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Muh Fadly A Rahman

Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta of University
Domestics Tour, Holiday Tourism
Praise and gratitude we pray for the presence of God Almighty, therefore
with this we can complete the paper that we compiled as well as possible. So that
the reader in this case can understand the contents of this paper properly and

The writing of this paper is carried out in order to have an effective impact in
increasing the value of visitor interest in tourist objects, so that this paper creates
new information about tourist and cultural objects that can be visited by visitors in
the special area of Yogyakarta. The existence of writing this paper raises hope for
us to all Indonesian people so that they can visit and vacation around all tourist
attractions in Yogyakarta.

We hereby thank you very much.

Yogyakarta, 1 march 2022

For this page about the introduction, we need to asking about the general
about our tittle by this paper, in writing this paper, we can see that the theme of this
TRAVELING” is how we can recognize nature and culture in the Yogyakarta area,
an area full of natural wealth and diverse cultures that we can visit with Jogja id.
Travel. Here is Jogja ID. Travel is a place for visitors to visit and enjoy nature and
culture in the Yogyakarta area, Indonesia.

In writing this paper will also discuss about tourist objects that can be visited
by tourists, there are four tourist objects including; Malioboro, Prambanan Temple,
Parangtritis Beach, and also Taman Sari Yogyakarta. This paper will discuss the
explanation of these attractions, so that tourists can find out the benefits of visiting
these attractions, where there are tourist objects that can be used as a place for
vacation and also as a place to learn about a place full of cultural values in
Yogyakarta, such as the Prambanan Temple and Taman Sari Yogyakarta.
This paper was created as a means for tourists to get to know more about the
tourist objects in Malioboro, so that this paper is able to provide more satisfying
benefits for nature and culture lovers in Indonesia. This paper uses an
approximation method, namely by collecting or making data about tourism
enthusiasts in Yogyakarta, and also providing satisfaction results for tourists who
have or have traveled or vacationed in the Yogyakarta area. This paper also
discusses domestic travel or tours, namely trips or visits that only cover the
country, with the aim of how tourists can visit and enjoy nature in Yogyakarta.
Therefore, this paper is included in the category of “holiday tourism” as
previously mentioned. In addition, this paper also discusses the tourism industry
which includes Jogja id travel and several natural and cultural destinations in
Yogyakarta. In This level of the nature tourism industry includes a wide variety of
businesses that provide services to ecotourists, including ecolodges, private nature
reserves, hotels, restaurants, bars, and suppliers of entertainment, transportation,
souvenirs, supplies, and guides. While these businesses are usually located in rural
areas near ecotour destinations, they may be owned and operated by international,
national, or local economic interests. As with the other components of nature
tourism, little systematic research has explicitly examined this segment and the
global coverage is very scattered. One of the few case studies was a detailed
assessment of tourism and local development after the formation of a national park
in Tortuguero, Costa Rica (Place 1988, 1991).
Place concluded that park-based tourism had become important to the local
economy, although few of the villagers were aware of the economic value of the
park. A more problematic assessment of the local economic impacts of ecotourism
was offered by Honey (1994). Her analysis of nature tourism in the Galapagos and
Monteverde indicated that relatively little of the profit ended up in local hands.
Instead, she noted that larger private interests from urban areas tended to control
and reap the ''local'' benefits of nature tourism. Finally, a budding research topic
within this realm is ecolodges. The Ecotourism Society organized a popular field
seminar on this topic in 1994 and published a comprehensive resource book
(Hawkins, Wood, and Bittman 1995).

