in Indigenous Experience
Undercommons: Fugitive Culturalisation of Indigeneity: Today, ed. Marisol de la Cadena
Planning and Black Study (Minor The Palestinian-Bedouin of the and Orin Starn (London:
Compositions, 2013), https:// Naqab and Indigenous Rights,” Routledge, 2007), 57. International Journal of Human
wp-content/uploads/2013/04/ Rights, April 26, 2019, https:// 26. Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing,
undercommons-web.pdf. Andrew S. Mathews, and Nils
0.1080/13642987.2019.1609454, Bubandt, “Patchy Anthropocene:
17. Arturo Escobar, Designs accessed May 15, 2022. Landscape Structure,
for the Pluriverse: Radical Multispecies History, and the
Interdependence, Autonomy, and 23. Ahmad Amara and Yara Retooling of Anthropology,”
the Making of Worlds (Durham, Hawari, “Using Indigeneity Current Anthropology 60, no.
NC: Duke University Press, in the Struggle for Palestinian S20 (August 2019): 186–97.
2018), 206–7, 281. Liberation,” Alshabaka, August
8, 2019, 27. Escobar, Designs for the
18. J. K. Gibson-Graham, Jenny commentaries/using-indigeneity- Pluriverse, 17.
Cameron, and Stephen Healy, in-the-struggle-for-palestinian-
Take Back the Economy: An liberation/, accessed April 10, 28. Robyn Maynard and Leanne
Ethical Guide for Transforming 2022; Steven Salaita, “American Betasamosake Simpson,
Our Communities (Minneapolis: Indian Studies and Palestinian Rehearsals for Living (Chicago:
University of Minnesota Press, Solidarity: The Importance Haymarket Books, 2022), 7.
2013). of Impetuous Definitions,”
Decolonization: Indigeneity, 29. Olúfémi O. Táíwò,
19. Peter Linebaugh, The Magna Education & Society 6, no. 1 Reconsidering Reparations
Carta Manifesto: Liberties and (2017): 1–28; Brenna Bhandar, (Oxford University Press, 2022).
Commons for All (Berkeley: Colonial Lives of Property: Law,
University of California Press, Land, and Racial Regimes of 30. Mahdi Sabbagh, “Sumud:
2008); Peter Linebaugh and Ownership (Durham, NC: Duke Repertoires of Resistance in
Marcus Rediker, The Many- University Press, 2018); Mark Silwan,” Public Culture 34, no. 3
Headed Hydra: Sailors, Slaves, Rifkin, “Indigeneity, Apartheid, (2022): 495–514.
Commoners, and the Hidden Palestine: On the Transit of
History of the Revolutionary Political Metaphors,” Cultural
Atlantic (Boston: Beacon Press, Critique 95 (Winter 2017):
2013). 25–70.

20. Mimi Sheller, Mobility 24. Saidiya Hartman, Aisha K.

Justice: The Politics of Finch, Tiffany Lethabo King,
Movement in an Age of Extremes and Kyle T. Mays, “Freedom
(New York: Verso, 2018), 159. and Fugitivity,” June 11, 2021,
Mellon Foundation Sawyer
21. David Graeber and David Seminar, UCLA Luskin Institute
Wengrow, The Dawn of on Inequality and Democracy
Everything: A New History of and Black Feminism Initiative
Humanity (New York: Picador, at UCLA, https://vimeo.
2021). com/563066318.

22. For one of these caveats, 25. Anna Tsing, “Indigenous


The eyes said to the tongue details of our collective oppression because
Go search for the words we know all too well how Palestinian words
That could say what I say are subject to intense scrutiny, excerpting,
and reframing in a manner that compounds
—Andalusian poem, a dynamic of abuse where Palestinians are
told by Andrés Segovia (Nupen, 1967) at the receiving end of colonial violence
and Israelis are placed at an advantage at

n a lecture last spring, Palestinian seemingly every turn?
artist Sliman Mansour said, “There How does one gauge the difference
are many conspiracies against the between a healthy measure of suspicion
Palestinians. This is not paranoia, it is a ba- and conspiratorial paranoia? What is the
sic feature of our lives.” The statement was difference between accidentally slipping up,
almost comforting to hear out loud because communicating, or doing the wrong thing
it confirmed a disquieting reality that I think and gaslighting? According to the literature,
about a great deal. How does fear of being gaslighting is a conscious and intentionally
dubbed a “conspiracy theorist” become crafted abuse tactic used to make victims
enough to keep sane and sober voices quiet? question their reality. It is a form of intense
How many of us stay quiet about the messy manipulation where audiences are brought

in to participate and prolong abuse. What experienced at an international forum that
are the linguistic and environmental clues markets itself as concerned with human
that cause victims of gaslighting to question rights while dramatically obfuscating and
themselves and their reality? structurally contributing to a source of
How is gaslighting built into the Palestinian oppression. I would also like
infrastructure of the Israeli settler-colonial to draw the reader’s attention to the cues,
project?1 While the environmental violence sometimes subtle and sometimes overt,
and physical infrastructure of the occupation involved in scapegoating and blaming the
are well documented, less studied are the victim. I want to examine the less visible
indirect epistemic and symbolic violences aspects of violence as a multidimensional
that normalize colonial violence happening and imperfect analytic framework and the
in real time. For example, ever wonder ways shame reemerges throughout.3 Taking
what editorial boards at the New York Times Gayatri Spivak’s intervention as a point
calibrate when characterizing internationally of departure, there is confoundingly little
funded settlement projects that routinely written about how epistemic and institu-
dispossess Indigenous people as “new tional violence shapes and is shaped by the
neighborhoods”? Who decides to see or not neoliberal institutions we operate within.4
see violence, or who has the luxury of not In this case, I am concerned with how
seeing violence? institutional norms that seem unrelated to
One design feature of long-term narcis- key flashpoints happening in Palestine today
sistic abuse is a splitting between a domestic compound how the brute colonial violence
sphere rife with struggles of domination unfolding on the ground in real time is
and control covered over by elaborate and experienced.
extensive efforts made to promote an image In psychology, gaslighting is under-
of normalcy, altruism even, and the public stood as an effect of a pathological interper-
sphere.2 While the term “gaslighting” has sonal relationship, often with a family mem-
gained notoriety in recent years, it remains ber or intimate partner, in which one person
under-theorized and used in ways that lack (the victim) is manipulated into doubting
context and relationality to the controlling their sanity and sense of reality by someone
processes present in the commonplace. In else engaging in intimidating, manipulative,
this piece I am less concerned with trying and aggressive behavior. The relationship
to prove that the example I present is an between Israeli intelligence agencies, the
instance of gaslighting in a psychological Israel lobby, Israeli law, the Israeli military,
sense. Rather, I wish to focus on the effects and the normalization of surveillance of and
of gaslighting in a sociological sense, what violence against Palestinians, in real life
work it does in the world in terms of social and in representation, mirrors gaslighting as
relations. a key component of long-term narcissistic
For this piece I draw from an experi- abuse.5
ence I had where language and violence felt, What does it mean when an ethnic
to me at that moment, one and the same. cleansing is glossed over and abetted by
I wish to examine a nervous breakdown I the inertia of institutional norms? This

question is not about mental health. What individual freedom against tyranny. The
concerns me is a sociopolitical dynamic that official slogan of the OFF since its estab-
implicates every person within the sphere lishment in 2009 has been “Challenging
of Israel’s influence in its nation-building Power.” I am using the example of the OFF
project. It is in this field where the economic merely because it was one of the most recent
logic of militarized violence plays out in the and one of the more obvious examples of an
personal spaces and psyches of the targets institution that publicly poses as a promoter
and where Israeli psychological warfare and protector of human rights, free speech,
mimics relationships of narcissistic abuse. and freedom (religious, academic, political,
It is my hope that saying these things out etc.) but falls squarely in the neoliberal
loud opens up space for considering what “progressive except for Palestine” camp.
systemic gaslighting by Israeli intelligence I was invited to attend the 2022 Oslo
and security experts, and its dependents and Freedom Forum as one of my first assign-
enablers, feels like through the eyes of its ments for a new consultancy job. It was
victims. supposed to be a launching pad to begin
Drawing from literature in psycholog- networking and building relationships. I
ical anthropology and psychoanalysis, this attended the conference as both an enthu-
piece seeks to advance a framework to better siastic participant and as a critical skeptic,
understand how profoundly disorienting two somewhat incompatible roles I am
structural gaslighting is, and to conceptual- still trying to hold in productive tension. In
ize gaslighting not merely as an effect of an discussing neoliberalism as a paradigm, I am
abusive interpersonal relationship but as part not making claims that one person or thing
of larger sociopolitical dynamics and, cru- is bad and evil or all good and altruistic
cially, as part of worldmaking. By theorizing altogether. Aside from the normative assess-
systemic gaslighting as something that can ments that accompany such a hefty term, it
be built into social life and environments, is important for the purposes of this piece
it can then be identified, neutralized, and to identify neoliberalism as an overarching,
hopefully stripped of its power to suppress. inescapable socioeconomic paradigm that
we’re all living in.
The Palestinian Authority Is a With exception of the World Economic
Subcontractor for Israeli Colonialism Forum, few examples of the paradigmatic
Ironically enough, the example I want to dis- hypocrisies of neoliberalism are more
cuss was at the Oslo Freedom Forum (OFF), glaring than at the OFF. Global policy
a setting where the language of humanitari- prescriptions are presented as universal
anism and the universality of human rights moral imperatives; indignation as well as the
abounds. It was precisely what these slogans ability to grieve become selective. Palestine
were covering up in relation to Palestine being arguably one of the most popular
that triggered a nervous breakdown. The freedom movements in the world, in terms
OFF is an annual conference funded by the of sheer numbers and capacity to organize
Human Rights Foundation and other private at the grassroots level, is, nevertheless,
foundations concerned with championing noticeably avoided and sidestepped at this

“global gathering of activists.” The selective with Ukrainian dissidents. Palestine was
outrage was the result of either human error not brought up in this regard. Palestinian
and procedural issues or strategic omissions activists were not brought up.
deliberately made to protect economic and In a 2009 article titled “The Horrors
security interests. of Israeli Peace,” the Palestinian social
While the OFF has taken up the topic theorist and lawyer Samira Esmeir argues
of Palestine in the past (how could they that discourse about peace functions to hide
not?), it is clearly a taboo subject within the violence happening in plain sight. Esmeir
space. The OFF has hosted conversations suggests that the Palestinian Authority
on Palestine twice, once in 2013 and once
at this conference in 2022 where I was in
attendance. These sessions were promoted
to be about Palestinian freedom. They were
specifically limited to critiques against the
Palestinian Authority (PA) and Hamas and
not about freedom from the tyrannies of
Israeli settler colonialism. It is important
to examine this line between holding the
Palestinian Authority accountable for its
role in enabling Israeli settler-colonial
violence and the tendency to scapegoat the
PA as the primary culprit for the precarious
and oppressive material conditions under
which Palestinians live. I believe that it
is important to do this transparently, even
while running the risk of potentially getting
some things wrong, because the role of the
PA within the larger cosmology of ethnic
cleansing is a mirror of a larger colonial
condition where psychological warfare is
embedded in the daily policing of people’s
lives—thus making the difference between
mistakes and manipulation difficult to
discern. was formed, in theory, as the police force
Israel was mentioned throughout the tasked with protecting people by keeping
OFF; it was celebrated as a possible host for the peace in majority-Palestinian areas
peace talks between Russia and Ukraine. that Israel chooses not to take over (yet).6
Israel was casually brought up in a positive Esmeir argues that, since the Oslo Accords
light for opening its hospitals to Ukrainians were signed and the PA established, the PA
wounded by the Russian occupation. Israel has functioned as hired subcontractors that
was brought up for sharing technology act as the first line of offense for Israeli

occupiers. Many now call this “security al-Araj and Banat are by no means excep-
coordination”—a special relationship tional. Rather, they generated somewhat
between the Israeli military and the PA, loud and far-reaching reactions because
which safeguards the occupation rather than the two men were well-known intellectuals
protects people from state violence.7 The with deep and wide social networks. During
security coordination relationship polices the summer and fall of 2021, mass protests
and monitors Palestinian criticism of the PA against the PA because of Banat’s murder
but primarily intends to thwart any and all resulted in even more politically motivated
resistance to the colonial occupation. arrests.
Challenges to the PA’s legitimacy
emerge regularly; their credibility is seem-
ingly never not called into question. These
critiques are delivered in decisive and fierce
lectures, in nuanced and smart analyses
such as those of Alaa Tartir at al-Shabaka,
in demands to restructure and expedite
elections for the Palestinian Legislative
Council (PLC), in reports written by the
UN, in protests and grassroots movement
work such as Tal3at ( ‫) طالعات‬, organized
by women for women to make life more
livable in Palestine. Some propose gradual
reform; others call for a total overhaul of
the PA. Such criticisms are often made
despite the threat of great consequences. For
example, in June 2021, the PA physically
and psychologically assaulted and harassed
women protesters, proceeded to confiscate
their phones, and attempted to use photos
and material on their phones to entrap them.
These examples and the textured analysis
they require were left absent and thus
unexamined at the OFF.
Critiques of the PA were circulated In all the above-mentioned examples,
widely in the wake of two political murders criticizing and calling into question the
in particular: that of Bassel al-Araj, who was legitimacy of the PA is appropriate, produc-
murdered on March 6, 2017, in a shootout tive, and even imperative. These instances
with Israeli occupation forces in coordina- incorporate context, they respond to specific
tion with the PA, and that of Nizar Banat, infringements, are historically grounded,
who was murdered on June 24, 2021, while and offer systemic analysis. In the most
in PA custody in Ramallah. The murders of astute criticisms of the PA, one can recog-

nize, in language and spirit, at the core, the and others at the conference implored him
overarching goal of Palestinian liberation in to do so, after a previous panel dedicated
mind.8 to protecting journalists and freedom of
speech had not mentioned her even though
Something Seemed Off she had been shot dead by Israeli military
Again, the session on Palestine at the OFF officers ten days before the conference
in 2022 was the only session dedicated to began. In setting up the moment of silence,
Palestine since 2013. Ironically, the session Elsalameen said that Abu Akleh was “killed
was titled “The Future of Palestine,” and in crossfire in Jenin Camp.” He chose not
every seat in the room was filled. There to describe Abu Akleh’s murder as part of
were a sizable number of people standing up a repeated pattern of targeted killings and
because no extra seats were available. The attempts to silence journalists. His omitting
overwhelming interest is a phenomenon in of Israeli culpability was the first glimpse
line with other experiences I had in settings into the overall tone of the session.
where the topic of Palestine is considered Elsalameen’s central theme was “PA
taboo—interest is high, and people show up. corruption.” It felt like the purpose was
Shortly after celebrated journalist Shireen to embarrass and shame the PA. These
Abu Akleh was murdered, a quote of hers criticisms were not carefully reflexive, in the
circulated online: “In some absences the manner of the critiques mentioned above,
presence is greater.” nor were they programmatic attempts to
The fact that Fadi Elsalameen was replace the governing body with a represen-
the only speaker to represent Palestine at tative and democratic one. Rather, aspects
a forum like the OFF is, in and of itself, of Elsalameen’s talk emphasized that the
part of a larger structural problem. The Palestinians have failed to form a func-
moderator for this session introduced the tioning government and that government
speaker and described him as someone corruption is a result of nepotism, as if the
who works for a DC-based think tank, Palestinians themselves are responsible for
specializes in national security, and believes their own suffering. This angle emphasizes
bitcoin is a way for Palestinians to fight PA shame and points it towards the victims.
corruption. They also mentioned that he has Shame is debilitating in that it convinces
one million followers on Facebook. Literally the victim that they are victimized or at a
anyone who does not represent the “national disadvantage because of something they did,
security interests” of the US and Israeli war that there is something wrong with them.
economies would have been a better option Not mentioning Israeli culpability as
as a speaker. the main agent responsible for steering
Things that cosmetically seemed like and engendering PA corruption was the
gestures of solidarity were selectively loudest aspect of Elsalameen’s presentation.
curated and delivered in a way that felt It seemed like Elsalameen had a set of
slightly off. Elsalameen began his talk with objectives he needed to externalize for
a moment of silence for Shireen Abu Akleh. some sort of public record: PA officials are
He likely mentioned Abu Akleh because I corrupt “tyrants.” The PA is responsible

for the suffering of the Palestinians, for material and cultural production provides
suppressing free speech; it “fails to protect insights for how to design counterhegemon-
journalists” and “targets people for express- ic expression, analysis, and space.9
ing their opinions online.” The PA holds Consider the awesome and unfolding
the Palestinians hostage and uses them as mobilization efforts such as: #savesheikh-
“human shields.” jarrah, #savemasaferyatta, #savesilwan,
These points are not merely typical #gazaunderattack, responses to the murder
neoliberal ideas about corruption, sprin- of Shireen Abu Akleh, ingenious resistance
kled with racist undertones (“the corrupt efforts against land theft in Beita and
Arab”) that one expects. Rather, these Aqrabah and the impending demolition of
points seemed to be taken out of the Israeli historic homes in Lifta, the dispossession
ministry of strategic affairs handbook. In a of dozens of families in al-Wadi al-Ahmar
discussion titled “The Future of Palestine,” and the bulldozing of Palestinian farmlands
why not take the opportunity to discuss the throughout the Naqab. The ethnic cleansing
themes and subjects highlighted in this an- of Palestine is a project happening now, in
thology, which looks to Palestinian futurity real time, before our eyes. Reframing this
with hope and aspirations for freedom? Why ethnic cleansing as history, a conflict, a con-
not focus on Palestinian methodologies in fusing stalemate, an inevitability, a Jewish
forming and sustaining Palestinian cultural homecoming, a War on Terror, a beacon
and intellectual continuity traditions, of technological advancement, and Arab
and, crucially, modes of refusal? Indeed, refusal to engage are rebranding attempts,
any serious reflection on contemporary crucial to the ethnic cleansing project itself.
Palestinian history will point to Palestinian The massive popular support for
futures as vibrant in their potential resis- Palestinian freedom, as well as the influence
tance and as possibly providing a blueprint of those who advocate for it and their impor-
for how to live a meaningful life in a world tance to freedom struggles globally, cannot
of “everywhere war.” The Palestinian story be overstated. The silence regarding such
is filled with dispossession, psychological movements in a forum like OFF that suppos-
warfare, scapegoating, and gaslighting that edly challenges power is deafening. The
often pass as “expertise” inside the halls of summer of 2020, which saw an acceleration
power, the academy, and beyond. And while of settler violence and expansion in the West
war may be a reality everywhere that is by Bank; acute, eliminatory violence in Gaza,
no means exceptional to the Palestinian with entire families murdered in Israeli
experience, as the reality of war encroaches bombing campaigns; and land stealing in
on the lives of more and more people the Naqab, saw protests for Palestinian
globally, paying attention to Palestine is freedom organized around the world.
important for understanding the processes While Palestinian families are at present
and contradictions at the center of the US being expelled to make way for Israeli
and Israeli war economies and how to thrive settlers, there are countless expressions of
in conditions that feel and sometimes are protest and refusal, from prisoner hunger
post-apocalyptic. Looking at Palestinian strikes and direct action protests globally,

to paintings, performance art, and activists and peace-makers are supposed
writing. Undeniably the summer to interface with donors interested in
of 2020 illustrated that the subject supporting righteous causes against tyranny
of Palestinian freedom from Israeli and for peace, focusing on the PA in this
colonialism is now present in Silicon manner seemed to represent a deliberate
Valley boardrooms and in activist effort to minimize questions about Israel’s
meetings in Hong Kong. Beginning role in allowing, protracting, and intensi-
in May 2020, the Palestinian Youth fying Palestinian dispossession, death, and
Movement was part of organizing suffering. By focusing on the PA’s short-
protests happening around the world. comings and corruption, with no mention of
I attended three protests: one in Los Palestinian resilience, ingenuity, and deep
Angeles with about 8,000 people, one connections to the land and each other, or
in San Diego with about 3,000 peo- the mobilization efforts against both Israeli
ple, and one in San Bernardino with colonialism and the PA, the speaker signaled
about 500 people. There were smaller an attempt to blame the victim and diminish
protests in other cities in Southern their achievements while pretending that
California like Anaheim, Redlands, their suffering and grief happened as a result
and Lancaster. There were protests of their own doing and their culture, and
in the tens of thousands in London, within a vacuum.
Paris, Bogotá, Sydney, Rabat, Rhetorically Elsalameen’s presentation
Johannesburg. Cities like Chicago was similar to referring to “Black on
had between 2,000 and 3,000 people Black” crime in contexts of police killings
show up on different days in different of unarmed Black civilians or saying a
parts of the city, from Bridgeview to woman was “asking for it” because “look
the loop. The point is that there were at how she was dressed,” in contexts of
protests in suburbs and smaller cities rape. Psychologist and scholar Jennifer J.
across the entire world. Freyd describes these rhetorical shorthands
In light of all this, Elsalameen’s as “DARVO” behavior: “Deny, Attack, and
omissions become part of a larger Reverse Victim and Offender.”10 Again, a
geopolitical project—one that renders key feature of long-term intimate partner
investing in infrastructure that makes abuse, and a key component of psycholog-
the project of Israeli settler colonial- ical warfare, is the element of reputation
ism inevitable while maintaining management. Perpetrators denying any and
that it is right and good to not invest all wrongdoing, then claiming the position
in Palestine or her people. Indeed, it of victim, is a well-studied strategy of the
seemed like the effect, and perhaps Israeli government, used to “neutralize” the
the purpose, of Elsalameen’s talking effects of testimonies from victims.11
points was to mark Palestinians as
unfundable and to sow doubt and Traversing the Gap
confusion about the source of their I snapped. A scream emerged from some
unfreedom. In a forum where justice place inside me, “Ikhras!!!” I’ve never

screamed so loud before in my life. It felt
like some external yet familiar force briefly
took up residence in me. I felt possessed;
something was communicating through me.
I ran out yelling, “Shut-up, shut-up! I can’t
listen anymore! You are a liar! Get me out
of here! I want to go home! Get me out of
I am a bit embarrassed about it, weeks
after the fact. Viscerally, I feel embarrassed.
However, when I think about it intellec-
tually, I don’t regret it. It felt like I was a
channel, expressing a force that I cannot
explain, not a rational person performing
a professional role. In venues like the OFF
you hear slogans that, in other contexts, can
stir a fire inside your body. However, when
they are said on a stage like that of the OFF
it sounds as ordinary as a watered-down ver-
sion of a Folgers Coffee advertisement from
the 1990s. And for me to not be paralyzed
by the embarrassment I need to suspend
preconceived standards of professionalism;
at this point nothing feels closer to home
for me as a Palestinian than tiptoeing
around the facts in hopes not to be flagged
by the arbitrators on the use of hegemonic
violence. That said, I am also aware that
there are times when one, or many, veer too
far into the direction of chaos and lack of
decorum, and for that reason alone I don’t
wish to glorify and celebrate breaking open
like that.
One of the slogans we heard recycled
during the OFF was “Freedom Is Not Free.”
To be fair, it is a compelling mantra that
was mostly applied to efforts to raise money
to support Ukrainian resistance against the
Russian military occupation. The irony, not
lost on me, is that the point of the OFF is
to court funders to support human rights

defenders. The invocation that freedom is use of language. When we do not agree with
not free is something serious, it is concrete, the criteria or framework, when the words
it is an appeal for resources. used to describe who we are create conflict
Palestinians witness firsthand the heavy in us, it is imperative not to allow deliber-
cost that too many continue to pay with ately coercing records to stand unabated.
what little they have for the possibility of Ghassan Kanafani insisted on challenging
freedom. Indeed, some pay and pay and pay, tacit assumptions embedded in colonial
with their land, with their homes, with their logics. Direct reframing remains one of
lives, with their time, with the distances they the most effective Palestinian methods
are forced to traverse to be together, with and modes of representation, survival, and
threats against their loved ones, with loss refusal, which has been extended through
of money, with quite literally their taxes, today by activists like Mohammed and
with the lifelines and support systems cut, Muna el-Kurd.
with the lines of communication cut, with I did not realize it then, but the scream
their culture and livelihoods constantly and was my body “rejecting that abstraction, that
stunningly created only to be looted, stolen, enormity”13 and conjuring a sound, which
and repackaged for the benefit of their can also be expressed through writing reflec-
oppressors, with land and memories stolen, tions like this, through art, and organizing
experiences negated or denied, bodies vio- efforts, all of which can and do work as a
lated, and families broken apart. Palestinians particular kind of agency that remediates
are the target of Israel’s narcissistic this gap, unburdening oneself from feelings
petulance and abuse, and everywhere is of isolation and shame. The screaming was
indeed violence—psychological, epistemic, indicative of a failure of language, but it
structural, and financial. Palestinians live ab- opened space for the generation of new
breviated lives and there is so much bellow- language, allowing the audience to critically
ing beneath the surface of our decisions and respond to shape this new language, this
imposed silence. That is what I was seeing reflection notwithstanding.
all around me at the OFF: well-dressed and There is a chasm between the inescap-
well-meaning people nodding and listening able presence of Palestine in the lives of
intently at a meticulously orchestrated event those who belong to her and Palestine’s il-
that was unfolding exactly as planned. My legibility in the institutions that Palestinians
scream was just one small interjection to run and operate within. This chasm
“spoil the pretty picture.”12 mirrors contemporary debates in social
With regard to Palestine, words matter theory between meaning and materiality.
exponentially; the frameworks that echo Incorporating the analytic frameworks that
in the hallways of prestigious institutions help us understand routinized, latent, and
are often designed specifically to separate epistemic violence also helps us understand
us from our own thoughts, our memories, this chasm.
each other, and ourselves. One of the most The chasm is also one that separates
valuable lessons of recent Palestinian history risks and rewards between those writing
is the renewed critical engagement with the and speaking in ways that objectify, shame,

and demean those written and spoken about,
between those photographed and those
taking the picture. Looking to contemporary
Palestinian resistance efforts, such as direct
action, organizing, and cultural production
that intervenes as a reconfiguration of that
gaze where Palestinians invest and conduct
themselves based on their reality, on their
own terms, is potentially instructive and
liberating. In this real-time moment of
refutation, a particular kind of agency is
revealed, one that traverses and remediates
the gap between what the eyes see and what
words the tongue can say.

