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ASM Oral questions:-

Set 1

First attempt

Internal:capt muduli
External:capt baweja
Why,who,how FI is carried out
Which vessel cannot be registered as per ms act-in this he want to hear war ship also
How to obtain issc certificate
Manila ammended
Cards- mine clearance,2 white light in vertical line,pilot vessel
CBD vessel 2 point on port bow action
Internal took over started with
Form where will u find HRA area I told bmp 5 .he showed me bmp 5 said it's marked all over
HRA.from where else u can get this info. He was saying there is some notice regarding that for
in India
What all thing rso will check for issuing final issc
What as master u will check if arm guards on board
Risk assessment how to make.
Lof 2020. Changes all
Capt muduli was looking for answer as point to point.
He told me don't say what chief officer will do. I want all answer as what master will do.


Set 2

22 July 2022
Internal Capt Sagar
External Panigrahi
Attempt 2nd
Result- Fail

1) CSS code
2) VGM
3) Master Action in distress
4) cargo safe access plan?
5) ROR rule 17
6) CIC code
7) Solas CH-11-2 ? What does it cover
8) Damage Stability
9)prototype test
10) IGF code
11) Document to carry on board when carrying class 1 Explosive
12) PSC latest circular
13) guidance on fatigue
14) liability and compensation in MS act
15) being in high freeboard ship what precaution u will take ?
16) what does bow thruster and stern thruster used for ?


Set 3

21 July 2022
Internal Capt Sagar
External Sharda
Attempt 2nd
Result Pass

1) What are MS rules, do we have Ms rule for all the sections?

2) Who make MS rules
3) MS act Section 194, how u make entry as per this section
Sec 208 what u write in OLB
Sec 176, 177, 214, 298, 373, 391
Say everything u know about the section, don’t just say the heading and stop
4) Danger of ice navigation (he want to listen this in detail)
When I said entrapment in Ice then he asked wht it is called in Ice navigation . He said there is
a proper term for that.
5) why do u have Fairway in Gulf of Mexico. Wht is the requirement as per CFR
6) Tidal streams
7) How do calculate tidal streams in US waters?
8) Rudder cycling
9) Zig Zag man. , wht do u get from it?
10) Amongst tanker and container vsls , which one is having more tactical diameter and why?
11) IMO requirement for ships maneuvrability
12) Green houses gases
13) Latest LOF and changes from LOF2011
14) ESP in detail
15) AOA, no. of pages, content and why it was amended in 2013.
16) From where you will get wht all certificates required on board
17) Solas Ch 14,22 and 32
18) Master discretion and Master overriding authority and examples
19) How will you ensure LSA and FFA is maintained onboard
20) TRS 123 rule
21) Records for ship sanitation
22) Duties of OSC and SMC
22) Load line survey preparation
23) STCW, ISM latest amendments
24) Damage control plan
25) Weather associated with cold front
26) what is sour crude?
27) TSS vsl crossing from stbd to port, ROC exits, Action: Important is to inform VTS and alter
course to stbd

Internal : No questions


Set 4

21 Jul 2022
1st Attempt
External- Capt. Sharda
Internal- Capt. Sagar
Result- Fail

1. International requirement for registration of ships.
2. What are MS Rules.
3. How to obtain Radio pratigue
4. Records of ship sanitation certificate
5. How to legalize change of master
6. Kyoto protocol
7. What is masters discretionary power
8. What is difference in master discretionary and master overriding authority
9. Zig zag test, why do we do it , purpose
10. Crash stop
11. Duties of OSC
12. How will ensure that LSA/FFA is in readiness state
13. Ice hazards
14. How will you apply SEEMP onboard
15. Rudder cycling procedure, also asked can you alter to stbd
16. Loadline survey
17. How will you take over as master on board the ship
18. Article 101, contents of aoa
19. Where is it written regarding food, ration, clothing in agreement
20. SOLAS ch 5 regulation 14
21. Weather associated with cold front.
22. Duties of seaman employment office? what is the use of license ?
23. He will show a page and in that it will be written RM display.
Own vessel in centre course: 180
Target vessel : 150
Course of target vessel : 200
Range : 6,5,4 and reducing
24. Entries in Official log book
25. Master duties in case of reporting hazard to navigation


Set 5

21 July 2022
Noida MMD
Internal : Capt. Sagar
External : Capt. Sharda
Attempt - 2nd
Result - Pass

1. Started with MS Act .

He himself is telling the section numbers and what is the heading / topic and ask you to explain
whats written in that section . Mainly focussed on 32, 37, 101, 177, FI, 214
3. Action in case of grounding
4. Rotterdam rules exclusion
5.How to legalize master change
6. MS Rules
7.Ship sanitation certificate
8. Loadline survey preparation
9. Green house gases and ozone depletion substance
10. Duties of OSC
11.Solas ch 5 reg 14 safe manning what is written in that
12.Zigzag test - why you do it
13. Rudder cycling - why you do it
14.Damage stability plan contents for cold front
16. Baltic sea - major hazards to navigation sound channel and great belt.
17. In TSS vessel crossing from stbd- in this do mention First and foremost inform VTS and
then take action . Do not say reduce speed as he will say you in TSS traffic is coming from
stern .
18. CBD 3 points on port bow crossing ROC exist .
19. How will you ensure LSA FFA is well maintained.
20. CBA in detail
21. AOA - how many pages - where food ration warm clothing is written
22. Mlc all amendments - i just said 2010 manila , 2014 - verification and compliance, 2015 - igf
, 2016 - polar. He changed the question
23. Master discretion and over riding - in detail lots of cross questions - he was not satisfied .
He said both are from solas.
Give examples . Was not satisfied at all
24. From where you will get what all certificates to carry on board. Where is the expiry written
25. Ice hazards - he wants to listen all . More more and more.
26. Latest LOF - difference between lof 2011 and 2020.
27. How you will apply energy efficiency on board
28. How will you discharge cargo without presenting BL
Few more questions same as standard set
The only thing it is rapid fire round and the moment he ask same time you should start your
answer and give confidently as soon as he will get to know that you know the answer he will
jump to next question instantly.

