Sip & Talk 1 (2)

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Talk 1

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Conversation 1
Birthplaces and Residences

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

birthplace /ˈbərθˌpleɪs/ the place where a person was born

noun I want to go to your birthplace someday.

residence /ˈrɛzɪdəns/ the place where a person lives

noun My place of residence is very nice.

city /ˈcɪtiː/ a very large town

noun New York is the largest city in the United States.

move /muːv/ to change place or position

verb My husband and I just moved to a new house

town /taʊn/ a place where people live and work, smaller than a city
noun I live in a small town near the mountains.

hometown /ˈhoʊmˈtaʊn/ the town or city where a person comes from and where
noun they lived when they were young
My hometown is known for its delicious rice.

countryside /ˈkəntriːˌsaɪd/ land which is away from towns and cities, which has
noun farms, fields, forests etc.
The countryside in this area is beautiful.

enroll /ɪnˈroʊl/ to register officially as a participant or member

She enrolled in a fitness program.
Exercise 2
Useful Expressions
• Where are you from?
• Where do you live?
• What is your hometown like?
• It sounds nice!

Exercise 3
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Where do you live now?


I live in London, but I’m from Nottingham.


Why did you move from your hometown to London?


I moved because I enrolled at a university in London.


I see. What is your hometown like?


It is in the countryside and is famous for cheese.


It sounds nice! I’d like to visit your hometown someday.


Sure! I’d be happy to give you a tour.

Check your understanding:

1. Where does Matt live now?

2. Why did he move away from his hometown?
3. What is his hometown famous for?

Exercise 4
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. Where is your hometown?

2. What is your hometown like?
3. Where is your favorite place to go in your hometown?
4. What is your hometown famous for?
5. What do people do for fun in your hometown?

Conversation 2

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

family /ˈfæməli, ˈfæ mli/ a group of people or animals that are related to each
noun other; parents and their children
My whole family went to the beach together.

father /ˈfɑðər/ a male parent

noun He's a good father and husband.

mother /ˈmʌðər/ a female parent

noun My mother uses many spices when she cooks.

brother /ˈbrəðər/ a male in relation to other sons and daughters of his parents
noun My brother and I traveled to Europe last year.

sister /ˈsɪstər/ a male in relation to other sons and daughters of his parents
noun The two sisters walked home together.

older /oʊldər/ born after someone

adjective I have an older brother.

younger /ˈjʌŋɡər/ land which is away from towns and cities, which has farms,
adjective fields, forests etc.
I have two younger sisters.

only child /ˌoʊnli ˈtʃaɪld/ someone who has no brothers or sisters

phrase I am an only child.
Exercise 2
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Liam, do you have any brothers or sisters?


Yes, I have an older brother and a younger sister, so there are five
of us in our family.

Good for you! I am an only child.


So, it’s just you, your father, and your mother?


And my dog, too. My parents and I love him so much.


That is so nice.


Check your understanding:

1. Does Sarah have any brothers?

2. How many members are there in Liam's family?
3. Who does Sarah live with?
Exercise 3
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. How many brothers and sisters do you have?

2. Who are the members of your family?
3. Do you live with your parents?
4. Where do your parents and siblings live?
5. How do you spend time with your family?

Exercise 4
Further Discussion
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. Describe a typical family unit and the importance of family in your country.
2. Which do you think is more important: following the dreams your parents want for
you or following your own dreams?
3. If you were offered an excellent job opportunity abroad, would you consider leaving
your family for an indefinite period of time?

Conversation 3
Jobs (Occupations)

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

job /dʒɑːb/ the work that you do to get money

noun Her job is a very stressful one.

What do you do? /wʌt də jə duː/ used to ask someone about their job
phrase What do you do for a living?

occupation /ˌɑːkjəˈpeɪʃən/ a job

noun I want to pursue photography as an occupation.

office worker /ˈɔːfɪs ˈwərkər/ a person who works in an office

He looks like an office worker, but he's actually a superhero.

commute /kəˈmjuːt/ to travel between work and home

verb Houses in the suburbs are much more affordable, but their
owners have to commute to the city to work.
Exercise 2
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

What do you do, James?


I’m an office worker at an information technology company.


I see. Do you like your job?


Yes, I like it. But it takes an hour and a half to commute.


Wow, that’s a long time. I can’t imagine doing that.


Check your understanding:

1. Does James like his job?

2. What does James do?
3. How long does it take James to commute?
Exercise 3
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. What do you do?

2. How long does it take you to commute to work?
3. What do you like about your job?
4. When you were a kid, what did you want to be

Exercise 4
Further Discussion
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. At what age do people usually begin to work in your country?

