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Kepada Yth.
HRD PT Garuda Daya Pratama Sejahtera
di Tempat

Dengan Hormat,
Berdasarkan informasi lowongan pekerjaan yang dipublikasikan oleh instragram lowongan.bumn
bahwa sedang dibuka lowongan pekerjaan untuk posisi Administrasi Keuangan. Maka dengan
surat ini, saya bermaksud untuk mengajukan lamaran pekerjaan dengan detail informasi sebagai

Nama : Andrean Johandra

Tempat Tanggal Lahir : Way Kanan, 27 April 2001
Jenis Kelamin : Laki-laki
Pendidikan Terakhir : S1 Jurusan Fisika
Email :
No. Handphone : (+62) 813 1425 1490
Alamat : Labuhan Ratu, Bandar Lampung

Sebagai bahan pertimbangan bersamaan dengan ini saya lampirkan:

Curriculum Vitae;

Saya memiliki pengalaman selama berkuliah yaitu menjadi asisten penelitian dan asisten dosen.
Selama menjadi asisten penelitian saya bertanggung jawab terhadap jadwal penelitian, laporan
hasil penelitian, dan bertanggung jawab untuk mengolah data hasil penelitian menggunakan Excel.
Saya juga bertanggung jawab terhadap laporan akhir dari penelitian dan hasil perkuliahan. Saya
juga sangat senang mempelajari hal dan skill baru. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan pengalaman
kerja sebagai Conten Editor. Saya siap untuk berkontribusi dan memberikan kinerja terbaik pada
perusahaan anda.

Demikian surat lamaran ini, saya berharap Bapak/Ibu berkenan untuk mempertimbangkan saya
bekerja di PT. Garuda Daya Pratama Sejahtera untuk posisi Administrasi Keuangan. Atas
perhatian dan kesempatan yang diberikan Bapak/Ibu saya ucapkan terimakasih.

Hormat Saya,

Andrean Johandra

+62 813-14251490 Bumi Manti, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia 35142

A physics graduate who is always interested in adding insight and experience. People who are adaptable in new
environments. I like new challenges, as proven by my experience working as a content editor. This experience also honed
my ability to promote goods from the company. I am ready to learn quickly and ready to contribute fully to your company.


Microsoft Office Editing Video (Filmora) Data analyst
Grafhic Design Photography Saling
(Coreldraw ) Research Communication and Presentation
Content Writing & Editing Qual-X and OriginLab Teamwork
Problem Solving

UNIVERSITAS LAMPUNG - Bandar Lampung, Indonesia Aug 2019 - May 2023
Bachelor Degree in Physics, 3.49/4.00
Finalist in the Top 30 Photo Challenge by Indihome 2021
1st Place in FMIPA Unila Anniversary Twibbon Video 2021
1st Place in FMIPA Anniversary Student Film, University of Lampung 2021
FUSC (FKIP University of North Sumatra Science Competition) Gold Medal in Physics by PUSKANAS 2022
KSPI Gold Medal (Indonesian Student Science Competition) in Physics by PUSKANAS 2022
Participants in the National Business Plan Competition Consultee & Company 2022
1st Place for Beginner Young Entrepreneur at the FMIPA Anniversary of the University of Lampung 2022

Departement of Physics - University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Research Assistant Apr 2021 - Sep 2021
Helping the research process synthesizing PVA/SiO2 composite nanofiber
Set a research schedule and process data and analyze data results from research using Qual-X,
ImageJ, Origin and Excel
Basic Physics Laboratory Assistant Sep 2022 - Nov 2022
Provide direction for Basic Physics Practicum activities
Provide explanations to practitioners before carrying out practicum
Arrange practicum schedule
Composite Practicum Assistant Apr 2023 - Nov 2023
Provide an explanation of the process before carrying out the practicum
Create practical modules
Create practical assignments and exams

Metal and Corrosion Practicum Assistant Apr 2023 - Mei 2023

Create practical modules
Explain and accompany the practicum process
Explain and demonstrate the corrosion process in steel and corrosion prevention methods
Prepare and give the final practical exam

Lampung Provincial Environmental Department - Bandar Lampung, Indonesia

Laboratory Analyst Jan 2022 - feb 2022
Carrying out tests on waste water and clean water samples
Carrying out the process of testing Fe and Mn levels in a number of river waters using Atomic
Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS type AA-7000) according to SNI
Analyze test results by adjusting NATIONAL WATER QUALITY STANDARDS (Government
Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 22 of 2021 concerning the Implementation of
Environmental Protection and Management)
Collaborate with other members to obtain supporting data to explain test results
PT. Lamban Production Indonesia - Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Content Editor Sept 2023 - Mar 2024
Create a content plan for social media
Creating content narratives, creating TikTok content and Instagram feed design
Video editing and copywriting
Create clothing designs according to consumer requests

Himpunan Mahasiswa Fisika - University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Head of Information Technology Feb 2021 - Feb 2022
Coordinate members to carry out tasks on time
Providing direction and training on social media design and video editing
Coordinating every event activity held by HIMAFI via social media
Coordinating the creation of event news on social media in the form of posters or videos
Universitas Lampung International Conference on Sciences, Technology and Environment
(ULICoSTE) - University of Lampung, Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Member of Technology and Creative Sep 2023
Collect data and create journals from research that has been carried out in accordance with
international standards
Prepare and create Power Point presentations for seminars
Conduct presentations and present research results via PPT
Ruang Pangan - Bandar Lampung, Indonesia
Member of Technology and Creative Feb 2023 - Feb 2024
Document every Ruang Pangan event
Looking for content ideas and creating Instagram feed designs
Create certificate designs for several events

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