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Effect of the Chemical Grout Injection on the

Surrounding Soil in the Construction of Underground

Pipelines in Using Slurry Pipe-jacking
Hideki Shimada+), Takashi Sasaoka++), Shiro Kubota+++), Kikuo Matsui++++)

+) Associate Professor, Department of Earth Resources and Mining Engineering, Kyushu University,
6-10-1 Hakozaki Higashi-ku Fukuoka 812-8581 Japan,
++) Ph.D Student, Department of Earth Resources and Mining Engineering, Kyushu University,
6-10-1 Hakozaki Higashi-ku Fukuoka 812-8581 Japan,
+++) Research Associate, Department of Earth Resources and Mining Engineering, Kyushu University,
6-10-1 Hakozaki Higashi-ku Fukuoka 812-8581 Japan,
++++) Professor, Department of Earth Resources and Mining Engineering, Kyushu University,
6-10-1 Hakozaki Higashi-ku Fukuoka 812-8581 Japan,

Recently, small-diameter shallow tunnels are being built by using slurry pipe-jacking more often. This is the
sewage tunnel drivage method. This system involves the pushing or thrusting of a drivage machine through
concrete pipes ahead of jacks. Chemical grout injection into the surrounding soil around the tunnel is carried
out after the drivage and pushing processes are finished. The purpose of the chemical grout injection is to
maintain a permanent stability of the surrounding soil. However, the behavior of the chemical grouting material
in the surrounding soil around the tunnel and the optimum injection amount is not clearly understood. From
these points of view, this paper discusses the performance of the chemical grouting material, when it is
injected into the surrounding soil around the tunnel, by means of 2-D Eulerian-Lagragian seepage analysis.
Moreover, the effectiveness of the chemical grout injection was evaluated by using the non-linear finite
element method.

underground pipeline, slurry pipe-jacking, chemical grout injection, seepage analysis, finite element method


Pipe-jacking is a technique for installing underground pipelines through a bore created by a shield type drivage
machine, which is used hydraulically from a starting pit. This technology was developed in the United States
over 50 years ago. Since that time, the advantages of this method have been recognized by the entire world.
Pipe-jacking technology has been used in various applications such as oil and gas pipelines, electricity and
telecommunications cable installation.

In Japan, slurry pipe-jacking is firmly established as a special method for the non-disruptive construction
method of the underground pipelines (Shimada, Matsui and Inoue, 1998). Recent technological developments
have led to successful methods of stabilizing unstable strata. This is done by excluding water from the
excavations by means of the mud slurry around the pipes. During the pushing processes, mud slurry is
injected into the face and into the over-cutting area, which is between the concrete pipe and the soil. After the
slurry fills the soil voids, due to the slurry pressure the soil stabilizes. After the drivage and pushing processes
are finished, the chemical grout injection into the surrounding soil is carried out in order to maintain a
permanent stability of the surrounding soil around the tunnel. However, the behavior of the chemical grouting
material in the surrounding soil around the tunnel and the optimum injection amount is not clearly understood
From these points of view, this paper discusses the performance of the chemical grouting material in the
surrounding soil around the tunnel by means of 2-D Eulerian-Lagragian seepage analysis. Moreover, the
effectiveness of the chemical grout injection was evaluated by using the non-linear finite element method.

Starting Pit

Slurry Mixing and Pumping Plant Slurry Pipe

Drivage Machine

Cutter Rear-end
Concrete Pipe Pushing Jack

Figure 1. Slurry pipe-jacking system scheme.

Mud slurry Mud screen


Concrete Permeation
Pipe Zone

Figure 2. Illustration of a concrete pipe and soil.