2. Do you think it is more important to make a lot of money or to enjoy your job?
3. At what age do people usually retire in your country?
4. At what age would you like to retire?
5. What do you think you will do after you retire?
6. How much money do you think you need to retire with your lifestyle?

Conversation 4

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

hobby /ˈhɑbi/ an activity you do for fun

noun His favorite hobby is playing video games.

spend time /spɛnd taɪm/ use time to do something

phrase I enjoy spending time with my family.

leisure time /ˈliːʒər taɪm/ free time that you can use to do fun things
noun I enjoy playing racquetball in my leisure time.

be interested in /biː ˈɪntrɛstɪd ɪn/ wanting to learn more about something or to spend
verb more
She istime doing it in playing the guitar.

be keen on /bi kiːn ɑːn/ to be very interested in something

phrase He is keen on traveling.

be good at /biː gʊd ət/ to have the necessary skill, knowledge or experience to do
noun something well
My father is good at playing tennis.

often /ˈɔːfən/ many times or frequently

adverb Our family often goes camping.
Exercise 2
Useful Expressions
• Do you have any hobbies?
• What are your hobbies?
• What kind of ~ do you like?
• Sounds like fun!
• How about you?

Exercise 3
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Do you have any hobbies, Grace?


Yes, I like watching movies. I often spend time watching movies

during my leisure time.

Sounds like fun. What kind of movies do you like?


Romantic movies. I really enjoy them. How about you?


I like playing football.


You seem to be good at football. Do you play often?


Yes, every weekend. I’m keen on football.


That’s nice! Now I’m interested in watching your games!

Check your understanding:

1. Does Grace have a hobby?

2. What is Matt's hobby?
3. What is Grace interested in doing after speaking with Matt?

Exercise 4
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. What are your hobbies?

2. What do you like to do during your leisure time?
3. Do you enjoy your hobbies alone or with somebody?
4. What are you interested in?

Exercise 5
Further Discussion
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. What are some popular hobbies in your country or culture?

2. How can hobbies provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose in life?
3. Can hobbies have a positive impact on our well-being? How?
4. What are some affordable hobbies that people can pursue without breaking the
5. Are there any hobbies you have always wanted to try? What are they?

Conversation 5
Why Are You Learning

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

why /waɪ/ used to ask about the reasons for something

interrogative I want to go to your birthplace someday.

learn /lərn/ to get knowledge or skill

verb She is learning some new English vocabulary.

practice /ˈpræktɪs/ to do an activity regularly so that you can become better at it

noun I practice reading English news every morning.

the reason why /ðə ˈriːzn waɪ/ used to explain why something is the way it is
phrase The reason why I am late is due to a terrible traffic accident.

pronunciation /prəˌnʌnsiːˈeɪʃən/ the way in which a word is pronounced, spoken

noun How can I improve my English pronunciation?

improve /ɪmˈpruːv/ to become better

verb The best way to improve your general English skills is to read

fluently /ˈfluːəntliː/ using a language easily, correctly and naturally

adverb I want to be able to speak English fluently.

ESL /iː es el/ English as a Second Language - the teaching of English to

noun people who speak a different language
ESL education is very important for working with people from
different countries.
Exercise 2
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Why are you learning English, Alex?


I’d like to become an international businessman. I’m excited to

give a speech in English one day.

Wow, that’s great! So, that’s why you practice speaking English?


The reason why I practice a lot is to improve my pronunciation. I

think it’s still not good.

I disagree. You have really improved.


Thank you, but I’d like to speak fluently like a native speaker.


There are differences between a native English speaker and an

ESL speaker. I think your English is very good as a non-native
Grace speaker.
Check your understanding:

1. Why is Alex learning English?

2. What is the reason why Alex practices speaking?
3. Does Grace think Alex's English is bad?

Exercise 4
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. Why are you learning English?

2. How long have you been studying English?
3. What do you do to improve your speaking skills?
4. Do you think it’s difficult to study English alone?
5. How would you describe your current English abilities?

Exercise 5
Further Discussion
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. Do you think English is a difficult language to learn?

2. What's more important: speaking, reading, writing or listening?
3. How would your life change if you were fluent in English?
4. What is your favorite word in English, and why?

