Regulatory Compliance System - P License Guide (1)

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Regulatory Compliance System


User’s Manual
#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Table of Contents

1. Getting Started............................................................................................................................6
2. Landing Page Modal.................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 1 – Landing Page Modal.................................................................................................. 7
3. Landing Page............................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 2 – Landing Page............................................................................................................. 7
4. Registration................................................................................................................................. 7
4.1. How to Register Account........................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3 – Account Registration................................................................................................. 8
4.2. How to Activate your Account...................................................................................................9
Figure 4 – Account Activation.................................................................................................... 9
Figure 5 – Email Verification...................................................................................................... 9
5. Login Page................................................................................................................................... 9
5.1. How to Log in Account.............................................................................................................10
Figure 6 – Login Page............................................................................................................... 10
5.2. How to Reset Password........................................................................................................... 11
Figure 7 – Forgot Password...................................................................................................... 11
Figure 8 – Reset Password Email..............................................................................................11
Figure 9 – Password Resetting................................................................................................. 12
6. User Profiles and Compliance Registration.................................................................................12
6.1. How to Set up Profile (P)......................................................................................................... 12
Figure 10 – User Profile (P, Part 1)........................................................................................... 13
Figure 11 – Add License Number (P)........................................................................................14
Figure 12 – User Profile (P, Part 2)........................................................................................... 14
Figure 13 – Add New Warehouse / Plant Address................................................................... 15
Figure 14 – User Profile (P, Part 3)........................................................................................... 16
Figure 15 – User Profile (P, Part 4)........................................................................................... 17
6.2.Application for P License.......................................................................................................... 18
6.2.1.How to Submit Application for P License.............................................................................. 18
Figure 16 – Navigation Bar Menu (P License)...........................................................................18
Figure 17 – P License Application (Part 1)................................................................................18
Figure 18 – P License Application (Part 2)............................................................................... 19
Figure 19 – Assign Applied License to Warehouse / Plant Address......................................... 19
Figure 20 – P License Application (Part 3)................................................................................20
Figure 21 – P License Application (Part 4)................................................................................20
Figure 22 – Add Controlled Chemicals..................................................................................... 21
Figure 23 – P License Requirements........................................................................................ 22
6.2.2. How to Submit Proof of Payment (Private Sector)............................................................... 22

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 24 – Application Status (For Payment).......................................................................... 23

Figure 25 – Attachment of Proof of Payment...........................................................................23
6.2.3. How to Print P License..........................................................................................................23
Figure 26 – Application Status (Approved)...............................................................................24
Figure 27 – Sample Survey Questionnaire............................................................................... 24
Figure 28 – P Application Form................................................................................................ 25
Figure 29 – P License Certificate.............................................................................................. 26
Figure 30 – P Assessment Slip.................................................................................................. 27
7. Semi-Annual Reports................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 31 – Navigation Bar Menu (Semi-Annual Reports)........................................................27
7.1. How to Submit a Semi-Annual Report.....................................................................................27
Figure 32 - Semi-Annual Report............................................................................................... 28
Figure 33 - Semi-Annual Report Month Covered..................................................................... 28
Figure 34 - Semi-Annual Report Year Covered......................................................................... 29
Figure 35 - Semi-Annual Report Application............................................................................ 30
Figure 36 – Adding Controlled Chemicals (Report Form 2-14, 3-14, IDADIN 5-06)..................31
Figure 37 – Submitting required attachments/documents for SAR submission...................... 31
7.2. How to Print Semi-Annual Reports..........................................................................................32
Figure 38 – How to Print Semi-Annual Report......................................................................... 32
Figure 39 – Semi-Annual Report............................................................................................. 32
Figure 40 – Semi-Annual Report - Report Form 2-14.............................................................. 33
Figure 41 – Semi-Annual Report - Report Form 3-14 (part 1)................................................. 33
Figure 42 – Semi-Annual Report - Report Form 3-14 (part 1)................................................. 34
Figure 43 – Semi-Annual Report - Report Form 3-14 (part 3)................................................. 34
Figure 44 – Semi-Annual Report - IDADIN Form 5-06............................................................. 35
8. Other Transactions.................................................................................................................... 35
8.1. Application for Material Changes............................................................................................ 35
8.1.1.How to Submit Material Change Application........................................................................ 35
Figure 45 – Navigation Bar Menu (Material Change)...............................................................35
Figure 46 – Material Change Application (Part 1).................................................................... 36
Figure 47 – Add Material Changes........................................................................................... 37
Figure 48 – Material Changes (Part 2)......................................................................................38
Figure 49 – Material Changes (Part 3)......................................................................................38
8.1.2.How to Print Material Change Application............................................................................ 39
Figure 50 – How to Print Material Change Application............................................................39
Figure 51 – Material Change Application................................................................................ 39
Figure 52 – Download Material Change Application...............................................................40
8.2. Application for Notice on Retirement of License.....................................................................40
8.2.1.How to Submit Notice on Retirement of License Application............................................... 40

