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Crop Prediction Based on Characteristics of Agricultural Environment

1Ms. MB. Bhavani, 2T. Vinay Kumar Reddy, 3P. Arif, 4R. Raju, 5D. Sathish Nayak
1Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering (AIML),
Samskruti College of Engineering and Technology, Kondapur
Tech Scholar, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
(Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning), Samskruti College of Engineering and
Technology, Kondapur

Abstract: India, the second most populous I. INTRODUCTION

country in the world, has a large segment of
Agriculture forms the cornerstone of life for
its population engaged in agriculture. Many
numerous individuals across India,
farmers in India grow the same crops
particularly in rural regions. With over 60%
repeatedly and apply fertilizers in random
of the nation's land dedicated to agriculture,
quantities without understanding the specific
the sector plays a vital role in sustaining the
needs of the soil. This practice negatively
needs of its 1.3 billion inhabitants.
impacts crop yield and causes soil
Consequently, the adoption of new
acidification, damaging the topsoil layer. To
agricultural technologies is imperative. Often
address these issues, we have designed a
referred to as the backbone of the Indian
system using machine learning algorithms to
economy, agriculture not only fulfills the
assist farmers. Our system suggests the most
nation's food requirements but also serves as
suitable crops for specific land based on soil
a crucial source of raw materials for various
content and weather conditions. It also
non-agricultural industries. Despite its
provides information on the necessary types
significance, the agricultural sector's
and quantities of fertilizers and the required
contribution to India's economy has
seeds for cultivation. By utilizing our system,
gradually declined to less than 15% in recent
farmers can cultivate new varieties of crops,
years, primarily due to the rapid growth of the
potentially increase their profit margins, and
industrial and services sectors. Moreover, the
reduce soil pollution.
increasing population exacerbates the
Keywords: Crop yield, Machine learning challenge of meeting the rising demand for
algorithms, Crop suggestion,Crop agricultural products. Previously, crop
variety,Profit margin,Soil pollution cultivation relied heavily on the expertise and
traditional methods employed by
farmers.The adverse effects of climate
change are increasingly impacting crop
yields, posing challenges for farmers in
selecting the most suitable crops based on
soil and environmental conditions.
Addressing this issue effectively is crucial to
ensure farmers' livelihoods and optimize particularly salinity. Chemical factors
agricultural production. Crop prediction, include environmental pollutants like sulfur
which relies on soil, geographical, and dioxide and its derivatives, polycyclic
climatic data, plays a pivotal role in this aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), nitrogen
endeavor. In recent years, machine learning oxides and their derivatives, fluorine and its
algorithms have emerged as valuable tools compounds, lead and cadmium compounds,
for crop prediction in agriculture. However, nitrogen-based fertilizers, pesticides, and
predicting the optimal crop for cultivation is carbon monoxide. This project streamlines
a complex task, necessitating the exploration the process of collecting datasets and
and testing of multiple models. Given that employing suitable algorithms for predicting
crop cultivation is influenced by both biotic crop yield. By leveraging this initiative,
and abiotic factors, diverse datasets are farmers can gain insights into which crops to
required to develop accurate prediction cultivate on their land to maximize yield and
models. profitability. Furthermore, the project aims to
enhance the nation's economy by increasing
Biotic factors encompass various crop production rates. Through the
environmental components resulting from implementation of innovative technological
the influence of living organisms, including solutions in the agricultural sector,