Conversation 6
Getting Married and
Having a Home

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

married /ˈmæriːd/ having a wife or husband

adjective They've been married for over ten years.

get married /gɛt ˈmæriːd/ to start being married; to have a wedding

phrase They decided to get married on the beach.

husband /ˈhʌzbənd/ a married man in relation to his spouse

noun My husband and I just moved to a new house.

wife /waɪf/ a married woman in relation to her spouse

noun My wife and I love playing with our first child.

daughter /ˈdɔːtər/ a girl or woman in relation to her parents

noun My daughter dressed up as an angel for Halloween.

son /sʌn/ a boy or man in relation to his parents

noun My son takes a bus to school every day.

mother-in-law /ˈməðər ɪn ˌlɔː/ the mother of someone’s wife or husband

noun My mother-in-law is very kind.
Exercise 2
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

How are you Matt? I’m sorry that I haven’t had the time to see you
ever since I got married.

It’s OK. Anyway, how was your New Year’s celebration?


It was great! I cooked food with my mother-in-law.


Wow! That’s nice. I heard she is a good cook. What else did you do?


I went to a musical performance with my husband and children. My

daughter really wanted to see you.

Oh, I miss her, too.


My son is still too young to remember you, though. Anyway, we’re

doing fine.

I’m really glad to hear that.


Check your understanding:

1. Is Nina married?
2. What did Nina and her mother-in-law do together during the New Year’s
3. What did Nina’s daughter want to do?
Exercise 3
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. Are you married or single?

2. Do you have any children?
3. What do you think about marriage?
4. What kind of family do you want to have?
5. When do the majority of people get married in your country?

Exercise 4
Further Discussion
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. Is it better to marry someone who loves you rather than someone whom you love?
2. What qualities in a partner are important to you?
3. Would you marry someone of another nationality?
4. What are the pros and cons of an international marriage?

Conversation 7

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

relative /ˈrɛlətɪv/ a member of your family

noun Most of my relatives live in my hometown.

grandfather /ˈgrænˌfɑːðər/ the father of your father or mother

noun The kids enjoy playing with their grandfather.

grandmother /ˈgrænˌmɑːðər/ the mother of your father or mother

noun My grandfather and grandmother are very friendly.

grandparents /ˈgrænˌpɛrənts/ the parents of your father or mother

noun Our children love it when their grandparents come to visit.

uncle /ˈʌŋkəl/ the brother of your father or mother, or the husband of your
noun aunt
My uncle is always very kind to me.

aunt /æ nt/ the sister of your father or mother, or the wife of your uncle
noun My aunt came to visit us this summer.

cousin /ˈkʌzən/ the child of your uncle or aunt

noun My cousin is three years older than me.

niece /niːs/ the daughter of your brother or sister

noun My niece and nephew are so cute.
nephew /ˈnɛfjuː/ the son of your brother or sister
noun My nephew recently joined a local baseball team.

family reunion /ˈfæməliː riːˈjuːnjən/ a gathering for family members

noun My relatives will have a family reunion at Bon festival.

immediate /ɪˈmiːdiət ˈfæməli/ a person's closest relatives (parents, brothers and

family sisters, husband or wife, and children)
noun My niece and nephew are so cute.

extended family /ɪkˈstɛndɪd ˈfæməliː/ a family group that includes relatives such as
noun grandparents, uncles, aunts, etc.
He bought a big house to live in with his extended family.

Exercise 2
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

What are you going to do during your vacation, Grace?


I’ll be attending a family reunion at my grandfather’s house. He

usually invites all of us.
Oh! That’s nice. Who is living with him?

My grandmother, my uncle, my aunt, and my cousins. Also, all of
my immediate family members will join the reunion. I am really
Grace looking forward to seeing them.

Wow! That’s going to be a big reunion with your extended

family. Everyone will be there. I hope you all have fun!
Check your understanding:

1. What is Grace’s plan during this vacation?

2. Who is inviting Grace to a family reunion?
3. Who are the people living with Grace’s grandfather?

Exercise 3
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. Do you organize reunions in your family?

2. Who are the members of your extended family?
3. Do you live near your relatives?
4. Do you have any good memories of your relatives?
5. Do people in your country live only with their immediate families or with extended
families as well?

Conversation 8
How Was Your Trip?

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

trip /trɪp/ a short journey or visit to a place

noun I took a trip to Paris last summer.

destination /ˌdɛstəˈneɪʃən/ a place where a person or thing is going or being sent

noun Because the train was delayed, we arrived at the destination a
few hours later.

abroad /əˈbrɔːd/ outside of the country one lives in or is from

adverb I studied abroad for a year to improve my English.

first time /fɜːrst taɪm/ used to say that you have never done something before
phrase It was my first time to travel abroad.

beach resort /biːtʃ rɪˈzɔːrt/ a place where people go on holidays that has a beach
noun The beach resort was so beautiful.

sightseeing /ˈsaɪtsiːɪŋ/ the activity of visiting tourist attractions and other

noun interesting places
Paris is a great place for sightseeing.
Exercise 2
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

How was your trip to Spain?


It was nice!


