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Philips Hospitality TV

SmartInstall Manual

Version 6.3
Date: 16 October 2015

TVs for this manual ........................................................................................................................................................... 3

Requirements before starting ........................................................................................................................................... 4
TV requirements ........................................................................................................................................................... 4
SmartInstall hardware requirements ............................................................................................................................ 5
Installing SmartInstall........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Getting the software ..................................................................................................................................................... 7
Installing a new SmartInstall PC .................................................................................................................................... 8
Upgrading an existing SmartInstall to latest version .................................................................................................... 9
1. Installing the TV and making a master configuration ............................................................................................. 10
2. TV settings required for SmartInstall ...................................................................................................................... 11
General SmartInstall settings ...................................................................................................................................... 11
TV settings for EasySuite 2012 .................................................................................................................................... 13
TV settings for PrimeSuite, MediaSuite and Signature 2012 ...................................................................................... 14
TV settings for Easysuite 2013 .................................................................................................................................... 15
TV settings for MediaSuite and Signature 2013 ......................................................................................................... 16
TV settings for EasySuite 2014 .................................................................................................................................... 17
TV settings for MediaSuite and Signature 2014 ......................................................................................................... 18
Working with SmartInstall and EasySuite 2012 and 2013 .............................................................................................. 19
How to set the ONID correctly .................................................................................................................................... 19
When does the TV search for updates on RF? ............................................................................................................ 20
3. SmartInstall manual ................................................................................................................................................ 21
Login to SmartInstall ................................................................................................................................................... 21
Multiple times login .................................................................................................................................................... 22
User management: Creating new users ...................................................................................................................... 24
User management: editing users ................................................................................................................................ 24
User management: Location management ................................................................................................................ 25
Manage files .................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Uploading a new clone or a new firmware ................................................................................................................. 26
Managing your clones and firmwares......................................................................................................................... 27
Version control when uploading firmware ................................................................................................................. 28
Editing a clone ................................................................................................................................................................. 29
Editing your clone: Settings ........................................................................................................................................ 29
Editing your clone: channels ....................................................................................................................................... 32
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Editing your clone: manually adding channels ........................................................................................................... 33
Editing your clone: Changing installed channels......................................................................................................... 33
Editing your clone: Welcome logo .............................................................................................................................. 34
SmartInfo ........................................................................................................................................................................ 35
SmartInfo Show........................................................................................................................................................... 35
SmartInfo Browser ...................................................................................................................................................... 35
How to work with SmartInfo Show ............................................................................................................................. 36
How to work with SmartInfo Browser: Installing and working with templates ......................................................... 37
How to work with SmartInfo Browser: Creating a website ........................................................................................ 38
How to work with SmartInfo Browser: example of template 3 editing...................................................................... 38
SmartInfo template: how to save to a clone .............................................................................................................. 40
Getting a clone from SmartInstall to the TV ................................................................................................................... 41
Making a USB clone..................................................................................................................................................... 41
How to playout a clone or firmware to all TVs ........................................................................................................... 41
Cloning or upgrading to a TV, a group of TVs or all TVs using RoomID ...................................................................... 42
EasySuite 2012 and 2013 – xxHFL3007 and xxHFL3008 ......................................................................................... 42
PrimeSuite, MediaSuite and Signature 2012 and 2013 - xxHFL4007, xxHFL5007, xxHFL7007, xxHFL5008 and
xxHFL7008 ............................................................................................................................................................... 43
EasySuite, MediaSuite and Signature 2014 – xxHFL3009, xxHFL5009 and xxHFL7009 .......................................... 43
Multi-RC cloning .......................................................................................................................................................... 44
Changing only part of the TV with a Partial clone ...................................................................................................... 45
Stopping an RF playout ............................................................................................................................................... 45
4. SmartInstall IP ......................................................................................................................................................... 46
What is SmartInstall IP ................................................................................................................................................ 46
Starting up SmartInstall IP .......................................................................................................................................... 46
Managing your TVs, clones, firmware and settings .................................................................................................... 47
Device list ................................................................................................................................................................ 47
Manage cloning data............................................................................................................................................... 48
Manage SW releases ............................................................................................................................................... 49
Settings.................................................................................................................................................................... 50
TV settings before you can start the IP upgrade......................................................................................................... 53
What is a webservice URL ....................................................................................................................................... 53
Professional menu IP settings ................................................................................................................................. 53
How to setup an IP upgrade.................................................................................................................................... 56
5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) ......................................................................................................................... 59

