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I. INTRODUCTION, features of a dosing pump


2.1. Flow
2.2. Velocity and acceleration of fluid
2.3. Pressure


3.1. Contraints from flow
3.2. Contraints from pressure
3.3. Some simple precautions

4.1. Introduction
4.2. NPSH Calculations
4.3. The general case of non-viscous fluids
4.4. Improving the NPSH conditions
4.5. NPSH tests


5.1. In general
5.2. Maximum pressure in the liquid end
5.3. Criteria for overflow/siphoning effect
5.4. Usual solutions


6.1. Balancing pot
6.2. Constant level tank
6.3. Pulsation dampers
6.4. Determining the damper


7.1. Schematics of typical installations
7.2. Particular case of slurries
7.3. Particular case of aerated liquids


8.1. In general - API Standards
8.2. Linearity
8.3. Repeatability
8.4. Steady state accuracy
8.5. Deviation from rated flow

Features of a dosing pump
This handbook is designed for use by Unlike a centrifugal pump, the
engineers and technicians who may reciprocating action of a dosing pump
be dealing with new projects or main- interact greatIy with the suction and
tenance, involving the selection and discharge pipework in an installation.
installation of a Dosapro Milton Roy For this reason NPSH must be also a
dosing pump. consideration in the selection process
(see 3.2. for discharge pipework inte-
Included is all necessary information
raction and 4.2. for NPSH
to determine standard installation, and
to avoid the all too frequent classical calculations).
faults responsible for so many pump
For non standard special/
sophisticated applications, Dosapro
Milton Roy can provide engineers and
designers with further assistance:

• Technical Assistance Department

• Applications and Projects

A dosing pump is a positive

displacement, reciprocating pump
with adjustable flow whilst running or
stopped. Thus it is essential to
differentiate between a dosing pump
and a centrifugal pump; a dosing
pump has a pulsating flow where
suction and discharge phases can be
viscosity cp

This feature is always considered

when choosing a pump and designing
an installation. Various parameters
dictate the final selection of the pump:
The first stages of selection come from
considerations of flow rate and pres-
sure. Additional consideration of the
power required from the pump then
determines which range to choose.
Viscosity of the process fiuid is the
second factor to be taken into
account; this determines the type of
valve (standard ball or spring
assisted) and the maximum stroke
rate. Figure 1 shows this graphically;
zone I shows that a pump in standard stroke/mm
configuration will operate
satisfactorily; Zone Il, pumping
viscous liquids, will need spring Fig. 1
loaded valves; Zone III shows a region
where special designs would be
necessary for satisfactory operation.

an overpressure, as pump tries to
2.1. Flow displace it.
The internal mechanism of the dosing End:
pump generates a reciprocating ac- Middle:
• Velocity is zero: as suction valve clo-
tion resulting in a particular flow pat-
ses, fluid speed reduces. • Velocity is a maximum: greater than
tern at suction and discharge. Most
• Acceleration is a maximum: liquid three times the mean velocity. Viscous
dosing pumps piston motion is created
column is being stopped - fluid inertia friction loss is a maximum and cau-
by a connecting-rod/crank assembly,
creates an overpressure at the suction ses an overpressure.
which is almost sinusoidal. A typical
valve. • Acceleration is zero: fluid is in mo-
relationship for a simplex single ac-
ting pump, is shown in figure 2; the tion.
maximum instantaneous flow rate is Discharge phase:
3.14 (π) times the mean flow! End:
• Velocity is zero: as discharge valve
Simplex single effect • Velocity is zero: as the discharge closes, fluid speed reduces.
valve opens, the liquid column is • Acceleration is a maximum: liquid
stationary. column is being stopped - fluid inertia
• Acceleration is a maximum: interia creates a depression at the pump
of liquid in discharge line results in discharge valve.

2.3. Pressure acceleration phenomena. Figure 3

illustrates the effect of a simplex sin-
Pressure fluctuations in the suction gle acting pump.
Fig. 2 and discharge lines results from the
pulsating flow and associated

2.2. Velocity and

acceleration of fluid
Suction phase:

• Velocity is zero: as the suction
valve opens, the suction liquid column
is stationary.
• Acceleration is a maximum: the
pump causes a depression due to
inertia of the liquid column to be moved.