microorganisms, plants, animals, parasites, significant improvements in crop production
predators, and pests, both directly and can be achieved. The paper explores various
indirectly impacting other living beings. This classifier algorithms, including SVM
category also encompasses human-induced (Support Vector Machine), K-NN (K-Nearest
factors such as fertilization, plant protection, Neighbors), Decision Tree, Random Forest,
irrigation, and various forms of pollution (air, Gradient Boosted Decision Tree, and
water, and soil). These factors can lead to Regularized Greedy Forest.
diverse changes in crop yield, including
internal and shape defects, as well as
alterations in chemical composition. The
interplay of biotic and abiotic factors II. LITERATURE SURVEY
significantly influences environmental Doshi, Z., Nadkarni, S., Agrawal, R., &
conditions, plant growth, and overall plant Shah, N. (2018, August). AgroConsultant:
quality. Abiotic factors can further be intelligent crop recommendation system
categorized into physical, chemical, and using machine learning algorithms. (pp. 1-
other dimensions. Physical factors involve 6). IEEE.
mechanical vibrations, various forms of
radiation (such as ionizing, electromagnetic, This paper presents a two-part approach to
ultraviolet, and infrared), climatic variables crop prediction. The first subsystem focuses
(such as atmospheric pressure, temperature, on crop recommendation, involving
humidity, air movements, and sunlight), soil preprocessing steps and the selection of
characteristics, topography, soil rockiness, various machine learning algorithms based
atmospheric conditions, and water chemistry, on their accuracies. The second subsystem
predicts rainfall, and its output is utilized by Technology for Sustainable Solutions
the first subsystem. In the experimental (CSITSS) (pp. 114-119). IEEE.
analysis, the decision tree classifier emerged
as the most accurate among the other The aim of this paper is to develop a
classifiers evaluated. Specifically, Random recommendation system for precise crop
Forest achieved the highest accuracy at selection based on various soil, rainfall, and
90.43%. surface temperature parameters. The
objective is to enhance crop productivity by
S. P. Raja, B. Sawicka, Z. Stamenkovic offering highly accurate and efficient
and G. Mariammal, "Crop Prediction predictions using ensemble techniques.
Based on Characteristics of the Initially, the collected data undergoes
Agricultural Environment Using Various preprocessing. Following preprocessing, the
Feature Selection Techniques and dataset is split into training and test sets. Each
Classifiers," in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. sample is then trained and tested using
23625-23641, 2022. Random Forest, Naive Bayes, and Linear
SVM algorithms. A Voting Technique is
The focus of this paper is on exploring employed as a combination method to
different feature selection methods within achieve optimal accuracy. The average
wrapper methods and classification accuracy achieved for crop classification into
algorithms for crop prediction. The dataset Kharif and Rabi crops is 99.91%.
utilized is the Felin dataset, and the paper
follows a systematic approach comprising Liying Yang (2011), ‘Classifiers selection
Dataset Collection, Pre-processing, Feature for ensemble learning based on accuracy
Selection, and Classifiers. Among the and diversity’ Published by Elsevier Ltd.
classifiers examined, the random forest Selection and/or peer-review under
classifier exhibited the highest accuracy of responsibility of [CEIS].
87.43% on the Felin dataset, outperforming
others in terms of performance metrics. The paper addresses the challenge of
Particularly noteworthy was the Modified selecting classifiers for ensemble learning,
Recursive Feature Elimination with random aiming to enhance accuracy and
forest, which demonstrated high-level performance. It introduces a method called
performance metrics. Selection by Accuracy and Diversity (SAD)
to identify the best classifier set from a pool
Kulkarni, N. H., Srinivasan, G. N., Sagar, based on accuracy and performance metrics.
