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Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR

INT: Capt. Das


1. Quaterly listing.
2. CSR.
3. Sailing vessel at anchor light

Internal das started with which attempt.what happen last time.

Which vessel u have sailed

1.csr content and required as per which regulation.

2.mlc complain handling procedure
3.quaterly listing.
4.chief mate reported one person overboard action.
5.Pi and
6.south cardinal light
7.aground vessel sound signal.

- ism documents on-board

Certi cate renewal and interval of DOC and SMC

- vetting procedure and how will you go about it

what is intermediate survey and which all certi cates to do intermediate

1. Condition of employment - As per MLC title 2 ( 2.1 to 2.8 ) i told all in order ( Sea ,
wages , rest hour , entitlement , repatriation etc not giving full list cz its known
This question gave me good start
2. Minimum age - 16 yrs young Seafearer what is night work - 9 hrs start before midnight
and end not before 0500 ( Given in MLC 1.1)

1. South cardinal buoy lights

2. VL 100 m aground fog signal
3. Pilot Vessel fog signal n light

2 Sep 2022
Pilot Vsl Fog signals
Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR
INT: Capt. Das
Towing Vsl all lights

Masthead light position criteria as per Annex -1

Lifeboat Davit testing reqmnts and frequency ?

What is validity of CLC certi cate?

Tell me about Solas Ch-VI and XII

19 Sep 2022

Sound signal of vessel aground ,

Vessel at anchor
Pilot vessel
South cardinal buoy lights
Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR
INT: Capt. Behel
1. Content of marpol annex 1
2. Current from ahead, port side alongside, onshore wind how to unberth.
3. Rudder cycling
4. In which authenticated book Rudder cycling is given
5. Certi cate and document required for marpol annex 6
6. What entry made by C/E on nox technical code
7. How much force generated by 20 kts wind on ship if acting on beam
And so many cross questioning in above asked questions

1. Take over as master.

As soon as I mentioned i will check class status report when in o ce he cross questioned
on class status report and asked me when it is published. I told him quarterly , he said
you get it quarterly or it's published quarterly? I said we get it quarterly. Then he asked
when it's published. I said nowadays we can ask company to get class status report
anytime and get it via email. I think he was satis ed
2. When i came on crew documents,he said what will check in coc.
(Wants to hear functions mentioned in coc)
3. Certi cates and documents for oil tanker.

12. You are grounded oil coming out from 4 Cot. Action
( When i said reporting to coastal state, he said that 3rd mate also can do.
So i said tranfer 4cot oil to ballast tank using spool piece and inerting the ballast tanks)

13. Current from ahead, port side alongside, onshore wind how to unberth.
(Though i didn't answer this question but here's the link to answer:

14. In Mississippi, you see white light of sailing vessel, she is 2 knots and you are 4 knots,
(This is basically overtaking in narrow channel, so 1st is we are overtaking and our
responsibility to keep clear.
Secondly sound signals to intent overtaking on port and stbd side and if agreement she
will sound 34 c(ii)

15. You have just come out of Mississippi and now engines failed. Action
(I said I will anchor, he said not possible due to submarine cables and pipelines, i said ask
for tug, he said tug came and asking to sign lof, i said will check if I can manouevre clear
of cables and anchor 1st, he said now only 3 cables from shallow, i said i will agree to lof.)

16. Content of lof

17. How will salvor get salvage reward if you sign lof
Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR
INT: Capt. Behel
18. After unberthing you stem tide for 1 mile going to turning basin and now how will you
(Wants to hear you won't initiate turn early as there is tide pushing you down and taking
into account advance)

19.i answered in respect to question 13(unberth situation) that i will ask for tugs, he said
how will you calculate tug bollard pull required.

( Couldn't answer but Wants to hear V² /18 = tonne force exerted per 1000 M2 windage
area where v is velocity of wind in m/s)

Then asked me to log out, prepare ship handling half hour more and come back

When logged back in, he asked me question 19.

He said calculate for your last ship in ballast and tell me

Before i could

External asked me ok i will ask you 1 last question which will decide you fail or pass.

