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English 4 Week 2 Day 1 1

Instructional Design Framework - Lesson Exemplar (LE)

Writer: Remilyn G. Malupeng


A. Content Standards The learners demonstrate their expanding vocabulary knowledge and
grammatical awareness, comprehension of literary and informational
texts, and composing and creating processes; and their receptive and
productive skills in order to produce age-appropriate and gender-
responsive texts based on their purpose, context, and target audience.
B. Performance Standards The learners apply comprehension of literary and informational texts
and produce narrative and expository texts (enumeration-description,
time order: chronology and procedural) based on their purpose, context
(christenings and
weddings), and target audience using simple, compound, and complex
sentences, and age-appropriate and gender-
sensitive language.
C. Learning Competencies EN4LR-II-1 Comprehending literary texts
 Noting important elements (story grammar)
 Sequencing at least 6 events
 Applying the important story elements to one’s schema: relating
story to one’s experiences

EN4SW-II-5 Expressing ideas appropriately (age-appropriate, gender-

responsive, culture sensitive) for one’s purpose using text type
 time order: procedural text type

D. Objectives At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to:
 Sequence at least 6 events; (Cognitive)
 Show willingness and enthusiasm in reading or listening to
literary text, (Affective)
 Write at least 6 steps directions using signal words

E. Content  Reading Text: Lola Nanet’s Special Sweet

 Expressing Ideas Appropriately Using Time Order: Procedural
Text Type
 Sequencing at least 6 Events

F. Integration  Required Theme (Wedding)

 Following Directions
 Science (Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Mixture)
 ESP: Charity

 English 4 LM p. 38



Strategies Used: Explicit Teaching, Interactive Instruction, Collaborative
Before the Lesson/Pre-
Lesson Proper

Activating Prior Knowledge Activity: Celebrate with a Cake

Show a picture of Abby holding a cake.
Say: Abby and her mother bought a cake.
Ask: What do you think is the reason why they bought a cake?

Lesson Purpose / Intention Activity: Celebrate with the Couple!

Introduce Lolo Rico and Lola Nanet who are celebrating their 50th
wedding anniversary.
Group the class into 4 and ask them to complete the picture puzzle
After completing the puzzle, ask each representative to sequence the
pictures of the couple from marriage to their 50th wedding anniversary.

Ask this after the activity: How were you able to sequentially arrange
the pictures?
Lesson Language Practice Activity: Celebrate Your Enhanced Vocab!
Vocabulary Development
Unlock the following words through the aid of pictures.
a. shred

a long narrow strip cut

b. glutinous

rice flour

c. dish a food prepared in a

particular way

d. mixture a product of mixing

e. pinch to squeeze between the

finger and the thumb

During/ Lesson Proper

Reading the Key Idea/Stem Activity: Directed Listening-Thinking Activity

Reading of the selection titled “Lola Nanet’s Special Sweet” using the
strategy Directed Listening-Thinking Activity with the following

a. Chunk the text into 6 parts. The end of every chunk will
serve as a stop-point.
b. Let the pupils listen to the story.
c. Ask comprehension questions at every stop-point.

Lola Nanet’s Special Sweet

It was Saturday morning when Abby and her family visited her
grandparents in the barrio to celebrate with them their 50th wedding
anniversary. She woke up early to prepare her things for an overnight

Why did Abby and her family go to the barrio?

After a 40-minute travel, finally they arrived safe. She

immediately ran to Lola Nanet and greeted her. She handed her
pasalubong, the anniversary cake that they bought in the market.

What do you think would Lola Nanet have felt on Abby’s

Abby went to see Lolo Rico in the ‘kubo’ who was still recovering
from flu. She also saw Uncle Rey who was busy cutting coconuts into
half. He gave her a glass of pure buko juice that tasted so sweet. She
asked for another glass and she gave it to Lolo Rico which made the old
man smiled.
“Abby, come and help me shred the coconut meat,” Lola Nanet
said cheerfully.
Aside from the shredded coconut meat, they also sliced camote,
banana and langka. Abby had fun circling glutinous rice flour for bilo-
bilo, an original Filipino dish, or mostly known in the barrio as ‘tambo-
tambong.’ She can’t wait to learn how to cook her favorite sweet.