Slurry pipe-jacking, like many other below-ground construction methods, works best in stable, water free soil
conditions. Unfortunately, with the demands on available space and the need to provide more services, it is not
always possible to select stable strata, which means that contractors have to contend with difficult ground
below the water table (Cole, 1977, Hough, 1978). The slurry pipe-jacking system is applicable to the above
situations. Figure1 shows a slurry pipe-jacking system scheme. This system is particularly suited to both
cohesive and sandy soil, and can be used to construct pipe tunnels up to 2,500mm in diameter. The features of
this system are as follows:
1) Using an excavating method it can be used in sand with high-pressure or gravel-rich soil.
2) It can construct both long (maximum length: up to 1,000m) and curved tunnels (minimum curvature

Recent technological developments have led to successful methods for stabilizing unstable strata by excluding
water from excavations by means of the mud slurry around the pipes. This system meets modern
environmental standards. This type of mud slurry is formed by water, carboxyl methyl cellulose, lost circulation
control material, clay minerals, bentonite, fine aggregate, as well as other materials. Figure 2 shows an
illustration of a concrete pipe and the soil in this system. The proportional mix, which varies the viscosity and
the seepage capacity of the mud slurry, is required to strengthen the soil. This system’s operational features
are as follows:
1) Install the pushing equipment in a starting pit, then set the drivage machine.
2) Extend the rear-end pushing jack and push the drivage machine.
3) By repetition of the pushing process, if the rear-end driving after one concrete pipe length (2.4m) is driving
in, connect another pipe.
4) After driving is completed, retrieve the drivage machine from the arrival pit.
More widely used techniques for micro-tunneling, that use remote control drivage methods in conjunction with
pipe-jacking, are now being used. During the pushing processes, the mud slurry is injected into the face and
into the over-cutting area which is between the concrete pipe and the soil. After the soil voids are filled by the
slurry, the soil stabilizes due to slurry pressure. To minimize ground deformation in the pushing process, it is
necessary to maintain the slurry pressure that was kept on underground water pressure at plus 20-50kPa
(Katano and Ogawa, 1994). The mud slurry plays an important role in reducing the friction resistance when
pushing the pipes. Finally, mortar is injected into the over-cutting area and chemical grout is injected into the
surrounding soil around the tunnel to maintain a permanent stability of the surroundings soil and over-cutting


Chemical grout injection method is a ground improvement method in which chemical grout is injected into
voids, fissures, crevices or cavities in soil or rock formations in order to improve their properties, specifically to
reduce permeability and/or to increase strength of the surrounding soil or rock formations (E. Noveiller, 1989).
In order to achieve the intended purpose, holes are drilled into the soil/rock formation, and then chemical
grouting material is injected under pressure until voids around the injection section are filled to satisfy
conditions specified in the design. In construction work, such as installing underground pipelines, this method
is often employed as a supplemental method. Figure 3 shows an illustration of a chemical grout injection in
using slurry pipe-jacking.

Various materials, such as solutions and resins, are used for chemical grouting material, depending on the
purpose of grouting and the properties of the grouted soil/rock. In the injected ground, these chemical
compounds form gels that fill the pores. It is possible to control the characteristics of the chemical grouting
material by choosing components for it: the durability, the viscosity, the strength of the gel and the gelling time.
The chemical grout has many points of advantage.

However, when this method is employed, two aspects must be considered: the health hazard to the crews
working with the chemicals and the hazard to the environment. Some chemicals used for chemical grouting
material may be toxic, neurotoxic or cancerogeneous, irritate the skin or be corrosive. So, if the chemical
grouting material is not solidified into a gel or the components of chemical grouting material is soluble in water,
the toxic components can pollute the ground water and the surrounding soil due to the effect of groundwater
flow. Therefore, it is very important to control the characteristics of chemical grouting material. Besides, this
method costs comparatively.

From the above points of view, in order to inject chemical grout into soil or rock effectively and safely, the

Chemical grout injection hole


Chemical grout injection Concrete Pipe

Over-cutting Area

Figure 3. Illustration of a chemical grout injection.

behavior of chemical grouting material in the surrounding soil around the tunnel and the characteristics of it
must be clearly understood.