• Velocity is a maximum: greater than
three times the mean velocity. Viscous SUCTION
friction loss is a maximumand causes
a depression.
• Acceleration is zero: fluid is in mo-

Fig. 3

Pressure at points B or D must not be of a damping system (balancing pot,
3.1. Constraints from flow such that a siphon effect is set up constant level vessel or accu-
between suction and discharge: mulator). Inertia effects are reduced
A pulsing flow may be unacceptable dynamic suction pressure at B must which diminishes pressure at B and
due to process or instrumentation not be above the static discharge increases pressure at C1 and C2.
requirements (most flow meters are pressure; similarly the dynamic Introduction of a back-pressure (or
designed to respond to a steady flow). discharge pressure at D must not be loading) valve increases the diffe-
In these circumstances, pulsations lower than the static head at the rential pressure between suction and
must be avoided. (See section VI). suction. discharge thus reducing the siphoning
See corresponding calculations in sec- effect between B and D.
3.2. Constraints from
tions IV and V. Low stroke speed and triplex arran-
pressure gement are sometimes solutions that
In figure 3, if points A1 & A2 reach the 3.3. Some simple stand out.
fluid vapour pressure or hydraulic oil
vapour pressure (in the case of
hydraulically actuated diaphragm Keeping pipe lengths to a minimum,
pump), cavitation will occur. NPSH increasing pipe diameter and the ins-
calculations determine this. tallation of a damper at discharge,
greatIy reduce inertia effects - pressure
If pressure at points B, C1 and C2
at C1, and C2 reduce whilst the pres-
risen too much, the system or pump
sure at D improves (increases).
maximum allowable pressure may be
exceeded = damage or malfunction Similar rules apply to the suction -
of relief valves, drive motor, flanges, reducing pipe lengths and increasing
etc. the diameter plus the inclusion


4.1. Introduction However, the calculations made for a performance can be affected by the
NPSH (Net Positive Suction Head) centrifugal (based on constant flow) discharge system. (see section 3.2).
relates to the available hydraulic will no longer apply.
Thus a knowledge of the installation
energy at a given point in a system In fact, for a dosing pump, friction (or assumptions) is necessary to
when centrifugal pump (constant flow) losses due to viscosity should be calculate the NPSH available and
is installed. The system will have an calculated for maximum fiuid velo- therefore to determine the perfor-
«Available» NPSH and the pump will city: 3.14 (π ) times the mean value. mance of the pump in the system.
«require» a certain NPSH to function. Also acceleration effects must be
The required NPSH will thus be a included and they depend on pump
characteristic of the chosen pump. and characteristics of the suction line
Similarly, a dosing pump requires an (Iength and diameter, etc).
NPSH value less than the available In addition, unlike most centrifugal
NPSH for its correct performance. pumps, a dosing pumps’s

4.2. NPSH Calculations
During the suction cycle, cavitation is
avoided when the absolute pressure
at any point remains above the vapour
pressure expressed as follows:

4.2.1 Calculation of
NPSH available > NPSH required
available static NPSH - NPSHa
NPSH available and NPSH required abbreviated in future to NPSHa and Applying Bernouilli’s formula at point
NPSHr . A where the fluid is considered to be
static, velocity and acceleration terms
become zero.

(Pa - Tv) + Ha
NPSHa = δ

NPSHa in metres of liquid column

(mlc) with:

δ : specific gravity of fluid

Ha : physical height in metres
Pa, Tv : pressures in bar abs.

Some diaphragm pumps with

hydraulic lost motion require a mini-
mum static NPSHa. This is so for
Dosapro Milton Roy mROY and
MAXROY pumps.