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TVs for this manual
This manual describes SmartInstall version 0.6.21+.x with the following TVs:


 EasySuite xxHFL3007 / xxHFL3017 / xxHFL3017W

 PrimeSuite xxHFL4007
 MediaSuite xxHFL5007
 Signature xxHFL7007


 EasySuite xxHFL3008
 MediaSuite xxHFL5008
 Signature xxHFL7008 and xxHFL7108


 EasySuite xxHFL3009
 MediaSuite xxHFL5009
 Signature xxHFL7009

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Requirements before starting

TV requirements
For full instructions on how to install the TVs please refer to the various installation manuals. Installation manuals
and the latest TV software can be gotten from our support website.

Go to:

To make changes to the setup of the TV and work with SmartInstall make sure that you have everything you need at

Master remote control 22AV8573 or Guest remote control 22AV1109A


USB stick

You will need the master remote control or the guest remote control to access the menus.

To access the setup menu press the ‘RC5 SETUP’ key, and then press the ‘Home/Menu’ button.
For the guest remote control, press the following keys sequential: 3, 1, 9, 7, 5, 3, ‘MUTE’.
Note: The sequence: 3,1,9,7,5,3, ‘MUTE’ will not show the Setup Menu if High Security Menu is enable.

For cloning settings from one TV to another TV or to SmartInstall, you will need to have a USB stick. This stick needs
to be formatted as FAT32 and should be empty.

For the best guest experience check if the software version on the TV is the latest one. This can be done using the
Master Remote control by pressing Recall Button and checking on page ‘2.1 - Current Main Software’. This also can
be done with the Guest Remote by pressing 1,2,3,6,5,4.

Go to:

Enter the model number and check to confirm you have the latest version available.

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Confirm the software version present on TV is identical with the one from website. If not please download the latest
version from website, unzip and save on to a USB key The USB key must be format FAT32 and preferably empty to
avoid and accidental upload of wrong setting and software. Follow the instruction how to upgrade the software.

If the software version from your TV is identical with the one available on website it is not necessary to upgrade.

If an upgrade is necessary you can upgrade and clone files at the same time automatically. (Upgrade -> Reboot ->
Clone) --- See Instant Initial Cloning in the various installation manuals

SmartInstall hardware requirements

To run SmartInstall you will need
 A PC or Laptop running Windows (Windows 7 recommended, Windows XP and Windows 8 have been
reported to work as well)
 Required is at least 3 GBs of RAM.
 The SmartInstall software package
 A supported Dektec RF modulator card (For sending out clones and firmware over RF or coax based
installations, for IPTV no Dektec card is needed)

There are a large number of Dektec cards supported. Our main testing and therefor recommended use is with the
following cards: DTA 112, DTA 115 and DTU215 (USB version)
There is a large list of cards that work with our software. Cards such as the DTA-111, DTA-2111, DTA-105 and DTA-
102 are all reported to work. Not all of them have been tested.

The following cards are the only cards confirmed NOT supported:
 DTA-2162
 DTU-236A
 DTA-2138
 DTA-2139
 DTA-2131

Retailer list where Dektec cards can be bought is available from

Please make sure you have a PC installed in the hotel. The Dektec card should be connected to the RF network of the
hotel. The SmartInstall server should be connected to the internet.

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Installing SmartInstall
You can find the SmartInstall manual, software and other related information on the SmartInstall website.