4.1 Application of Eulerian-Lagragian analysis to chemical grout injection

In order to maintain a permanent stability of the surrounding soil, chemical grouting material is injected.
However, the behavior of the chemical grouting material in the surrounding soil around the tunnel has not yet
been clearly understood.
Hence, in an effort to identify the performance of the chemical grouting material in the surrounding soil, it
can be applied to the seepage and dispersion behavior of the chemical grouting material by using the
Eulerian-Lagragian analysis.

4.2 Simulation outline

Figure 4 represents the two-dimensional Eulerian-Lagragian model used in this study. Only one-half of the
model was considered due to symmetry. A small-diameter tunnel was located at a depth of 6.5m. The outer-
and inner-diameter of the concrete pipe was 1,280mm and 1,000mm. The thickness of the concrete pipe and
over-cutting area were 90mm and 50mm. The diameter and length of the chemical grout injection hole were
19mm and 500mm. Table 1 shows the parameters that were used for this simulation.

In seepage analysis, the bottom and symmetry axis boundaries of the model were not permeable. Pressure on
the injection hole of the chemical grouting material was constant. In dispersion analysis, the concentration of
the chemical grouting material was constant. The particle elements that were necessary to calculate the
seepage concentration of the chemical grouting material were located around the injection hole as shown in
figure 5. The black circles were particle elements that were in the chemical grouting material concentration and
the concentration of the white circles were zero. In this seepage and dispersion analysis, we used the following
1) Black circles were arranged for the known chemical grouting material concentration in t=0.
2) Other particles in the mortar concentration were not provided from the chemical grout injection hole.
3) The dispersion of the chemical grouting material occurred due to the black circles in t>0.
4) The chemical grouting material concentration was a percentage of the weight of the sodium silicate to the
weight of the water.

0.90 m

Figure 4. Two-dimensional Eulerian-Lagragian model.
Table 1. Parameters that were used for this simulation.

Chemical grout density 1.40

Chemical grout concentration (%) 50
Chemical grout injection pressure (MPa) 0.50
Gravely Silty
Sand Sand
-2 -5
Permeability (cm/sec) 3.0 10 3.0 10
Effective porosity 0.40 0.10
Longitudinal dispersivity (cm) 0.80 1.0
Transverse dispersivity (cm) 0.16 0.20
Effective diffusion coefficient -6 -7
1.0 10 1.0 10
Retardation factor 1.0 1.0 Figure 5. The particle elements that were
Specific storage (cm ) 0.0 0.0 necessary to calculate the seepage concentration
of the mortar.

4.3 Results of the Eulerian-Lagragian seepage analysis

4.3.1 Effect of the characteristics of the soil
Figure 6 and 7 show the results that were obtained by using the Eulerian-Lagragian analysis for two kinds of
soil, such as gravely and silty sand. These contours of the chemical grouting material concentrations from 5%
to 50% were given in these figures. The shaded zone, which was the inner semicircle, is the concrete pipe in
each figure. These figures show the seepage behavior of the chemical grouting material, which was injected
after 5 and 30 minutes had elapsed, respectively. The injection pressure of the chemical grouting material was
kept on the 0.1MPa.In the case of the high permeability soil such as gravely sand, the distribution of the high
concentration area and the permeation zone of the chemical grouting material were widely spread in the
surrounding soil around the tunnel from the injection hole as time elapsed after injection. In the case of the high
permeability soil, it is easy to inject the chemical grouting material into the surrounding soil around the tunnel
uniformity. On the other hand, in the case of low permeability soil such as silty sand, the high concentration of
the chemical grouting material was distributed only around the injection hole. The permeation zone was not as
spread out, regardless of the elapsed time. Therefore, it is difficult to inject the chemical grouting material into
the surrounding soil around the tunnel uniformity in this case.