Award criteria for salvage and which articles of salvage convention


Unberthing vessel in river with 4 kt current from ahead and on shore wind. No tugs.
Rudder cycling..not as per rohans book.
What is anchor afoot.
How to calculate force for 15kt wind on windage area. Need calcualtions not about


What CE enters in Nox technical File

Sewage discharge regulations
What is most imp thing in ISPP certi cate
What all you will chek when signing ORB
Unberthing vessel in rever with 2 kt current from ahed and on shore wind then Turning her
in turning basin(could not aan as per his expectations)


What is arbitration ? How u deal with this matter ?

What is subrogation ?
De nition of Passenger vessel , Unberth passenger, Sovereignty of a state ?
Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR
INT: Capt. Behel
What is the quali cation of Port Health O cer ?
What is Censure(Related to PI & FI)
List of all certi cates on board ?
In case of Abandoning ship which certi cates will u carry ?
De ne element 5 of ISM code ?
Procedure for getting ISSC certi cate in detail….. too deep with lot of croos question?
How many types of vessels are there in MS Act ?
What do u know about national shipping board ?
What is Rule paramount?
What is censure?


1. Vessel in port and storm is expected. Port asked u to leave... your action
2. Port on isps level 3 and your vessel on Port level 1
3. How will u come to know Port is isps complied
4. Ism code external audit is planned. How you will go about it
5. What are past de ciencies in this... (from Internal audit)

6. Unclos what u know about it.. main aim.. two countries 5 NM away how you will de ne
boundaries.... what UNCLOS article china is not following with Taiwan...

7. kyoto protocol , which temp is rising(in ans also include forest res,russia war, missile
testing by china etc )
8.heaving to
9. Unsafe ship u seaworthy ship. 209 and 210 article in ms act, how many article you

10. imsbc amendment in this how will you test bauxite ore MC, what is the name of the
procedure, how will it e ect you...(want to hear fse e ect)

8 Sep 2022
1. Statutory and Mandatory certi cates.
2. Who issues CLC. Full form of CLC
3. MARPOL annex 1 what all things are there
4. Berth a vessel with 1 tug and strong inshore winds.
5. Anchor by the foot (if i heard correctly)
6. What certi cate is given for LB annually.
7. Why SCOPIC is a game changer.

13 Sep 2022
1. VGP
2. Nox technical code certi cation
3.forces acting on hull.
Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR
INT: Capt. Behel
5. Scopic
14 Sep 2022
1. Factors a ecting ship handling and how will you counteract them.

2. Berthing with onshore wind Vessel in ballast condition. complete how much
distance yo keep from jetty what speed u will approach. What angle to approach.
2BEAM PARALLEL TO JETTY. SPEED ABT 0.1 TO 0.2 Kts whn near to jty, aproach
speed less than 4 kts, angle 30 to 45 degree. Tug to be made fast astern centre
Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR
INT: Capt. Darodkar
*How your oral went? be very careful while answering this question, it will fail you if u
choose inappropriate word. (You have to say it right)
*2nd o cer on conn, you on W/H transiting Singapore strait, you see 2 vessels crossing
one from port and other from starboard. Action
*Too many questions in succession of the same situation.
Jist: Ask 2/O what action he has taken or planing to take, 2nd mate not con dent, be a
mentor, explain him critical situation, Take over the conn, ROC …… special circumstance,
check with VTS of the intentions and the instruction given by the VTS to the approaching
vessels, as in Singapore reporting is mandatory. No further questions on this.
*Vsl ready to depart, all set POB, Wx out side Force 6-7, Chief o cer says its better to
postpone departure until Wx improves. What will be ure decision.
(Check with Port & Pilot, if port is open for transit, if yes, RA, and may sail out with extra
Tugs assistance, if tugs are not available will wait.)
*How will you justify, commercial personnel ( Masters overriding authority)
*Livestock carrier latest amendments (i was blank on this)
*Not the amendments about the rule. (I spoke key points I remembered from the DG order
*What are masters responsibilities on this contest
-Voyage planning
-the moment I said 96 hrs of Wx reports for the intended passage
*I think you are getting there.

lights, shapes, sound signals of pilot vessel, trawler at anchor,

Kyoto protocol,Indian ship recycling act and Cyber security risk management plan.