Go to

Getting the software

When you first go to you will need to register. Registration can be done by pressing on the
registration button on the login page (See Error! Reference source not found.).

Figure 1: SmartInstall Website Login

During registration you will be asked for your preferred username and for your email address. Recommendation is to
use your email address as your username. Please make sure your email address is valid as your new password will be
send there!

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As soon as you have gotten the password on your newly registered account you can go to the login page again and
login using your just created username and password that was send to you. If you have issues login in or creating a
user please contact us at

Installing a new SmartInstall PC

To install a completely new version of SmartInstall, please follow the instructions below. If you have a
previously installed version of SmartInstall please read the “Upgrading an existing SmartInstall to latest
version” section.

1. Download the latest version of SmartInstall from the SmartInstall website

2. First unzip the latest version SmartInstall zip file which you have gotten from the SmartInstall website
a. Recommended is to unzip to a folder directly under root (For example,
“C:\SmartInstall_Version_X.X.X”). Make sure the folder is now called
3. Please browse to the folder you just unzipped to

4. Double-click on “setup.bat” file

If you have previous versions of Apache or MySQL or other webservers or database servers installed you may
run into conflicts. If so please contact Philips hospitality support

5. Once installation is done, it will launch the Smart Install server login page
a. If the page shows an error, try reloading after a minute or so, sometimes the installation isn’t
fully finished yet
b. Please use Firefox, Opera or Chrome as browser. Internet Explorer does not follow standards
and can therefor show issues.
c. As soon as you see the SmartInstall login page, please bookmark this page! If you want to use
SmartInstall in the future all you need to do is go to this bookmark in your browser.
6. SmartInfo templates will be present in “C:\SmartInstall_Version_X.X.X\Templates” folder. You can
upload these to SmartInstall server by following the instructions on the SmartInfo pages.

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Upgrading an existing SmartInstall to latest version

To upgrade a previously installed version of SmartInstall, please follow the instructions below:
1. Download the latest version of SmartInstall from the SmartInstall website
2. First unzip the latest version SmartInstall zip file which you have gotten from the SmartInstall website
a. Recommended is to unzip to a folder directly under root (For example,
“C:\SmartInstall_Version_X.X.X”). Make sure the folder is now called
3. Please browse to the folder you just unzipped to

4. Double-click on “upgrade.bat” file

5. Once upgrading is done, it will launch the Smart Install server login page
a. If the page shows an error, try reloading after a minute or so, sometimes the installation isn’t
fully finished yet
b. Please use Firefox, Opera or Chrome as browser. Internet Explorer does not follow standards
and can therefor show issues.

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c. As soon as you see the SmartInstall login page, please bookmark this page! If you wan tto use
SmartInstall in the future all you need to do is go to this bookmark in your browser.

1. Installing the TV and making a master configuration

Please follow the instructions in the various installation manuals to install a single TV and configure the various
settings to your liking. Please test the TV after its setup to make sure you are happy with it. Installation manuals and
the latest TV software can be gotten from our support website.

Go to:

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2. TV settings required for SmartInstall
The following settings need to be correct on the TV to make sure SmartInstall works.

General SmartInstall settings

The following settings in SmartInstall can have an effect on working with the TV.

