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Assignment -1 (Term 2)
Grade: 8 Marks=10
Topic: Matrices and Determinants
Date of Submission: 26 – 02 – 2024

Matrices work to find out the availability of busses on different routes in our real life.
Using the information given below and determine the actual availability of buses on the East West
Roads of Abu Dhabi at various time slots. The list of East West Roads of Abu Dhabi are given

Sr. No Names of the East West Roads of Abu Dhabi

1. Corniche

2. Khalifa St

3. Hamdan St

4. Electra St

5. Zayed the First St

6. Khalidiyah St

7. Old Passport Rd

8. Passport Road

9. Jawazat Rd

10. Immigration Rd

11. Defense Rd
12. Al Bateen St

13. Delma St

1. Choose any Four (4) Roads from the list above that you regularly travel on, and assess the
bus availability on each of these selected roads.
2. Use internet source to find out the number of bus stop and number of busses on each route.

1. Define Matrix A (Routes):

i. Rows represent different routes.
ii. Columns represent different time slots or bus stops.
iii. Each element Aij represents the availability of buses on route i at time slot j .

 a11 a12 a13 a14 

a a 22 a 23 a 24 
A   21
a31 a32 a33 a34 
 
a 41 a 42 a 43 a 44 

2. Define Matrix B (Buses):

i. Rows represent different buses.
ii. Columns represent different time slots or bus stops.
iii. Each element Bij represents the capacity or total number of buses of
type i at time slot j .

b11 b12 b13 b14 

b b b23 b24 
B   21 22
b31 b32 b33 b34 
 
b41 b42 b43 b44 

3. Calculate Availability Matrix C:

i. Multiply matrices A and B element-wise (Hadamard Product).
ii. The resulting matrix C represents the actual availability of buses on different routes and
time slots.

C  A B
cij  aij  bij
 c11 c12 c13 c14 
c c c 23 c 24 
C   21 22
c31 c32 c33 c34 
 
c 41 c 42 c 43 c 44 

4. Analyze Results:
i. Examine the elements of matrix C to determine the actual availability of buses on
different routes at various time slots.

5. Advantage of the problem:

This approach allows you to model and analyze the availability of buses based on routes
and time slots, considering the different types of buses and their capacities. Adjustments
can be made to the matrices to account for factors such as maintenance, unexpected events,
or changes in the schedule.

Marking Allocations:
1. Construction of matrix A for the routes 2
2. Construction of matrix B for Busses 2
3. Calculation of the availability matrix C 2
4. Analyzing the actual availability of busses on each route 2
5. Use of correct information about number of stops and busses etc. 2
Total 10

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