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Virtual Laboratory Activity - BIOL 1121 - Unit 5

Data Collection and Result

While you are working on this virtual lab activity, please record your data in the tables
1. Data Collection Tables

Cell Type Light Nitric Oxide Cytokine/Growth Hormone

Muscle No response Muscles begin Muscle divides Muscle takes
to relax. into nutrients from
2 cells inducing nearby blood
muscle growth. vessels.

Photoreceptor Generates a Start Light No response No response

signal adaption which
which travels to a help eyes to
adjacent cell in adjust
relay from dark to
chain to the bright
visual light room.
center of the
Cancer Damage cell's DNA Begins Causes cancer Cancer cells
causing mutations apoptosis or cells become
thus causing self destruction to grow and unstuck
cancer of cancer cells. divide rapidly. and migrate to
cells to grow and another tissue
divide rapidly in
the body.
Leaf Undergo Plant cell grows No response No response
Parenchyma photosynthesis. and divides
Chloroplast use
to convert 02 and
CO2 to sugar
Fibroblast No response Begins to Fibroblast Fibroblast
differentiate and divides produce
turn into and then moves and release
myofibroblast proteins. These
similar to protein hold the
muscle cells in a tissue
cell. together.
2. Questions
Based on your observations and from your readings of the chapter answer the following
1. What type of biomolecules are receptors?
.Receptors are typically proteins or glycoproteins.
2. Once triggered, how is the signal processed inside the cell?
. 2Once triggered, the signal is processed inside the cell through various intracellular
Signaling pathways, such as activation of second messengers or
.3What are the most common receptors for growth factors?
3. The most common receptors for growth factors are receptor tyrosine
kinases (RTKS).
4. What types of signaling proteins are common in animals but absent from plant cells,
and vice versa?
4. Common signaling proteins in animals that are absent from plant cells include
Protein-coupled receptors (GPCRS), while plant cells have unique receptor-like
(RLKS) involved in signaling.
5. How does signaling by hydrophobic molecules like steroid hormones differ from
signaling by peptide hormones?
.5Signaling by hydrophobic molecules like steroid hormones involves binding to
intracellular receptors, which then act as transcription factors to regulate gene
Expression. In contrast, signaling by peptide hormones typically involves binding
to cell
Surface receptors and activation of intracellular signaling cascades.
6. NO (nitric oxide) does not have a specific cellular receptor. How, then, does it act as a
signaling molecule?
6. Despite not having a specific cellular receptor, nitric oxide (NO) can act as a signaling
Molecule by diffusing across cell membranes and interacting with various target proteins
Or enzymes.
7. Discuss the validity of the following proposition. A signaling molecule (hormone,
growth factor, or neurotransmitter) elicits identical responses in different types of target
cells if they contain identical receptors. Cite an example.
- The proposition that a signaling molecule elicits identical responses in different
types of target cells if they contain identical receptors is generally not valid. While
the presence of identical receptors is a key factor in the cellular response to a
signaling molecule, the context of the target cell and its specific downstream
signaling components also plays a crucial role. Different cell types may have
distinct intracellular signaling pathways, effector molecules, and gene expression
profiles, leading to diverse responses even if they share identical receptors.

8. What is the relationship between signal transduction pathways and second

- Signal transduction pathways and second messengers are closely linked
components of cellular communication. Signal transduction is the process by
which a cell converts an extracellular signal into a functional response. Second
messengers play a crucial role in transmitting and amplifying these signals within
the cell.
9. Why are some hormone receptors intracellular proteins? What are some dangers of
nonmedical use of steroids and growth hormones?
- Some hormone receptors are intracellular proteins because certain hormones
Are lipophilic and can easily pass through the cell membrane. These hormones
Include steroid hormones, thyroid hormones, and retinoids. Due to their ability to
Diffuse through the lipid bilayer, these hormones can bind to intracellular
Receptors located in the cytoplasm or nucleus of target cells.
10. What effects does amplification have on the signal transduction pathway?
Amplification in the context of signal transduction pathways refers to the process
By which a small extracellular signal is transduced into a larger intracellular
Response. This amplification is crucial for the cell to generate a robust and
Effective response to a relatively weak initial signal.

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