Security Devices and Services

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SECURITY DEVICES: Security devices are typically physical or virtualized hardware

appliances, with vendor specific software installed. Security devices include firewalls, intrusion
protection system (IPS), unified threat management (UTM), network access control, email
security gateways, web application firewalls (WAF), VPN gateways, and network device backup
and recovery.

Firewalls: These are essential network security appliances available in hardware and
software forms. They separate internal networks from the Internet, block specific connections,
and deny incoming traffic by default, enhancing network security.

Intrusion Protection Systems (IPS): IPS systems proactively monitor network traffic
using profiles, signature detection, AI, and anomaly detection. They can detect various
intrusions and can work with firewalls to isolate infected devices.

Unified Threat Management (UTM): UTMs combine firewall, intrusion detection, and
prevention systems into one device, simplifying security management. However, they pose a
single point of failure risk.

Network Access Control: This function ensures secure network access by linking
authentication with endpoint device status, such as security updates.

Email Security Gateways: These devices or services monitor email traffic for spam,
viruses, phishing, and anomalies, enhancing email security.

Web Application Firewalls (WAF): WAFs selectively allow, or block web traffic based
on predefined criteria, protecting web applications from vulnerabilities and attacks.

VPN Gateways: VPN devices enable secure access to internal resources from
anywhere, improving remote work security and productivity.

Network Device Backup and Recovery: It includes centralized backup and recovery
tools, simplified configuration management and recovery for network devices.

SECURITY SERVICES: Security services are services or practices that defends computers,
servers, mobile devices, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. It
includes managed security services, penetration testing and vulnerability assessment, incident
response services, security consulting and risk assessment, and security awareness training.

Managed Security Services (MSS): MSS providers continuously monitor and manage
security devices and systems. They respond to security threats in real-time, ensuring
organizations maintain a robust security posture.

Penetration Testing and Vulnerability Assessment: Security services include

penetration testing, where ethical hackers try to exploit vulnerabilities to uncover weaknesses in
a system's security. Vulnerability assessments involve scanning systems to identify known
Incident Response Services: These services assist organizations in planning and
executing a coordinated response to security incidents or data breaches. Their goal is to
minimize damage and facilitate recovery.

Security Consulting and Risk Assessment: Security consultants offer expertise in

evaluating an organization's security posture, identifying risks, and recommending security
strategies and policies to mitigate those risks.

Security Awareness Training: Cybersecurity services encompass educating

employees and users about best practices and potential threats to enhance their awareness and
reduce the likelihood of security breaches.


a. What are the three methods used in social engineering to gain access to
The three methods used in social engineering to gain access to information are
electronic access, physical access, and social media. Electronic access includes
phishing, spear phishing, and baiting while physical access includes pretexting,
tailgating, and quid pro quo.
b. What are three examples of social engineering attacks from the first two
methods in step 2a?
The examples of the first two methods includes phishing, spear phishing, and
baiting for electronic access and pretexting, tailgating, and quid pro quo for
physical access.
c. Why is social networking a social engineering threat?
Social networking is a social engineering threat because it usually encourages
people to extensively share their personal information such as full name,
address, birthdates, and bank details. These details, when shared, can cause
identity theft, phishing, and other attacks.
d. How can an organization defend itself from social engineering attacks?
An organization can defend itself from social engineering attacks by performing a
multi-faceted approach that combines technology, policies, and creation and
utilization of security awareness training. Security awareness training includes
phishing exercises, and social engineering workshops.
e. What is the SANS Institute, which authored this article?
SANS Institute is n organization that is prominent in the field of cybersecurity
education, training, and research. The organization provides a wide range of
cybersecurity training courses and programs with highly regarded cybersecurity
certifications. The institute is also involved in cybersecurity researches and hosts
conferences and events, as well as, encourage community involvement to


RANSOMWARE: A ransomware strain Distributed through It caused data
Sodinokibi also known as REvil, it exploit kits, malicious encryption and financial
encrypts files and ads, emails. loss
demands a ransom
for decryption.
TROJAN HORSE: A banking Trojan It is disseminated It causes financial
DarkTequila primarily affecting through malicious theft, identity theft
users in Latin websites and data exfiltration and
America, known for phishing. potential banking
stealing sensitive fraud.
financial information.
HOAX: 419 Scams It is also known as It preys on victims' It can cause financial
Nigerian Prince greed and gullibility loss, identity theft,
scams; they involve and was spread via and victim deception
fraudulent emails email or social
claiming to offer large engineering tactics
sums of money.
EXPLOIT KIT: An exploit kit used to It utilizes drive-by It can cause malware
Magnitude deliver various types download attacks on infections, data
of malwares, often vulnerable systems breaches and
through malvertising and can also delivered compromised systems
campaigns. via malicious
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