How long were you there?


I was there for two weeks.


Was it your first time visiting the country?


No, I have been there before.


I see. Did you go sightseeing?


Yes, we went to museums, parks, and beach resorts.

That’s interesting! How was the food?


It was very good.


Were the people friendly?


Yes, they were. They were very kind to me.


Great! What is your next destination?


I want to go to Thailand next time.


I hope it will be a wonderful trip, too!


Check your understanding:

1. What country did Matt go to?

2. Where did he go sightseeing?
3. What did he say about the food?
4. What did he say about the people?
5. Where does Matt want to go next time?
Exercise 3
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. Have you traveled abroad?

2. What countries or places have you visited?
3. Do you like traveling alone or with others?
4. Do you usually try local food during your trip?
5. Where do you want to go next time?

Exercise 4
Further Discussion
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. Do you prefer hot countries or cool countries when you go on holiday?

2. Have you ever been in a difficult situation while traveling?
3. Describe the most interesting person you met on one of your travels.
4. Could you live in another country for the rest of your life?

Conversation 9
Eating Out

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

restaurant /ˈrɛstəˌrɑːnt/ a place where you can buy and eat a meal
noun We went out to the restaurant last night.

eat out /iːt aʊt/ to eat at a restaurant

phrase They often eat out at nice restaurants.

order /ˈɔːrdər/ to ask for food or drink in a restaurant

verb Let's order a pizza and hang out at my house before the baseball
game starts.

menu /ˈmɛnjuː/ a list of the food that you can order at a restaurant
noun Let's first look at the menu.

beverage /ˈbɛvərɪdʒ/ a drink

noun What kind of beverages do you have?

Exercise 2
Useful Expressions
• May I have the menu, please?
• That sounds good!
• I’ll have that.
• Do you have any specials?
Exercise 3
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Zach is at an American restaurant.

Good evening. A table for how many people, sir?


Just for one, please.


Right this way, sir.


May I have the menu, please?


Certainly, here it is. I’ll be back in a few minutes to take your order.


After 5 minutes, the waiter returns.

Are you ready to order, sir?


Not yet. Do you have any specials?


Today’s special is beef stroganoff, sir.

OK, that sounds good. I’ll have that.


Very good. What would you like to drink, sir?


Pineapple juice, please.


Certainly. I’ll be back with your beverage in a minute.


Check your understanding:

1. How many people were with Zach at the restaurant?

2. Was Zach ready to order when the waiter returned?
3. Did Zach order beef stroganoff?
4. What did he order to drink?
Exercise 4
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. How often do you eat out?

2. What is your favorite food?
3. What food do you usually order at a restaurant?
4. What is your favorite beverage?
5. What is your favorite restaurant?

Exercise 5
Further Discussion
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. Do you care what a restaurant looks like, or is the food the only thing you care
2. Do you like to try new restaurants, or do you prefer to go to those you have already
been to? Why?
3. Do you ever order out from a restaurant?
4. What types of take-out food do you enjoy eating?

Conversation 10
Buying Groceries

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

loaf /loʊf/ a long piece of bread that can be cut into slices
noun I need two loaves of bread.

groceries /ˈɡrəʊsəriz/ food, drinks, etc., that you buy in a store

noun You can buy all sorts of groceries at this supermarket.

grocery store /ˈgroʊsəriː stoʊr/ a shop that sells food and other things used at home
noun That grocery store sells really fresh fruit and vegetables.

price /praɪs/ the amount of money that something costs

The prices of fruit and vegetables are quite low at this shop.

store clerk /stoʊr klərk/ a person whose job is to help customers in a shop
noun The store clerk counted the money carefully.

change /tʃeɪndʒ/ money that you get back if you pay too much for something
noun Here's your change.
Exercise 2
Useful Expressions
• Excuse me?
• How much is it?
• Do you want anything else?
• Have a nice day!

Exercise 3
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

David is buying something at the grocery store. He approaches the store clerk.

Excuse me?


May I help you?


Yes. Where is the price tag on this cereal box?


It’s on the bottom, sir.


Oh! There it is. Alright! I want to buy three boxes, please.


Do you want anything else?


I want two loaves of wheat bread.

Sure. That’s three boxes of cereal and two loaves of wheat bread. Is
that all?

Yes. That’s it. How much is it?


That will be $7.85.


Seven eighty-five?




Here’s ten dollars.


Your change is two dollars and fifteen cents. Here you are.


Thank you.


Have a nice day.


Check your understanding:

1. What did David buy at the grocery store?

2. How much did he give the store clerk for the groceries?
3. How much change did he get?
Exercise 4
Role Play
Role-play the following situation with your teacher.

