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Future Generation Schools | Journeys Prep one 1

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Unit 1
Being sociable

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 Answer the question after watching the video

o How to improve your social skills?

1. ………………………………………….
2. ………………………………………….
3. ………………………………………….
4. ………………………………………….

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Unit 1

Vocabulary Being sociable

Word Meaning
classmate(n) a person you have lessons with at school.
communicate(v) to share information by speaking, writing, smiling, etc.
interest(n) a feeling that you want to know more about someone or
jealous(adj) a feeling that you want something that someone else
joke(n) a funny story or statement to make people laugh.
secret(n) something private you don’t tell other people.
support(v) to help someone.
trust(n) your belief that someone is good and honest.

Additional vocabulary:

keep a secret not to tell anyone else information about

 Ali is an honest person, he always keeps
tell a joke to say funny things.
communicate with to share information with others by speaking,
someone writing, moving your body, or using other
support a cause if you say that something is good cause you
mean that it is worth doing or giving to
because it will help other people.
show interest the feeling of wanting to give your attention
to something or of wanting to be involved
with and to discover more about something.
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trust in someone to have a strong belief in someone or
nag (v) to keep asking someone to do something.
hiking(n) the activity of taking long walks in the
mountains or country.

Exercise on vocabulary

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. He always has a great …………………in music.

a) interest b) hang c) mistake d) focus

2. You must be honest and……….. the secrets of your friends.

a) argue b) eat c) run d) keep

3. Ahmed sits next to me in the class, he is my………….

a) boss b) classmate c) uncle d) enemy

4..…………………….is a feeling that you want to know more about someone or something.

a)Classmate b)Joke c)Interest d)Sadness

5. We have to ………………. with each other to exchange information.

a) argue b) nag c) communicate d) judge

6. A funny story or statement to make people laugh is a/an ..……………

a)joke b) secret c)jealous d)idea

7. My father always ………………….me to be a football player.

a)welcomes b)supports c)feels d)changes

8. They put great …………………………. in their lawyer.

a)effort b)effect c)trust d)sadness

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9. A feeling that you want something that someone else has is …………..

a) joke b) interest c) shy d) jealous

10. ……………………… is to believe that someone is good and honest.

a) Trust b) Pretend c) Compare d) Care

11. Do your parents …………. you all the time to spend less time online?

a) nag b) nagging c) nagger d) helper

12. I like adventure so I always go …………………………………… .

a) hiking b)writing c) playing d) karate

13. When your son talks to you, you should ……………………………interest.

a)ignore b)neglect c)leave d)show

14. Ali always makes us laugh. He ……………… us funny jokes

a) asks b) tells c) speaks d) plays

15. The private things that you don’t tell other people are …………………

a) interests b) jokes c) stories d) secrets

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Exercise on grammar

** Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

1. He …………… football every day.

a) is playing b) plays c) play d) playing

2. She ………………. a book at the moment.

a) reads b) read c) reading d) is reading

3. Salim and Sally ……………. like fishing.

a) don't b) doesn't c) isn't d) aren't

4. Samy………… playing tennis now. He is reading.

a) aren't b) isn't c) don't d) doesn't

5. What does he……………..?

a) eats b) eating c) eat d) ate

6. ……………… reading comic books?

a) Do you b) Does you c) Are you d) Is you

7.The train…………………at 6:00 a.m.

a) leaving b) leaves c) is leaving d) leave

8. They…………….. visit Cairo. They hate this city.

a) always b) never c) usually d) often

9. He is travelling to London……………..

a) twice b) every day c) usually d) now

10. What…………. they doing?

a) am b) is c) are d) has

11. She……………. visits her aunt.

a) never b) don't c)doesn't d) isn't

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12. ………………..reading a story? - Yes, he is.

a) Is he b) Are they c) Does he d) Do they

13. They don't ……………… chess on Saturdays.

a) plays b) playing c) play d) played

14. She……….. a book, but she is playing chess.

a) don't read b) doesn't read c) is reading d) isn't reading

** Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the same
1. The train leaves at 12 o'clock. (What time)
2. They are playing tennis now. (every day)
3. They go to school on foot. (How)
4. He lives in Cairo. (not)
5.She is cooking breakfast now. (not)
6. We go to the cinema once every week. (sometimes)
7. He is travelling to Cairo tomorrow morning. (Where)
8. She doesn't speak French. (never)
9. Yes, he is reading a story. (Is)
10. No, they don't play volleyball. (Do)
11. Ramy and Sally are visiting their aunt now. (always)
12. Nesrine always reads adventure stories. (at the moment)

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Future Generation Schools | Journeys Prep one 13
*We form it by adding (ly) to some adjectives:

Ex )sad sadly loud loudly

*When the adjective ends in (le) we omit the (e) and add (y) :
Ex )possible possibly probable probably
*When the adjective ends in (y) proceeded by a consonant we omit the (y) and
add (ily) :
Ex )happy happily lazy lazily
*There are some irregular adverbs :
fast fast

late late

hard hard

early early

good well

right right

Ex) He runs fast. He is a fast runner.

We don't add adverbs after certain verbs such as look, seem, taste, smell, feel,
Ex: He looks tired.

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Exercise on grammar
**Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. She looks………………..

a) beautiful b) nicely c) beautifully d) happily

2. Jana runs……………..

a) quick b) quicker c) more quick d) quickly

3.Said is a ……………….. runner.

a) fast b) faster c) fasting d) fastest

4. She is a ……………………… cook.

a)badly b)bad c)well d)slowly

5. Salma is a……………………………….teacher.

a)nice b)sweetly c)happily d)well

6. Ahmed writes ………………………… .

a)good b)well c)bad d)slow

7. Mohammed Salah is a …………………………… player.

a)well b)good c)nicely d)badly

8. Please, speak …………………………. .

a)quiet b)quietly c)loud d)slow

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**Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the same

1- He is skilful at playing tennis. (skilfully)


2- Sally is running fast. (runner)


3- Ahmed is a good writer. (well)


4- Nour has a sweet voice. (sweetly)

5- Adel is a sad actor. (acts)

6- Ali writes quickly . ( quick )

7- She is a good driver . ( drives)

8- Sarah is a good speaker . (well )


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Mini test

1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

A: This is a photo of my cousin.
B: …………………...… (1)………………………. ?
A: It’s Mustafa.
B: How old is he?
A: ……………………….(2)………………………………….
B: Where does he live?
A: ……………………….(3)………………………………….
B: ……………………….(4)…………………………?
A: He ……… (5)………………. fish with rice.

2. Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

Salah is a clever man over forty. He has got a big shop next to our house. He is a
good man. He gets up early every morning. He eats his breakfast and drinks tea .
Then, he leaves for his shop. He sells rice, sugar, tea, jam and soap. A lot of people
like him because he sells clean and good things. Salah has got five children. One is
a boy called Hady and the others are girls. Hady goes to primary school. He wants to
be a doctor when he grows up. The girls go to primary and prep schools. In the
holidays, Hady helps his father with his work.
A) Answer the following questions:
1-How many sisters has Hady got?
2-Why do you think people like Salah?
3-What does Salah sell?
B) Choose the correct answer:
4-Hady helps his father, but he likes to be a/an …………………
a. grocer b. doctor c. teacher d. engineer
5-Hady goes to a ………… school.
a. prep b. primary c. secondary d. nursery

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3. Write a paragraph of six ( 6 ) sentences about
“How to become a good person.”

What month of the

year has 28 days?

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Test based on unit (1)
A- Language functions

1-Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Eyad: I phoned you yesterday but you weren’t at home. (1) …..…………………?
Fady: …………..(2)……………………………………
Eyad: The hospital! ………………..(3)………………………..?
Fady: I fell off my bike and broke my arm.
Eyad : Who did you go with ?
Fady: ………………………… (4)………………………….
Eyad: Did the doctor give you any medicine?
Fady :…………....................(5)…………………………….

B- Vocabulary and structure

2. Choose the correct word(s) from a, b, c or d:

1. She looks………………..
a) beautiful b) nicely c) beautifully d) happily
2. Jana runs……………..
a) quick b) quicker c) more quick d) quickly
3. Said is a ……………….. runner.
a) fast b) faster c) fasting d) fastest
4. He always has a great …………………in music.
a) interest b) hang c) mistake d) focus
5. You must be honest and……….. the secrets of your friends.
a) argue b) eat c) run d) keep
6.When your son talks to you, you should ……………………………interest.
a)ignore b)neglect c)leave d)show
7. ………………..reading a story? - Yes, he is.
a) Is he b) Are they c) Does he d) Do they

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8. They don't ……………… chess on Saturdays.
a) plays b) playing c) play d) played
9. A feeling that you want something that someone else has is …………..
a) joke b) interest c) shy d) jealous
10. ……………………… is to believe that someone is good and honest.
a) Trust b) Pretend c) Compare d) Care
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- He is skillful at playing tennis. (skillfully)
2- Sally is running fast. (runner)
3- Sarah speaks with her friend . (not )
4. They are playing tennis now. (every day)
5. They go to school on foot. (How……?)
C- Reading comprehension
4-Read the following passage then answer the questions:
My name is Abdelhamid and I'm captain of our football team at school . I like playing and
watching football matches especially between El-Ahly and El-Zamalek .In a football team,
there are ten players and a goalkeeper . They should kick the ball , they mustn't touch it with
their hands . I like watching football matches on TV at home . I like El-Ahly very much , but
my sister Sarah likes El-Zamalek .
A) Answer the following questions :
1 – What is Abdelhamid's favourite team ?
2 – How many players are there in a football team ?
3 – What team does Sarah like?

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B) Choose the correct answer :

4 – In a football game , players should……………………… the ball .

a) jump b) kick c)touch d)hate
5 – Abdelhamid is the captain of the team at ………………………
a)El-Zamalek b)El-Ahly c)school d)home

5-Write a paragraph of six (6) sentences on Only One of the following topics”
A) A famous person you like
B) A city you visited last weekend

The Novel
A) Comment fully on only Two (2) of the following quotations :
1)"His father must be a wolf, Kiche is half wolf so, the cubs more wolf than dog"
2)"He bit me with these white fangs. so, I'll call him White Fang "
3)"You're on our land now. Go back to where you come from"

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B) Answer only Three (3) of the following questions:
1)How was the she- wolf different from the other wolves?
2)What was the she-wolf looking for when the weather got warmer and the snow melted?
3)How many cubs did she have?
4)How did One Eye die?

Poetry (Night)
The moon, like a flower,
In heaven's high bower,
With silent delight,
Sits and smiles on the night.

Answer the following questions:

1-Who is the poet? What is the main idea of the poem?

2-Comment fully on the stanza:


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Unit 2
Family and friends

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 Scan the code

 Answer the questions after watching the video:

 What are the types of families mentioned in the video?


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Unit 2
Family and friends
Key vocabulary
New Words Definition.

bring up (phrasal verb) raise children

fall out (with) (phrasal verb) have an argument, stop being friends.

get on (with) (phrasal verb) have a good relationship.

get together (with) (phrasal verb) meet to spend time together, either socially or for work.

grow up (phrasal verb) become older.

look after (phrasal verb) take care of, be responsible for.

hang out (phrasal verb) spend time with socially.

split up (phrasal verb) stop being in a relationship with a partner.

privacy (n) the opportunity to be alone.

pros and cons (n) advantages and disadvantages (informal).

Passionate about (phrasal verb) to really enjoy or love something

Additional vocabulary
matriarch (WB) a female who controls a family or group of people or

calf (WB) the young of some large animals, baby cows or


scarce (WB) a small amount of something

rumble (WB) a low continuous sound

alpha (WB) the one with the most power in a group of animals or

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offspring (WB) a person or animal’s child

pup (WB) the young of some animals like dogs or wolves

pod (WB) a group of sea creatures who swim together

herd (WB) a number of domestic animals assembled together under

the ownership of a keeper.

pack (WB) a number of animal that hunting together like dogs,



Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :

1. My sister and her boyfriend are arguing a lot at the moment. they are going to … .
a) get on b) look after c) get together d) split up
2. I’m lucky because I ……. well with my little brother and we don’t fight at all.
a) fall out b) get on c) grow up d) split up
3. My friend asked me to ………… her hamster when she’s on holiday.
a) bring up b) fall out with c) get together with d) look after
4. I usually …… with my mates at the weekend, watching films or playing video games.
a) fall out b) get on c) hang out d) look after
5. My parents …….….. to listen to other people’s opinions and respect their ideas.
a) brought me up b) got on well c) grew up d) split up
6. ……….. in an extended family can be difficult because you don’t get much privacy.
a) Bringing up b) Falling out c) Growing up d) Splitting up
7. My family ……….…. about once a month before the pandemic.
a) brought up b) got on c) got together d) looked after