Tourism is a journey from one place to another, temporary in nature, carried
out individually or in groups, as trying to find balance or harmony and
happiness with environment in social, cultural, natural and scientific
dimensions (Spilane, 1987). According to Sujali (1989), in emphasizing the
study of geography based on a spatial approach, through a geographical
elements such as elements of location, area, shape, boundaries and spread.
Tourism can bring many benefits to society economically, socially and
Yogyakarta in Indonesia is very well known for its area rich in culture and
natural preservation, thus spurring the public to come and visit this area of
Yogyakarta for various purposes, such as vacationing, studying, and
enjoying everything that exists in this area of Yogyakarta.
Jogja is also known as the city of students, this is evidenced by the many
schools and colleges both private and public in Jogja. With these educational
facilities, Yogyakarta is a destination for students from various regions in
Indonesia to study. The students and students also bring the culture of their
respective regions, so that when you visit Jogja, you will certainly see
people from various parts of Indonesia. So not infrequently Jogja is also
referred to as a miniature of Indonesia. The experience of studying in Jogja
will give them special memories that will make them want to repeat the
romance of the past and definitely want to return to Jogja. In addition, there
are also many art performances and music concerts with the theme of
diversity in diversity, upholding differences by synergizing an art in a
performance that is always there every month which is initiated by students
and students who are currently studying in Yogyakarta.

B. Kind of Travel
The type of travel or tour to be carried out in this proposal is Domestic tour,
where this domestic tour means tourism that involves residents of a country
traveling only within that country. This domestic holiday is a vacation spent
in the same country with the aim of referring more to "holiday tourism".
This holiday tourism is a travel program or tour based on holidays in several
exciting places or tours that can be visited in the Yogyakarta area.

C.Formulation Case of Papers

Based on the background and types of tours discussed above, there are
several problem formulations, including the following:
1. How to increase the interest of visitors to enjoy tourism in the
Yogyakarta area?
2. What are the special tours that can be visited in the Yogyakarta
3. How much does it cost consumers or tourists to be able to visit and
travel in Yogyakarta?

D. Papers Purpose
The purpose of making this "jogja id" travel business paper is to
introduce unique and special tourist attractions to all Indonesian children,
that Indonesia has an area full of cultural and natural wealth that can be
enjoyed by children and even Indonesian parents.

E. Benefit of Papers
The expected benefits of this paper are:
1. Increase the interest of the Indonesian people to visit and enjoy the nature of
2. Introducing Indonesian culture and nature to all Indonesian people.

In those chapter 3, we will discuss the process and marketing that will be
carried out by travel or this paper, where in this chapter we will explain the
programs and the time series of programs that will be implemented starting from
the arrival to the return of tourists. And this paper will also explain about
marketing in the form of tour packages for potential tourists who will travel with
Jogja Travel ID. Where previously we know that there are several tourist objects
that can be visited by tourists such as Malioboro, beaches, etc. Therefore, this
paper will explain in detail about this tourist attraction.

Tourist attractions in Yogyakarta

Tourist attractions or attractions are everything that is in the area a
tourist destination that is an attraction so that people want to come to visit
to that place. In DIY, there are many tourist attractions including beaches,
waterfalls, hills and museums, including the following:
1. Malioboro
Malioboro is the name of a street in Yogyakarta. Malioboro Street
very famous and has become one of the tourist attractions in Yogyakarta a
must visit, even to take pictures at the Malioboro street marker, we often
times have to queue first. The name Jalan Malioboro comes from the
language Sanskrit and means wreath. Malioboro Street offers endless
shopping and culinary experiences. at noon During the day, along Jalan
Malioboro there are many sellers of clothes, bags, sandals, handicrafts,
batik, accessories, and other unique items that can be purchased at a low
price. Meanwhile, at night, there are lots of food vendors Yogyakarta's
typical lesehan along Jalan Malioboro.
2. Prambanan Tample
The location of the temple is located on the edge of Jl. Raya Yogya
Solo, precisely ±17 km from The center of Yogya is in the village of
Prambanan, Sleman Regency. This temple occupies an area of 39.8 ha with
the tallest building 47 meters and the temple which is a This Hindu
civilization in Java has been established by UNESCO since 1991 as a
World Cultural Heritage.

