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Intermediate. Writing Tests.

Pruebas Unificadas de Certificación (PUCs) - Interacción Escrita

Responding to an ad offering a job - Intermediate, by michelle (2014)
This is written for Intermedio (B1) students, who could be asked to write a formal application letter
between 100-125 words responding to an ad. (Transactional formal letter.)
Ad from Successful Writing - Intermediate, p. 30:

Young helpers (18-25) needed in our summer camp for 10-14 year olds. Duties include helping with
games and other activities.
Helpers must speak English or French and be able to work at any time, including some evenings, from
5th-25th July. Apply in writing to Ben Carroll.

BEFORE YOU WRITE - you can use an extra piece of paper for brainstorming and outline, that the
examiner will give you, but you have to do your writing in the space for it. This means, you cannot
write the piece twice, because you cannot use any other space to comply with the assignment. This is
good news because it means you can work on the outline, write your piece once, and then have spare
time to proofread your work. You are allowed to cross out things, and use stars/asterisks, provided
examiners can understand what you wrote. You are not allowed to use pencil and erasers/rubbers, and
white-out liquid is not recommended... Just use a black or blue pen and cross out or use stars/asterisks
when needed.
First of all, underline relevant info in the ad:
 Is the name of the publication included? If not, use Name of Publication in italics or between
inverted commas.
 Is the name of the contact person included? If it is, you need to start with Dear Ms Smith, and then
finish with Yours sincerely, [+ your full name of course]
 From that info, which skills, experience and personal traits of yours would make you a good / an
ideal candidate? Jot down key words like (based on the ad below) "sociable, energetic, experience
working with 10-14 year olds, or in summer camps, experience in organising/organizing outdoor
activities (outdoor games), sports activities in regular jobs or in your personal life, language
Outline / word limit:
 Sorting out the outline + number of words. Consider:
1. Beginning: Why you write. Dear... + first paragraph = 20-25 words
2. Second (2nd and 3rd) paragraph = 40 words: relevant info on studies (qualifications) and/or
work experience; or age and courses and experience.
3. Third (or 4th) paragraph = 25 words: Why YOU are the ideal candidate - personal traits,
4. Ending in three steps + signature = 20 words. Practical info: available + contact info +
looking forward / or thanks; Yours... ; Full name
Double-checking you comply with the assignment:
 Make sure you address all the points the ad presents, I mean, be flexible and adapt the theory you
know to what the ad wants you to do! Here, for example, including in the ending some reference
to being available in July.
Sample letter in 100-125 words (see below)
Sample letter in 100-125 words (see below)

Young helpers (18-25) needed in our summer camp for 10-14 year olds. Duties include helping with
games and other activities.
Helpers must speak English or French and be able to work at any time, including some evenings, from
5th-25th July. Apply in writing to Ben Carroll.

Dear Mr Carroll,
I am writing to apply fo the position of camp helper which was advertised in yesterday's edition of
Name of Paper.
I am an 18-year-old student of English at university. I have the B2 (Upper Intermediate) certificate
in English and a B1 (Intermediate) certificate in French. I have worked in schools as a teacher
helper becase I am good at organizing/organising activities, especially outdoor activities with
I feel that I am a well-suited candidate for the position. I regard myself as energetic and sociable, a
good organizer/organiser and competent at teamwork.
I would be available to work at any time after June 28. I can be reached at (email address).
I look forward to hearning from you.
Yours sincerely,
First Name Family Name/Surname
AFTER WRITING - Proofreading
Proofreading involves reading your piece at least three times, carefully, focusing on different things.
 One reading should be about this: Textual content organization and format (are all the ingredients
there? Beginning and closure).
 One should be about grammar and spelling. Keep your List of Mistakes in mind!
 One should be for any of the above if you have introduced changes to improve your writing,
whether they are correcting grammar or spelling mistakes, or to improve your language range.

Do's & Don'ts

 Fill in your personal information where required.
 Read the instructions carefully and underline key words.
 Comply with the requirements. You are not allowed to have less than 100 words or more than
125. You are not allowed to use a pencil or write your piece twice.
 Time yourself! You should be good at this because you have been practicing/practising this year!
 You can cross out and include corrections, provided examiners can understand.
 Think before writing, and proofread after writing (read as if you were the teacher!)
 Enjoy the task!
 You won't have enough words to write the addresses, but if a space is provided, for example, for
an email subject line, fill it in. In exams, addresses are only included if it is required in the exam,
or when there are broad word limits. Consequently, don't include addresses unless you find the
space for that or it says.
 Don't count the words. You should already know your average number of words per line, so
counting the lines will do!

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