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 53 – Navigation Bar Menu (Notice on Retirement of License)......................................40

Figure 54 – Notice on Retirement of License (Part 1).............................................................. 41
Figure 55 – Add Dangerous Drugs (Notice of Retirement).......................................................42
Figure 56 – Notice on Retirement of License Application (Part 2)........................................... 42
Figure 57 – Add Controlled Chemical (Notice on Retirement of License)................................ 43
Figure 58 – Notice on Retirement of License Application (Part 3)........................................... 44
Figure 59 – Notice on Retirement of License Application (Part 4)........................................... 44
8.2.2.How to Print Notice on Retirement of License Application................................................... 44
Figure 60 – How to Print Notice on Retirement of License Application...................................44
Figure 61 – Notice on Retirement of License Application....................................................... 45
Figure 62 – Download Notice on Retirement of License Application......................................45
8.3. Application for Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance...............................................46
8.3.1. How to Submit Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance.......................... 46
Figure 63 – Navigation Bar Menu (Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance)...
Figure 64 – Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance Application (Part 1).... 47
8.3.2.How to Print Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance Application............47
Figure 65 – How to Print Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance Application
Figure 66 – Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance Application................ 48
Figure 67 – Download Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance Application...
8.4. Report on Suspicious Order and / or Transactions.................................................................. 48
8.4.1.How to Submit Application for Suspicious Order and / or Transactions................................48
Figure 68 – Navigation Bar Menu (Report on Suspicious Order and / or Transactions)...........48
Figure 69 – Report on Suspicious Order and / or Transactions Application (Part 1)................ 49
Figure 70 – Report on Suspicious Orders and / or Transactions (Part 2)..................................50
Figure 71 – Report on Suspicious Orders and / or Transactions (Part 3)..................................51
8.4.2.How to Print Report on Suspicious Orders and / or Transactions......................................... 51
Figure 73 – How to Print Report on Suspicious Orders and / or Transactions Application...... 51
Figure 74 – Report on Suspicious Orders and / or Transactions Application.......................... 51
Figure 75 – Download Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance Application...
8.5. Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs and its Preparation.................................................... 52
8.5.1.How to Submit Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs and its Preparation......................... 52
Figure 76 – Navigation Bar Menu (Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs and its Preparation).
Figure 77 – Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs (DD) and / or its Preparation (DDP)......... 53
(Part 1)..................................................................................................................................... 53
Figure 78 – Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs (DD) and / or its Preparation (DDP)......... 54

