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Coriant Training Services

8600 Series Provisioning

using 8000 INM
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8600 Series Provisioning
using 8000 INM
Course Introduction

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Course Introduction

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Course Introduction

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Course Introduction

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Course Introduction

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Course Introduction

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8000 INM Architecture

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8000 INM Architecture

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8000 INM Architecture

An 8600 network can be managed by the 8000 intelligent network manager, which is a set of interactive
components (clients) for user interface and non-interactive components (servers) for performing
background tasks and providing services for the interactive components. The 8000 INM is designed to
use Windows operating system. All information concerning the 8600 network is stored in a Sybase
Adaptive Server Enterprise relational database (Transaction-SQL) . The Database Server can also run
on Sun Solaris operating system.

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8000 INM Architecture

The 8000 intelligent network manager can be configured in different ways depending on the size of the
network and the number of concurrent users.

The typical 8000 INM system configuration consists of multiple Management and Communication
Servers, multiple Workstations and/or Power Workstations.

The 8000 INM is usually installed in a separate Local Area Network in the Network Operating Center,
here referred to as management LAN. The management LAN can be physically distributed between
different locations. For security reasons it should, however, be kept separate from the managed Wide
Area Network. Only the Communication Servers and Route Masters should have access to that.

Database Server can also be run in a virtual server. VMware virtual servers are supported and both
Linux and Windows platforms are available for the virtual Database Server. The same requirements
(e.g. disk, CPU, RAM and software versions) apply for both the virtual servers and physical servers.
Refer to 8000® Intelligent Network Manager Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements for
further details.

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8000 INM Architecture

Not all of the management system components need to be physically located in separate computers
when the size of the managed network and the number of management system users are small.

The Single Computer Configuration (SCC) for the 8600 networks is a system in which the 8000 INM
workstation, Management Server, Communication Server and Database are all located in one computer.
The SCC for the 8600 network configuration supports up to 50 8600 routers. Only the 8600 routers are
supported in this configuration.

In 8000 INM SR4.0, Single Computer Configuration is no longer directly available in the installation
dialogue. Configurations with the same functionality can still be used by installing the customized
Management Server configuration with the relevant settings. If you update from the existing release with
those configurations, the relevant settings will be automatically set.

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8000 INM Architecture

The 8000 INM Workstation is a user interface for managing the 6300/7100/7300/8100/8600/8800
networks. The graphical user interface (GUI) is the interactive tool of network management. It is based
on hierarchical windows for all applications. The windows represent network elements and objects
graphically. In addition, in some windows,network elements and objects are displayed in a tree and list
view format which is easy to navigate.

All 8000 INM tools can be recognized from the title bar text. Either the name of the tool is written in full
or it is abbreviated: NWED for Network Editor, for example. These abbreviations are used for the sake of
shortness in the window title bars and in the online help texts. The title bar also identifies the target
object in the network. For example, the Node Manager main window shows the ID and name of the
target network element in its title bar. The menu bar, where present, displays the sets of actions
available in each tool.

The 8000 intelligent network manager has an Online Help system. You can choose from the items of the
Help menu (the last menu in the title bar) the type of information you need, or you can get context-
sensitive help by holding the mouse pointer on an item in the dialog itself or on the selected menu items.
Keep the left mouse button pressed with the pointer on the spot and press F1 on the keyboard. The help
texts contain the latest up-to-date information of the dialog and the tool you are using at the same time
as you are using the software.

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8000 INM Architecture

The 8000 INM Satellite Workstation functions as an access point to an 8000 system network and its
elements for a remote operator through a graphical user interface. The Workstation does not contain any
business logic. The business logic runs in a Management Server (Satellite Service) and all database
communication and change notification handling is done in the Management Server. Such a
Management Server was previously known as a Gateway Server. In the 8000 INM, the Gateway Server
has been integrated into the management server architecture as a Satellite Service.

The Workstation is a "thin-client" workstation configuration that is normally used when the workstation
computer is not directly connected to the main management LAN or there is a need for a huge number
of workstations.

Starting from INM SR4.2, Satellite Service must be running in those Management Servers that
workstations have defined as Preferred Management Server. When installing Management Server with
a standard services template, Satellite Service is selected by default.

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8000 INM Architecture

The Database Server contains a Sybase relational database where all 8000 INM tools store their data.
When Sybase is used, it is Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise version 15.5. Please see the 8000
Intelligent Network Manager - Third Party Hardware and Software Requirements document for detailed
requirements concerning database server hardware.

Storing of network parameters in the database allows quick replacement of the faulty hardware. For
example, if an active network element with any kind of effective configuration is suddenly replaced with
an identically furnished NE (similar cards and modules in the same positions) with blank configuration,
the configuration of the previous NE can be updated in the new one from the 8000 INM database with a
single step. After this, everything should proceed as before replacing the NE.

The 8000 INM database can be used for pre-planning networks, configurations and services before they
are actually implemented. It is possible to plan the network topology with NEs and links that do not exist
in real world yet. It is also possible to create the detailed configuration and parameterization of non-
existing NEs in the database and use these NEs in pre-planned services. After the pre-planned NEs and
links are in place, it is a straightforward task to bring the pre-planned parameters from the database to
the NEs and to implement the pre-planned services utilizing them.

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8000 INM Architecture

The Management Server functions as a framework for the different 8000 INM application logic. This
application logic is divided into services, each running a process of its own. All the services can be run in
the same server or different services can be located in different servers. Some services can be run only
in one server, whereas some can be run in different servers at the same time so that they are backing
up or load balancing each other. The installation of the different server types is done by selecting the
appropriate service for Management Server in the 8000 INM Setup Wizard.

The currently installed services and their status can be seen in the Server Monitor tool.

One Management Server can support 40 standard workstations. In case more than 20 workstations are
used, the 8000 INM installation INI file must be changed:

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8000 INM Architecture

A Communication Server is required for managing the nodes integrated into the 8000 intelligent network
manager. The Communication Server sends configuration commands to the nodes, and polls them for
faults and performance data.

A separate license is needed for each of the adapter types deployed in the Communication Server.
A domain concept is used to refer to a system or network which internally uses the same management
protocols and paradigms. A network consisting of 8600 routers is an example of such a domain. Routers
in this kind of a domain are accessed via an adapter or adapters in a Communication Server. The
adapters perform the conversion of information between the 8000 intelligent network manager and the
domain, i.e. the 8600 domain in this case.

The adapter is plugged into the southbound interface of the 8000 intelligent network manager and it
communicates with the nodes either directly or by using a vendor specific mediator, proxy or element
management system as a gateway. In the case of 8600 system routers, the adapter communicates
directly with the routers using a protocol called BMP and with SNMP.