1. Room ID can help with upgrading all, a single or a group of TVs. For more information please check the
chapter on “Cloning or upgrading to a TV, a group of TVs or all TVs using RoomID”
2. Modulation type is dependent on the setting of the TV. Please see TV settings to check what is set in your
TV. Please use 64QAM in both TV and SmartInstall. (DVB-T)
3. Bandwidth used can be 7 or 8 MHz and should correspond with the bandwidth used per channel in your
network. This is TV installation country dependent. For most European countries this is 8 MHz. For Australia
this is 7 MHz, for New Zealand this is 8 MHz. If you are unsure, please use 8 MHz.
4. Installed countries can help when sending clones or firmware to Easysuite 2012 or 2013 TVs installed with
one of the following countries: Norway, UK, Sweden, Denmark, France, Finland, Ireland. Make sure country
of installation in the TV is the same as in SmartInstall. For more information see the section “Working with
SmartInstall and EasySuite 2012 and 2013”
5. Output level in SmartInstall can help overcome noise or bad cabling in your hotel but can also introduces
noise which can mean longer upgrade times or even stop SmartInstall from working. Recommended output
level is -18dBm. Higher levels (>-18 such as -15) are only supported by PCI Dektec cards and if possible lower
levels (-20dBm to -27dBm) are preferred. If some TVs in the hotel are not upgrading please test the SNR
(Signal to Noise Ratio) at the TV. SNR should be at least 60dBu or higher for SmartInstall to work. If you do
not meet this requirement and putting the output level higher does not work please contact Philips support.
6. The frequency is default set to 706 MHz both in the TV as well as in SmartInstall. Please make sure the
frequency used is free and the channels around it are also free at least to the bandwidth used (7 or 8 MHz).

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If this setting is changed, it needs to be changed both in the TV as well as in SmartInstall as otherwise
SmartInstall will not work.
 EasySuite 2012 and 2013 (HFL3007 and HFL 3008) and all 2014 TVs (HFL 5008 and HFL 7008) search
through the entire frequency band and do not require the frequency to be set. It is still recommended to
leave SmartInstall and the TV on the default frequency of 706 MHz as this improves performance.

 HFL3009, HFL5009 and later models: TVs will only accept an RF upgrade when frequencies start from 474
till 858 MHz. Lower frequencies are only supported during IIC (Instant Initial Cloning which happens
during Virgin mode). See below overview

Fall back scanning table ( Only 8MHz, no 7MHz)

106000 298000 490000 682000

114000 306000 498000 690000
122000 314000 506000 698000
130000 322000 514000 706000
138000 330000 522000 714000
146000 338000 530000 722000
154000 346000 538000 730000
162000 354000 546000 738000
170000 362000 554000 746000
178000 370000 562000 754000
186000 378000 570000 762000
194000 386000 578000 770000
202000 394000 586000 778000
210000 402000 594000 786000
218000 410000 602000 794000
226000 418000 610000 802000
234000 426000 618000 810000
242000 434000 626000 818000
250000 442000 634000 826000
258000 450000 642000 834000
266000 458000 650000 842000
274000 466000 658000 850000
282000 474000 666000 858000
290000 482000 674000

Bold frequencies are only accepted during IIC (valid

for HFL3009, HFL5009 and later models)

7. Playout options can be set to only send out parts of the clone. For more information please see the chapter
“Changing only part of the TV with a Partial clone”

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TV settings for EasySuite 2012
EasySuite 2012 xxHFL3007
EasySuite 2012 xxHFL3017
EasySuite 2012 xxHFL3017W

For SmartInstall to work the following settings need to be correct.

1. IMPORTANT!! Easysuite 2012 xxHFL3007 requires software 2.11 or higher to work with SmartInstall. You
will need to manually upgrade to this software version. Please make sure the TVs have this software or
upgrade to the latest version that can be found on the support pages including installation manuals.
Go to:
2. Setting auto software update needs to be ON (default ON).
Invoke “Professional Menu -> Professional Settings -> Installation -> Auto software update -> ON”.
3. Settings auto channel update does not interfere with SmartInstall, however if this is on then the TV
automatically updates the channel list with the network preferred line-up which may not correspond to the
chosen channel line-up in the clone file send by SmartInstall
Invoke “Professional Menu -> Professional Settings -> Installation -> Auto channel update -> OFF”.
Software version 2.11 and earlier has an issue that even when this setting is turned off, the TV still updates
with the network preferred channel line-up. This issue is being worked on and will be fixed asap.
4. Frequency does not need to be set on these TVs as the TVs search the entire frequency band. Please make
sure the frequency used in SmartInstall is free (No other channels on this frequency in the network) as
otherwise SmartInstall will not work.
5. Room ID needs to be set if per room or per group updating is required
Invoke “Professional Menu -> Professional Settings -> Room ID -> <Room number>”.
6. EasySuite will only accept either firmware or cloning files. It does not accept both simultaneously.
7. EasySuite 2012 expects a correct ONID for the country they are installed in. For more information please
check “Working with SmartInstall and EasySuite 2012 and 2013”