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8. I ………. my best friend it was a stupid argument about music.
a) fell out with b) got on with c) hung out with d) looked after
9 . I don’t like sharing a room with my brother because I have a ……. …
a) passionate b) privacy c) sociable d) look after
10. Growing up as part of a big family unit has its ……………….
a) pros and cons b) single- parent
c) nuclear family d) extended family
11. The young of some large animals like baby cows and elephants is ………..
a)calf b)pup c)pop d)matriarch
12. ……………is a small amount of something.
a)Herd b)Pack c)Alpha d)Scarce
13. ………… is a group of whales , dolphins or seals.
a)Pod b)Pup c)Calf d)Alpha
14.The …………… of passing trucks made it hard to sleep at night.
a)scarce b)rumble c)herd d)pack
15. ……………. is the one with the most power in a group of animals or people.
a)Alpha b)Scarce c)Calf d)Matriarch
16. ………….. are numbers of animals that hunting together like dogs and wolves.
a) Alphas b) Packs c) Pods d) Pups
17. The dog has had that bed since he was just a ……….. .
a)pop b)pup c)calf d)matriarch
18. A number of domestic animals assembled together under the ownership of a keeper is ……

a) herd b) calf c)pup d)pod

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19…………….. is a female who controls a family or group of people or animals.
a)Pop b)Scarce c)Matriarch d)Calf
20. I’m really ………….. about photography and cameras.
a) enjoy b) like c) passionate d) love
21. A person or animal’s child is……………………..
a) alpha b) herd c) pod d) offspring

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Making comparison with modifiers

We use the simple comparative and superlative forms of adjectives to compare

people, things and places.
Ex: My brother is taller than me.
Ex: This is the most exciting film I’ve ever seen.

Modifiers are words, phrases, or clauses that make the meaning of a word or word
group more specific.

Here are common modifiers and expressions, and their usages:

Modifying comparatives and superlative

much-a lot- far- a little- a bit – Ex: They are a lot more
slightly + comparative adj. expensive than my shoes.

By far – easily – nearly + Ex: It was by far the coldest

superlative adj. day in the city.

same /similar Ex: His schedule is as tight as

as …as/not as….as/ just yours.

other ways to exactly the same as/ Ex: My new computer is very
compare similar to Mike's.
very similar to/different from

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Using modifiers to show:

1. Big difference:
We can use much, so much, a lot, even or far with comparative
 Sales in July were a lot higher than sales in June.
He was far less experienced than the other applicant.

We can use nowhere near with as … as.

 The interview was nowhere near as difficult as the written exam.

We can use very, really, completely or totally with different from.

 They may be twins, but they're completely different from each


2. Small difference:
We can use slightly, a little, a bit, a little bit, nearly, similar or not much
with comparative adjectives.

 The number of registrations has been slightly lower than we

 Houses in my city are not much more expensive than flats.

We can use almost, nearly, not quite, roughly, more or less or about
with as … as and the same as.

 She's almost as old as I am.

 The figures for May are more or less the same as the figures for
We can use very or really with similar to.

 My son looks really similar to my father when he was that age.

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3. No difference:

We can use exactly the same as or just as … as to emphasize that there

is no difference.

 My grandma's cakes still taste exactly the same as when I was a child.
 A new phone can be just as expensive as a new computer these days.

*Irregular comparative and superlative forms*

Adjective Comparative Superlative

good better the best

bad worse the worst

far farther / further the farthest / furthest

old elder (people) the eldest (people)

older (people/ things) the oldest (people/ things)

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Choose the correct answer : Keep up the good

1. His schedule is as ………………….. as yours.

a) tight b) tighter c) tie d) tightest
2. Her hair is ……………… long as mine.
a) as b) a c) an d) the
3. It's …………………….. as sunny as yesterday.
a) doesn't b) don't c) no d) not
4. England is different ……………………. the United Kingdom.
a) for b) from c) of d) off
5. His car is similar …………………….mine.
a) for b) as c) so d) to
6. They may be twins, but they're ………………… different from each other.
a) complete b) completely c) total d) not
7. Houses in my city are…………………….. more expensive than flats.
a) not many b) much c) many d) less
8. My son looks ………………. my father when he was that age.
a) really similar to b) very similar of c) really similar for d) really similar
9. My grandma's cakes still taste …………. the same as when I was a child!
a) exactly b) most c) really d) the
10. She's ……………. as old as I am.
a) for b) not quiet c) to d) almost

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Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the same
meaning :

1. His bike is very similar to mine. (exactly the same as)

2. They may be twins, but they're completely different from each other. (totally)
3. The number of registrations has been slightly lower than we expected. (a little)
4. She's almost as old as I am. (not quite )
5. A new phone can be just as expensive as a new computer these days.
(exactly the same as)
6. He is better than his friend. (the best)
7. Our school is not as far as yours. (farther)
8. She is very similar to her sister . (really)
9. The figures for May are nearly the same as the figures for June. ( roughly )

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Strong adjectives and intensifiers

Intensifiers are words that make adjectives and adverbs stronger.

These are some base adjectives with their strong adjectives.
Base adjectives Strong adjectives

good great

bad awful

hot boiling

cold freezing

interesting fascinating

funny hilarious

scared terrified

big huge, enormous

small tiny

tired exhausted

hungry starving

angry furious

Some examples
The elephant is very big = The elephant is enormous.
He is very tired = He is exhausted.
She is very angry = She is furious.

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* We use these intensifiers to make adjectives stronger.
very particularly completely really so

extremely absolutely totally quite ……….

*There are some intensifiers come with the base adjectives or strong adjectives or both
of them.

Intensifiers with base adjectives Examples

very He is very good person .

extremely She is extremely funny.
particularly It’s particularly big .

Intensifiers with strong adjectives Examples

absolutely The Cairo tower is absolutely

completely She is completely exhausted.
totally She is totally freezing.

Intensifiers with base and strong Examples

really He is really good.
He is really great.
quite It’s quite cold.
It’s quite freezing.
so She is so scared.
She is so terrified.

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Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1. I’m .................boiling! Can you open the window, please?

a)absolutely b) extremely c) very d) particularly

2. The film was .........… funny.

a) absolutely b) totally c) so d) completely

3. I read a lot last summer and the book about the environmental crisis was …..........fascinating.

a) particularly b) extremely c) really d) very

4. There was a huge spider in the bathroom and I was....… terrified.

a) completely b) extremely c) very d) particularly

5. She’s ….......... good at history, but awful at geography.

a) completely b) absolutely c) very d) totally

6. It was ......… cold when we went to the mountains on holiday.

a) absolutely b) completely c) so d) totally

7. My cousins were …........... scared of the dark when they were little.

a) really b) totally c) completely d) absolutely

8. I didn’t do well in any exams but my mum was …......... angry that I failed English.

a) absolutely b) completely c) totally d) very

9) We went to the desert last year . It was ...........boiling .

a) absolutely b) particularly c) extremely d) very

10) We are extremely Math, I really need to work harder .

a) bad b) awful c) hilarious d) exhausted

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Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the same
1-We went to the desert last week. It was hot. (absolutely)


2-I'm extremely bad at Math , I really need to work harder. (totally)


3-What's so funny? Tell me the joke. (hilarious)


4-I was so terrified. (absolutely)


5-I'm completely starving .When we are having dinner? (hungry)


6-She's absolutely great at singing. (good)


7-My father always return particularly hungry. (really)


8-My mother was absolutely furious after breaking the vase. (very)


9-These days, we are very hot. (totally)


10-This show is very interesting. (fascinating)


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Mini Test

1)Supply the missing parts the following dialogue:-

Nora:- Hello Esraa, nice to meet you.
Esraa:- ………………...(1)….……………….
Nora:- …………………(2)……….……….? What’s never
Esraa:- I go to school on foot. used until it’s
Nora:- …………………(3)………………….? broken?
Esraa:- Yes, my school is near.
Nora:- Do you use computers at your school?
Esraa:- ………………..(4)…………….…….
Nora:- What is your favourite subject?
Esraa:- ………………...(5)………………….