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8000 INM Architecture

A Communication Server is required for managing the nodes integrated into the 8000 intelligent network
manager. The Communication Server sends configuration commands to the nodes, and polls them for
faults and performance data.

A separate license is needed for each of the adapter types deployed in the Communication Server.
A domain concept is used to refer to a system or network which internally uses the same management
protocols and paradigms. A network consisting of 8600 routers is an example of such a domain. Routers
in this kind of a domain are accessed via an adapter or adapters in a Communication Server. The
adapters perform the conversion of information between the 8000 intelligent network manager and the
domain, i.e. the 8600 domain in this case.

The adapter is plugged into the southbound interface of the 8000 intelligent network manager and it
communicates with the nodes either directly or by using a vendor specific mediator, proxy or element
management system as a gateway. In the case of 8600 system routers, the adapter communicates
directly with the routers using a protocol called BMP and with SNMP.

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8000 INM Architecture

The supervisor process controls the server functionality. It can be monitored and controlled through a
graphical user interface, the Server Monitor tool, which shows all the services and processes that are
installed in the server and their current status.

Fault Management in the Communication Servers is divided into several dedicated processes. The
polling controller creates poll jobs specified by polling policies. The generic poler process uses adapters
to poll faults from network elements. The faults are filtered and reclassified and then stored in the

The backup functionality is implemented by backup processes that run in each Communication Server of
the system. They poll each other to detect the loss of another server. If a server is lost, areas are moved
to running servers.

There can be several Communication Servers per domain, each running its own set of adapter
processes. Communication Servers are associated with areas, so that each Communication Server
handles the nodes of those areas that have been assigned to it. This allows the 8000 manager to
manage very large networks. For each area, it is also possible to define a backup Communication
Server, which assumes the responsibilities of the primary server if the primary server fails.
Communication Servers thus provide a fully redundant system in node communication.

Recommendation for maximum number of nodes per Communication Server can be found in the Third
Party Hardware and Software Requirements - 8000 Intelligent Network Manager manual.

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8000 INM Architecture

In the 8000 intelligent network manager, an area means a group of network elements one
Communication Server is controlling. When a network element is installed, the area of the network
element must also be defined. Each server is responsible for one or several areas in the network.

Each area can have one primary Communication Server and one backup Communication Server. If the
primary Communication Server fails, the backup one takes over the network elements belonging to that

The area parameters are defined in the Area Parameters dialog in Network Editor.

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8000 INM Architecture

Broadband Management Protocol (BMP) is a Coriant proprietary object-based management protocol

between the 8000 intelligent manager and an 8600 NE. The NE can be managed via BMP format
management commands coming from the 8000 intelligent manager. BMP agent resides in the 8600 NE.
BMP agent receives the incoming BMP commands via the UDP protocol, launches the BMP command
execution process, and finally constructs the reply and sends it via UDP to the same address where the
incoming command originated.

The 8000 INM can permit or deny access to BMP agent using IP access list configurations. The UDP
port number for BMP protocol in Communication Server is 56566 and in BMP agent 56565.

BMP Agent generates BMP notifications when the NE conditions undergo significant changes.
Notifications are sent to those 8000 Communication Servers which are registered to receive BMP

Control traffic tasks:

• Configuration of the network elements and their components
• Provisioning for network-level objects like VPNs and LSPs
• Monitors fault and performance data collection from the network elements

The service class of the control traffic is ensured with Differentiated Services. Only real-time traffic has
higher priority inside network element queues. Optionally, the 8600 routers can be managed with CLI
(Command Line Interface) through Telnet or SSH sessions.

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8000 INM Architecture

There are two major ways of arranging the management communication:

Outband management:
In outband management, there is a separate network for management communication, completely
separate from the network that the 8000 manager installation in question is managing. The external
management communication network must provide IP connectivity between the Communication Servers
and all managed NEs. The advantage of using outband management is that the management
connectivity is not dependent on the state of the managed network.

Inband management:
Communication between the Communication Servers and managed NEs goes through the managed
network itself. The advantage here is that maintaining a separate network for management
communication is not needed. The disadvantage is that management communication to the NEs is
dependent on the state of the managed network.

When using inband management, care must be taken that configuration changes made in a network
element do not cut the management connectivity to the NE itself, or to any other NEs to which the
management communication goes through the changed NE.

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8000 INM Architecture

Adapter Enabled
If enabled, the adapter process forwards commands from client applications to the agent and, on the
other hand, forwards notifications from the agent to the client applications.
Automatic Discovery
Tick this check box to turn automatic discovery functionality on for this adapter. Currently this option is
available for 7100 adapters only.
Enable DHCP Service
Tick this check box to enable DHCP Service (Deployment Service) for this adapter interface.
Communication Resources
Here you can set the maximum number of communication services in the adapter. For high-performance
servers in big networks, it is recommended to define a high number of communications resources, while
for some smaller networks, a lower number is appropriate. An unnecessarily high number of
communication resources may adversely affect the server performance.
Here you can set the time-out for the adapter process. Define the value in seconds.
Heartbeat Timeout
Here you can set the time-out for detecting the agent status. Define the value in seconds. If you set the
value to 0, the heartbeat time-out will not be used.
Here you can define the number of communication retries before disconnecting from the Domain
Agent/EMS (Element Management System).
Adapter IP Address
Define the IP address of the Communication Server NE facing network adapter in this entry field.

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8000 INM Architecture

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8000 INM Architecture

From the drop-down list, you can select an existing area. After selecting an area, its parameters will be
shown in the Area Parameters dialog automatically. If you type the ID into the entry field, click the Find
ID button to have the parameters displayed. If you are adding a new area, type an ID for it into the entry
field. The ID must be unique.
This dialog item is an entry field if the Edit Name check box is ticked, and a drop-down list if it is not
From the drop-down list you can select an existing area. After selecting an area, its parameters will be
shown in the Area Parameters dialog automatically. If you type the area name into the entry field, click
the Find Name button to have the parameters displayed.
If you are adding a new area or changing the name of an existing area, tick the Edit Name check box
and type a name into the entry field. The name for an area must be unique.
Primary Communication Server
You can define the primary Communication Server for an area by selecting the desired server from the
Name drop-down list.
Backup Communication Server
You can define the backup Communication Server for an area by selecting the desired server from the
Name drop-down list. The ID of the selected Communication Server is also shown.
User Profiles
In this box, security profiles for the FTP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3 and TL1 protocols can be assigned to the
current area.

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8000 INM Architecture

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8000 INM Architecture

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Introduction to 8000 INM

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Introduction to 8000 INM

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Introduction to 8000 INM

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Introduction to 8000 INM

8000 Intelligent Network Manager Dashboard (Toolbox prior to INM SR4.2)

The first window after starting is 8000 Intelligent Network Manager -Dashboard. It contains tools to
build, provision and maintain the 6300/7100/8100/8600/8800 network. It also contains the security,
profile and password management tools in the Security menu.