1.vessel with cargo board ,owner,p&I, ag, nancial security provider not responding
wages not been paid and vessel is under arrest for bunker damage,how u will proceed to
recover wage and
yes itf not reachable.
2.trwaler at anchor light
3.vessel crossing stbd to port in TSS action
4.form a and b iopp certi cate
5.pilot vessel fog signal include word succession for additional 4 short blast
5.vessel aground fog signal
6.incase of question 1, can master head to port of refuge .
14 Sep 2022

1. kyoto protocol
2. limits of IRNSS
3. rule 18, responsibility between vessels.
Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR
INT: Capt. Darodkar
16 Sep 2022
Indian ship recycling act
Obligation of master in above
(I did not read above two but i summerise hongkong convention and framed my
Who is authority of Indian ship recycling in India ( this question i said dnt know)
Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR
Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR
INT: Capt. Manhas

Vessel type as per load line convention

Ror situation
Your vessel in TSS, another on stbd side.

CBD on 3 points port side.


1. Explain types of ships as per Loadline (Type A &B) -

Cross questions in Assignments of Freeboard

2. Dual Registry - Couldn't ans

Bareboat registry - Couldn't ans

I said sir i never heard of them before but I knw Dual class, bareboat charter,Demise
Then he said okay explain both
Told him about IRS history of becoming a member of IACS (releated to Dual class)

Risk Assessment how to carry out with graph (Frequency /Severity)

CBD pet situation

Overtaking Simple situation


1. PI and FI
2. Carbon credit
3. OPRC Convention
4. Classi cation societies and RO
5. VGM
6. His favorite ROR situation CBD crossing from port side who is give way.


1.Types of ships as per Load line?

2.Conditions of assignment for freeboard?
3.How will bulk carrier freeboard assigned?

1.RV vsl 3pts port bow crossing roc exists radar oprnl
2.Same situation stbd bow
3.Same situation one more vsl right astern (Note Rule 2)
4.TSS PD vsl crossing stbd to port who's give way and stand on(own give way)
5.Same situation in Narrow channel( here note crossing vsl is give way)i fucked up here
he was about to fail me..than i requested him to give one more shot..he started all lecture
amd nally asked
Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR
INT: Capt. Manhas
6.CBD crossing port to stbd ur vsl normal PD who's give way and stand on(CBD give
Eventually he said ne accepted and than again handed me over to External said saab
iska ROR aur chk kr lo and than we decide..

26 Aug 2022

Types of ships in loadline convention.

Rule 9 10
Which ships can register.
How will you guide co make RA
26 Aug 2022

One TSS situation Fishing vsl Overtaking Our P.D. vsl. who is give way and stand
on. and why.

Key word : keep ur ROR strong.


1. You are in TSS. One PD is crossing from stbd to Port. Who is stand on and who
is give way.
I asked does ROC exist.
He said yes.
I said Own is give way.

2. Towing vessel crossing from Port. Who is stand on and who is give way.
I said I am stand on.
15 Sep 2022

Internal Capt Manhas after phone call with external: We decided to pass u
provided u ans correct for few ROR Qns.
1. TSS, target crossing from stbd to port, who is give way? Ans: I’m give way
2. Same situation narrow channel: Who is give way? Ans: Target vsl
3. Same situation narrow channel target is towing vsl, who is give way? Ans
target vsl
4. Same situation narrow channel target is CBD vsl, who is give way? Ans target
5. TSS CBD crossing port to stbd who is give way? Ans target vsl
Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR

INT: Capt. Mondal

All questions by Captain Mandal

-Why Certi cate of Registry is required
-Contents of ISM code
- who is a PHO and his duties n quali cation
- What is NMB ( MS Act )
- list of Certi cates onboard
- Rule 39-41 of Colregs and Chapter XIII of SOLAS specify same thing or are di erent
- Taking over as Master not much time what is most imp thing u will check
- wht are statutory and mandatory certi cates
- H&M underwriters wht is the purpose and who are they ??? Does it come under any
Is H&M a statutory requirement ??
- sand barges etc do not have certi cate of registry why????
Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR
INT: Capt. Mudali

parametric & synchronus rolling

when to tender NOR as per what.
As per charter Party


1.Fire in pump room action

2. If one crew unconscious what action

3. Continuous synopsis record in detail

4.Co 2 requirements for 10 yrs ship

5. Aircraft crashes in front of your ship action . (Imp is you will relay distress alert) proceed
for rescue.

6. C/e comes to you and tells he wants to land bunker sample and Bdn what will you do
as a master
(here capt mudli wants that samples to be retained for a period of 1 year and BDN has to
be retained for a period of 3 yrs this is very important as if this is not done psc can detain
your ship)

7.amendments to ms act

8 .amendment to isps code

9. Ms act pi and

10. Obligation of master to render assistance what do you understand by this

11.damaged stability for tankers reg 28 and what information you get from this

12. Ship risk pro le-psc

13. Irnss in detail


1. BILL of lading and what all things to check.

2. What you will do if its written Freight 1000 usd per tonne is written on BOL - inform
owners and charter
before signing.

3. LOF 2020 and ammendments

Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR
INT: Capt. Mudali
4. Solas ammendments

5. CSS code and contents and CSM

6. how to load explosives on general cargo vessel - i explained about imdg code and
solas ch 7.
Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR
INT: Capt. Nitin Mukesh
Isgott ammendment
Appeal against PSC detens
how to carry out MLC audit
6 Sep 2022

1- registration of Indian ship

2 - oil spill action
3- pilot vessel card
4- CLC bunker
5- MLC certi cate
6- one simple ror crossing situation
7- mlc amendment
8- PSC appeal procedure

6 Sep 2022

1. MLC & Stcw rest hour di erence ?

2. Things you will check in priority when entering emergency generator room ?
3. 3-4 cards
4. One single red light ahead , tell all situations?
5. Things to update quarterly in SOPEP ?
6. Finally pilot card ?
22 Sep 2022

1.Ammendment to ISGOTT
2. Air cushion wala card
3. East cardinal mark card
4. Clc fund who contribute
5. MLC certi acte full procdure
6. Psc detention review procedure, cross question - if review panel said that vessel
can be released, is it binding to port state, I said NO.
Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR
INT: Capt. Azad
1. Enclosed entry permits checks as master ?
2. Max validity of enclose entry permit ? Validity of Hot wrk permit ?
3. Hoogly river steering failure ?
4. Function of telemotor in stering ?
5. Immersion suit all chk ? Interval of inspection?
6. SOLAS req of Emergency re pump?
7. Helicopter rescue operation preparation?
8. Master duty to render assistance? In hf you receive distress msg? Action
9. Entering port is it possible for ship and port to be in di erent security levels? How?
10. Is it req to do declaration of same level?
11. Cyber security and How implementation of cyber security?
12. shing vsl shooting net light
13. damage stab of chemical tanker
14. Rudder cycling?How will you do?
15. Low frequency cycling n high fq cycling?
16. Zig zag manouvere test ??
17. What is rule number 9& 13
18. Many more..


1. How will you prepare vessel for SMC renewal survey

2. Actions you will take in case of major NC ( there is some amendment regarding
de nition of major NC which he wanted to hear which I had no clue about )
3. How will you prepare vessel for ISSC survey

Certi cate of insurance

Is bunker CLC separately required for oil tankers ?
Why is Iopc fund required & who pays for it.
Di erence between Note of protest & Lop.
Carriers liabilities as per hague visby
Entitlement of leave for seafarer. Can u bypass it.
Rule 19

ONLY ROR Rule 19 situations. All below in R.V

1. Vesse ahead, ROC / NO ROC / Radar / No Radar, My Actions
2. Same for vessel behind Stbd Quarter, my actions
3. Stbd quarter vessel increased speed and planning to overtake, you in RV, your action.
4. For above, now i am the overtaking vessel, how will i overtake.
5. Vessel one point port bow, RV, no change in bearing, no change in range, your action.

1.latest ammendment to marpol, how companies are reducing eedi(construction of vessel

and using alternate fuels)
Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR
INT: Capt. Azad

- In which certi cate will u nd dates of last DD.