2)Read the following passage and answer the questions:

Nefertiti is one of the most famous ancient Egyptians. She lived 3400 years ago.
Her father was probably a soldier, but we do not know her date of birth or where
she was born . Nefertiti's husband was called Akhenaton. He became king of
Egypt in 1353 BC. He was king for seventeen years, until he died in 1336 BC.
They had six daughters, but no sons. Nefertiti's first daughters were born in 1346
BC. Another daughter Meketaton, died at the age of six.

A) Answer the following questions:

1) How long ago did Nefertiti live?

2) What was Nefertiti's father?
3) When was Nefertiti’s first daughter born?
B) Choose the correct answer:
4) Nefertiti's…………was called Akhenaton.

a. father b. husband c. brother d. son

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5) Nefertiti's husband became king of ………. in 1353 BC.

a. Egypt b. Syria c. Iraq d. Iran

3)Write a paragraph of (6) sentences on:

( A person in your family )


Always believe
in yourself

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Test based on unit (2)
A- Language functions

1. Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Gamal : Where did you go last night ?
Mamdouh: ……………………(1)………………………… .
Gamal : What play did you watch ?
Mamdouh :…………………………(2)……………………. .
Gamal : …………………………(3)………………………………… ?
Mamdouh : Yes, it was interesting .
Gamal : ……………………………(4)………………………………..?
Mamdouh : The show started at 9 o'clock .
Gamal : Who did you go with?
Mamdouh : …………………………(5)………………………………….

B- Vocabulary and structure

2. Choose the correct word(s) from a, b, c or d:

1. I’m ................. boiling! Can you open a window, please?
a) absolutely b) extremely c) very d) particularly
2. The film was .........… funny.
a) absolutely b) totally c) so d) completely
3. I read a lot last summer and the book about the environmental crisis was…… fascinating.
a) particularly b) extremely c) really d) very
4.The young of some large animals like baby cows and elephants is ………..
a)calf b)pup c)pop d)matriarch
5.……………. is the one with the most power in a group of animals or people.
a)Alpha b)Scarce c) Calf d)Matriarch
6. I’m really ………….. about photography and cameras.
a) enjoy b) like c) passionate d) love
7. My family ……….…. about once a month before the pandemic.
a) brought up b) got on c) got together d) looked after
8. I ………. my best friend – it was a stupid argument about music.
a) fell out with b) got on with c) hung out with d) looked after
9. They may be twins, but they're ………………… different from each other.
a) complete b) completely c) total d) not

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10. Houses in my city are…………………….. more expensive than flats.
a) not many b) not much c) many d) less

3.Rewrite the following sentences using the word(s) in brackets to give the same
1)We went to the desert last week. It was hot. (absolutely)
2)This show is very interesting. (fascinating)
3)What's so funny? Tell me the joke. (hilarious)
4)They may be twins, but they're completely different from each other. (totally)
5) A new phone can be just as expensive as a new computer these days.
(exactly the same as)
C- Reading comprehension

4.Read the following passage , then answer the questions:

You probably lock your house when you go out . Did you know that ancient
Egyptians also used to lock their doors? Keys were used by the ancient Egyptians
in around 4000 BCE. However, their keys were very large, sometimes more than
50 centimeters long! Later, much smaller keys were invented to lock Roman doors .
However, it was much harder to open an ancient Egyptian door than a Roman door!
Today, you do not always need a key to lock a door. Many hotels use plastic cards.
These are easier to carry than heavy keys.
A- Answer the following questions:
1-What does the underlined word "their" refer to ?
2-What was the problem with the first keys?
………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………
3-Why do many hotels use plastic cards?

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B- Choose the correct answer:
4-Ancient Egyptians keys were …………..
a)about half a meter long b) smaller than Roman keys
c) not as good as keys d)more than a meter long
5-The word "ancient " means ……………………..
a)very old b) new c) unusual d) international

5.Write a paragraph of six (6 ) sentences on only One of the following topics:

A. How to keep a beach clean
B. Types of families

6. The Novel ( White Fang )

A) Comment fully on only Two (2) of the following quotations:

1)”Take that , I'll burn you if you get any closer”
2)”Are you one of lord Alfred's men ?”
3)”It’s Kiche, she ran away when we had no food, maybe she is living with the wolves”
B) Answer on only Three (3) of the following questions:
1)What did Henry do when the wolves get too close?

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2)What happened to the fire wood on the sled ?
3)Why did Henry leave Lord Alfred's coffin in the tree ?
4) How did the cubs look like?

7. Poetry ( Night )

The moon, like a flower,

In heaven's high bower,
With silent delight,
Sits and smiles on the night.
Answer the following questions:
1) Who is the poet and what is the main idea of the poem ?

2) Paraphrase and comment fully on the stanza :


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Unit 3
Rules at school

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 Scan the code

 Answer the questions after watching the video:

Why do we have to follow the school rules?


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Unit 3
Rules at school
key vocabulary

Word Definition
register (n) a list of names of who’s in the class.

a grade (n) a result or mark for an exam or course.

a curriculum (n) the content of the subject that you have to study.

absent (adj) being away from a place

a new skill (n) an ability, something you learn to do.

an instructor (n) a person who teaches you how to do things.

a certificate (n) a piece of paper to show you have completed an activity.

a degree (n) university studies.

Additional vocabulary
tips pieces of advice.

unpack (v) to empty your bag when you arrive at a hotel or at home.

confident(v) feeling that you are sure about your abilities.

assignment (n) a project, an essay or a piece of work.

compulsory(n) something we have to do because it’s a rule or a law

a period of time when you must stay after school if you do

something bad.

State school(n) school that is free for everyone

resource (n) something you use.

ecological(adj) not harmful to the environment

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aware of(Phrasal v) knowing about something

be worth (v) have a value of.

nightmare (n) a very bad dream.

talkative (adj) to describe someone who enjoys speaking a lot to others.

Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d :
1. You have to follow these ………………… to pass the exam .
a) tapes b) tips c) types d) tense
2. I’d never played tennis before , and I wasn’t aware ………………….. rules .
a) in b) of c) on d) about
3. I am ………………….. that we can win this .
a) angry b) confident c) conflict d) nervous
4. …………….. means a project or piece of work .
a) Register b) Detention c) Assignment d) Little
5. Our villa ………………….. about 50 million dollars .
a) worth b) is worth c) worse d) the worst
6. After graduation I got a ………………………….. .
a) certify b) certificate c) certifying d) certification
7. Our ………………………….. is new this year .
a) curriculum b) curricula c) uniforms d) projects
8. After graduation I got a high ………………. In physics .
a) agree b) degree c) great d) greet
9. She got the ……………….. A in German .
a) grade b) marks c) degrees d) agree
10. ……………… is a person who teaches you how to write an email .
a) Doctor b) Carpenter c) Instructor d) Smith
11. ……………. Is a very bad dream .
a) Nightmare b) Night c) Knight d) Night watchman
12. Students need to …………………. for the course by the end of April .
a) register b) resource c) application d) formation

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13. ……………………. means someone who enjoys speaking a lot to others.
a) Talkative b) Sharp c) Talked d) Voluntary
14. She ………………… her bag when she arrived the hotel .
a) unpacked b) back c) black d) block
15. Ali was …………………………….. yesterday.
a) brought b) absent c) skill d) felt
16. How can I improve my speaking …………………… ?
a) skull b) skill c) sell d) sail
17. English is ……………. for all students, but art and music are optional.
a) optional b) compulsory c) detention d) ridiculous
18.…………………… school is free for everyone.
a)Private b)International c)State d) National
19.These materials are good …………………..for teaching grammar .
a)resources b) ) compulsory c) assignment d) detention
20. …………………. means isn't harmful to the environment.
a) Ecological b) Economy c) Community d)Talkative
21. …………… is a period of time when you must stay after school if you do something bad.
a) Optional b) Definition c) Detention d) Attention

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Modals of obligation and prohibition in the present

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need to

We also use need to for things that are necessary.

Need to is more common for things that are important on one occasion.
Ex) I need to go to the dentist next week.
We use "don’t need to" when there is no obligation.
Ex) We don’t need to read the whole book today, only the first chapter.

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Exercise on grammar
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, d:
1. Do I………………wear a seat belt?
a)has to b)have to c) had to d)are
2. You …………shout at the teacher.
a)must b) mustn’t c ) should d) have to
3. We…………need to read the whole book today, only the first chapter.
a)don’t b) doesn’t c) isn’t d) aren’t
4. I……………..go to the dentist next week.
a)need b) needs to c ) need to d) to need
5. You……………. shout in here, people are trying to work.
a)must b) has to c ) have to d) mustn’t
6. You…………………to tell me. I know!
a)doesn’t have b)must c ) mustn’t d) don’t have
7. She doesn’t have to……………..the dishes. I'll do it.
a)washes b) washing c ) wash d) washed
8. You …………look right and left before you cross the road.
a)mustn’t b) has to c ) must d) don’t have to
9. ……………he have to drive on the left side of the road as they do in England?
a)Do b) Does c ) Are d) Have
10. You ………….speak to the driver when the bus is moving. It’s dangerous.
a) must b) has to c) had to d) mustn’t

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Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the
same meaning:
1- It’s necessary to get up early to catch the bus. (have to)
2- You can’t park here . It’s against the law. (mustn’t)
3- You must save your time. (not)
4- We mustn’t pollute the environment. (keep)
5- You need to read the whole book today. (not)
6- You have to enter the competition. (not)
7-He has to study hard. (What..?)
8- We have to save our time. (Do..?)
9- Yes, she has to tidy the kitchen. (Does)
10- I must go to the dentist. (need to)

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Modals of ability and possibility

be able

We use “can” to talk about general abilities in the present .

Ex) I can play the violin.

We use “can’t” to talk about things that aren’t possible in the present .

Ex) I can’t speak well .

We use “could” to talk about general abilities in the past

Ex) I could do my homework yesterday.

We use “couldn’t” to talk about things that were not possible in the past .

Ex) I couldn’t swim when I was five.

We use “could + have +V (p.p)” to talk about things that we had the
opportunity or ability to do in the past .

Ex) I could have won the competition, but I didn’t enter.

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We can use “be able to” in the past simple , present simple, present perfect , and
future simple.
Present simple She is able to help you; just ask her.

Past simple I wasn’t able to ride my bike with a broken foot.

Present perfect: She’s been able to ski since she was four.
Future simple: We'll be able to visit you when we come to Italy next
week. year.

Exercise on grammar
Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
1. I.…………able to ride my bike with a broken foot yesterday.
a)weren’t b)isn’t c)wasn’t d)aren’t
2.We……….be able to visit you when we come to Italy next year.
a)is b)was c)were d)'ll
3. She is able……………you; just ask her.
a)help b)to help c)helps d)helping
4. I………………able to visit my best friend last week.
a)could b)was c)were d)can’t
5. Are you………... to help me cook dinner?
a)could b)able c)can d)been
6. …………….you read when you were five?
a)Could b)Was c)Can d)Were
7. I could……………gone to the party but no one invited me!
a)has b)have c)had d)were

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8. I’d love to…………….able to make my own clothes.
a)be b)been c)can d)was
9. I like music . I ………… the violin .
a) am b)can c)is d) doesn’t
10. When I was two , I ………………...peel an orange .
a) can b) be c) are d) couldn’t
Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the same meaning:

1- She could cook when she was ten. (able to)

2- It was possible for her to help me, but she didn’t. (could)
3- He can run quickly. (is)
4- She was able to do her work. (tomorrow)
5- They could swim. (were)
6- She has been able to ski. (last year)
7- I’m able to write in French. (Are..?)
8- He was able to play tennis when he was five. (What…?)
9- We will be able to visit Luxor next year. (not)
10- They could do their homework yesterday. ( not)

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Mini test

1-Supply the missing parts in the following dialogue:

Mona : What is your favourite hobby?
Hend : (1)……………………………. ………. . I play it on Fridays.
Mona : …………(2) ……………………………. ……….. ?
Hend : In the club.
Mona : How do you go there?
Hend : .............(3) ..................................................................
Mona : Who do you play it with ?
Hend . ……………..(4)………………………………….
Mona : …………………(5) ……………………………. ………………….?
Hend : Yes, I like reading.

