Class lecture U5-B (2017.09.21)

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Statikk (BYVE 3300)

Class lecture U5-B (21.09.2017)

Introduction to plastic analysis

Hooke elasticity
• In uniaxial tension, the tensile stress on the material, σ, is
directly proportional to the tensile strain, ε.
• The constant of proportionality in this equation for simple
tension is the Young Modulus of the material, E:

   

• Most materials are Hookean only at small strains (typically less

than 1%)
• In metals, fully elastic behavior is only for very small strains
(typically <0.2%)
Stress Strain Curve for a ductile material

Typical stress vs. strain diagram indicating the various stages of deformation.

21 AUGUST 2017
Simplified stress – strain diagrams

• More convenient to use in practical applications

• The elastic – perfectly plastic material (b) is commonly used for plastic
analysis of steel structures

(a) Linear elastic – plastic (with hardening) (b) Elastic – Perfectly plastic

21 AUGUST 2017
Stress – Moment relationship (elastic region)

z  M y
x 

• Where:
• σx is the normal stress (x is along the beam)
• z is the z-distance from the elastic neutral axis (centroid)
• My is the y-bending moment at the location of the section
• Iy is the y-moment of inertia of the section

• This relationship is valid ONLY in the linear elastic region

• After yield, it is not valid
• For an elastic-perfectly plastic material, if the material yields, then σx=fy at that
point, where fy is the yield stress

21 AUGUST 2017
Beam bending: Formation of full plastic

21 AUGUST 2017
Various stages of the cross section
(The section is not symmetric)

(a) M ≤ Mel

(b) Mel < M < Mpl

(c) M = Mpl


21 AUGUST 2017
Formation of a plastic hinge on a simply
supported beam with point load

21 AUGUST 2017

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