1. The term “gaslighting” comes “Can the Subaltern Speak?” in
from the play written by Patrick Colonial Discourse and Post- 10. Sarah Harsey and Jennifer
Hamilton (1938) and adapted Colonial Theory, ed. Patrick J. Freyd, “Deny, Attack, and
to film by George Cukor (1944) Williams and Laura Chrisman Reverse Victim and Offender
starring Charles Boyer (playing (London: Routledge, 2015), (DARVO): What Is the Influence
Gregory) and Ingrid Bergman 66–111. on Perceived Perpetrator and
(playing Paula). The male Victim Credibility?” Journal
protagonist, Gregory, convinces 5. Joan Lachkar, “Paradox of of Aggression, Maltreatment
the neighborhood community Peace: Folie a Deux in Marital & Trauma 29, no. 8 (2020),
that his wife, Paula, is unhinged and Political Relationships,” 897–916.
and unwell to deflect and Journal of Psychohistory 22, no.
coverup that he murdered Paula’s 2 (1994), 199. 11. Efrat Shoham, “Victim
aunt years prior, is still looking Rhetoric Among Sex Offenders:
to steal jewels that belonged to 6. Samira Esmeir, “The Horrors A Case Study of the Former
Paula’s aunt, and is trying to of Israel’s Peace,” Middle East Israeli President.” Journal of
steal the home Paula inherited Report Online, January 22, 2009, Politics and Law 8, no. 1 (2015):
from her aunt. Gregory “slowly 26.
and systematically” tries to horrors-of-israels-peace/.
convince Paula to act against her 12. June Jordan, “Poem on a
instincts. In so doing, Gregory 7. Alaa Tartir, “The Palestinian New Year’s Eve,” Directed by
portrays himself publicly to the Authority Security Forces: Desire: The Collected Poems of
neighborhood community as a Whose Security?” Al-Shabaka, June Jordan (Copper Canyon
patient and gentle caretaker. May 16, 2017, https://al-shabaka. Press, 2007), 202-203.
2. Paige L. Sweet, “The security-forces-whose-security/. 13. Jordan, “Poem on a New
Sociology of Gaslighting,” Year’s Eve.” Ibid.
American Sociological Review 8. Rana Barakat, Mouin Rabbani,
84, no. 5 (2019): 851–75. Dina Omar, Fajr Harb, Hani al-
Masri, As’ad Ghanem, Yassmine
3. A central feature of narcissistic Hamayel, and Aziza Khalidi,
abuse is the denial of one’s “An Open Debate on Palestinian
reality. The origin in terms of Representation,” Al-Shabaka,
causation is unclear, as the denial May 1, 2013, https://al-shabaka.
is imposed by the abuser as a org/roundtables/open-debate-
form of reputation management palestinian-representation/.
as well as self-imposed as a
survival mechanism in the form 9. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian,
of internal minimizing and “Counter-Narratives of
self-invalidating ruminations Palestinian Women: The
and feelings of shame. Feelings Construction
of “How could I allow this of Her-story and the Politics of
to happen to me?” are often Fear,” in Gender and Violence in
precursors to unprocessed shame. the Middle East, ed. Moha Ennaji
and Fatima Sadiqi (London:
4. Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Routledge, 2011), 47–77.


“ W hat is abject . . . is radically ex-
cluded and draws me toward the
place where meaning collapses. .
. . And yet, from its place of banishment, the
Other that is trampled on, marginalized,
and suppressed in the anxious belief that
its acknowledgement might destabilize the
Self and bring it to ruin. That is to say, we
abject does not cease challenging its master. are all, on some intimate level, familiar with
. . . On the edge of non-existence and abjection, with the wretchedness we feel
hallucination, of a reality that, if I acknowl- at confronting the Other within or around
edge it, annihilates me. There, abject and us. The abject being, of course, all that is
abjection are my safeguards. The primers of disgusting, repulsive, ugly, unfit to be in
my culture.” —Julia Kristeva, Powers of proper society, exceptional, subhuman.
Horror: An Essay on Abjection. Gaza is the abject of our time. It is a
We each carry within us a degree of miserable stretch of land, overpopulated
self-loathing. A true self that is, knowingly and dirty, drowning in its own shit and
or otherwise, hidden from the world in decrepit infrastructure, beaten and abused,
shame. In fear, also, that it might elicit on the brink of death refusing the dignity
judgement, or disrupt the norms around of passing, of letting go. In the Israeli
us that we are socialized into and come collective psyche (but not just), Gaza is a
to abide by. Within every Self, there is an dark place, full of terrorists, of angry hordes,

a place where—in the words of a minister For Gaza is a microcosm of Palestine.2
of justice no less—Palestinian mothers Most of its inhabitants were ethnically
give birth to snakes, not babies.1 Gaza is a cleansed from their nearby homes in Lydd,
nuisance that persistently clings to Israel, Jaffa, Bir Saba’, Falouja, Jabalia, and other
villages and towns in southern Palestine
and beyond. Their confinement, and the
settlement of the territories surrounding the
strip with Jewish-only communities, are the
logical endpoint of Zionist settler colonial-
ism. From the early days of their movement
at the turn of the last century, in a historical
milieu where the great powers were steeped
in colonialist thinking, Zionists have looked
to Palestine as a homeland for the world’s
Jewish population, a geography that can
pave the way for their self-determination.
The natives of the land were either irrelevant
in this thinking or placated as people who,
with no political aspirations of their own,
would welcome the imposition of European
modernity. Systems of territorial consolida-
tion and demographic engineering followed,
Building in rubble, and arranged into a regime of apartheid with
photo by author, 2015 Israel’s creation in 1948.
What came about is a system, also,
demanding attention, disrupting the lives from which Palestinians were made abject.
of Israelis, seeking recognition. None will Gaza is the blueprint of how settler colo-
be forthcoming because deep within, in nies build ostensible democracies—that
some shrouded corner, is a resounding truth is, democracies that are rooted in and
that can never be fully banished even as it emerge from apartheid—in this instance,
remains unspoken: The Gaza Strip is Israel’s a democracy solely for Jews that presides
creation. In its present abject manifestation, over a population of non-Jews. For Israel,
Gaza is a colonial construct, territorially and such facts cannot be denied, nor can they be
demographically engineered to enable the acknowledged, without the disintegration of
emergence of a Zionist entity in Palestine. an intricately constructed myth. This is what

the abject does; it demands a fundamental they have brutalized in pursuit of their
reformulation of the Self. It is a revolu- superiority. There is a Gaza—an unwanted
tionary demand that requires structural and dominated population—behind most
transformation for it to be accommodated. stories of democratic rule, which is why the
There can be no confrontation of what Gaza truth that Gaza embodies has the potential to
is, from an Israeli perspective, without dismantle our world order. It is no coinci-
a parallel concession that Zionist settler dence that Gaza has become a stand-in, a
colonialism needs to come wholly undone shorthand, for the major travails that plague
for actual democracy to prevail. Hence, the our times, be they refugees, barricaded
power of the abject to annihilate. populations, overpopulation, police and
Ostensible democracies that form military brutality, or ecological disasters.
The success of hegemony is predicated
on dehumanization, and the role Gaza plays
in the Israeli psyche is exactly the role other
unwanted and undesirable communities
play in the popular imagination of the
powerful. It is a mirror unto the Self, and
through its very existence, Gaza showcases
state-of-the-art ways the powers of our time
can deploy for dealing with that unwanted
reflection. Confinement, surveillance, mass
torture, de-development, de-ecologizing,
Building in rubble, imprisonment, starvation, bombardment;
photo by author, 2015 through such tactics and others, Gaza offers
a road map for confronting and managing
the bedrock of contemporary Western populations that must be forgotten so that
civilization—be they French, American, or the civilized of the world can claim their
British—are rooted in histories of apartheid, humanity and superiority.
slavery, and colonialism, and in presents Palestinians in Gaza joke, morbidly,
of exploitative and racialized capitalism. about their welcoming of a quick death from
American democracy, for instance, is an F16 spewing fire over the slow suffoca-
rooted in white supremacy domestically tion of the blockade. They understand that
and imperial violence globally. Countries the strangulation they live with, day in and
that proclaim Western civilizational values day out, is the intended purpose—not their
at home elide the unwanted populations ultimate death. For the very unsustainability
of Gaza, highlighted intermittently as if
some urgent endpoint needs to be avoided, is
precisely what sustains it: Unsustainability
in this instance is a structure, a process
with its own logic, persisting in perpetuity.
Unsustainability is what allows the oppres-

sors to pacify while also claiming a civilized Having been firmly conceptualized as
status. Unsustainability, then, is a structure the abject by its oppressors, it is no coinci-
that can, and is, being replicated elsewhere. dence that Gaza is also burdened with the
Gaza is a prototype for stemming the flow of corollary of inspiration for those oppressed,
in terms of Palestinian steadfastness and
sumud.4 From the early days of Israel’s
creation, Palestinians in Gaza have consis-
tently attempted to return to their homes.
From this strip, the leading fedayeen were
birthed and politicized in the late 1940s, the
PLO executive committee was formed in
1964, the first Intifada erupted in 1987, and
Hamas emerged, officially, a year later. In
popular parlance, Gaza is known as umm
al-muqawamma, mother of resistance,
affirming feminist revolutionary power
in the struggle for justice. Gamal Nasser
invited Che Guevara in 1959 and Jawaharlal
Nehru in 1960 to visit the Gaza Strip, to
showcase the power of this piece of land to
mobilize the anticolonial movements of the
Global South.5
Photo by author, 2015 This is precisely why Zionism has
expended much effort and endless maneu-
asylum seekers through the Mediterranean. verings to pacify the strip, most recently
Their containment in internment camps, through the use of live sniper fire to kill and
whether in France or Libya, is an ama- maim Palestinian protesters in the Great
teurish replica compared to the isolation March of Return.6 This has built on decades
and immobility Israel imposes on Gaza’s of drip-feeding Gaza’s economy and con-
inhabitants.3 Structurally, Gaza resembles trolling the flow of goods, down to the calor-
America’s prison-industrial complex, which ic value of food items, to ensure Palestinians
primarily incarcerates America’s unwanted there are maintained just above the level
Black populations, as well as China’s of official starvation, and managing the
internment of Uighurs. Temporally, Gaza passage of people in and out, like cattle into
can be historically compared to apartheid a pen. From extrajudicial assassinations to
South Africa’s Bantustans and futuristically economic pacification, from bombardment
to the West Bank’s Area A. Technologically, to occupation, and twelve full-fledged wars
Gaza elaborates how mass surveillance, since 1948,7 the Zionist regime has over-ex-
artificial intelligence, and spy software tended itself to break this strip of land. To no
can immobilize, pacify, torture, and break avail. The abject is persistent, ever-present,
populations. unerasable. And for colonial thinking and

rationale, the construction of the abject is understanding its abjection helps us grapple
central. Gaza exists as an abject not only with the mechanics of oppression and
because Israel has failed to eliminate it, but degradation elsewhere. In that sense, while
because Israel as a collective needs an abject Gaza is the laboratory for the powerful,
to sustain itself. Through and against its very seeking to subjugate and hone their skills
survival, Israel has fashioned itself as an of oppression, it is also the laboratory for
Other that is better, more refined, that values emancipation, for resistance, for asymmetric
life rather than death, unlike the wretched warfare.
inhabitants of Gaza. Israel and Gaza exist As Fanon said, resistance to colonial-
in a dialectic whereby the existence of ism generates comprehensive creativity.8
the Israeli collective is predicated on the The word that comes to mind when thinking
abjection of Palestinians generally, and Gaza of Gaza and resistance is “innovation.”
to a particular extreme. Basic, almost childish tactics created in
It follows from this logic that Gaza will Gaza make regimes tremble. Balloons flying
have a disproportionate role to play in the over fences leave colonizers shaking in their
future liberation of Palestine. What a burden shelters. Kites lit aflame are met with a nu-
to place on the abject. Already denied, clear power citing the need for self-defense.
fatigued, humiliated, dismissed, taken to Condoms filled with flammable liquids leave
and kept on the brink of death, the abject is settlers frozen in their tracks or cowering on
then called upon to liberate. A burden made the sides of the road. Smoke from flaming
more immense because, it must be said, tires make snipers helpless and ineffective.
Zionism is not a standalone ideology. As a Tunnels dug up in various sizes and lengths
settler-colonial movement, Zionism emerged undermine a sophisticated machinery of
alongside other colonial movements, and border construction. This is what asymmet-
persists today by the continued support ric warfare is. This is what Gaza teaches us.
of the world’s most affluent and powerful As philosopher Julia Kristeva asserted, “In
settler colony—the United States. The abjection, revolt is completely within being.
structures of oppression spanning our globe, . . . The subject of abjection is eminently
institutionalizing racialized capitalism and productive of culture.”9 And
colonialist inequalities, are interconnected productive Gaza is.
and interdependent. Gaza might be imme- The
diately confronting Zionism, but

Great March of Return, which began in we see the counterrevolution fortify itself,
Gaza in 2018, is one of the longest sustained with expanding interdependencies between
mass mobilizations in history and through the region’s authoritarian regimes and its
its eruption reaffirmed the centrality of the settler colonies emerging from the shadowy
right of return to the Palestinian struggle for realm of clandestine relations? How do we
liberation at precisely the time that our so- take that lesson back to Gaza, specifically,
called leaders had, worn down and fatigued, and to Palestine more broadly, to further
acquiesced to pittances. fortify their already ingenious resistance
Structures of oppression are daunting, tactics? Cracks in the apartheid regime are
monolithic, seemingly immovable, and showing—minor, to be sure, but visible—
Palestinians often look at the Zionist regime particularly after the Unity Intifada that
as invincible. This, after all, is what made unified Palestinians in an uprising from the
our self-appointed leaders accept partition river to the sea, and throughout the diaspora,
and embrace the Oslo Accords, the very in May 2021.11 What must be done to push
bedrock of apartheid, as a concession of these cracks wide open? How can Gaza’s
their defeat.10 How can this thriving Israeli liberation tactics, far from being isolated
powerhouse be forced to confront its through the blockade, learn from and inspire
original sin? But we have learned better. The the revolutionary tactics of the region?
latest Arab revolutions, for one, yielded an And how do we take this lesson to
other struggles shaping our world? The
climate justice movement is similarly facing
a daunting adversary, where the fossil fuel
industry and the world’s leading powers
pay lip service to change while remaining
enslaved by their inertia. Black Lives Matter
faces institutionalized white supremacy
that, despite the gains of the movement in
2019–2020, still holds onto anti-Blackness.
These struggles might appear distinct;
they are anything but. Abjection has been
Photo by author, 2015 forced, in different ways, onto a myriad of
communities: Blacks, Arabs, Indigenous
important lesson: the house of cards tumbles peoples, queers, Roma, women. A hierarchy
much more quickly than any young person of suffering has prevailed and has forced an
in the region might have ever imagined. So acquiescence to subjugation. This is perhaps
quick, in fact, that it caught the revolution- the most important lesson that Gaza can
aries unprepared, having focused the entirety teach us. Just like the abject has the power to
of their effort on the long haul of bringing annihilate our oppressors, it can also break
the dictator down, having failed to properly our spirits, unless we embrace our abjection
contend, also, with the possibility of their fully and radically. Such an embrace of our
success. What do we do with this lesson as mutual marginalization, each with its own

history and context, creates networks of dregs of humanity, unworthy. We might not
solidarity that are fluid, decentralized, and realize that we are doing so, choosing to
rooted in shared values of emancipation and believe instead the lies we are constructing
liberation and shared learning, networks that about our modernity, progress, and stabil-
are powerful and grounded. ity—showcased in extravagant wealth and
Late journalist Samir Kassir, before he neoliberalism. But underneath the glitzy
was assassinated, wrote of the Arab malaise façade, the malaise persists.
Nayrouz Qarmout, a writer from Gaza,
wrote a short story about a young, veiled girl
on a visit to the beach in Gaza.12 Called into
the water by the beauty of the sun reflecting
off the waves, the girl ventures away from
her family and into the depths, deeper than
she should have gone. Her veils weigh
heavily on her and threaten to pull her down.
Cloaks that she had not quite asked for, that
were hung on her body for her virtue and
protection, turn deadly. The girl is rescued
Photo by author, 2015 from drowning at the last minute by a
young boy, a childhood crush, with an illicit
that plagues the peoples of the region. He bodily contact that she fears the patriarchal
wrote of apathy, indifference, and lack of society around her will judge her for, even
hope. There is a stuckness that is slowly in the throes of death. She is horrified, also,
choking all of us. How can it not? After that because as she finally makes it out of the
glimmer of light from the Arab revolutions near-death experience, the fabrics of her wet
a decade ago, we have now descended into clothes cling to her body, revealing more
a darkness that leaves us yearning for what than they cover.
came before. Our elders who advocated The clothes that we wear, the way we
against disruption, saying things like We fashion ourselves, might be the essence of
have to be ruled by a strong man and We are what is bringing us down. And in shedding
not worthy of democracy are vindicated. We them, there is shame. The alternative, how-
have no reason to overcome our malaise. ever, is to drown in black waters. Shedding
The most effective weapon our colonizers our clothes means removing the layers we
wield over us is to make us believe, on some have wrapped around our bodies to cover
fundamental level, that we are not worthy of up ugly truths. Confronting our abjection
better, of freedom and liberation, breaking means coming to terms with the very real,
our agency and forcing us to internalize fear-driven factors that result in our malaise:
our subjugation without even knowing that patriarchy, anti-Blackness, corruption, na-
we have. Our oppressors have succeeded tionalist fervor. We must confront all those
when we, in the corners of our hearts, truly things and many others. But we must also
believe that we are, after all, abject, the do more. We must fundamentally believe in

victory and be willing to commit wholly to more just futures. Gaza is intimately
the long fight for its realization. Seeing Gaza familiar to other marginalized peoples and
as defeated, incapable, hamstrung, breaks communities elsewhere. It is known on an
our spirits. Seeing Palestinians as victims, intrinsic level, understood, even under the
as a dispersed people, as disposable bodies, layers of misrepresentation imposed on it by
confines us to the margins of history. The dominant narratives. That truth, if harnessed,
truth, in contrast, is that the site of abjection has transformative potential, even beyond
is precisely the place of life, of alternatives, the narrow confines of Palestine. There is
of political imagination. Out of the queerest solidarity among the abject—a collective in-
of spaces, the ugliest of beings, the most terdependency that is as strong, as powerful,
extreme forms of abjection, beauty and as that of the oppressors. Gaza, taken to the
revolution abound. Rather than succumbing brink, still struggles, because it understands:
to abjection, we must reclaim it. Instead of the choice is not between life and death, the
the abject annihilating us, it can transform choice is between a life of freedom or a slow
us, help us overcome our learned helpless- strangulation. With every balloon and every
ness.13 kite, it teaches us that our weakness can
This is what Gaza teaches us, every become our greatest strength.
day, with every balloon and kite: our What I am seeking to convey is the
weakness is a site of innovation. From potential of radical honesty, a journey as
our abjection we have the capacity to collective as it is individual. In Gaza as
disrupt and ultimately destroy structures Metaphor, the writer Selma Dabbagh writes,
of oppression, as a precursor to rebuilding “There is a Gaza in all of us.”14 What would

it mean for us to confront our abjection hon- Palestinians and allies seeking justice,
estly? To overcome our fears and succumb confronting our abjection as a source of
to that internal voice of self-loathing that strength entails its own transformation,
speaks of our possible defeat, of the errors one that is ultimately cathartic. There is no
choice otherwise.

The Mediterranean sea, Gaza,

photo by author, 2015

we have acquiesced to out of fear or pride?

Abjection is the primer of our culture. We
have, each of us, the potential to transform
out of our paralysis and into an activated and
innovative being. We can all, individually,
contribute to a politics of liberation that can
sustain our movement, and speak beyond
it, arriving at a revolutionary politics that
is rooted in our present abjection and that
uses this position as a launching pad from
which to bring down the immovable. Can a
Palestinian war of liberation, which is rooted
in a specific historical and political context,
also exist as a lightning rod of radical
empathy, one that can encompass other
struggles? Can this most confined of locales
act as an anchor to a sprawling ideology of
liberation and resistance, of fundamental
emancipation, of radical humanism, that
spans the globe?
For our colonizers, confronting the
abject entails a journey of deconstruction,
one that is violent and disruptive. For us,

1. Ishaan Tharoor, “Israel’s New A History (Oxford: Oxford
Justice Minister Considers All University Press, 2014).
Palestinians to Be ‘the Enemy,’”
Washington Post, May 7, 2015, 8. [Chapter Author, “Chapter
https://www.washingtonpost. Title” in] Souri & Mattar, Gaza
com/news/worldviews/ as Metaphor, 149.
justice-minister-considers-all- 9. Julia Kristeva, Powers of
palestinians-to-be-the-enemy/. Horror: An Essay on Abjection
(New York: Columbia University
2. Tareq Baconi, “Gaza and the Press, 1982), 45.
One-State Reality,” Journal
of Palestine Studies 50, no. 10. Tareq Baconi, “What
1 (2021): 77–90, https:// Apartheid Means for Israel,” New York Review of Books,
9X.2020.1842002. November 5, 2021, https://www.
3. Ian Urbina, “The Secretive what-apartheid-means-for-israel/.
Prisons That Keep Migrants
Out of Europe,” New Yorker, 11. Yara Hawari, “Defying
November 28, 2021, https:// Fragmentation and the Significance of Unity: A New
magazine/2021/12/06/the- Palestinian Uprising,” Al-
secretive-libyan-prisons-that- Shabaka, June 29, 2021, https://
4. See Mahdi Sabbagh, “New significance-of-unity-a-new-
Solidarities?” in this volume. palestinian-uprising/.

5. [Chapter Author, “Chapter 12. Nayrouz Qarmout, The Sea

Title” in] Gaza as Metaphor, Cloak & Other Stories (London:
ed. Helga Tawil Souri and Dina Comma Press, 2019).
Mattar (London: Hurst, 2016),
109. 13. [Chapter Author, “Chapter
Title” in] Souri & Mattar, Gaza
6. [Article Author], “On as Metaphor, x.
Unlawful Gunfire against
Protesters in the Return Marches 14. Selma Dabbagh, “Inventing
in Gaza,” B’Tselem, October Gaza” in Gaza as Metaphor,
28, 2021, https://www.btselem. Helga Tawil Souri and Dina
org/gaza_strip/2018_unlawful_ Mattar, eds. (London: Hurst,
gunfire_against_protesters_in_ 2016), 11.

7. Jean Pierre Filiu, Gaza:


O ver the course of the Suez Crisis
of 1956, also known as the Second
Arab-Israeli War or the Tripartite
Aggression, French colonial authorities
the Shimon Peres Negev Nuclear Research
Center (formerly the Negev Nuclear
Research Center), the center benefited from
French nuclear weapons knowledge that
concretized the promise to provide Israeli was being developed and tested in Reggane
colonial authorities with nuclear weapons and In Ekker, in colonized Algerian Sahara.
and expertise. During that year, France’s Whereas the inhabited town of Reggane
struggle to maintain its colonial rule in is in the Tanezrouft Plain, approximately
Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia was evident, 1,150 kilometers south of Algiers, In Ekker
and, therefore, France believed that arming is located about 600 kilometers southeast of
Israel with weapons of mass destruction Reggane. This paper exposes French-Israeli
would threaten not only Gamal Abdel nuclear coloniality through the concomitant
Nasser (1918–1970), the then-president secret construction of two nuclear military
of Egypt, but North Africa and the Middle bases in Dimona and Reggane, whose
East at large. The French-Israeli nuclear archives remain classified.
agreements culminated in the secret con- France made its entry into the exclusive
struction of a nuclear reactor in Dimona, nuclear weapons club on February 13, 1960,
located in the Naqab desert.1 Today called with the detonation of its first atmospheric

nuclear bomb in Reggane. Codenamed Economic Community, now the European
Gerboise bleue (Blue Jerboa) after a tiny Union. Despite France’s awareness of the
jumping desert rodent, the bomb had a protocols of these supranational and inter-
blast capacity of about 60–70 kilotons.2 national institutions, it proceeded in secretly
This was roughly four times the strength of supporting Israel in acquiring nuclear
Little Boy, the atomic bomb dropped by the weapons, learning to become a nuclear pow-
United States on Hiroshima on August 6, er (without announcing it), and exploiting a
1945, about a month before the end of the colonized desert to build its massive nuclear
Second World War. France proudly became infrastructure.
the fourth country to possess weapons of The construction of the nuclear
mass destruction after the US, the Union of reactor complex at Dimona commenced
Soviet Socialist Republics, and the United in 1958, about one year after the French
Kingdom. Such pride rarely seemed to army completed its military reconnaissance
be affected by the destruction of human, missions and water searches in Tanezrouft,
animal, and plant lives and the toxification south of Reggane. France’s choice of
of hundreds of thousands of kilometers of using the Algerian desert as a nuclear
natural, living, and built environments in firing field was not arbitrary. In early 1957,
Algeria and elsewhere. Israel, however, about two years after the outbreak of the
had never officially acknowledged or given Algerian Revolution, or the Algerian War of
evidence of its production and possession Independence (1954–62), the French armed
of nuclear weapons, but it had publicly forces “reviewed on the map all the terri-
recognized the existence of the reactor in tories then available to France that would
Dimona. In 1970, with US economic and be suitable for the testing.”5 They believed
political backing, Israel achieved nuclear that the Algerian Sahara, specifically the
weapon capability, however Israel is still Tanezrouft Plain where the inhabited town
operating under the regime of the so-called of Reggane was, and still remains, was the
nuclear ambiguity, or “nuclear opacity.”3 ideal site for France’s first atomic bombs.
Israel became the sixth country to join the According to Charles Ailleret (1907–1968),
exclusive club, after China. the head of the French nuclear weapons
The secret building of Israel’s military program, this territory was “fairly distant”—
nuclear infrastructure in Dimona, which from mainland France—and a “land of thirst
was supported by their French counterparts, and fear, from which all life was reputedly
sidestepped the International Atomic Energy absent in the immense spaces between
Agency (IAEA), an organization established Reggane and Tessalit.”6
in July 1957 to apparently promote “the Ailleret argued that the area was char-
world’s atoms for peace.”4 France was, acterized by “the total absence of animal
however, one of the original signatories and vegetal lives.” To confirm this choice,
of the Euratom Treaty that established a French delegation visited the United
the European Atomic Energy Community States’s Nevada Test Site (today Nevada
in March 1957—at the same time as the National Security Site) in 1957 and 1958
Treaty of Rome established the European and witnessed the impacts of the bomb.7

