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Sequence and Series

1. AP: Arithmetic progression 2. GP: Geometric progression 3. HP: Harmonic progression
4. AGP: Arithmetic geometric progression 5. Method of difference

 Arithmetic progression: Common difference between the numbers in a sequence.

 M= total number of terms L= last term Sn= Sum of n terms
Nth term of AP: a+ (n-1) d | nth term from last: [m –n+1] Th term from start
Sn = n/2 [2a+ (n-1) d] or Sn= n/2 (a+l)
 Properties: If a, b and c are in AP then;
 Kb, kc, ka  AP k+a, k+b, k+c  AP k-a, k-b, k-c  AP a/k, b/k, c/k  AP
 2b = a+c
 3 number in AP = a-d, a, a+d c.d= d
 4 numbers in AP = a-3d, a-d, a+d, a+3d c.d= 2d
 5 numbers in AP = a-2d, a-d a, a+d a+2d c.d= d
 Tn= Sn – Sn-1
 Tn= An+B then c.d= A and a= A+B
 If in an AP Sn=An2 + Bn then c.d= 2A and a=A+B
 If Sp= q & Sq= p then Sp+q= -(p+q)
 If Sp=Sq then Sp+q=0
 If in an AP, the ratio Sm:Sn = m2: n2 then Tm: Tn = (2m-1) : (2n-1)
 If the ratio of sum of n terms of 2 different APs is f(n): g(n) then the ratio of their n th term is f(2n-1): g(2n-1)
 If pth term of an AP is q and qth term is p, then it’s (p+q)th term is equal to 0 and it’s nth term= p+q–n
 If in AP Tmth term = 1/n and Tnth term = 1/m then 1. a=d=1/mn
2. T rTh term = r/mn 3. Tmn = 1
4. Smn = ½ (mn+1)
 Arithmetic Mean = Sum of observations/ number of observations
 If we insert n A.M’s between a&b then 1. d= b-a/n+1 2. A 1= an+b/n+1 3. An= a+nb/n+1
 Sum of n arithmetic mean added= n(a+b)/2

 GEOMETRIC PROGRESSION: The ratio between the numbers in a series is same.

 M= total number of terms L= last term Sn= Sum of n terms
Nth term of GP: arn-1
Sn = a (rn-1)/r-1 [r>1] or Sn= a (1-rn)/1-r [r<1]
Sum of infinite terms in GP= a/1-r, |r|<1 i.e. -1<r<1
 Properties:
 Kb, kc, ka  GP a/k, b/k, c/k  GP k/a, k/b, k/c  GP
 The reciprocal of the no.s in GP are in GP.
 If all the terms in Gp are raised to the same power then also the resulting progression will remain in GP
 b2 = ac
 3 terms in GP  a/r, a , ar
 4 terms in GP  a/r3, a/r, ar , ar3
 5 terms in GP  a/r2, a/r, a, ar, ar2
 If a1, a2, a3……… are in GP then loga1, loga2, loga3,…………logan are in AP
 If xa, xb, xc are in GP then a, b, c are in AP
 Geometric mean: product of the numbers raised to the power 1/ number of terms.
GM: (abc) 1/3
 If n GM are inserted between a&b then common ratio= (b/a)1/n+1 G 1= a(b/a)1/n+1 Gn= a(b/a)n/n+1
 Sum of n geometric mean added= (ab)n/2
 Relation b/w AM & GM: If the ratio of AM and GM of a, b is m:n then a/b = m+ √m2 – n2 / m - √m2 – n2
 Harmonic progression: If a, b, c AP then 1/a, 1/b, 1/c HP and vice versa
 General condition: b= 2ac/a+c
 Nth term of HP: 1/ a+ (n-1) d
 Sum of n terms of HP is not defined
 Harmonic mean: n/1/a1+1/a2+……..+1/an
 If n HM’s are inserted between a&b then H1= (n+1)ab/ a+nb or (n+1)ab/ an+b
 If AM=GM=HM, then no.s are equal
 If 3 no.s are in AP, GP& HP then no.s are in equal
 AM(greater or equal) GM(greater or equal) HM
 AM, GM&HM are always in GP i.e. (GM)2=AM.HM or GM/AM = HM
∑1 =n
 Arithmetico Geometric progression: a, (a+d)r, (a+2d)r , …………….., (a+(n-1)d)r
2 n-1
∑k= nk
 Common difference = d Common ratio= r ∑n= n (n+1)/2
 Nth term = (a+(n-1)d)r n-1 2
∑n = n (n+1) (2n+1)/6
 Sum of n terms: a/1-r + dr(1-rn-1)/(1-r)2 – (a+(n-1)d)rn/(1-r) ∑n3= n2 (n+1)2/4
 Sum of infinite AGP: a/1-r + dr/(1-r)2 r<1 2+4+6+……. +2n= n (n+1)
1+3+5+………. +2n-1= n2
 Method of difference:

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