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zmt 231/4

Assignment 2
Human respiratory system


Matric Num.: 160384

Label the following diagram with the correct parts associated with respiratory system

1. Nasal Cavity
2. Pharynx
3. Larynx
4. Trachea
5. Bronchi
6. Lungs
7. Alveoli
8. Heart
Instructions: Choose the best answer.

1. The process that takes place in the lungs which involves the movement of oxygen and
carbon dioxide is known as _____.

A. gas exchange
B. cellular respiration
C. ventilation
D. pulmonary circulation

2. Which of the following best describes how gas exchange occurs?

A. Air is on one side of the respiratory membrane and blood is on the other
B. Oxygen moves out of the alveolar into the blood, while carbon dioxide moves in the
opposite direction.

C. Carbon dioxide moves into the blood, and oxygen moves in the opposite direction.
D. Gas exchange occurs in the heart.

3. Why does the process of gas exchange need to be efficient?

A. To enable us to run longer marathons in shorter amounts of time at greater speeds.

B. To enable us have more energy that will allow us to multitask to ultimately get
accomplished in a shorter period of time.

C. To get enough oxygen in to help our cells make energy to do work, and get carbon
dioxide out when we work

D. We do not need gas exchange to be efficient


The scary beast in figure is likely to be lurking in your own home, where it feeds on organic
debris, including human skin. What is it? It’s the common dust mite, a close relative of
spiders. The dust mite is so small that it is barely visible with the unaided eye, so it’s obviously
shown greatly enlarged above. If you think you can get rid of dust mites in your home by
frequent and thorough cleaning, think again.

There may be thousands of dust mites in just one gram of dust! Regardless of how clean you
keep your house, you can’t eliminate dust mites entirely. So why even bother trying? The feces
of dust mites contain proteins that are a common trigger of asthma attacks.

What is asthma attack? How can asthma attacks be prevented?

How can symptoms of asthma attacks be controlled?.

An asthma attack occurs when the airways swell and tighten,
causing difficulty breathing, coughing, and chest tightness. To
prevent asthma attacks, avoid triggers such as dust, pet dander,
smoke, and strong odors by maintaining a clean environment,
avoiding smoking, and managing respiratory infections through
early medication and vaccinations. During an attack, stay calm,
sit upright, use a prescribed inhaler, and seek medical help if
symptoms persist. In controlling the attack, a long-term
management includes practicing breathing exercises like
pursed-lip and diaphragmatic breathing to strengthen lung
capacity could be done. Regular medical check-ups are essential
for effective asthma management and adjusting treatment plans
as needed.
What is pneumonia? What is the different between asthma attack and
pneumonia? How can pneumonia be prevented? How is it treated?

Pneumonia is the condition where an infection happened to the
lung that causes the air sacs, or alveoli of the lungs to fill up
with fluid. The different between pneumonia and asthma attack
can be seen from the causes itself where the pneumonia is due to
infection whereby asthma attack are causes from the tighten of
airways that comes from allergies, dusty condition and also it is
can be inherited from the parents. Other comparison that can be
seen is the condition if the airways of these two conditions
where pneumonia the alveoli will be filled up with liquid but
asthma attack, the airways will swelling. Pneumonia can be
prevented through vaccinations for diseases like COVID-19,
Influenza, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), also avoiding
smoking, go for regular medical check-ups, and limiting alcohol
consumption. Treatment involves taking antibiotics for bacterial
infections, antiviral medications for viral causes, and antifungal
treatments if caused by fungi, along with over-the-counter
medicines to alleviate symptoms like fever and muscle pain.
let's play
Smoking is a major public health concern due to the numerous risks associated
with it. The harmful effects of smoking are well-documented and can impact
nearly every organ in the body. List some of the main risks emanating from


Nicotine in tobacco is a highly Smoking can lead to numerous lung

addictive substance that triggers diseases, including lung cancer,
the release of dopamine in the chronic bronchitis, and asthma.
brain, but its effects are short- Another example is emphysema, a
lived. Over time, as a person condition where the alveoli are
continues to smoke, their body damaged.
requires more dopamine, leading to
increased cravings. This
dependency and the withdrawal
symptoms associated with nicotine
contribute to tobacco addiction.


Infertility rates in both male and Smoking damages the heart and
female smokers are approximately blood vessels, which can lead
double those found in nonsmokers. to high cholesterol, high blood
This is because exposure to pressure, and heart attacks.
tobacco can damage DNA in sperm Additionally, it increases the
and smoking can impact hormone risk of developing peripheral
production. artery disease, where narrowed
arteries reduce blood flow to
the limbs.


Smoking increases the risk of Smoking can be a cause of type 2

developing mouth cancer, gum diabetes. The chemicals in
problems, tooth loss, and decay at cigarettes can cause
the roots of teeth. It also leads to inflammation throughout the
complications after tooth removal, body, making insulin less
as well as gum and oral surgeries. effective.
Thank You

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