However, contrary to Ailleret’s statement, buildings, 7,000 square meters of under-
the town of Reggane was inhabited, the ground works, 100 kilometers of roads, a
surrounding region was populated and used water production of 1,200 cubic meters per
by nomadic and seminomadic populations, day, 4,400 kilovolts of power in three power
and the fauna and flora were evidently not plants, more than 200 kilometers of under-
nonexistent. On July 23, 1957, while the ground cables and pipes, and 7,000 cubic
brutal Battle of Algiers was raging, the meters of reinforced concrete in the ground
French General Assembly and the Council zero zones.10
of the French Republic adopted law no. This expertise was most likely useful
57-820, authorizing the use of 200 billion for the secret construction of the “Dimona
francs for the development of atomic energy Project,” according to the French journalist
between 1957 and 1961.8 Three months Pierre Péan (1938–2019), author of the 1982
later, construction on secret sites began. book Les deux bombes: Comment la France
The French army demarcated an area a donné la bombe à Israël et à l’Irak (The
of about 100,000 square kilometers for Two Bombs: How France Gave the Bomb to
the preparation and execution of its first Israel and Iraq):11
atomic bombs. Named the Centre Saharien The activity surrounding Dimona was
d’Expérimentations Militaires (CSEM, or so secret that no one had complete knowl-
Saharan Center for Military Experiments), edge about what was happening. The main
this immense area in the Algerian Sahara en- difficulty in tracing the construction process
compassed four geographic and functional could be attributed to the fact that it took
zones: 1) an existing Saharan town known place on a number of levels: the state level,
as Reggane-Ville located near an oasis; 2) including the president’s office, the cabinet,
a new base-vie (life base) called Reggane- the Department of Research, and the CEA
Plateau for 10,000 civil and military (the French Commissariat à l’énergie
personnel, with underground laboratories atomique, or Atomic Energy Commission,),
and ateliers for the French Atomic Energy and the industrialists’ level.12
Commission’s employees; 3) a new forward As with the majority of official records
operating base at Hamoudia; and 4) a new on the French nuclear weapons program in
ground zero zone (zone des points zéro) the Sahara, the archival documents of the
where the bombs were to be detonated. construction of Dimona are still classified,
All these areas were to be connected with and they are likely to remain so for a while.
paved roads. Whereas Reggane-Plateau However, there are several published
was located about twelve kilometers east sources that describe the infrastructure and
of Reggane-Ville, the shooting field was spaces built in the Naqab desert, including a
situated approximately fifteen kilometers personal account and photographs provided
south of the Hamoudia base and roughly by Israeli whistleblower and former Dimona
50 kilometers southwest of Reggane.9 Most employee Mordechai Vanunu, which were
of the planned construction for the CSEM published in the London Sunday Times on
was completed in the spring of 1960. The October 5, 1986, in an article titled “Dimona
CSEM comprised 82,000 square meters of and Vanunu.”13

Building the massive, secret nuclear feet wide by 200 feet long, an apparently
project in Dimona “required materials, little-used warehouse and office block.
technical expertise, and financing that Two details suggest otherwise: the walls
were unavailable in Israel and had to be are thickened to withstand bombardment,
obtained abroad.”14 It is widely believed that and there is an elevator tower on the roof
David Ben-Gurion (1886–1973), Israel’s that seems unnecessary for such a small
Zionist founding father and first prime building.16
minister, and his protégé Shimon Peres As seen from aerial photography, it is
(1923–2016), Israel’s eighth prime minister, assumed that the layout of this complex is
engineered the fundraising campaign in similar to the French nuclear power plant
a discreet operation. According to Peres, in Marcoule, in southern France, around 25
they were able to collect more than $40 kilometers northwest of Avignon, on the
million, which constituted half of the cost banks of the Rhone River, which has been
of the construction of the infrastructure of operational since 1956. Marcoule is a large
the reactor in Dimona. Peres claimed that nuclear facility run by the French CEA.
most of this collected private capital “came To dig and build the construction and
from direct personal appeals” and “friends infrastructure of the reactor plant in Dimona,
of Israel around the world.”15 Unlike the “thousands of North African Jews (or
French government that financed its own Sephardim) who emigrated from Morocco
nuclear weapons projects, Israel’s nuclear and Algeria, [were] hired.” Meanwhile,
weapons military program depended heavily “European Jews were slowly and carefully
on foreign (French) expertise and private recruited from government and private
investment, which were supposed to obey businesses throughout Israel to serve as
the regime of secrecy. scientists and bureaucratic managers.”17
Part of the spaces and buildings neces- The majority of these employees lived in
sary for the atomic weapons production in the nearby city of Beersheba, as did the
Dimona were built under the ground. Israel French experts who worked in Dimona.
claimed that this complex was a textiles The racial tensions between the white
factory. According to the leaked information French, the Israelis, the Moroccan Jews,
provided by Vanunu to the Sunday Times, and the Algerian Jews (who were granted
the nuclear compound in Dimona comprised French nationality in 1870) were intense.
10 machons in all. Machon 1 is the nuclear According to the US journalist Seymour
reactor itself, a silver-domed building 60 Hersh (1937–), the author of the 1991
feet in diameter. Machon 4 is where radio- book The Samson Option: Israel’s Nuclear
active waste is immersed in tar and packed Arsenal and American Foreign Policy, both
in drums to be sunk in the desert. But only the French and Israeli employers treated the
a handful (150 workers in all) have ever Jewish laborers from Algeria and Morocco
been allowed to pass through the doors of very badly. They spoke of them as if they
the real secret within Dimona—Machon 2. were “like stones—inferior beings.”18
Outwardly, it is a crudely built and window- Furthermore, the Jews from Algeria and
less concrete building, two stories high, 80 Morocco were hired only for fifty-nine days

so their employers could avoid covering politician, claimed that there was no medical
the costs of benefits that would usually be follow-up or investigation on the health
part of such an employment. After fifty-nine conditions of the Saharan workers who
days, they were dismissed, and then rehired worked in one of the French military nuclear
for fifty-nine more days. According to bases in colonized Sahara. Mohamed said:
Hersh, “the North African Jews were “We never had a medical visit, neither be-
‘treated like slaves’ by French and Israelis fore nor after [the detonation of the atomic
alike.”19 bombs]. We never saw a doctor except a
This mimics the labor force for the nurse if someone was injured. There were
construction of the nuclear sites in the many wounded, even dead people. There
colonized Algerian Sahara, which included were work accidents. There were a lot of
Saharan populations. These laborers were French doctors, but we never saw them.”23
first called the populations laborieuses du In addition to this colonial and racial
Bas-Touat (PLBT, or working population discrimination, due to the temporary nature
of Bas-Touat), and then, based on their of the workers’ employment, the French
region of origin, they were referred to army might not have kept records on the
as populations laborieuses du Djebel numbers and names of the Saharan people
(working population of Djebel), populations who worked in their centers. To this day,
laborieuses des Oasis (working population such nuclear coloniality, with its purposely
of Oasis), and populations laborieuses du secret or inadequate records and evidence,
Tchad (working population of Tchad).20 continues to affect the health of Saharan and
According to Ailleret, the French civil other populations.
employees and military officials named In March 2013, following a favorable
these laborers simply PLBT; directives and response from the French Commission
reports used the acronym PLBT to refer Consultative du Secret de la Défense
to Saharan populations. Ailleret argued: Nationale (Advisory Board on National
“Correspondence, such as the considerable Defense Secrets), the French minister of
accounts that justify the employment of defense opened access to 154 documents
thousands of workers [from the Sahara], are on the nuclear bombs in the Sahara. The
now drawn up using the PLBT as a unit, lifting of secrecy occurred thanks to a legal
a term which meant Saharan indigenous case initiated in 2004 by two associations,
people hired by the Center.”21 He recalled Moruroa e tatou (Mururoa and Us) and
that one heard repeatedly expressions such Aven (Association des Vétérans des Essais
as “send me five PLBT to unload the truck,” Nucléaires, or Association of the Veterans of
but that “at the time when everyone was Nuclear Tests), in the context of a complaint
talking about PLBT, almost no one, except filed with the Health Unit of the Paris Public
the elders of the first times, knew what this Prosecutor’s Office.24 The 154 documents
abbreviation meant.”22 include various charts and tables of air ra-
Mohamed, one of the Saharan workers dioactivity records at the CSEM in Reggane
interviewed in 1992 by Solange Fernex, a and the Centre d’expérimentations militaires
French pacifist, environmental activist, and des oasis (CEMO, or Oases Military

Testing Centre) in In Ekker. For example, monitoring services have developed more
thirty-eight documents titled “radioactivity detailed reports, but they are not part of the
of the air” and ninety-five documents titled documents declassified in March 2013. This
“radioactivity measurements” only reveal means that only partial or even truncated
graphs and weekly or monthly reports of information is available, which is difficult to
air radioactivity at both sites; the great use.”26
majority of these documents do not contain France’s “nuclear secrecy” should be
any comments on the data. The most useful read along the grain of Israel’s “nuclear
documents, when they are legible, are those opacity.” The ongoing restrictions on data
that report on air radioactivity after each of about the processes and impacts of the
the seventeen atmospheric and underground toxification of the Sahara following the det-
detonations. It is thus possible to verify that onation of the nuclear bombs and the testing
all In Ekker underground tests caused radio- of other nuclear technology impede Saharan
active leaks that were noted and measured.25 and French victims and former workers
According to a commentary by Bruno from being compensated. The restrictions on
Barrillot (1949–2007)—winner of the 2010 data also conceal the location of the burial
Nuclear-Free Future Award and cofounder of nuclear waste, obstruct the decontamina-
of the Observatoire des armements, a French tion of radioactive sites and matter that are
independent nonprofit center of expertise freely circulating in the Sahara, hinder the
and documentation founded in 1984 in writing of the history of France’s military
Lyon—the 154 documents include many nuclear weapons program in the Sahara, and
duplicates. For example, the air radioactivity delay social, medical, environmental, and
records of 1960 in Reggane and Hamoudia, spatial justice. However, if French-Israeli
following the aerial tests of February 13 and nuclear coloniality introduced a new order
April 1, are presented in two documents dat- in the Middle East and North Africa, it did
ing from March 13 to 20 and from April 1 to not succeed in exterminating Algerian-
20, 1960, and are reproduced identically in Palestinian, Pan-Arab, and Pan-African
a third document covering the period from solidarities. After 1962, these solidarities
February 13 to May 10, 1960. Furthermore, were consolidated with the independence of
other radioactivity surveys have little value Algeria from France.
in assessing risks to staff and populations The newly independent People’s
because they concern periods when no tests Democratic Republic of Algeria welcomed,
were carried out. Thus, for 1960, thirteen hosted, and supported various anticolonial,
documents are available relating to daily anti-imperialist, anticapitalistic, antiracist,
records of air radioactivity at Reganne and and other revolutionary movements.
Hamoudia for the April–December 1960 Among these were the Palestine Liberation
period, while the detonation of the third Organization (PLO), the Black Panther
bomb at Hamoudia took place on December Party (BPP), Mozambique Liberation Front
27, 1960, after these declassified documents (FRELIMO), People’s Movement for the
were produced. Barrillot stated, “Certainly, Liberation of Angola (MPLA), the National
the radiological and biological and other Liberation Front of South Vietnam, and

the African National Congress (ANC). Weapons.
Amílcar Cabral, the pan-Africanist and
anticolonial leader of the Partido Africano
da Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde
(Portuguese for African Party for the
Independence of Guinea and Cape Verde,
PAIGC), called Algiers the “Mecca of
revolutionaries.” Similarly, Yasser Arafat,
the Palestinian political leader and chairman
of the PLO from 1969 to 2004, described
Algiers as a “window through which we
appear to the West.” Even though Algiers
can no longer be described as such, and
the nuclear threat is omnipresent, further
solidarities have emerged and will persist in
being reinforced.
Today Israel continues to operate under
the regime of “opacity” and “secrecy.” The
United Kingdom’s the Guardian newspaper
reported on February 18, 2021, that “Israel
is carrying out a major expansion of its
Dimona nuclear facility in the Naqab desert,
where it has historically made the fissile
material for its nuclear arsenal.”27 The
construction work, kept secret, is visible in
satellite images published by an independent
research group. Even though the purpose
of such an extension is unknown, and
Israel did not acknowledge its possession
of nuclear weapons of mass destruction, it
is internationally known and accepted that
Israel is the sixth country to have developed
such technology, with the support of
France. Maintaining a policy of deliberate
ambiguity is part of Israel’s colonial project,
which seems to be tolerated by both allies
and adversaries. Neither France nor Israel
have signed or ratified the Treaty on the
Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. But Israel,
unlike France, has also not adhered to the
Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear

1. On the details of this 7. Kenneth R. Timmerman, The 12. Cited in Pinkus and
agreement, see, for example, French Betrayal of America Tlamim, “Atomic Power to
Binyamin Pinkus and Moshe (Crown Publishing Group, Israel’s Rescue,” 129–30.
Tlamim, “Atomic Power to 2005).
Israel’s Rescue: French-Israeli 13. The article is reproduced
Nuclear Cooperation, 1949– 8. “Loi n°57-820 du 23 juillet in full in Mordechai Vanunu,
1957,” Israel Studies 7, no. 1 1957 relative au plan de “Dimona and Vanunu,” Journal
(2002): 104–38. développement de l’énergie of Palestine Studies 16, no.
atomique pour les années 2 (January 1, 1987): 171–81.
2. Charles Ailleret, L’aventure 1957 à 1961, https://www. After his declarations, Vanunu
atomique française: Comment spent eighteen years in prison,
naquit la force de frappe. RFTEXT000000692936?ini including eleven in solitary
Souvenirs et réflexions (Paris: t=true&page=1&query=57- confinement.
Editions Bernard Grasset, 820&searchField=ALL&tab_
1968), 382. selection=all. 14. Cohen, Israel and the
Bomb, 69.
3. Avner Cohen, Israel and the 9. Bruno Barrillot, Les
Bomb (New York: Columbia irradiés de la république: les 15. Cited in Cohen, Israel and
University Press, 2005), 277. victimes des essais nucléaires the Bomb, 70.
français prennent la parole
4. On the making of the IAEA, (Bruxelles: Editions GRIP, 16. Vanunu, “Dimona and
see, for example, Gabrielle 2003), 19–20; “Rapport sur Vanunu,” 173.
Hecht, “Negotiating Global les essais nucléaires français
Nuclearities: Apartheid, 1960-1996, tome 1 : La 17. Seymour M. Hersh, The
Decolonization, and the genèse de l’organisation et les Samson Option: Israel’s
Cold War in the Making of expérimentations au Sahara Nuclear Arsenal and American
the IAEA,” Osiris 21, no. 1 CSEM et CEMO,” n.d., Foreign Policy (New York:
(January 1, 2006): 25–48, accessed January 12, 2021, Random House, 1991), 60. 57–71,
essais-nucleaires.pdf. 18. Hersh, Samson Option, 60.
5. Ailleret, L’aventure atomique
française, 228; [“Nous fîmes 10. “Rapport sur les essais 19. Hersh, Samson Option, 61.
sur la carte le tour de tous les nucléaires français 1960–
territoires alors disponible 1996, tome 1 : La genèse 20. Christine Chanton, Les
pour la France qui seraient de l’organisation et les vétérans des essais nucléaires
convenables au point de vue expérimentations au Sahara français au Sahara, 1960–
de nos essaies.”] Translations CSEM et CEMO,” 46–47. 1966, (Paris: Harmattan, 2006),
provided in the chapter for this 65.
passage and all others cited 11. The title was revised in
here are my own. the second edition of the 21. Ailleret, L’aventure
book published in 1991. It atomique française, 326. [“Les
6. Ailleret, L’aventure atomique became: Les Deux Bombes: Ou correspondances, comme les
française, 229; [“pays de la comment la guerre du Golfe comptabilité considérables que
soife et de la peur, d’où toute a commencé le 18 novembre justifiant l’emploi de milliers
vie était réputée absente dans 1975 (The Two Bombs, or de travailleurs, sont désormais
les espaces immenses qui How the Gulf War Began on rédigées en utilisant comme
séparent Reggane de Tessalit.”] November 18, 1975). unité le P.L.B.T., terme qui
voulait dire indigene saharien

embauche par le Centre.”] exploitables.”] Barrillot is
referring, particularly, to the
22. Ailleret, L’aventure 129 official reports on the
atomique française, 326. [“à French tests in the Sahara
ce moment la ou tout le monde quoted in the confidential
parlait de P.L.B.T, à peu pres defense report “La genèse
personne, sauf les anciens des de l’organisation et les
premiers temps, ne savait plus expérimentations au Sahara
ce que signifiant ces initiales.”] (CSEM et CEMO)” of 1995,
which had not been declassified
23. Cited in Chanton, Les in March 2013.
vétérans des essais nucléaires,
65–66. [“On a jamais passé 27. Julian Borger, “Israel
de visite médicale, ni avant Expands Nuclear Facility
ni aprés. On n’a jamais vu un Previously Used for Weapons
médecin sauf un infirmier si Material,” Guardian, February
quelqu’un été blessé. Il y avait 9, 2021, accessed May 9, 2022,
beaucoup de blessés, même des https://www.theguardian.
morts. Des accidents de travail. com/world/2021/feb/18/
Il y avait beacoup de médecin israel-nuclear-facility-dimona-
francais mais on les voyaut weapons.

24. Bruno Barrillot, “Note sur

les documents déclassifiés le 21
mars 2013. Essais nucléaires
français: à quand une véritable
transparence?” (Obsarm,
February 2014), 1, accessed
March 20, 2022 http://obsarm.

25. Barrillot, “Note sur les

documents déclassifiés,” 2.

26. Barrillot, “Note sur les

documents déclassifiés,” 2.
[“Il est certain que les services
de contrôle radiologiques
et biologiques et autres ont
élaboré des rapports plus
circonstanciés4 mais ils ne
font pas partie des documents
déclassifiés en mars 2013.
On ne dispose donc que
d’informations partielles, voire
tronquées et difficilement



have been trying to look for a video her address, if not indictment, the woman
clip; I think it went viral in 2020 filming calls forth the ummah (an Islamic
or 2021. But maybe it was earlier? ideal of belonging), but also more collective
The video is of the crowded plaza of the Islamic geographies (our Masjid al-Aqsa).
Haram al-Sharif complex in Jerusalem.1 The But she also narrates a more practical
footage was taken from a slightly higher tension, the reality of a community commit-
vantage point; the bodies of worshipper-pro- ted to defending that sacred geography with
testors cascade out toward the Dome of their bodies and lives.
the Rock. Beyond the mosque, the evening Much easier to find are the video ar-
is illuminated by cell phone screens. The chives of the Peace to Prosperity Workshop
protestors chant not a slogan but a vow: from June 2019. At the workshop, global in-
“I swear to God that I will protect Masjid vestors, billionaires, and diplomats gathered
Al-Aqsa.” A woman’s voice from behind the themselves together in a heavily securitized
camera narrates a form of address. She says hotel conference room in Bahrain to do a
in Arabic, “Shufu ya ummat al-muslimin.” different set of things with words. The event
(“Look, oh community of believers”), and signaled a familiar, if not outdated, attempt
calls for us to “look who is defending our at global cooperation, collaboration, and
Masjid al-Aqsa. The Palestinian people.” In knowledge production. Yet the language of

“the workshop” suggested a new indetermi- ined as entrepreneurs and innovators.
nacy, if not a draftiness, to the proceedings. Palestinians are to be concerned with jobs,
Watching these videos, we might stop and jobs, jobs. Donald Trump aspired to be “the
wonder, Are these drafty exchanges now the greatest jobs president God ever created.”3
great literary salons of our age?2 The “Deal of the Century” thus encapsulated
But behind the soft bluster and banal a set of corporate fictions and persistent
bravado of international problem-solving religious fantasies and hierarchies.
was a serious attempt to rewrite history, In the words of Donald Trump himself,
geography, and solidarity in radically new the peace plan was always already “the deal
that can’t be made.”4 Indeed, the cunning
of “the deal” is that its architects knew in
advance that it would fail. Part of the real
political work accomplished by Trump
and Kushner’s business ontology peace
process was to recast Palestinians within
a familiar and persistent colonial narrative
trope: the Palestinians are unreasonable,
irrational, and yet again wasting another
chance at peace and prosperity.5 Kushner
was explicit about his complete and total
disdain, saying, “They’re going to screw up
another opportunity, like they’ve screwed
up every other opportunity that they’ve
ever had in their existence.”6 And while few
Palestinians attended the Peace to Prosperity
Workshop—and fewer still found any
legitimacy in these and subsequent pro-
To Haram signage in Mecca, ceedings—the significant, if not exuberant
photo by author participation of the various Gulf monarchies
and their emissaries suggested an important
ways. During an opening session, Jared and public unraveling of once presumed
Kushner, son-in-law of and then senior international alliances. While one might be
advisor to Donald Trump, described the heartened by the growing boycott, divest-
Palestinian people as trapped in “an inef- ment, and sanctions movement gripping
ficient framework of the past.” Palestinian universities and institutions in Europe and
histories of engaged struggle and resistance North America, the post-oil imaginaries of
thus need to be optimized, unburdened from the Gulf include forms of normalization
the messy work of justice, freedom, and with Israel and its occupation—some more
dignity. Under this modern and magical public like the Abraham Accords and others
framework of peace to prosperity, the more furtive like what might be transpiring
stateless and the dispossessed are reimag- between Saudi Arabia and Israel.

In 2020, both the United Arab Emirates and control. With this vision, Islam’s great
and Bahrain normalized relations with sanctuaries are reconfigured and reimagined
Israel in what many refer to as the Abraham toward more limited projects of ethnonation-
Accords. And while normalization agree- al sovereignty and normative geopolitics.
ments between Israel and two Gulf monar- In this essay, I want to take seriously
chies are significant, the not yet normalized the role of Islamic and other religious
relations between the Kingdom of Saudi geographies in our world of secular na-
Arabia and Israel were imagined to be a tion-states. I am attentive here as to how
crowning jewel for the Trump administra- these geographies become useful for various
tion. While political scientists, economists, national projects, while also holding open
journalists, think tank and security hawks the possibility that these religious geogra-
write a great deal about Saudi Arabia and phies push back against more limited secular
Israel’s shared geopolitical interests, namely ideas of space and sovereignty. The opening
further marginalizing Iran, what is less ap- vignette, this scene, address, and shaming
preciated are new religious, geographic, and of the Muslim ummah is exemplary in this
techno-political arrangements being made regard.
and re-made in our contemporary moment. The archive I draw from to make
Indeed, naming normalization agreements this argument is largely ethnographic. My
things like the “Abraham Accords” suggests reflections here emerge out of two years of
highly affective and religious grammars fieldwork in Saudi Arabia in the holy city of
that are still at play. While religion would Mecca.8 I produce this ethnography in order
seem to proliferate in this age of great to appreciate these other projects that con-
transformation and stasis, other forms of stitute Saudi custodianship in the land of the
non-knowledge also abound: secrets, ru- haramayn (the two holy sites of Mecca and
mors, and conspiracy theories. In this light, Medina) and beyond. Conducting fieldwork
I am particularly interested in rumors of in Mecca, I encountered a highly compelling
custodianship of Haram al-Sharif, including question around sovereignty, one that is
al-Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, different from the Palestinian example but
being transferred from the Jordanians to the not wholly unrelated. And so, as a way of
Saudis. In and through this move, al-Haram approaching al-Aqsa, I want to consider
and its special status has been turned into a a set of confusions unfolding in Saudi
bargaining chip in the normalization efforts Arabia—the first being a question around
between the Saudis and Israelis.7 Under this the burial place of the Prophet Mohammad’s
new arrangement, the Saudis would be made mother, the second being questions around
into custodians of Islam’s three holiest sites the “true” location of Mount Sinai or Jabal
in Mecca, Medina, and now Jerusalem. This Musa, and finally, and perhaps more contro-
move would further bolster Saudi fantasies versially, a question posed about the “true
around statecraft and “custodianship,” location” of al-Aqsa. These examples all
the latter of which combines traditional reflect something of our unhinged world of
claims of Islamic care and obligation with transformation and stasis, of knowledge and
modern technocratic forms of management nonknowledge, of incredible imagination

and incredible insipidness. for a secular and normatively international
We will start in Mecca and a very hospitality sector in Mecca. The muṭawwifin
particular set of knowledge workers, I spent time with attached themselves to
members of an ancient guild known as divergent sentiments—Long live tawafah,
tawafah, figures known as muṭawwifin, tawafah is dead.
or pilgrim guides. Tawafah is an essential Meccans and indeed other Saudis
Meccan institution, one that has long defined struggled to make sense of each other, the
life and labor in the holy city. Tawafah long built environment and the geography it rests
engaged the residents of Mecca in forms upon, but also their regional, national, and
of global intimacy and ethical care of and religious identities. The question around
for foreign pilgrims. The muṭawwif would normalization with Israel is not unrelated
travel the Muslim world, learning languages to this. While the figure of the muṭawwif
and customs, often marrying into the pilgrim might be unfamiliar, he will lead us to more
groups he sought to serve. I argue that familiar actors that now stalk and study the
tawafah constitutes an urban, genealogical, Saudi landscape—Zionist Orientalists and
and experiential set of Islamic knowledges, evangelical tourists. These actors allow
one that stands in contradistinction to the Saudi Arabia to appear open, multicultural,
largely calculative and visual knowledges if not secular, while Evangelical tourists
that proclaim “innovation” and “disruption.” marvel at both a newly rediscovered biblical
Under the Saudi state, tawafah has been landscape, the building of otherworldly city-
formalized into a highly bureaucratized and states, and perhaps Saudi Arabia’s particular
quasi-governmental “institution.” Despite admixture of techno-politics, religion, and
these formalizations, many muṭawwifin authoritarianism.
cling to the Islamic ethics of care that long In Mecca, I spent a great deal of my
defined their guild. During my fieldwork, it time with a muṭawwif named Abdulrahman.
was announced that tawafah would formally He works with pilgrims from “non-Arab”
come to an end. It is now to be open to any African countries. He’s a writer, historian,
Saudi citizen, operating as a private compa- and something of a media personality.
ny. While some muṭawwifin understood this Abdulrahman turned the foyer of his hajj
within a longer history of experimentation field office into an exhibition space. The
with tawafah, others understood these walls are lined with framed images and
changes as their ultimate disenfranchisement exhibition cases filled with objects and
as Meccans. images both personal and impersonal—fam-
Yet like all of us, these Meccan ily photos with pilgrims, an old photo of
knowledge workers were often at a loss, the cityscape indicating his family’s now
given over to rumor and conspiracy. During destroyed home, an image with the king;
this time of economic, political, and social all of this alongside computer prints and
refashioning, Meccans struggled to make photocopies of new hajj infrastructures.
sense of what was true and what was false— Outside the hajj season, Abdulrahman runs
what was really happening, the big picture, weekend tours of the Hejaz region—tours
the master plan. Tawafah ending makes way to the remains of Mecca’s most iconic

