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Caulfield grammar school CAULFIELD GRAMMAR SCHOOL - CAULFIELD CAMPUS SEMESTER 2 EXAMINATION, 2016 A YEAR: 10/11 SUBJECT: Unit 2, Mathematical Methods CAS / Technology Active (NOTES and CAS CALCULATOR ALLOWED). Date of Exam: Monday 6" June 2016 Time Allowed: 90 minutes + 10 minutes reading time ‘Time: Session 2, 11:40am— 1:20pm (including reading time) Teacher Responsible: Ms Warlond Write your name below. SOLUTIONS ~ Circle your teacher's name below. Ms Adams Mr Appel | i Mr Hill Ms James : Ms Warlond ! DIRECTIONS TO CANDIDATES ‘There are TWO parts in this examination: PART 1 : MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS, 20 marks. Answer all questions on the separate answer sheet provided in the center of this booklet; this can be detached from the booklet. All questions are | mark each, PART 2 : ANALYSIS QUESTIONS 41 marks Total 61 marks Marks as shown in the booklet For questions worth more than one mark, appropriate working must be shown, Answer all questions in the space provided in the examination paper. All answers should be in exact form unless specified otherwise in the question, * CAS caleulators are allowed. © Your bound book of notes may be taken into the examination, CAULFIELD GRAMMAR SCHOOL: SEMESTER 1 EXAMINATION SUBJECT: Mathematical Methods Unit 1 Write Your name below: Circle your teacher's name below. Ms Adams. Mr Appel Mr Dann Mr Hill Ms James Mr Kinsella Ms Warlond Cross out the correct response Response 1 A B cre ttp 2 A B c D 3 A B c_ ><] 4 A lsem] ic D 5 A B D 6 A B D 7 A D 8 A D 9 A <= 10 D a | A D A == | D D Yafolofo afolofalololo Number Correct Page 11 of 20 Accept E alse: Instructions for Multiple-choice Section ‘Answer all questions on the answer sheet provided, = Choose the response that is correct for the question, A correét answer scores 1, incorrect answer scores 0. Marks will not be deducted for incorrect answers. ‘No marks will be given if more than one answer is completed for any question. 1. If 16x? — 24x + p isa perfect square then p is equal to: A. 12 Bo a3 D. 3 2. The equation ofa circle with centre (-2, 5) and radius 4 units is: AL (x-2)74+(y +5)? = 16 B. (x-2)*+(y +5)? = 4 Cc. (x-2)?+(y-5)? = 16 D. (x +2)*+07 +5)? = 4 © (+27+(y—5)? = 16 3. The polynomial 42° + 6x2 — 18x ~ 20 expressed as a product of three linear factors is equal to: AL (2x+5)(Qx-4)(1—2) B. (2x+5)(2x+4)(x-1) C. -5)(2@x-3)@x-1) @ @x+59@r-9e+0 E. (2x+1)(x—4)(2x-3) 4, The value(s) of x for which 3x? + 5x — 2 > 0 is/are: AL (ix<-2} . (ex <-2ufex> CG fxZ D. {x-t 0, which one of the following could be the rule for #? 1 1 A. h(x) = ax —b)(x 0) B. A(x) = -ax(x + b)(x-0) C. h@) = ax? + bec) ® AC) = -ax*(x + BY) Accopt bt D+E- AG) = —ax?(x — b)Gr—€) 16. Which of the following is not true if the matrix equation AX = B, is used to find a unique solution to a pair OF simultaneous equations? @ ‘The determinant of A must be equal to zero B. c Dv. E. Matrix A must be a square matrix . Matrix X must have the same number of rows as matrix A has columns Matrix B must have one column only - The inverse of matrix A will be multiplied by matrix B 17. An expression for the discriminant of mx* +3mx—4 is: A 6 c D. an —tm Ae (Bef —d xen x “HH 9m? + 16m Gn? 160) 2 = Amn® llom 25m 8. @m? 16m) = ass Page 7 of 20 18. The centre of the circle x? +4x-+y?—4y—1 = Ois: A. (Q, -2) 2.2) Cc. (4, -4) D. (1, -1) E Ci) ne Art@od « 19. Given that cos = and 75982, then sind is equal to: y ‘The rule for the function could be: eviod= TT END OF MULTIPLE CHOICE SECTION Page 8 of 20 THIS PAGE IS BLANK This section (pages 9— 12) may be removed from the booklet during the examination Page 9 of 20 Unit 1 Mathematical Methods F O R M U L A S H E E T Linear: : Gradient: Pythagoras’ Theorem: c? =a? + b? Pare Equation ofaline: y= mx+e YoY = MAH) Matrices deaxd-bxe ean Be ir! + 0...the matrix is singular le a -8 ab a e d| (a@xd-bxe) . = ab) fe f]_[actbe af +bh ce dl] lg hl lcetdg of +dh Algebra: a +B =(atb)(a? —ab +8") @ - 8 =(a-6)(a? +ab +5") (a+b) =a? +3a°b +3ab? +5* (a—by =a? -3a°b +3ab? — 8° a@? ~ 6? =(a~da+5) GAY +0-WP =r yrax-hytk a = +k ac) paere ay ‘Quadratic Formula: ——_-—_-_—. oe eee z 2. oe A= b’ —4ac 2a Volume of a cylinder: V = a7? x H ‘Volume of a sphere: V far THIS PAGE IS BLANK Page 12 of 20 Instructions for Analysis Section ‘Answer all questions in the spaces provided. In all questions where a numerical answer is required, an exact value must be given unless otherwise specified In all questions where more than one mark is available, appropriate working must be shown, Unless otherwise indicated, the diagrams in this paper are not drawn to scale. 1. A quadratic function has rule flx) = ax? + bx + 3. If 1) = 2 and {4) = 10, find the values of and 5. “PAs @46+8 fa)- jearub a2 Qe atbtS \O =loatyb +3 =\satb A eloa+ub I, asin oS rey U 2 marks} 2, a) Find the equation of the cubic graph shown below. 42 a(x+3) (erly and () Sub (a 23 ral 2yOy(-4) Das {3 marks] py Express the equation from part a) in the form y= ax? + bx? + ex a: a ee ee J 4 oe 3 [i mark] Page 13 of 20 3. A rubbish bin is in the shape of a cylinder with a hemispherical indent at its top. A small hole in this hemispherical indent allows rubbish to fall into the bin. ‘The height of the bin is # cm and the radius of the hemisphere (and the cylinder) is rem where 0

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