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Present: Guests:

Commissioners Nielsen, Palatella, Giarraputo, Hafner, and OBrien Martin Sendlewski, architect

Chair Nielsen called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. with Commissioners Palatella and Giarraputo fulfilling the required quorum. Business on the Agenda: Draft Minutes of the January meeting were discussed and due to possible revisions were decided to remain as provisional until all commissioners were able to review them. The District Treasurer had submitted a report on the balances which were reviewed, as well as a formal request to eliminate the issuance of purchase orders effective immediately. The protocol of purchase orders was discussed and it was decided that purchase orders are to continue to be issued. The review of insurance coverage prepared by the District Treasurer was discussed, accepted and decision made to continue with Hirschfelds capable brokerage. The District Treasurer had submitted a request to transfer $200,000 from the reserve fund to be used for the building expenditures. To date $71,584.21 has been expended from the last allocation of $100,000, leaving a balance of twenty-eight thousand dollars. Discussion ensued as to projected payment requests, total amount presently needed and the need to have a projection from the architect of the timing of expenses. The transfer of funds requires public notice and a thirty day waiting period. Commr Hafner arrived at 7:10 p.m. Discussion ensued in detail as to what work has transpired to date on the building. Motion made to transfer $150,000 to the Building & Real Property Reserve Fund; seconded and approved. Retainer agreement for the Districts counsel had been approved at the January meeting pending minor revisions; those revisions were made, and motion made to approve revised agreement was seconded and approved. The new Procurement Policy adopted at the January meeting needed to have two persons named as responsible for purchasing for the calendar year of 2010; motion made to appoint the District Treasurer and the District Manager as such individuals; seconded and approved. Presentation by Guest At 7:15 p.m. the meeting was turned over to our guest, Martin Sendlewski, architect, for a presentation to the Board in regard to the repairs and renovation of the fire house. The roofing, drainage and paving work has been done. Drawings of the cupola replacement are done. Roof still has flashing and copings to be done; fascias and yankee gutters to follow. Commr Hafner inquired 1

as to Towns requirements for the cupola. Commr OBrien arrived at 7:18 p.m. Discussion about the installation of a pole for the radio antennas, sirens, etc. Need to have a list of what items are expected to be placed on the pole and what specifications and parameters are needed for that equipment. The issue of installation of a siren was addressed and District Manager was asked to investigate the options available. Opinions vary as to the necessity of the siren, however the need for a public warning system and as a backup for paging of volunteers is essential. District Manager expressed a need for the antennas to be at least another 30 feet higher than present installation height. Mr. Sendlewski to get price estimates from PoleTech. Paving still needs to be finished and concrete walkway has to be redone to refit the expansion joint. Outside work should be done by the end of April. Scope of the interior work is ready for bidding procedure. The meeting room changes will be addressed separately, including the ductwork and barrel vault ceiling restoration. Mr. Sendlewski will be attending the workshop meeting on Feb 16th. Also on the 16th there will be a job site meeting at 3 p.m. Discussion ensued on Wicks Barn status. Commr OBrien related that CSHFD needs to prepare a plan of improvements for a five year plan for the structure to present to the County. Initially the building must have a new roof and be secured, and ultimately restrooms and a meeting room. Commr Hafner distributed a memo about the December meeting with the County and expressed the need for storage and training to take place there. There was no commitment from the County as to a longterm lease; the County wants assurance as to the services CSHFD can deliver to the parkland surrounding the Wicks Barn. Mr. Sendlewski opined that his sense of the meeting was that the County wants CSHFD to provide facilities for the Audubon Society to meet there. Commr Hafner suggested that the expense of the renovation be included in the annual tax appropriations over five years. Commr Palatella raised the issue of the long-term costs for this project, both capital expenditures and operating costs. Even if the location is unmanned, it will require personnel to check on it, clean it, and maintain it. It was decided that Mr. Sendlewski and Commr Palatella discuss the Wicks Barn options in detail and report back at the workshop meeting. Commr OBrien related that the County needs to install a new roof on the building to appease the current tenant. Mr. Sendlewski left the meeting at 8 p.m. Return to Business on the Agenda: District Managers Report: Chair asked the District Manager to provide the housemens duties list to Commr Giarraputo for his review. Commr Giarraputo asked the District Manager to arrange for a firehouse tour for the local Girl Scout troop for 3 p.m. on Friday, February 26th. Chair also asked the District Manager to develop an outreach plan with the local schools to be done by Sue Montalvo. The District Manager was questioned about a cleaning bill from Minerva. The cleaning service expense was not authorized; established protocol was not observed. The purchase order submitted by Minerva was not signed by an authorized District employee. Decision was made to return the bill to Minerva as unauthorized as all gear cleaning is to be done through the District Manager if the District is to pay for it. 2