mountains, the old city of Jeddah, and the discussions about the status of ahl al-fetrah,
path of the Prophet’s hijra. He told me about or “the people of the interval,”9 were
trips he took to West Africa, his attempt interrupted by the roaring of the speeding
to intensify the once vibrant relations the train overhead. Later, I asked Abdulrahman
muṭawwif would have maintained with his how he came to know about this decoy
or her pilgrims. But he lamented knowingly, location, he told me, “Through my father
“I was just a tourist.” Between his hajj office and grandfather.”
as exhibition, his weekend tours, and his My time with Abdulrahman helped me
own tourism, I understood Abdulrahman to understand a sense of duty and obligation
be committed to the aura of tawafah—his that many muṭawwifin felt toward this very
historical role as a guide. Yet compellingly, particular Islamic geography. The Saudi
while he showed around foreign Muslims state has tried to harness the muṭawwif
like myself and the occasional religious stu- toward their project of state building and
dent from West Africa, most of his clientele the inherited demands of custodianship. But
on these weekend tours were Meccawwi and the muṭawwif is oftentimes out of bounds;
Jeddawwi professionals. This fact narrates their concerns can exceed the state and
something to me about loss—certainly its desire for verifiable knowledge. Thus
of Mecca’s cosmopolitanism—but then Abdulrahman’s concern was also animated
also loss at the level of embodied Meccan by anxieties of neglect, ignorance, if not
knowledge. abuse and hostility, toward the fullness of an
During one such tour, somewhere on Islamic geography by the Saudi state. While
the road to Medina, Abdulrahman drew our Abdulrahman celebrated massive infrastruc-
attention to an unmarked and unremarkable tural projects like the Haramain High Speed
graveyard that is commonly understood Rail, he also said he wished the train would
to be the burial place of Aminah, the narrate the important Islamic sites along the
mother of Prophet Mohammad. He was tracks. Tawafah’s engaged and embodied
quick to point out that this location was in cosmopolitanism was thus hastily attached
fact a decoy, set up to distract the efforts to the speeding bullet of Saudi religious
of the religious authorities who might modernity.
deface or destroy any markers or signs of Other muṭawwifin I spent time with
remembrance. Pleading with us not to take were less concerned with tawafah’s aura.
any pictures, Abdulrahman took us further Abu Tareq, a muṭawwif for Arab pilgrims,
afield and showed us what he believed to be was not interested in history as such. In
the true burial site of Aminah. Soon after, and through our extensive conversations
we took a break underneath an overpass and time together in the field, Abu Tareq
of the Haramain High Speed Rail, which was constantly trying to produce for me the
connected Medina, Rabigh, Jeddah, and difference between decorative projects of
Mecca. Over thermoses of cardamom historical preservation, and the logistical
coffee and croissants wrapped in plastic, my and technical demands of tawafah’s present.
accomplices debated whether the Prophet’s Together, we read newspaper articles and
mother was in heaven or in hell. Our shaded opinion pieces, legal and administrative doc-

uments concerning tawafah’s future. Beyond compartmentalization into “season” and
a publicly accessible world of knowledge, “off-season.”
Abu Tareq trained me in certain open One afternoon, at an American
secrets. He dared me to ask any Jeddawi the steakhouse in Jeddah, Abu Tareq and I got
price to be smuggled into Mecca and they around to discussing megaprojects like King
would give me the same exact figure—400 Abdullah Economic City and the new urban
riyals.10 Everywhere government propa- masterplan of Neom. My fieldnotes from
ganda narrated the crisis of sovereignty that day read as such:
produced by Mecca and its hajj rituals: “The
correct hajj begins with a permit.” Abu Tareq speaks to me curiously, almost
Beyond vivifying the administrative conspiratorially over lunch. He tells me
landscape of the modern hajj, Abu Tareq that Neom will give way to new kinds of
was a stimulating commentator on the religious tourism in the kingdom. He tells
broader transformations unfolding in the me that Christian tourists have already
kingdom. Indeed, during the off-season, Abu begun to filter into the country and that
Tareq did not really like to discuss hajj very eventually Jewish tourists will be arriving.
much at all. It seemed to me that Abu Tareq He thinks that much of this will happen in
had fully internalized modern tawafah’s and around the Neom project—that certain

To Haram signage in Mecca,

photo by author

new sites will be discovered. I push back on researcher, tourist, or pilgrim to visit Jabal
this point a little, wondering if the kingdom al-Lawz as Mount Sinai. In 1984, amateur
really needs any more religious tourism archeologist Ron Wyatt and his two sons
given their plans around hajj and umrah. He walked across the Jordanian-Saudi border to
tells me it won’t be enough, “Ma biykaffi visit the mountain. Unable to obtain legal vi-
ya omar.” He’s not irritated by this news. sas, they crossed the border without papers.
But he seems to get some pleasure out of Upon attempting to sneak back across the
reporting it to me. Unveiling some secret border, they were charged with espionage on
plot. behalf of the Israeli state. Appearing on CBS
Morning News, Wyatt explained his reli-
While writing my dissertation, I was much gious and archeological evidentiary claims,
more taken with images and narratives of but also the nature of their clandestine
an unmarked secularism than with the idea border crossing. With the help of a Saudi
that Christian and Jewish religious actors citizen and eventually Riyadh University,
might play some role in modern Saudi Wyatt returned to the kingdom to legally
tourism. And while I was initially suspicious visit the site. However, researchers associ-
or skeptical of Abu Tareq’s commentary ated with the Saudi Ministry of Antiquities
on new, emerging forms of Christian and found Wyatt’s claims completely baseless.
Jewish tourism in the kingdom, his pre- The Saudis did, however, believe the site to
monition would eventually be vindicated. potentially have been used as a quarry for
In the aftermath of Covid-19, American Mada’in Saleh and Petra. Jabal al-Lawz was
Christian evangelicals began streaming subsequently fenced off and protected as an
into the kingdom as members of political archeological site.
delegations, as independent researchers, and In 1992, Jim and Penny Caldwell, two
now as religious tourists.11 Indeed, these American Aramco engineers working in
categories would seem to be blurred in these the kingdom traveled to Jabal Musa and
new religious, political expeditions, much of St. Catherine’s Monastery in the Sinai
which are centered around the allegedly true Peninsula from Saudi Arabia. Unable to
location of Mount Sinai in the northwest of assimilate what they encountered in Egypt
Saudi Arabia—the future site of the Neom with their interpretation and imagination of
project. scripture, the couple turned their attention
In a book titled Mount Sinai in Arabia: to Jabal al-Lawz as a potential site for the
The True Location Revealed, an evangelical real Mt. Sinai. In evangelical circles, the
historian and writer named Joel Richardson couple is cited with making several key
documents his hike up a mountain known discoveries, namely a rock formation that is
as Jabal al-Lawz. Of this he writes, understood to be the rock that Moses struck
“Visiting Jebel al-Lawz, however—which to bring forth water. In 2015, Andrew Jones,
I very much believe to be the true Mount a technologist and biblical scholar, began
Sinai—was the single most soul-stirring visiting Jabal al-Lawz, after obtaining a
and faith-building experience of my life.”12 business visa to the kingdom. And in 2016,
Richardson is not the first evangelical Ryan Mauro—a Fox News commentator

and the director of the Clarion Intelligence encounters are for participants is discern-
Network, a group described as tracking and able here. Again, we might return to Joel
monitoring “extremist activity throughout Richardson’s account of his time at Jabal
the world”—began researching, document- al-Lawz as “the most soul-stirring” and
ing, and ultimately leading tour groups to “faith-building experience” of his life. But
Saudi Arabia. these contemporary accounts have deep
In these quick sketches of recent evan- historical resonances—trafficking between
gelical expeditions and explorations of Jabal images and ideas of pilgrimage and the
al-Lawz, a range of divergent interests and anthropological expedition. Indeed, scholars
projects are discernable, from the Aramco like Edward Said have written importantly
engineer to the “terrorism expert,” reflecting about the relationship between travel
a range of strategies, including the covert narratives, mobility, and forms of colonial
and the unauthorized. The more recent domination.15 More recently, scholars like
cadre of evangelical explorers are also Rebecca Stein have written about how
entrepreneurs, many of them (Jim and Penny post-Oslo Israeli tourism in the “Arab
Caldwell, Andrew Jones, Ryan Mauro, and World” produced new proximities but also
Joel Richardson) with established 501(c)(3) new spatial and geographic understandings
“research foundations” in the United States. of Israel’s place within the region.16 But the
Moreover, more recent figures like Ryan newly deracinated, consumptive, and largely
Mauro and Joel Richardson serve as guides secular relationships of Israeli tourists to
for tourist trips to Saudi Arabia through a “the Arab” are of a different sort than those
tour agency called Living Passages.13 While of the American evangelical tourist-archeol-
these trips are increasingly authorized and ogist.
“legal,” for participants, a sense of the clan- Evangelical Zionists maintain that
destine and unofficial remains important. As the settler-colonial nation-state of Israel
one testimonial from the Living Passages is biblical prophecy. While this prophecy
YouTube account says: is based strongly on eschatology, where
Jewish control of the holy land hastens the
There’s a real sense of adventure that’s out rapture, it has had a significant material
here that’s unlike the many times I’ve been impact in terms of the Israeli settler-colonial
to Israel or other places where history is project. Christian Zionists have engaged in
well documented and you’re reading the a range of practices that exceed tourism as
kiosk. It’s amazing to be in a place where such—everything from supporting ques-
there’s no sidewalks and there’s no signs. tionable archeological research in Silwan
It’s a bit of a mystery, but a whole lot of to funding Israeli settlements in the West
intrigue as you’re walking and coming Bank and providing vibrant support for the
to these hills. And you’re questioning American Israel Public Affairs Committee
like were the last feet to touch this rock (AIPAC). But, as the aforementioned
Elijah’s?14 testimony makes clear, Israel has become a
white-box museum with a history too clearly
A sense of how transformative these elucidated and defined by “kiosks,” “signs,”

and “sidewalks.” It leaves very little in the with the crown prince Mohammad bin
way of an imaginative project. But Saudi Salman. This in fact was the second delega-
neglect or disagreement over the status of tion of evangelicals to meet with the crown
Jabal al-Lawz enables a certain productive prince. As a press release from the delega-
fiction—the fantasy of a dangerous first tion notes, “While it may surprise some that
encounter and scientific discovery. we would choose the week of September
The status and transformation of the 11 to visit the Kingdom, we actually feel
Saudi state is also interpreted and under- there is no more appropriate time to focus
stood in and through religious prophecy and on where the Kingdom must go, can go and
the miraculous. As Joel Richardson writes: where we believe it is going.” Clearly, the
delegates understand themselves as playing
The time is ripe. Within the sovereignty an important role in guiding Saudi Arabia’s
of God, I fully believe that the season has reform authoritarianism. None of this is
come in which Jebel al-Lawz will finally be unrelated to a Christian Zionist project. In
fully opened not only to archeologists but an interview about his meeting with the
to the whole world. As this book is being crown prince, the American Israeli evangeli-
written, there are plans to build a massive cal novelist Joel Rosenberg established their
“city-state” called Neom throughout the objectives as such:
entire western Tabuk region along the Red
Sea where the mountain sits. Number one, we love Israel. We love
the Jews. You can’t shake us on that. It’s
If current plans continue, the Saudi because it’s theological to us. It’s not
Kingdom will soon be opening to tourism political. Two, Jesus commands us to love
for the first time in its history. Is the sover- our neighbors. So, we do love Palestinians.
eign hand of God at work?17 We do love Arabs. We do love Muslims. It’s
Thus Saudi Arabia’s megaproject of not either or. But, third, we’re looking as we
Neom and the remarkable easing of its pray for the peace of Jerusalem, who will be
visa restrictions are keenly positioned not the next Arab leader to make peace, even if
only to restore Sinai, but also to redeem the the Palestinian leadership is not ready.18
unbelieving masses. The rhythms of Saudi
Arabia’s reform authoritarianism are thus Evangelical forays into Saudi Arabia clearly
not understood through political economic reflect a Christian Zionist agenda, where
analyses, but rather through these religious Saudi Arabia stands in as an intermediary
grammars of biblical salvation. And while between the Israelis and the Palestinians, a
evangelicals do not afford the Saudi state way of further establishing Jewish control
territorial gains in the same way they do in of Jerusalem and the holy land. Perhaps
the context of Israeli settler colonialism, at another level, evangelicals might also
they nevertheless help resolve certain crises be impressed by Saudi Arabia’s seeming
of sovereignty in our secular age. commitments to religion and authoritarian
In 2019, close to the 18th anniversary control. But for the Saudis, the American
of 9/11, a delegation of evangelicals met evangelicals are also strategic intermediar-

ies, a fail-safe backdoor to Donald Trump’s knowledge production and first encounter,
White House. Moreover, Saudi-evangelical while also securing a Zionist project in
relations also do important public relations Israel and upholding reform authoritarian-
work, whereby engagement with conserva- ism in Saudi Arabia. The final confusion or
tive Christian groups in the United States mistake around geography I want to turn
allows the Saudi state to frame itself as to concerns the “true” location of al-Aqsa
tolerant, open, multicultural, if not secular. Mosque.
Saudis are framed as “peace-loving,” while In November 2020, a Saudi lawyer
Palestinians are once again vilified. named Osama Yamani published an article
While the arrival of this new, savvy titled, “Where Is Al-Aqsa Located?” in
cadre of evangelicals might strike us as a Okaz, a Saudi publication.20 In the article,
decidedly new challenge for the Saudi state, Yamani suggested that al-Aqsa Mosque
I would maintain that Saudi Arabia has a was likely to be situated in modern-day
much deeper history of managing religious Saudi Arabia, between Mecca and Ta’if, in
difference. In relying on Islamic idioms of an area known as Ja’raneh. In his article,
“custodianship,” the Saudi state has had Yamani advances what for many are Zionist
to make a seemingly earnest attempt at and Orientalist tropes. He asserts that
religious tolerance in places like Mecca and Jerusalem’s original name is “Urshalim.”
Medina.19 But what remains to be seen is
how Saudi Arabia will ultimately respond
to evangelical scholarship, archeology, and
ultimately continued visitation practices in
and around Jabal al-Lawz. Will the Saudis
rebuke the evangelical scholarship through
forms of secular reason? Or will they allow
for a robust tourism or even pilgrimage
infrastructure to develop there? Indeed,
Jabal al-Lawz’s location in the megaproject
of Neom produces new conditions and
possibilities, none of which are lost on the Shaded seating area in the
evangelicals at the gates of the mountain. Noble Sanctuary in Jerusalem,
So far, we’ve encountered two “subal- photo by Mahdi Sabbagh, 2018

tern” strategies and confusions around place

and space—the first being the muṭawwif and He maintains that Jerusalem was not called
the decoy of the location of the Prophet’s “al-Quds” during the time of the Prophet
mother’s tomb and the second being evan- Mohammad, nor is there consensus around
gelical concerns around the “true” location its status as the first qiblah or direction of
of Mount Sinai. The first betrays a set of Islamic prayer. Yamani claims that Mecca
conflicts between the figure of the Meccan was always the first qiblah and that political
and the Saudi nation-state. The second actors like ‘Abd al-Malik bin Marwān
reflects a set of pleasures associated with tried to distract from Meccan pilgrimage.

Yamani also relies on early Islamic histo- while much happens in a place like Saudi
riographies (al-Azraqi and al-Waqidi) and Arabia without social support or consent, the
the coincidence of a mosque being referred total rearrangement of an Islamic geography
to as al-Aqsa located on the furthest edge is too significant.
of the Meccan haram (the edge of the
Islamic sanctuary), which leads Yamani
to then suggest that the “true” al-Aqsa is
there somewhere on the outskirts of Mecca.
He closes his article with the following
statement: “The lesson we can learn from
the differences between these traditions
and narrations is that political issues were
exploited for the sake of events, issues, and
positions that have nothing to do with faith
and worship.”21
Yamani’s article was widely criticized General view of al Aqsa Mosque
both in and outside of Saudi Arabia. On in Jerusalem,
photo by Mahdi Sabbagh, 2019
Twitter some commentators disregarded it as
mere “clickbait” for Okaz newspaper. Others
saw something more pernicious in Yamani’s While religious geographies set certain
text, a gesture toward an extreme Zionist limits on what is possible, the secular state
discourse from within the Saudi-Islamic nevertheless tries to harness and shape those
media sphere. I would posit that instead of geographies in particular ways. And while I
merely being “clickbait” or a dog whistle don’t see Saudi Arabia embracing Yamani’s
to the Israelis, the article can also be read proposition, the rumors and concerns raised
as a test balloon, a leak of sorts, a hazy in and through the Deal of the Century
attempt at establishing desire and then, with appear far more concerning. The actual text
luck, coordinating action. Abu Tareq would of the Peace to Prosperity plan establishes
frequently point out and identify such test a set of contradictions. Firstly, it establishes
balloons in the Saudi media as it referred to that after 1967, Israel took control over
tawafah and its transformation. He would “all of Jerusalem” and the protection of all
tell me, “It’s about seeing what is possible, the city’s holy sites, including “the Temple
ya Omar.” Thus we should also appreciate Mount/Haram al-Sharif” and “the Muslim
how this article addressed itself to and holy shrines.” The plan then proceeds with
worked on a Saudi public. Moreover, during the following:
this time of tremendous social, political,
economic, and ecological upheaval, there Given this commendable record for more
might be a very real glimmer of the possible than half a century, as well as the extreme
that allows geographies to shift. Of course, sensitivity regarding some of Jerusalem’s
the failure of Yamani’s article is that it lacks holy sites, we believe that this practice
any real social support or substance. And should remain, and that all of Jerusalem’s

holy sites should be subject to the same move that secures Saudi Arabia’s status as
governance regimes that exist today. In “Islamic,” while at the same time enabling
particular the status quo at the Temple projects of ethnonational sovereignty in
Mount/Haram al-Sharif should continue the United States, Israel, and in Saudi
uninterrupted.22 Arabia itself. Again, Saudi Arabia’s
articulation of “Islamic custodianship” is
This question around the “status quo” is a complex arrangement of religious and
important, for the Peace to Prosperity plan secular knowledges, which includes both the
makes no reference to the current custodians techno-political and the shari’i.25 For now,
of the Haram al-Sharif: Hashemite rulers Saudi custodianship of Jerusalem is merely
of Jordan. Indeed, the Jordanians have a rumor, but its immanence should inspire us
maintained custodianship over Jerusalem’s to take its features seriously.
Islamic and Christian holy sites since 1924, The techno-political and religious
when the Hashemite Sharif of Mecca, flattening of Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem
Hussein bin Ali, was elected by the Supreme should also inspire important forms of
Muslim Council of Mandatory Palestine social solidarity. The nature and degree
as “custodian.” This custodianship has of that flattening of course differ in Saudi
been recognized by Israel in practice and Arabia and in Palestine. In Mecca, the deep
also stipulated legally through various archive of Islamic history is edited out of
peace agreements with the Jordanians.23 the built environment and increasingly out
The American peace plan thus insists on of the natural environment itself.26 Ordinary
the “status quo” while eliding Jordanian Meccans are displaced with varying degrees
custodianship. And while many expressed of care, concern, and compensation, depend-
concerns around full Israeli sovereignty over ing on their status as “citizens,” “residents,”
the Haram al-Sharif and the implications and “refugees.” Importantly, displacement
this might entail, others foreshadowed that in Mecca also works through intensification
Saudi Arabia was being set up to replace of Islamic ritual. As one engineer lamented
the Jordanians as custodians of the Haram to me, “They are turning Mecca into an
al-Sharif complex.24 airport.” Displacement in Mecca does
Custodianship of al-Aqsa is now imag- not necessarily match the displacements
ined as a bargaining chip in normalizing of the settler-colonial state in Jerusalem
relations between Saudi Arabia and Israel. and Palestine at large. Displacement in
This move would displace and certainly Palestine, and Jerusalem acutely, hinges
anger the Jordanians and Palestinians. In on Zionist supremacy and settler-colonial
displacing the Jordanians as the custodians tactics of expansionism, while displacement
of the holy sites in Jerusalem, the Saudis in Mecca hinges upon grammars of speed,
enact a certain historical repetition of their intensity, and logistics. The slow, entangled,
foundational coup in Mecca. But they also and Islamic hospitality of the muṭawwif is
secure their position as the premier custo- then made over into a secular hospitality
dians of Islam’s three holiest sites—Mecca, governed by the International Organization
Medina, and Jerusalem. This would be a for Standardization (ISO) and packaged

tours. Moreover, concepts from settler-co- am also antagonistic toward how the Saudi
lonial situations like “indigineity” at best state has made Islamic ritual into a resource
make little sense and at worst play a role in for the cash- and legitimacy-strapped
devastating the cosmopolitan lifeways of nation-state.
places like Mecca and Medina. Indeed, it is But I do think there are possibilities
common among ethnonationalist factions within Islamic and religious solidarities
within Saudi Arabia to speak of Mecca’s and geographies in ways that exceed our
immigrant and refugee populations as a secular imaginaries—I’ve tried to show this
colonial occupation—ʾiḥtilal.27 Therefore, through my attention to vocabularies like
while there are significant differences in the “ummah” and the “haram,” but also to
how a place like Mecca and a place like figures like the muṭawwif. In all of these,
Jerusalem are flattened—to say nothing of I see a spark beyond the nation-state. It is
the political responses to that flattening— a spark that unites Mecca, Medina, and
these differences should not preclude robust Jerusalem. It is a spark that gives us another
and entangled forms of social solidarity and way of imagining and organizing social
obligation. It is an obligation that for some difference.
of us might emerge from more secular cat-
egories, experiences, and analytics. But for
many others, religious geographies, sensibil-
ities, and experiences also offer a robust and
serious way of imagining belonging beyond
the nation-state.
This essay has tried to piece together
a set of divergent scenes and settings,
from the crowd of protestors vowing to
defend al-Aqsa to the corporate magic of
the Peace to Prosperity Workshop; from
the gravesite(s) of the Prophet’s mother
to Neom and back to the outskirts of the
holy city of Mecca. These scenes narrate
in different ways the power and limitations
of our imaginations; they are sometimes
religious and sometimes conspiratorial. In
bringing these divergent scenes together it
is not my intention to make them all equal.
While I believe we should take seriously
evangelical and Christian Zionist discourses,
their attachments and commitments to the
nation-state make me highly suspicious,
if not antagonistic, to these visions of the
future. Moreover, it should be plain that I

1. ‫ الحرم الشريف‬or The Noble of Obama Health Law,” Wall between Israel and Saudi
Sanctuary, also known amongst Street Journal, November 11, Arabia are transpiring, whether
Jewish Israelis and evangelical 2016, that is through Israeli use of
Christians as the “Temple articles/donald-trump-willing- Saudi airspace, the commercial
Mount.” to-keep-parts-of-health- sale of Israeli spyware, or high-
law-1478895339. level Saudi public officials
2. In asking this question, writing in Israeli newspapers.
I echo the novelist Tom 5. Marc Owen Jones explores
McCarthy. His excellent novel these colonial framings of 8. I conducted this fieldwork
Satin Island focuses in part the Deal of the Century in a in Jeddah and Mecca between
on the relationship between short piece for Middle East 2017 and 2019.
the corporation and narrative. Eye. These framings include
His most recent novel, The an ahistorical presentism 9. “Ahl al-fetrah” refers to
Making of Incarnation, but also victim-blaming and the people of time period or
more directly focuses on emotional blackmail. See interval between Jesus and
the real unreal quality of a Marc Owen Jones, “Jared Mohammad.
corporate symposium. See Kushner: The Colonial Mindset
Tom McCarthy, Satin Island behind His So-Called ‘Peace 10. Saudi citizens and residents
(New York: Random House, Plan,’” Middle East Eye, are only legally permitted to
2015); and Tom McCarthy, The February 3, 2020, https://www. make hajj every five years.
Making of Incarnation (New A security checkpoint that
York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2021). trump-kushner-deal-all-about- surrounds the boundary of the
stigmatising-palestinians. sanctuary sorts and controls
3. Donald Trump said this as access to the sanctuary during
he announced his bid for the 6. Matt Stieb, “Jared peak hajj and umrah seasons.
Republication Party nomination Kushner: Palestine Could For many, especially residents
in 2015. Dan Stewart, “Yes, Botch Peace Deal Like of Mecca and Jeddah, this
Donald Trump Is Running for ‘Every Other Opportunity . administrative feature is highly
President,” Time Magazine, . . in Their Existence,’” New controversial, as many believe
June 16, 2015, https://time. York Magazine, January 29, that the government cannot
com/3922656/donald-trump- 2019, deny them access to hajj or
announcement. intelligencer/2020/01/jared- the Meccan sanctuary more
kushner-expects-palestine-to- generally. Thus, a cottage
4. In an interview with the screw-up-his-peace-deal.html. industry around pilgrim
Wall Street Journal from smuggling has emerged,
November 11, 2016, Donald 7. It should be noted that offering clandestine services
Trump described brokering Saudi normalization with to both citizens and foreign
peace between the Israelis and Israel is not a given. Indeed, residents of the kingdom.
the Palestinians as “the ultimate there is significant opposition
deal.” He continued to describe to normalization within the 11. There is of course a deep
himself and the deal as such, kingdom itself. For example, history of colonial actors and
“As a deal maker, I’d like to do a common hashtag used on foreign experts engaging with
. . . the deal that can’t be made. Saudi Twitter (and in the the Arabian Peninsula, from
And do it for humanity’s sake.” Arabic world at large) features British colonial agents like
Monica Langley and Gerard the slogan “Normalization Ricard Burton to Aramco. It
Baker, “Donald Trump, in Is Betrayal.” Yet currently is my point that more recent
Exclusive Interview, Tells WSJ without formal and public evangelical engagements with
He Is Willing to Keep Parts ties, more shadowy relations the Arabian Peninsula draw
from and enact these histories.

belonging in Mecca, Medina, nation-state reworked in
12. Joel Richardson, Mount and beyond. and through Israel’s entire
Sinai in Arabia: The True settler-colonial project—the
Location Revealed (Enumclaw, 20. Osama Yamani, “Where geographic proposals within
WA: Wine Press, 2018), 2. Is Al-Aqsa Located?” the Deal of the Century are no
November 13, 2020, https:// exception. In Saudi Arabia, the
13. Living Passages also Neom project also underscores
runs tour groups to Israel, authors/2048070. new arrangements of national
Jordan, Egypt, Ethiopia, and sovereignty, a wholly new legal
South Africa. They also run 21. Yamani, “Where Is Al-Aqsa regime and the incorporation of
a “Reformation Europe” and Located?” Jordanian and Egyptian lands
“United States Creation” tour. and waters.
22. United States of America, 26 For an account of
14. Living Passages, “Saudi Peace to Prosperity: A Vision the built environment as an
Arabia Christian Travel to Improve the Lives of archive, see Rosie Bsheer’s
Testimonial: Maury [2019],” the Palestinian and Israeli wonderful book Archive Wars.
May 31, 2022, 0:36, https:// People, January 2020, https:// In her text, Bsheer offers a comparative study of the
wp-content/uploads/2020/01/ politics of history, archives, and
15. Edward Said, Orientalism Peace-to-Prosperity-0120.pdf, the built environment in Saudi
(New York: Pantheon, 1978). 16. Arabia. She compares Mecca’s
bulldozed modernity to
16. Rebecca Stein, Itineraries 23. It should be noted that Riyadh’s furious preservation.
in Conflict: Israelis, Israel has tried to challenge See Rosie Bsheer, Archive
Palestinians, and the Political and limit that custodianship Wars: The Politics of History
Lives of Tourism (Durham, NC: whenever possible. in Saudi Arabia (Stanford:
Duke University Press, 2008.) Stanford University Press,
24. Israeli sovereignty would 2020)
17. Richardson, Mount Sinai in further inhibit Palestinian 27 In 2013, none
Arabia, 9. mobility, right to worship and other than Jamal Khashoggi
access to religious sites. More published a short booklet titled,
18. Tony Perkins, “Award devastatingly, it might mean The Occupation of the Saudi
Winning Author Joel the destruction of the site itself, Market.
Rosenberg Previews His New as right-wing ultranationalist
Book, ‘Enemies and Allies,’” factions in Israel would like to
May 31, 2022, 5:44, https:// see the Haram cease to function as an Islamic site.