Tools needed for the 8600 system management:

• Network Editor is a tool to build networks in the database, i.e. to add, view and edit network elements
and links.
• VPN Provisioning is a tool to create and connect VPNs. Customer interfaces, as well as service class
templates, are added to VPNs here.
• Tunnel Engineering is a tool to define the service quality and bandwidth for the traffic.
• Packet Loop Testing is a tool to test the connections and VPNs.
• In Fault Management, faults can be viewed and acknowledged. Many kinds of fault reports can also
be created.
• Service Fault Monitoring maps faults to customer (L2 and L3) VPNs.
• Service Management is used for creating and managing services.
• Trouble Ticket is a tool for reporting problems in the network. It is partly filled out by the operator and
partly by the system.
• With Customer Administration, customer info and the sites of the customers can be added, viewed
and edited in the system.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

It is possible to define the content shown in the Dashboard. The contents of the application toolbar can
be reorganized by dragging and dropping tools. The tools can also be copied or moved from a folder to
another, from a folder to the application toolbar, or vice versa. In addition, new folders can be created,
and existing folders or tools can be deleted.

Widgets can be added by selecting the Widget – Configure widgets menu option. The widgets appear on
the right-hand side of the window when dragged from the widget configuration window to the Dashboard.
Widgets can be used to perform certain operations (e.g. search for nodes, trunks and services in the
8000 intelligent network manager database) or monitor certain aspects of the 8000 intelligent network
manager such as faults.

All the changes can be done at three different configuration levels: global, profile-specific and operator-
specific. A fourth configuration level also exists, i.e. the system default. The system default configuration
cannot be changed by the users. It is the default configuration defined by the installation scripts. The
other three configuration levels can be selected from the Dashboard menu option. The changes made at
the global configuration level are visible for every operator using the Dashboard. For example, a folder
created at the global level is visible for all the users. The same holds for the widgets added at the global
level. The changes made at the profile level will be visible for every operator having the selected profile.
And finally, the changes made at the operator configuration level will be visible only for that particular

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Introduction to 8000 INM

Network Editor
Network Editor is a database tool providing facilities to define the topology and configuration of the
network. It also allows the user to run other tools which provide facilities for editing individual network
elements and interface binding.

Network Editor displays network objects graphically, and it has text-based dialogs to set and change
parameters of the objects.

The network configuration is determined by placing network elements to the network, equipping them
with units, equipping units with interface modules and adding links to connect network elements.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

VPN Provisioning
The VPN Provisioning tool is used for creating and editing connections. Each VPN is attached to a
customer. Service Class templates are used to simplify the VPN provisioning procedure.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

Tunnel Engineering
The Tunnel Engineering tool can be used for creating LSPs either when provisioning a VPN or as an
entirely separate action. It can also be used for setting explicit routes for traffic engineered LSPs and for
viewing routes of existing LSPs in the network.

With this tool, the user may either bind all hops on the path of an LSP or only bind some of them, and
leave the decision about the rest to the NE. This tool can also be used for viewing the actual path of
RSVP based LSPs routed entirely by the NEs. The routing of these LSPs is based on the CSPF
(Constraint Shortest Path First) algorithm running in the ingress NE of the LSP. However, note that the
path of LDP based LSPs cannot be viewed. The 8000 manager supports Traffic Engineering using E-
LSPs and L-LSPs. The difference between these is essentially that, while a single E-LSP can carry
traffic belonging to multiple service classes, a single L-LSP only carries traffic belonging to a single
service class.

Tunnel Engineering is also used for creating IP tunnels and Static LSP tunnels.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

Service Management
Service Management tool provides a way to combine several items to a service and monitor it. These
items, referred to as subservices, can be circuits, MPLS VPNs, VLAN VPNs, etc. Each subservice can
belong to one or more services. The Service Management tool is used for creating and managing
services. It does not directly support service provisioning. The existing 8000 manager provisioning tools
can be launched from the tool to create and edit subservices. Also, for subservice testing, the existing
testing tools can be launched. The faults of a service can be monitored with the 8000 manager FMS
tools. The fault status of the service is also shown in the Service Management tool.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

Packet Loop Test

With the Packet Loop Test tool, the functionality of a network can be checked. Various types of tests can
be performed between network element IP interfaces.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

Fault Management System (FMS)

Fault Management System is used for monitoring and reporting the fault status in the 8600 system
network. The basic function of FMS is continuous supervision of the network elements. The
Communication Servers collect the fault data from network elements and NTUs. Each server is
responsible for gathering fault events from one or more network areas (a collection of network elements
and NTUs). The detected fault events are filtered, if necessary, and transferred to the system database.
The faults can then be viewed in the Workstations.

The Workstations having FMS open are periodically checking the database for new faults or faults that
are not active anymore in the network. The FMS network picture is updated according to the latest fault
information. The operator can acknowledge the faults: the operator informs the system that it is aware of
the fault. The operator can also create reports on the system fault status.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

Service Fault Monitoring

Service Fault Monitoring allows the operator to monitor both TDM circuits and MPLS based services in
the network. The operator may react to fault situations in the network based on the priority of the
services being affected.

Service Fault Monitoring enables the real time supervision of all services, i.e. pseudo wires, TDM
circuits, VLAN VPNs and IP VPNs that are assigned to a certain Service Category. A Service Category
is a collection of pre-selected services.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

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Introduction to 8000 INM

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Introduction to 8000 INM

The Web Reporter tool is used to access information in the 8000 system network through the intranet or
the Internet.

Web Reporter enables fast distribution of information without the need to consult the personnel
operating the network. For example, customer service staff and sales personnel can view circuit
capacity, availability, free node interfaces or faults when a customer calls. Field service personnel can
see where a fault is located and plan repairs accordingly; they can also receive node information when
installing new hardware and services. Management can monitor the quality and observe the size and
contents of the network. Also the network operators benefit from the clear and comprehensive reports.
End customers may be interested in monitoring the availability of their circuits.

The system contains a number of predefined reports that are available to the user after a successful
login. The output format is HTML, PDF or Excel.

Requires Macro Manager to be installed and running on one of the Management servers.

Prior to SR4.2, Web Reporter users have been separate from the 8000 intelligent network manager
users and the administrator has used an individual window to configure related privileges. In SR4.2, the
users have been combined. All the report level, column level, private sub-network and customer
privilege configurations have been integrated with the 8000 intelligent network manager profile

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Introduction to 8000 INM

The following enhancements are available from 8000 INM SR6.0.

Web Reporter has been enhanced to provide mobile-optimized version (for Android, iOS and Windows)
offering an easy-to-use GUI. The resolution and scale have been optimized for the mobile version.