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

(Part 2)..................................................................................................................................... 54
Figure 79 – Add Dangerous Drugs (Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs (DD) and / or its
Preparation (DDP).................................................................................................................... 55
Figure 80 – Add Controlled Chemical (Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs (DD) and / or its
Preparation (DDP).................................................................................................................... 56
8.5.2.How to Print Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs (DD) and / or its Preparation (DDP).... 56
Figure 81 – How to Print Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs (DD) and / or its Preparation
Figure 82 – Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs (DD) and / or its Preparation (DDP)........ 57
Figure 83 – Download Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance Application...
8.6. Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances............................................................................. 58
8.6.1.How to Submit Application for Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances......................... 58
Figure 84 – Navigation Bar Menu (Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances)......................58
Figure 85 – Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances (part 1)..............................................58
Figure 86 – Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances (Part 2).............................................. 59
Figure 87 – Add Dangerous Drugs (Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances).....................60
Figure 88 – Add Controlled Chemical (Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances)...............61
Figure 89 – Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances - First Notice..................................... 61
Figure 90 - Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances (Part 3)...............................................62
Figure 91 - Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances (Part 4)...............................................62
Figure 92 - Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances (Part 5)...............................................63
8.6.2.How to Submit Second Notice of Arrival of Controlled Substance........................................63
8.6.2.How to Print Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances......................................................63
Figure 93 – How to Print Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances......................................63
Figure 94 – Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs (DD) and / or its Preparation (DDP)........ 64
Figure 95 – Download Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance Application
(page 1).................................................................................................................................... 65
Figure 96 – Download Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance Application
(page 2).................................................................................................................................... 65
9. User Dashboard.........................................................................................................................65
Figure 97 – User Dashboard.....................................................................................................66
9.1 How to View Application Status............................................................................................... 66
Figure 98 – Application Status................................................................................................. 66
9.2. How to View Violation Noted.................................................................................................. 66
Figure 99 – Violation Noted..................................................................................................... 66
9.3. How to Verify License.............................................................................................................. 67
Figure 100 – Verify License...................................................................................................... 67
9.4 How to Sign out Account.......................................................................................................... 67
Figure 101 – Account Settings..................................................................................................67

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

1. Getting Started
PDEA Compliance Service adheres and complies with the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (RA No.
10173)and its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) to safeguards Client’s Data Privacy Rights.
The herein named Client, by agreeing with this Consent Form, it is construed that in his/her
application for S2 License / S License / P License / Accreditation as Transporter / Import / Export
Permit / Special Permit and other transactions; has agreed and consented the following: Allow PDEA
Compliance Service and its authorized representatives to collect, use, process and share pertinent
Data collected with other Government regulatory agencies the following information

For S2 License - Name / Home and Office / Clinic Address / Contact number / E-mail Address
/ Birthdate / PRC ID / Drug Test Results and Signature.

For S License and Accreditation - Name / Home and Office / Clinic Address / Contact number
/ PRC ID / Business Permit / SEC registration / FDA LTO / BOC Accreditation / Signature.

Allow PDEA Compliance Service to use / share relevant Data and statistical research, and
other lawful purpose;

All records and relevant data collected will be stored / disposed of in a manner in accordance
with applicable laws and policies of the National Archives of the Philippines (NAP).

2. Landing Page Modal

To open the website for PDEA RCS, type in the search bar of the browser the domain: .
This is the first page that external users see. This contains the privacy and the policy of
Online Regulatory Compliance Service.

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 1 – Landing Page Modal

1. Read the Privacy Policy of PDEA’s RCS carefully.

2. Click the Accept button if you understand and accept the RCS’ website Privacy and Policy.

3. Landing Page
You have the option of logging into an existing account or creating a new one after clicking
the Accept button on the landing page's modal.

Figure 2 – Landing Page

1. Click the Login button if you already have an account. Additionally, the website will be sent
to the log-in form.
2. Click the Register button to create an account if you don't already have one. And the
registration form will be redirected to the website.

4. Registration
The Registration page is where you can create and register a new account.

4.1. How to Register Account

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 3 – Account Registration

1. Input the following:

License Type to Apply: Selection as Follows:
- S2 License - For Medical Practitioners
- S License - Dangerous Drugs
- P License - Controlled Precursors &
Essential Chemicals
- Accreditation - For Transporters,
Haulers & Carriers
E-mail Address - E-mail to be used on account log in
Password - Password to be used on account log
Confirm Password - Password verification

2. Complete reCAPTCHA.
3. Click the Register button to finish the registration and wait for the system to send an email
for account activation and email verification. (Figure 3)

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

4.2. How to Activate your Account

Figure 4 – Account Activation

Figure 5 – Email Verification

1. When you click the register button, an email will be sent to you; if you haven't gotten it, click
Resend Verification Link. (Figure 4)
2. To validate your email address and activate your account, click Verify Email Address.

5. Login Page
The Login Page is the first page that external users will see. This is where you can log in your
account or reset your password.

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

5.1. How to Log in Account

Figure 6 – Login Page

1. Input the following:

E-mail Address - E-mail address used on account creation.
Password - Password used on account creation.

