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Caulfield grammar school {GRAMMAR SCHOOL - CAULFIELD CAM ‘SEMESTER | EXAMINATION, 2014 YEAR:IONI SUBJECT: Unie, Mathestical Methods CAS Tech Active DateofEsam: ‘Tuesday 10"June, 2014 ‘Time Allowed: 5 Hoots + 10 mins reaing tie ‘Time of Ex ‘Session 2: 1:00am ~ 12:40pm (inching reading ime) ‘Teacher Responsible: Mr Mann 0. Mann Circe your teachers mame below. Ms Condos Mr Mana rsa Ms Adams Ms Shepherd Ms Warlond DIRECTIONS TO CANDIDATES 4+ Tere are TWO pars in this examination: PART : MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS awroks “Answer all question om the separate answer sheet provided nthe ene ofthis bool his canbe detached fom the Boel. All questions ae I mat each PART2 + EXTENDED RESPONSE QUESTIONS ‘4 marks “Marks a shown nthe boklet, For questions war more han one mark, appropiate working must be shown, “Annwerall questons inthe pace povided nthe examination pape. ‘All answers should be in exact form unless specified otherwise inthe question. + CAS caeulsors re allowed Your bound book of notes may be taken nt the examination, SECTION A- MULTIPLE CHOICE Answer on the answer sheet provided 1 Theequaton ofthe in that passes though (-2, 3) and is perpendcuarto y= 4x-+ 1s Do ysaers Boyett 2 The coordinates of the turning point of the graph with equation y=x*-+ 4x +5 are. a aD Qe Caray Baa © en ep Fa 3 Theeqution of tho curve shown s mst key tobe xaye2 3x-2y= se-ayel astyst aetye? aeeayel tye? sates sys “5078 Ye aati Weds Smee 1 alo Teco Rave) “ J] anni 6 Which of the following singular matrix? fe ap fis 5) fo 7) 2 s 3}'lo 2)"[is 2)" aia na 53) @ tial 7. Thecooninates ofthe centr andthe lng ofthe aus ofthe circle with he equation +3) +0-7= 16a A Garde Be (3,Dand6 © G.-Dand16 a nands @.-Dand “18 Year Natalia Ws Sass | anion Tao Aa) TE § amber pphoty-7-p- bs somos ith eats A aediye a sdiyus @ wars W reayn B reayed 9 Which of the following isthe equation fr the graph ofa cele? 11 Forf)= 420,20) equals A An 368 &-3Q@a)* Bo 4-6 y= 120% c ais sone 122 12 “SN Var 7 Mabon Wats Saver xaos iiss ave) ag 12 Teena Gne int etnias lapt rar) 2 Gas) c mw @ new nus 13. Forthe funetionf:(-7, 0] + R, fs) =7-2Y =m the range is A ON B at © Ce) 7 DCs) 5 @an 1A Whi fh fling ft ot one fncton? yu3e—3yx23 ye yosexe0 yon yose ros 16 When the polynomial expression e938 + 9x + Zi vided by x ~2 the esl A 226-1 Bo ber @© w-s-1 16 The expression 27° — 8 expressed asa prodect of linear and quadrats fcr is egal A Get 292+ 644) 213-8 Bo Gxi2,92 +2604) ‘4 c Gr+2;98 +124) @x)8-2 Gx-2492 + 64+ 4) B= 2X08 120+ 4), “TF Var 1 ain Mads Sars Banton Teco Ae) SRT 10 Teme ih opeinye7 brad dedicat eer ton apn thn eit of usin ue hen fe a Theo eng Ayes fey - >° Cy, Bo years a). Ortt Gi). 18 Theperiod ofthe fancton with ruff) ~3 oasis DE ea 3 av 1 19° Theminimum vale of 3 260869) i a4 AD g-e @: > 2 Bo 20. One cycle ofthe graph of the fnction wih equation y= tan (at) has veal asymptote at ‘01 Yor Nahata Ned Sema} Ean Telgy Aa) SST (CAULFIELD GRAMMAR SCHOOL: SEMESTER 1 EXAMINATIONS YBAR:11 SUBJECT: Mathematica! Methods Unit 1 Write Your name below: Circle your teachers name, Ms Condos Mr Man Mr Ms Adams ‘Gross out the correct response >|>|>|>]>]>|>[>[> A A A A A a A A as w]e |m) o/c |e [Namber Correct, 0 “10 Ver Maen Wins Sena ination ein av) ‘SECTION B- SHORT ANSWER: Answer in th space provided 1 Thohoight,Ametes, ofa stone seconds after itis thrown vetaly upwards given by 5 5? (answors const 2 decimal paces) ‘ind he maximom height reached by the stone in metres, Teeth en - - 1b Whatistheheight ofthe stone when = 37 13:5, - o (© Find the time it takes forthe stone to return wo the ground T4985. ~ 0 Find the Ges at which the height of th stone is 60m. 2Sec_ead Seas - - © 2 What sth ype (ny-to-ons, one-to-many, many

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