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EH 201\0972\2022

1. Goal and objective

a goal represents a broad, overarching outcome that educators, schools, or educational systems aim
to achieve over a certain period, while an objective is a specific, clear, measurable statement that
describes what learners are expected to achieve as a result of instruction.Example let’s say your
goal is to become a published author .that’s a broad aim you want to achieve in long term. Example
an objective that could help you reach the goal becoming a published author is to write write and
revise a certain number of pages or chapter each week .This specific and measurable objective will
keep you focused and make progress towards your goal.

2. Learning experience and learning outcome

A learning experience refers to any interaction, course, program, or other experience in which
learning occurs, whether intentional or unintentional, formal or informal. In contrast, a learning
outcome refers to the specific knowledge, skills, attitudes, or behaviors that students are
expected to exhibit as a result of engaging in a learning process or activitIes. Example of a
learning experience could be attending a book club where club where you get to discuss and
analyze different books with fellow readers .it’s a great way to broaden your literary knowledge
and engage in meaningful conversations about literature.Example of a learning outcome could
be gaining a deeper understanding of different literary genres and being able to critically analyze
and interpret the themes and symbolism in a book. it’s all about developing your analytical and
interpretive skills as a reader.

3. State the eight national goals of education in Kenya

Fostering National Unity

Promoting Social, Economic, Technological, and Industrial Needs for National Development
Promoting Individual Development and Self-Fulfillment
Promoting Sound Moral and Religious Values
Promoting Social Equality and Responsibility
Promoting Respect for and Development of Kenya’s Rich and Varied Cultures
Promoting International Consciousness and fostering positive Attitudes toward Other Nations
Promoting Positive Attitudes towards Good Health and Environmental Protection

4. Analyze how the 8 national goals are catered for in my teaching subjects

1. Fostering National Unity

Through English Literature, they will be exposed to various stories and different views from all
parts of Kenya and the world at large as well. This tends to foster understanding and empathy
among individuals with different cultural backgrounds. Literature gives common themes through
which students may be inspired to develop a sense of sharing their humanity and national
2. Promotion of National Development in Terms of Social-Economic, Technological, and
Industrial Needs
Education in literature has spurred the development of critical thinking, creativity, and practical
communication skills vital in almost every other economic division. Understanding the social,
economic, and technological challenges and opportunities within the country and globally
through analysis of texts.
3. Fostering Student Individual Development and Self-Realization
The study of literature is an effective tool for personal development because it widens the
student's reservoir of life experiences and philosophical insights, fostering empathy, self-
awareness, and reflection. It incites students to identify their value systems, beliefs, and
aspirations, promoting a holistic and self-realized individual effort.
4. Encouragement of Good Moral and Religious Values
Metaphysical English Literature often explores moral dilemmas, ethical conflicts, and the nature
of a man, providing the stage for the exploration of values, ethics, and morality. Through
discussing text through guided discussion methodologies, learners can analyze the morals built
from a character's actions and the decision-making process and offer pro-vision to develop their
ethical reasoning and value system.
5. Promoting Social Equality and Responsibility
Similarly, literature on different cultures and social backgrounds can be used to outline issues of
inequality, injustice, and social responsibility. Engaging students in such literature helps them
understand critically the effect of the present social milieu and reflect upon the part they could
play in ensuring equality and justice are meted out in their societies.
6. Promoting Respect for and Development of Kenya’s Rich and Varied Cultures
English Literature, and using this teaching approach, particularly when it touches on Kenyan and
African literature, can be a significant approach towards celebrating and promoting respect for
the diverse tapestry of cultures that finds residence within and without Kenya. It offers insights
into other cultural practices, histories, and ways of life and thus fosters mutual respect and
appreciation among learners.
7. Promoting International Consciousness and fostering positive Attitudes towards Other
By doing so, the analysis of English language literature from the world aimed at covering works
from former colonial powers and post-colonial societies can create an insight into international
relations, history, and global interdependence. This rises to cross-cultural perspectives and
positive international attitudes about people from other nations.
8. Promotion of Positive Attitudes on Good Health and Environmental Protection
Amongst the different literary compositions, it is a characteristic that drives attention to
concerns on health, well-being, and environment, though not as within a literary context. The
literature can develop an awareness in the students to positive attitude and act for health and
environmental stewardship, about the sustainability issues which came from environmental and
human impact on earth showing up.

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