3. Parangtritis Beach
Parangtritis Beach is the most famous beach in Yogyakarta
Parangtritis Beach deserves to be called as one of the tourist attractions in
Yogyakarta that must visit. Located about 25 KM south of Yogyakarta city
center, Pantai Parangtritis is a beach located on the edge of the Indian
Ocean so it has a the characteristics of the waves and currents are quite
large and strong. The Uniqueness of the Beach Parangtritis is the presence
of dunes called dunes around the beach.

4. Taman S ari Yogyakarta

Taman Sari Yogyakarta or Taman Sari Keraton Yogyakarta is the site
of the former palace gardens or gardens of the Ngayogyakarta Hadiningrat
Palace, which can be compared to Taman Sari Surakarta and Bogor
Botanical Gardens as gardens of the Bogor Palace. This garden was built
during the time of Sultan Hamengku Buwono I in 1758-1765.

Programs of This Tours

The programs that will be carried out during the tour are as follows:

Name of Tour Program : JOGJA ID. TRAVEL

Number of Pax : 5 pax + (1 tour guide)
Duration : 2 Days 1 Night
Object and Tourist Attraction :
1. Malioboro
2. Candi Prambanan
3. Parangtritis Beach
4. Taman sari of Yogyakarta

Name of Hotel/star : Arya Duta House’s

Name of Local Restaurant : Rumah Makan Ampera

And also there are the set right time by this program is :
Day 1,
 10:00 am, airport pick up tourism.
 12:00 am, take a lunch and rest at the hotel.
 13:00-16:00 am, go to the Taman sari of yogyakarta and wander
around it.
 16:00-18:00 pm, go to the restaurant to take a dinner, and around in
the city of jogja and malioboro.
 19:00 pm, go to the hotel and take a night rest

Day 2,
 07:30-08:30 am, preparing a luggeges, and take a breakfast at the
restaurant in hotel.
 08:30-12:00 am, go to the Parangtritis Beach to enjoy the morning
atmosphere on the beach and Prambanan temple, study about the
history of the temple.
 12:00-13:00 am, take a rest and lunch at the restaurant.
 13:40 am, go to the airport .

Documentation by jogja id. Travel in this below:

 Meeting online with all of tourism who will join the program, this online
meeting is we do before the tourism arrive in Yogyakarta.

 Documentation with the tourism who was join this tour program.
This photo take in Malioboro and Taman sari Yogyakarta, the photo in
Taman sari Yogyakarta take in noon a day, and for the picture of malioboro is take
in night a day.

Process marketing is a marketing method where the marketing section aims
to market this travel business to the public, elementary schools, high schools,
junior high schools, and even university students. In this marketing section, jogja
id. Travel markets and introduces its business through several media including
insatgram, whatsapp story, and several other media and in this marketing process
will also discuss the budget of funds expected and generated by jogja travel id, or
what we call the accumulated costs to be paid, as follows :

 Form of business promotion flyer for Jogja Travel ID.

the poster image above (jogja id. Travel), can be a promotion of the
jogja id travel business. To attract domestic tourists to visit and participate in
holiday activities that will be held by Jogja Travel ID in Yogyakarta.

 Media promotion use by this travel

Instagram is one of the promotional media used in promoting this travel

business, with the aim of attracting customers to participate in this Jogja id
travel program.

Whatssap is one of the promotional media used in promoting this Jogja ID

travel, but the form of promotion is only in the WhatsApp story section.