- Di between DMLC-1 and 2


1) what is unseaworthiness
2) Suppose you are to take over as a master on a unseaworthy ship. What will be your
action— I did not said the I will not take over. But I mentioned couple of times that for
sure I will not sail out until all the reason for me to believe it’s unseaworthiness is
removed. I mentioned things like safety of crew then ship and environments etc
3) Which company you are sailing ? Who is doing manning for it?
4) Are you con dant to take over as a Master- I said in a rm tone without smile


1. EsP in details

Narrow channel u r overtaking one vessel will u give signal to the vessel
Sep 2022

1. Di bw warranty and conditions

2. Port state inspection in foreign port.
3. C.O.S
4. Loadline exemption cert
5. BL all theory aspects
6. Clause in BL
7. Di in co and bl what action
8. Norway to polar route prepration
9. H,HV, Hamburg, Rotterdam, mmtd
10. Iwl inl
11. Dg segregation on container
12. Safe Manning
13. Stcw company reapsibility.
15 Sep 2022

MLC Amendment
MS ACT Amendement
In what all cases FI can be conducted without PI
IOPP Form B content
Vetting preparation and new vetting 2.0
Recycling convention
Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR
INT: Capt. Azad
15 Sep 2022

1) What's new with EPIRB?

2) Simple situation
3) Did ESP applied on your last ship?
4) What all certi cates and documents u get after ESP survey?
5) Why ESP required?
6) Master discretion as per Solas ch 5
7) How will u take over as Master. (He said its important as now a days. U guys do
crew change on gangway and keeping this time contraint in mind. Explain)
8) While take over you observed that 2k dollars are short. Yur action?
Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR
INT: Capt. Daniel Joseph

1 ) Advantages Of COR
2 ) CIC In details
3 ) ISM overriding authority
4) Working hours given in labour covention
5) Latest MS Rules which came in July
6) Rule 19e
7) one Pilot boat in close quarter situation .Will U use crash stop .
8) III code
9) Solas ch XI -2 which part for psc
10) SAR convention in detial.
11) underway and making way de nition
12) WIG Craft De nition
13) LLMC full form and Liabilities
14) Bulk carrier Liabilities ( which I didn't replied )

1)What are advantages of registering a ship in India?
2) What is Girding of Tug ?
3) What is GA
4) LLMC . Why ceiling in liability ?
5) what is clc , bclc ?
6)di erent types of insurance ?
6) What is OSC ? Duties
7) wind heeling criteria Lng tanker ?
8) Why LNG ships are considered safest ?
9) Situations in ROR and
10) What is CIOFS
when you will alter to port.
Lot of back n forth questions on it. Asked me Restricted visibility . How as master will I go
about it?
11) what are the traits of a good master ?


What’s the most critical issues nowadays in shipping (general question )

- Ultimate Responsibility as a master in bulk carrier(not as per ISM, he was expecting
answer only for bulk carrier)
- Masters overriding authority as per ISM

What kind of ships you have sailed

Di between parametric and synchronised rolling
If containers goes overboard in paci c ocean as master action ?

1. Action in case chief cook ghts with chief o cer. Chief o cer bleeding.
2. Action in case of container fell overboard.
Prepared by: RAHUL KUMAR
INT: Capt. Daniel Joseph
7 Sep 2022
1. Why master need to know the procedure of registration of ship.
2. What are trading certi cate?
3. What is the di erence b/w trading certi cate and COR?
4. Why we need to have trading certi cate- if have COR?
7 Sep 2022

1. Chief o cer report - 50000 cubm loaded

Terminal saying 49500 cubm loaded
Regauging, recalculation etc etc everything done. What will you do now as a
( I will inform my owners and charterers. I will check the tolerance limit in Charter
party like 3% 5% etc. If it's within the limit i will proceed. If not I will follow
charterer instructions. In any case i will issue LOP for the di erence. He was
satis ed with the answer )
2. ( The danger question which I thought would fail me )
Chief o cer and crew ght, both bleeding, ght over, medical rst aid given, all
over. Now what will you do as a master?

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