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Present tenses
Complete the sentences using the notes in brackets. The verbs
can be Present Continuous (am doing), Present Simple (do) or
Present Perfect (have done).

We bought this picture a long time ago. We’ve had it for ages (we / have / it) for

1 Sarah finds her mobile phone very useful ........................................

(she / use / it) all the time.

2 Vicky doesn’t know where her watch is ........................................ (she / lose /


3 We’re in the middle of decorating our kitchen, so we can’t cook any

........................................ (we / get / them) from a take-away restaurant this

4 Claire is on a skiing holiday ........................................ (she / enjoy / it),

she says on her postcard.

5 The colour of this paint is absolutely awful ........................................ (I / hate /


6 These figures certainly should add up ........................................ (I /

check / them) several times already.

7 Trevor and Laura like Scrabble ........................................ (they / play / it)

most evenings.

8 These flowers are dying ........................................ (you / not water / them) for

B. Present and past tenses

Write a second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.
Begin with the word in brackets.

Our trip to Africa was in October. (We ...) We went to Africa in October.

1 We’ve had ten hours of rain. (It ...)


2 It’s the right thing to do in my opinion. (I ...)

3 Our sofa is in a different place now. (We ...)


4 It was breakfast-time when Susan rang. (I ...)

5 Their game of badminton is always on Tuesday. (They ...)


C. Future tenses
Complete the conversation. In each sentence choose the best form
of the verb to express the future. Usually more than one answer is

Mark: Hello, Claire. Sarah tells me (_) you’re going (you / go) to New York.
Claire: Yes, (1) ..................................... (I / spend) a couple of days there next
(2) ..................................... (I / look) round the shops.
Mark: (3) ..................................... (that / be) exciting.
Claire: Exhausting, you mean. I think (4) ..................................... (I / be) pretty
tired when I get back.
Mark: (5) ..................................... (you / stay) with friends?
Claire: No, (6) ..................................... (I / stay) at a hotel near Central Park. But
..................................... (I / see) my friends. (8) .....................................
(I / go) to their apartment for a meal one evening. And it isn’t definite
yet, but
(9) ..................................... (we / see) a show.
Mark: And when (10) ..................................... (you / leave)?
Claire: My flight (11) ..................................... (be) on Tuesday morning.
Mark: OK, (12) ..................................... (I / see) you when you get back then.
Complete this text with these verbs.

Believe Holds Be experiencing Had Have been changing

Will keep Lets Is happening Have been Have created

The world is getting warmer and the oceans are rising. Why (1)
....... this ..................................... ? One answer is that it could simply be
part of a
natural process. After all, there (2) ..................................... ice ages and
long periods
of warmth in the past, so we could just (3) ..................................... another
trend. This kind of answer (4) ..................................... more supporters a
few years
ago.What scientists now (5) ..................................... is that human
activity is the
cause. For more than two hundred years, humans (6)
..................................... gradually
the atmosphere, mainly as a result of industrial pollution.We (7)
............................... an atmosphere around the earth that, like a giant
glass container, (8) heat from the sun through and then (9)
..................................... it in. (10) ..................................
temperatures and sea levels rising? The general answer is
unfortunately yes.

E. Complete the sentences using the correct tense of the verb in


1. While I was watching TV someone _____________________ (knock)

at the door.
2. She told us that she _____________________ (see) the film three
times already that year.
3. I _____________________ (not see) Adam since your birthday party.
4. I _____________________ (read) the newspaper when the postman
arrived with a parcel.
5. How long _____________________ you _____________________ (live) at
your present address?
6. If you _____________________ (study) more, you would have passed
the exam.
7. By the end of the summer I _____________________ (pass) my
driving test if everything goes according to plan.
8. Those two trains are heading towards each other on the same track.
_____________________ (crash) into each other!
F. Complete the sentences using the prompts.

1. John told me that

(he / see a good film / the day before)
2. If I won the lottery
__________________________________________________ (I
/ buy / a house by the beach)
3. If you win the race
__________________________________________________ (I
/ give / you a present)
4. If we’d caught the earlier train
____________________________________________ (we / not
miss / the plane)
5. The teacher asked us if
_________________________________________________ (we /
study / English at primary school)
6. We can’t afford
(pay / for a new computer)

7. I don’t really enjoy

__________________________________________________ (play
football / when it’s raining)
8. What would you do if
(you / find / a wallet with 3,000?)

G. Complete

1. Q: __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ do

A: I’m going to stay at home.
2. Q: __________ __________ ever __________ __________ Africa?
A: No, I haven’t.
3. Q: Who ____________ __________ __________ __________ when
I saw you at the supermarket?
A: I was talking to my cousin.
4. Q: How __________ __________ __________ __________ a
member of the group?
A: I’ve been a member for three years.
5. Q: How__________ __________ __________ here today?
A: I came by bus.
6. Q: __________ __________ enjoy __________?
A: Yes, I love books.
7. Q: __________ __________ __________ do __________ you met
A: I’d ask her for an autograph.
8. Q: Where __________ this guitar __________?
A: In China.

H. Correct the mistakes in the sentences.

1. My father worked in the same job since 1995.

2. I had a shower when the telephone rang.

3. On Tuesday I’ll meet Phil for a game of tennis.

4. The weather forecast says it’s raining tomorrow.

5. If I would have looked where I was going, I wouldn’t have had the

6. Susan asked me what time did the football match start.

7. I don’t really fancy to eating out in a restaurant tonight.

8. I suggested to go to the cinema but nobody wanted to see a film.

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