External - very simple question

You have discharge the cargo and you need to enter the tank . Full procedure from purging and
gas freeing flammability diagram
Gases safe for entry
Lel and vol difference
All other hazardous gases - how will you check other than standard ones
Sour crude

Set 6

Noida MMD
Internal: Capt Manhas
External: Capt Baweja
Attempt - 3rd (2nd consecutive)
Result - Pass

1. In what all cases can FI be done without PI (Serious casualty & Public outcry)
2. Requirement for ship to be registered, basically he wanted to hear about 15T is GRT or NT
(Ans NT)
3. Explain any 3 MS RULE
4. Manila Ammendments (All points)
I missed 1, didn't know he was counting...asked me to repeat again and told me that I missed
5. GMDSS CH 4/reg 4 - 9 points functional Requirements
6. A3-A4 equipment diff
8. Take over as a Master (I started from office, briefing with Suptd, Class status report,Visual
hull checks etc) -
9. 2 Cards , 2 simple situations
10. Aground signal (specifically asked for Morse code U - You are running into danger)
11. Emg wreck marking buoy
12. Stowaway onbd, Action
13. MLC ammendments- All 3 set of ammendment
14. MLC Title 5 contents

Capt Manhas

1. Explain types of ships as per Loadline (Type A &B) -

Cross questions in Assignments of Freeboard

2. Dual Registry - Couldn't ans

Bareboat registry - Couldn't ans

I said sir i never heard of them before but I knw Dual class, bareboat charter,Demise charter
Then he said okay explain both
Told him about IRS history of becoming a member of IACS (releated to Dual class)

Risk Assessment how to carry out with graph (Frequency /Severity)

CBD pet situation

Overtaking Simple situation


Set 7

Noida MMD
Internal: Capt Manhas
External: Capt Baweja

Started with last attempt questions.

1. ROR cards. Vessel aground, vessel anchor, fog signal and identity signal on whistle. (panic
mein fog signals galat bata diya also couldn’t tell signal for aground, morse code U)
2. ROR situations. CBD on port bow. Had a little argument here. In TSS, tug and tow on stbd
3. Amendments to MLC, all. Not just latest. Also what do you mean by captivity in the latest
4. What is Manila amendments.
5. Which all ships are not required to be registered. I By mistake said less than 15 “GRT”, its
NRT and Capt Baweja didn’t like that.
6. How is F.I. done. Who does it. How many minimum assessors and how many maximum. I
didn’t know there was a maximum number also.
7. Amendments to annex VI.
8. Resolution on false distress alert.
Oral was basically finished with ror mistakes.
Capt. Manhas didn’t ask anything. No ror mistakes allowed.


Set 8

Date: 18.02.2019
MMD: Kandla
External: Capt. Mukesh Baweja
Q1- Draw IAMSAR Search Patterns?
Q2. - Tell me all STCW 2010 Manila Ammendments only?
Q3- MLC Contents (Titles)?
Q4- Difference between Geostationary & Polar Orbiting Satellites 🛰 and also their altitudes?
Q5- Difference between Statutory & Mandatory Certificates?
Q6- What do you understand by “Special area” ? (He wanted Defination as per MARPOL
Q7- What do mean by “ENROUTE” (Define as per MARPOL 73/78)?
Q8 - What is “Citadel”?
Q9 - How will you beach a vessel ( He wanted to hear @ 90 deg to the tides)?
Q10 - Fog Signal by Pilot vessel under way & vessel aground?
Q11 - Latest Ammendments of ISM code? Explain ?

Internal Capt. Muduli

Q1 - What are different types of B/L?
Q2 - Under what conditions a Shipper loads his cargo? As a Master what document you have
which has the conditions of carriage ?
Q2 - What is the function of Indian National Board?
Q3 - Clauses of Bill of Lading?


Set 9

Attempt 1

External Baweja
Result: better luck next time . 4/10
1.started off with cards- mineclearence ( forgot to say 1000m in time sso he said its wrong.

Card - pilot vessel. Sound signal he asked if 4 short blast mandatory i said as per colregs...may
sound in addition. He said wrong.

Lost confidence at this point as he said if one more mistake then fail

2. Situations CBD crossing from port aide ROC

3. RV quote 19 d
4. RV roc vessel right astern.
5.TSS vessel crossing from stbds to port ROC n heavy traffic behind you. Answer as master.
( Maybe he wanted contact VTS ) i forgot about this.
6. FI ..who conducts it . How is it conducted. Who appoints assessors.
7.All the ammendments to MLC.
8. All the manila amendment. I was able to answer 7 points. He wanted 10.
9. Diff between stcw rest hour and mlc.
10. What vessels are NOT required to be registered.