B. M., & Cauvery, N. K. (2018, December). Using Q statistics, the interdependency
Improving crop productivity through a between the most relevant and accurate
crop recommendation system using classifiers is determined. Those not chosen
ensembling technique. In 2018 3rd are combined to form the ensemble, ensuring
International Conference on improved performance and diversity.
Computational Systems and Information Dąbrowska-Zielińska et al. evaluated plant
biophysical parameters derived from satellite Agriculture plays a vital role in India's
data to forecast crop yields in Poland. Ground economy, yet challenges such as crop
measurements were conducted in arable failures, low yields, and farmer suicides
fields as part of the GEO Joint Experiment of underscore the need for sustainable
Crop Assessment and Monitoring (JECAM). agricultural practices. Addressing these
Crop classification utilized optical and radar issues is crucial for both economic and
images from Sentinel-1 and RadarSat-2. The agricultural prosperity worldwide. The
PROtotypical model of Biomass and project's objective is to predict crop yields in
Evapotranspiration (PRO) simulated winter India considering diverse climatic conditions
wheat growth, achieving a high accuracy of and attributes. By aiding farmers in selecting
94% in biomass estimation compared to real suitable crops for optimal yield and profit, the
biomass. project aims to meet the pressing need for
accurate crop yield prediction.Agriculture is
Suruliandi, A., Mariammal, G., & Raja, S. a predominant occupation for many Indians,
P. (2021). Crop prediction based on soil yet farmers often face challenges due to
and environmental characteristics using repetitive planting practices and inadequate
feature selection techniques. fertilizer management, leading to diminished
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of crop yields and soil fertility. To address these
Dynamical Systems, 27(1), 117-140 issues, we propose a machine learning-based
system for crop and fertilizer prediction. This
This paper focuses on crop prediction by system will recommend suitable crops based
evaluating various feature selection methods on soil characteristics and climatic
and selecting the best classifier algorithms conditions, ensuring optimal yield.
based on accuracy. The feature selection Additionally, it will provide guidance on
techniques explored include wrapper fertilizer content and quantity, as well as seed
methods like Recursive Feature Elimination requirements. By leveraging our system,
(RFE), BORUTA, and Sequential Forward farmers can diversify crop varieties and adopt
Floating Selection (SFFS). Prediction is appropriate techniques, thereby enhancing
based on soil and environmental their potential for maximizing profits.
characteristics. Experimental analysis reveals
that RFE combined with the bagging Traditionally, farmers relied on their
classifier applied to KNN, Naïve Bayes, experience to predict crop yields, but this
Decision Tree, SVM, and Random Forest approach is not always reliable. Our proposed
achieves superior accuracy (0.9272) system aims to improve accuracy by utilizing
compared to other combinations. various parameters provided by the farmers,
such as their location, season, land area, and
crop type. By employing machine learning
techniques like Multiple Linear Regression
III. METHODOLOGY and considering past production data, the
system predicts crop yields for the upcoming
harvest year. It is essential for the application
to gather and communicate relevant the admin has the authority to authorize
information effectively. The system's users.
primary objective is to assist farmers in
selecting the most suitable crops for optimal Remote User Module:
yield. A user-friendly interface will be
Within this module, numerous users are
developed to ensure ease of use for farmers.
registered. Users are required to complete
registration before engaging in any activities.
Once registered, user details are stored in the
database. Upon successful registration, users
can log in using authorized credentials to
perform operations such as registration/login,
crop type prediction, and viewing their