2. Click the Login button to access the Regulatory Compliance System.

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

5.2. How to Reset Password

Figure 7 – Forgot Password

1. Click Forgot Password at the login page. (Figure 6)

2. Enter the email address used in account creation.
3. Tick the checkbox of reCAPTCHA to confirm that you are not a robot.
4. Click the Send Reset Verification Link button and wait for the system to send an email.

Figure 8 – Reset Password Email

1. Check your email and look for the system's email and open it.

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

2. Once opened, click the Reset Password button and you will be redirected to the password
reset page. (Figure 7)

Figure 9 – Password Resetting

1. Input the following:

Reset Password
E-mail Address
Password - New password to be used next login
Confirm Password - Verify new password if it matched

2. Complete reCAPTCHA
3. Click the Save New Password button to update and save your password.

6. User Profiles and Compliance Registration

This is the page where the client's information is recorded based on the Profession they have
chosen. During the application process, information in this page's contents will be reflected on the
application page, so enter the correct information.
This is where the user can choose an application for a license or permit, such as Application
for S2 License or Application for S2 Permit. License to Carry DD, Other S-License Application, P
License Application, Accreditation Application, and Request for a Local Order Permit.

6.1. How to Set up Profile (P)

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 10 – User Profile (P, Part 1)

1. Upload your Company Logo.

2. Input the following:

Entity Information
License Type
Add License
Establishment Type * Selection as follows
● Office
● Warehouse
Office Type Only if Main Office is selected in Establishment
Establishment Name * Only if Main Office is selected in Office Type

Search Main Office Only if Branch Office is selected Office Type

Branch Name Only if Branch Office is selected Office Type

Nature of Business *
E-mail Address *
Contact Number *
Sector *
If Private Only if Private is selected in sector

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 11 – Add License Number (P)

1. Input the following, if any:

Add License Number

License Type
License Number
License Validity

2. Click the Add button if you want to save additional licenses.

Figure 12 – User Profile (P, Part 2)

1. Input the following:

Office / Business Address

Region *
Province *
City / Town *

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Barangay *
Blk. / Lt. / Rm. / Flr. / Unit Number
Bldg. / Sub. / Street
Zip Code

2. Click Add Warehouse/s if you want to add any.

Figure 13 – Add New Warehouse / Plant Address

1. Input the following:

Add New Warehouse / Plant Address

Region *
Province *
City / Town *
Barangay *
Contact Number *
Blk. / Lt. / Rm. / Flr. / Unit Number
Bldg. / Sub. / Street
Zip Code
Apply License

2.Click Add Warehouse if you want to save the information.

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 14 – User Profile (P, Part 3)

1. Input the following:

Authorized Signatory / Pharmacist

Surname *
Middle Name
First Name *
Name Extension
Position *
Nationality *
E-mail Address
PRC License Number
Contact Number *
PRC License Validity
Region *
Province *
City / Town *
Barangay *
Blk. / Lt. / Rm. / Flr. / Unit Number
Bldg. / Sub. / Street
Zip Code

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 15 – User Profile (P, Part 4)

1. Input the following:

Head of Office
Surname *
Middle Name
First Name *
Name Extension
Position *
Nationality *
E-mail Address
Contact Number
Region *
Province *
City / Town *
Barangay *
Blk. / Lt. / Rm. / Flr. / Unit Number
Bldg. / Sub. / Street
Zip Code

1. Click Save button to save your user profiles.

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

6.2.Application for P License

6.2.1.How to Submit Application for P License

Figure 16 – Navigation Bar Menu (P License)

1. Click the Compliance Registration at the navigation bar menu.

2. Select and click P License Application at the dropdown menu.

Figure 17 – P License Application (Part 1)

1. Check all the information to see if it is the same as previously applied; if not, click the "Click
Here" link.
2. Click the View button to view all your licenses.
3. Select Years of License Validity.

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 18 – P License Application (Part 2)

1. Check all the information to see if it is the same as previously applied; if not, click the "Click
Here" link. (Figure 54)
2. Click Assign Applied License to Warehouse / Plant Address if you want to assign a license to
your warehouse.

