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Geography Exercise Questions:

A. Multiple Choice Questions:

1. Which one of the following does NOT make substance a resource?

a. Utility b. Value c. Quantity
2. Which one of the following is a human made resource?
a. medicines to treat cancer
b. spring water
c. tropical forests
3. Complete the statement:
Non-renewable resources are ____
a. those which have limited stock
b. made by human beings
c. derived from non-living things
3. Resources which replenish at much slower pace than the rate at which
they are consumed are known as:
a. Renewable resource b. Human made resource c. Non-renewable
4. Which one of the following is a human made resource:
a. Technology b. Water c. Forests

B. Match the following with the term:

1. carefully utilizing resources, a. Non-renewable resource

so that it does not affect the needs
of the future generations
2. Resources which can not b. Sustainable development

be replenished through natural process

3. resources made through c. Natural resources

the use of knowledge, expertise and technology

4. something that is found in d. Human-made resources

nature and can be used by people
Ans. 1—b 2. a 3. ---d 4. ----c

C. Fill in the blanks:

1. All other resources have meaning and value only in relation to their
usefulness to ____. human beings
2. Resources created by humans are called ____. human-made
3.The population of a country can be asset only if it is ___ and
educated. Healthy
4. ____ of a resource means to utilize it carefully without misusing or
wasting it. sustainable development
5. ____ countries like USA, Japan and European countries have
exploited their resources more efficiently. Developed
Correct the statement:
Resources are evenly distributed over the earth.
Ans: unevenly

D. Explain the terms in one or two sentences:

a. Resources: Anything in the environment which is useful to us or has

a value in helping us live a better life is called resource.
b. Natural resource: A natural resource is something that is found in
nature and can be used by people.
c. Sustainable Development: It means carefully utilising resources for
our development so that it does not affect the needs of the future
d. Conservation of resources: It means judicious use of the resources,
keeping the needs of the future generations in mind. It should not be
wasted or misused.

E. Answer the following question:

1. Why are resources distributed unequally over the earth?

Ans. Resources are not distributed equally over the earth. Every place on
earth has its own unique group of natural resources. The distribution of
resources depends upon physical features like land,climate and altitude
of a place. Since these features differ from one place to another, the
distribution of resource also differs
2. What are major types of resources? State one features of each.
Ans. a. Natural resources: these are the resource which are found in
nature. Ex- soil, forest , minerals, etc
b. Human made resources: resources made by human beings. Ex- roads,
technology, buildings, factories, etc
3. What do you mean by human resources? Why are human
resources so important?
Ans. Human resources means the people or the human beings. It is the
human beings who, with their skill and knowledge, create new
resources that has value.
4. Suggest any four ways to conserve natural resources.
Ans. a. by implementing energy-efficient practices like using LED light,
energy efficient appliances.
b. by utilizing renewable energy sources like solar, wind and
hydropower instead of relying on fossil fuel. reducing water waste by fixing leaks.
d. by practicing sustainable farming techniques like crop rotation and
organic farming.
5. Explain how the three R’s help us in conserving our resources.
Ans. The three R’s means Reduce, Reuse and Recycle are the golden
rule for conservation.
a. Reuse:
by reducing the consumption f goods and materials, we lower the
demand for raw material.
reusing items extends the lifespan which reduces the need to produce
new goods. This will conserve the raw material.
c. Recycle
recycling involves processing used materials into new products.this
reduces the need to extract raw materials from the earth.
*By Subject Teacher*

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