4.2.2. Determination of head loss

Fig. 4 along a pipe ∆H

Caused by acceleration Z

In the schematic installation shown in viscous fluid whose motion is not

figure 4, the Bernouilli formula constant, results in the formula being Z = 0.016
written: d²
describes the conservation of energy.
Applied to an incompressible,

Z is expressed in mlc with:

P-TV L dV L V2
+ H+ + 1+(Ø1+Ø2) =C ste
ρg g dt d 2g L : total lenght of pipe in
meters (m)
with: Q : mean flow in liters per hour
P : static pressure d : diameter of the pipe in
ρ : fluid density millimeters (mm)
g : acceleration due to gravity N : stroke speed of the pump
H : physical height in strokes per minute (spm)
L : lenght of pipe
V : fluid velocity
Ø1 : specified load loss coefficient
Ø2 : pipe loss coefficient
d : pipe diameter
TV : vapour pressure at pumping temperature.

Friction loss Y
Friction loss in the suction can usually
be obtained from standard table/
graphs, but be careful: maximum flow
rate is 3.14 times the mean flow.
Calculation is also possible by using
the formula:

Le Q ν
Y = 3.63
δ d4

Y is expressed in mlc with:

Le : equivalent pipe lenght in

ν : viscosity in centipoise
Q, δ, d : l/h, s.g, mm.

Determination of total head loss

As shown above, losses due to fric-
tion are out of phase compared to
acceleration losses. The combination
of Z and Y depends of their relative
levels and ∆ H is determined as
follows and according to graph of
Fig. 5:
• Calculate Y/Z
• Find coefficient k using graph in
figure 5
• Calculate total head Ioss (mlc):

∆ H = kZ

Fig. 5

In general, for non viscous fluids, fric- 4.2.4. Conditions for pumping: If this condition is not met the pump
tion losses Y are small compared to will cavitate and may lose it’s prime
Usually a 2 mlc safety margin is resulting in:
acceleration losses, since they are out
applied to give:
of phase, have no effect since k = 1. - Loss of flow and accuracy
Refer to paragraph 4.3.
- Noise and vibration
NPSHa - ∆ H > 2 + NPSHr
- Increased wear.
4.2.3. Determination of internal
This value depends on the pump
selected and the viscosity of the fluid NPSHa > 2 + ∆ H + NPSHr
to be pumped, and is provided by the
pump manufacturer. In general, for
non viscous fluids, the internal NPSH
of a dosing pump is not significant
compared to acceleration loss. (See
paragraph 4.3).

4.3. The General Case of
non viscous fluids
Most application can be treated as is negligible compared to
non-viscous where friction losses acceleration losses. In this situation
can be ignored and internal NPSH the condition for good performance

10.2 (Pa - Tv) + Ha > 2 + 0.016 L Q N

δ d²
NOTE Ha is + ve for a flooded suction
Ha is - ve for a suction lift

• The internal NPSHr when a viscous

4.4. Improving the NPSH 4.5. NPSH Tests fluid is to be used, ie:
conditions The internal NPSHr depends on the
process fluid’s viscosity and acce-
When it is found that the NPSH con- leration losses are determined by the NPSHr
ditions are inadequate, a number of installation arrangement. There is
modifications can be suggested which therefore no standard NPSH test
usually include: available which is meaningful. Tests • The energy balance, ie:
- Increasing NPSHa by increasing Ha. can be performed using water with a
flexible suction line sized to simulate:
- Siting the pump close to the suction NPSHa - ∆ H - NPSHr
tank reducing L and Le and thus • The available NPSH at the suction of
decreasing ∆ H. the liquid end, ie:
- Increasing the diameter, d, of the
suction line reduces Y and Z resulting NPSHa - ∆ H
in a decreasing ∆ H
- Introducting a suction damper close
to the inlet of the pump, reduces the
inertia effects and so reduces ∆ H.

5.1. In General discharge in the same manner as the Conclusion:
suction was (using the same style of
notation ‘d’ represents discharge). It is necessary to keep these pres-
Calculations of viscous friction loss,
See figure 3. sures below the maximum rated for
acceleration loss together with the
the pump, or any single component,
combined effect is analysed for the
to prevent mechanical failure, or
overloaded motor, etc.