Figure 19 – Assign Applied License to Warehouse / Plant Address

1. Click Applied For to assign license.

2. Click Close if you are done.

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 20 – P License Application (Part 3)

1. Check all the information to see if it is the same as previously applied; if not, click the "Click
Here" link.

Figure 21 – P License Application (Part 4)

1. Click Add to add controlled chemicals to the table. Otherwise, click the Delete button.
(Figure 22)
2. After being added to the outside table, fill up all necessary details for the controlled
3. Click the Attachment button to upload the required attachments. Requirements are based
on the sector type. (Figure 23)
4. Click Cancel to cancel and discard the application.
5. Click Submit to submit the application.

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 22 – Add Controlled Chemicals

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 23 – P License Requirements

1. Note that the list of requirements is not all shown in the figure.

6.2.2. How to Submit Proof of Payment (Private Sector)

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 24 – Application Status (For Payment)

1. Once the application has been processed by Processor 1 and 2,it will be tagged For Payment.
Refresh the page by clicking the refresh button on the table or just by normally refreshing a
website. Click on the Edit button at the action’s column to access the application to submit
your payment details.

Figure 25 – Attachment of Proof of Payment

1. Scroll down to the bottom part of the application. Input the following:

Payment Details
Date of Payment
Amount Paid

1. Drag and drop your file to upload the proof of payment. Maximum of 2 files are allowed.
2. Click the Submit button when you are done.

6.2.3. How to Print P License

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 26 – Application Status (Approved)

1. Once the application is approved, you need to reload your homepage to update to the latest
status and access the application again. Printing license requires you to answer a survey
before proceeding for the first time.

Figure 27 – Sample Survey Questionnaire

1. Fill out all the necessary fields at the questionnaire (Figure 27)
2. Click the Submit button once done. And the system will redirect to license printing.
3. Scroll to the bottom part of the application.
4. Click the Download Application Form button to download the application form.
5. Click the Download Assessment Slip button to download the assessment slip. This will only
appear for applications with the Private sector.
6. Click the Payment History button to see the payments logs. This will only appear for
applications with the Private sector.
7. Click the Print License button to proceed on license printing or if the application is new, it
will display a popup window for a survey that you need to answer first before printing the

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Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 28 – P Application Form

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Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 29 – P License Certificate

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 30 – P Assessment Slip

7. Semi-Annual Reports

Figure 31 – Navigation Bar Menu (Semi-Annual Reports)

1. Click the Semi-Annual Reports at the navigation bar menu.

7.1. How to Submit a Semi-Annual Report

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 32 - Semi-Annual Report

1. Check all the information to see if it is the same as previously applied; if not, click the click
here link.
2. Click the View button to view all your licenses.
3. By accessing the page, first you will need to select the month and year covered to activate
the tables of Report Form 1-14, 2-14, 3-14, IDADIN 4-06 and IDADIN 5-06.

Figure 33 - Semi-Annual Report Month Covered

1. Month Covered dropdown consists of the two halves of a year. January - June and July -
December. Select what’s appropriate to your application.

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 34 - Semi-Annual Report Year Covered

1. Year Covered dropdown consists of current year, advanced 1 year from the current year and
3 previous years from the current year.

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Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 35 - Semi-Annual Report Application

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Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

1. Click the add button in the table you need to submit a Semi-Annual Report. For Report Form
2-14, 3-14 and IDADIN 5-06, their selections are controlled chemicals.
2. After adding the controlled substances, if you made a mistake click the checkbox and delete

Figure 36 – Adding Controlled Chemicals (Report Form 2-14, 3-14, IDADIN 5-06)

Figure 37 – Submitting required attachments/documents for SAR submission

1. After filling all the tables that you need, scroll to the bottom part and click the attachment
button to access the modal for uploading the necessary documentation before you can
submit your SAR application.

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

7.2. How to Print Semi-Annual Reports

Figure 38 – How to Print Semi-Annual Report

1. After submitting the SAR application, the client can view and download the application form.

Figure 39 – Semi-Annual Report

1. Accessing the application will reveal download buttons based on the SAR or report forms
they submitted.
2. Even after the SAR application has been evaluated, the internal processor can still tag it for
inspection if it's necessary.