Web Reporter graphics (pie charts, bar charts and line charts) are also available with the Linux
Management Server.

Several new reports are supported in 8000 intelligent network manager Web Reporter:
• Tunnel Report
• Pseudowire Report
• G.8032-ERP Ring Report
• CPU 1-minute/5-minute Report
• CPU/NPU 15-minute Report

The fault archives report has been removed in SR6.0.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

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Introduction to 8000 INM

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Introduction to 8000 INM

Network Editor
Network Editor uses the Navigator windowing system, where the main window is by default divided into
three subwindows: Tree View, Network View and List View. These View windows help you to manage
the various sized networks and tasks in the networks.

The View windows are:

• The Tree View window for easy navigation in the network
• The List View window for reporting all or selected network elements
• The Network View window for displaying the network graphically

These windows can be closed, tiled, cascaded, minimized and maximized. The View windows have a
default tile order in which the Tree View is located in the top left part, the Graphical View in the top right
part and the List View in the bottom part of the application main window. This default order can be
selected via the Window menu. This order is not editable.

The Navigator windowing system is also used in the Fault Management System tool.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

The Network View window displays the currently selected network view graphically. Most of the menu
items in the View menu usually have an effect only on the Network View window.

Selections in this Network View window affect other open View windows also. Similarly, selections in
other open View windows affect also the Network View window. But it is possible to close this window
and thus avoid unnecessary drawing and give room for other View windows.

Clicking a network element with the left mouse button selects the element. Double-clicking it has a tool-
dependent effect. Usually, each element type has some default functionality defined. Clicking the
network object with the right mouse button opens a pop-up menu similar to other View window pop-up

The purpose of the Tree View window is to display the network in an organized and logical way and to
provide an easy way to find network elements and navigate between elements in big networks. Objects
in the Tree View are grouped according to their type and position in the topological hierarchy.

Usually when a network object is selected in the Tree View, it is selected also in other open View
windows. Similarly, by selecting an object via the toolbar or another View window selects this object
also in the Tree View.

Each element has a set of operations and tools available for it in the pop-up menu opened with the right
mouse click. The same tools are available in all View windows just like certain navigation operations.

The List View window is useful for making different kinds of reports and seeing more details about a set
of network elements. There are two modes in the List View window:
• All Objects for displaying all elements of a certain object type currently available.
• Tree Level for displaying the selected object and all similar objects at the same hierarchy level.

The List View mode type can be selected in the Mode drop-down list.
In the All Objects case, the type of the elements displayed has to be selected in the Object Type drop-
down list.

When the Tree Level mode type has been selected, the Object Type drop-down list is disabled,
because the selected object type depends on the object type of the currently selected object. In the All
Objects mode, the object type will not change until it is changed by the user. If the type of the selected
object is the same as in the List View, that object is also selected in the List View if listed.

Each element has a set of operations and tools available for it in the pop-up menu opened with the right
mouse click. For example, with the Configure option, the different column settings of the Tree View and
List View dialogs can be modified.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

Toolbox contains the tools to create and maintain the network in the database.

With the Select tool, you can select network objects and enter, edit and view their parameters.

With the Move tool, you can change the places of the locations and network elements within the location
in the Network View. With the Change Location tool, you can add the network element to a location or
change the node to another location or out of the location.

With the node tool, you can add network elements to the network. A left mouse click switches between
the possible elements to be added, and a right mouse click displays all the options.

With the modem tool, you can add 8100 Network Terminating Units (NTU) to the network.

The Link tool is for adding different kinds of links. The left mouse button changes the link options and the
right mouse button gives a complete list of all possible links to be added.

With the Location tool, you can add Access/Core/General locations in the network to create more
scalable network view.

The SCC tool shows or hides System Control Computer of the 8100 network.

Node Editor is used for equipping the network elements with units and modules. It is also used for
binding the interfaces to links.

Node Manager is a tool for the network element management.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

One way to make the network picture look more simple is to use the locations. One location could, for
example, represent a city and inside the location could be all the nodes in that city. The locations can
also be nested - a location may contain a location, which itself contains a location. This means that there
is multiple-level support for locations.

To add a new location, select Location from the Toolbox in Network Editor and add the location to the
network picture. To add new nodes in the location, just click inside a location when adding a new node.
Older nodes can be added in a location by selecting Change Location from the Toolbox and then
dragging them in the location. To see what is inside a location, choose Select from the Toolbox and then
double-click the location icon.

The parent location of the first location in the access network will be the access network.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

Object States
Each element of the 8600 network has state status in the database. State logic enables several features
in the 8000 manager. The possible states are Planned, Installed and In Use.

All added elements are first in the Planned state. The 8000 manager supposes that those elements are
only in the database and does not try to communicate with the hardware. This way, it is possible to plan
the network without the actual hardware.

When the state of the element is raised to Installed, the 8000 manager tries to communicate with the
hardware. The hardware should already be installed when changing the state from Planned to a higher
state. The Installed state is used for testing purposes.

In Use is the final state. This state should be used only when the hardware is actually used.

During normal operation, the states are edited directly between Planned and In Use. Installed is
normally used only in testing circumstances.

The state information is stored only in the database. The state of the object is indicated by the graphical
symbols above in the Node and Unit windows in Node Manager. These icons make it easier to see
immediately in which state the objects are.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

State Logic Hierarchy in the 8000 intelligent network manager

The objects depend upon the objects above and below them in the diagram if they pass through,
terminate at, are bound to, or belong to the higher object in the diagram.

• An object may only be moved to a higher state if the objects it depends upon are in the same state or
• For example, the state of the subrack cannot be changed from Installed to In Use before the
state of the node is In Use.
• An object may only be moved to a lower state if all objects dependent upon it are in the same state or
• For example, the state of the module cannot be changed from Installed to Planned before the
state of the interfaces is Planned.
• The control card of an element must be at the same or higher state as any line card. In other words, it
is not possible to have a line card in the In Use state and a control card in the Planned state.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

Node Manager
Node Manager is a tool that provides facilities to manage the 8600 routers. The element management
facilities include parameter and state settings, some fault monitoring features, consistency checking and
some configuration templates.

In the main window of Node Manager, the Node Manager window, it is possible to make preplanning
before real hardware exists. This means that the network configuration and parameter values are written
to the database only and the changed parameters are updated to the database only.

The Node Manager window has two main views, Tree View and Subrack View. The parameterization
and configuration operations, for example process creations, can be started by right-clicking the
appropriate item of Tree View and then selecting the operation from the menu.

The operations can also be started by right-clicking defined positions in the Subrack View and then
selecting the operation from the pop-up menus.

