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Rise of Magadha Empire

The Haryanka dynasty:

1. Bimbisara (reigned c. 544 BC - 492 BC):

- Founder of the Dynasty: Bimbisara founded the Haryanka dynasty and established
Magadha as a prominent kingdom.

- Family: He was the son of King Bhattiya and Queen Kosala Devi.

- Conquests: Bimbisara expanded Magadha's territory through military campaigns.

- Relations with Buddha: He had a close relationship with Buddha and became a
follower of his teachings.

- Capital: Bimbisara built the city of Rajagriha (modern Rajgir) as his capital.

2. Ajatashatru (reigned c. 492 BC - 460 BC):

- Son of Bimbisara: Ajatashatru succeeded his father Bimbisara.

- Family: His mother was Queen Chellana.

- Military Campaigns: Ajatashatru is known for his conquest of the Licchavi republic
and other neighboring territories.

- Patronage of Buddhism and Jainism: He was a patron of both Buddhism and Jainism,
despite his military campaigns.

- Capital: He continued to rule from Rajagriha.

3. Udayin (reigned c. 460 BC - 444 BC):

- Son of Ajatashatru: Udayin succeeded his father Ajatashatru.

- Family: His mother's name is not widely recorded.

- Capital Shift: Udayin shifted the capital of Magadha from Rajagriha to Pataliputra
(modern Patna).

- Administrative Reforms: He is credited with establishing efficient administrative

systems in Magadha.
- Continued Expansion: Udayin further expanded Magadha's influence during his rule.

4. Aniruddha (reigned c. 444 BC - 437 BC):

- Son of Udayin: Aniruddha succeeded his father Udayin.

- Family: Details about his family are not extensively recorded.

- Short Reign: He ruled for a relatively brief period.

- Administration: Aniruddha continued his father's administrative policies.

- Stability: His reign contributed to the stability of the Haryanka dynasty.

5. Munda (reigned c. 437 BC - 415 BC):

- Successor of Aniruddha: Munda succeeded Aniruddha as the ruler of Magadha.

- Family: Specific details about his family are scarce.

- Military Achievements: He is noted for his military successes, which expanded

Magadha's power and influence.

- Dynastic Stability: Munda's reign maintained stability within the Haryanka dynasty.

- Legacy: Munda's achievements laid the foundation for the subsequent rulers and the
rise of Magadha as a dominant power in ancient India.

Shishunaga dynasty:

1. Founding: Founded by Mahapadma Nanda around 413 BC after overthrowing the

Haryanka dynasty.

2. Expansion: Expanded Magadha's territory through military conquests, consolidating

power in northern India.

3. Rulers: Mahapadma Nanda followed by Kakavarna, who continued to stabilize and

govern Magadha.

4. End: The dynasty ended around 345 BC when Mahapadma Nanda's son overthrew it.

5. Legacy: Set the stage for the Nanda dynasty and subsequent Maurya Empire,
influencing Indian governance and culture.

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