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 40 – Semi-Annual Report - Report Form 2-14

Figure 41 – Semi-Annual Report - Report Form 3-14 (part 1)

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 42 – Semi-Annual Report - Report Form 3-14 (part 1)

Figure 43 – Semi-Annual Report - Report Form 3-14 (part 3)

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

1. For Report Form 3-14, each controlled substance will be in separate pages.

Figure 44 – Semi-Annual Report - IDADIN Form 5-06

8. Other Transactions
Here, the user can choose which notifications they would like to submit, including Import
Projection of Dangerous Drugs and/or its Preparation, Report on Suspicious Order and/or
Transactions, Report on Material Change, Report on Losses or Destruction, Notice on Retirement,
and Notice of Arrival of Controlled Substances.

8.1. Application for Material Changes

8.1.1.How to Submit Material Change Application

Figure 45 – Navigation Bar Menu (Material Change)

1. Click the Other Transactions at the navigation bar menu.

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

2. Select and click Material Change at the dropdown menu.

Figure 46 – Material Change Application (Part 1)

1. Click the Add button to add an item to the table. (Figure 47)
2. Click the Delete button to delete an item to the table.

1. You cannot apply for material change unless you have a compliance registration application.

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 47 – Add Material Changes

1. Input the following:

Add Material Changes

Select Type of Document * Selection as follows:
- S2 License
- S License
- Accreditation Certificate
- Import / Special / Export Permit
Select Type of Material Change *
Effectivity of Material Change *
To *
Reason / Remarks *

2. Click the Add button to add the material changes to the table.

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 48 – Material Changes (Part 2)

1. Add Prepared by. (Auto-filled with other licenses)

2. Add Noted by. (Auto -filled with other licenses)
3. Click the Attachment button to upload required attachments, if any.
4. Click Cancel to cancel the application.
5. Click Submit to submit the application.

Figure 49 – Material Changes (Part 3)

1. After the application has been approved, it will be tagged as Pending update until the
responsible Processor changes the necessary information.
2. It will be tagged as Updated after the change/s.

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

8.1.2.How to Print Material Change Application

Figure 50 – How to Print Material Change Application

1. After applying for the material change, the client can view and download the application

Figure 51 – Material Change Application

1. Click the Download Application Form button to download the application form. It will open
in a new tab where you can view the PDF and from there you can print it directly or
download it in your device for keeping.

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 52 – Download Material Change Application

8.2. Application for Notice on Retirement of License

8.2.1.How to Submit Notice on Retirement of License Application

Figure 53 – Navigation Bar Menu (Notice on Retirement of License)

1. Click the Other Transactions at the navigation bar menu.

2. Select and click Notice on Retirement of License at the dropdown menu.

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 54 – Notice on Retirement of License (Part 1)

1. Click Add button to add items on the table. (Figure 55)

2. Click the Delete button to delete items on the table.

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 55 – Add Dangerous Drugs (Notice of Retirement)

1. Tick a checkbox you want to add on the table.

2. Click the Add button to save the items.
3. Click the Close button to close the modal.
4. After being added to the outside table, fill up all necessary details for the controlled

Figure 56 – Notice on Retirement of License Application (Part 2)

1. Click Add button to add items on the table. (Figure 57)

2. Click the button to delete items on the table.
3. Tick a checkbox applicable to your situation.
4. Delete

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 57 – Add Controlled Chemical (Notice on Retirement of License)

1. Tick a checkbox you want to add on the table.

2. Click the Add button to save the items.
3. Click the Close button to close the modal.
4. After being added to the outside table, fill up all necessary details for the controlled

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 58 – Notice on Retirement of License Application (Part 3)

1. Add Reason for Retirement.

2. Add Name of New Company, only if you selected Yes on planning to operate the same
business under new company name.
3. Click the Attachment button to upload required attachments, if any.
4. Click Cancel to cancel the application.
5. Click Submit to submit the application.

Figure 59 – Notice on Retirement of License Application (Part 4)

1. After the application has been approved, it will be tagged as Pending update until the
responsible Processor changes the necessary information.
2. It will be tagged as Updated after the change/s.

8.2.2.How to Print Notice on Retirement of License Application

Figure 60 – How to Print Notice on Retirement of License Application

1. After applying for the material change, the client can view and download the application

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 61 – Notice on Retirement of License Application

1. Click the Download Application Form button to download the application form. It will open
in a new tab where you can view the PDF and from there you can print it directly or
download it in your device for keeping.

