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Topic: Increasing Cybercrime, Cyber Terrorism, and Cyber War with Special Emphasis on International
Involvement and Cyber Security

Recalling the increasing threats posed by cybercrime, cyber terrorism, and cyber warfare to
international peace and security,

Acknowledging the need for collaborative efforts to address the global challenges arising from the
proliferation of cyber threats,

Affirming the importance of promoting international cooperation in the prevention, investigation,

and prosecution of cyber-related crimes,

Recognizing the vital role of robust cybersecurity measures in safeguarding critical infrastructure and
sensitive information,

Emphasizing the urgency of fostering a collective response to enhance the resilience of states against
cyber threats,

1. Urges Member States to enhance national cybersecurity frameworks, including the development
of comprehensive legislation, capacity building, and public-private partnerships to effectively combat
cybercrime, cyber terrorism, and cyber warfare;

2. Encourages the establishment of an international cooperation platform, facilitated by relevant

United Nations agencies, where Member States can share information, best practices, and
collaborate on cyber threat intelligence;

3. Calls for the development of a standardized framework for the investigation and prosecution of
cybercrimes to ensure consistency and effectiveness in addressing cyber threats at the international

4. Recommends the creation of a specialized international tribunal or the empowerment of existing

international legal bodies to adjudicate cases related to cyber terrorism and cyber warfare, ensuring
accountability and deterrence;
5. Calls upon Member States to promote international norms and principles for responsible state
behavior in cyberspace, with the aim of preventing and reducing the risk of conflict arising from
cyber activities;

6. Urges Member States to enhance international cooperation in capacity building, technical

assistance, and the exchange of expertise to assist developing countries in strengthening their
cybersecurity capabilities;

7. Emphasizes the importance of private sector engagement in addressing cyber threats, encourages
businesses to implement robust cybersecurity measures, and calls for increased cooperation
between governments and the private sector in the fight against cybercrime;

8. Calls for the creation of a United Nations Cybersecurity Task Force to continuously assess the
evolving cyber threat landscape, propose recommendations, and facilitate coordination among
Member States in responding to emerging challenges;

9. Invites Member States to consider the development of international norms and rules of
engagement to guide state behavior in cyberspace, fostering a stable and secure digital environment;

10. Decides to remain seized of the matter and requests the Secretary-General to report on the
progress made in implementing this resolution within [specified timeframe].

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