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Jalan Metareuem-Lala, Email:

1. Mapel : Bahasa Inggris Guru Pengasuh : Dra. Cut yusrina, M.Pd.

2. Kelas / Semester : XII MIPA/ I ( satu ) Tahun : 2022
3. Waktu : 90 Menit

Choose the right Answer for the questions below

1. Irma usually ... the news paper every morning.

A.Read B.reads C. Reading D. has read E. had read
2. The students .... come late were funished.
A. who B. whom C. Whose D. which E. to whom.

The following texs is for questions 3- 5

Kompleks Persada
Kiara condong No 20
December 1, 2022
Nurdian Sambono
Personnel Director
PT Batara wisesa
JL. Permata No. 16

Dear, Sir

I am writing to apply for the position of Business Counselor which was advertised in City Public Post on
November 29, 2018. I have worked as a marketing consultant at PT Manunggal Bawana in West Jakarta for
three years.

I have a certificate from ACD’s institution for the best councelor in a year. I have also completed my
master’s degree at Paramitha Univercity. I am confidents that my qualifications and skills are relevant to make
significant contribution to your organization.

I enclose a resume with details of my personal information. I should be very grateful if you could grant
me an interview so that I can explain my qualifications more completely.


Titis Wicaksono
3. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To tell the readers about the information of PT Batara Wisesa.
B. To describe about position of Business Counselor.
C. To apply for a Business counselor position in PT Batara Wisesa
D. To give the information about the marketing consultants PT Manunggala Bawana
E. Telling about the writer experience in working at PT Batara Wisesa
4. What position does the applicant seek in the company?
A. Business Counselor D. Finance counselor
B. PT Batara Counselor E. Organization counselor
C. Marketing counselor

5. “I am” in line first paragraph one is refer to……………

A. Sir D. The writer
B. Leader of PT Batara Wisesa E. Titis Wicaksono
C. The reader

The following texs is for question 6-10

NEW YORK: Half of heart patients made at one medication, related mistake after Leaving the hospital and
guidance from a pharmacist didn’t seem to reduce those errors, in a new study.
Consequences of mistakes, such as forgetting to take certain drugs or taking the wrong doses can range
from side effects like constipation to more serions drops in blood pressure.Two percent of errors were life
Not all of the problems, however, were the fault of the patient. Some may have resulted from medication
mistakes in addition to the extra Pharmatists Invention, said Dr.Sunil Kripalani, the study’s lead author from the
Venderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee.
“We were surprised to see that in spite of these efforts that 50% ( of patients ) were still having this errors
medication, “ he told Reuters health
Althoungh the pharmacist’s visit didn’t help the average patient, he added, certain ones seemed to
benefit,such as patient who were on multiple drug or had trouble understanding health information.
As for traditionally lower risk patient, he said other strategies to prevent errors may be needed.
6. What does the text tell us about?
A. The patient’s medication errors D.The hospital medical treatment
B. The doctor’s medical treatment E. The uncontrolled medical treatment
C. The pharmacist’s medication mistakes

7. What is the less effect of medication errors?

A. Bleeding on heart `C. Life threatening E. Life Long Time
B. Health information D. Problem in hearning

8“....and Guidance from a pharmacist didn”t seem to reduce those errors...”(Paragraph 1)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to.....
A. Improve C. decrease E. increase
B. Upgrade D. Degrade

9.What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. Consequences of mistake usch as forgetting to take certain drugs
B. Taking the wrong dose. D. More serious drops in blood pressure
C. Two percent of errors were life theating E. Mistake affer leaving the hospital

10.What is the opposite of “mistake”

A. Right B. Clear C. Error D. Good E. Clever
This text is for questions 11 to 12
Village leader : Everyone, attention please!
Next month after harvesting, our village will hold Kite Flying Festifal. Everyone should
give some contribusion. Now we gather here to discuss about the donation and fund needed.
Please give your suggestions!
Mr. Salman : I think, it will be only acceptable if we collect money only from the rich
Mr. Ali : I can’t say that! We should remember that it is after harvest, so I think all of us have some
money and want to donate for the festival.
Village leader : I agree with Mr. Ali. Everyone should pitch in because this festival belongs to all of us. So,
the committee has to encourage all to contribuse no matter how small it is.
11.Why does the village leader assemble the people?
A. To play kites in the village harvest festival
B. To discuss about the Kite Flaying festival’s donation
C. To bring people together for good harvest
D. To suggest that a Kite Flaying festival is needed
E. To distribute some donation to villagers
12.Why does the Village leader support Mr. Ali’s suggestion?
A. Because he thinks the people are rich
B. Because rich people are giving donation
C. Because harvest this year is good
D. Because he thinks everyone should be invited
E. Because he thisks everyone should be a part of the festival.
This text is for questions 13 to 14
Boss : If your behave that way, our custumer will complain about your service. Try to smile more!
Employee : I’m sorry sir, I will do better next time
Boss : If you still have trouble, come to me after work.
13“if you still behave that way, our custumer will complain about your service.”
The underlined word has the closett meaning to?
A. Dissatisfy C. Behave better E. Complain the boss
B. Glare D. Consult the boss