2- Read the following passage, then answer the questions:

When people first made carpets hundreds of years ago, they were useful
because they protected feet from cold floors. Over time, carpet making became
an important craft. Turkey was famous for its beautiful carpets in the 1600 s, and
Cairo was also an important center for carpets . People traveled from all over the
world to buy them. Some people didn't want to tread on them , so they put them
on the walls . Some carpets makers have been using the same skill ever since to
make wonderful carpets. However not all carpets today are made by hand.
A) Answer the following questions :
1- What does the underlined pronoun " they " refer to ?
2- Why do you think people made carpets?
3- Why did some people visit Turkey and Cairo in the 1600s?
B) Choose the correct answer :
4- The underlined word " tread on " means ………………..
a)buy b) put your foot on c) weave d) cook on
5- Carpets today are ……………………...... .
a) not always made by hand b) never put on floors
c) expensive d) wonderful

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3-Write a paragraph of 6 sentences about:
"Rules at your school"

Do your best to
achieve your goals

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Test based on unit (3)
A- Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts of the following dialogue:
Ola:- When will you travel?
Leen:- ………………………(1)…………………………..
Ola:- ………………………(2)…………………………...?
Leen:-I'll go there……….(3)……………………..
Ola:- Does your uncle live there?
Leen: …………………(4)…………………………………
Ola:- …………………….…(5)…………………………..?
Leen: I'll stay there for two weeks.
B-Vocabulary and structures

2. Choose the correct word(s) from a, b, c or d:

1. You……………. shout in here, people are trying to work.
a) must b) has to c) have to d) mustn’t
2. You…………………to tell me. I know!
a) doesn’t have b) must c) mustn’t d) don’t have
3. I………………able to visit my best friend last week.
a) could b) was c) were d) can’t
4. Are you………... to help me cook dinner?
a) could b) able c) can d) been
5. …………….you read when you were five?
a) Could b) Was c) Can d) Were
6. She ………………… her bag when she arrived the hotel .
a) unpacked b) back c) black d) block
7. English is ……………. for all students, but art and music are optional.
a) optional b) compulsory c) detention d) ridiculous
8.…………………… school is free for everyone.
a) Private b) International c) State d) National
9.These materials are good …………………..for teaching grammar .
a) resources b) compulsory c) assignment d) detention
10. …………………. means isn't harmful to the environment.
a) Ecological b) Economy c) Community d) Detention

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3. Rewrite the following sentences using word(s) in brackets to give the same meaning:
1- We mustn’t pollute the environment. (keep)
2- You need to read the whole book today. (not)
3- She could cook when she was ten. (able to)
4- It was possible for her to help me, but she didn’t. (could)
5- He can run quickly. (is)
C- Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage, then answer the following questions:
One day, Hanan woke up and thought she was late for school. She jumped out of
bed, washed and put on her clothes. She drank some water but she didn't have time
for breakfast. She came out of the house and started to run. She didn't see many
people. When she was running to school, she was very late and tired. When she
arrived, there wasn't any one at school. It was Friday.

A) Answer the following questions:

1- What was the first thing Hanan did after she put on her clothes?
2- Why wasn't there any one at school?
3- How did Hanan go to her school?
B) Choose the correct answer:

4- Hanan thought she was late for school, so -------------------

a. she didn't have time for breakfast. b. she walked to school.

c. she ate her lunch. d. she drank juice .

5- When she arrived at school she was very -----------------.

a. thirsty b. busy c. tired d. hungry

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5. Write a paragraph of six 6 sentences on Only One of the following topics:
A. Your summer holiday
B. Your typical school day


6. The Novel ( White Fang)
A) Comment only on Two (2) of the following quotations:
1)"He bit me with these white fangs. so, I'll call him White Fang "
2)"You're on our land now. Go back to where you come from"
3) "The forest is free. I can go where I want"
B) Answer only Three (3) of the following questions:
1)Why did Gray Beaver name the grey cub White Fang?
2)Why did Indians tie Kiche to a tree?

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3)Why did Kiche made White Fang stay in the Indians camp and not returned to the wild?
4)What did White Fang do when he saw his mother leaving?

7. Poetry ( Night )

The moon, like a flower,

In heaven's high bower,
With silent delight,
Sits and smiles on the night.
Answer the following questions:
1) Who is the poet and what is the main idea of the poem ?

2) Paraphrase and comment fully on the stanza :


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Chapter 1
**Answer the following questions :
1)Why were Bill and Henry on their way to Fort Mcgerry?
---To bury Lord Alfred.
2) Why did Bill and Henry light a fire?
---To keep the wolves away.
3) Why was Bill confused?
---Because he went to feed six dogs but he found seven.
4)What did the she-wolf look like?
---she was bigger than the wolves.
---she looked like a sled-dog.
---Her fur was grey.
5) Why did Henry want to shoot the she –wolf?
---Because the male dogs followed her in the forest and the wolves killed them.
6) Why couldn't Henry help his friend?
---Because he had no gun and no bullets.

**Comment fully on the following quotations

7)"Why did Frog leave the camp, when he knew that the wolves were there ?"

--It was said by Henry to Bill when the clever dog –Frog- was missed.

8)"Well, I'm going to shoot her the first chance I get ".

--It was said by Bill to Henry after they lost three dogs because of the she-wolf

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Chapter 2
**Answer the following questions
1)What did Henry do when the wolves get too close?
---He picked up a burning piece of wood and threw it at them.
2)What happened to the fire wood on the sled ?
---The wolves stole the fire wood.
3)Why did Henry leave Lord Alfred's coffin in the tree ?
---To help him move faster with an empty sled.
4)What happened when Henry woke up ?
---When he woke up he found the she-wolf had her teeth around his arm.
5)What did Henry see when he woke up in the morning ?
---The fire was out, the wolves weren't there , and there were three men on sleds with
their dogs.

**Comment fully on the following quotations:

6)"Take that , I'll burn you if you get any closer"
--It was said by Henry to wolves when he picked up a burning piece of wood and threw
it at the wolves.
7)"Are you one of lord Alfred's men ?"
--It was said by a man to Henry when he woke up in the morning and found three men
on sleds stopping next to him.

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Chapter 3
**Answer the following questions :
1)How was the she- wolf different from the other wolves?
---She was faster than them and knew more about humans.
2)What was the she-wolf looking for when the weather got warmer and the snow
---She was looking for a small cave next to the river.
3)How many cubs did she have?
---She had five cubs , three males and two females.
4)How did One Eye die?
---He went to hunt for food but he was attacked by a lynx and died.
5)How did the cubs look like?
---They looked like their mother except for one male , which was all grey just like One
6)Why did the Grey cub began to leave the camp?
---Because he learned to look for food along the river , drink from its water and he
wanted to learn more about the world.

**Comment fully on the following quotations

7)"Look at his fangs"
--It was said by one of the Indians to his friends when he saw the Grey cub.
--The cub was afraid so, he showed the man his fangs.
8)"It's Kiche .She ran away when we had no food , maybe she is living with the
--It was said by one of the Indians to his friends when the she wolf came and stood over
her cub.

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Chapter 4
**Answer the following questions
1)Why did Gray Beaver name the grey cub White Fang?
---Because the cub bit him with his white fangs.
2)Why did Indians tie Kiche to a tree?
---Because she could kill the other dogs if there was a fight.
3)Why did Kiche made White Fang stay in the Indians camp and not returned to
the wild?
---Because life in the wild was very hard and there was more food and safety with the
4)What did White Fang do when he saw his mother leaving?
---He jumped into the water to follow his mother , and when she disappeared he looked
up at the sky and howled.