Oral lasted hardly 20 min nothing asked from conventions or codes nothing related to
commercial part/conventions/technical/stability/emergency


Set 10

Gaurav Singh
Attempt - 2
Int - Capt Sagar
Ext - Capt Baweja
Result - Pass

1. Vessel grounded, action step wise

2. MSA - section 355, PI,
3. Types of cert statutory/mandatory/trading
4. Structure of IMO along with committees and sub committees
5. Difference between CLC and IOPC fund
6. MLC all amendments
7. Hague Visby rules
8. LOF
9. ROR cards - FV/Pilot/NUC - Day card - NUC
10. Rudder cycling
11. Fatigue guidelines

1. ROR cards
2. How to authorize change of master.

Set 11

Date:- 20/7/22
External- mukesh baveja
Internal- capt. R . Sagar
Result - fail

Ms act applicable to which ships.
Wreck convention area
Ror cards- 2
Ism code contents
How issc certification carried out.
Clc and fund convention.
Oil spill . Duties as master
Stowaway found at sea . Action Explain element 5 of ism code.
Annex VI marpol amendments.
Mlc amendments latest and old amendments.
Certificate as per Annex VI.


Set 12

Attempt - 1st
Internal - Capt Azad
External - Capt Panigrahi
Result - Fail
Date - 19-07-2022

No introduction
Direct rapid fire question started

Which chapter of MS act you like the most nd explain all d sections into this - I told him
Chapter 5 Registry
Nd all sections from 21 to 37 nd section 40 also

2. Investigation nd Inquiry full

3. One situation ship has collided with another ship (tanker) during dep port pilot onbaord
which situation u will handle nd y nd all d procedure
Flooding nd marine pollution

4. CiC code
Polar code
IMSBC code
Polar code
IGF Code
IBC code
Grain code at this point I told him I can’t tell u all d chapter he gave me grin …
LSa code
FSS code
With chapter nd amendments
Whole orals was decided here only nd I knew I won’t pass
Rest is just for just d sake of oral nd time

5. latest amendments to PSC nd new resolution

6. fatigue resolution nd content
7. mental health resolution nd content
8. Then he moved to passenger ship latest amendment to passenger ship
9. Damage stability criteria for passenger ship
10. LSa nd ffa requirement
11. Annex 1 regulation 28,29
12. Rule 17
13 certificates as per MS act nd which chapter

Capt Azad
Narrow channel u r overtaking one vessel will u give signal to the vessel

Set 13

Internal- capt manhas

External- capt sharda

Started with background

Ms act -208, 359,101
Have you seen aoa
Where it is written food ration , adequate clothing in aoa
Difference between master discreetion and over riding authority
How will u carry out load line; i told him water tight and weathertight and regarding coa ( he
told me you have theoretical knowledge don’t have practical prospect)
Lof latest
Difference with 2011 lof
Green passport
How will you apply seemp on board ( practical ans)
Cold front weather
International convention for safe carriage of containers are with what reg.
Wind affecting on cntrs
Ice accretion allowance in cntr vessel
Mandatory and voluntary ship reporting system
Duties as master wrt mmtd
Solas ch -5 reg 22
Vgm who is competent authority who measures wt.
Nwc and wreck of ms act difference short and sweet only
Where will you find list of certificate to carry
Where will you find list of validity of certificates
Cor is according to what convention why do we require cor
Rotterdam rules exclusions
How will you carry out short turn
Rudder cycling
Zig zag test, how as master you will find useful for you
Few more questions I don’t remember now

Set 14

9 Jul 2022
Noida MMD
External : Capt Sharda
Internal : Capt Manhas

Previous attempt failing questions.

Documents required for making entry in register book

Certificate of survey

Sec 177



Solas , Master discretion chapter V

Llyods 2020

Where to find item list to check for loadline survey

What is condition survey,PSC

Green house gases

How you'll preparedness of LSA and FFA items..

Precautions encountering ice.

Where to find which all certificates to be carries onboard..

How conventions are made.

Capt Manhas

Vessel type as per load line convention

Ror situation
Your vessel in TSS, another on stbd side.

CBD on 3 points port side.


Set 15

Attempt 3
Internal : capt R.Mudli
External:Capt Panigrahi
Results: pass

1.Fire in pump room action

2. If one crew unconscious what action

3. Continuous synopsis record in detail

4.Co 2 requirements for 10 yrs ship

5. Aircraft crashes in front of your ship action . (Imp is you will relay distress alert) proceed for

6. C/e comes to you and tells he wants to land bunker sample and Bdn what will you do as a
(here capt mudli wants that samples to be retained for a period of 1 year and BDN has to be
retained for a period of 3 yrs this is very important as if this is not done psc can detain your

7.amendments to ms act

8 .amendment to isps code

9. Ms act pi and fi

10. Obligation of master to render assistance what do you understand by this

11.damaged stability for tankers reg 28 and what information you get from this
12. Ship risk profile-psc