First, they poured the coconut milk into a big cooking pot until
it became thick. Second, Lola Nanet added the water mixture and
waited for it to boil. Third, she added the shredded coconut meat,
langka, banana, camote and boiled it for 5 minutes as she stirred it
continuously. When all the ingredients were cooked, the next thing she
did was to put sugar and a pinch of salt. Then, she mixed them well
until the sugar was completely blended. Finally, they let it cool before

Abby was so happy to learn a new skill, cooking her favorite

merienda. She was even happier when she tasted it. Truly, Lola Nanet’s
tambo-tambong is special because of her secret ingredient which is
love. This is the reason why they are celebrating their 50 th wedding

Comprehension Check-up
Discuss the story by asking the following questions:
1. What is the story all about?
(The story is about the celebration of Lolo Rico and Lola Nanet’s
wedding anniversary)
2. Among her grandchildren, who gave them a cake?
What does the act of giving a cake to her Lolo and Lola show?
3. Do couples/families need to celebrate wedding anniversaries?
Why or why not?
4. Back to the 50th wedding anniversary of Lolo Rico and Lola
Nanet, what food was served aside from cake?
5. What kind of mixture is tambo-tambong?
(Science Integration: ask the pupils to give more examples of
heterogeneous as well as homogeneous mixtures)
6. In cooking, is it important to follow the given steps? Why?

Activity: Celebrate another Skill

Below are the steps on how Lola Nanet and Abby made tambo-
Developing an Understanding Arrange the steps by writing 1-6 in the blank, 1 as the first step and 6
of the Key Idea/Stem as the last one.

____Third, she added the shredded coconut meat, langka, banana,

camote and boiled it for 5 minutes as she stirred it continuously.
____Finally, they let it cool before serving.
____Next, when all the ingredients were cooked, she put sugar and a
pinch of salt.
____First, they poured the coconut milk into a big cooking pot until it
became thick.
____Then, she mixed them well until the sugar was completely blended.
____Second, Lola Nanet added the water mixture and waited for it to

Ask: How were you able to sequence the steps?

(The teacher will discuss procedural signal words)

Procedural signal words like first, second, third, next, finally, are used
for describing steps and to show the sequence of events.
Activity: Learn and Celebrate Together!

(Present standards to follow in doing group activity and rubrics)

Deepening Understanding of
Key Ideas/Stem Recall how the class were grouped into 3 on the past activity. Ask the
groups to do the following tasks:

Group 1:

Write and Act Out:

List down the steps in doing the laundry or washing of clothes using
appropriate signal words such as First, Second, Third, Next, Then,
Finally and act it out in front of the class.

Group 2:

Let’s Write and Talk:

Write the steps on how to fry an egg using appropriate signal words
such as First, Second, Third, Next, Then, Finally.
Let your leader talk about it.

Group 3:

Act and Guess:

One member act out the preparations you do before going to school
then all the members of the group will guess the action.

After/Post-Lesson Proper
Making Generalizations and (What did you learn today?)
How did you sequence the events in our varied activities?
(We used appropriate signal words like First, Second, Third, Next,
Then, Finally.)
How are signal words used in our activities?
(Signal words are used to describe and to show sequence of events)

Evaluating Learning Arrange the steps in washing the dishes by writing the
appropriate signal words to complete the sentence. Choose your
answer from the box.

First Second Third Next Then Finally

_______, rinse with water.

_______, let all the glasses, spoons, forks and plates dry.
_______, in the same manner, clean the spoons,
forks and plates.
_______, remove leftovers from the plates.
_______, clean the glasses with a sponge and dishwashing liquid.
_______, gather all the used glasses, plates, spoons and forks.

Additional Activities for (It will be based on formative assessments and will provide children with
Application or Remediation enrichment or remedial activities. The teacher should provide extra time
(if applicable) for additional teaching activities to those learners demonstrating that
they have difficulties with the lesson.)

Enrichment Activity
Write about making calamansi juice using signal words.

Remedial Activity
(Present pictures on how to brush your teeth)
Arrange the picture by writing 1-6 in the blank, 1 as the first step and
6 as the last one.

Prepared by:

Master Teacher 1
Sisim ES - Peñablanca West

Checked by:


Principal I Principal II
Callao ES, Lasam, Cagayan DTOT Facilitator

Approved by:

EPS English
SDO Cagayan
Date: ___________

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