13 Essential Qualities of an Outstanding Drone Pilot

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13 Essential Qualities of an
Outstanding Commercial Drone

04 Jul 2023 | 8 min read

Drones are changing the way we monitor, manage & move around. As the Indian Drone industry continues to grow in 2023,
there is an upsurge in the demand for certified drone pilots. The rapid adoption of drones across dierent industries &
emerging use cases, has led companies to increasingly seek DGCA Certified Drone Pilots. While DGCA Certified drone pilot

certificate is a basic requirement to testify piloting skills, employers are now looking for additional qualities that make a great
commercial drone pilot.

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In India, leading DGCA Approved Remote Pilot Training Organizations �RPTOs) oer certified remote pilot training programs.

These comprehensive Drone Pilot Training Courses (hps://tropogo.com/marketplace/drone-training-courses) aim to

enhance your technical capabilities as a certified drone pilot while also focusing on developing certain essential qualities that
are crucial for long term success in the field.

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By undertaking these training programs, you will not only become a DGCA Certified Drone Pilot but also improve on the
competencies required to become successful. Below are the key characteristics that separate a drone pilot from a good drone


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1. Aention to Detail:
Commercial drone pilots must be detail-oriented. One must follow Checklists, Logbooks, establish safety procedures, and
remain vigilant to changes in weather or safety conditions. Maintaining the drone and its software also requires dedication and
meticulousness. Cuing corners or skipping steps can jeopardize the eectiveness and safety of a commercial drone pilot.

2. Social Confidence:
Drone pilots frequently interact with the public & within the team, answering questions about their equipment, flying
techniques, and purpose. Maintaining composure when onlookers observe performing complex tasks or ask questions, is a key
expectation from a proficient drone pilot.

3. Calmness under Pressure:

Flying a drone can be stressful and can lead to severe consequences. Weather, geographical conditions, project timelines,
drone malfunctions are some of the factors that contribute to pilot stress while flying a drone. It is extremely important for a

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13 Essential Qualities Of An Outstanding Drone Pilot https://tropogo.com/blogs/essential-qualities-of-an-out...

good drone pilot to not get triggered and be able to eectively manage stress before and during a flight.

4. Discipline:
Commercial drone pilots must fully comprehend the consequences of their actions. Drones are considered aircraft by the

DGCA, so adherence to rules and regulations is vital. A good drone pilot does not take shortcuts and always considers the
potential outcomes of their decisions.

5. Punctuality:
Majority of drone operations are pre-planned and require coordination across dierent teams or individuals. In some use
cases, drone operations are time-sensitive and require precise data collection at specific moments. A responsible drone pilot

must arrive early at the site to conduct thorough assessments of the surroundings, weather conditions, potential hazards,
and equipment functionality. Arriving late may lead to rushed procedures, increasing the likelihood of accidents.

6. Organisation:
Maintaining procedural discipline and ensuring safety and consistent performance require careful planning. Successful drone
operators create mission plans and develop methods to organise, label, and store their equipment eectively. Organisation
skills thereby become a desired quality in a drone pilot.

7. Humility:
Flying a drone involves inherent risks, and companies are accountable for their pilots' actions. Employers must ensure that
their commercial pilots are competent, safe, and well-trained. Overconfidence and a disregard for proper procedures can lead
to accidents or damage. A good drone pilot acknowledges the possibility of accidents, avoids overestimating their abilities,
and maintains confidence while adhering to protocols.

8. Continuous Learning & Adaptability:

Owing to a rapidly evolving drone technology and flight regulations in India, a good drone pilot is expected to continuously
learn and adapt. If you’re a DGCA Certified commercial drone pilot, curiosity and a thirst for knowledge are essential to be
industry relevant. Identify the definitive sources for answers in the drone field and be prepared to seek help, collaborate, and

actively search for solutions as you enhance your skills.

9. Inquisitiveness:
Like manned aircraft pilots, excellent drone pilots gather and analyse data. They ask questions to gain a comprehensive
understanding of a situation. A Certified Drone Pilot assesses flight locations, gathers relevant information, and makes
informed decisions based on specific flight requirements.

10. Grounded Pilot:

A DGCA Certified Drone Pilot understands their strengths, weaknesses, and personal limits. They can assess situations and
know when not to fly. When pressure mounts to complete a flight, a safety-conscious pilot can make the diicult decision to
call it o, providing precise reasons for doing so. It is best to ward o overconfidence and over commitment.

11. Decisiveness and Leadership:

A commercial drone pilot must embrace their role as the Pilot in Command �PIC�. As the decision-maker, the PIC is accountable
for the outcomes of their decisions and those of their crew. Making sound Go/No Go decisions and establishing flight
limitations are crucial skills. A great commercial drone pilot can assume leadership and guide their crew eectively, ensuring
the safe completion of each flight.

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12. Ethical Awareness:

One of the most important, yet often overlooked aspects in drone operators’ personality is the ability to be empathetic to their

surroundings. A good drone pilot is expected to be mindful of the flying environment, have cultural or local sensitivities,
respect privacy by maintaining professional conduct and taking humane judgements wherever required.

13. Physical Fitness:

Commercial drone operators are required to fly in varying weather and geographical conditions. While fitness is not the most
important for a successful drone pilot career, it adds tremendous value to be able to endure demanding use cases. For

treacherous drone flights, companies look for the most able drone pilots.

Before pursuing a career as a commercial drone pilot in India, take the time to evaluate if you possess the necessary qualities.
You could always inculcate the above mentioned qualities to fly a successful drone career.

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