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TV settings for PrimeSuite, MediaSuite and Signature 2012

PrimeSuite 2012 xxHFL4007

MediaSuite 2012 xxHFL5007
Signature 2012 xxHFL7007

For SmartInstall to work the following settings need to be correct. If you have upgraded a 2012 primeSuite,
MediaSuite or Signature to 0.4.x.x software than please follow the section for 2013 mediaSuite files.

1. IMPORTANT!! These TVs require software or higher to work with SmartInstall. You will need to
manually upgrade to this software version. Please make sure the TVs have this software or upgrade to the
latest version that can be found on the support pages including installation manuals.
Go to:
2. RF Download enable should be set to On (This is must for both manual and automatic RF download)
Invoke “Professional menu -> RF download -> RF upgrade -> Enable-> On”.
3. Settings auto channel update does not interfere with SmartInstall, however if this is on then the TV
automatically updates the channel list with the network preferred line-up which may not correspond to the
chosen channel line-up in the clone file send by SmartInstall
Invoke “Professional menu -> TV setup -> Setup -> Channel settings -> Channel Installation -> Automatic
channel update -> OFF”.
4. The frequency is default set to 706 MHz both in the TV as well as in SmartInstall. Please make sure the
frequency used is free (No other channels on this frequency in the network) and the channels around it are
also free at least to the bandwidth used (7 or 8 MHz). If this setting is changed, it needs to be changed both
in the TV as well as in SmartInstall as otherwise SmartInstall will not work.
Invoke “Professional menu -> RF download -> RF upgrade -> Program info -> frequency -> 0706”.
5. Room ID needs to be set if per room or per group updating is required
Invoke “Professional menu -> Professional settings -> Room ID -> <Room number>”.

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TV settings for Easysuite 2013
Easysuite 2013 xxHFL3008

For SmartInstall to work the following settings need to be correct.

1. IMPORTANT!! Easysuite 2013 xxHFL3008 requires software 2.009 or higher to work with SmartInstall. You
will need to manually upgrade to this software version. Please make sure the TVs have this software or
upgrade to the latest version that can be found on the support pages including installation manuals.
Go to:
2. Setting auto software update needs to be ON (default ON).
Invoke “Professional Menu -> Professional Settings -> Installation -> Auto software update -> ON”.
3. Settings auto channel update does not interfere with SmartInstall, however if this is on then the TV
automatically updates the channel list with the network preferred line-up which may not correspond to the
chosen channel line-up in the clone file send by SmartInstall
Invoke “Professional Menu -> Professional Settings -> Installation -> Auto channel update -> OFF”.
Software version 2.04 and earlier has an issue that even when this setting is turned off, the TV still updates
with the network preferred channel line-up. This issue is being worked on and will be fixed asap.
4. Frequency does not need to be set on these TVs as the TVs search the entire frequency band. Please make
sure the frequency used in SmartInstall is free (No other channels on this frequency in the network) as
otherwise SmartInstall will not work.
5. Room ID needs to be set if per room or per group updating is required
Invoke “Professional Menu -> Professional Settings -> Room ID -> <Room number>”.
6. EasySuite will only accept either firmware or cloning files. It does not accept both simultaneously.
7. EasySuite 2013 expects a correct ONID for the country they are installed in. For more information please
check “Working with SmartInstall and EasySuite 2012 and 2013”

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TV settings for MediaSuite and Signature 2013

MediaSuite 2013 xxHFL5008

Signature 2013 xxHFL7008 and

For SmartInstall to work both manual and automatic the following settings need to be correct.