5.3. Criteria for overflow/

siphoning effect

During Suction:

Pmax = Pa + (Ha + Za)

Ensure that this dynamic pressure at
point B (reached at the end of the
suction stroke) is less than the static
discharge line pressure Pd, otherwise
overflow may take place.

During discharge:

Pmin = Pr + (Hd - Zd)

This Pmin is minimum pressure at D,

at the end of the discharge phase and
Fig. 3 must remain above Pa to ensure there
is no overflow.

5.2. Maximum pressure Pmax = Pa +

(Ha + Za)
Also check Pmin is above the vapour
pressure of the process fluid or the
in the liquid end 10.2
hydraulic oil (where applicable).

During Suction:
The maximum pressure is that at the point B at the entry to the liquid end.

During Discharge:
Pmax = Pd + (Hd + ∆Hd + NPSHr)

Hd is the geometric height of discharge. This maximum pressure is

corresponding to pressures C1 or C2.

5.4. Usual Solutions When a back pressure valve is used, multiplexing is summarised in the
the NPSH calculation incorporates the following table:
additional counter pressure. In some
Pressure fluctuations can be damped
cases, the calculation result shows an
when a mutiplex assembly is used or
impossibility, the only remedy being
by a pulsation damper.
is a pulsation damper.
Also note the inclusion of a back pres-
The combined effect of dampers, back
sure/loading valve usually illuminates
pressure/loading valve and
overflow/siphoning problems due to

Z Y ∆H

Mean Acceleration Friction Total

flow loss loss loss

Triplex unit 3Q 0.5 Z Y 0.5 Z + Y


Pulsation damper Q 0.2 Z 0.2 Y 0.2 Z + 0.2 Y
Pulsation damper Q 0.05 Z 0.15 Y 0.05 Z + 0.15 Y

(1) Q, Z, Y based on a single head

(2) Typical values.


A pulsation dampening device atte-

nuates both flow and pressure pul-
sations caused by a reciprocating
dosing pump. Its effect is to reduce
the inertia effects as shown in
figure 6.

6.1. Balancing Pot (Fig. 7)

A suction damping device fitted when
pipe lengths cause NPSH problems. Fig. 6
During the suction phase of the pump
fluid is drawn from the pot, which is
kept at the same pressure as the bulk
storage tank. Refill of the pot occurs
by gravity, during the discharge phase
of the pump.

NPSH calculations can now be made

for the section of pipe between the pot
and the pump. Often the pot can be
used as a calibration device or as a
means of allowing heavily aerated
fluids to gas-off.

To size the pot use, 15 to 20 times

the pump’s swept volume. Fig. 7

6.2. Constant level tank

(Fig. 8)

Fig. 8

Principle similar to a balancing pot, 6.3.2. Dampers without Pulsation damper without separator
plus: separators and with precharge:
- (in left sketch): gravity fed with float
Pumped fluid is in contact with the Damping gas is introduced under
dampening gas. An inert gas is usually pressure into the vessel. This
- (in right sketch): pump fed by a used, mostIy nitrogen. Frequent main- precharge must be less than the nor-
transfer pump or pressurised bulk tenance is required since the gas may mal line pressure.
storage with high and low level control be absorbed or dissolved by the
- calibration service can be used as pumped fluid.
well as gas-release
- sizing is similar to a balancing pot: Pulsation dampers without
15 to 20 times pump’s swept volume. separators, without precharge:
The damping gas is not under any
6.3. Pulsation Dampers pressure.
6.3.1. Principle of operation:
In time, when the pulsations have
Pulsation dampers or dampeners are become too large the following must
vessels filled with an inert gas. Com- be done (see Fig. 9):
pression of the gas dampens the pul-
sations and reduces the inertia • Switch off the pump
effects. • Isolate the damper by closing valve 1
Dampers may be fitted to suction or
discharge lines, but have limited and opening valve 2
efficiency in suction lines. In practice,
most dampers operate only with a • Drain the damper
Fig. 10
positive pressure.
• Close valve 2 and open valve 1
In time, when the pulsations have
• Re-start pump become too large, simple re-charge
the vessel with gas. Unlike the
previous system, the pump may be
kept running.
Fig. 9