Figure 62 – Download Notice on Retirement of License Application

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

8.3. Application for Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance

8.3.1. How to Submit Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance

Figure 63 – Navigation Bar Menu (Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance)

1. Click the Other Transactions at the navigation bar menu.

2. Select and click Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance at the dropdown

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 64 – Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance Application (Part 1)

1. Input the following:

Part 1
Select Loss / Destruction of: * Selection as follows:
- Import Permit
- Export Permit
- Special Permit
- Register
- Controlled Substance
- Others
Indicate the authorization control number* Only for Import, Export and Special Permit
Indicate details* Only for Others
Indicate the period converting the loss records* Only for Register and Controlled Substance
Circumstances surrounding the loss*
Actions taken by Management *

2. Click the Attachment button to upload required attachments, if any.

3. Click Submit to submit the application.

8.3.2.How to Print Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance Application

Figure 65 – How to Print Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance Application

1. After reporting on losses or destruction of controlled substances, the client can view and
download the application form.

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 66 – Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance Application

1. Click the Download Application Form button to download the application form. It will open
in a new tab where you can view the PDF and from there you can print it directly or
download it in your device for keeping.

Figure 67 – Download Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance Application

8.4. Report on Suspicious Order and / or Transactions

8.4.1.How to Submit Application for Suspicious Order and / or Transactions

Figure 68 – Navigation Bar Menu (Report on Suspicious Order and / or Transactions)

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

1. Click the Other Transactions at the navigation bar menu.

2. Select and click Report on Suspicious Order and / or Transactions at the dropdown menu.

Figure 69 – Report on Suspicious Order and / or Transactions Application (Part 1)

1. Input the following:

Suspect Information
First Name
Middle Name
Contact Number (Residence)
Contact Number (Work)
Occupation / Type of Business
Physical Description of Purchaser

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 70 – Report on Suspicious Orders and / or Transactions (Part 2)

1. Drag and Drop or Choose from your Device a form of identification for suspects.
2. Add ID Number, if any.
3. Date of Suspicious Activity
4. Tick a box of the applicable item on Summary of Characterization of Suspicious Order /

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 71 – Report on Suspicious Orders and / or Transactions (Part 3)

1. Add Name of Controlled and / on Non-controlled Substance ordered which is the subject of
the report.
2. Add other information and / or initial action made in relation to the suspicious transaction.
3. Click the Attachment button to upload the required attachments.
4. Click the Submit button to submit your application.

8.4.2.How to Print Report on Suspicious Orders and / or Transactions

Figure 73 – How to Print Report on Suspicious Orders and / or Transactions Application

1. After reporting on suspicious orders and / or transactions, the client can view and download
the application form.

Figure 74 – Report on Suspicious Orders and / or Transactions Application

1. Click the Download Application Form button to download the application form. It will open
in a new tab where you can view the PDF and from there you can print it directly or
download it in your device for keeping.

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 75 – Download Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance Application

8.5. Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs and its Preparation

8.5.1.How to Submit Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs and its Preparation

Figure 76 – Navigation Bar Menu (Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs and its Preparation)

1. Click the Other Transactions at the navigation bar menu.

2. Select and click Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs and its Preparation at the dropdown

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 77 – Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs (DD) and / or its Preparation (DDP)
(Part 1)

1. Check all the information to see if it is the same as previously applied; if not, click the "Click
Here" link.
2. Click the View button to view all your licenses.

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 78 – Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs (DD) and / or its Preparation (DDP)
(Part 2)

1. Click Add button to add a dangerous drug on the table. (Figure 79)
2. Click the Delete button to delete items on the table.
3. Click Add button to add a controlled chemical on the table. (Figure 80)
4. Click the Delete button to delete items on the table.
5. Click the Attachment button to upload the required attachments.
6. Click the Submit button to submit your application.