Figure 8 shows the distribution of the pressure head around the injection in the case of the three kinds of soil.
These contours of the pressure head from 0 m to 50 m were given in these figures. These figures show that the
distribution of the pressure head around the injection hole was different because of the permeability of the soil.

-5 .0 0 -5 .0 0
-5 .5 0 -5 .5 0
-6 .0 0 -6 .0 0 45.0

-6 .5 0 -6 .5 0
-7 .0 0 -7 .0 0 30.0

-7 .5 0 -7 .5 0
-8 .0 0 -8 .0 0 15.0

-8 .5 0 -8 .5 0
-9 .0 0 -9 .0 0
0 .0 0 0 .5 0 1 .0 0 1 .5 0 2 .0 0 2 .5 0 3 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .5 0 1 .0 0 1 .5 0 2 .0 0 2 .5 0 3 .0 0
Unit m
(a) t=5 min. (b) t=10 min.

Figure 6. The distribution of the chemical grout concentration in the surrounding soil around the pipe in the
case of gravely sand. (a) t=5 min. (b) t=10min.
-5 .0 0
-5 .0 0 (%)
-5 .5 0 -5 .5 0

-6 .0 0 -6 .0 0 45.0

-6 .5 0 -6 .5 0

-7 .0 0 -7 .0 0 30.0

-7 .5 0 -7 .5 0

-8 .0 0 -8 .0 0 15.0

-8 .5 0 -8 .5 0

-9 .0 0 -9 .0 0
0 .0 0 0 .5 0 1 .0 0 1 .5 0 2 .0 0 2 .5 0 3 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .5 0 1 .0 0 1 .5 0 2 .0 0 2 .5 0 3 .0 0
Unit m
(a) t=5 min. (b) t=10 min.
Figure 7. The distribution of the chemical grout concentration in the surrounding soil around the pipe in the
case of silty sand. (a) t=5 min. (b) t=10min.

-5 .0 0 -5 .0 0

-5 .5 0 -5 .5 0 1 0 .0 0

9 .0 0
-6 .0 0 -6 .0 0
8 .0 0

-6 .5 0 -6 .5 0 7 .0 0

6 .0 0
-7 .0 0 -7 .0 0
5 .0 0

-7 .5 0 -7 .5 0 4 .0 0

3 .0 0
-8 .0 0 -8 .0 0
2 .0 0

-8 .5 0 -8 .5 0 1 .0 0

-9 .0 0 -9 .0 0
0 .0 0 0 .5 0 1 .0 0 1 .5 0 2 .0 0 2 .5 0 3 .0 0 0 .0 0 0 .5 0 1 .0 0 1 .5 0 2 .0 0 2 .5 0 3 .0 0 Unit m
(a) gravely sand (b) silty sand

Figure 8. The distribution of the pressure head in the surrounding soil around pipe.
(a)gravely sand, (b)silty sand (t=5 min. )

In the case of the high permeability soil, the pressure head decreased gradually the further it was from the
injection hole. While, in the case of the low permeability soil, the high pressure head was distributed only
around the injection hole and the extreme high pressure was affected around it. So, in the latter case, the
failure of the surrounding soil and the fracture may also be induced from the injection pressure. Moreover, in
the extreme case, the lifting of the surface was happened due to excess injection pressure.

According to these results, the seepage behavior of the chemical grouting material was divided into two
patterns with the permeability of the surrounding soil. In the high permeability soil such as a gravely sand, the
type of seepage behavior of the chemical grouting material is permeation. Meanwhile, in the case of the low
permeability soil such as silty sand, the type of seepage behavior is fracturing.
From the above discussion, it is understood that the seepage behavior of the chemical grouting material was
different with the permeability of the soil and it is important to control the injection pressure of the chemical
grouting material.