The Particular Case of a liquid in a Other versions can be used with Dosing pump installations rarely
gas-Iiquid equilibrium PTFE diaphragms, bellows or metal require such systems since the
pistons, but there are limitations to frequency of pulsations is so low, eg.
It is possible to use a damper without their use. a triplex pump running at 150 SPM
separator which requires no mainte- reaches 15 Hz.
nance: the damper has a heated 6.3.4. The particular case of
jacket and continuous vaporisation of resonators or hydraulic silencers
the liquid which maintains the gas- (Fig.13)
Iiquid equilibrium (Fig. 11).
Unlike previously described dam-
pers, hydraulic silencers do not act as
flow dampers. Their use is to filter
hydraulic pulsations in order to reduce

Fig 11

6.3.3. Pulsations dampers with

separators and pre-charge:

Dampers are pre-charged with gas

(Iower than working pressure, usually
60% to 80 %). This gas is separated
from the working fluid by a flexible Fig. 13
barrier (diaphragm, bladder), often
made of elastomer. See Fig. 12.

6.4. Determining
the damper
6.4.1. In General

Sizing of a damper assumes an

isothermic inflation (PV = constant) and
Fig. 12 its operation follows an adiabatic cycle
(PV = constant)

6.4.2. Dampers without pre-charge
The graph in figure 14 gives selection
of damper volume without separator
and pre-charge, for various working
pressures and damping ratios. It is
worth noting that 15 Bar is practical
maximum pressure.

6.4.3. Damper with pre-charge

The graph in figure 15 allows selec-
tion of a precharged damper (with or
without a separator) for various
damping ratios. A pre-charge of 60%
of working pressure has been used.
Separator stiffness limits the mini-
mum working pressure to 2 Bar.

Standard rule for selection:

Fig. 14
Precharge at 60%
Max temperature 40°C
Volume equal to 15 stroke
volumes of the dosing pump
Residual dampening
ratio ± 5%

6.4.4. Important note:

Pre-charge varies with ambient
temperature. When dampers are
installed outside or in extremes of
temperature, the pre-charge needs to
be adjusted.

6.4.5. Corrosion

Materials for the vessel body and

separator must be selected to be com-
patible with the process fluid.

Fig. 15


7.1. Schematics of typical installations

7.1.1 Schematics of good installations

Fig. 18

Fig. 18: Long pipe lengths requiring the use of dampers: balancing pot,
Fig. 16 pulsation damper...The back-pressure valve creates an artificial
counterpressure of 2 Bar minimum; it is not necessary if existing pres-
sure is greater.

Fig. 16: The pump is located above the tank and fitted with a foot-
valve (for easier priming). Lines are short on both suction and discharge;
suction line is vertical and with a diameter at least equal to the rated
connection diameter to the dosing pump; the injection nozzle isolates
the pump and reagent from the main flow.

Fig. 19

Fig. 17
Fig. 19: Natural siphoning effect is avoided by using a back-pressure
valve A, adjusted so as to maintain the pressure differential H. The
Fig. 17: The injection nozzle (or a back-pressure valve) creates an pump has a flooded suction and it is necessary to fit a shut off valve
artificial resistance allowing accurate dosing. and a filter on suction line.

Fig. 20 Fig. 21

Fig. 20: A pump with a high nominal stroke speed (over 140 strokes/ Fig. 21: Pumping with high suction pressure (for example liquefied gas)
min) often requires the installation of a pulsation dampener on the with a back-pressure valve to avoid a natural siphonning effect. The
discharge line (and possibly in addition a back-pressure valve), once NPSH calculation is quite important in the case of pumping liquefied
the pipe length exceeds 10 meters. gas in gas-Iiquid equilibrium condition.

7.1.1 Schematics of typical bad installations

Fig. 23 Fig. 24
Fig. 22
Fig. 23: Risk of gas accumulation and loss Fig. 24: Risk of siphoning effect. The pump
of prime. non return, suction and discharge valves
cannot stop siphoning.
Fig. 22: Suction line too long. Suction lift too
high cavitation.
• arrange for a connection on the tank
• use a back-pressure valve
Remedies: bottom (use a filter) or vertical suction
• install a valve on the suction line
• plan for the pipe length on discharge from above the tank through a foot-
(case of a flooded suction).
side valve.
• increase diameters
• use a damper
• install a foot valve and a back pres-
sure valve.