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 79 – Add Dangerous Drugs (Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs (DD) and / or its
Preparation (DDP)

1. Tick a checkbox you want to add on the table.

2. Click the Add button to save the items.
3. Click the Close button to close the modal.
4. After being added to the outside table, fill up all necessary details for the controlled

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 80 – Add Controlled Chemical (Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs (DD) and / or its
Preparation (DDP)

1. Tick a checkbox you want to add on the table.

2. Click the Add button to save the items.
3. Click the Close button to close the modal.
4. After being added to the outside table, fill up all necessary details for the controlled

8.5.2.How to Print Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs (DD) and / or its Preparation (DDP)

Figure 81 – How to Print Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs (DD) and / or its Preparation (DDP)

1. After submitting the import projection, the client can view and download the application

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 82 – Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs (DD) and / or its Preparation (DDP)

1. Click the Download Application Form button to download the application form. It will open
in a new tab where you can view the PDF and from there you can print it directly or
download it in your device for keeping.

Figure 83 – Download Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance Application

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

8.6. Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances

8.6.1.How to Submit Application for Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances

Figure 84 – Navigation Bar Menu (Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances)

1. Click the Other Transactions at the navigation bar menu.

2. Select and click Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances at the dropdown menu.

Figure 85 – Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances (part 1)

1. Fill up all required fields with appropriate information.

First Notice
Name of Vessel / Carrier*
Port of Entry*
Date of Arrival at Port*
Bill of Landing Number

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Contact Number (Residence)

Contact Number (Work)
Occupation / Type of Business
Physical Description of Purchaser

Figure 86 – Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances (Part 2)

1. Click Add button to add a dangerous drug on the table. (Figure 87)
2. Click the Delete button to delete items on the table.
3. Click Add button to add a controlled chemical on the table. (Figure 88)
4. Click the Delete button to delete items on the table.
5. Click the Attachment button to upload the required attachments.
6. Click the Submit button to submit your application.

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 87 – Add Dangerous Drugs (Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances)

1. Tick a checkbox you want to add on the table.

2. Click the Add button to save the items.
3. Click the Close button to close the modal.
4. After being added to the outside table, fill up all necessary details for the controlled

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 88 – Add Controlled Chemical (Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances)

Figure 89 – Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances - First Notice

1. After the Impex processor notes the First Notice, the client can now add the Second Notice
by accessing the application in their dashboard and clicking the edit button.
2. The second notice section will be available to edit.

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 90 - Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances (Part 3)

1. Input the following:

Second Notice
Date of Arrival at Depot*
Delivery Receipt Number*
Depot Address*

Figure 91 - Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances (Part 4)

1. Input the report quantity in the table/s.

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 92 - Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances (Part 5)

1. Choose the right radio button for the reported quantity.

2. If Yes, the reason input field will be disabled. If No, you need to provide reason/s or details as
to why.
3. Click Attachment to review your documents. You can replace the documents if you need to.
4. After filling up all necessary fields, click Submit to proceed the application.

8.6.2.How to Print Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances

Figure 93 – How to Print Notice on Arrival of Controlled Substances

1. After submitting the notice on arrival of controlled substances, the client can view and
download the application form. But wait for the approval so the information from first and
second notice is complete in the form.

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 94 – Import Projection of Dangerous Drugs (DD) and / or its Preparation (DDP)

1. Click the Download Application Form button to download the application form. It will open
in a new tab where you can view the PDF and from there you can print it directly or
download it in your device for keeping.
2. The View Mission Report button will only appear if the application has controlled
substance/s and gone through inspection.

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 95 – Download Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance Application (page 1)

Figure 96 – Download Report on Losses or Destruction of Controlled Substance Application (page 2)

9. User Dashboard
On this page, you can view all of the applications you submitted as well as their status. Also
noted are the violations. You can apply licenses, yearly reports, and other transactions from the
navigation bar, as well as customize your profile and Sign out of your account.

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Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

Figure 97 – User Dashboard

9.1 How to View Application Status

Figure 98 – Application Status

1. All the applications you submitted will be displayed here with its status.

9.2. How to View Violation Noted

Figure 99 – Violation Noted

1. All the violations noted will be displayed here.

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#22 Main Road L&B II Compound
Ilaya Street, Alabang
Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila

9.3. How to Verify License

Figure 100 – Verify License

1. Search here to verify its status. The verification will only appear on accounts that have S3

9.4 How to Sign out Account

Figure 101 – Account Settings

1. At the navigation bar menu, click your account name.

2. Click the Sign out at the dropdown menu.

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