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1. Good morning, Sir/Miss.

2. What’s your name?

- My name’s Thien Ngan
3. How old are you?
-I’m 18 years old
4. What do you do for a living? Hien tai ban dang lam gi?
- I just graduated from high school. My school's name is Nguyen Du High School, located in BRVT province.
5. Why do you want to study abroad? Tai sao ban muon di du hoc?
- I want to study abroad because of 3 reasons:
+ Firstly, I know students in the US are extremely active and positive and many extracurricular programs help
students have many practical experiences and improve their specialized skills. I found it very interesting and
curious so I decided to study abroad.
+ Secondly, the education industry in America is also an advanced environment and applies new technologies to
teaching and learning to help students develop themselves comprehensively.
+ Thirdly, studying abroad is also an opportunity to learn more about the culture and customs of many
countries. Flexible and comfortable learning environment.
6. Why do you choose to study in the US? Tai sao ban di hoc o My?
- I want to study abroad because of 3 reasons:
+ Firstly, I know students in the US are extremely active and positive and many extracurricular programs help
students have many practical experiences and improve their specialized skills. I found it very interesting and
curious so I decided to study abroad.
+ Secondly, the education industry in America is also an advanced environment and applies new technologies to
teaching and learning to help students develop themselves comprehensively.
+ Thirdly, studying abroad is also an opportunity to learn more about the culture and customs of many
countries. Flexible and comfortable learning environment.
7. What will you study in the US? Ban se hoc gi o My?
- I will study business administration and related marketing majors at Georgia State University for 4 years.
- But before going to university, I will participate in an ESL course for 9 months to prepare good English for the
learning process at university.
8. Please tell me about your study plans. Ban co the cho biet ve ke hoach hoc tap cua ban o My khong?
- I will study business administration and related marketing majors at Georgia State University for 4 years.
- But before going to university, I will participate in an ESL course for 9 months to prepare good English for the
learning process at university
9. What do you know about the college you will attend? Ban biet gi ve truong ma ban sap hoc?
- Georgia State University's ranking in the 2024 edition of Best Colleges is National Universities rank at 227.
- GSU includes many majors: business administration, psychology, computer science, marketing,…
- Every year, the school organizes many extracurricular events and conferences so that students can improve
their skills and improve their learning spirit.
10. What is your college’s address? Cho biet dia chi cua truong ban ben My?
- My university’s address is ISSS, Georgia State University, P.O. Box 3987, Atlanta, GA 30302
11. Why do you choose to study in this College? Tai sao ban chon hoc o truong do?
I choose to study at Georgia State University because of 3 reasons:
- Firstly, GSU fits the criteria I set in terms of major and learning environment. In addition, the school has an
ESL course to support those who need to improve their English to officially enter university.
- Secondly, GSU’s business administration major rank is the top 90 in the whole United States with many
students attending. Therefore, I strongly believe in the quality of the business administration at GSU.
- Thirdly, GSU allows students to design their own curriculum to fit each individual’s plan and long-term
goals. For me, I would like to choose business administration in GS.
12. Why do you choose state …..? Tai sao ban chon hoc o bang….?
- I choose Georgia state because of 2 reasons:
+ The quality of life here has improved very well in terms of average cost of living suitable for my study abroad
budget, the weather is warm and the surrounding environment is quite safe.
+ The quality of education is extremely developed and the schools are also among the top.
13. How much is your tuition fee? Hoc phi cua ban la bao nhieu?
- My tution fee in an ESL course is 7,500$
14. Where will you live while you are in the US? Ban se song o dau khi sang My?
- I live in homestay in the US.( em ở kí túc xá trong trường mà nhỉ ?) I live in my school's dormitory.
- Because I want to have more time to communicate about daily activities in English, culture and customs of the
indigenous people. Those things will bring me many new experiences and lessons when I study abroad.
15. Why don’t you stay in a dormitory? Sao ban khong song o ki tuc xa?
- Because I want to have more time to communicate about daily activities in English, culture and
customs of the indigenous people. Those things will bring me many new experiences and lessons when
I study abroad.
16. Could you tell me who issued your I-20? Ai cap I-20 cho ban?
- Mr. Thompson is the person who issued my I-20, he is the department specialist.
17. Will you attend a full-time or part-time program? Ban se hoc chuong trinh toan thoi gian hay ban thoi gian?
- I will attend a full-time program.
18. You are still single, right? So what would you do if during your overseas studies you had a boyfriend and he
really desires to get married with you? Ban con doc than, ban se lam gi neu trong qua trinh hoc co 1 nguoi ban
trai/ban gai muon ket hon voi ban?
- I will refuse him emphatically. Because I’m only 18 years old and very young, my purpose in coming to
America is to study abroad and gain many new experiences for myself.
19. Who will pick you up at the airport when you arrive in the USA? Ai se don ban o san bay khi ban den My?
- When I arrive in the USA, my host will pick me up at the airport. Then take me to their house.
20. Do you intend to return to Vietnam after having finished your course? Why? Ban co du dinh tro ve VN sau