When setting parameters and doing configuration operations, click the Refresh button to see the new
situation in the Node Manager window.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

Several 8600 Node Manager dialogs have multi-operation support. This means that a dialog can be
opened for several interfaces or BGP neighbors and they all can be configured simultaneously. Several
instances can be selected from the Node Manager tree view or BGP neighbor list and the configuration
dialog is available for multi-operation.

The following dialogs have multi-operation support:

• IP Interface
• TU-12/VC-12/P12s
• E1/P12
• MPLS Interface
• OSPF Interface
• Loopback Interface
• Null Interface
• BGP-4 Neighbor
• BGP-4 VPN Neighbor
• BGP-4 VRF Neighbor

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Introduction to 8000 INM

In the 8000 INM release 6.0, the following dialogs have new or enhanced multi-operation support:
• CHDLC Interface
• HDLC Interface
• Frame Relay Interface
• ATM Interface
• STM-N Interface
• L2 Tunnel Interface

In multi-operation mode, the possible differences in the parameter values of the selected instances
are displayed in red color in the dialog. Additionally, the instances under configuration can be seen by
clicking the blue information icon on top of the dialog.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

It is possible to open a list view for a selected topology element. For example, if an IP MPLS list view is
opened for a unit or a module, it shows all IP MPLS interfaces related to the selected unit or module. As
an example, an IP MPLS list view is opened for the IFC2 unit in slot 6 and the IP MPLS interfaces
related to it are visible.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

In addition to the 8000 intelligent network manager graphical user interface, the system has the
Command Line Interface (CLI) with read-only access. This interface allows monitoring of 8600
products with show commands.

You can execute show CLI commands inside the 8000 manager: open the NE item list of the NE tree
(root) in Node Manager and select CLI Show by right-clicking the appropriate item. There is also a CLI
Show button in the button bar in the upper part of the node window.

In the CLI Show dialog, you can execute show CLI commands and see the results. The commands and
results can also be saved for further use.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

Node Editor
Node Editor tool is used to add specific units and modules of network elements to the database.
In addition to the pop-up menus opened in the Node Editor main window, there are two separate
Toolboxes, Units and Modules, within the Node Editor window for adding either units or modules. Unit
and module types supported in each network element type are listed in the pop-up menus and

There is a small arrow in the network element picture of the 8660 router showing the slots where the
selected unit can be added. If the highlighted module type is valid on the unit, rectangular dashed boxes
will appear upon the unit.

The Bind menu in Node Editor is used for binding the links to the interfaces in the database. The
interface use is also defined in the dialogs opened from the Bind menu.

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Introduction to 8000 INM

The Interface Use dialog allows you to view and change the use of the interfaces in a network
element. The interfaces displayed are restricted to those with the following uses (but may be further
restricted by using the Listed interfaces check boxes):
General Use

Single User Access Point (UAP)

Provider core
The interface belongs to the core network

Interfaces with link bindings have the Link Use use, and are not displayed in this dialog.

Node Editor tool other functions include:

•Interface binding to a VPN site
•QoS settings of the interfaces (edit and reset)
•Authentication key settings for IGPs (OSPF and IS-IS), LDP and AAA Radius server

Node Editor also has quick shortcuts to Node Manager, Consistency Checker and Customer

State logic for different managed objects is used in the 8000 intelligent network manager database.
State settings of the whole node and its subcomponents can be easily set with the Node Editor tool.

The Settings dialog in Node Editor, opened from Edit/Settings menu, can be used for aggregate
setting of the network element.

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Network Building

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Network Building

The main function of the hardware inventory in the 8600 system is to monitor the hardware configuration
in a network element. Each card and module is identified by a HW type, HW version, and serial number.
Each NE has a configuration of the expected hardware: what type of cards or LMs belong to the NE and
what type of modules belong to a card. This configuration is kept on the non-volatile memory of the
Control and DC Power Card (CDC) in the 8660/8630 and in the non-volatile memory of the 8607. The
"expected HW configuration" is later referred to as hw-inventory configuration.

In the 8605 router, the inventory exists, and it is very simple. There is only one “slot”, and also there are
always two fixed modules, the Ethernet module 0 and the E1/T1 MS module 1, which are always

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Network Building

Basically, the hw-inventory contains an expected card type for each card slot in the NE and an expected
module type for each module slot in a card. If the type of an existing card in a slot matches with the
expected type in the hw-inventory, the card is allowed to operate. If a module type in a module slot of
this card matches with the expected type in the hw-inventory, the module will be allowed to operate.

The NE also maintains configuration backups for all cards belonging to the hw-inventory configuration.
When a card is replaced by another card of the same type with the same type of modules, the new card
(replacement card) will get the configuration of the old card and will start operating as part of the NE
without any need to manually configure it.

If a card that does not belong to the hw-inventory configuration is inserted into the NE, it will not be
allowed to operate as part of the NE until it is added to the hw-inventory configuration. In addition, it will
not get configuration backups from the NE. Likewise, if a card has a module that is not part of the hw-
inventory, it will not become operational.

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Network Building

The clean-start command will return the router to factory default settings. This includes clearing and
rebuilding the hardware inventory as well as erasing the node configuration.

86x0 and 860x routers have all interfaces set to ETSI mode by default, if mode is not specified in the
inventory creation command. For U.S. customers, the 8605 FP1.4/8607 FP1.1 nodes are pre-configured
to ANSI mode at the production stage.

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Network Building

Hardware inventory message “UP AND RUNNING” indicates that an IFC card in an 8600 router has
booted and is functional.

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The CLI commands are divided into several command modes based on the functionality of the router.
Each command mode has its own set of commands available for configuring and monitoring the router.
The commands available to you at any given time depend on the mode you are in. Entering a question
mark (?) at the router prompt allows you to obtain a list of commands available for each command

There are shortcuts, which allow mode changing directly without going via common parent. These
commands are marked with ’->’ at the beginning of the command so as not to confuse these with
functionality offered by command mode.

The figure on next page presents the CLI command modes. It also shows the commands entering and
leaving the modes.

When you start a session on a router, you begin with the Read Only mode. For security purposes, only
monitoring commands are available. This level of access is reserved for tasks that do not change the
configuration or state of the router.

The next mode is the Privilege mode. In addition to the Read Only mode commands, you can now also
give various one-time commands e.g. deleting or copying a file, or clearing statistic counters. These
commands are not considered as configuration changing commands.

From the Privilege mode, you can enter the Configuration mode. In this mode, you can enter commands
that configure general system characteristics. The subsequent modes configure a certain functional area
e.g. OSPF protocol (Router OSPF Configuration mode).

The configuration changes are saved if the router reboots.

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Telnet/ssh access must be activated with a separate command(s).