13. Irnss in detail

Capt mudli sir want specific answers


Set 16

External - capt sharda

Internal - capt Azad
Result- PASS
1.Ms Act Sec 177/208/37/214
2. Irnss with range limit.
3.action in case of grounding
4.How to take over as master.
5 How to legalise take over as master.
6. Section 101, no of pages in Aoa.
7 What is ms rules who makes them(central govt through official gazette by ministry of
10. Records for Ship sanitation certification
11. Master discreation as per solas chapter 34-1 difference with master overriding authority
12.duties of osc
13. Solas regulation 14 chapter
14 Zigzag manoeuvres and why we do it
16. Rudder cycling.
17. Crash stop with stopping distance requirement
18. Green house gases.
19. Content of Damage stability plan
20 stcw ammendment
21 Load line survey.(condition of assignment of freeboard)
22. Weather associated with cold front.
23.cbd crossing from port side roc exist(maintain course and speed, if becomes apparent other
vessel not taking action 5 rapid short blast alter to stbd and pass from astern)
24. Difference in wreck as per ms act and wreck Nairobi convention(till territorial water as per
msa, territorial water to eez wreck Nairobi)
25. Difference between mandatory and voluntary vts( not happy with my answer adopted by
imo he said there s more difference)
Capt azad
1.latest ammendment to marpol, how companies are reducing eedi(construction of vessel and
using alternate fuels)


Set 17

Gaurav Singh
Attempt - 2
Int - Capt Sagar
Ext - Capt Baweja
Result - Pass

1. Vessel grounded, action step wise

2. MSA - section 355, PI,
3. Types of cert statutory/mandatory/trading
4. Structure of IMO along with committees and sub committees
5. Difference between CLC and IOPC fund
6. MLC all amendments
7. Hague Visby rules
8. LOF
9. ROR cards - FV/Pilot/NUC - Day card - NUC
10. Rudder cycling
11. Fatigue guidelines

1. ROR cards
2. How to authorize change of master.


Set 18

External - capt sharda

Internal - capt Azad
Result- PASS
1.Ms Act Sec 177/208/37/214
2. Irnss with range limit.
3.action in case of grounding
4.How to take over as master.
5 How to legalise take over as master.
6. Section 101, no of pages in Aoa.
7 What is ms rules who makes them(central govt through official gazette by ministry of
10. Records for Ship sanitation certification
11. Master discreation as per solas chapter 34-1 difference with master overriding authority
12.duties of osc
13. Solas regulation 14 chapter
14 Zigzag manoeuvres and why we do it
16. Rudder cycling.
17. Crash stop with stopping distance requirement
18. Green house gases.
19. Content of Damage stability plan
20 stcw ammendment
21 Load line survey.(condition of assignment of freeboard)
22. Weather associated with cold front.
23.cbd crossing from port side roc exist(maintain course and speed, if becomes apparent other
vessel not taking action 5 rapid short blast alter to stbd and pass from astern)
24. Difference in wreck as per ms act and wreck Nairobi convention(till territorial water as per
msa, territorial water to eez wreck Nairobi)
25. Difference between mandatory and voluntary vts( not happy with my answer adopted by
imo he said there s more difference)

Capt azad
1.latest ammendment to marpol, how companies are reducing eedi(construction of vessel and
using alternate fuels)

Set 19

External:Capt Sharma
Internal: Capt Vikram Manhas
Duration:1 hr

Started with past history from written till today and all shortcomings and he made a note of it..
Started with all shortcomings first..
1.River sea vessel (As per DGS order)
2.STP ships (Gave brief description with present status and trade uses inc cert)
3.Went into passenger ships and if disabled middle of ocean than what(Told Attempt for
towage if not salvage basis owners and bargaining with Salvage and towage companies)
He told not want any towage salvage looking for something else...he only guided through and
said if heard of Safe return to port..i said honestly no sir..
He explained the concept..
4.Construction of last ship, while describing i said raised forecastle, he queried why
so(explained LL relevant fB reduction)
5.Ur raised forecastle bosun reports Stowaway..actions(Key humanitarian, evidence, photos,
Nationality try and access,under lock and key Master to decide)
6.FFA in E/R last ship
7.Went into fixed CO2
8.How chk level onbd( explained ultra sonic method, he told why not requisition one and keep
9.How to release in one shot or in short intervals ( i said as it is last resort to fight fire either
release one shot or keep life boat ready to abandon, he smiled.. explained preferably in short
intervals abt 10-15 min to let it settledown and do all smothering.)
9.Propeller pitch and slip
10.Lubrication for ME why reqd
11.Most critical alarm ME for master(I said as operators on present hitech electronic engines
we get 2 types of alarms slow down and shutdown)
12.What in slow down and shut down root cause( Temp rise, scavenge air pressure, oil mist
detector, Lo oil pump failure)
He smiled and said u must be wondering why all engineers headache he's putting on me..i said
its masters as well..he said yess that's the beauty of rank)
13.Eng room fire purifier space actions...(Quick closing valves imp to mention)

Then he had word with External

.Capt Manhas popped up..
Said he's recommended u but i. Will ask few questions and that will decide my fate..
1.RV vsl 3pts port bow crossing roc exists radar oprnl
2.Same situation stbd bow
3.Same situation one more vsl right astern (Note Rule 2)
4.TSS PD vsl crossing stbd to port who's give way and stand on(own give way)
5.Same situation in Narrow channel( here note crossing vsl is give way)i fucked up here he
was about to fail me..than i requested him to give one more shot..he started all lecture amd
finally asked
6.CBD crossing port to stbd ur vsl normal PD who's give way and stand on(CBD give way)
Eventually he said fine accepted and than again handed me over to External said saab iska ROR
aur chk kr lo and than we decide..