khi ket thuc viec hoc o My khong? Tai sao?
- Yes of course, I will return to Vietnam after having finished my course. Because there is still my parents'
business in Vietnam, I will return to expand the business and continue my family's business.
21. Do you want to work a part-time job to support your studies? Ban co muon lam them de ho tro cho viec hoc
cua minh khong?
- I won’t work a part-time job, because my parents currently have a fixed money account to pay for my study
abroad expenses in the US.
22. Why do you choose to study ….? Tai sao ban chon hoc nganh…?
- Because my family has a long tradition of doing business and my parents are the ones who inspired me to do
this business. So I chose business administration so that I can continue my career in the future, improve my
facilities and expand my business market by studying abroad and gaining new knowledge and experience to
improve my business. Improve and develop the family business
24. Who is paying for your studies in the US? Ai chi tra cho viec hoc cua ban o My?
- My parents will pay for my studies in the US
25. Please tell me some information about your family’s financial ability and monthly income. Ban co the cho
biet mot so thong tin ve kha nang tai chanh va thu nhap hang thang cua gia dinh ban?
- My family’s financial ability and monthly income is 7,000 USD and my parents have many fixed amounts of
money to pay for studying abroad in the US. Besides, my parents still have a lot of real estate so their income is
26. What does your parents do? Ba va me ban lam nghe gi?
- My mother is the owner of a beef hot pot restaurant that has been open for more than 20 years with a scale of
10 employees. My father is a real estate businessman and owns 5 pieces of land. Besides, they also have a
house for rent and collect money at the end of the month. My parents' total monthly income is 7000 USD.
28. What kind of visa do you want to get? Ban muon lay Visa loai nao?
- I want to get an F1 visa
29. What does it mean? Loai Visa do co y nghia gi?
- It is the visa for international students to study only in the US, not work, not immigration.
30. What would you do if your parents could no longer afford to pay for your studies while you are still
studying in the US? Ban se lam gi neu trong qua trinh hoc, ba me khong con kha nang chi tra cho ban?
- I'm sure that won't happen, because my parents currently have a fixed money account to pay for my study
abroad expenses in the US.
- Besides, my parents also have a lot of real estate and rental premises, so not being able to pay anymore is im-
31. Can you prove that you have enough money to pay for your studies in the US? Ban co the chung minh ban
du tien chi tra cho qua trinh hoc cua ban o My?
- I'm sure that won't happen, because my parents currently have a fixed money account to pay for my study
abroad expenses in the US.
- Besides, my parents also have a lot of real estate and rental premises, so not being able to pay anymore is
32. How can you know about this college? Lam cach nao ban biet duoc truong do?
- I know about the school by searching through university websites in the US. Georgia School has the criteria
that match my wishes regarding the field of study and the learning environment.
33. How many years will you study in the US? Ban se hoc o My trong bao nhieu nam?
- I plan to study for 5 years
34. Why don’t you get a TOEFL score before going to the US? Tai sao ban khong thi TOEFL truoc khi den
- I have ielts 5.0
35. How can you understand the English-speaking lecturers? Lam cach nao ban co the hieu duoc bai giang bang
tieng Anh?
- I will record and take pictures of the lesson so I can go home and watch it again until I understand it. At the
same time, I will look for school study groups to ask seniors for help to quickly understand the lesson
36. How many TOEFL scores does your college require? Truong ban yeu cau diem TOEFL bao nhieu?
- Georgia state university requires:
+ IELTS: 6.0
+ TOEFL: 68
37. Do you know about the working- regulations for international students in the US? Ban co biet noi quy lam
viec cho sinh vien quoc te trong khi dang hoc o MY khong?
- Yes. International students can work on campus, 20 hours a week during the semester. But I want to study
38. Have your parents ever been to the US? Ba me ban co den My bao gio chua?
- My parents have never been to the US
39. Have you ever been to the United State before? Ban co den My truoc do chua?
- I have never been to the US
40. How many siblings do you have? Ban co bao nhieu anh chi em?
- I have a youngest sister. She is 14 years old and studying secondary school.
41. How do you feel when you live far away from your home? Ban se cam thay the nao khi song xa gia dinh?
- I think at first I will feel a little sad and miss my family a bit, but I believe I will quickly adapt to the new
42. How can your parents pay for your tuition and fees? Ba me ban se chi tra hoc phi va sinh hoat phi cho ban
bang cach nao?
- My parents pay my tuition and fees by bank
43. Do you have any relatives or friends in the US? Ban co nguoi than hay ban be o My khong?
- Yes, I have 2 aunts in the US. They have settled in Texas and they work a nail and eyelash.
44. Do you have a savings account? Ban co tai khoan tiet kiem khong?
- I don't have a savings account. However my parents have many savings accounts because they are fixed
money for my study abroad in the US.
45. What are you planning to do after you finish your study in the US? Ban du dinh se lam gi sau khi tot nghiep
o My?
- Yes, I will return to Vietnam after having finished my course. Because there is still my parents' business in
Vietnam, I will return to expand the business and continue my family's business.
46. Do your parents have real estate? Ba me ban co bat dong san khong?
- Currently, my parents own 2 houses and 5 plots of land. Those real estate and bank deposits are enough for me
to have a fixed amount of money to study abroad.

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