1. IMPORTANT!! These TVs require software or higher to work with SmartInstall. You will need to
manually upgrade to this software version. Please make sure the TVs have this software or upgrade to the
latest version that can be found on the support pages including installation manuals:
Go to:
2. SmartInstall 6.17.8 and lower support clone files from TVs with version up to 4.13 software. Clones from
later firmwares are supported by SmartInstall 6.17.9+. SmartInstall 6.17.9+ does support clones from
firmwares below 4.14 as well as newer firmwares.
3. RF Upgrade enable should be set to On
Invoke “Professional menu -> Clone/Upgrade-> RF upgrade -> Enable-> On”.
4. IP Upgrade should be set to Off for RF upgrade to work
Invoke “Professional menu -> Clone/Upgrade -> IP upgrade -> Enable-> Off”.
5. [Optional if available] Auto Upgrade should be set to ON
Invoke “Professional Menu -> Clone/Upgrade -> Auto upgrade-> Enable -> On”.
6. Settings auto channel update does not interfere with SmartInstall, however if this is on then the TV
automatically updates the channel list with the network preferred line-up which may not correspond to the
chosen channel line-up in the clone file send by SmartInstall
Invoke “Professional menu -> TV setup -> Setup -> Channel settings -> Channel Installation -> Automatic
channel update -> OFF”.
7. The frequency is default set to 706 MHz both in the TV as well as in SmartInstall. Please make sure the
frequency used is free (No other channels on this frequency in the network) and the channels around it are
also free at least to the bandwidth used (7 or 8 MHz). If this setting is changed, it needs to be changed both
in the TV as well as in SmartInstall as otherwise SmartInstall will not work.
Invoke “Professional menu -> Clone/Upgrade -> RF Upgrade -> Program info -> frequency -> 0706”.
8. Room ID needs to be set if per room or per group updating is required
Invoke “Professional menu -> Professional settings -> Room ID -> <Room number>”.

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TV settings for EasySuite 2014

EasySuite 2014 xxHFL3009

For SmartInstall to work both manual and automatic the following settings need to be correct.

1. IMPORTANT!! These TVs require software or higher to work with SmartInstall. You will
need to manually upgrade to this software version. Please make sure the TVs have this software or upgrade
to the latest version that can be found on the support pages including installation manuals:
Go to:
2. SmartInstall 6.20+.9+ and higher support clone and firmware files from 2014 TVs.
3. Auto Upgrade should be set to ON
Invoke “Professional Menu -> Clone/Upgrade -> Auto upgrade-> Enable -> On”.
4. Auto channel update does not interfere with SmartInstall, however if this is on then the TV automatically
updates the channel list with the network preferred line-up which may not correspond to the chosen
channel line-up in the clone file send by SmartInstall
Invoke “Professional menu -> Installation -> Auto channel update -> OFF”.
5. The frequency is default set to 706 MHz both in the TV as well as in SmartInstall. Please make sure the
frequency used is free (No other channels on this frequency in the network) and the channels around it are
also free at least to the bandwidth used (7 or 8 MHz). If this setting is changed, it needs to be changed both
in the TV as well as in SmartInstall as otherwise SmartInstall will not work. As a backup the TV also scans the
network so you can change the default in SmartInstall only and the TV will still find the update, however the
time taken to find the update will be longer.
Invoke “Professional menu -> RF Clone Program Info -> frequency -> 0706”.
6. Room ID needs to be set if per room or per group updating is required
Invoke “Professional menu -> Professional settings -> Room ID -> <Room number>”.

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TV settings for MediaSuite and Signature 2014

MediaSuite 2014 xxHFL5009

Signature 2014 xxHFL7009

For SmartInstall to work both manual and automatic the following settings need to be correct.