**Comment fully on the following quotations

5)"His father must be a wolf , Kiche is half wolf so, the cubs more wolf than dog"
--It was said by an Indian to Gray Beaver about the cub.
6)"He bit me with these white fangs. so, I'll call him White Fang "
--It was said by Gray Beaver to an Indian man when he was thinking about giving him a

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Chapter 5
**Answer the following questions:
1)Who took care of White Fang after his mother had left?
---Gray Beaver's wife , Kloo-Kooch, and his son , Mit-Sah,.
2)Why didn't the dogs like White Fang ?
---Because he was stronger and faster than them. when they attacked him, he hurt them
3) Why did Gray Beaver give White Fang a plate full of meat ?
---Because he protected Mit-Sah in the forest and bit the boy who fought him.
4) Why did White Fang like living with humans?
---Because he enjoyed lying by the fire and eating their food.
5) Why did White Fang run away from the Indians ?
---Because he wanted to live free like all wolves.

**Comment fully on the following quotations

6)"You're on our land now. Go back to where you come from"
--It was said by an Indian boy to Mit-Sah in the forest.
7)"The forest is free. I can go where I want '.
--It was said by Mit-Sah to the Indian boy in the forest when he wanted Mit-Sah to go
back where he came from.

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 The poet : William Blake was born in London on November
28, 1757 , and died in 1827. He learned to read and write at
home. At the age of ten, Blake expressed a wish to become a
painter, so his parents sent him to a drawing school. Two
years later, Blake began writing poetry. He was interested in
romantic poetry.

 The poem: The poem talks about night and how it is very
quiet and relaxing time . We should enjoy these brilliant
moments of night.

 Descending: setting , going down.

 Seek: look for , try to find.

 Bower: shady place under the trees.

 Delight: happiness, great pleasure.

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Stanza 1
The sun descending in the west,
The evening star does shine;
The birds are silent in their nest,
And I must seek mine.

 Paraphrase:
In the first stanza, the poet talks about night. The sun is going down in the
west. The moon is shining in the sky. Everything is so quiet and the birds
are silent in their nests. The poet says that, he too, must go to his own
nest (home) to get some rest and sleep.

 Commentary
A) Metaphor: "And I must seek mine."
The writer describes his home as a bird's nest.
B) Rhyme scheme: a b a b

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Stanza 2
The moon, like a flower,
In heaven's high bower,
With silent delight,
Sits and smiles on the night.

 Paraphrase:
In the second stanza, the poet is talking about night. The moon looks like
a flower sitting silently and smiling on the night.

 Commentary:
A) Personification: "Sits and smiles on the night."
The poet personifies the moon and makes it sit and smile
B) Rhyme scheme: c c d d

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Final exam (1)
A- Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts of the following dialogue:

Sawsan : When did you go to Aswan?

Rana : …………………………(1)……………………………
Sawsan : ……(2)……………………………….. ?
Rana : I went by train.
Sawsan : ……….(3)………………………………….?
Rana : I went with my family.
Sawsan : How was your trip there?
Rana : ………….(4)………………………
Sawsan : What did you visit there?
Rana : ……………….(5)…………………………….
Sawsan : I will go there next winter.
Rana : Have a nice trip .
B- Vocabulary and structuresw
2. Choose the correct word(s) from a, b, c or d:
1. He always has a great …………………in music.
a) interest b) hang c) mistake d) focus
2. You must be honest and……….. the secrets of your friends.
a) argue b) eat c) run d) keep
3. Do your parents …………. You all the time to spend less time online .
a) nag b) nagging c) nagger d) helper
4..………………is a feeling that you want to know more about someone or something.
a)Classmate b)Joke c)Interest d)Sadness
5. We have to ………………. with each other to exchange information.
a) argue b) nag c) communicate d) judge
6. Kamal plays the harp…………….
a) beautiful b) beautifully c) more beautifully d) more beautiful
7. They answered the questions………………..
a) well b) bad c) worse d) worst
8. She looks………………..
a) beautiful b) nicely c) beautifully d) happily
9. My grandma's cakes still taste …………. the same as when I was a child!
a) exactly b) almost c) really d) the

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10. She's ……………. as old as I am.
a) for b) not quiet c) to d) almost

3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the
same meaning:
1. The train leaves at 12 o'clock. (What time……..?)
2. They are playing tennis now. (every day)
3- He is a noisy person. (noisily)
4- Ahmed is a good writer. (well)
5.She's almost as old as I am. (not quite)
C- Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage then answer the questions:
Mr Mostafa is a teacher of English. He is from Qena. He lives in Dishna. He has got
three brothers and one sister. He is not married. He wants to marry a pretty girl. He
likes football very much. His favourite team is Al Ahly. His favourite singer is Mohamed
Mounir. All students like him as he is so kind and funny. He has got beard and brown
eyes. His favourite writer is Charles Dickens. All neighbours like him as he is friendly
and funny.
A. Answer the following questions:

1)What does Mr Mostafa look like?

2)Where does Mr Mostafa live?
3) Why do students like him?
B. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
4) Mr Mostafa has no…………… .
a-brothers b-sisters c- wife d- friends
5) The underlined word ” pretty” means……………….
a-ugly b-old c- beautiful d- rich

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D- Writing
5. Write a paragraph of six (6) sentences on only One of the following topics:
A. famous place in your city
B. A city you want to visit
E- Literature
6.The Novel ( White Fang)
A) Comment only on Two (2) of the following quotations:
1-“Why did frog leave the camp, when he knew that the wolves were out there”
2-“Take that! I’ll burn you if you get any closer”
3-“Look at his fangs”

B) Answer only Three (3) of the following questions:

1-Why did Henry want to shoot the she wolf?
2-What did Henry do when the wolves got too close?

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3- Why did the Indians tie kiche to a tree?
4- How did the cubs look like ?
7. Poetry ( Night )

The moon, like a flower,

In heaven's high bower,
With silent delight,
Sits and smiles on the night
Answer the following questions:
1) Who is the poet and what is the main idea of the poem ?

