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During my school years, who wouldn't be closely attached to books and

notebooks? And I'm no exception. This year, I'm in eighth grade, and from the
beginning of the year until now, the book that has captivated me the most is the
seventh-grade literature textbook, volume two.

My first impression of the book is the cover image. The short, bold lines in
different colors arranged in order. What I like most about this page is the image
of pink lotus flowers with yellow stamens, green leaves against a blue
background. It gives me a very rustic, simple, and soulful feeling. It also
represents the pure beauty of Vietnamese literature. When I open the book,
brown pages with black text appear with various sizes and styles. Occasionally,
there are pictures or drawings interspersed among the texts. I really like those
illustrations because they depict the content of the text. Surely, the authors must
have put a lot of effort into selecting appropriate pictures for the work like this.

I highly value this book because it is like a teacher teaching me literature. We

cannot rely solely on the teacher's lectures in class; we need the details and
content in the book. This book has provided me with essays, poems from the
Tang dynasty, medieval times by writers, poets from different countries. I really
enjoy reading the essays, poems in the book. Reading them, I feel an artist's soul
throbbing in my heart. Not only does the book contain texts, but it also teaches
me literary skills, how to write good essays. These skills will help me write tasks
without structural errors, incorrect usage. The frameworks, outlines will help me
write essays without deviation, off-topic. And the sample essays are suggestions
to help me write. Or the questions made us have to think long and hard before
we could answer. Books are not only teachers, but books are also friends. Every
time I reread the essays, I feel really empathetic with the situations, fates in the
essays. The book shares joys and sorrows with me.

Today, I feel very happy to have a book to study. It is a book that has brought me
a lot of useful and interesting knowledge. I hope I will have many more useful
books like this to study, to supplement my knowledge. And in the future, when I
am grown up, when I have changed grades, I will donate these books to friends
in remote areas, friends with difficult conditions so that they have books to
study, have knowledge to become useful people for society.
Being able to read and study with books is a very happy thing for me. I really
like and appreciate this book. I promise to study hard so that in the future, I can
contribute to the country.

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