1. IMPORTANT!! These TVs require software or higher to work with SmartInstall. You will
need to manually upgrade to this software version. Please make sure the TVs have this software or upgrade
to the latest version that can be found on the support pages including installation manuals:
Go to:
2. SmartInstall 6.20+.9+ and higher support clone and firmware files from 2014 TVs.
3. Upgrade Mode should be set to RF or IP, depending on which system you wish to use to upgrade
Invoke “Professional menu -> Clone/Upgrade -> Upgrade Mode -> RF”.
4. Auto Upgrade should be set to ON
Invoke “Professional Menu -> Clone/Upgrade -> Auto upgrade-> Enable -> On”.
5. Auto channel update does not interfere with SmartInstall, however if this is on then the TV automatically
updates the channel list with the network preferred line-up which may not correspond to the chosen
channel line-up in the clone file send by SmartInstall
Invoke “Professional menu -> Installation -> Auto channel update -> OFF”.
6. The frequency is default set to 706 MHz both in the TV as well as in SmartInstall. Please make sure the
frequency used is free (No other channels on this frequency in the network) and the channels around it are
also free at least to the bandwidth used (7 or 8 MHz). If this setting is changed, it needs to be changed both
in the TV as well as in SmartInstall as otherwise SmartInstall will not work. As a backup the TV also scans the
network so you can change the default in SmartInstall only and the TV will still find the update, however the
time taken to find the update will be longer.
Invoke “Professional menu -> RF Clone Program Info -> frequency -> 0706”.
7. Room ID needs to be set if per room or per group updating is required
Invoke “Professional menu -> Professional settings -> Room ID -> <Room number>”.

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Working with SmartInstall and EasySuite 2012 and 2013

If you are working with EasySuite 2012 (xxHFL3007 or xxHFL3017) or EasySuite 2013 (xxHFL3008) In some countries
you will need to correct one extra setting, namely the ONID of the stream that is played out. You can do this in the
manage files section in the and setting the country to the same country the TVs are installed in.

How to set the ONID correctly

 The TVs listen to a channel and ONID based on the country selection during installation of the TV
 Following countries need to have the correct ONID and CANNOT work with the default UK ONID:
Norway: 0x2242,
UK: 0x233A,
Sweden: 0x22F1
Denmark: 0x20D0
France: 0x20FA
Finland: 0x20F6
Ireland: 0x2174
 When SmartInstall is installed, the ONID will be UK by default and will work in all countries except those
mentioned above
 To set the correct ONID for these countries you have to select the correct country SI Admin – Location
Manager, only the country is important (rest doesn’t need to be filled in). After the selection you need to
press the save button.
 After pressing save in the location manager you can play our a clone or software upgrade normally
 Be aware! EasySuite TVs with no channels installed do not work with SmartInstall, please install at least one

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When does the TV search for updates on RF?

TV ranges After going to standby Fixed times per day

2012 Easysuite Yes, 5 min after standby At 4:00
2012 MediaSuite and Signature NA At 13:00 and 4:00
2013 EasySuite Yes, 5 min after standby At 4:00
2013 MediaSuite and Signature NA At 13:00 and 4:00
2014 Easysuite, MediaSuite and Yes, 5 min after standby At 4:00

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3. SmartInstall manual
Login to SmartInstall
If you are using Internet Explorer please upgrade to Chrome, Opera or Firefox. SmartInstall is a HTML5 based website
and Internet Explorer does not properly support this standard and may not work properly.

To reach the SmartInstall website please type the following web address in the address bar of your favorite browser

(If you are locally working on SmartInstall server)

http://<IP address of server>:8080/SmartInstall/

(If you are working remotely, please make sure the SmartInstall server is connected to the internet and proper port
forwarding is setup)

The login page should appear.