District Manager reported on the 2-1-2 truck hitting a brick pillar; he checked the pillar for property damage and ascertained there was none. We are awaiting the estimate for the damage to the truck but the rough estimate is $5-6k. The ladder truck also sustained damage earlier in the day when Chief Ingwersen backed the truck into the firehouse and hit the building. The rough estimate on that damage is about $10k to the truck, not including the damage to the firehouse bay door opening. Emergency repair service was done to the bay door in order for it to close, but there is no estimate yet as to the full repair of the bay door. Discussion ensued about driver training for the district vehicles. Coverage for dispatchers has been tight but fully covered. Utilization of part-time staff has increased; currently have 12 part-timers. Three new part-time employees have been brought on staff. Snow alert for the following day has staff on standby for plowing and coverage. Clarification of part-timers to be used for weekends and holidays and only one dispatcher on for a holiday. Discussion of lack of response during the day and need for coverage. Mutual aid call earlier in the day had to be given away because of conflicting call. Discussion of gps units and tracking gps units versus the map books and the bulletin board printout. District Manager was asked to get siren options; Commr OBrien asked to work with the District Clerk to survey what other Town districts have. District Manager discussed status of clearing work in the rear of the property and Commr Palatella raised the condition of the retaining wall which is in dire need of repair. Decision to have architect review the condition of the retaining wall in anticipation of slab for shed. District Manager left the meeting at 8:30 p.m. Policies: Discussion ensued on the Procurement Policy, purchase orders and the appointment of two persons to do the purchasing for the year. The Chair asked that the Board authorize the District Treasurer to pay the bills in accordance with contracts that have been approved and the monthly utilities. Commr Hafner stated that the treasurer is authorize by statute to pay the utilities but the Board decided that all bills are to be reviewed before payment and purchase orders are to be similarly submitted for approval. The policies that were distributed for review and tentatively adopted (pending revisions) at the January meeting were brought up again for discussion. The Chair distributed revisions to the Code of Ethics and Vehicle Usage policy. The Chair suggested that the Sexual Harassment Policy be changed so that the District employees report any issues to the District Manager and not the Chief as previously worded. The Chair also suggested that the Department be asked to institute its own sexual harassment policy and for the persons designated for volunteers with issues to speak with that it be any of the Department president/officer, the Chief, or one of two designated Commissioners. The Chair volunteered to be one of the designated Commissioners given that female volunteers may feel more comfortable discussing any problems with another female. Commr OBrien raised issues with the travel expense policy and mileage reimbursements, and agreed to make specific comments on it for the workshop. The Commrs were asked to review all the policies for further discussion in the workshop. 3