4.3.2 Effect of the gel characteristics of chemical grouting material

Figure 9 and 10 show the results that were obtained by using the Eulerian-Lagragian analysis for gravely sand.
These figures show the seepage behavior of the chemical grouting material that has gel characteristics as
-4.00 -4.00
(%) (%)
-4.50 -4.50

-5.00 50.0 -5.00 50.0

45.0 45.0
-5.50 -5.50
40.0 40.0
-6.00 -6.00
35.0 35.0
-6.50 30.0 -6.50 30.0

-7.00 25.0 -7.00 25.0

20.0 20.0
-7.50 -7.50
15.0 15.0
-8.00 -8.00
10.0 10.0
-8.50 5.0 -8.50 5.0

-9.00 -9.00

-9.50 -9.50

-10.00 -10.00
0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 Unit m 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 Unit m

Figure 9. The distribution of the chemical grout Figure 10. The distribution of the chemical grout
concentration in the case of no delay of the gelling concentration in the case of delay of the gelling
time due to dilution. (t=30 min.) time due to dilution. (t=30 min.)

Gelling time of Chemical grout that is diluted

Gelling time of Chemical grout
Viscosity mPa s


0 15 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4
Gelling time (min)
Magnification of dilution
Figure 11 Change of viscosity of the chemical Figure 12. Delay of gelling time of the chemical
grout during elapsed time. grout due to the dilution.

shown in figure 11. These contours of the chemical grouting material concentrations after 30 minutes elapsed
after the injection were given in these figures. As the chemical grouting material was diluted due to the
groundwater and porewater, it was predicted that the gelling time of the chemical grouting material was
delayed as shown in figure 12. Figure 9 shows the result that only the change of viscosity during time was
taken into consideration. Figure 10 shows the result that not only the change of viscosity but also the duration
of the gelling time were taken into account. The injection pressure of the chemical grouting material was kept
on the 0.1MPa.

Compared to these figures, as the delay of the gelling time due to the dilution of the chemical grouting material
with groundwater, the chemical grouting material was not stuck around the injection hole. Moreover, the
permeation zone of the chemical grouting material was spread and the high concentration zone of the
chemical grouting material was separated from the injection hole leading to the effect of the groundwater flow,
the characteristics of dispersion/diffusion and gravity. These results indicated that because of the outflow of the
chemical grouting material, it may be difficult to obtain the effect of the chemical grout injection that was
designed. Besides, pollution of the surrounding soil/groundwater may occur.
From the above discussion, the high permeability soil such as gravely sand should be paid great attention to
apply the appropriate chemical grouting material in order to obtain the effect of the chemical grout injection
which is designed and to prevent pollution of the surrounding soil/groundwater due to the permeation of the
chemical grouting material.



5.1 Simulation outline

Secondarily, in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the chemical grout injection into the surrounding soil, a
finite element model was performed. Figure 13 shows the two-dimensional finite element model used in this
study. The diameter of the drivage tunnel was 1.0m The initial vertical stress (Pv) wasassumed to be the depth
pressure (Pv = h: = unit weight of overburden and h= cover depth). The non-linear analysis was performed by
using the two-dimensional FEM cord ‘Phase ’ that was developed by Geomechanics Software & Research,
Canada.The following Mohr-Coulomb criterion was employed as a failure criterion:

=C+ tan

where = tensile strength of the soil, C = cohesion of the soil, = major principal stress and = friction angle of
the soil.

1m 15m

Figure 13. Two-dimensional finite model.

Young’s modulus E50 (MPa)

sand E50=230 3
Sand gel 1

E50=120 3+150

20 E50=40 3+100

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Confining pressure
Figure 14. Relationship between confining pressure and Young’s
modulus E50.
In this analysis, the relationship between the characteristics of the soil/grouted zone and the confining stress
as shown in figure14 was taken into account (Mori and Maruyama, 1977). The mechanical properties and
parameters of the soil/grouted zone used in this analysis were listed in Table 2
Table 2. Parameters that were used for FEM analysis.
Poisson’s Tensile strength Cohesion Friction angle Unit weight
ration (MPa) (MPa) (deg.) (MN/m )
Gravely sand 0.4 0.1 0 35 0.018
Sand gel1 0.4 0.5 0.1 35 0.025
Sand gel2 0.4 0.5 0.1 35 0.025