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Network Building

Locations are collections of nodes, normally in the same geographical location, which are represented in
the network window. The operator can use locations to simplify Network View. There are three types of
locations in the 8000 intelligent network manager: General/Access/Core locations.

There can be multiple core and access locations.

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Network Building

The MPLS networks are an upper-level concept for dividing a network into logical parts, access and core
network. There can be only one core network, but the number of access networks is not limited. 8600
routers must have MPLS network associated with them.

Note that the Access and Core locations do not have any relation to MPLS Access and Core networks!
The creation of the MPLS network in the database is done using the Edit/MPLS Networks menu option
in Network Editor.

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Network Building

A new network element can be added to the database by selecting the desired network element type
from the Toolbox, then by clicking the network picture on the spot where the new network element is
going to be and setting its parameters. Another way to add the network element is to use the
Edit/Network Element menu option in the Network Editor window.

The minimum parameters required are ID, Area, MPLS Network, Role, Management IP Address, Router
ID. The (communication server) area of the node is automatically chosen if there is only one area in the
network. The rest of the parameters that are not automatically set are optional. Other parameters could
be needed, for example: Region (if a partitioned network is used), Location, OSPF Area (for Online Core
Network Monitoring).

Router ID is used to identify the message source for control protocols such as OSPF, LDP and RSVP
Router ID can be set
- Globally for the whole node or
- Separately for each control protocol

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Network Building

After the initial parameters are given to the new node, you can start furnishing it. Furnishing can be done
using the Node Editor tool or Node Manager tool in the Network Editor. The node can be furnished
manually or autodiscovered. Autodiscovery process is also able to pick up configuration made with the
CLI and store it to the 8000 INM database.

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Network Building

Manual furnishing with the Node Editor tool

The units and modules in the 8600 networks elements can be added to the database by selecting the
desired unit or module from the pop-up menus or lists and then double-clicking the unit/module where
the unit/module is supposed to be. In the unit added to the subrack/NE picture there is a box if the
selected module can be added there. When all desired units and modules have been added, the window
can be closed without any additional update or save command.

8660 Router
In the 8660 router, above the slot numbers there is a small triangle if the selected unit can be located in
that slot. In the 8660 router, the two outermost slots (1,14) are for Control and DC Power Cards. The
CDC in the slot 14 is mandatory in all configurations. Equipping slot 1 with another CDC depends on
protection needs, however it is highly recommended. Slots 2...13 are available for Interface Module
Concentrator cards.

8630 Router
The 8630 router is identical to the 8660 router except it has fewer slots. There are six slots in total,
numbered 1,6,7,8,9,14 - with still two slots (1 and 14) for Control and DC Power cards. IFC card slots
are numbered from 6 to 9. The CDC in the slot 14 is mandatory in all configurations. Equipping slot 1
with another CDC depends on protection needs, however it is highly recommended. Slots 6...9 are
available for IFM cards.

8611 Router
The 8611 router contains nine slots: two slots for the switching and control modules (SCM1 and SCM2),
four slots for the line modules (M0, M1, M2, and M3) and three slots for the high speed modules (M4,
M5 and M6).

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Network Building

Autodiscovery is a useful tool for discovering nodes which already have configuration information and
bringing them and their configurations into the management system. Configuration can be performed on
nodes using CLI and after communication to the 8000 INM has been set up any configuration on the
node can be imported into the 8000 intelligent network manager. This simplifies installation issues for
customers who may prefer to setup and configure nodes using CLI before deploying them to site. After
deployment, the nodes can be autodiscovered to the database, ready for provisioning, administering and
fault monitoring.

During the process of autodiscovery, the node settings in the database will be overwritten with the
settings from the node - this is not a configuration merge process. As the modeling of trunks in the
database is a management specific function and has no configuration effect on the node, these must be
configured into the database as normal after the configuration has been discovered. Interface settings
and routing protocol parameters are discovered.

After configuring the basic node parameters for a node into the 8000 intelligent network manager, and
setting the node state to In Use, the autodiscovery tool can be selected when Node Editor is first used to
furnish the node.

Alternatively, the Autodiscovery tool can also be opened from within the Node Manager Tool.

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Network Building

Loopback interface is a virtual interface with an IP address associated to it. They are preferred as
reference Ids (router-id) for routing and MPLS processes, as the interface will only go down if manually
set to be so. It is also used as a pseudo wire service destination address.

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Network Building

IP interfaces must be parameterized before they are used. IP interfaces can be used as IP access
interfaces for customers, IP VPN access interfaces for customers or IP/MPLS link interfaces for

Link interfaces should be in Up mode when bound. VPN endpoints should be left in Shutdown mode so
that possible private IP address ranges used by the customer are not taken into the global IP routing
table of the 8600 node. The VPN Provisioning tool will raise the VPN endpoint interface mode to Up
when the VPN is connected.

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OSPF processes are created to learn routes to other networks for the IP routing table.

Activating an OSPF routing process consists of the following steps:

• Router process is created. OSPF router ID is normally one of the loopback addresses.
• OSPF router process parameters are adjusted.
• OSPF area(s) are created. All the IP prefixes to be advertised are added to the list.
• OSPF process state is raised to In Use. OSPF parameters from database are sent to hardware.

By default, OSPF is RFC2328 compatible. Prior to RFC2328, OSPF was compliant with RFC1583. By
enabling the RFC1583 compatibility RFC2328, compatibility is disabled. RFC2328 specifies a method
for calculating metrics for summary routes based on the maximum cost, whereas RFC1583 specifies a
method for calculating metrics for summary routes based on the minimum metric of the component
paths available.

Network elements may also have several OSPF processes running at the same time. Several processes
are typically needed when IP VPNs with OSPF customer routing are implemented. In that case, there is
one process for global OSPF routing and one process for each VRF running OSPF towards customer.

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Network Building

The OSPF Router Process dialog contains a lot of adjustable settings for OSPF process:
The Traffic Engineering and CSPF (Constraint Shortest Path First) algorithms can be enabled.

The Delay Time option in the SPF Timers frame specifies the delay between the receipt of a topology
change and the calculation of the SPF (Shortest Path First) algorithm. The default value is 5 seconds.

The Hold Time option specifies the time between consecutive SPF calculations. The default time is 10

The Administrative Distances rate the trustworthiness of a routing information source. A higher distance
indicates a lower trust rating. The values for the distance range from 0 to 255.

The Reference Bandwidth parameter is used for differentiating high bandwidth links. OSPF calculates
the OSPF metric for an interface by dividing the reference bandwidth by the interface bandwidth. The
default value for the reference bandwidth is 100Mbps. It is recommended to adjust this value higher
when using interfaces with bandwidths greater than the reference value.

OSPF requires each LSA to be refreshed by the originating router every 30 minutes. The Refresh Time
parameter sets the refreshing interval for LSAs. The default value is 10 seconds.