1.Clear visibility go on bridge 3/0 reports target 3 pts port bow how identify crossing (Said
compass brg .. ascertain ROC he siad brg constant rng reducing...i said find aspect..he said what
aspect.. finally i reframed it said aak 3/0 to find aspect using radar plotting..if 22.5 or more
than overtaking else crossing)

Finally he waved his head ..called up Capt Manhas..

He said bach gya...we are passing u...

For all those feel like giving up...just keep going and keep adding knowledge to ur portfolio..let
it be 2-3-4-5-6-7
Any no of attempts...when its ur day u will make it..

I prepared something else and was asked all Engineering stuff but could make it through..and
honestly hum sab ka engineering knowledge vaise he hai..

So guys cheer up..

And Definately appreciate this groups initiative and our brotherhood...

Cheers guys...Aaj ni th kal Master banna he hai.. EXN-45 is just a piece of paper...Dont lose

Set 20

Mumbai MMD
Date:- 08/07/2022
External: Capt. Panigrahy
Internal: Capt. Azad
Attempt: 3
Result: Pass

1. Investigation and Inquiry as per MS Act.
2. LSA ms rule - as per MS rule 1991 for LSA
3. Limit of liability as per MS act- section 352 a to z
4. Casualty Investigation Code content
6.IMO regulation for cyber security
7. Berthing Stbd side alongside with strong on shore wind, current from ahead, working bow
8. Latest ammendment to IMDG/ IMSBC
9. Carbon credit
10. Wind heeling criteria calculation formula
11. Action when Dangerous cargo spill overboard
12. Format of reporting of DG cargo
13. SSAS
14. What data gets recorded in VDR
15. IMO regulation on Fatigue and what it says
16. What all certificate required as per ISPS
17. Content of Solas ch 11-2
18. Polar code and content
19. What is IGF code?
20. Navigational equipment required as per Polar Code
21. Damage control plan details
22. Rule no 17, 19
23. ROR card- daylight- small vessel engaged in diving operation
Night- CBD, vl aground, NUC,
24.Certification required as per MS act
25. What is IRNSS?IMO recognition
26. What is Prototype testing with circular number.
27. Amendments to COLREGS
28. DMLC part 2
29. Content of PSC circular
30. PSC Circular number, contain, type of psc inspection
32. Distress/ Urgency/ safety msg
33. Charter party clause
34. unseaworthy ship
35. Charter party fraud
36. MSc circular 1228
37. Incoterm
38. Seemp
39.LOC and LOI

Capt Azad

1. EsP in details


Set 21

1. Index of UNCLOS
2.various terms of UNCLOS
3.fal convention contents
4.docemnts required for dep port as per FA
vsl carrying IMDG cargo what all doc need to be submitted to next port of call, Classes of
6. ISM code element 11 elaborate
7. What is smelling ground, heave to squat?
8. LOI and LOC.
9. Rule 1,2,13
10. Vessel drifting signal
11. Annex 1 of colreg code
12. Vetting on tanker who do and why can class survey do
13. High speed craft criteria and lights
14. ISO late


Set 22

External: Capt Mahesh Yadav

Internal: Capt.Aneesh Joseph
Date: 06.07.22
Attempt: 1
Result: Fail
- Started with Introduction
- What’s the most critical issues nowadays in shipping (general question )
- Ultimate Responsibility as a master in bulk carrier(not as per ISM, he was expecting answer
only for bulk carrier)
- Masters overriding authority as per ISM
- External was abt 30 mins late and handed over to him
- Started with MS Act, give any 10 chapter name and brief description other than registration
of ships and wreck removal
- OLB entries as per MS Act
- Anything specified in MS Act abt the Competency cert. What is the content.
- What is MS Rule
- Difference between MS Act and MS rules
- Brief about some of the MS Rules
- Amendments to MS Act, how many times it amended what are the latest.
- After obtaining COC in india is it compulsory to work in Indian ship. I said no. He read out
from MS Act and told me it’s compulsory.
- Latest amendments as per STCW- not Manila , after that.
- Marpol amendments .
- ISM code amendments. Name a few.
- Rule no 19, radar not operational , vsl hearing fog signal from 2 points fwd bow. What’s ur
- Dry docking of ship.
- How virtual GM is happening and what are the measure you will take to avoid damages to
- How much GM you will maintain prior entering drydock.
- How to manually calculate GM. Empty ship and weights given.
- Port side Berthing of vsl , head current from 1 kts , wind from stbd beam abt 4kts. With 1 tug


Set 23

Ext: Capt Mandal

Int: Capt Ravindra Sagar
Date : 8/7/22
Attempt : First
Result : Fail
-Lights shown by nuc / CBD ,Rule 1 , Rule 8 , Rule 25/26 , ( i got this wrong didn't know which
rule had what lights ) , annex 1 contents , lights for High speed craft , where is it given , what is
WiG , what is surface effect action..
I was not well prepared with ROR in all honesty made mistakes with lights and quoting of
- MS act , which section talks about rpsl , which section talks about casualty investigation.
Couldn't remember the section numbers.
-Who can suspend COC and under what conditions.

