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Assignment 1

a. With the aid of a schematic diagram, explain the manufacturing process of Ammonia
highlighting the raw materials and conditions involved. [10marks]
b. The organic chemical industry uses and generates both large numbers and quantities of a
wide variety of solvents, metal particulates, acid vapors, and unreacted monomers. These
chemicals are released to all media including air, water and land. Due to public awareness of
the dangers of chemicals in the environment, the chemical industry is one of the most highly
regulated of all industries. The biggest global organic chemical companies have been
promoting pollution prevention through various means. Discuss ways of reducing pollution in
the environment [10 marks]

c. Explain the manufacturing process of Portland Cement [10marks]

Assignment 2
a. A 100L tank contains water with an initial concentration of 2%. A final concentration of
3.5%is required. Calculate the amount of dry salt that needs to be added to achieve this final
concentration. Assume the process is a batch process. [5 marks]

b. Instruments are indicated by appropriate symbols with the typical abbreviations. What does
the following abbreviation stand for?
(i) RTC
(iii) ILC
(iv) ORFM
(v) PG
(vi) HPA [6marks]
c. A 100L tank contains water with an initial concentration of 2%. A final concentration of
3.5%is required. Calculate the amount of dry salt that needs to be added to achieve this final
concentration. Assume the process is a batch process. [5 marks]

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