•You are a customer and your teacher is a store clerk.
•Ask your teacher to help you find what you need.

Exercise 5
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. Do you buy groceries at a grocery store or a supermarket?

2. What do you usually buy there?
3. How often do you go there?
4. How do you usually pay for your groceries, by credit card or cash?
5. What is the most expensive food you have ever bought?

Conversation 11
Walking on a Chilly Day

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

weather /ˈwɛðər/ the temperature or conditions outside, for example, if it is

noun sunny, rainy, hot, cold, etc.
I usually check the weather forecast in the morning.

chilly /ˈtʃɪliː/ cold

adjective It's chilly today.

hat /hæ t/ a piece of clothing that you wear on your head to protect from
noun the weather or for fashion
I wear a hat to keep myself warm.

glove /gləv/ a piece of clothing that you wear on your hands to keep them
noun warm
I need gloves to keep my hands from getting cold.

pocket /ˈpɑːkɪt/ a small bag on a coat, pants etc. used for carrying money,
noun keys and other small things
I usually put my hands inside my pockets.

Exercise 2
Useful Expressions
• Let’s take a walk.
• What’s the weather like?
• Let’s get going!
Exercise 3
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Let’s take a walk.


What’s the weather like?


Let me look outside.


It’s a bit chilly, don't you think?


Yes, I think so, too.


I’ll put on my hat.


You should wear a jacket, too.


I wonder if I should bring my gloves.

Maybe you should, because it might get colder later.


I’ll put the gloves in my pocket.


I'm afraid it'll get really cold after the sun goes down.


I agree. Anyway, let's walk. We’ll get warmer while walking.


All right, let’s get going!


Check your understanding:

1. What will Grace and Matt do today?

2. What was the weather like outside?
3. What was Grace afraid of?
Exercise 4
Role Play
Role-play the following situation with your teacher.

•You meet your teacher while taking a walk on a chilly day.
•Ask your teacher about the weather.

Exercise 5
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. Where do you usually go if you want to take a walk?

2. During which season do you prefer to go for a walk?
3. What do you usually do on chilly days?
4. What kind of clothes do you wear when taking a walk?
5. How do you keep yourself warm on a cold day?

Conversation 12
Going to the Gym

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

gym /dʒɪm/ a building or room that has exercise equipment; an indoor area
noun used for sports
I go to the gym regularly.

trainer /ˈtreɪnər/ a person who prepares people or animals for an activity or

noun sport
My gym trainer always helps me to stay fit.

elevator /ˈɛləˌveɪtər/ a machine that carries people up or down between

noun different levels of a building; a lift
Take the elevator to the top floor.

escalator /ˈɛskəˌleɪtər/ a moving staircase that takes people between floors of a

noun public building
I need gloves to keep my hands from getting cold.

manager /ˈmænəʤər, ˈmænɪʤər/ a person whose job is to control an

noun organization or group of staff
Everybody in the office likes the new manager.
Exercise 2
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Excuse me. Does this mall have a gym?


Yes, it does.


Where is it located?


The gym is on the third floor. You can take the elevator or the

When does it open, and when does it close?


It’s open seven days a week during the mall’s working hours.


Do they have personal trainers?


I'm sorry, but they don't have personal trainers.


I see. Anyway, I will go to the gym later. Thank you for your help.

Check your understanding:

1. How many people were with Zach at the restaurant?

2. Was Zach ready to order when the waiter returned?
3. Did Zach order beef stroganoff?
4. What did he order to drink?

Exercise 3
Role Play
Role-play the following situation with your teacher.

•You meet your teacher at the gym.
•Talk about training with your teacher.

Exercise 4
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. Do you usually go to the gym?

2. If so, how often do you go there?
3. Do you think it’s necessary to go to the gym? Why?
4. Do you exercise regularly? How often?
5. Why is exercise important for the body?

Conversation 13
Traveling by Plane

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

luggage /ˈlʌgɪʤ/ the bags that a person brings when going traveling or on
noun vacation
I don't bring a lot of luggage when I travel.

domestic flight /dəˈmestɪk flaɪt/ a flight within a country

noun Domestic flights in Germany are very cheap.

international /ˌɪntərˈnæʃnəl flaɪt/ a flight from one country to another

noun I prefer going on an international flight.

economy /ɪˈkɑːnəmiː/ the cheapest category of air or rail travel

noun Many passengers prefer the economy class seats.

carry-on bag /ˈkærɪɒn bæ g/ a bag that you can bring with you on a plane
noun She put her tickets in her carry-on bag.

airline /ˈɛrˌlaɪn/ a company that provides regular flights for passengers

noun Revenues for the airline industry are down this year.
Exercise 2
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Matt is searching for information about luggage rules.

