انواع التحاليل الطبية-1

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‫أنواع التحاليل الطبية‬

By : A. Nassem
" Medical Laboratory Specialties "
‫بسـ ـ ــم اهلل الرحمن الرحيم‬

General Checkup Profile (‫) الفحص الدوري الشامل‬

Complete Blood Count Erythrocyte Sedimentation Fasting Blood Sugar(FBS),

(CBC) Rate (ESR),
Uric Acid Urea SGOT
Creatinine SGPT Cholesterol
Triglycerides HDL/LDL Urine

Liver Functions Profile (‫)وظائف الكبد‬

Bilirubin (Total & Direct), SGOT SGPT

GGT Alkaline phosphatase Total protein
Albumin A/G Prothrombin time

Kidney Function Profile (‫)وظائف الكلية‬

Urea Creatinin Uric acid

Urine Sodium (Na) Potassium (K)
Osmolality Microalbuminuria

Cardiac Profile (‫)أنزيمات القلب‬

Troponin I CK (MB & Total) SGOT

LDH CK isoenzymes Myoglobin

Lipid Profile (‫)شحوم الدم‬

Total lipids Cholesterol Triglycerides


" Medical Laboratory Specialties "

Diabetes Profile (‫)تحاليل السكر‬

Initial diagnosis :-
Blood sugar curve
Follow up :-
Fasting Blood Sugar 2 Hours Post Prandial (2
Every 3 Months :-
Glycosylated Hemoglobin Microalbuminuria
Yearly :-
General Checkup Profile
Other tests :-
Insulin Anti Islet cell antibody C-peptide

Osteoporosis (‫)هشاشة العظام‬

Serum Cacium (Total & Urinary Calcium Alkaline phosphatase

Para Thyroid Hormone Osteocalcin DPD
(PTH intact)
Betacrosslaps (CTX)

Rheumatology Profile (‫)األمراض الروماتيزمية‬

ANA AntiDNA Uric acid

Erythrocyte Sedimentation C-Reactive Protein (CRP Rheumatoid Factor(RF
Rate (ESR) quantitative) quantitative)

Autoimmune Diseases (‫)أمراض المناعة الذاتية‬

Anti Cardiolipin Total (IgG Antisperm antibody DNA (single & double
(IgTotal, IgG, IgA) stranded)
& IgM
Autoantibodies: ANA ASMA RNP
JO-1 RF quantitative CRP quantitative
Complement (C3, C4) Synovial Fluid Aspirate for
Circulating Immune C/S if present

" Medical Laboratory Specialties "

Organ-Specific Tumor Markers (‫)دالالت األورام‬

Prostate PSA (Free/Total), PAP

Neuroblastoma VMA
Pituitary ACTH, GH, PRL
Thyroid Calcitonin, CEA, Thyroylobulin
Lung CEA
Gastrinoma Gastrin
Pancreas CA19.9, CEA, CA125, Amylase
Liver AFP, CEA, CA19.9, Ferritin
Ovary CA125, B-HCG
Cervix/Uterus CEA
Pheochromocytoma VMA, Metanephrine
Kidney Erythropoietin
Breast CA15.3, CA125 , CEA
Tests B-HCG, AFP

Drug Monitoring (‫)قياس المعايرات الدوائية‬

Lithuim (‫)المهدئات العصبية‬ Digoxin (‫)أدوية القلب‬

Depakene Tegretol
Phenytoin Phenobarbital
Cyclosporing Tacrolimus ( ‫أدوية منع طرد‬