19. Mecca and Medina are of 25. Some have questioned

course the scene of massive the possibility of Saudi
and fundamental erasures. I Arabia occupying this role as
am in no way interested in “custodian” of Jerusalem’s
downplaying those erasures. Islamic sites due to its lack
But at the same time, I think of contiguous land. But the
we must take seriously how Ottomans were also custodians
Saudi Arabia is fashioning of Mecca and Medina all the
itself as “multicultural” and way from Istanbul. And then
“open” while continuing to edit more vibrantly in the present,
and erase Islamic history and we’re seen the normative



E veryone in Hebron seems to have

a cousin or former classmate who
has been to China. People suggest
“there is a Khalil embassy in China,” there
bemoan the lack of domestic production,
especially of heritage items like the kuffieh.
There are jokes: a dopey importer was
stuck with a container’s worth of too-big
are “streets and streets” of Khalilis, and brassieres. He pivoted, altered the bras, and
it is easier to find stuffed lamb neck, a smuggled them across the 1967 Green Line
particularly Hebronite dish, in China than in to try to make a mint in the kippah market.
Ramallah.1 Throughout the West Bank over A well-established Palestinian importer
the last ten or fifteen years, there has been in Yiwu, China, reported it was originally
discussion of the link between businessmen uncomfortable, but there are now Arabs who
in Hebron and China. Hebron was formerly reside there, translators, and restaurants.
the hub of light industry in the West Bank, Chinese diplomats are said to routinely
and Hebronites tend to be known around the travel from Israel to West Bank cities to
region for their industriousness. Hebron is give out visas. A 2008 New York Times
today the West Bank’s most militarized and piece described Yiwu, a city of 1.2 million
violently occupied city. News on Palestinian people known for its massive market for
industry describe family businesses de- small commodities, as “a buzzing trading
stroyed by “cheap Chinese imports” and spot thanks to the influx of Middle Eastern

money . . . a hub for selling made-in-China functions of the Israeli state and colonial
Arabic products, like fashion clothing and territorial imperatives. The circulation of
religious artefacts.” Ahmad Kayed, then goods, capital, and people began to reveal
Palestinian head of trade relations in Beijing geoeconomic and geopolitical phenomena
estimated imports from China going directly that are coconstituted by forms of national
or through Israel at $2 billion annually. He and personal aspirations and identity.
told the Times be believed that over two
hundred Palestinian businessmen had settled
in China over the previous decade, and The View from Palestine
thousands of others traveled there frequent- On a walk home from dinner in Palestine in
ly.2 The Hebron Chamber of Commerce tries 2015, I started chatting about this work with
to monitor the link, but there have been no my friends the anthropologist Ala Alazzeh
and his daughter Nala. I told Ala I had been
tracking the jokes and stories about the link
between Palestine and China for years and
occasionally following up with people who
said they had gone or wanted to go. I said,
“Once you see it, you find it everywhere.”
So he started asking everyone about
China. At the kebab place: “Where do you
get these containers? From China?”
“No, I did, but these Israeli ones are
“Learn Chinese” sign, Yiwu, Buying a pack of cigarettes from a
photo by Sarah Cassidy, 2015 former student: “Kareem is about to go to
China, do you know anything about Hebron
formal studies to date, and what is known is and China?”
still largely anecdotal. “Yes! You know, there’s a village there
In 2015 and again in 2017, I traveled that’s all Hebronites, a second Hebron.”
between Ramallah and Hebron in the “Why?”
West Bank and Beijing, Shanghai, Yiwu, “They went so much that they bought
and Guangzhou in China for preliminary apartments and started their own little
research on these links, to attempt to index Hebron . . . but in China.”
the jokes and the stories, and to try to “Really?”
understand how economic and political “Yeah, and I’m going to go in two years
imperatives intertwine as matters of identity, insha’allah.”
social life, and geography. This piece is the For business, his friend chimed in:
beginning of an approach that toggles from “You know, in China they think Hebron is
the material to the abstract by looking at its own country, not a part of Palestine.”
social, cultural, and mercantile relationships Around the corner at the Nahda gas
outward and alongside the specifying station, Ala asked: “Is this stuff for sale from

China?” relative independence from the PA—as well
“Mostly it’s not, it’s from India, Turkey, as significant expertise and trade relation-
and Portugal, but some is from China.” ships owing to the city’s past as a center of
“I’m about to go on vacation to China, industry.
to see some factories. Do you know people The 1994 Paris Protocol, the economic
there? Where in Palestine are they from?” agreement signed in parallel with the Oslo
“Mostly they’re from Hebron.” Accords, opened the Occupied Territories to
“Why Hebronites?” investment and importation beyond Israel.
“They have a ‘commercial mind.’ Before Paris, there were only two tracks:
Whether they’re educated or not, they’re internal trade between the West Bank and
like computers, they’re just knowledgeable Gaza and trade with Israel. There was little
about markets. Everywhere in the world to no possibility for Palestinian-led direct
there is a Chinatown; in China there is a import, nor direct export. Everything moved
Khaliltown,” he said. through Israel and Israeli channels, and at
On that same trip to Palestine, I high cost. After 1994, direct imports and ex-
interviewed one of the leaders of the Hebron ports became possible through Israeli ports
Chamber of Commerce and asked, “Why and with the cooperation of some Israeli
Hebron?” While this is not, he believes, a dealers. There was a wide transformation in
uniquely Hebron phenomenon, people there trading patterns and trends, and the “1994
were well positioned to capitalize on it. era” was when people started to think about
First, there is low public sector employment trade with China, as well as the wider Arab
in Hebron and strong kin networks—and region. At that time Israel did not import
much from China—primarily working with
the US and the EU—giving the trade link to
China a slight Arab cast.
Also in the mid-1990s, as Palestinians
and Israelis were shaping that agreement,
the globe saw a rapid increase in transport
efficiencies and containerization, along with
NAFTA, pre-9/11 celebratory narratives
about globalization, and an intensification
of uneven geographical development (a
kind of planetary division of production
and consumption enabled by the circu-
lation of goods and capital).3 In China,
Deng Xiaoping moved the nation toward
liberalization in 1992 alongside efforts to
consolidate industrial production in special
zones, such as in Guangdong Province.
Palestine merchandise, Yiwu, Yet in Palestine, neither celebratory
photo by Sarah Cassidy, 2015 narratives nor the Paris Protocol did much to

change the reality of Israeli border control. clear customs, significantly longer than
Paris established a customs union between the average of about forty-eight hours
Israel and the Palestinian Authority and for Israelis. One importer believes these
gave Israel the right and responsibility to phenomena to be both political and “in-
gather Palestinian tax revenue, VAT (val- come-generating for Israel.” The PA lacks
ue-added tax), and import duties, which it capacity to exercise control, and importers
routinely holds back as a form of collective
punishment. The PA is the largest employer
in the West Bank and is the scaffolding of
political stability and economic growth;
when revenues are held up, Paris’s po-
litical cost is disbursed downward to PA
employees and their families in the form
of late, fractional, or completely lacking
payment. As Palestinian capitalists and the
PA emerged from Oslo with the intentions
to create sovereign control and capacity
for importation and circulation, they found Wholesale Prayer Clocks, Yiwu,
labor and consumer markets suspended as if photo by author, 2015
in aspic.
Palestinian importers believe Israel lack institutions to smooth the process
allows them access to China to deliberately or negotiate with shippers for rate relief.
undercut local production and encourage Regulations are strategically fluid, and
dependence on imports. Factory owners Palestinian shipments are constantly held or
in Palestine have attempted to compete on turned away because of errors in the paper-
quality against cheaper goods. The occupa- work, including unforced errors like failing
tion creates competitive advantage because to declare personal items—“unnecessary
unemployment is widespread and labor things, flat-screen TVs, a box of Viagra,
costs low. Israel, however, denies the entry things like that.”
of raw materials or holds them to throw off According to people I interviewed in
production schedules and deadlines, costing the Hebron Chamber of Commerce, between
importers “millions of dollars annually” 1994 and 2000, the GDP of Palestine grew
in demurrage. At the same time, Israel from $2.8 to $5 billion, which “gives an
eases entry for goods that might feasibly be indication of the level of potential” as
produced locally in the West Bank. Internal well as of growth during that time. But
trade makes up the bulk of GDP, and the the Israeli barriers meant importation was
West Bank remains dependent on Israel.4 also necessarily small scale. Prior to 1994,
Traders tell me the process is messy, importation used to be the domain of bigger
contingent, and often opaque. If they are businesses—shoe and textile manufacturers,
allowed entry, goods bound for the West electrical appliance and furniture importers.
Bank are said to take a week or more to As goods became cheaper and China

more accessible, it grew to encompass Chamber of Commerce, the Palestine-China
pretty much everything but food. As trading Friendship Society, and the Palestinian
became increasingly possible, smaller scale, Shippers’ Council emerged to encourage
and more widespread, local products were trade and protect the local market in ways
replaced. Terminal local industries didn’t the PA cannot or will not: promoting
survive. In their place, imported goods technical specifications and standards
flooded into an unregulated market without requirements and aiding people with
the capacity or will to exercise local control registration and permission. According to
in terms of protection or standards require- people I interviewed in these organizations,
ments. the idea that Chinese consular officials are
At the same time, this small-scale trade always going to Hebron to hand out visas
and relative openness overlay new possi- “is not true; rumors are over-exaggerated.”
bilities for class aspiration. Trade became But nevertheless, this phenomenon is “not
an opportunity available to individuals: sustainable development,” it is “survival”
anyone who could cobble together a few in the context of Israeli occupation, which,
thousand dollars could go to China and as traders argue, is fundamentally about
import a container back to Palestine. New increasing dependence on Israel and weak-
and existing institutions like the Hebron ening possibilities for local production.

Headscarf shop,
photo by Sarah Cassidy, 2015

Beijing up class and class struggle as a means of
In Beijing there is a small community of legitimation, it has turned to the construction
Palestinians, either long-term residents or of the nation as the prime means of inducing
more transitory, younger workers, both people to identify with its policies and
primarily male. The older generation came programs.”6 From Bandung to neoliberal-
in the ’60s or ’70s, largely due to Third ism, Maoism to “capitalism with Chinese
Worldist educational ties. They settled, characteristics,” from the PLO to the PA
established themselves, and learned to and the “homeland that could have been,”7
appreciate—and then love—China. Some of through small-scale trade, the Palestinians in
them met and married Chinese women. The Beijing experience and practice a distillation
younger generation, those who have come of historical changes to South-South ties.
for education in recent years or who cycle Mustafa al-Safarini, “Abu Hadid,”
in and out of jobs in the PA embassy, by and is one of the eminences of the Palestinian
large are uncomfortable there. Complaints
abound—about the food, the weather, the
scale, the language barrier, the food again.
Conversations with these two genera-
tions of men began to hint at a wider trans-
formation of material, political, and cultural
ties into identitarian links. Identitarian in the
sense of being a continual process, a matter
of both becoming and being, as Stuart Hall
put it. It is framed “by two axes or vectors,
simultaneously operative: the vector of
similarity and continuity and the vector of
difference and rupture.”5 These Palestinians
mirror trends not just in China or between
China and Palestine, but throughout the
Since 1978, Chinese trade policy
has been geared toward opening China’s
labor and consumer markets. China and Worldwide friends, Yiwu,
Palestine have seen ongoing changes, photo by author, 2015
from revolutionary politics and political
economy to something much less so, and community in Beijing. He came in 1968,
have experienced their own versions of served as PLO ambassador in the 1990s, and
global and transnational historical shifts. has both experienced—and, as the head of
It struck me that there are important and the Arab Information Center and through
unexpected resonances between Palestinian his work in trade facilitation—tracked these
and Chinese structural and cultural experi- changes closely. His office is in a building
ences of change. As “the Chinese state gave called the Diplomatic Cultural Exchange;

on my first trip it felt like one of the largest increased closeness between the two.8 In
indoor spaces I’d ever been in. Endless the Oslo period, while he was ambassador
hallways of well-appointed sitting rooms to China, economic relations began to
with national themes. For what? Meetings? solidify. Through changes in the Communist
I walked past the rooms and up a staircase Party and China’s relationship to the rest
to his office, decorated with Chinese-style of the world, so too has its relationship to
ink drawings of Darwin and ancient Western Palestine changed. Economics has become
philosophers. He himself wore a kuffieh and the primary mechanism for connection, and
sat under a large portrait of his younger self it continues to this day; al-Safarini says Xi
wearing the same. Jinping is good for Palestine.
He told me the 1955 Bandung The cultural, political, and economic
Asian-African Conference began the ties are complex and productive. Abdel
political relationship between China and Karim al-Jaadi is another old-timer in
Palestine—we got moral support, and we Beijing, and he exemplifies the changing
established good political relations, but no relations. He has been taking lessons in
economic relations yet. In the 1950s and Chinese calligraphy and combines those
’60s China was isolated, hostile toward both techniques and linework with the Arabic
American imperialism and Soviet influence. calligraphic style. He ran an Arabic coffee
And in this isolationist moment there were shop for many years, importing cheese and
good relations, but no tangible benefit for tahini, and is said to be the first to have
Palestine. In the 1960s, Palestinians started brought Arabic coffee to China. His goal is
to travel to China for military training, and to present Palestinian culture and identity
China gave direct food and medical aid to to Chinese people, and his restaurant was at
Palestinian refugees in the West Bank and the center of a community mostly made up
elsewhere in the Arab world. 1971 was a of diplomats, students, and other short-term
turning point, when Algeria helped China residents. He is also a local connector and
resume a position in the UN, strengthening fixer. For him, business was an opportu-
Sino-Arab political alliances. China was the nity to make do as well as to express his
first non-Arab state to recognize the PLO, Palestinian self. But also, to learn from
the first to open a Palestinian embassy, China—to amplify collectivity in work.
and, in 1988, one of the first to recognize He tells a story like al-Safarini’s: the
the State of Palestine. But direct aid, not first links between Palestine and China in
commerce, was still the primary tie between the 1960s were strong, Palestinians came to
the two. study, to translate Mao Zedong into Arabic,
For al-Safarini, it wasn’t until the end and so on. The ties were mutual; the famous
of the 1980s and beginning of the 1990s Palestinian painter Ismail Shammout was
that China began to feel the “importance of an advisor to the Chinese Academy of Art.
the Arab World.” “Despite the Arab World Yasser Arafat himself came fourteen times.
not being able to fully catch up or become But in the current period, with such political
as powerful as China,” the need for oil ties becoming an impossibility, economic
and desire for its large consumer market relations fill the gaps and increasingly

become the basis for multiple scales of luted structure of IDs, laissez-passers, and
personal relations. national passports among Palestinians in
Through all of this I was struck that, Israel, Jerusalem, the West Bank, Gaza, and
despite the prevalence of the Khalil-China the diaspora—widely held. The covers are
jokes in Palestine, no one I spoke with in being made in China for a tiny market in
Beijing got them, and they were all surprised Palestine. The display cover lived among
to hear about the widespread discussions in other wholesale items, pointing toward
Palestine. I wondered how diaspora ties are networks of Yiwu trade. Passport covers
practiced and understood through specific for low-end global trade partners, such as
forms of connection and disconnection, in Turkmenistan (no. 21) and Afghanistan (no.
an instance where economic ties are more 1), and Palestinian, Iraqi, and Lebanese flags
easily established than physical proximity or were sold alongside perhaps the ideal type
shared everyday culture. These Palestinians of universal commodity: English Premier
in China began to show me how economic League merchandise. Someone had to have
globalization, for them, is part of the bridge gone to Yiwu to special order, purchase, and
over the distance of diaspora. If distance import them. The Palestinians who hold that
is an essential part of how people recast passport can barely move due to the Israeli
diasporic formation and personal or national occupation, but a cheap and nonessential
geographies of identity and belonging, then accessory for their papers had made a long
how are places inhabited, understood, and journey, and links them to a diaspora abroad
constructed when trade becomes a primary who can likely never visit them in Palestine.
form of connection? I was left wonder- The same regional political and
ing: where are all these communities of worldwide production trends that impacted
Palestinians in China I keep hearing about? Palestine in the 1990s and 2000s also
I asked everyone in Beijing: “If you are few, impacted trade within China and spurred
and have mostly been here for a long time growth and local consolidation there. The
or don’t stay, what do all the stories (and the market town of Yiwu grew as situations
jokes) mean?” They told me that if I wanted became increasingly dire in the home states
to find the people, I ought to go to Yiwu. of its primary trading partners, such as
Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq. Traders
found themselves going to Yiwu as other
Yiwu options became prohibitive or otherwise
When I was in Yiwu, that buzzy trading closed. Moreover, in the runup to the 2008
city with a Middle East focus, later that Olympics, small shops were razed as large
year, I was struck by a simple object that swaths of Beijing were renewed. That
helped me think about links between displacement furthered consolidation in
Palestine and China: a plastic case for a cities like Yiwu that aggressively sought
Palestinian passport I saw in the wholesale Middle Eastern business.10
mall. Number 15 on a USA Today list of the In Yiwu, I met the small—but grow-
world’s most useless passports,9 Palestine’s ing—community of Palestinians and other
is neither coveted, nor—given the convo- Arabs, mostly organized around the Yiwu

wholesale market. There are two hundred or trade.12 The New York Times has called it
so Palestinians, a close but loose community “Tchotchke Town,”13 and it’s the place to go
who celebrate holidays with one another for any small items you may need in bulk—
but who have not yet engaged in large socks, zippers, painters’ tape, iPhone cases,
community-building projects. They like paintings, plates with dogs on them, clocks
living in China by and large. As one trader with the Kaaba. Nearly any manufactured
told me, they “feel loved; the Chinese love small object is sold here.
Arafat.” I began to see the transformation This is where I met Tariq, a young
of previous strong cultural and political ties Palestinian trader who has been in China
into economic and identitarian relationships, since 1997. Tariq’s family’s path mirrored
the latter strongly articulated by interviews my own: they are from the same area around
in Yiwu and in parts of Yiwu itself. Yafa, were forcibly displaced in 1948 to
The Yiwu wholesale market is simply refugee camps in Jericho and again in 1967
massive.11 It is its own ecosystem; women to camps in Amman. Unlike my family, who
went through Jordan and the Persian Gulf
to the United States, his family continued
on to Syria, Eastern Europe, and eventually
to China. Given his visa and identity card
situation and the punitive character of the
Israeli border regime, he has never been
allowed to travel to Palestine. Yet his small,
cluttered office felt like it was there—there
is a giant photograph of the al-Aqsa
Mosque, Palestinian flags and embroidery,
and small objects made of olivewood. Tariq
first came to China to study engineering, but
like many who trained in professional fields
he did not continue. Instead, he went into
trade in Yiwu in 2000 and currently runs his
own office with ten employees. He met and
married his wife, a Chinese woman, and has
permanent residency in China.
Yiwu street scene, I told Tariq about the idea that any
photo by Sarah Cassidy, 2015 Palestinian who can scrape together a few
thousand dollars can go to China to import
push carts around and sell cold dishes and a container. It turns out that practice mostly
rice while bored kids play in the hallways. takes place in Yiwu, and to a lesser extent in
It is the largest market in the world, yet it is Guangzhou. He told me the process: Traders
also somehow small. It is not mechanized or travel to China and meet with him. He will
smooth, it is a preeminent site of the “low- translate, take them around the market to
end globalization” that characterizes global find products, and then take care of the prac-

tical things with wholesalers and factories living in China and had joined me on the
to receive the order, put it into storage, pack Yiwu leg, and Tariq said he would drop us
it into a container, arrange shipping and off at a place where we could probably get
documentation through licensed Chinese it. At the end of our talk, he called for his
firms, and send it on its way to Israeli ports. car to be brought around. We went down
Traders like him tend to operate on the basis the stairs and found a man handing him
of national—or personal—ties and their keys to a brand-new S-Class, a massive
unique understanding of the specifics of cabin cruiser of a car. He drove us to Yiwu’s
Palestine/Israel. Both cultural and political “Exotic Street,” walked us into the place,
knowledge are important to how trade is exchanged two words with the staff, and had
arranged, from these traders’ expertise on quietly arranged and paid for our meal.
Israeli ports to their willingness to extend Afterward, we wandered through the
credit to Palestinian partners. Exotic Street, the Chojo Road area, and
I told him about the rumors of Arabs found clusters of Arab, Turkish, and Chinese
in China, the joke about lamb neck, and our men smoking shishas, drinking tea, starting
conversation turned toward favorite foods. coals, and setting up for a bustling nighttime
I told him I love molokhia, a polarizing, street food crowd. The Guardian says there
mucilaginous, green stew. An old friend was are 13,000 foreigners in Yiwu; this is where

Restaurants, Yiwu,
photo by Sarah Cassidy, 2015

they hang out, eat, buy goods from home, tence, productive aspects, and political
and sit in the barber shop. It feels like the ramifications of the Palestine-China links
beginning of a solidification of an Arab can demonstrate just how economic rela-
quarter, a transient and international—exot- tionships including supply chains depend
ic—place of their own in China. on culture, on “those very factors banished
from the economic,”15 because social differ-
Palestine in the World entiation makes exchange possible. Imagery
This is a context characterized by three and new forms of identity appear alongside
triangular relationships, floating, intersect- self-exploitation, superexploitation as nodes
ing, and overlapping in different ways at in the capitalist relationship alongside man-
different times.14 There is the geoeconomic agement, consumption, entrepreneurship,
and political triangle—the lines between and so on. And no matter how worldwide
Palestine, China, and Israel as matters of globalization is, it is localized, it makes and
organizing state and economic relations in remakes and occurs in social space.16
order to solve accumulation problems at the
state level. Beneath it, there is the second
triangle of local practice and jurisdiction
between Palestine, China, and Israel, and
Israel is able to break or manage the lines
both to obstruct Palestinian life and accu-
mulation and as a vector of its control over
Palestinian territory through movements
of goods to and from the rest of the world.
Finally, a third triangle, within China, of
intra-Chinese geographical problem-solving
at the state level, where questions of rural
exodus, industrial development, and urban
destruction combine to orient the contexts
such that places like Yiwu come to have the
focus they do. The questions that animate
this piece, and the provisional work under-
taken here, emphasize the second and the
consequences for Palestinian life in the new
spaces engendered by the third.
Over more than fifteen years working
on Palestine, it has often felt like an uphill
battle to show that theory in and from
Palestine can contribute to understanding
the rest of the world. There as elsewhere,
politics and capital are not unidirectional,
and barriers are not endpoints. The exis-

