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Assessment Rubric:

Criteria Beginning Developing Proficient Strong Marks

Content Experiences are Experiences are Appropriate Appropriate 25%
poorly described reasonably well experiences are experiences are well
or are not described and chosen and are described and related
relevant to the somewhat well described, back to college theory.
course of study relevant to the but not well
or profession course of study, related to college
but not related theory
well to theory
Reflection No evidence of No evidence of Evidence of Evidence of deep 25%
reflection on reflection on reflection on reflection on
performance or performance performance and performance and clear
personal but some good personal personal response to
response to personal response to experiences described,
experiences response to experiences together with
described experiences described statement of learning
described achieved both from the
experience and
Comments Lack of Comments of a Comments show Comments show 15%
comments, or somewhat trivial interest and empathy with blog
comments of a nature, and empathy with group, requesting
trivial nature showing only blog group, further information,
with no slight empathy requesting further making suggestions,
evidence of with the blog information, and and evidence of deep
empathy with group comparing to own reflection of experience
blog group experience. of others, and how this
Replying to peer relates to own practice.
comments and Replying to peer
questions is comments and
evident. questions is evident
and very meaningful
and purposeful.
Frequency Completely Sufficient blog Sufficient blog Always posts blogs and 25%
insufficient blog posts, but posts, rarely late. comments on time.
posts. always late. Comments mostly
on time.
Style Poor grammar Spelling and Good grammar Good grammar and 10%
and spelling, grammar are and spelling, and spelling, excellent
and poor good, but little correct language language usage,
general thought out into usage. Blog is demonstrating style
language usage construction of correct length. and personal
makes blogs blog post into a expression. Blog is
difficult to read coherent piece. correct length.
or follow. Blog is Incorrect length.
incorrect length.

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