Drug Abuse Profile (‫)المخدرات‬

Cannabinnoids Barbiturates Benzodiazepines

Opiates Cocaine

Hormones (‫)الهرمونات‬

Thyroid: (‫)الغدة الدرقية‬ T3 (Free & Total), T4 (Free & Total), TSH, 3rd
Generation Thryroid Autoantibodies.
Parathyroid: (‫)الغدة الجار درقية‬ PTH intact
Infertility (male): (‫)العقم عن الرجال‬ Semen, FSH, LH, PRL, E2, Testosterone (free &
total).Testosterone before and after Pregnyl,
Inhbin B.
Infertility (femal): ( ‫العقم عن‬ FSH , LH, PRL, E2, Progesterone, Testosterone
‫)النساء‬ (Free & Total), Inhbin B..
" Medical Laboratory Specialties "
Hirsutism : (‫)الشعر الزائد عند اإلناث‬
FSH, LH, PRL, Testosterone (free & total), DHT,
DHEA-S, DHEA,17-OH Progestrone,
Androstendion Stimulation tests by Synechten
Suppression test by Dexamethasone
Cushing/Addison : ‫ متالزمة كوشنج‬Cortisol (a.m./ p.m), Urinary free cortisol, ACTH.
‫ومرض أديسون‬ Dexamethasone Supression Synacthen Stimulation.
Acromegaly: ‫ضخامة األعضاء‬ Growth hormone basal, Growth hormone
suppression (glucose), IGF-1, IGF-BP
Short Stature : ‫قصر القامة‬ Growth stimulatino by Clonidine & Insuline IGF-
1, IGF-BP.
Feto-Placental Function : ‫ الوظيفة‬B-HCG, Estriol (E3).
‫الجنينية المشيمية‬

Hyertension: ‫ضغط الدم المرتفع‬

VMA Metanephreane

Triple Markers for Down’s Synd. ‫دالالت مرض الطفل المنغولي‬

AFP HCG Estriol E3 Triple test

Trace Elements ‫العناصر النادرة‬

Copper Zinc Lead

Anaemia Screen ‫تحاليل االنيميا‬

Complete Blood Count (CBC) Reticulocytic count

" Medical Laboratory Specialties "

Anemia Investigations ‫تحاليل االنيميا‬

Normocytic anemia Reticulocytic count

Macrocytic anemia Megaloblastic (B12, Folate), Non Megaloblastic (Liver
functions, alcohol etc…)
Microcytic anemia Serum Iron, TIBC, Ferritin
Hemolytic Profile Bilirubin (total & direct), Hemoglobin electrophoresis,
Coomb’s test, Cold Agglutinin, Osmotic Fragility

Hemostatic Screen (‫)تحاليل تجلط الدم‬

Bleeding TIme (BT) Cloting Time (CT)

Prothombin Time(PT) Partial Thromboplastin time(PTP)

Specific Hemostatic Tests (‫)تحاليل خاصة بتجلط الدم‬

PTT Lupus Anticoagulant Prothrombin Time

Fibrinogen Factor Assays

Hypercoagulable Thrombotic States (‫)تحاليل التجلط الزائدة‬

PTT Protien C Protien S

Fibringoen Anti THrombin III Platelet count
Lupus Anticoagulant

DIC Screen (‫)تحاليل تجلط الدم داخل األوعية‬

Anti Thrombin III PTT PT

Thrombin Time FDPs Fibrinogen
Factor Assay Platelet count D-Dimer

" Medical Laboratory Specialties "

Hepatitis markers:

Hepatitis A (HAV):
HA V IgM HAV total
Hepatitis B(HBV):
HbsAb HBc total
Autoimmune heptitis:
Hepatitis C(HCV):
HCV- Abs HCV-RNA(quantitative) by PCR.

Parasitoloby (‫)الطفيليات‬

Hydatid serology Giardia stool examination

Entamoebla stool examination Malaria film (thick & thin), serology
Toxoplasma IgM, IgG

Microbiology (‫)الميكروبيولوجي‬

Tuberculosis :
Film Culture
Routine Culture for:
Urine Stool prostatic secreation
Pus uretheral discharge vaginal discharge
ear discharge conjunctival discharge
Anaerobes bacteria :
Blood Culture & Antibiogram
Serology blood culture

" Medical Laboratory Specialties "

Allergy ‫الحساسية‬

IgE Total

Chronic Diarrhoea -‫االسهال المزمن‬

Stool culture & sensitivity D-Xylose S. Transferrin

Fever of unknown origin ‫الحمى غير المعلومة المصدر‬

Complete Blood Erythrocyte Sedimentation Stool and Urine

Count(CBC) Rate (ESR) examination and culture
C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Blood culture Widal test
Antinuclear antibody

Repeated Abortion ‫االجهاض المتكرر‬

Infections TORCH (IgG & IgM)

Hormones Proclain, LH & Progesterone (in the middle of hte luteal phase).
Auto-antibodies ANA, dsDNA, Anticardiolipin IgG & IgM, Lupus anticoagulant

)= ‫ان شاء هللا تكونوا استفدتوا‬

A. Naseem

" Medical Laboratory Specialties "

" Medical Laboratory Specialties "

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