Twitter is one of the third promotional media used in promoting the Jogja id
travel program, because by using twitter, we from Jogja id can see and hope
that this travel business can be known among the public.
1 Akomodasi 1,500,000
2 Meal:
- Dinner Hotel 150.000
- Dinner local restaurant 150.000
- Lunch local restaurant

3 Transportation:
Halfday 400.000
Fullday 800.000

4 Guide Fee:
- Transfer out 50.000
- Halfday 100.000
- Fullday

5 Entrance fee:
Malioboro 30.000
Parangtritis beach 80.000
Prambanan 80.000
Taman sari 70.000
6 Parking Fee (4x) @20.000 80.000
7 Parking driver tlp 30 @50.000 150.000
1.780.000/$178 2.160.000/$216


Price per pax (net buying price) 1.780.000 + 2.160.000
356.000 + 2.160.000 = 2.516.000
Profit Margin 20% 2.516.000 + 10% = 2.767.000
Tour price 2.516.000 +3% = 2.591.480
Rounding up 2.600.000
Price $260

The table above is the price accuracy contained in this travel business.

Regarding the checklist and tourist satisfaction, we will describe in chapter
4, there are 10 tourists who have participated in this program and tour trip since
this March, where this activity is only carried out in two days and one night, and at
that time there are several lists. the value of satisfaction we receive from tourists
who have participated in this activity, we make the funds in the form of diagrams
or graphs. And also in chapter 4, some progress photos and a list of customer
satisfaction with Jogja ID travel will be attached. This. Here are some of the
attachments, as follows below:

 Checklist tourism with kind bookings list

In this tourism checklist section, attach a list of tourists who participate in
this Jogja ID travel program. This is a list of booking dates for Jogja Travel

Booking’s Date (1)

Name of all tour Age Start from
sex : 18 Place
march of
End : 19 march 2022
Abel Febri Andes 20 Man Kebumen
Nasir Abdullah 20 Man Bayuwangi
Inka aprissa 19 Woman Indramayu
Dinda putri 20 Woman Gamping
Sekar ayu 18 Woman Gamping

Signature, 15 march 2022

Name of all tour Age sex Place of origin
Adelia chaerunnisa 20 Woman Wonosobo
Rahul rahman 21 Man Makassar
Aeritho anshar 18 Man Makassar
Hamsinah 19 Woman Parepare
Rahman H. 20 Man Surabaya

Booking’s Date (2)

Start from : 18 march 2022

End : 19 march 2022

Signature, 15 march 2022

 Satisfaction tourism, who has joined with travel jogja id. To travelling or
tour in around Yogyakarta.

In this satisfaction section, a diagram will be attached regarding the

responses from several tourists who have participated in the trip or vacation
organized by Jogja Travel id. Therefore, there are 2 questions given to
tourists in order to provide feedback regarding the satisfaction and feasibility
of the facilities provided by Jogja Travel ID. To the tourists, the questions
were given in the form of a google form, to make it easier for tourists to
provide feedback to Jogja Travel ID. The following is a diagram of the
tourists' responses below:

Accessible form of assessment:

A = very satisfied
B= satisfied
C = not satisfied
D = disappointing

Question’s and answered by some tourism,

1. How do you feel about your trip/vacation?

2. How do you fell about the facities provided by jogja id travel provide?

The packages tourism get from jogja id travel in this below:

Package includes:
 1 night stay at the hotel
 Breakfast and dinner (1)
 Lunch (2)
 All entrance tickets to the attractions mentioned above (according to
the route)
 Complimentary Mineral water 1 bottle per day
 Car, driver and petrol according to the route
 Parking and levies
 Prices include tax (Tax)

Packages dosen’t include:

 Personal expenses


From the each chapter before above so that we can get or draw conclusions
from the discussion above that Indonesia is a country full of natural wealth and
also a variety of unique and interesting cultures, so the role of the Indonesian
people in this case is how the Indonesian people can love culture. And Indonesian
nature. Especially in the yogyakarta area by visiting and learning about the nature
and culture in yogyakarta. So that with this the feeling and soul of the Indonesian
people’s love for the country where the Indonesian people themselves were born
and raised there is formed. And also the point is how the Indonesian people can
make tourism objects in Indonesia better known to all corners of the world.

In the second chapter regarding the explanation of the literature review, the tourism
industry should be further developed because the development of tourism in
various villages will have a major influence on increasing the economic value of an
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