2) Paraphrase and comment fully on the stanza :


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Final Test 2
A- Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts of the following dialogue:
Shop assistant : How can I help you?
Customer : ……………………(1)……………………. .
Shop assistant : ……………………(2)…………………..?
Customer : I 'd like a red one .
Shop assistant : ………………………(3)……………... ?
Customer : I'd like a medium size one .
Shop assistant : ………………(4)………………
Customer : Thanks.
Shop assistant : …………………………(5)………… .
B- Vocabulary and structures
2. Choose the correct word(s) from a, b, c or d:
1. My sister and her boyfriend are arguing a lot at the moment. they are going to … .
a) get on b) look after c) get together d) split up
2. I’m lucky because I ……. well with my little brother and we don’t fight at all.
a) fall out b) get on c) grow up d) fall out
3. My friend asked me to ………… her hamster when she’s on holiday.
a) bring up b) fall out with c) get together with d) look after
4.The …………… of passing trucks made it hard to sleep at night.
a)scarce b)rumble c)herd d)pack
5. ……………. is the one with the most power in a group of animals or people.
a)Alpha b)Scarce c) Calf d)Matriarch
6. His schedule is as ………………….. as yours.
a) tight b) tighter c) fighting d) liking
7. Her hair is ……………… long as mine.
a) as b) a c) an d) the
8. I read a lot last summer and the book about the environmental crisis was….fascinating.
a) particularly b) extremely c) really d) very
9. There was a huge spider in the bathroom and I was................. terrified.
a) completely b) extremely c) very d) particularly

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10. She’s ….......... good at history, but awful at geography.
a) completely b) absolutely c) very d) totally

3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the
same meaning:
1.The number of registrations has been slightly lower than we expected. (a little)
2.She's almost as old as I am. (not quite )
3. A new phone can be just as expensive as a new computer these days.
(exactly the same as)
4-I'm extremely bad at Math , I really need to work harder. ( totally)
5-What's so funny? Tell me the joke. (hilarious)

C- Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage then answer the questions:
My name's Dr Aziz. I work in mobile health clinic . The clinics is in a van . We've got two
nurses ,two doctors and a driver in our team. We've been doing this job for five years . I
really enjoy it . Some people live in villages far away from a doctor or a hospital , so we
visit the villages twice a month . We examine people and give them medicine if they are
ill. We haven't got the equipment to do big operations in the van. If a patient is very ill ,
we can call an ambulance to take them to hospital. We also visit schools and teach
children about their health.

A- Answer the following question.

1. Where does Dr. Aziz work?
2. Do you think a mobile health clinic helps all ill people ? Why?
3. What does the underlined word "them" refer to ?
B- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c, or d:
4. Dr Aziz has been doing this job for ………….…… years.
a) five b) two c) three d) six

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5. Dr Aziz examines people and gives them medicine if they are ……………
a) cold b) bad c) ill d) sad
D- Writing

5. Write a paragraph of six (6) sentences on only One of the following topics:
A. Your favourite hobby
B. Your favourite sport

E- Literature
6. The Novel ( White Fang)

A) Comment only on Two (2) of the following quotations:

1-"Well.I'm going to shoot her the first chance I get. We can't lose any more dogs ".
2-"He bit me So, I'll call him "white fang'.
3-"You're on our land now. Go back to where you come from"
B) Answer only Three (3) of the following questions:
1-Why did Gray Beaver give white fang a plate full of meat?
2-Why did Gray Beaver name the gray cub "White Fang"?
3-How was the she-wolf different from the other wolves

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4-What did the she-wolf look like?

6. Poetry ( Night )
The sun descending in the west,
The evening star does shine;
The birds are silent in their nest,
And I must seek mine.
Answer the following questions:
1) Who is the poet and what is the main idea of the poem ?

2) Paraphrase and comment fully on the stanza :


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Final test 3
A- Language functions
1. Supply the missing parts of the following dialogue:
Maysoun: Hello Shorouk.
Shorouk: …………………(1)…………………………...
Maysoun: ……………………(2)……………………..?
Shorouk: I'm studying English.
Maysoun: ………………………(3)…………………..?
Shorouk: Yes, we will have a test tomorrow.
Maysoun: Do you like English ?
Shorouk: Yes, …………(4)………….
Maysoun: Who is your English teacher this year?
Shorouk: …………………(5)…………………………
B- Vocabulary and structures
2. Choose the correct word(s) from a, b, c or d:
1. English is ……………. for all students, but art and music are optional.
a) optional b) compulsory c) detention d) ridiculous
2. I’d never played tennis before , and I wasn’t aware ………………….. rules .
a) in b) of c) on d) about
3. I am ………………….. that we can win this .
a) angry b) confident c) conflict d) nervous
4. …………….. means a project or piece of work .
a) Register b) Detention c) Assignment d) Resource
5. How can I improve my speaking …………………… .
a) skull b) skill c) sell d) sail
6. We…………need to read the whole book today, only the first chapter.
a)don’t b) doesn’t c) isn’t d) aren’t
7. I……………..go to the dentist next week.
a) need b) needs to c) need to d) to need
8. Are you………... to help me cook dinner?
a)could b)able c)can d)been
9. …………….you read when you were five?
a)Could b)Was c)Can d)Were

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10. I could……………gone to the party but no one invited me!
a)has b)have c)had d)were
3. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets to give the
same meaning:
1-He has to study hard. (What……?)
2- We have to save our time. (What…….?)
3- I must go to the dentist. (need to)
4- She was able to do her work. (tomorrow)
5- They could swim. (were)
D- Reading comprehension
4. Read the following passage, then answer the questions:
The boy who wants to become a great military leader and King of Prussia began his
career hating the life of a soldier. Frederick II was born in Berlin. His father was King
Frederick I. His mother was Princess Sophia. Frederick's father wanted a military
education for his son. The boy preferred music and art. The king didn't allow the
prince's teacher to teach him Latin, but he studied it and the classics in secret. As
Frederick became older, the relationship between father and son grew worse.
Frederick's mother and his sister stood with him against his father. When Frederick was
18, he tried to escape by running away. But his father caught him and punished him.
Later the boy changed to be polite.
A) Answer the following questions:
1- Where was Prince Frederick born?
2- How did the prince try to escape?
……………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………..
3- The underlined word "he" refers to whom?
B) Choose the correct answer:
4- Frederick's mother and his sister were …………………..with him.
a) agree b) accept c) disagree d) refuse

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5- Frederick preferred …………………….education.
a) science b) literature c) math d) military
D- Writing
5. Write a paragraph of six (6) sentences on only One of the following topics

A. Your favourite food

B. A story you read before


E- literature

6. The Novel ( White Fang)

A) Comment only on (2) of the following quotations:

1-"He bit me with these white fangs so, I'll call him white fang"
2-"Look at his fangs"
3-"Take that, I'll burn you if you get any closer"

B) Answer only Three (3) of the following questions:

1-Why did Henry want to shoot the she-wolf?

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2-What did Henry do when the wolves get too close?
3-How was the she-wolf different from other wolves?
4-Why did Gray Beaver name the grey cub White Fang?

7. Poetry ( Night )
The moon, like a flower,
In heaven's high bower,
With silent delight,
Sits and smiles on the night
Answer the following questions:
1) Who is the poet and what is the main idea of the poem ?
2) Paraphrase and comment fully on the stanza :

With our sincere wishes

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