Present and Past Exercise

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Name : ……………………………………………………… Chapter X and XI Exercise

When I was a child

Class : ……………………………………………………… To share our experience
Present and past time

Choose the correct answer to answer the questions!

1. She … her cat everyday
B. To feed C. Feed D. Feeds E. Feeding
2. I … always … to the dentist
A. Do not, go B. Does not, go C. Do not, went D. Does not, went
3. When … you … a shower?
A. Do, took B. Do, take C. Do, taken D. Do, taking
4. John : Do you like to sing?
Michael : ………….
A. Yes, I likes to sing C. Yes, I am liking to sing
B. Yes, I like to sing D. Yes, I liked to sing
5. Tom and I … … together.
A. Do surfing B. Don’t surfing C. Do surfs D. Don’t surf
6. I … breakfast every day at 7 AM
A. Eat B. To eat C. Ate D. Eaten
7. Teacher : How do you go to school?
Students : We … the bus to school
A. Rode B. Ridden C. Ride D. Riding
8. Siti : When do you do your homework?
Sinta : …………..
A. I have did my homework at 6 pm C. I do my homework at 6 PM
B. I did my homework at 6 PM D. I am doing my homework at 6 PM
9. Alex : Do you enjoy playing in the park?
John : …………..
A. No, I doesn’t playing in the park C. No, I don’t enjoy playing in the park
B. No, I no enjoy playing in the park D. No, I don’t enjoys playing in the park
10. Ahmad : Does he love his mother?
Razka :…
A. He love his mother C. He to love his mother
B. He loves his mother D. He is loving his mother
11. I………to the school alone yesterday
A. Walk B. Walked C. Walks D. Walking
12. We……in this restaurant 2 days ago
A. Ate B. Eaten C. Eating D. Eat
13. I……in this sofa with him
A. Sleeping B. Sleep C. Slept D. Sleped
14. We…… each other 2 years ago
A. Love B. Be loving C. Are love D. Loved
15. I……this scissors to cut the grass yesterday
A. Cuted B. Cuting C. Cut D. Be cutted
16. My brother…….this novel yesterday
A. Reading B. Reads C. Read D. Readed
17. My students……hard last night
A. Study B. Studied C. Was study D. Studying
18. My teacher…… about this mathematic last year
A. Taught B. Teaching C. Teaches D. Teach
19. I……a cake to your house last night
A. Bring B. Brought C. Brings D. Bringing
20. Julio…….an active student last year
A. Were B. Was C. Is D. Are

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