Set 24

8 July 2022
Mumbai MMD
Internal = Capt. R Sagar
External = Capt. Mondal
Result = Passed
External (to many questions on ROR)
1. What is IGF code?
2. Any Certificate issued as per IGF code? (Could not answer)
3. What is the difference between LPG and LNG ships?
4. Information written on CSC plate?
5. Who issues CSC plate? (Could not answer)
6. What is ACEP? (Could not answer)
7. What is FCL LCL?
(Could not answer. Something related to container ships)
8. Causes of global warming?
9. How VTS is established?
(I told coastal state have to take permission from IMO. Then he asked where it is written? I
could not answer)
10. When does towage becomes Salvage?
11. What are 2 conditions for salvage?
12. What is SCOPIC? Why it was introduced?
13. What is SEEMP? Who issues it?
14. Structure of IMO?
15. What is the difference between protocol, ammedment, resolution, article? (Could not
answer properly)
16. What is squat?
17. What is smelling the ground?
18. If ship has 8m draft then approximately at what UKC, smelling the ground will occur? (I
told about 1.5 to 1.8m UKC. He told, it's wrong. Read seamenship books.)
19. What is rudder drop propeller drop? (Could not answer)
20. What all publications should be carried as per GMDSS? (He wants to hear ITU publications)
21. Latest ISO version number? (Could not understand. He moved on to next)
22. What are the objectives of UNCLOS? (Could not answer properly)
23. Quote ROR rule 6, 7, 8, 9, 17, 19, 20, 21, annex-1
24. Distance of FWD mastehead light from ships bow?
25. Headon situation for saling vessel. Who will keep clear?
26. Lights for sailing vessel?
27. Lights and shapes for pair trawlers? Including flag
(Don't forget about search light directed in the direction of other trawler)
28. Lights and sound signal for vessel towing alongside?
29. Lights and sound signal for pushing vessel in composite unit?
30. Lights for inconspicuous object or vessel? (He wants to hear dracons need not exhibit fwd
31. Lights for High speed craft (I told, when flying near to water surface WIG craft shows high
intensity all round flashing red light. He told, but WIG craft is not high speed craft. He moved
on to next question)
32. What are the lights for submarine? (I told, when operating above water level, lights same as
power driven vessel. He told, it is wrong.)
33. Use of preferred channel buoy?
34. Explain region A preferred channel buoy with lights and color coding.

Internal (only 3 questions from ROR)

1. Meaning of X-ray flag?
2. Meaning of Papa Flag?
3. If you see 2 points on the port bow one vessel with masthead light in a line and both side
lights(range = 4NM), then who will take action?
I told, crossing situation and target ship will take action.

Experience = I qoute only rule 6, 7, 19 word to word. Other rules in simple language as per
understanding. Sometimes i missed out inbetween points. But he was satisfied.

Set 25

Name : Zaheer Patel

Attempt :2
Result : Pass
Date: 08-07-2022
Applied from : Mumbai MMD
Time: 1hr 15 mins
Internal: Capt. Sagar
External Capt Mandal

Started with brief intro , where did you do pre sea from ? which ships you’ve sailed on ? when
was your last oral ? how many months as chief mate? Ok lets start , Capt Mandal took over.

1.How to convert home trade to fg ?

2.Registrar and who is he? Do you know the names of PO MMD’s and SIC?
3.How to change class from A to B , book knowledge plus practically how to ??
4.Wig in craft , definition
5.High speed craft where is it given and what is it ?
6.WIG ahead flashing red light , actions ? as per which rule and why?
7.Unclos objective?
8.Unclos contents?
9.Ism code chapter 12 speaks about ?
10.Qualification for internal auditor?
11.Ism code chapter 11 speaks about ?
12.Interim verification as per chapter 13 as ism
13.Major nc define
14.Nc define
15.Auditor gave major nc action ?
16.How to get SMC certificate after major nc n smc withdrawn?
17.Rule 1 quote
18.Annex 1 quote
19.Statutory certificates name all
20.Difference between statutory and mandatory
21.Bauxite loading precautions , which group A or B or C and where will you find
22.Cic code
23.Clear grounds?
24.Where is clear grounds given?
25.You dont agree with psc with psc inspector kandla your action?
26.Detention review panel ?
27.Who are detaining officers?
28.Of iomou
29.Countries in iomou
30.Exemption rule 38 , quote
31.South cardinal buoy
32.Light of South cardinal buoy
33.Hw will u pass South cardinal mark
34.Safe mark water mark
35.Isolated danger mark
36.Where is the danger
37.Emergency wreck buoy
38.Lights of emergency wreck bouy
39.Anchor light of sv vessel
40.TRS , how will you avoid?
41.TRS, what is angnle of indraft?
42.TRS what is proper name of 1-2- rule and why was it made?
43.Passenger ship A , B certificate?
44.Other cert of passeneger ships
45.Have you seen the contents ? im asking you the contents . not bookish knowledge of MS Act