1. “Khalil” is Hebron in Arabic. 8. Mustafa al-Safarini, in square feet and 62,000 shops.
discussion with the author. Daniel Goodman, “Photo
2. Wafa Amr, “Palestinian 9. “The World’s 25 Worst Tour: The World’s Largest
Enterprises Look to China for Passports,” USA Today, May Wholesale Market in Yiwu,
Business,” New York Times, 10, 2018, http://www.usatoday. China,” October 2011, https://
April 2, 2008, http://www. com/picture-gallery/travel/ destinations/2018/05/09/ yiwu-china-largest-wholesale-
business/worldbusiness/02iht- the-worlds-25-worst- market-2011-10.
trade.4.11625509.html?_r=0. passports/34443535/.
12. Gordon Mathews, Ghetto
3. Neil Smith, Uneven 10. Saïd Belguidoum and at the Center of the World:
Development: Nature, Capital, Olivier Pliez, “Yiwu: The Chungking Mansions, Hong
and the Production of Space Creation of a Global Market Kong (Chicago: University of
(New York: Blackwell, 1984). Town in China,” Articulo, Chicago Press, 2011), http://
no. 12 (November 11, 2014),;
4. Ibrahim Shikaki, “The Gordon Mathews, Linessa
Demise of Palestinian articulo.2863. Dan Lin, and Yang Yang, The
Productive Sectors: Internal World in Guangzhou: Africans
Trade as a Microcosm of 11. Statistics are dispersed and Other Foreigners in South
the Impact of Occupation,” and inconsistent, mainly on China’s Global Marketplace
Al-Shabaka, February 7, wholesalers’ sites, and although (Chicago: University of
2021, it is not a good or consistent Chicago Press, 2017).
briefs/demise-of-palestinian- source, Wikipedia seems to do
productive-sectors/. the best job of collating and 13. Eric Michael Johnson,
combining them. According to “Welcome to Tchotchke
5. Stuart Hall, Selected Writings that site, there are 75,000 shops Town,” New York Times
on Race and Difference, ed. spread over 4 million square Magazine, December 13,
Paul Gilroy and Ruth Wilson meters in five “districts”— 2013, https://www.nytimes.
Gilmore (Durham, NC: Duke enormous buildings connected com/interactive/2013/12/15/
University Press, 2021), by causeways. See “Yiwu magazine/15-look-china-
260–61. International Trade City,” market.html.
6. Prasenjit Duara, Rescuing Yiwu_International_Trade_ 14. With thanks to Cindi Katz
History from the Nation: City. By contrast, the largest for this language and way of
Questioning Narratives of retail mall in America, the Mall parsing the fields.
Modern China (Chicago: of America in Minneapolis,
University of Chicago Press, has fewer than 600 shops 15. Anna Tsing, “Supply
1995). spread over around a half Chains and the Human
million square meters. And Condition,” Rethinking
7. Mohammed Turki Sudairi, it is nearly twice as big as Marxism 21, no. 2 (April
“Arab Encounters with the next largest US mall. See 2009): 148–76, https://doi.
Maoist China: Transnational “List of Largest Shopping
Journeys, Diasporic Lives and Malls in the United States,”
Intellectual Discourses,” Third
World Quarterly 42, no. 3, List_of_largest_shopping_
503–24, malls_in_the_United_States.
/01436597.2020.1837616. Back in 2011, Business Insider
put Yiwu’s market at 46 million



a scarred tree which overlooks the My brother and I play in Indigenous football
Melbourne Cricket Ground the tournaments as a way of asserting our pride
survivors of genocide watch in our identity and gathering with other
—Lisa Bellear, Dreaming in Urban Areas Indigenous people across the country. On

the pitch we experience joy, jubilation, grief,
hen the Palestinian national and anger in a microcosm. It is perhaps a
team was admitted into FIFA way for me to process feelings that are too
in 1995, that single event dangerous to express off the pitch. Football
carried a profound meaning for Palestinians is an expression of love.
everywhere. It was not just another piece of Specifically, I look at spatial sporting
football news, but a symbol of our collective geographies: at Israeli football clubs on
self-assertion as a nation that is fighting for land that has been unlawfully taken from
recognition, freedom, and, most important, Palestinians; at the targeted bombing of
against all attempts aimed at our erasure. Gaza stadiums and other sporting sites; at
—Ramzy Baroud, “How a Palestinian Palestinian football as resistance against
Soccer Player Went from the West Bank to the “continually evolving ongoing Nakba”;
Europe’s Elite” and the challenges to Israeli hegemony as
Palestinians assert their sovereignty.1 From

this, a significant site emerges—the site of to Palestine, I meet Palestine in this essay
the body, as Palestinian bodies are routinely in my imaginary, with a grounding of
targeted, resulting in death or injury. Many Palestinian voices and other Indigenous
talented Palestinian players have been voices and my own implicit positionality as
wounded by Israeli snipers and soldiers, an unarrived (as of yet) Visitor to Palestine.
rendering them permanently unable to play. Furthermore, my contribution is centered
in my own perspective as a Mununjali
*** person of the Yugambeh Nation from the
east coast of so-called Australia and in my
Let me preface this: as a Mununjali attempt to draw parallels between the spatial
person, culturally, it is not typical for me conditions here and in Palestine. Finally,
to write about a place I have never been I analyze sporting sites on stolen land in
to. Knowledge of place comes from being so-called Australia that further place bodies,
on Country and actively learning from people, and cultures under siege. Lebanese
knowledge keepers, custodians, Traditional Australian architect Adrian Lahoud says,
Owners, and Elders, while enacting a “Architects do not heal trauma, they are
consciousness of being a guest on Country complicit with its production.”2
that we do not belong to. “Country” is
an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ***
concept, technology, and belief system that
goes beyond Western definitions of land. For reasons I have said, and others I have
“Country” encompasses earth, water, air, not yet, I am finding it difficult to write
under the earth, animals, plants, people, about this. “This” being what is shared
kin, every living thing no matter how big between my people, Indigenous people of
or small. “Country” recognizes that every- Australia, and Palestinians: the traumas of
thing is connected, everything is related. colonization and how it is to live in a place
“Country” is also how we, as Aboriginal that is colonized and occupied by a settler
and Torres Strait Islander people, identify state.
ourselves. For this reason, I think carefully
about what I have to offer in writing on ***
Palestine’s space in this volume, when I
have not been on Country. I was due to be a Let me start by way of the stadium where
PalFest guest in 2020 before the festival was the Israeli national team plays. This stadi-
postponed because of the Covid-19 pan- um—the Teddy Stadium, named after Teddy
demic. The announcement of the inevitable Kollek, a long-term Israeli Jerusalem may-
cancelation of the festival came only a week or—is in Malha, an upscale neighbourhood
or so before my flight. Mentally, spiritually, of Jerusalem that was a Palestinian village,
and emotionally, I had prepared myself for al-Maliha, that was ethnically cleansed in
the travel and the journey from my home 1948.
to another place. After the cancellation of The village of al-Maliha stood on the
the 2020 trip and my still uncertain travel summit of a steep hill, overlooking a valley.

The village grid was rectangular. Many of upscale neighborhood with shops and
the houses were stone. A school, a small restaurants, technology start-ups, a tennis
hospital, a few shops, and a large mosque. center, and a basketball arena.
The villagers planted grains, vegetables, The stadium fits over 30,000 spectators
fruit, and olives. More than two thousand and its leased tenants are Beitar Jerusalem
people lived here before the Nakba. (1991–present), Hapoel Jerusalem (1991–
According to a report in the daily paper present), and the Israel national football
Falastin, the earliest attack against al-Ma- team (selected matches). During Beitar
liha happened on the sixth of March 1948. matches, the vocal La Familia, a far-right
By July 1948, the land was occupied by the supporter group, occupies the eastern
Israelis, the village was completely ethnical- sections of the stadium and is notorious for
ly cleansed, and village life was destroyed. its ultranationalism and racism.
Those who survived fled to neighboring In 2012, following a football match,
villages and refugee camps. a large group of Beitar Jerusalem fans
Palestinian historian Walid Khalidi attacked Palestinian workers and shoppers at
writes about what remains of the village the nearby Malha mall. The mall is acces-
structures: sible from the stadium by the Teddy-Malha
bridge. The attackers shouted, “Death to the
Many houses are still standing and are Arabs,” in Hebrew. This chant is common
occupied by Jewish families, although in almost every football stadium in Israel,
a few houses on the southern side of as detailed by Amir Ben-Porat in his 1998
the village have been demolished. article “The Commodification of Football in
The inhabited houses are generally Israel.” Footage captured of the 2012 event
two-storey structures built of limestone, looks violent and disturbing. Yet no arrests
with arched windows and doors. Some were made and the Fédération Internationale
houses have balconies with roofs that de Football Association (FIFA) issued no
are supported by columns and circular sanctions. “It was a mass lynching attempt,”
arches. The school building is aban- said Mohammed Yusef, team leader of
doned and its classrooms are filled with the cleaning service personnel who were
refuse. Some of the village streets are attacked.4
wide and paved while others are narrow Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, in “The
alleys that are interrupted at points by Occupation of the Senses: The Prosthetic
limestone steps. The village mosque, and Aesthetic of State Terror,” sees the chant
with its tall, round minaret, still stands and similar public pronouncements as form-
in the center of the village. It is closed ing “the settler colonial aesthetic landscape”
and in a state of neglect.3 and that they “converge to produce a violent
aesthetic atmosphere for the colonized and
On the site of the destroyed village, the legitimate crimes against them.”5
Teddy Stadium was built in 1990 and
opened a year later. Arabs call Teddy ***
Stadium “al-Maliha Stadium.” It is in an

The al-Maliha football stadium’s violent continue, including the bombing of stadiums
history, standing on a site of ethnic cleans- during Israeli aggression on Gaza in 2008
ing, continues to echo in the violence of and 2014, the confiscation of land, the
the present. Remembering, imagining, and building of settlements, the canceling of
honoring the village and people of al-Maliha tournaments by Israel such as the FIFA
is resisting the ongoing Nakba, though only Palestine Cup, and the daily harassment
a free Palestine will stop the continuance of of Palestinians by Israeli settlers. The
colonization. impounding of equipment, refusal to allow
Football is often described as the
national sport of Palestine. “Palestinians
perceive football as a respite from the
hardship of life under siege and occupation,”
says Ramzy Baroud.6
The sport arrived in the early twentieth
century through Arab students returning
from Istanbul and Jewish migrants from
Eastern Europe. Football was institutional-
ized through British colonization.
The Nakba almost put an end to
Palestinian sports. 1948 stopped the exis-
tence of approximately sixty-five clubs in
Palestine, approximately fifty-five of which
were members of the Arab Palestine Sports
Federation, established in 1931. Schools,
playgrounds, sports organization facilities,
and sports media continue to be destroyed.
Palestinians carried football into the dias-
pora, playing in refugee camps and naming
refugee teams after the cities and villages
destroyed during the Nakba.
In 1998, after four failed attempts,
Palestine was admitted as a member of
FIFA. This was significant not only for
Palestinian football, as it gave the national
team entry into the international playing are-
na and financially supported the growth of
the sport, but also as a historic step toward players to travel through border crossings,
Palestine becoming a nonmember observer and the arrest and even killing of Palestinian
state in the United Nations in 2012. footballers are well documented. The
But FIFA membership is not protection. Palestine stadium in Gaza was bombed in
Ongoing threats to Palestinian football 2006, leaving a giant crater in the middle of

the pitch. Players, referees, and officials in seini football stadium in al-Ram, a town
the Gaza and West Bank Premier Leagues surrounded by the Israeli separation wall on
need exit permits to pass through Israeli three sides.
military checkpoints, which means that The Faisal al-Husseini football stadium,
they are often unable to attend international named after the late Palestinian politician,
tournaments. is a few meters from the Israeli separation
In 2002, the Palestinian national barrier that cuts off al-Ram from East
women’s team was formed. Hundreds of Jerusalem.

Captain and football activist Honey

Thaljieh was born in Bethlehem and grew
up under occupation. Due to the ring of
checkpoints that surrounds the city of
Bethlehem, players do not have access
to a grass pitch and have to practice on a
concrete court a few miles from the city
instead. Sometimes the players must travel
to another country, such as Jordan, to meet
other teams for practice.
Reflecting on the movement restrictions
that make it sometimes impossible for the
team to practice together, Honey Thaljieh
said at the first match: “This is important
and shows the world that we don’t care
about the barriers and the checkpoints. We
have shown the world that we can fight,
but that when we fight, we fight through
peaceful play.”7


The body is the most harrowing scale. This

is felt in the shocking deaths of four children
aged eleven, ten, ten, and nine from Israeli
air strikes while playing on the beach in
Gaza in July 2014. This is echoed through
women competed in championships across the shooting of the feet of two teenage foot-
the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The first ballers aged seventeen and nineteen trying
women’s national home match was held in to cross a checkpoint in the West Bank on
2009 against Jordan and drew a crowd of their way home from a training session.
ten thousand women at the Faisal al-Hus- In 2009, Mahmoud Sarsak, a four-

teen-year-old, the youngest-ever player in always conditional. My ancestors were
the Palestine League, was arrested while not allowed to practice their culture, speak
traveling between his home in Gaza and the their language, or look after Country as per
West Bank to link up with his new club. He their beliefs and values. As a result, they
was imprisoned without charge and tortured witnessed injury to the land through mass
for three years. Many suspected he was clearing, poisoning of waterways, and dras-
held because Israel was afraid that he would tic species decline. This spiritually injured
become a sporting hero for his people. us. My ancestors were made to work for the
The nature of football is that it white man and the white woman, forced to
provides something to look forward to—a convert to Christianity and speak English.
next match, a next fixture, a tournament, a Indigenous people in Australia are the
qualifier in the future—unless this is taken most imprisoned people on Earth. We are
away by the colonizer. 17.3 times more likely to be arrested than
In Gaza, where 7 percent of people live non-Indigenous people. These rates have
with a disability, some who have lost limbs increased, not decreased, in the last three
to Israeli bombs play football and compete decades. Indigenous women represent
in amputee football tournaments. Football is 34 percent of the total number of women
a way to demonstrate a national identity and imprisoned, despite being just 4 percent of
resistance. the population. Indigenous children continue
to be removed from their families in increas-
*** ing rates through a mechanism of forced
In so-called Australia, we live with the “Dispossession has put a huge scar
effects of colonialism every day. Even on this entire country,” kinwoman Nicole
though I was born in 1990 and grew up in a Watson says.
post-1967 referendum era, my mother and What does it mean to dispossess First
her brothers and sisters taught me a zonal Nations people from the land? For me, it is a
language from a young age.8 I understood nightmare that I wake up to every day.
that our movement was restricted histori- The majority of non-Indigenous
cally, and this had ongoing effects on the Australians live through a whitewashed
present. There were places that we were version of history where they do not
taught not to go, more than that, to not even consider themselves beneficiaries of col-
imagine going. onization or living on stolen land. Indeed,
My ancestors were killed en masse by the nation-state of Australia sees itself as a
British invaders two centuries ago through “young” Country, formed in 1901, erasing
methods of warfare including shotguns, more than sixty-five thousand years of
rifles and carbines, and biological warfare Indigenous existence. I live less than a
(such as the poisoning of our flour), and hundred kilometers from Country I can
those who survived were dispossessed of legally travel to, but Country my family
their land. If they were allowed to remain have no rights to. I feel like a ghost.
on Country, it was under heavy duress and Cultural amnesia swept through. Most

of our place names are replaced with names The continued erasure of Palestine on a
that are after white settlers or after places in map and in the occupied landscape reminds
England. By necessity, my extended family me of this quote by film director Ramez
members have become health leaders, Kazmouz: “Remnants of Palestinian heri-
laborers, footballers, dancers, educators, tage still exist, if you look for them. These
archaeologists, linguists, and writers as we small clues to Palestine’s past show that
keep our communities together in the face of even if a country is erased from the map,
the heaviest of upheavals. its culture can survive. It proves Palestinian
heritage is more enduring than the cities
*** where it once thrived. It proves Palestinian
culture is stronger than the Israeli occupa-
In March 2022, the double standards of the tion.”11 While crafts, such as embroidery,
Western sporting world were called out. In tell intricate stories in the material form,
response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, by hand, stitch by stitch, this other kind
which resulted in swift sanctions and a of culture is about bodies and mobilities
demonstrated stance against Russia, it was and movement. Sport is an integral part of
asked: What about Palestine? What about culture that continues to survive, animate
Yemen? and energetic.
Throughout the Arab Cup in 2021,
support for Palestine was on display, ***
particularly through the Algerian team and
fans. Algeria went on to win the tournament In Australia, there are four popular codes,
and players draped both the Algerian and or types, of football: association football,
Palestinian flags across their bodies. Sports Australian football, rugby league, and
journalist Tagreed al-Amour said: “Those rugby union. While Australian football, in
who crown their victory with the Palestine its professional league Australian Football
flags and the keffiyeh are doing so to send League (AFL), is the most watched code in
the message of one blood, a symbol of Arab Australia, association football is the most
unity, and a rejection of colonialism and popular club-based participation sport in
normalisation.”10 the country, with more than 1.76 million
Club Deportivo Palestino (CD participants.
Palestino), founded in 1920 by Palestinians I grew up in a football household. What
in the diaspora, plays in the Primera is detailed by Ray Kerkhove and preserved
División de Chile. In 2014, CD Palestino in local oral storytelling is that football
walked onto the pitch wearing uniforms grounds like the ones our favorite teams
with the numeral 1 depicting the map of his- play on and the ones that me and my brother
toric Palestine, before the creation of Israel. played on were former campsites. Campsites
For this act of sovereignty and resistance, are culturally significant for a number of
they were fined by the Chilean Football reasons. These places were used for rest,
Association and were forced to change the meeting, and ceremony. The campsite was
design of the jersey. colonized into a sporting ground out of

convenience; its ground was already cleared When I play, on my Country, I know
from tall trees. It was well cared for as a this is my conditional allowance of time on
site of significance, ceremony, and leisure. the places where my ancestors would have
These sites are no longer freely accessible to played freely. And when I play on someone
Aboriginal people, and Aboriginal con- else’s Country, I do so with the greatest
nection to this place, what this place used reverence and honoring. When I say football
to be, is erased and whitewashed. When is important, I’m saying it is a method by
an Aboriginal player dons their football which we can exist. Football has been a way
jersey to step onto the pitch and run and I understood the world. Even sporting colors
dance in ways their ancestors know, now, and adornments can be a symbol, an armor,
it is conditional. It is within colonial rules and a connection. We are called the urban-
and regulations. If an Aboriginal player ized Aboriginals, as our Country is now
and their relatives wanted to stay after the their cities, places where people flock for
match and have a cook-up, police would lifestyle and culture and economic flourish,
be called by a bystander and this gathering and we are forced to live off Country. But it
would be put to an end. It is demonstrative remains our Country.
of what Shalhoub-Kevorkian calls spatial Our sporting heroes make us feel
and sensory colonization.12 Underneath possible, they can carry our hopes and
the space of the football ground is material dreams. The Matildas—Australia’s female
evidence of First Nations presence in this national football team—currently holds
place, remains of meals shared, tools made, three Aboriginal players: goalkeeper Lydia
toys played with, ochre, and middens. The Williams, young backup keeper Jada
evidence is played upon, but the people are Wyman, and striker Kyah Simon. When I
not allowed to claim heritage. This is the watch the Matildas, I get carried away in
modern-day Australia we live in, where a the passion of the three proudly Aboriginal
tiny scratch of the surface can unveil the athletes who are playing for the team, who
largest of contradictions. adorn their backs with the Aboriginal flag—
Colonization is not linear. It is not a his- red, yellow, and black.
torical event. As Patrick Wolfe reminds us, Like the old sport—the football game
Australia is home to over five hundred First played with the possum-skin ball that John
Nations. No First Nation in Australia was Maynard writes about in the Aboriginal
colonized in the same ways. The east coast, Soccer Tribe—football and many sports
where my people are from, was hit hard and and games and ceremony have been here a
fast. In some places, over 95 percent of the lot longer than the colonizers. And perhaps
population were killed. Then there are the we do not always feel whole, but we can be
ongoing, insidious ways colonization gets reminded of our sovereignty.
communities: indentured labor, removal of We feel dissonance when colonial sport
children, social exclusion, unemployment, takes places on our stolen land. It weighs
poor health, incarceration, suicide, and heavily on me. The horror is not contained
substance abuse. It breaks your bonds and it to the stadium itself; it ripples. The materials
breaks your heart and it breaks your spirit. the stadiums are built from are stolen

materials, wrongfully taken from the land
and exploited. Scar trees remain and grow
with stories. We still stand outside gated
stadiums to get views of what was stolen
and taken wrongly. But the land remains, to
reclaim our spirit.

1. Basma Ghalayini, ed., March 9, 2022, https://www. 12. Shalhoub-Kevorkian,
Palestine +100: stories from “Occupation of the Senses.”
a century after the Nakba politics-and-sports-do-mix-on-
(Manchester: Comma Press, fifas-hypocrisy-in-palestine-
2019), ix. and-the-need-to-isolate-
2. Adrian Lahoud, “Post-
Traumatic Urbanism,” in 7. Velihan Erdogdu, Risa Isard,
“Post-Traumatic Urbanism” ed. Danny Mammo, and Brian
Adrian Lahoud, Charles Rice, Kim, “Women’s Football for
and Anthony Burke, special Social Change,” Soccer Politics
issue, Architectural Design Pages, 2009, http://sites.duke.
80, no. 5 (September/October edu/wcwp.
2010): 14–23, https://doi.
org/10.1002/ad.1128. 8. On May 27, 1967,
Australians voted to change the
3. Walid Khalidi, ed., All That Constitution so that Aboriginal
Remains: The Palestinian and Torres Strait Islander
Villages Occupied and peoples would be counted as
Depopulated by Israel in 1948 part of the population.
(Washington: Institute for
Palestine Studies, 1992). 9. Office of the Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander
4. Ali Abunimah, “Video Social Justice Commissioner,
Emerges of Israeli Mob Indigenous Deaths in Custody
Shouting “Death to the Arabs” 1989–1996 (Australian Human
That Attacked Palestinians at Rights Commission. 1996.
Jerusalem Mall,” Electronic
Intifada, March 23, 2012, our-work/aboriginal-and-torres-
https://electronicintifada. strait-islander-social-justice/
net/blogs/ali-abunimah/ publications/indigenous-
video-emerges-israeli-mob- deaths].
palestinians-jerusalem. 10. Linah Alsaafin, and Ramy
Allahoum, “What Is Behind
5. Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, Algeria and Palestine’s
“The Occupation of the Senses: Footballing Love Affair?” Al
The Prosthetic and Aesthetic of Jazeera English, December 20,
State Terror,” British Journal 2021, https://www.aljazeera.
of Criminology 57, no. 6 com/news/2021/12/20/
(2017): 1279–1300, https://doi. algeria-palestine-football-arab-
org/10.1093/bjc/azw066. cup-2021.

6. Ramzy Baroud, “Politics 11. Lost Cities of Palestine,

and Sports Do Mix: On FIFA’s directed by Ramez Kazmouz
Hypocrisy in Palestine and (Doha: Al Jazeera, 2011),
the Need to Isolate Apartheid
Israel,” Palestine Chronicle, PalestineRemix/mobile/remix/



t what point can we stop and write? Damascus Gate. Here Israeli soldiers and
At what point do we look at our police are everywhere, patrolling, watching,
predictions and our fears and stop harassing, arresting. The houses are being
to ask: Did they happen? How have our captured one by one, festooned with Israeli
fears, our motivations, served us until now? flags in triumph. Religious and oblivious
In Palestine, the stark difference in urban tourists pour through the alleyways and
experiences is one of the most striking along the Ottoman walls while settler
things about traveling between its cities. organizations excavate under the city, under
When we program the international authors al-Aqsa, under the houses of Silwan. From
attending the Palestine Festival of Literature, Jerusalem we continue south to Bethlehem,
we think carefully of the progression of the strangled city, choked from natural
the experience: Ramallah and its relative expansion by the apartheid wall that presses
breathing space usually come first, establish- up against its houses, under permanent
ing a baseline from which we begin. From surveillance from the watchtowers on the
Ramallah we travel south to Jerusalem, wall. Then south again, now to Khalil, the
crossing the Qalandia checkpoint on foot, most brazen manifestation of apartheid in
maneuvering through its metal cages with the twenty-first century. Khalil’s central
our bags, and then to a small hotel near artery is sealed off from the surrounding

urban fabric, overgrown with weeds. Its surface distinct processes, but deploying
central mosque is divided to give half to similar urban methods: segregation, resource
the settlers. Its Old City is under permanent hoarding, (sub)urban planning, hypersur-
lockdown by an occupying force of five veillance, blackmail and police brutality,
thousand soldiers deployed for the privilege touristic obliviousness, land grabs, water
of those couple of hundred settlers, mostly, control, and roads—roads as progress, roads
it is said, from Brooklyn. as punishment, roads as barriers—hilltop
In Palestine’s disfiguration we can see settlements, cement walls, American bombs
many different possible futures for the city: and Gulf money and Russian expansionism,
neoliberal bubble of consumerist distraction; new museums, desecrations of the dead,
violent displacement from coveted real displacement and the unrelenting collective
estate; walled ghetto; explicit apartheid. punishment of neighborhoods that refuse to
yield to this march of anti-history.
*** Driving west out of Jerusalem the
moment that for me Israel appears is a
Movement between Egypt and Palestine cement highway bursting through a forested
defined my life and patterned my thoughts mountain, a mechanical perpendicular
from 2011 until 2022. Living in Cairo, I cutting against the slope of nature, a dom-
would travel for one month of the year to inating human statement. It does not bend
Palestine to prepare for the annual festival. with the hills; it cuts lines in steel, subdues,
Returning to Cairo, I would often write builds car parks over history.
about the journey, the contrasts, and the les- Driving in Palestine is not only a ques-
sons. I was younger, and wrote energetically tion of geometry but of race. Three parallel
for the independent Egyptian outlet Mada systems exist on three simultaneous planes:
Masr, keenly aware of the privilege of being the roads Palestinians are allowed to drive
able to move between Cairo and Jerusalem on, the roads built to colonize the West Bank
(via Amman). Two cities at the crossroads with settlers, and the moments of slippage
of Pharaonic, Philistine, Ptolemaic, between the two, where the designated
Hellenistic, Roman, Byzantine, and Islamic ethnic underclass can drive briefly on the
histories, inlaid with Christian, Jewish, settlers’ roads—or even pass through their
Mediterranean, Muslim, Ottoman legacies checkpoints. The ability to pass through an
whose stories have been woven together in Israeli checkpoint is principally a question
the buildings and lives of generations. Until of genealogy but can sometimes be achieved
the late modern era, when Israel, ushered in with the right attitude. Put aviator shades
by the British, divided the two cities entirely on and chew gum, tuck your hijab up into a
from one another. Cairo is struggling under tichel, do not slow down your car: make the
a domestic military dictatorship that is soldiers think they work for you, that you
transparently looting the country, while are one of the hard-working colonizers.
Jerusalem is being slowly colonized by
a Euro-American ideological movement ***
and its people ethnically cleansed. On the