7.3. Particular case of aerated liquids

Fig. 25

Fig. 25: Inefficient damper

• reverse the relative positions of dampener and back-
pressure valve.
Fig. 27
7.2. Particular case of slurries
Fig. 27: Installation of a gas-freeing pot on the pump suction line (thus
The use of a packed plunger liquid end for this type of avoiding frequent loss of prime) and an inclined connection line between
product is not recommended. Usually, we recommend a pump and gas-freeing pot to facilitate gas-freeing
diaphragm pump with general advice for installation as
- vertical or inclined suction; horizontal discharge
- plan for a slight flooded suction
- avoid an outlet on the tank bottom
- an agitator is recommended
- install a flushing line

low level

Preparation water
tank (2 bar)
200 mini

to waste
Fig. 26

Standard working cycle

1. Agitation of the product in the preparation tank.
2. Pumping
3. When stopped - plan a 15 minute flushing cycle:
3.1. open the water flushing system
3.2. flush while pump is in operation
3.3. shut off Dosapro Milton Roy PIC® valve (item 1)
3.4. stop the process


8.1. In general 8.3. Repeatability 8.5. Deviation from rated

API Standards flow
This characterizes the capacity of a
pump to always deliver the same flow
Standards of construction and tests
for same stroke setting:
for a dosing pump are defined by API
8.5.1. Proportionality
675 (American Petroleum Institute).
However, only piston pumps and Dosing pumps always deliver a flow
hydraulic diaphragm pumps are by greater than the rated flow indicated
this standard. API does not consider in brochures with correction of speed
the case of mechanically actuated and pressure factors. Moreover, the
diaphragm pumps represented by flow curve, even if perfectly linear, is
Dosapro Milton Roy pumps of LMI, and always shifted in comparison with the
G series. proportional theoretical straight line,
Fig. 29 as shown by figure 31:

8.2. Linearity API 675 standard stipulates that

repeatability must remain within a
This characterizes the alignment of ± 3 % range of the rated flow.
the flow measured for different

8.4. Steady state accuracy

All parameters remaining unchanged

and constant (NPSH, pressures,
temperatures, ...), steady state
accuracy expresses the precision of
the dose at each pump stroke.
Fig. 31

This characteristic should be allowed

for in the case of open loop regulation
managed by a single set point.
Fig. 28

API 675 standard stipulates that flow

Fig. 30
points measured are within a ± 3 %
range of rated flow.

API 675 standard stipulates that

repeatibility must remain within ±1%.

8.5.2. Influence of pressure 8.5.3. Influence of set adjustment
Being a reciprocating pump, the Obviously the relative influence of aIl
dosing pump flow is hardly affected these deviations and the ones due to
by the pressure parameter. However, fluid and installation varies along the
phenomena of compressibility (of scale of adjustment. Fig. 33 gives an
fluids, seals...) and hydraulic idea of the relative error on a given
efficiencies (valves, leaks at stuffing- pump that corresponds to drive clea-
boxes, vents...) result in a slight in- rances, hydraulic efficiencies, fluid va-
fluence on outputs as pressure riations.
increases. Figure 32 shows flow curves
of the same pump working at 10 and
100 Bar discharge pressures.

Fig. 32

Fig. 33

Usually one notices a 0.4 % (plunger The same level of relative error may
pumps) to 1.5 % (certain diaphragm not be reached on the full scale of
pumps) flow drop for each 10 Bars. adjustment. In the range 0-10 % rela-
tive errors are much more higher.

NPSH leaflet - Ref. 1NPS 900 401N - 05/02-Rev. A - No copy allowed - Printed in France by P. DENIAU


10, Grande Rue - 27360 Pont Saint Pierre INTERNATIONAL SALES and PROJECTS DEPARTMENT
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