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Section A (Physical Environment)
Answer at least one question from this section.

1a). Study Fig. 1 which shows a landform resulting from river processes.

i). Identify the landform shown in Fig 1 and explain how it is formed. (5)

ii). What conditions could hinder the formation by river processes of the
landform identified in (a) (i)?

iii). With reference to examples, explain the value of rivers to communities.

Comment on the ways in which human activities have reduced the
usefulness of rivers. (6)

b). Study Figs 2A and 2B (opposite), showing the weathering of two types of
rock in different climatic regions. Describe and explain

i). the weathering processes taking place in each of Figs 2A and 2B. (7)

ii). the changes likely to take place in the aeroplane of feature X on fig 2A
over a long period of time. Illustrate your answer with a diagram. (6)
c). State three kinds of evidence which suggest that the earth’s crust is
experience movement and change. (3)

Figs 2A and 2B for Question 1

2a). Table 1 below gives information about the climates at four places in

Table 1
Mean temperature in 0C Average Rainfall ion mm
Place January July October to April to
March September
A 13.7 22.0 487 140
B 24.6 13.8 802 24
C 27.1 26.4 986 1174
D 29.4 13.7 114 42

i). Which place, A, B, C or D has the greatest temperature range?

ii). Select two places from A – D which have contrasting climates. Describe
the characteristics of each climate and explain the differences between
them. (6)

b). Study Fig 3 which gives details of the mean annual rainfall in Zimbabwe
from 1980 to 1991.
i). State the mean annual total from 1980 to 1991. (1)
ii). Describe the rainfall pattern shown by the graph. (5)
iii). In what ways is the information shown in the graph. (1)

c)i. State the type of air mass which originates over each of the following

X a tropical sea

Y a subtropical continental interior

Z an arctic landmass (3)

ii). Describe the characteristics of the air mass which originates at each of the
locations X and Z in (c) (i). (4)

iii). Describe the human problems caused by tropical cyclones and suggest
possible solutions to these problems. (6)

3a).i. Suggest why hot desert climates are mostly found on the western sides of
the continents. (3)

ii). Briefly describe the various ways in which plants and animals adapt to the
harsh environment of hot deserts. (5)

c). The poaching of wildlife has been a major issue in Zimbabwe in recent
years. State the arguments used by (i) conservations and (ii) poachers
with regard to the poaching of wild life. (6)

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