Do you know how much luggage I am allowed to bring?


I have no idea. You can check online.


I wonder what the general rules are.


When you take flights, you normally have to pay for excess luggage.


For example, how many pieces of luggage can you bring?


On domestic flights, only one piece of luggage is allowed if you choose

economy class. On international flights, you can bring two pieces, but that
Grace depends on the airline company.

What about carry-on bags?


All airlines allow you to bring one carry-on bag. You can also bring a
handbag with you.
Check your understanding:

1. What did Matt want to know about?

2. How many bags are allowed on international flights?
3. What can passengers bring aboard aside from carry-on bags?

Exercise 3
Role Play
Role-play the following situation with your teacher.

•You are making a call to the airline company to ask about general flight rules.
•Your teacher is an airline representative who will answer your questions.

Exercise 4
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. When you travel, do you carry a lot of luggage with you? Why?
2. What is the usual luggage limit for domestic flights in your country?
3. Who do you think brings more luggage, men or women? Why?
4. What do you usually bring with you when you travel?
5. Is traveling with less luggage more convenient for you? Why?

Conversation 14
Traveling by Train

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

clerk /klərk/ a worker who performs sales-related tasks

noun I asked the station clerk for directions.

cost /kɔːst/ to require the payment of a particular amount of money, or

verb other valuable things
Running a software company costs a lot of money.

platform /ˈplætfɔːrm/ the raised area at a train station, used for passengers to
noun get on/off the train
You need to go to platform number two.

one-way ticket /wʌnˈweɪ ˈtɪkɪt/ a ticket that does not have a return trip
noun I bought a one-way ticket to Sydney.

one-way ticket /rɪˈtərn ˈtɪkɪt/ a ticket that can be used to travel to a place and back
noun I bought two return tickets for my friend and me.
Exercise 2
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

David is in front of a ticket counter at the North station.

I’d like to get a ticket to the West station. How much is it?

Would you like a one-way or return ticket, sir?


One-way ticket, please.


It costs $4.
Here you are. Could you please tell me which platform the train to
the West station departs from?

It’s the second platform. Just turn right and take the stairs.
Thank you. One more question, which train should I take to get to
the West station?

You can take any train. All trains stop at the West station.

Thank you so much.

Check your understanding:

1. How much does it cost to get to the West station from the North station?
2. Did David buy a return ticket?
3. What questions did David ask the ticket clerk?

Exercise 3
Role Play
Role-play the following situation with your teacher.

•You need to purchase a ticket for your trip.
•Your teacher will be the counter clerk.

Exercise 4
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. How often do you travel by train?

2. What was the longest train trip that you’ve ever taken?
3. Do you think more commuters prefer taking trains than other types of
transportation in your country?
4. Have you ever tried traveling by train in a foreign country?
5. Do you think public transportation is good in your country?
6. What do you think is the best means of transportation? Why?

Conversation 15
Asking for Directions

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

nearby /ˈniːrˈbaɪ/ not far away

adverb We often visit our grandparents because they live nearby.

exhausted /ɪgˈzɑstɪd/ extremely tired or worn out

adjective He is exhausted from working all day.

close to /kloʊs tuː/ near, not far away

phrase My office is close to my home.

That’s a relief. /ðæ ts ə rɪˈliːf/ used to express happiness when something bad has
phrase ended or hasn't happened
He recovered from a fever. // That’s a relief!
Exercise 2
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Lauren asks for directions at a police station.

Excuse me, may I ask you something?

Sure. How can I help you?

Police Officer
I want to buy something. Can you help me find a convenience

There are three convenience stores nearby: 7-Eleven, Lawson,
and FamilyMart.

Police Officer
Which of the three is the nearest? I’m a bit exhausted from
walking around.

FamilyMart is the closest.

Police Officer
Can you tell me the way, please?

It is close to the post office. It’s about 50 meters from here.

Police Officer
Oh, that’s a relief. Which direction should I go?

This way. Just go down the street and you will find it on
the right-hand side. You can’t miss it. It has a big sign.
Police Officer
Okay, thank you so much!

You’re welcome.

Police Officer

Check your understanding:

1. Why did Lauren ask the way to the shop?

2. Which of the three convenience stores is the nearest?
3. Why did the police officer tell Lauren that she couldn’t miss the shop?
Exercise 3
Role Play
Role-play the following situation with your teacher.

•You are lost in a foreign country.
•Your teacher will act as a police officer.
•Ask him/her for directions.

Exercise 4
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. Why do you think people find it hard to ask for directions?