5.2 Results and discussion

Figure 15 shows the relationship between the radius of the grouted zone around the tunnel and the vertical
convergence of the tunnel under the different deformation properties of the sand gel. This figure shows that the
vertical convergence of the tunnel was decreased with the increase of the radius and the young’s modulus of
grouted zone. From this result, it was indicated that the chemical grout injection into the surrounding soil
around the tunnel was an effective method to increase the stability of the tunnel and it was important to select
the appropriate chemical grouting material. This figure also shows that the vertical convergence of the tunnel
was nearly constant in the case that the radius of the grouted zone was lager than 0.5 m. Therefore, it was
predicted that the optimal radius of the grouted zone was 0.5-1.0 m in this condition.

Figure 16 shows the relationship between the radius of the grouted zone in the surrounding soil around the
tunnel and the vertical convergence of the tunnel at different depths. From this figure, the effectiveness of the
chemical grout injection was recognized in every case of depth. It was noted that in the case of the greater
depth, the vertical convergence of the tunnel was increased with the increase in the radius of the grouted zone,
which was larger than 0.5 m. This was because an increase in depth increased the confining pressure and
young’s modulus of the soil was larger than that of the grouted zone as shown in figure14. This result indicated
that it was important to decide the optimal range of the grouted zone.

According to these results, the chemical grout injection is an effective method to maintain the stability of the
tunnel. However, it is necessary that the relationship between the young’s modulus of the soil/grouted zone
and the confining stress be taken into consideration when the range of the grouted zone is decided.

20 Sand gel 1 (E50=120 3+150)

Vertical convergence of the tunnel (mm)
Vertical convergence of the tunnel (mm)

Sand gel 2 (E50=40 3+100) Overburden 5.0 m

20 Overburden 10.0 m
Radius of the tunnel = 0.5m Overburden 20.0 m


Radius of the
grouted zone

5 5
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3
Radius of the grouted zone (m) Radius of the grouted zone (m)

Figure 15. Relationship between radius of the grouted Figure 16. Relationship between radius of the grouted
zone and vertical convergence of the tunnel. zone and vertical convergence of the tunnel.

This paper analyzed the performance of the behavior of chemical grouting material in the surrounding soil by
means of two-dimensional Eulerian-Lagragian seepage analysis. Moreover, the effectiveness of the chemical
grout injection was evaluated by using the non linear fem analysis.

The results from the seepage analysis are summarized as follows:

1) With the difference of the permeability of the soil and the injection pressure, the seepage behavior of the
chemical grouting material in the surrounding soil around the tunnel was different. The seepage behavior
was divided into two patterns. One is permeation, and the other is fracturing.
2) Great attention to apply the appropriate chemical grouting material in order to obtain the effect of the
chemical grout injection and to prevent the pollution of the surrounding soil and groundwater due to the
outflow of the chemical grouting material is needed.

The results from the non-linear fem analysis are summarized as follows:
1) The chemical grout injection is an effective method to maintain the stability of the tunnel.
2) When the range of the grouted zone is designed, it is necessary that the relationship between the young’s
modulus of the soil/grouted zone and the confining stress be taken into consideration.

In order to establish the effective, economical and safety chemical grout injection system, it is necessary to
obtain the data from experience and the field. To understand the performance of the seepage/dispersion
behavior of the chemical grouting material and the characteristics of the soil/the grouted zone is also important.


The authors would like to thank the many civil engineers and employees of the Alpha Civil Engineering Co. Ltd.
for their assistance in this research project. The authors would also like to thank Prof. Makoto Nishigaki,
Okayama University and the many researchers of the Mitsubishi Material Co., Ltd. for allowing us to use their
numerical analysis program.


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