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Name:______________________________________________ Course,Yr & Sec.

_______________ Score: _______

Schedule: _________________________________

Lesson 2. The Study of Political Science

Objectives. At the end of the unit, the students are expected to:

1. Give a standard definition of the term Political Science.

2. Explain the importance of studying Political Science
3. Explain the concept, theoretical basis, evolution and development of the State.
4. Distinguish and differentiate state from other related concepts

Definition of Political Science

Political science is a the systematic study of the state and government. The word
“political” is derived from the Greek word polis, meaning a city, or a sovereign state. The word
“science” comes from the Latin word sciere, to know. Thus, politics denotes the organization of
people into a state (De Leon) On the other hand, Political Science connotes a struggle for power
among competing groups to achieve power and control over socially valued resources (Bederio).

Inasmuch as politics talks about the organization of people into a state, the absence of
politics implies none such organization of people into a state.

Object and Purpose of Political Science.

The science of politics has its formal object, a basic knowledge and understanding of the
state and of the principles and ideals which underlie its organization and activities. It is concerned
with the association of human beings into a “body politic,” or a political community (one organized
under government and law). It deals with those relations among men and groups which are
subject to control by the state, with the relations of men and groups to the state itself, and with the
relations of the state to other states.

Scope of Political Science

The scope of Political Science includes the following:

1. Political theory. It refers to the entire body of doctrines relating to the origin, form,
behavior, and purposes of the state.
2. Public law. This covers laws pertaining to organization of government, limitations upon
government authority, powers and duties of government offices and officers, and the
obligations of one state to another.
3. Public administration. This specialization focuses upon the methods and techniques used
in the actual management of state affairs by executive, legislative, and judicial branches of

Functions and Importance of Political Science

The study of political science is important for three reasons, namely: 1) for education for
citizenship, 2) as an essential part of liberal education; and 3) and to provide knowledge and
understanding of government.

Concepts of State and Government

Name:______________________________________________ Course,Yr & Sec._______________ Score: _______
Schedule: _________________________________

According to Aruego (), state is a “community of persons more or less numerous,

permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, having a government of their own to which the
great body of inhabitants render obedience, and enjoying freedom from external control.”

State, Nation and Country

The terms state, nation, and country maybe used interchangeably. However, state most
appropriately refers to a political entity or organization (government), while nation is often used
when referring to an ethnic or racial concept (people). On the other hand, country usually denotes
a territorial characteristic (place).
State is not subject to external control, while nation may or may not be independent or
subject to external control. Likewise, a single state may consist of one or more nations or people,
and conversely (e.g., Arab nation vs. Arab state).

Four elements of State

From the aforecited definition, state necessarily comprises four essential elements, thus:

1. People. This refers to the mass of population living in a state. (In terms of population, the
smallest state is Vatican—1,000 citizens; the largest is China—1 billion).
2. Territory. It includes not only the land, but also the rivers and lakes therein, a certain area
of the sea, etc. (In terms of territory, the smallest state is Vatican—0.43 sqkm; the biggest
is Canada-9,976,633,776 sqkm.)
3. Government. It refers to the agency through which the will of the state is formulated,
expressed and carried out.
4. Sovereignty. It refers to the supreme power of the state to command and enforce
obedience to its will from people within its jurisdiction and, corollary, to have freedom from
foreign control. Thus, sovereignty possesses two characteristics:
a. Internal, which refers to the power of the state to rule within its territory; and
b. External, which denotes freedom of the state to carry out its activities without
subjection to or control by other state; it is also termed as independence.

Origin of States

The origin of states maybe explained through varied theories. Such as the following:

1. Divine right theory. This theory holds that the state is divine in creation and the ruler is
ordained by God to govern the people (e.g. laws of Moses received at Mount Sinai).
2. Necessity or force theory. This maintains that states must have been created through
force, by some great warriors who imposed their will upon the weak.
3. Paternalistic theory (Patriarchal theory). This concept attributes to the enlargement of the
family which remained under the authority of the father or mother.
4. Social contract theory. This theory believes that early states must have been formed by
deliberate and voluntary compact among the people to form a society and organize a
government for their common good. This theory justifies the right of the people to revolt
against a bad ruler.

Purpose and Necessity of Government

It is unthinkable to have a nation or country having no government. Such a society would

be in chaos, and a general feeling of fear and insecurity will prevail in society, and that progress
and development will not be possible. Thus, it is obvious that a system or form of government
Name:______________________________________________ Course,Yr & Sec._______________ Score: _______
Schedule: _________________________________

should be in place, for the advancement of public welfare. It means, that government exists and
should exist for the benefit of the people governed—for protection of society and its members, the
security of persons and property, the administration of justice, the preservation of the state from
external danger, and the advancement of the physical, economic, social and cultural well-being of
the people.