Capt. Sagar
1.Fog signal 220 m aground vsl
2.Light of South cardinal mark buoy
3.Rv simple situations
4.Why emg wreck marking buoy instead of isolated danger?
5. Anchor sound signal 250m
6.Aground sound signal 250m
7. Whistle range in a vsl of 220m

Note: Pls be calm and composed for Capt Mandal , its very important even if you don’t know
few answers of tricky questions. He also wants to know exactly to the point of what he asked.
Like for statutory certificates he wants to hear only “loadline cert” “SAFCON” etc. don’t say intl
loadline intl air pollution etc… or as per annex 1 marpol this cert n that.. he will not like it n say
that I didn’t ask you which convention only which cert.
Pls concenterate on not famous rules for exams , like rule 1 , rule 31 , rule 38 , WIG def , High
speed definition (solas ch x)
When I didn’t know the answers to some questions or he wasn’t happy with a particular
answer I gave him the closest reference or circular number or regulation number or
publication or chapter number , with that he would go to the next question.
He wants practical answers for change of class, PSc detention , NC etc ..
No cards but he asked verbally 1 flashing red light , or sailing vsl at anchor etc etc..
Don’t let his disagreement spoil your confidence or hop, keep trying to fight till the end , I
almost lost hope when he asked me coastal vsl to fg registration and cert A n cert B actual
contents (not as per MS ACT) .
Capt Sagar asked only few questions on buoys ,ror. As most were asked by capt mandal and he
was listening .

Set 26

Attempt : 1st
Result: pass
External: Baweja
Internal: Manhas

What all ships dont need to be registered as per MS act?

Distressed seaman, rules.

Loadline regs, Recent amendments, Newest LL zone Type of ships, Multiple LL why? Can
master change when he likes? Process to change?

ISM contents. Master, company duties, verification.

How to cancel and AVOID false distress alerts?

General Gmdss requirements.

Handling in heavy Wx, grounding, crash stopping, MOB manoeuvring, latest evasive
manoeuvre added to Iamsar? Ammendments.

Marpol amendments
IBC ammendments

Berthing, dredging anchors, short turn around.

MLC, DMLC i, ii. Prep for MLC audit.

Psc in detail.

There you go! Pass.


Set 27

MMD Kandla
Attempt: 1st
Internal: Capt Baweja
External: Capt Manhas
Result: Next time

Started by Capt Manhas. Asked me to introduce myself.

Capt. Manhas:
1. Critical line of dilution and full procedure of purging and gas freeing.
2. How to carry out heating of crude.

Handed over to Capt. Baweja:

1. Unseaworthy ship with examples
2. PI and FI
3. Can FI be carried out directly without PI.
4. Limits of liability as per CLC
5. Types of marine insurance policies
6. VGM, DG guidelines reg the same
7. Manila amendments
8. Contents of SEQ certificate / what all it covers
9. Card of Mine clearance vsl
10. Fog signal of pilot vsl
11. CiC code
12. Marpol Annex 5 amendments
13. Anchoring in deep waters
14. CLC and Fund convention liability limits
15. Prototype testing
16. Bmp 5 contents and changes from BMP4
17. Rudder cycling

Then he called Capt Manhas that i’m giving him 5. He needs to brush up on conventions and
legality issues.

Capt. Manhas joined told me that you are ok but can be better. Prepare properly and appear
next month.
I insisted him to atleast ask me few ques and he started the rapid fire
1. PI and FI
2. Carbon credit
3. OPRC Convention
4. Classification societies and RO
5. VGM
6. His favorite ROR situation CBD crossing from port side who is give way.

He wanted to pass me but stopped again and asked me to appear again next month.

Which all vessels dont show masthead lights?
What is purse siene gear?
Impede the passage and safe passage.
Diff btween hydofoils, seaplanes, wig,


Set 28

MMD kolkata
Attempt- First
Internal- Capt Nitin Mukesh
External- Capt Sharda
Result- Fail

1. Have you seen Indian article of agreement, what are the contents
2. What are section 192, 208 of Ms act
3. What is ISPS code latest amendments
4. What things a surveyor will check for shop sanitisation certificate
5. Ship Registry as per which international convention
6. How will you register the ship
7. How will you prepare for load line survey, what are the content
8. Master obligation to report danger
9. What is Solas ch V Reg 31, 34
10. ROR situation RV port side 2 port target at 6 miles and reducing to 5..4 on collision course
11. Where will you find that which certificates need to carry
12. What factors will you consider in ship routing
13. What are weather associated with cold fronts
14. What is anti fouling convention and its amendments
15. What is green passport, what are hazardous substance, ozone depleting substance
16. What insurance certificate you carry onboard
17. What is master’s discretion
18. Danger of Ice Navigation
19. What is zig zag survey
20. Rudder cycling
21. Crash stop
22. What is IMO regulation for tactical diameter
23. Kyoto protocol
24. Damage control plan contents
25. Changes in Rotterdam rules, what are carrier responsibilities
26. Have you seen LSA code, what are contents and amendments

All questions were like rapid fire


Set 29
Before mass production, a sample is tested for requirements , once the sample pass , mass
production start, means , L/buoys have certain requirements as per LSA code , so any company
making L/buoys , need to do prototype test on sample , like with 14.5 kg weight 24 hrs in FW
and and if they observed any short come in test they correct and again tested , once all test
pass ,then mass production will start and certificate issue

Even prototype test is carried out for new ship , means whenever new design is proposed

19 Jul 2022
Noida MMD
External : Capt Sharda
Internal : Capt Manhas

Previous attempt failing questions.