Prior Assignments: Commr Hafner submitted a job description for the District Manager which will be discussed at the workshop. Commr Hafner is to complete a review of the vendor list with the District Manager. Commrs Hafner and OBrien were asked the status of the RFP specifications and asked to make the accountant RFP a priority. Status of ID Cards: The Department submitted a quote for new id cards for the members from an online company. The District will need to use a different template for District id cards with the District logo. There needs to be a determination as to which employees need id cards decided District Clerk is to follow up on this. Employee Matters: Commr Hafner had nothing further to report on terminated employees. The last CSEA negotiation session was cancelled by the union rep, and CSEA has asked that remaining negotiations occur via conference calls. CSEAs proposed contract was circulated and discussion ensued as to allocating a special workshop of the Board to address the proposed contract, such date to be set at the regular workshop. Reiteration of use of part-timers on holidays and weekends with fulltime employees to receive regular pay for observed holidays and only in the instance of there being no part-timers to cover a holiday shift would a fulltime employee then receive time and half pay for working on such holiday. Discussion of Employee Talaskos request for an eight week leave of absence commencing January 18th; motion made to approve, seconded, all in favor. Installation Dinner: Harbor Club sent in a new contract with a different date of June 19th and lowered minimum number of guests. Discussion about the expenses and the Office of the Comptrollers review of what are acceptable expenses. The Chair reminded the Board that it has a fiscal responsibility as to the underlying expenses. Guest list is to be reviewed in the workshop. District Secretary: Chair raised the need for appointment of a District Secretary, including the process of canvassing the District for suitable candidates. An official canvass was authorized to consist of posting and publication. Commr Giarraputo left the meeting at 9 p.m. Hydrant Committee: Chair asked Commr OBrien to review the new South Huntington Water Contract and compare it to last year for the Boards action at the next meeting. Suffolk County Water Authority has not yet sent a new contract; Commr OBrien was asked to follow up. Commr OBrien was asked to prepare the RFP for the hydrant maintenance/inspection contract. Truck Committee: Damage estimate to 2-1-3 is $10k; damage to bay door not known yet. Damages so far this year total close to $20k. Commr Hafner was asked to coordinate the driver training program with the Chief and establish a policy for discussion at the workshop. Discussion ensued that no large vehicle is to be driven without a lookout person unless District employee is driving it, that all Department officers to be chauffeur trained, and no vehicles are to be backed in without a proper spotter person inside the firehouse. Further discussion about requirement that Department officers must be EMT trained in order to have a District vehicle assigned to drive. An exception was made only for former Chief Censoplano. Suggestion that 2-1-21 be used for District outreach. Commr Hafner to review the mileage report each month prior to the meeting and report on it.

Radio Project: Commr Hafner related that Huntington FD BOFC would like to meet with our board to discuss the interplay of equipment and responsibilities. Chair to contact Huntington and arrange for the meeting. Siren: Commr OBrien had volunteered earlier to address this. Discussion as to the need to investigate options and prices before any decision can be reached as to installation locations, etc. Siren at the firehouse to go either on an exterior wall or a pole. House Committee: Commr Palatella reported that the gutters and trim are next phase and the paving and pointing are weather dependent. Decision made for physicals to be performed by Savasta unless the Chief objects. Communications: The Chair circulated a thank you note received from one of the volunteer members. New Business: Eagle Dock Beach Association has requested use of the meeting room for certain dates in 2010; motion made to approve such use, seconded and carried. Letter from Bob Thornton as to results of election for 2nd Assistant Chief. The FCC license for the highband radio was received. List of organizations memberships and dues was circulated and agreed to. Chiefs Report: In the absence of Chief Como, 1st Assistant Chief Ingwersen arrived at 9:30 p.m. to deliver the Chiefs report. The Board asked that the Chief notify the District commissioners if absent from the community for a week or more. A current incident report was circulated and clarification was made that there is no such classification as a 23 Chiefs investigation operationally every call gets personnel on the road. Commr OBrien queried if calls are being given away. Requested that incident report include the time of the calls. Chief requested that the BOFC schedule time in a workshop to explain the installation dinner policy to them; March 16th was date chosen. Discussion ensued as to importance of date selection to maximize attendance by the department members. Commr Hafner made a motion to approve the revised Harbor Club contract, seconded by Commr OBrien; approved. Discussion of a department online presence continued. Chief to investigate Facebook organization page and provide other quotes for website services. Commr OBrien raised the need for a department policy to be provided for website content, responsibility, access and maintenance. Discussion ensued of policies being acknowledged by the members as new members have not been providing signed acknowledgements. Chief to have every member review the policies and sign an updated acknowledgement. The Chiefs revised budget was distributed and discussion as to the genesis of the budget. Commr OBrien left the meeting at 10:07 p.m. Chair to discuss the budget exercise directly with Chief Como. Chiefs office requested time at a workshop for a presentation from a grantwriter; scheduled for ten minutes commencing at 9 p.m. on February 16th. Commr Hafner raised the truck accident that occurred earlier that day, expressing the concern for not only the monetary strain but for the well-being of the members and the downtime for the community for equipment being repaired. Commr Hafner is to meet with the Chiefs staff and formalize a plan for driver training and improvement. Meeting adjourned at 10:14 p.m.

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