If a router is an ABR in a multivendor environment, its performance can be improved by the ABR Type
parameter. The possible values are cisco, ibm, shortcut and standard. The standard-behavior ABR
conforms to RFC2328.

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In an OSPF domain (autonomous system), there is one backbone area and optionally multiple other
areas. All other areas must be connected to the backbone. The area ID is reserved for the

Router interfaces are bound to areas based on their IP addresses.

Router has STM-1 interface with the IP address and the network mask. If
that interface belongs to OSPF backbone the area dialog should be configured in the following way:
Area, Address and Mask

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Network Building

The 8600 routers support an integrated IS-IS version which is specified by the IETF in [RFC1195].
Integrated IS-IS supports the exchange of intra-domain routing information for the network which uses
TCP/IP-based protocols.

You can apply a tag to identify multiple IS-IS processes. Just as multiple OSPF processes can be
present on the same router, multiple IS-IS processes are possible. The process name is significant only
to the local router. If more than one IS-IS process is used, then the network plan should indicate which
interfaces would participate in which IS-IS process.

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Network Building

Max Number of Area Addresses

The maximum number of NET addresses that the IS-IS routing process can contain. The accepted
values range from 3 to 254. The default value is 3.

List of Area Addresses (NET addresses)

Area addresses can be added and removed here. The number of area addresses cannot exceed the
maximum number defined above. The System ID and Selector values must be equal in all list items. The
NET is a combination of area number, a unique system identification number for each particular router,
and the NSEL of 00 at the end.

The NET address 47.0000.0101.2310.0018.00 represents:

AFI of 47
Area ID of 0000
System ID of 0101.2310.0018 (e.g.: MAC address of a LAN interface, or IP address of node typically
NSEL of 0. The NSAP is called the NET when it has an NSEL of 0. Routers use the NET to identify
themselves in the IS-IS PDUs.

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Network Building

TE link monitoring for LSP teardown

Ticking this check box enables OSPF CSPF TE monitoring. By default, CSPF TE monitoring is
enabled. Disabling TE monitoring slows down RSVP tunnel down handling, because the tunnel down
depends thereafter solely on RSVP hello. Normally, when monitoring is enabled, tunnel downs are
found in the TE database and RSVP is notified immediately.

CSPF Calculations
Here you can enable and disable the constrained shortest path first (CSPF) feature for both
Level-1 and Level-2. CSPF calculates the optimum explicit route (ER), using Traffic Engineering
Database and (TED) and pre-existing Label Switched Path (LSP). The resulting ER is used by a
signaling protocol (RSVP-TE or CR-LDP) to set up LSPs.

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Network Building

IS-IS Process Tag

A textual name for the IS-IS routing process instance. A string with a maximum length of 128 characters.

IS-IS Level
Enables either Level-1 or Level-2 routing, or both. Only one IS-IS instance can run Level-2 routing
(either Level-2 only IS or Level-1-2).
Level 1: routers learn about paths within the areas they connect to (intra-area).
Level 2: routers learn about paths between areas (inter-area).
Level 1-2: routers learn about paths both within and between areas. Level 1-2 routers are equivalent to

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Network Building

IS-IS Router Process

Matches the IS-IS instance tag to one of the tags of the existing instances, or initiates a new instance
with the tag name. Otherwise routing will not run on this interface. When a valid tag is selected, the
router sends an IS-IS Hello with the IP address TLV on this interface, and the IP reachability information
TLV in the LSP will be updated.

Circuit Type
With these radio buttons you can select the type of circuit for the interface. The IS-IS routing process
must support the configured circuit type. By default, this follows the configuration made for the IS-IS
routing process.

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Network Building

Here you can configure the database for Constrained Shortest Path First algorithm (CSPF) as ISIS,
otherwise system will take OSPF as default protocol for MPLS CSPF calculation and therefore the
tunnel auto-routing establishment.

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Network Building

The MPLS Interface dialog is used for configuring interface level MPLS parameters. The MPLS interface
is created when an IP interface is created. You can open this dialog in the Node Manager main window
by right-clicking the IP interface, and selecting MPLS Interface from the pop-up menu.

LDP Enabled
Ticking this check box also selects the Label Switching Enabled check box, and enables the LDP
process. Note that both check boxes need to be ticked in order for the LDP process to be enabled. By
default, the check box is enabled.

RSVP Enabled
Ticking this check box also selects the Label Switching Enabled check box, and enables the RSVP
process. Note that both check boxes need to be ticked in order for the RSVP process to be enabled. By
default, the check box is disabled.

Label Switching Enabled

If this check box is ticked, the MPLS label switching on an interface is enabled.

MPLS Packet Maximum Size

In this entry field you can define the maximum size of an MPLS packet. The default value is 1530.

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Network Building

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Network Building

- Defined in RFC 4379

- Check functionality of LDP signalled LSP
- Support for IPv4 address family prefixes
- Echo requests are sent to egress LSR via dataplane – diagnostic packet is not IP forwarded!
Echo replies are sent back to egress LSR (originating router) as UDP packets. Destination address is
taken from the received ”Echo request” source address.
Typically (if sender’s source is not specified) the Echo request source IP is an interface IP
address and the reply does not follow a LSP path.
Ping command uses the FEC for choosing the LDP tunnel
Look FTN table for LDP FEC entries!

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Network Building

- Verify LDP signalled LSP data plane functionality vs. control plane
- Signalled path matches to the one used by dataplane
- Originating router sends MPLS echo requests, like in LDP ping, increasing the MPLS TTL values:
1,2,3...,n, until the tunnel end has been reached
- Isolate fault that has been detected, for example, by LDP ping
- Echo requests traverse the same path as data plane  LSP path
- Each LSR along the path returns information to originating node
- Specified in RFC 4379
- LDP IPv4 Prefix FEC support added

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Network Building

Physical trunks (for example, 1G Ethernet) can be modeled in Network Editor to create a clearer
graphical view of the whole network.

A new trunk can be added to the network picture and database by selecting the desired trunk type from
the Toolbox, clicking both end network elements and setting the trunk parameters. The New Trunk
Parameters dialog has default settings and if they are fine, the new trunk is added by clicking the OK

It is recommended to use the trunk ID given by the system, but the operator should define the trunk
name. That makes it a lot easier to find the correct trunk in other applications.

Other ways to add a new trunk to the database are to use the Edit/Trunks dialog in Network Editor, or to
select trunk type from Toolbox and to double-click on an empty place in the network picture.

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Network Building

IP/MPLS links are used between 8600 network elements. The main purpose of the IP/MPLS link is to
verify that interface LSP signaling parameters are correct. The VPN Provisioning tool requires that those
links exist in MPLS access networks between U-PE and N-PE routers in hierarchical IP VPN application.
IP/MPLS links are also used for RSVP-TE strict hop routing in the Tunnel Engineering tool.