Fig.1: System Architecture

Service Provider Module:

Within this module, the service provider must

authenticate themselves using a valid
username and password. Upon successful
login, they gain access to various
functionalities including browsing and
Fig.2: Sequence Diagram
training/testing crop datasets, viewing
accuracy results in bar charts, accessing The methodology introduced in this study
prediction results for crop types, enhances existing procedures in several key
downloading predicted datasets, and viewing ways. Firstly, a remote detecting network is
crop type ratios. Additionally, the service employed to propose an operational
provider can view and authorize users. methodology. Secondly, a novel
dimensionality reduction technique is
introduced, utilizing a Convolutional Neural
View and Authorize Users Module: Network (CNN) coupled with long-term
memory. Thirdly, a Gaussian process is
This module is designed for the admin to utilized to analyze and evaluate the spatial-
oversee the list of registered users. The admin transient structure of the data, thereby
can review user details such as usernames, improving its accuracy. Anantha et al.
email addresses, and locations. Furthermore, devised a recommendation system
employing an ensemble model with majority streamlines processes but also yields superior
voting, utilizing random tree, CHAID, KNN, results. Factors such as wind patterns, water
and Naive Bayes (NB) as learners to suggest availability, soil quality, and unexpected
the most suitable crop based on soil fluctuations in rainfall often lead to crop
parameters, achieving high accuracy and failures, resulting in reduced agricultural
efficacy. The classified image produced by output, food shortages, and economic
these methods incorporates ground truth- setbacks for both farmers and countries. A
applied mathematics data, alongside single crop failure can inflict significant
parameters such as weather conditions, crop losses. Hence, there is a pressing need for a
yield, and state/district-wise crop production, system that can accurately predict crop yield
enabling the prediction of specific crop yields rates. To address these challenges, we
under varying circumstances. Rale et al. propose a new system that selects high-
developed a forecasting model utilizing yielding crops based on influential
default settings and RF regression for crop parameters, thereby assisting farmers in
yield estimation. Fernando et al. analyzed achieving optimal crop yields and
data on annual coconut production from 1971 minimizing the risk of crop failure. In this
to 2001 in a specific region, revealing an proposed system, machine learning
economic impact of approximately US $50 techniques such as Random Forest Regressor
million due to crop shortages. Ji et al. and Decision Tree Regressor are employed to
proposed an estimation technique for rice forecast crop yield production, considering
yield prediction, evaluating the effectiveness input parameters such as state name, season,
of Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) area, and crop type.The Recursive Feature
compared to biological parametric variations Elimination (RFE) technique serves as a
and multiple bilinear regression models. wrapper feature selection method, initially
Boryan et al. introduced a decision tree-based utilizing the complete dataset. Its ranking
method to delineate state-level crop cover mechanism, pivotal to the RFE process,
groups using data from the Cropland Data arranges the dataset in descending order of
Layer (CDL) and National Agricultural importance, facilitating the selection of
Statistics Service (NASS), incorporating prominent features. One significant
ground truth data from the June Agricultural advantage of RFE compared to other
Survey. This work outlines the NASS CDL methods lies in its systematic assessment of
program.The system does not incorporate each feature's contribution to the model's
Recursive Feature Elimination (RFE). The output, allowing for the elimination of
system does not utilize sampling techniques features solely based on their performance.
during preprocessing to balance the dataset The input and output framework for crop
and optimize prediction performance. prediction, focusing on agricultural
environmental characteristics, involves
In the 21st century, it has become specifying the data inputs necessary for
commonplace to explore new technological prediction and the anticipated outputs from
approaches across various sectors. The prediction models. Drawing from the
implementation of novel techniques not only
provided sources, which explore the furnishing actionable insights for farmers and
utilization of machine learning policymakers. Feature Importance:
methodologies, feature selection techniques, Recognizing the significance of diverse input
and classification algorithms for precise crop features in the prediction model bolsters
prediction, here is a synthesis of the input and interpretability and reliability of predictions.
output framework:
Input Framework:
Output screens for Crop Prediction systems
Soil Parameters: Essential inputs for crop play a crucial role in presenting the prediction
results in a clear and understandable manner,
prediction models encompass soil attributes
aiding farmers and agricultural experts in
such as type, pH levels, moisture content, and making informed decisions about crop
nutrient availability. Environmental selection and cultivation.
Conditions: Predicting crop yields relies
heavily on factors like rainfall patterns,
temperature variations, humidity levels, and
other agro-climatic indicators. Geographic
Features: Information related to the
geographical location of the land and its
topographic characteristics are influential in
crop selection and yield prognostication.
Historical Data: Past performance data of Fig.3: Home & Login Page
crops and environmental patterns serve as
foundational elements for training machine
learning models and achieving accurate
predictions. Feature Selection: Employing
feature selection methodologies aids in
identifying the most pertinent attributes from
datasets to enhance prediction accuracy.

Output Framework:

Predicted Crop: The primary outcome of Fig.4: Farmer Registration Page

prediction models entails recommending the CROP YIELD PREDICTION:
most suitable crop(s) for cultivation based on
input parameters. Yield Estimation: Some
models may furnish projections of crop yield
predicated on chosen features and
environmental factors. Classification
Results: Classification algorithms assist in
categorizing land into appropriate crop types,
Fig.8: Crop Prediction Result

Forecasting crop cultivation poses significant

challenges in agriculture. This study employs
various feature selection and classification
methodologies to forecast the yield of plant
cultivations. The findings reveal that
employing an ensemble technique yields
Fig.5: Crop Yield Prediction Page superior prediction accuracy compared to
conventional classification methods.
Predicting the cultivation areas of cereals,
potatoes, and other energy crops enables
strategic planning of their sowing, both at the
farm and national levels. Embracing modern
forecasting techniques can lead to tangible
financial gains in agricultural practices.

Fig.6: Crop Yield Prediction Result


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