2. Would you feel comfortable with giving directions in English? Why? Why not?
3. Have you ever gotten lost? Please share your experience.
4. Which one do you like more, using a map or asking strangers for directions?
5. If you got lost in a foreign country, what would you do?

Conversation 16
Gift Shopping

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

anniversary /ˌænəˈvərsəriː/ a date on which something important or special

noun happened one or more years ago
Our company celebrated its 20th anniversary.

accessory /ækˈsɛsəriː/ an item that is not needed, but is used to make something
noun more beautiful or useful
My sister's hobby is collecting fashion accessories.

brooch /broʊtʃ/ a piece of jewelry that is fastened onto clothes with a pin
phrase Please help me pin this brooch on my hair.

wrap /ræ p/ to cover something completely in paper or some other material

phrase The store did a beautiful job of wrapping the gift.

look good on used to say that something suits well to the person wearing it
phrase These earrings look really good on you.
Exercise 2
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Zach is looking for a gift in a gift shop. The shop clerk approaches him.

May I help you?

I’m looking for a suitable gift for my girlfriend. Tomorrow’s our first
May I ask what she likes?

She’s into clothes, shoes, and accessories. But I have no idea what
kind of accessories she likes.
May I suggest a brooch? If your girlfriend likes clothes and
accessories, this kind of brooch might look good on her.
I think so, too. She’ll be happy with it. I’ll take it. Can I pay by card?

Of course you can. Would you like it wrapped?

Yes, please. And here’s my card.

Thank you for shopping here. We hope you’ll come again.

Check your understanding:

1. Why did Zach go shopping?

2. What did the shop clerk advise Zach to buy?
3. How did Zach pay, with cash or by credit card?

Exercise 3
Role Play
Role-play the following situation with your teacher.

•You are gift shopping for your friend.
•Your teacher will be the shop clerk.
•Ask him/her to suggest a present.

Exercise 4
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. On which occasions do you usually buy gifts for other people?

2. How much time and effort do you invest in buying presents for others? Why?
3. Do you think giving money as a gift is a good practice? Why or why not?
4. What do you think is the best gift that somebody could give you?
5. Which do you prefer using, cash or credit card?
6. What do you do when you receive a present you don't like?

Conversation 17
How Do I Look?

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

or else /ər els/ if something is not done

conjunction Just apologize to him, or else he will never forgive you.

annoy /əˈnɔɪ/ to make someone slightly angry

verb She was annoyed by her husband's snoring.

definitely /ˈdɛfənɪtliː/ used as a forceful way to say "yes"

interjection Do you want to go with me? // Definitely!

wavy /ˈweɪviː/ having a shape or edge that curves in and out

adjective She looks great with her wavy hair.

anytime /ˈɛniːˌtaɪm/ used to say that you are willing to do something again, at
interjection any time
Thank you so much! // Anytime!
Exercise 2
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Jessica is running late for work.

Jessica, you need to hurry up, or else you’ll be late and your boss will
be annoyed!
Definitely! By the way, can I ask you something quickly?


Do I look good in this yellow dress?

I think the blue dress looks better on you. It matches your blue high
What about my hair? Should I keep it straight or wavy?

I think you look good with straight hair.

Thanks, Nicole. I couldn’t decide what looks better on me.

Anytime. You’d better hurry; you’re already late!

Check your understanding:

1. Why did Nicole tell Jessica to hurry up?

2. Why did Nicole tell Jessica that she looks better in the blue dress than in
the yellow one?
3. Why did Jessica ask Nicole about her looks?

Exercise 3
Role Play
Role-play the following situation with your teacher.

•You are getting ready to go to the movies.
•Your teacher is your best friend.
•Ask him/her to help you decide what to wear.

Exercise 4
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. How do you make yourself look good?

2. Do you think physical appearance is important? Why? Why not?
3. Do you think wearing make-up always makes women look good? Why or why not?
4. What is your morning routine before going to work?
5. Have you ever been late for work because you took too much time to choose your

Conversation 18
Buying New Shoes

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

leather /ˈlɛðər/ a material made from animal skin

noun They are both wearing leather jackets.

import /ɪmˈpoʊrt/ to bring something from one country to another so it can

verb be sold
The US imports coffee from many different countries.

worth its price /wɜːrθ ɪts praɪs/ good quality for the money you give to buy
phrase something
This car is expensive but worth its price.

classy /ˈklæ siː/ stylish and expensive

adjective That show was really classy.

trendy /ˈtrɛndiː/ fashionable

adjective This shop is well known for selling trendy goods.
Exercise 2
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Jessica is at a shoe shop.

Excuse me, I’m looking for business shoes. Can you help me?

Certainly. What kind of shoes are you looking for?