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Network Building

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Network Building

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Network Building

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Network Building

The 8600 routers have an option for common timing generator to support SDH synchronization. It can
provide an SDH Equipment Clock (SEC) compliant with G.813 option 1 and EN 300 462-5-1. The timing
module is required to provide a reference clock signal downstream. The timing module comes as
standard on CDC cards for the 8660 and 8630, and on baseboard for 8605, 8607, 8609 and 8611. The
SEC is synchronized using a reference clock signal which can be received via E1 ports, STM-N ports,
Station Clock Interface (SCI) ports (2048 kHz [G.703]), and also through Ethernet ports.

Synchronization via Ethernet link is based on ITU-T standard (Synchronous Ethernet, ITU-T G.8261).
With Synchronous Ethernet, the two synchronization directions (TX and RX) are independent and in
some ports only TX is supported. These “reduced functionality” ports are capable of providing
synchronization to another node, but are not capable of providing a recovered clock as a
synchronization reference to the local node clock. Please refer to the 8600 Managed Edge System
Synchronization Configuration Guide for more information about Synchronous Ethernet support in the
8600 routers.

Synchronization can also be implemented via an external reference source originating from a GPS
based system. The selection of which source to use as reference signal is done using the Fallback list.
Up to five clock reference sources can be configured in the Fallback (FBL) list, with selection order and
priority configurable by the user. The Fallback list determines which reference source is to be used
based on priority, operator selection order and faults with any reference sources. Monitoring logic
assesses the quality of the reference clock and also the other reference sources on the fallback list as
well as the operation of the PLL (Phase Locked Loop).

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Network Building

The timing module has a holdover process where it learns the frequency of the reference clock in
approximately 20 minutes. If all sources in the Fallback list fail, the timing module will enter into
Holdover mode and maintain the signal frequency with an accuracy of 4.6 ppm for approximately 250
days. The operator can manually switch the NE into holdover mode. This would be used if there were
known problems with the selected reference clock sources.

If the timing module is being operated for the first time and has not been able to update its holdover
memory and cannot lock on to a reference signal, it will enter free-run state. This is a factory default
state and can provide a clock signal to 4.6 ppm accuracy. The operator can manually switch the timing
unit into free-run state. For example, this would be done to clear the holdover memory. This state will not
be stored in the NE configuration and will not be automatically returned to if the NE is rebooted.

For STM-N interfaces, Node or Loop timing can be selected. If a timing module is installed, it is
recommended that Node timing be used. If no timing module is installed, then Loop timing must be used.
Loop timing assumes that the equipment at the remote end has [G.813] or better clock. However, if the
received reference clock signal fails, the corresponding transmitted signal will be set to MS-AIS with a
20ppm accuracy. With Loop timing, the reference clock signal received in the STM-N interface can be
looped to the transmit direction.

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Network Building

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Network Building

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Network Building

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Network Building

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Network Building

Here you can view the table showing the current internal voltage measurements as well as the current voltage fault
thresholds for both low and high voltage.
Here you can view the internal temperature measurements of the unit.
Cooling Fans
Here you can view the status of the cooling fans. Each fan is shown in a separate row in the table.
Power Consumption
Here you can view the current power consumption status of the network element.
HW Resources (1, 2 & 3)
Here you can view the internal HW resource usage of a unit and set a high threshold parameter for each metric. If
current usage is higher than the threshold, the high threshold fault is raised.
HW Resource Controls
Here you can view and edit fault parameters and reconfigure units if thresholds are exceeded.
Syslog Parameters
Here you can view and edit the RFC 3164 type system message logging parameters of a network element.
Here you can view and clear syslog and syslog message type occurrence table.
Memory Usage
Here you can view the random access memory usage of the units.
CPU Load
Here you can view the CPU usage of the units.

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Network Building

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Customer Administration

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Customer Administration

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Customer Administration

Customer Administration provides tools to manage the names and addresses of the operator’s
customers and their different sites in the 8000 intelligent network manager database.

Once the customer and site data has been inserted, it is possible to associate interfaces and entire
network elements to different sites. This kind of association means that the interface in question is
connected to the customer site or that the network element in question is located in the customer site.

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Customer Administration

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Customer Administration

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Customer Administration

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Customer Administration

The whole node can be associated to the customer site the same way as interfaces. For example, in
mobile networks the pseudo wire interfaces are normally owned by the operator and to prevent
extensive interface binding it is easier to assign all the interfaces to the same site. However, the Site
information is not compulsory information for VPN Provisioning. In the Nodes tab of the VPN
Provisioning tool you can enable/disable Site use.

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Customer Administration

Also, in the Node Parameters dialog, it is possible to assign the node to a Customer and a Site.

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Customer Administration

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Customer Administration

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Inband Configuration

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Inband Configuration

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Inband Configuration

Telnet/ssh access must be activated with a separate command(s).

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Inband Configuration

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Inband Configuration

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Inband Configuration

Note: to establish connectivity to the loopbacks, a ”static route” must be created on the
Communication Server

Example of static route on the Communication Server:

C:\>route add mask –p
(created from windows Command Prompt)

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Inband Configuration

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Inband Configuration

Note: in the ping command the source loopback must be specified as by default ping command is using
the link interface to reach the destination.

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Inband Configuration

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Inband Configuration

By default CSPF uses the OSPF-TE database. When using IS-IS the cspf-type must be changed
to IS-IS.

IS-IS Router Types can be:

Level 1: Level 1 routers learn about paths within the areas they connect to (intra-area)
Level 2: Level 2 routers learn about paths between areas (interarea)
Level 1-2: Level 1-2 routers learn about paths both within and between areas. Level 1-2 routers are
equivalent to ABRs in OSPF

Note: If no level is defined during the NE configuration the router assumes the Level 1-2. For the data
transportation point of view (VPN L2, VPN L3, etc…) it makes no difference, but on the other side,
routers will require two databases (one database per level) generating additional overhead and
consuming extra router processing.

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Inband Configuration

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Inband Configuration

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Inband Configuration

AFI (Authority Format Identifier) set to 49, which signifies that the AFI is locally administered and
individual addresses can be assigned.

The area identifier (ID), which must be at least 1 byte. Variable-length field (1 to 13 bytes).
System ID: Unique host (6 bytes).

NSEL, which must always be set to “00” for a router (1 byte).

Note: NSAP address, ending with a selector of 00, in the OSI world, is called a NET (Network Entity
Title) address.
• The NET address is required even if IS-IS is solely used for routing IP.
• To route IP traffic between areas, the Area ID is used.
• To route IP traffic within the same area, the Sys-ID is used.

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Inband Configuration

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