14.What should the employer do if the trouble doese’t resolve?

A. Seek help C. Seek E. Complain the boss
B. Smile more D. Defend

This text is questions 15 to 18

Ms. Linda Edwards, deputy Mayor
City of Denver
213 West Lyons
Denver, CO 80230

Dear Ms. Edward

You have been recommended to membership on the Local Advisory Committee for The Marketing
Education program. The committee is composed of business, industry and civic represent actives
From the community. The goal of the committe is to improve career and technical prepation for
Students by developing clouser cooperation between business and education. Your knowledge of
Training needs and worker competencies would be valuable to the program.
There will be two or possibly three meetings a year. I will telephone you later this week about your
potenstial commitment and to answer any questions your may have.
We invite you to become a member of the advisory committee. We look forward to working with you to
advance the goals of our program and broaden opportunities for youth in the community. If you need
additional information. Please feel free to call me at 303.555.0000.
The commitee looks forward to working with you
John Do, marketing Education Coordinator
Denver High School

15. What is the purpose of the text?

A.To give a membership for Ms.Edwards
B.To recommend Ms.Edwarrds for the Local advisory Committee
C.To invite Ms.Edwards to be a member of the Advisory committee
D.To inform Ms.Edwards about the local Advisory committee
E.To deniy Ms.Edward an opportunity to be the member.
16. Why has Ms.Edwards been recommended for the program?
A. She owns business and industry in the community
B. She improver career of the students in the community
C. She holds meetings for the local community
D. She has gread knowledge in training need and worker competencies
E. She will train and empower the students of the community

17 “ advance the goal of our program....(paragraph 3)

‘our” in the sentence refers to...
A. Ms.Edwards C. The students E. The Advisory Committee
B. The community D. Committee

18.What will probably be felt by the Marketing education Cordinator if Ms. Edward refuses to join them?
A. Awkward C. Wonder E. Disappointed
B. Hopeful D. Curious
This text is for question 19 to 20
Attention please,
To congratulate this year graduates, SMAN 1 Mila will hold a farewell party in honor of them. The party
will be accommodating performances such as poem, Drama, singging, and exchanging gifts. So, class
leaders are expected to report to the committe for his class chosen performance, at the later a week before
the party.
Date : 04 April 2022
Time : 9.00
Venue : front school yard

Don’t miss the event, make sure you all participate, and are involved. For more info, please contact Natasya
( 085277606770 )
School Committe
19.What is the text about...
A. An annoucement about a drama performance.
B. An annoucement about the farewell party
C. The graduation ceremony
D. The singging and exchanging gift events
E. An info about what to wear for the farewel party
20. So, class leader are Expected to Report to the committee.... ( Paragraph 1 )
The underlined word has the closest meaning to....
A. Made C. Denied E. Hoped
B. Delayed D. Happene

The Dog and the Shadow

Do you like keeping an animal in your house? Okay. Do you know the reason why people keep
a dog in their house? Don’t you know that sometimes a dog can be so greedy that he steals all we have?
This is a story about a greedy dog.
It happened that a dog had got a piece of meat and was carrying it home in his mouth to eat it in
peace. Now on his way home, he had to cross a plank lying across a running brook. As he crossed, he
looked down and saw his own shadow reflected in the water beneath. Thinking it was another dog with
another piece of meat, he made up his mind to have that also. So, he made a snap at the shadow in the
water, but as he opened his mouth the piece of meat fell out, dropped into the water and was never seen
any more.
Anwer the following questions for 1 - 5 according to the above text
1. What is the text talk about ?
2. what lesson can you learn from this story?
3. Is it a story about a greedy dog?
4. Where did the dog saw his own shadow?
5. What did the dog do after he saw another dog with another piece of meat?

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