Documents required for making entry in register book

Certificate of survey

Sec 177



Solas , Master discretion chapter V

Llyods 2020

Where to find item list to check for loadline survey

What is condition survey,PSC

Green house gases

How you'll preparedness of LSA and FFA items..

Precautions encountering ice.

Where to find which all certificates to be carries onboard..

How conventions are made.

Capt Manhas

Vessel type as per load line convention

Ror situation
Your vessel in TSS, another on stbd side.

CBD on 3 points port side.

Finally passed.

Set 30
Internal- capt manhas
External- capt sharda

Started with background

Ms act -208, 359,101
Have you seen aoa
Where it is written food ration , adequate clothing in aoa
Difference between master discreetion and over riding authority
How will u carry out load line; i told him water tight and weathertight and regarding coa ( he
told me you have theoretical knowledge don’t have practical prospect)
Lof latest
Difference with 2011 lof
Green passport
How will you apply seemp on board ( practical ans)
Cold front weather
International convention for safe carriage of containers are with what reg.
Wind affecting on cntrs
Ice accretion allowance in cntr vessel
Mandatory and voluntary ship reporting system
Duties as master wrt mmtd
Solas ch -5 reg 22
Vgm who is competent authority who measures wt.
Nwc and wreck of ms act difference short and sweet only
Where will you find list of certificate to carry
Where will you find list of validity of certificates
Cor is according to what convention why do we require cor
Rotterdam rules exclusions
How will you carry out short turn
Rudder cycling
Zig zag test, how as master you will find useful for you
Few more questions I don’t remember now

Result - fail
I don’t know why he asked me two times which attempt is yours during orals

At the last he asked me how did you oral go ?

I told him it’s average
I didn’t answer well related to containers as i am from containers backround
He told me same you must know in and out of the ship which you have done and second your
answers must be as master i felt you as answers are coming from chief officer
Capt manhas entered said the same thing it’s your first attempt don’t wrry prepare better as
master for next time.


Set 31

Attempt - 1st
Internal - Capt Azad
External - Capt Panigrahi
Result - Fail
Date - 19-07-2022

No introduction
Direct rapid fire question started

Which chapter of MS act you like the most nd explain all d sections into this - I told him
Chapter 5 Registry
Nd all sections from 21 to 37 nd section 40 also

2. Investigation nd Inquiry full

3. One situation ship has collided with another ship (tanker) during dep port pilot onbaord
which situation u will handle nd y nd all d procedure
Flooding nd marine pollution

4. CiC code
Polar code
IMSBC code
Polar code
IGF Code
IBC code
Grain code at this point I told him I can’t tell u all d chapter he gave me grin …
LSa code
FSS code
With chapter nd amendments
Whole orals was decided here only nd I knew I won’t pass
Rest is just for just d sake of oral nd time
5. latest amendments to PSC nd new resolution
6. fatigue resolution nd content
7. mental health resolution nd content
8. Then he moved to passenger ship latest amendment to passenger ship
9. Damage stability criteria for passenger ship
10. LSa nd ffa requirement
11. Annex 1 regulation 28,29
12. Rule 17
13 certificates as per MS act nd which chapter

Capt Azad
Narrow channel u r overtaking one vessel will u give signal to the vessel

That’s it ..!


Set 32

External- mukesh baveja
Internal- capt. R . Sagar
Result - fail

Ms act applicable to which ships.
Wreck convention area
Ror cards- 2
Ism code contents
How issc certification carried out.
Clc and fund convention.
Oil spill . Duties as master
Stowaway found at sea . Action Explain element 5 of ism code.
Annex VI marpol amendments.
Mlc amendments latest and old amendments.
Certificate as per Annex VI.

why wreck convention not applicable in territorial water.

Set 33

External - capt sharda

Internal - capt Azad
Result- PASS
1.Ms Act Sec 177/208/37/214
2. Irnss with range limit.
3.action in case of grounding
4.How to take over as master.
5 How to legalise take over as master.
6. Section 101, no of pages in Aoa.
7 What is ms rules who makes them(central govt through official gazette by ministry of
10. Records for Ship sanitation certification
11. Master discreation as per solas chapter 34-1 difference with master overriding authority
12.duties of osc
13. Solas regulation 14 chapter
14 Zigzag manoeuvres and why we do it
16. Rudder cycling.
17. Crash stop with stopping distance requirement
18. Green house gases.
19. Content of Damage stability plan
20 stcw ammendment
21 Load line survey.(condition of assignment of freeboard)
22. Weather associated with cold front.
23.cbd crossing from port side roc exist(maintain course and speed, if becomes apparent other
vessel not taking action 5 rapid short blast alter to stbd and pass from astern)
24. Difference in wreck as per ms act and wreck Nairobi convention(till territorial water as per
msa, territorial water to eez wreck Nairobi)
25. Difference between mandatory and voluntary vts( not happy with my answer adopted by
imo he said there s more difference)

Capt azad
1.latest ammendment to marpol, how companies are reducing eedi(construction of vessel and
using alternate fuels)

Set 34

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