Exercise 2.

Definition of Political Science

1. Politics is derived from the Greek polis which means ___________

2. De Leon defines politics as _______________________________________________.
3. On the other hand, Bederio holds that politics is ________________________________

The scope of Political Science include:


8. State is defined as ____________________________________________________

The essential elements of the state are:
13. This specific element is also termed as independence: _______________________.
16. is a the systematic study of the state and government. The word “political” is derived from
the Greek word polis, meaning a city, or a sovereign state. The word “science” comes
from the Latin word sciere, to know. Thus, politics denotes the organization of people into
a state (De Leon). On the other hand, politics connotes a struggle for power among
competing groups to achieve power and control over socially valued resources (Bederio).

Inasmuch as politics talks about the organization of people into a state, the absence of
politics implies none such organization of people into a state.

Object and Purpose of Political Science.

The science of politics has its formal object, a basic knowledge and understanding of the
state and of the principles and ideals which underlie its organization and activities. It is concerned
with the association of human beings into a “body politic,” or a political community (one organized
under government and law). It deals with those relations among men and groups which are
subject to control by the state, with the relations of men and groups to the state itself, and with the
relations of the state to other states.
Name:______________________________________________ Course,Yr & Sec._______________ Score: _______
Schedule: _________________________________

Scope of Political Science

The scope of Political Science includes the following:

4. Political theory. It refers to the entire body of doctrines relating to the origin, form,
behavior, and purposes of the state.
5. Public law. This covers laws pertaining to organization of government, limitations upon
government authority, powers and duties of government offices and officers, and the
obligations of one state to another.
6. Public administration. This specialization focuses upon the methods and techniques used
in the actual management of state affairs by executive, legislative, and judicial branches of

Functions and Importance of Political Science

The study of political science is important for three reasons, namely: 1) for education for
citizenship, 2) as an essential part of liberal education; and 3) and to provide knowledge and
understanding of government.

Concepts of State and Government

According to Aruego (), state is a “community of persons more or less numerous,

permanently occupying a definite portion of territory, having a government of their own to which the
great body of inhabitants render obedience, and enjoying freedom from external control.”

State, Nation and Country

The terms state, nation, and country maybe used interchangeably. However, state most
appropriately refers to a political entity or organization (government), while nation is often used
when referring to an ethnic or racial concept (people). On the other hand, country usually denotes
a territorial characteristic (place).
State is not subject to external control, while nation may or may not be independent or
subject to external control. Likewise, a single state may consist of one or more nations or people,
and conversely (e.g., Arab nation vs. Arab state).

Four elements of State

From the aforecited definition, state necessarily comprises four essential elements, thus:

5. People. This refers to the mass of population living in a state. (In terms of population, the
smallest state is Vatican—1,000 citizens; the largest is China—1 billion).
6. Territory. It includes not only the land, but also the rivers and lakes therein, a certain area
of the sea, etc. (In terms of territory, the smallest state is Vatican—0.43 sqkm; the biggest
is Canada-9,976,633,776 sqkm.)
7. Government. It refers to the agency through which the will of the state is formulated,
expressed and carried out.
8. Sovereignty. It refers to the supreme power of the state to command and enforce
obedience to its will from people within its jurisdiction and, corollary, to have freedom from
foreign control. Thus, sovereignty possesses two characteristics:
a. Internal, which refers to the power of the state to rule within its territory; and
b. External, which denotes freedom of the state to carry out its activities without
subjection to or control by other state; it is also termed as independence.
Name:______________________________________________ Course,Yr & Sec._______________ Score: _______
Schedule: _________________________________

Origin of States

The origin of states maybe explained through varied theories. Such as the following:

5. Divine right theory. This theory holds that the state is divine in creation and the ruler is
ordained by God to govern the people (e.g. laws of Moses received at Mount Sinai).
6. Necessity or force theory. This maintains that states must have been created through
force, by some great warriors who imposed their will upon the weak.
7. Paternalistic theory (Patriarchal theory). This concept attributes to the enlargement of the
family which remained under the authority of the father or mother.
8. Social contract theory. This theory believes that early states must have been formed by
deliberate and voluntary compact among the people to form a society and organize a
government for their common good. This theory justifies the right of the people to revolt
against a bad ruler.

Purpose and Necessity of Government

It is unthinkable to have a nation or country having no government. Such a society would

be in chaos, and a general feeling of fear and insecurity will prevail in society, and that progress
and development will not be possible. Thus, it is obvious that a system or form of government
should be in place, for the advancement of public welfare. It means, that government exists and
should exist for the benefit of the people governed—for protection of society and its members, the
security of persons and property, the administration of justice, the preservation of the state from
external danger, and the advancement of the physical, economic, social and cultural well-being of
the people.

Exercise 2.

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