In Cairo my family home for the past ten the hilltop to survey and control the land
years has been a houseboat on the river. In beneath it, the land no longer giving, but
the summer of 2022, we got an eviction threatening.
order—our home and the thirty other
floating houses that hugged the Nile shore When the police finally came, some thirty
between Zamalek and Embaba Bridges. The conscripts and ten officers, there was little
Egyptian army, in charge now of the entire we could do. I locked the door a final time,
country, gave simple instructions: you have pausing in the moment, the small weight in
two weeks to pay a massive fine and then my hand the realization I now had my own
pay for your home to be de-berthed, or you symbolic key.
can pay the massive fine and destroy your
home yourself. We chose neither option, ***
determined to resist, and for two weeks
watched as one by one our neighbors ripped The road to Jerusalem, the saying goes, runs
their own homes to pieces. Through the through Cairo. That road, like so many in
night we listened to the sound of sledge- Egypt, has been severed, neglected, dug up
hammering and timber breaking apart and and relaid badly and finally left to rot. A
I thought of Silwan and Jerusalem and the great deal of effort has been spent on break-
same choice given to dozens of Palestinian ing that continuous cultural connection:
families: tear down your own house, or we the appearance of Israel’s borders; the wars
will do it and send you the bill. fought in Sinai and its subsequent occupa-
I barely keep a diary, but I wrote a note tion; the Arab anti-normalization policies;
one morning. Camp David, the descent of the Washington
Consensus, and Egypt’s subsequent military
Saturday 9th July 2022 subservience; the dual siege on Gaza. And
Egypt vs Palestine. Egypt they want to yet the psychic, political bond remains
transform you—into businesspeople, clients, unbroken. Egypt cannot be liberated from its
customers, spreadsheeters, an elite that only military rulers without Palestine’s liberation
believes in imprisonment. The Israelis, they because they are bound up in the same pow-
are torn—they want, principally, to be rid of er system, caught in the web of petroleum
you—but have a more complex relationship: power first spun by American and British
they also want to be you, your houses, your oil companies that have been bleeding the
food, your aesthetic, your history, your region for a hundred years now.
genuine relationship to the land. Hence
the effort into making the Palestinian ***
of Ramallah self-alienated with shock
capitalism, to sever them from the land with There is no objectively innocent spatial
debts, to turn them into the Palestinians form in a settler world that we might call
of Rawabi: the future city of no-place, just a “town.”. . .
connected to nothing but fibre-optic cables
and credit lines, cut like a settlement into . . . It is the job of settler police to patrol the

poor, to be the occupying army in the bor- an intelligence asset.
dertown. When police “looked at beggars The Israeli tech scene is dominated by
and vagrants, they saw able-bodied (but graduates of Unit 8200. A 2018 study found
lazy, ignorant and potentially rebellious) that Israel had seven hundred surveillance
workers withholding their labour and thus technology companies, and 80 percent of
not producing wealth.” This is the threat the founders were Unit 8200 graduates.2
of poverty that police manage. Police are They span cybersecurity (Check Point, Palo
part of this enormous science of capitalist Alto Networks, Lightcyber, Mitiga, Sygnia,
logistics. Team8), data protection (Mine, Solvo),
—Nick Estes, Melanie K. Yazzie, Jennifer digital manipulation and anonymization
Denetdale, and David Correia, Red Nation (D-ID), crypto utilities (Fireblocks), room-
Rising1 mate matching via Facebook post analysis
(Homie), AI writing (AI21), AI proper-
*** ty-leasing (Knock), AI human resources
(Pecan), AI financial reports (Trullion),
For as long as I can remember we have AI medical billing (Nym Health), facial
believed that Palestine is a laboratory for the recognition for retail (Preciate).
future; That Israel’s systems of population In East Jerusalem, the streets are
control are tested and refined on Palestinians monitored by at least 1,100 cameras that
then sold on the international market. That watch the Palestinian population at all
in a world of dwindling resources and demo- times, cross-checking the faces of passersby
cratic retreat, the future of governance is against a database of facial recognition,
being developed and demonstrated for both biometrics, social media, digital communi-
established and aspirational authoritarians to cations, and government records to create a
see. To move through a Palestinian city is to “predictive policing” system.3 The biometric
move through an interlocking matrix of con- start-up behind this is called “Anyvision,”
trol from the tiniest of behavioral data points now trading as “Oosto,” a company that
(such as a camera that can identify you by “uses deep learning AI to eliminate many
your gait) to the grandest of millenarian of traditional system’s shortcomings, by
fantasies. Israel delivers capitalist logistics: accurately capturing faces in real-world
surveillance, artificial intelligence (AI), environments, even with low-bandwidth
drone technology, start-ups all packaged and CCTV cameras.”4
delivered with slick PR. Across the West Bank, a facial recog-
Unit 8200 is a signals and intelligence nition program called “Blue Wolf” has been
unit in the Israeli army. The largest single developed since at least 2020, and Israeli
unit, it is tasked with the surveillance of the soldiers have been tasked with photograph-
Palestinian population and the interception ing thousands of Palestinians and entering
of relevant information. A typical Unit 8200 their facial metrics into the program without
operation would be to hack into the phone of their knowledge or consent.
a Palestinian man and blackmail him with its As far back as 2014, a group of whis-
contents—usually sexual—and turn him into tle-blowers came forward with details about

Unit 8200’s practices: exist within it totally. And so they are razing
it, because that scares them too. Under
All Palestinians are exposed to non-stop extractivist rule there is no place you can be
monitoring without any legal protection. in that is acceptable.
Junior soldiers can decide when someone
is a target for the collection of information. I return again to Red Nation Rising. Its
There is no procedure in place to determine aphorisms pull no punches; the book’s
whether the violation of the individual’s language, born of five centuries of resistance
rights is necessarily justifiable. The notion to colonization, to wave after wave of
of rights for Palestinians does not exist at settlers, soldiers and diseases driving people
all. Not even as an idea to be disregarded.5 from their homes, severing them from their
histories, poisoning their food supplies,
After Edward Snowden’s disclosures as to corralling them into reservations, stealing
the scale of global digital surveillance, this their children, forcing sterilizations, flooding
does not sound like a very distant future at their valleys, and contaminating their rivers,
all. leaves us quite certain that:

*** There is nothing natural about settler

relations, thus, there is nothing natural
In my diary folder for this essay is an entry about the settler. What the settler calls
from May 3rd, 2022. democracy, we call unfreedom. What the
settler calls property, we call violence.
Reading Ahed al-Tamimi’s upcoming What the settler takes for granted, we seek
memoir. Alaa [Abd el-Fattah] is on day 31 to abolish. Abolishing private property lib-
of hunger strike and I am finding the book erates land from the borders that imprison
emotional. I wonder if there’s something it. Bordertown justice envisions a world
of Palestinian sumud that we are missing without borders. We abolish borders by
that comes from being so divided from the burning bordertowns to the ground. Without
land and from community—the way she borders, capitalism dies. When there are
describes life in Nabi Saleh, my experience no longer borders, settler colonialism too
of being in Palestine, the quality of ceases to exist. When there are no longer
relationship my Palestinian friends have to borders, we will be free to live in peace and
their own towns, their trees, their land. The harmony with all our relations.6  
act of existing completely differently to your
enemy. . . . Though there is an Egyptian Colonial cities have always been sites of
sumud, of course: villagers who have experimentation by colonial powers. From
fought off army bulldozers, neighbourhoods redlining and urban planning to concen-
that break their own access points into tration camps and aerial bombardment. It
the highways that cut through their towns, is trial and error; it is the march of history,
the islands in the Nile that keep fighting experiments that aim to flatten difference
back—but we are consumed by the city, into a single, monochrome endpoint. Variety,

polyphony, democracy, chaos—all being unsustainable amounts of water, power,
rolled, slowly, into monopoly. municipal attention and funding, which
Sixty percent of the world’s seeds together all pull the newly impoverished in-
are owned by just three corporations. The digenous underclass into their gravitational
seeds, the forests, the jungle—these are sites sinkhole as laborer, larcenist or beggar. This
of difference, waiting to be burned by the is the future of the city as anti-city: gated,
settler’s market drives. uniform, monocultural, antidemocratic,
wasteful, transplantable, boundaried, fearful,
*** securitized, surveilled, and with no question
of who is us and who must be kept outside
The design of new, gated communities the gates. The city and the anti-city. A future
is indiscernible from the plans of Israeli being shaped in these cities around us,
settlements, which are indiscernible observed and refined with each extra year
from American suburban plans, which their people are kept subdued, with each
evolved from white settlers’ bordertowns. extra month of pillage successfully extract-
Defensive rings with controlled access ed, leaving nothing, leading to nothing but
points for demographic segregation, on the question asked and answered by every
higher ground wherever possible, accessible settler bordertown:
only by private motorcar and consuming a
disproportionate per capita share of limited “Shall we live in a world organized around
water. Both exploit poorly paid laborers who
have to travel significant distances, while Indigenous and Black death, or should we
the gated communities’ inhabitants receive
the vast majority of municipal budgets and refuse this world, burn it to the ground, and
Cairo, Jerusalem, the West Bank: conjure another in its place?”7
Maale Adumim was built to cut in half
the Palestinian lands occupied in 1967.  
The new roads to Uptown Cairo cut the
very dead from their resting places.
Rawabi was built to help cut
Palestinians off from the land.
And when they took our home, they cut
us off from the Nile.
Cairo, Jerusalem, the West Bank.
A planning style defined by the control
of land and resources, but also by fear of
the other, fear of the outside and fear of
nature. An architectural mode that appears
when there is something wrong. Gated
communities pull in disproportionate and

1. Epigraph: Nick Estes, 6. Estes et al., Red Nation
Melanie K. Yazzie, Jennifer Rising, 131.
Denetdale, and David Correia,
Red Nation Rising: From 7. Estes et al., Red Nation
Bordertown Violence to Native Rising, 18.
Liberation (Oakland: PM Press,
2021), 8, 71.

2. Hagar Shezaf and Jonathan

Jacobson, “Revealed:
Israel’s Cyber-spy Industry
Helps World Dictators
Hunt Dissidents and Gays,”
Ha’aretz, October 19, 2018,

3. Sophia Goodfriend,
“The Expansion of Digital
Surveillance in Jerusalem
and Impact on Palestinians
Rights,” 7amleh, the Arab
Center for Social Media
Advancement, 2021,

4. “6 Ways to Use Video

Surveillance to Mitigate
Risk,” Oosto, February 10,

5. “Any Palestinian Is Exposed

to Monitoring by the Israeli Big
Brother,” Guardian, September
12, 2014, https://www.


T his world divided into compart-
ments, this world cut in two is
inhabited by two different species.
The originality of the colonial context is
a refreshing change from the cold, dark-
gray Michigan days that had at that time
structured my rhythms of waking, working,
and sleeping. I sat on a bench near an exit as
that economic reality, inequality, and the travelers trickled through after completing
immense difference of ways of life never the passport and document screening at the
come to mask the human realities. When Israeli-controlled Allenby Bridge crossing
you examine at close quarters the colonial between the borders of Jordan and Palestine.
context, it is evident that what parcels out “Allenby Crossing.” I wondered why
the world is to begin with the fact of belon- the British placename persisted. It was
ging to or not belonging to a given race, a a curious leftover of Europe’s colonial
given species.1 occupation of the region, even though in
—Frantz Fanon, The Wretched of the Earth the nineteenth century the Ottomans had
built the original bridge to connect the east
ALLENBY BRIDGE, Jordan/Palestine and west banks of the Jordan River. The
11:45. I waited. I watch a gauzy blanket Jordanians have renamed the same border
of clouds slowly drift across the faint blue crossing the King Hussein Bridge and
sky. The warmth of the sun on my face was Palestinians refer to it as the al-Karameh

Bridge. The Israelis persist, however, in operated under the aegis of the Israel
commemorating the site’s European colonial Defense Forces authorities, including the
history. This is no surprise. Placenames not Israel Police. It was unclear which worker
only remember great men but also reinscribe belonged to what agency, but collectively
power through the symbolic patriarchal and they policed the imposition of a succession
racial dimensions of nationalist mythos. of enclosures—the Green Line (1947), Oslo
Emblematic of that point, mythologized Accords (1993), and the separation barrier
by his nickname of “The Bloody Bull” and (2000)—that Israel has inflicted in and
around Palestinian communities inside the
West Bank to enable its unlawful disposses-
sion of land and the continued displacement
of Palestinian residents.
elevated by his peer status of viscount, Field Inside the departure hall our group
Marshal Edmund H. H. Allenby’s resume dispersed as we queued for luggage and
narrates the scenes of late-nineteenth- and passport screening. As an African American
early-twentieth-century British imperial con- woman, I was uncertain how my Blackness
quest: South Africa, Palestine, and Egypt. In would register within this particular sur-
this period, it was the British colonizers who veillance regime. In the United States, it
mandated where Palestine began and ended. typically marks my body as always already
They drew its colonial borders to demarcate a threat and less than human. Aware of my
the differences of here from there, them every move being scrutinized, I listened
(colonized) from us (colonizer). to the border agent’s questions, especially
I waited. The stress of a second day, a inquiries about the itinerary and intent of
Saturday, of border crossings, remained ever my travel plans: “Where are you going?”
present. We traveled by bus from Amman to “Why are you here?” and “Who will you
a Jordanian departure checkpoint, followed be visiting?”—questions that we had been
by another bus trip to the Israeli checkpoint advised by our hosts to answer calmly and
housed in a nondescript one-story building, carefully. I passed through without further
before entering Palestine. Rather than interrogation. Perhaps because I fit the
military border guards manning the booths, profile of a Black American female, maybe
a civil workforce screened travelers, a Christian, traveling to Jerusalem for Easter-
restructuring effort to whitewash the overt related tourism, I posed no threat. Once I
hostilities toward Palestinian and other received my stamped piece of paper I went
Arab travelers. The checkpoint workers outside to wait for the others. Three hours
represented the interests of several Israeli
governmental agencies: the Israel Airports
Authority, customs division of the Israel Tax
Authority, the Population and Immigration
Authority and border control. The guards in later, just before the operation closed for the
charge of surveillance—mostly via camera day at one o’clock in the afternoon, every-
and behind hidden observation screens— one finally made it through passport control.

We had purposefully divided the group from the racial project that underwrites the
so that we were less conspicuous. Our illegal occupation of Palestine. Its temporal
hosts had cautioned that anyone with any command depends upon how modernity
semblance—name, passport, or appear- becomes legible in relation to the ahisto-
ance—of Arabness, those who had traveled ricity and backwardness of the primitive,
in certain parts of the region, or whose work the savage, the Arab, the Negro, the Indian,
delved into issues of colonialism or Israeli and all their descendants—whose time is
sovereignty would most likely be detained expendable, whose land and resources are
for further questioning. And indeed, this exploitable, and whose lives are disposable.
racial profiling by Israeli border agents was The enclosures that the Israeli gov-
precisely what happened. Several of our ernment has imposed around Palestinian
party were removed from the processing communities continues the spatial-temporal
line. One person later shared that they had a order of division and dependency between
quixotic conversation with their interrogator. colonizer and colonized that psychiatrist
Because their research had been profiled in Frantz Fanon astutely sketched in his first
the database, the agent was keen on discuss- chapter “Concerning Violence” in The
ing The Battle of Algiers, Gillo Pontecorvo’s Wretched of the Earth. Fanon writes, “The
iconic cinematic meditation on insurgent colonial world is a world cut in two. The
rebellion, which had been a training film dividing line, the frontiers are shown by
used by the Israeli army. Otherwise, all barracks and police stations. In the colonies
shared that between rounds of rapid-fire it is the policeman and the soldier who
questioning that attempted to catch any are the official, instituted go-betweens,
discrepancy in their travel plans, they sat the spokesmen of the settler and his rule
and waited to be released. of oppression.”3 Strategically placed, the
These delays were no doubt inten- architecture of these “dividing lines” can be
tional. That is the point of border control solid, porous, spatial, permanent, temporary,
points—to immobilize, waste time, waste or mobile. The colonial logics from the era
lives. What I experienced was what scholar of Allenby persist in a host of techniques,
Helga Tawil-Souri—who I would hear later infrastructures, and architectures of check-
that day at our first PalFest event—calls points—an estimated 165 in the occupied
“checkpoint time,” or what she writes as territories of West Bank and Gaza.4
a “disjunctive temporality [that] produces When bodies cross borders, they are
deep ontological insecurity: there is no subjected to all forms of scrutiny. Processes
continuity, stability, or routine. There is no of subjection—nationality but also gender,
sexuality, and race—are performed,
allowing agents of the state to determine
the status of belonging, rights, and human-
ity. At the various border crossings that I
ability to plan ahead, no ordered sequence, experienced while traveling around the West
no continuous narrative.”2 It is useful to dis- Bank, scenes of subjection played out the
cern how this ontological instability emerges necropolitical imperative of modern gov-

ernmentality, which is “to make live” or “let rules of Aristotelian logic they both follow
die.”5 Racialization, in the form of racism the principle of reciprocal exclusivity. No
and racist policies, systemically chips away conciliation is possible, for of the two terms,
at one’s ability to thrive, produce, and one is superfluous.”8
reproduce individually and collectively. It
may be difficult to grasp because race isn’t SHU’FAT CHECKPOINT, Jerusalem
one thing but many things—policies, ideas, 14:45. Our oversized tour bus lumbered
epistemologies, identities, practices, and through a roundabout near the checkpoint
material conditions like infrastructures—that leading into the Shu’fat Refugee Camp
form what scholar Alex Weheliye labels in northeast Jerusalem. With its distinct
“racializing assemblages.” For Weheliye, modernist roofline and series of concrete
racializing assemblages are neither biologi- booths to expedite vehicular and pedestrian
cal (Homo sapiens) nor cultural (civilized or screening, the checkpoint manned by the
primitive), but rather “a set of sociopolitical Israeli military opened in 2011. The Shu’fat
processes that discipline humanity into Camp, established in 1967 for 1,500 refu-
full humans, not-quite-humans and non- gees, is now home to thousands of families.
humans.”6 By dividing territories, borders
function as wastelands, zones of suspended
time and disrupted space.
In these border zones—checkpoints
and the areas nearby—I witnessed how
the Israeli government mobilized the
surveillance and curtailment of movement
throughout the occupied territories as
a racializing project of dispossession,
displacement, dehumanization, and death.
As Saidiya Hartman asks within the context
of the United States’s ongoing romance
with white supremacy, can the enclosure
of Blackness be breached or abolished by
the destruction of the modern world that
requires its negation of life in order for
whiteness to have meaning and value?7 The
racialized enclosure, as such, is not only
spatial and material, but its articulations Separation barrier with housing in the
also construct forms of psychological and Shu’fat Refugee Camp in Jerusalem,
bodily enclosures. Fanon writes, “The Zone photo by author, 2019

where the native lives is not complimentary

to the zone inhabited by the settlers. The Starting in 2004, the Israeli government
two zones are opposed, but not in the enclosed the camp with a twenty-five-foot
service of a higher unity. Obedient to the tall “separation barrier” even though it sits

within Jerusalem’s municipal borders. When during and after the Lebanese civil war,
examined up close, the wall appeared to be urban theorist Hiba Bou Akar observes the
constructed like a vertical “Jersey barrier,” emergence of “conflict urbanism” whereby a
a modular concrete wall typically used in city’s future is imagined “as a time of further
the US to divide highways (fig. 1). This conflict.”11 By erecting separation barriers
technique of faceted concrete modules can on the peripheries of Jerusalem, the Israeli-
effectively navigate uneven terrain and controlled municipal government created
snake around obstacles. The Israeli govern- sites of future development, infrastructures,
ment erected the wall, with its cylindrical and profit, but also, as Bou Akar astutely
guard towers and trap doors that allow for identifies as a feature of conflict urbanism,
military incursions, to enclose residents of sites of future war. This was evident on
the camp and elsewhere inside a shrinking our way to Shu’fat checkpoint. As our bus
footprint of Palestinian land. This type of navigated the main artery, Shu’fat Street,
border wall is what theorist Eyal Weizman it drove parallel to the tracks of the Red
identifies as “elastic,” a flexible architecture Line that is a segment of the billion-dollar
of walls within an arsenal of barriers, Jerusalem Light Rail project. With its shiny
blockades, checkpoints, and “killing zones” silver railcars linking the Israeli settlements
that can shrink and expand a territory under in East Jerusalem, this is infrastructure in
siege.9 By rapidly deploying separation service of the illegal occupation’s territori-
barriers, followed by the construction of alization. Fanon writes, “The settler’s feet
buildings and infrastructure for settlers, the are never visible, except perhaps in the
Israeli government has effectively split the sea; but there you’re never close enough to
colonizer/settler’s domain from that of the see them. His feet are protected by strong
colonized/native. shoes although the streets of his town are
The construction of new housing clean and even, with no holes or stones.”12
populated both sides of Shu’fat’s border Infrastructures of light, air, water, and
zone, albeit erected with different degrees parkland enable residents of the settler town
of durability and livability. I could identify to thrive. Fanon writes, “The settler’s town
the settler side of the wall by its orderly is a well-fed town, an easygoing town; its
red tiled roofs of multiple-family, two- and belly is always full of good things. The
three-story housing complexes on the settlers’ town is a town of white people, of
hilltops surrounded by buffers of olive trees foreigners.”13
and terraced farmland—former Palestinian The antithesis of the mobility emblem-
steads—in nearby Pisgat Ze’ev or Ramat atic of the settler’s domain, the separation
Shlomo settlements. Fanon writes, “The barrier that encloses the Shu’fat Camp
settlers’ town is a strongly built town, all immobilizes and restricts the freedoms
made of stone and steel. It is a brightly lit of the residents, who were dispossessed
town; the streets are covered with asphalt, and displaced from their homes in Nitaf,
and the garbage cans swallow all the leavin- Deir Yasin, Lifta, El-Bureij, and parts of
gs, unseen, unknown and hardly thought Jerusalem in the 1948 Nakba. The check-
about.”10 In her study of planning in Beirut point’s surveillance apparatuses criminalize

the community’s comings and goings. wallowing in the mire. It is a town of niggers
Deprived of viable Palestinian governance, and dirty Arabs.”16 What the white set-
and of their right of return, the residents of tler-colonial apparatus institutes in Palestine
the camp still await—some fifty-five years is a racializing project, one enacted through
later—the arrival of essential infrastruc- violent territorial enclosure, deprivation, and
tures of transportation, water, health, and death. Fanon writes, “They are born there, it
sanitation. The absence of playgrounds and matters little where or how; they die there, it
parks constrict the play of children and the matters not where, nor how.”17
leisure of adults alike. Fanon writes, “The
town belonging to the colonized people, or CHECKPOINT 56, Hebron
at least the native town, the Negro village, 13:42. Piled high, robust heads of cauliflow-
the medina, the reservation, is a place of ill er threatened to tumble out of a huge plastic
fame, peopled by men of evil repute.”14 shipping bin. Nearby vegetable and fruit
Shu’fat’s apartment blocks loom over sellers used megaphones to broadcast their
the separation barrier. They rise ten to wares: lemons, oranges, tomatoes, and the
fifteen stories or more—balcony on top of aforementioned cauliflower—all arrayed in
balcony with satellite dishes embellishing artful piles to entice buyers. We had paused
their concrete facades. Because these here on our tour of Hebron’s Old City amid
apartment buildings were built cheek-by- the weekday bustle of the market, where
jowl, their density chokes off the flow of streets converged into al-Shuhada Street, the
fresh air and accessibility to sunlight. Their main artery. While it may have been teaming
close proximity also poses a severe fire with sounds of vendors, shoppers, pedestri-
hazard. Fanon writes, “It is a world without ans, and vehicular traffic, this urbanity, as
spaciousness; men live there on top of each our guide Walid Abu al-Halawah informed
other, and their huts are built one on top of us, could be disrupted and dispersed at any
the other. The native town is a hungry town, moment by jeeps filled with Israeli soldiers.
starved of bread, of meat, of shoes, of coal, I turned around to look down al-Shuhada
of light.”15 Our guide Ray Dolphin shared Street and took note of several large, graffi-
that the quality of construction of many of tied, concrete security blocks that impeded
these housing blocks are likely substandard vehicular access. A few meters beyond the
and lack building code compliance. To make barricade the Israeli government had con-
matters even more precarious, these multi- structed Checkpoint 56 after an American
story buildings are built without the proper Israeli massacred thirty worshippers at
seismic reinforcements; these apartments the Ibrahimi Mosque in 1994 (fig. 2). The
could potentially collapse if a sizable subsequent protests led to the punishment
earthquake occurred. What I witnessed on of Palestinians, not the settlers, by creating
the other side of the separation barrier was a geography of racialized enclosures and
a deadly catastrophe waiting to happen—an instituting a regime of surveillance through-
architecture in service of wasting lives.
Fanon writes, “The native town is a crou-
ching village, a town on its knees, a town

out the city of Hebron. This checkpoint Street had been padlocked and welded shut.
currently restricts Palestinian passage from As I walked up the street, I came across a
H1 (native town) into H2 (settler town). multitiered cart, whose plastic compart-
On the other side of the checkpoint resided ments may have once held candy for sale
to children or magazines and newspapers
purchased by local residents. Abandoned
by its owner and covered in dust, the
cart’s compartments were now filled with
discarded food wrappers, plastic bottles, and
piles of torn cardboard. I discovered on the
ground below the cart the gold casings of
spent rubber bullets strewn among candy
wrappers. Three depleted black and orange
gas canisters, labeled in Hebrew, spilled out
of one of the boxes (fig. 3). Purposefully
blockading a major commercial avenue that
was once a vital social space for Palestinian
residents of Hebron, Checkpoint 56 has
been a flashpoint of violent confrontations
between protestors and the lethal forces of
occupation—like in 2015 when two young
men from Tel al-Rumeidah were executed
Checkpoint 56 that blocks al-Shuhada by the military.18
Street in the old market of Hebron, In the days, months, and years between
photo by author, 2019 these at times deadly flare-ups, everyday
life nonetheless passes into and out of
the military zone established by Israel in Checkpoint 56. Palestinian children navigate
2015. The zone cordons off the Palestinian daily screenings on their way to and from
neighborhood of Tel al-Rumeidah where school. This may explain the plethora of
the illegal Beit Hadassah and Beit Romano candy wrappers among the trash. Perhaps
settlements have taken possession of houses for the teenage girl in black tights approach-
and businesses. ing the gates, her plaid backpack filled with
As we walked in the direction of the books and other things a girl of her age
checkpoint the din of the market transitioned might collect, the momentary sweetness of
into the clanging sound of the revolving the candy becomes a welcome distraction
metal turnstiles installed below a two-and- from the indignities endured through the
a-half-story security fence. All residential screening process. “It is obvious here that
and commercial doors along al-Shuhada the agents of the government speak the
language of pure force.”19
We each passed through the check-
point’s revolving turnstiles. Once inside,

five cameras stationed above the divided the military had shuttered most of the shop
screening lanes watched mine and everyone fronts and residential entrances. This forced
else’s movements. A guard booth perched displacement mirrored what I saw earlier in
above the checkpoint comprised the last the day as we passed through Hebron’s old
layer of surveillance. With the added high- souq on the other side of these buildings.
tech surveillance equipment, a screening “This world divided into compartments, this
room, an observation room, and the four world cut in two is inhabited by two different
revolving turnstiles, the checkpoint was species.”21 There too the military had sealed
upgraded in 2019 to the status of a termi- off passages and stairways to al-Shuhada
nal.20 As I exited the screening process, I Street through the deployment of a range
noticed a menorah—national symbol of the of architectural tactics. Some arteries were
Israeli state—that had been attached to one blocked by metal gates with barbed wire.
of the swinging metal barriers. A majority Elsewhere, patchworks of corrugated
of the Palestinians in this neighborhood panels and two-ton concrete security blocks
have been incrementally forced from their had been erected to close off the illegal
homes by the Israeli military and settlers settlements from Palestinians in the historic
neighborhood (fig. 4). In some blocked pas-
sages, settlers dumped mounds of garbage.
A Palestinian resident in the area shared
how he and his family were routinely pelted
with eggs and bottles by settlers in an effort
to drive them from their homes. Despite
being exiled, a few venders had hung their
wares—robes, hijabs, and bedding—under
the metal awnings of closed storefronts,
giving a hint of the area’s former vitality.
Areas of the market where merchants and
craftspeople had been able to reestablish
commerce relied on welded wire fencing,
sometimes covered with tarps, that shielded
them and pedestrians from caustic liquids
and trash that rained down from adjacent
settler buildings. Nonetheless, the tactics
of enclosure effectively sealed the settlers
Tear gas canisters found on al-Shuhada off from the natives, turning parts of the
Street near Checkpoint 56, Old City into a wasteland, zones that have
photo by author, 2019 obliterated life—both human and natural.
The eerie silence of a once bustling
since the mid-1990s. Around eight hundred al-Shuhada Street was interrupted by a
Palestinian residents remained. jeep filled with soldiers, followed by the
Along this stretch of al-Shuhada Street shrieking accusations of a local settler. The

them into practice with the clear conscience
of an upholder of the peace; yet he is the
bringer of violence into the home and into
the mind of the native.”24 I joined others
anxiously standing on the curb, keenly
aware that the racial signifiers of our skin or
the languages we spoke made us hypervisi-
ble—these markers rendered precarious any
presumption of rights within this zone of
settler domination. “The settlers’ town is a
town of white people, of foreigners.”25