I’m not sure, I just want high quality ones.

Then how about these leather shoes? They were imported from
May I see them?

Sure. They are from our new shoe collection. They are worth
their price.
They look classy. Can I try them on?

Sure. They are very trendy this season

Jessica puts on the shoes.

They fit me really well. I’ll take them.

Thank you. I’ll wrap them for you, just a moment.



Check your understanding:

1. What type of shoes did Jessica want to buy?

2. Where were the shoes that the clerk showed Jessica imported from?
3. What was Jessica's opinion when she saw the shoes?
Exercise 3
Role Play
Role-play the following situation with your teacher.

•You are shopping at a shoe store.
•Your teacher will act as a salesperson.
•Explain what kind of shoes you are looking for.

Exercise 4
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. Do you think that the quality of the shoes depends on the price? Why do you think
2. Is the quality of shoes important to you? Why? Why not?
3. What are the most important things to consider when you choose footwear?
4. Do you think women pay more attention to their footwear than men? Why do you
think so?
5. Do you like buying imported shoes? Why or why not?

Conversation 19
Taking a Day Off

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

day off /deɪ ɔːf/ a day when you don't work

noun Why don't you take a day off?

a couple of weeks /ə ˈkʌpəl əv wiːks/ two or a few weeks

phrase He was on a trip for a couple of weeks.

tons of /tʌnz əv/ a lot of

phrase She bought tons of souvenirs for us.

miserable /ˈmɪzərəbəl/ unhappy

adjective It was a miserable situation that I'll never forget.
Exercise 2
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Alex and James are talking about their days off.

You look happy!

Absolutely! Finally, I’ll have a day off! I have been so busy these past
couple of weeks that I haven’t had any rest. What about you? How’s
Alex your work going?

I will go on a business trip to the United States next week.

That sounds great! If I were you, I’d take tons of pictures...

It’s not so great! I’ll be away from my family for three months, and I
might not get many days off while I’m there. I feel miserable.
I understand how you feel. Anyway, I hope you'll have a nice trip!


Check your understanding:

1. Why was Alex so happy with his day off?

2. What is the reason James is traveling to the United States?
3. How does James feel about his business trip?

Exercise 3
Role Play
Role-play the following situation with your teacher.

•You have a day off.
•Your teacher is your co-worker.
•Tell your teacher how you are going to spend your day off.

Exercise 4
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. What do you think is the best number of days off in one week?
2. How do you usually spend your day off?
3. What do you think about people who spend their days off sleeping?
4. What special activities do you plan for your days off?
5. What was the longest number of days off you have ever had? How did you spend

Conversation 20
Buying New Shoes

Exercise 1
Repeat each word, definition, and example sentence after your tutor.

slim /slɪm/ thin, not fat

adjective There's only a slim chance that he will recover.

make an effort /meɪk æ n ˈefərt/ try hard to do something

phrase They are making an effort to achieve the goal.

lose weigth /luːz weɪt/ become thinner

phrase A healthy diet will help you lose weight.

go on a diet /goʊ ɑːn ə ˈdaɪət/ to eat less or a specific kind of food to lose weight
phrase I have to go on a diet. I got too fat.

doubt /daʊt/ to think that something may not be true or is unlikely to

verb happen
I doubt that I will succeed.
Exercise 2
Dialogue Practice
Read the dialogue aloud with your teacher.

Nina meets an old classmate.

Hi, Jessica! How are you? Do you remember me?

Hi, Nina. Of course I do. We were classmates in high school,
weren’t we?
Yes, we were. I’m happy to see you again. You look slimmer than
Thank you so much! I made a great effort to lose weight.

Did you go on a diet?

I did.

I want to be as slim as you are. What did you do?

I slept for eight hours and drank eight glasses of water every
You’re kidding! I doubt that alone made you look slim.

Actually, I’ve eaten only fresh fruits and vegetables for the
past three years.
No rice? No cakes or donuts?

No, none of that for the past three years.

Three years, wow! I don't think I could do that.


Check your understanding:

1. How does Nina know Jessica?

2. What did Jessica do to make herself slim?
3. Will Nina try to go on a diet?
Exercise 3
Role Play
Role-play the following situation with your teacher.

•You want to lose some weight.
•Your teacher will act as a physician.
•Ask your teacher about ways to lose weight.

Exercise 4
Have a discussion based on the following questions.

1. Have you ever tried going on a diet? How successful were you?
2. What do you think is the most difficult thing about dieting?
3. Do you pay a lot of attention to what you eat? Why? Why not?
4. Which do you think is more important if you want to lose weight, eat healthy, or
exercise? Why?
5. Why is it important to lead a healthy lifestyle?


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