CHECKPOINT 300, Bethlehem

11:55. We arrived to Checkpoint 300. Earlier
that morning was spent in the Aida Camp
where thousands of refugees have lived for
Sealed off passage erected by the Israeli decades. From the roof of the community
military between the old city of Hebron and center, I surveyed a landscape of rainwater
illegal settlement, photo by author, 2019 collection tanks, solar panels, satellite dish-
es, entangled with phone lines and electrical
Israeli settler we encountered was an angry wires. Our host Abdulfattah Abusour told us
one, not shy in concocting bogus claims that the camp’s infrastructures of electricity,
of harassment. She wagged her finger as water, transport, and communication were
she marshaled her privileges to direct the all privatized and that water, for example,
military and police to expel any person she costs residents in the camp four times
deemed a threat. “It is the policeman and what it does elsewhere. The Oslo protocols
the soldier who are the official, instituted accorded Israel sole control of importation,
go-betweens, the spokesmen of the settler exportation, and taxation of most goods and
and his rule of oppression.”22 Some in our services in the occupied territories.26 “The
group exercised their rights to dispute her native town is a hungry town, starved of
falsehoods, while others, “belonging to bread, of meat, of shoes, of coal, of light.”27
the colonized people, or at least the native I could see the construction of several new
town, the Negro village, the medina, the units where workers used concrete blocks to
reservation,” instinctively retreated from partition interior and exterior walls, poured
this intense scene of regulation.23 Some concrete to form floors and columns, and
of us knew all too well that the military erected concrete switchback stairs to stitch
enforces the state of emergency while the each floor together. “It is a world without
police impose the everyday domination spaciousness; men live there on top of each
of nonwhites. “The intermediary does not other, and their huts are built one on top of
lighten the oppression, nor seek to hide the the other.”28
domination; he shows them up and puts We walked along the border of the Aida

Camp where the security barrier enforced at the illegal occupation whose violence had
the conditions of enclosure hallmark of reduced most Palestinians to a condition
Fanon’s “les damnés,” the wretched, “it is of bare life. Some of the graffiti memori-
a town of niggers and dirty Arabs.”29 The alized those killed by tear gas and bullets,
twenty-five-foot wall blocked all movement especially the many children. A small black
and obscured views to other parts of stencil graffiti on a lower part of the barrier
Bethlehem. Piles of debris abounded at the wall depicted a child whose hopscotch game
base of the wall amid evidence of cycles of is divided by a coil of barbed wire. This
destruction and reconstruction. It is “a town was a chilling reminder that the brutal vise
wallowing in the mire.”30 Scorched carcass- of white supremacy chokes off any future
es of guard turrets swelled outward from the for nonwhite life. “They are born there, it
barrier’s ominous verticality. Everywhere in matters little where or how; they die there, it
the occupied territories, including here, the matters not where, nor how.”31
barrier had become a canvas for graffiti and To get to the other side of the
murals expressing indignation and outrage separation barrier we eventually arrived

Protocol screening video in Checkpoint 300, Bethlehem,

photo by author, 2019

to Checkpoint 300, Gilo checkpoint, or all bodies, I walked up an incline also split
Bethlehem checkpoint, erected in 2005 at into three lanes. At the end of the hall, two
the same time as the wall. Like the Allenby monitors blared a video whose soundtrack’s
Crossing, its many names illustrated the pulsing beats were more apropos a bar than
contested status of this occupied territory. A a checkpoint. They delivered directions
large banner festooned above the entrance for entry: scan your permit, look into the
called the checkpoint the “Rachel Tomb’s camera, remove your sunglasses, remove
Crossing” whose “humanitarian entry lane” your hat, proceed one person at a time (fig.
was an attempt to distract tourists from 5). These border protocols made each body
the ritualistic (high-tech) dehumanization visible for the collection of biometric data
that still transpires in this border zone. that feeds into a national database accessible
Like a few other checkpoints, this one had to entities like the US Department of
been overhauled in 2019. Because of its Homeland Security.32 The data accumulates
increased infrastructure of surveillance into a digital archive of racial difference
to screen workers, residents, and tourists according to how it sorts “humanity into
who daily pass through here (all signs were full humans, not-quite-humans, and nonhu-
written in Arabic, Hebrew, and English) this mans.”33 This surveillance of Palestinians
checkpoint is also considered a terminal. We demonstrates how high-end scanning
wound through one of three exterior security technologies racialize bodies. According to
lanes that ran parallel to the barrier. A corru- my fellow PalFest traveler Simone Browne,
gated fiberglass lean-to roof attached to the this process continues a long history of
barrier wall covered all three lanes. Metal marking bodies, like the way that branding
fencing topped the shoulder-high walls to in the longue durée of the transatlantic slave
prevent someone from jumping into another trade and slaveholding “was instituted as
lane. Strategically placed cameras observed a means of population management that
our movements. These covert forms of rendered whiteness prototypical through its
surveillance reduced the physical presence making, marking, and marketing of black-
of Israeli military, a means of intimidation ness as visible and a commodity.”34 Making
and a volatile symbol of occupation. Palestinian difference visible normalizes

We entered the checkpoint’s interior Israeli sovereignty along with the covert
through a pair of revolving metal gates—a whiteness that underwrites it. “When you
now familiar element from the occupation’s examine at close quarters the colonial
catalog of racialized enclosures. Once context, it is evident that what parcels out
inside the large, double-height, top-lit hall, the world is to begin with the fact of belon-
whose brightness no doubt facilitated the ging to or not belonging to a given race, a
technologies of surveillance making visible given species.”35

Because most of us were foreigners, we areas of work, and increasingly of play.”39
were allowed to enter the humanitarian lanes Essential to colonialism’s domination,
and moved through the checkpoint in less dispossession, and wealth accumulation is
than twenty minutes. However, if we had how gender and sexuality are controlled to
arrived earlier in the day, we would have serve various extractive regimes. This and
witnessed a very different scene, as thou- other checkpoints have proven no different.
sands of Palestinian workers, mostly men, Scholar Lisa Lowe reminds us “how
jammed into the entry lanes and queued colonized populations were differentially
for screening. Beginning for some before racialized through their proximities to
dawn, these workers pass daily through the normative ideas of family reproduction that
checkpoint for jobs on the Israeli side of became central to early nineteenth century
the separation wall or in other Palestinian liberalism” and that continue to define
cities. Workers can wait up to three hours to today’s racialized distributions of freedom
advance through the screening process.36 In and humanity.40 The ability of male workers
“checkpoint time,” waiting immobilizes, it to obtain work permits (primarily in the
is a means of wasting of time, wasting life.37 blue-collar sector) reinforces patriarchal
“No conciliation is possible, for of the two categories of men as the primary source of
terms, one is superfluous.” income for Palestinian families, though a
small number of women hold work permits.
In their fieldwork at Checkpoint 300 and
the surrounding neighborhoods, scholars
Mark Griffith and Jemima Repo learned that
Not only was Palestinian land necessary the opaque process of permit acquisition
for the establishment and expansion of the discourages many women from seeking
Israeli nation-state through its settler project them for medical, religious, or cultural pur-
of dispossession, but Palestinian labor has poses.41 If women are successful in securing
been essential for the construction of houses, permits, the experience of the checkpoint
shopping malls, office buildings, roadways, can be daunting, even with the addition of
prisons, and a host of other building types.38 the humanitarian lane, which could be shut
The designation of guest worker in turn down at any time, and difficult because of
affirms the freedom to work as a right of harassment during the screening process.42
citizenship for Israelis. Under racial capital- As a consequence, Palestinian women are
ism racialization and proletariatization work immobilized by this racializing assemblage
together as forms of enclosure that enable of barriers, borders, and checkpoints.
the exploitation of bodies. As Sylvia Wynter I exited Checkpoint 300 along Hebron
suggests, “Colonization of the popular Road near a bus stop: infrastructure is the
masses enclosed them in being proletari- settler’s privilege. “The settler’s feet are
at—as the black was enclosed in the being
of Negro. This enclosure of both was part
of the mechanism by which the bourgeoisie
introjects its ruling consciousness into all

never visible, except perhaps in the sea; esque scene deeply unsettling in “this world
but there you’re never close enough to divided into compartments.”44
see them.” These buses transport marked
bodies—guest workers and noncitizens—to
sites of extraction. Enclosures after all
can be mobile. To wit, the slave ship was
a key apparatus of the racial assemblage
of the transatlantic slave trade. The ship’s
dank, cramped hold was the time-space
enclosure that dehumanized the African
into the Negro, the Black, and the fungible
thing, which in turn not only produced
profit to construct splendid edifices of the
Metropole but also generated the signifiers
of whiteness and mastery, history, and
geography definitive of modernity and the
West. The colonial formation of the hold
and its immanent death never disappeared,
but haunts the everyday life of marked
bodies—like those in occupied Palestine—
as theorist Christina Sharpe puts it, “its long
wake, the residence time of the hold, its
longue durée.”43 While we waited for all to
clear the screening process and for our bus
to take us to Ramallah, our group gathered
on the sidewalk, with some of us sitting on
a stone wall. In the distance appeared the
red roofs of the housing complexes of the
Gilo settlement. Across the street I noticed
a beautiful carpet of yellow wildflowers
stretching to a large olive grove—trees once
owned and tended by Palestinian residents
of Bethlehem. This experience of calm
and spaciousness after and adjacent to the
hurriedness and density of the places we
had visited in the morning—Aida Refugee
Camp and the barrier—rendered the pictur-

1. Frantz Fanon, The Wretched Black Feminist Theories of the International Solidarity
of the Earth, trans. Constance Human (Durham, NC: Duke Movement, March 24,
Farrington (New York: Grove University Press, 2014), 3–4. 2016, https://palsolidarity.
Press, 1963), 38–39. org/2016/03/an-evident-
7. Saidiya Hartman, “The extrajudicial-execution-in-
2. Helga Tawil-Souri, End of White Supremacy, An hebron/.
“Checkpoint Time,” Qui Parle American Romance,” Bomb
26, no. 2 (December 2017): Magazine, June 5, 2020, https:// 19. Fanon, Wretched of the
400. Earth, 38.
3. Fanon, Wretched of the an-american-romance/. 20. [Full citation needed]
Earth, 37.
8. Fanon, Wretched of the node/203027
4. See United Nations Office Earth, 37–38.
for the Coordination of 21. Fanon, Wretched of the
Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), 9. Eyal Weizman, Hollow Earth, 38–39.
“Over 700 Road Obstacles Land: Israel’s Architecture of
Control Palestinian Movement Occupation (London and New 22. Fanon, Wretched of the
within the West Bank,” October York: Verso Books, 2007), 5. Earth, 37.
8, 2018, https://www.ochaopt.
org/content/over-700-road- 10. Fanon, Wretched of the 23. Fanon, Wretched of the
obstacles-control-palestinian- Earth, 39. Earth, 38.
11. Hibo Bou Akar, For the 24. Fanon, Wretched of the
5. Scholars and activists War Yet to Come, Planning Earth, 37.
have noted the biopolitical Beirut’s Frontiers (Stanford:
dimensions of this process. Stanford University Press, 25. Fanon, Wretched of the
Michel Foucault sketches out 2018), 7. Earth, 38.
his theory of the biopolitical as
a regime of power, biopower, 12. Fanon, Wretched of the 26. Andrew Ross, Stonemen:
that works in concert with Earth, 38. The Palestinians Who Built
disciplinary power that Israel (London and New York:
individuates. Biopower 13. Fanon, Wretched of the Verso Books, 2021), 127.
functions at the scale of Earth, 38. [Please verify if correct source
the population as a “power is now cited here. This was an
of regularization, and it, in 14. Fanon, Wretched of the incomplete short form citation
contrast consists in making live Earth, 38. for “Ross” so the full reference
and letting die.” See Michel in 39 has been moved here and
Foucault, “17 March 1976,” 15. Fanon, Wretched of the 39 shortened. Is that correct?]
in Society Must Be Defended Earth, 38.
- Lectures at the Collège de 27. Fanon, Wretched of the
France, trans. David Macey 16. Fanon, Wretched of the Earth, 38.
(New York: Picador, 1997), Earth, 38.
247. 28. Fanon, Wretched of the
17. Fanon, Wretched of the Earth, 38.
6. Alexander G. Weheliye, Earth, 38.
Habeas Viscus: Racializing 29. Fanon, Wretched of the
Assemblages, Biopolitics, and 18. “An Evident Extrajudicial Earth, 38.
Execution in Hebron,”

30. Fanon, Wretched of the 2021, online report, 6, https://
Earth, 38.
31. Fanon, Wretched of the documents/meetingdocument/
Earth, 38. wcms_745966.pdf.

32. US Department of 39. Sylvia Wynter, “Black

Homeland Security, “DHS to Metamorphosis” (unpublished
Increase Security Cooperation manuscript [Date]).
with Israel through New
Arrangements,” DHS press 40. Lisa Lowe, The Intimacies
release, March 3, 2022, of the Four Continents (Durham, NC: Duke University
news/2022/03/03/dhs-increase- Press, 2015), 36.
through-new-arrangements. 41. Mark Griffiths and
Jemima Repo, “Women and
33. Weheliye, Habeas Viscus, 4. Checkpoints in Palestine,”
Security Dialogue 52, no. 3
34. Simone Browne, Dark (2021): 253–54. For further
Matters: On the Surveillance of reading on spatial politics of
Blackness (Durham, NC: Duke Checkpoint 300, see Mark
University Press, 2015), 118. Griffiths and Jemima Repo,
“Biopolitics and Checkpoint
35. Fanon, Wretched of the 300 in Occupied Palestine:
Earth, 38–39. Bodies, Affect, Discipline,”
Political Geography no. 65
36. Jaclyn Ashly, “Israel’s (2018) and Alexandra Rijke
Checkpoint 300: Suffocation and Claudio Minca, “Inside
and Broken Ribs at Rush Checkpoint 300: Checkpoint
Hour,” Al Jazeera, March 13, Regimes as Spatial Political
2019, https://www.aljazeera. Technologies in the Occupied
com/features/2019/3/13/israels- Palestinian Territories,”
checkpoint-300-suffocation- Antipode 51, no. 3 (2019).
42. Griffiths and Repo,
37. Tawil-Souri, “Checkpoint “Women and Checkpoints,”
Time,” 400. 256.

38. See Ross, Stonemen, 43. Christina Sharpe, In the

22–23. An estimated 133,000 Wake: On Blackness and Being
Palestinians worked in Israel (Durham, NC: Duke University
in 2019. See International Press, 2016), 70.
Labor Organization (ILO),
“The Situation of Workers of 44. Fanon, Wretched of the
the Occupied Arab Territories,” Earth, 38.
International Labor
Conference, 109th session,


This anthology is a collective endeavor and like to thank Ian Edward Wallace for endless
would not have been possible otherwise. I nights of editorial and moral support;
have learned tremendously from each and Alessandra Amin and Nadine Fattaleh for
every person listed here. I would first like to helping me workshop the introductory text
thank Yasmin El-Rifae for her careful eyes in the most brilliant of ways. I would like
and brilliant mind in her copyediting efforts, to thank Audra Simpson for teaching me
Omar Robert Hamilton for ongoing support how to think and read through devastated
and solidarity in this volume and beyond, yet undefeated worlds. I would also like
and the PalFest team of interlocutors, to acknowledge the following people and
including Jehan Bseiso, Maath Musleh, places for generously providing me with
Sharif Abdel Kouddous, and John Horner. spaces to write and edit, between 2021
I am infinitely thankful to Natalie and 2023, including but not limited to: the
Diaz and the Center for Imagination in Educational Bookshop in Jerusalem, Haifa
the Borderlands (CIB) at Arizona State and Youssef Sabbagh, Dung Ngo, and the
University for their support here and be- Brooklyn Public Library. Finally, I would
yond. This volume is in part made possible like to thank the Haymarket team, especially
thanks to the Matakyev Research Fellowship Anthony Arnove, Maria Isabelle Carlos,
at CIB. I would like to thank Tala Safié and Rachel Cohen, and Eric Kerl.
Bráulio Amado for tirelessly employing
their genius of design to interpret and prop
up the writings in this volume. I would like
to thank the authors, scholars, and thinkers
who participated in the PalFest 2019 festival
Urban Futures: Colonial Space Today
and everyone who hosted us in Jerusalem,
Ramallah, Bethlehem, Hebron, Lydd, and
Haifa. The 2019 festival acted as a powerful
catalyst for multiple collaborative projects,
including this very volume. I would also


Bráulio Amado is a coauthored book I Remember included in the 2014 and 2018
Portuguese graphic designer My Name is the Palestine Venice Biennales. Easterling is
and illustrator currently living Book Awards winner in the a 2019 United States Artist in
in New York City. He makes creative category (2016). She Architecture and Design.
posters, record covers, editorial is the coeditor of Making
illustrations, videos, and some Mirrors: Writing/Righting Omar Robert Hamilton is a
other stuff. by and for Refugees (2019) writer and filmmaker working
and is on the production team between Europe and the Arab
Tareq Baconi is a writer. of the Palestine Festival of World. His first novel, The City
He is the author of Hamas Literature. Bseiso has been Always Wins (Faber & Faber,
Contained: The Rise and working with Médecins sans 2017), won the Society of
Pacification of Palestinian Frontières/Doctors Without Authors’ Best Debut Under 35.
Resistance (Stanford University Borders (MSF) since 2008 and He most recently coedited You
Press, 2018). Tareq’s writing is currently the deputy general Have Not Yet Been Defeated
has appeared in the London director of the Operational (Fitzcarraldo Editions, 2021),
Review of Books, the New Center in Brussels. the selected works of the
York Review of Books, the imprisoned writer, Alaa Abd el-
Baffler, the Nation, Skin Deep, Keller Easterling is a writer, Fattah. He is the director of the
and the Washington Post, designer, and the Enid Palestine Festival of Literature.
among others. He serves as Storm Dwyer Professor of
the president of the board of Architecture at Yale. Her books Samia Henni is a historian
Al-Shabaka: The Palestinian include Medium Design (Verso, of the built, destroyed, and
Policy Network, the book 2021), Extrastatecraft: The imagined environments. She
review editor for the Journal Power of Infrastructure Space is the author of the multi-
of Palestine Studies, and (Verso, 2014), Subtraction award-winning Architecture of
cofounder of Makan. Tareq is (Sternberg, 2014), Enduring Counterrevolution: The French
the former senior analyst for Innocence: Global Architecture Army in Northern Algeria (gta
Israel/Palestine and Economics and its Political Masquerades Verlag 2017, EN; Editions B42,
of Conflict at the International (MIT, 2005), and Organization 2019, FR), the editor of Deserts
Crisis Group, based in Space: Landscapes, Highways Are Not Empty (Columbia
Ramallah. He is currently and Houses in America (MIT, Books on Architecture and
completing a manuscript about 1999). Easterling is also the City, 2022) and War
queer love in Amman. the coauthor (with Richard Zones (gta Verlag, 2018).
Prelinger) of Call it Home a She is also the maker of
Jehan Bseiso is a Palestinian laserdisc/DVD history of US exhibitions, such as Archives:
poet, researcher, and aid suburbia from 1934 to 1960. Secret-Défense? (ifa Gallery,
worker. Her poetry has been Easterling lectures, publishes, SAVVY Contemporary,
published in several online and exhibits internationally. Berlin, 2021), Housing
and offline platforms. Her Her research and writing was Pharmacology (Manifesta

13, Marseille, 2020), and Throat (2020), all published London. She works with
Discreet Violence: Architecture by University of Queensland Mada Masr in Cairo and is a
and the French War in Press. They live and work coproducer of the Palestine
Algeria (Zurich, Rotterdam, on the unceded lands of the Festival of Literature. She
Berlin, Johannesburg, Paris, Turrbal and Yagera peoples. is the author of Radius: A
Prague, Ithaca, Philadelphia, Story of Feminist Revolution
Charlottesville, 2017–22). She Dina Omar is a doctoral (Verso, 2022). Her writing
was Albert Hirschman Chair candidate in anthropology has appeared in the Guardian,
(2020–21) at the Institute of at Yale University with a the Nation, Lux, LitHub, and
Advanced Study in Marseille joint certification in Women, Guernica.
and a Geddes Fellow (2021) Gender, and Sexuality Studies.
at Edinburgh School of Omar is an academic, activist, Mahdi Sabbagh is a writer,
Architecture and Landscape writer, and entrepreneur. urbanist, and architect. He is
Architecture. Henni received Her most recent venture is part of the Palestine Festival
her PhD in the history and owner of the Palestinian Soap of Literature. He curated the
theory of architecture (with Cooperative. She studied and 2019 festival, Urban Futures:
distinction, ETH Medal) taught with June Jordan’s Colonial Space Today. Mahdi
from ETH Zurich and taught Poetry for the People program coedited Perspecta 50:
at Princeton University, at UC Berkeley between 2006 Urban Divides (MIT Press,
ETH Zurich, the University and 2010. Her dissertation 2017), and his work has been
of Zurich, and the Geneva examines the politics of mental published in Architecture of
University of Art and Design. health under conditions of the Territory (Kaph Books,
Currently, she is working extreme surveillance in the 2022), Open Gaza (AUC Press,
on an exhibition and a book context of the United States, 2021), the Journal of Public
project on France’s nuclear Israel, and Palestine. Culture, Jerusalem Quarterly,
infrastructure and wastes in the Awham Magazine, and the
Sahara. Henni teaches at the Kareem Rabie is assistant Funambulist. Mahdi is a 2023
Department of Architecture, professor of anthropology Matakyev Research Fellow
Cornell University’s College at the University of Illinois at the Center for Imagination
of Architecture, Art, and at Chicago and the author in the Borderlands. He is a
Planning. of Palestine Is Throwing a PhD student at Columbia
Party and the Whole World GSAPP and holds a masters in
Ellen van Neerven is a Is Invited: Capital and State architecture from Yale.
writer of Mununjali and Building in the West Bank,
Dutch heritage. They are published in 2021 with Duke Tala Safié is a graphic designer
the author of a collection of University Press. and art director from Beirut
stories, Heat and Light (2014), based in New York. She works
plus two poetry collections, Yasmin El-Rifae is a writer as a graphics and multimedia
Comfort Food (2016) and and editor in Cairo and editor for the New York Times.

Omer Shah is a cultural has authored Begin with the
anthropologist. He is the Chau Past: Building the National
Mellon Postdoctoral Fellow in Museum of African American
the department of anthropology History and Culture (2016)
at Pomona College He received and Negro Building: Black
his doctorate in anthropology Americans in the World of
from Columbia University in Fairs and Museums (2012) and
2021. His dissertation project coedited the volume Race and
is titled, “Made in Mecca: Modern Architecture: From the
Expertise, Smart Technology, Enlightenment to Today (2020).
and Hospitality in the Post-Oil She is a founding member of
Holy City.” In it, he examines Who Builds Your Architecture?
an emerging world of crowd (WBYA?), an advocacy project
scientists, engineers, and to educate the architectural
other “hajj entrepreneurs” and profession about the problems
“experts” making new smart of globalization and labor. For
technologies of mass pilgrim the Museum of Modern Art
management, logistics, and in New York City, she was
surveillance. His research cocurator of the exhibition
has been supported by grants Reconstructions: Architecture
from both the Social Science and Blackness in America
Research Council and the (2021).
Wenner Gren Foundation.

Cultural historian, architectural

designer, and curator Mabel
O. Wilson teaches architecture
and Black studies at Columbia
University, where she also
serves as the director of the
Institute for Research in
African American Studies.
With her practice Studio&,
she was a member of the
design team that recently
completed the Memorial to
Enslaved Laborers at the
University of Virginia. Wilson


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