Login to SmartInstall with User ID: admin and Password: welcome

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Multiple times login
If during the login process you get the message “Error: Another user has already logged in please try later” it means
the user you are trying to login with has already logged in and is still active (ie hasn’t logged out yet) This can happen
when you close the SmartInstall website and re-open it shortly after to re-login. As SmartInstall currently cannot
handle multiple users working on the same clone file, multi-login by the same user has been blocked.

If you see this message, you can do the following to work with SmartInstall again:

1. Wait 40 minutes. The user will be automatically logged out after this time.


2. Click on the windows start button

3. In the command window type “services” and wait for the list to fill
4. Click on the services icon

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5. In the services application select the Apache Tomcat service
6. Press restart
7. Go to the SmartInstall website and re-login

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User management: Creating new users
The default user is the admin user. As administrator you can create new users, both new administrators (that can do
everything) and normal users (That can do everything except create new users and reset passwords)

Please press save to save the new user

User management: editing users

As administrator you can edit users

Please change your administrator password to a password of your own choosing!

Please press save to save the changes

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User management: Location management
To be able to recognize which SmartInstall you are connecting with, you can add a location to the server.

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Manage files

Uploading a new clone or a new firmware

To upload clone data to SmartInstall, you can use the “export to USB” function of the TV to start with a master clone
with all channel installed during the TV installation. Instructions on how to do this can be found in the installation
manuals of the various TV.

The clone file from the TV will be in a folder. You need to create a ZIP file of the clone data to upload (local or
remotely) to SmartInstall. (

Make sure the name of the clone folder remains the same (Q554B for instance). The name of the zip can be anything
you wish as long as it has the .zip extension.

Press “+Clone .zip file to upload”

Browse to the zip you wish to upload

Press open to load

Clone file is added to the clone library and you will be able to edit it or send it out to TVs

For firmwares you can click on the “+Firmware .upg file to upload”

Browse to the upg you wish to upload

Press open to load

Firmware is added to the firmware library and you will be able to send it out to TVs
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Managing your clones and firmwares
In the manage files section you can manage both your clone as well as your firmware files:

 You can Delete you clones or firmwares by pressing the red “x” behind the clone or firmware
o Be careful! There is no undo, once deleted the clone is permanently removed.
 You can Download your clone or firmware by pressing the green downward arrow. You can use them with
another SmartInstall server or store them for backup or support
 You can get more info on the clone or firmware by pressing the “I” behind the clone you wish to know more
 You can Change the name of the clone or firmware by clicking on the name. An edit window will open in
which you can edit the name. When you are done, click outside of the edit window to save the name.

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Version control when uploading firmware
 HFL4007, HFL5007, HFL 7007, HFL5008 and HFL7008: SmartInstall will apply automatically the correct
version of the firmware
 HFL3007 – 3008 – 3009 - 3010, HFL5009 - 5010 and HFL7009: SmartInstall will propose a version existing out
of 4 digits. The four digits are extracted out of the 12 digit version as following:

12 digit version ABC.DEF.GHI.JKL  4 digit version as used by SmartInstall F.GHI

 TV will not accept the 12 number version, therefore you need to keep only the 4 digits F.GHI

Example: When uploading, SmartInstall will propose following

but you can only keep 2.036. Now you can press OK in the dialog box

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Editing a clone
To work with existing clone data in SmartInstall, you can choose an existing clone file from the clone library.

Press the edit icon behind the clone you wish to edit.

Editing your clone: Settings

After loading your clone you can edit the settings of the TV in Configuration editor. There are multiple pages in
configuration editor that you can reach by clicking on them. The configuration pages look different for different
types of TVs. Examples are below. All changes will be automatically saved to the selected clone file.

All settings of the TV can be changed on the TV. Most setting can be changed in SmartInstall. All settings can be
uploaded and played out over SmartInstall.

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Editing your clone: channels
After loading a clone file, you can change the channel map including ThemeTV, MyChoice and other channel related

You can edit names by left clicking on them and you can change the channel number by clicking on that and
changing the number. Don’t forget to save! If you change the channel number to a number of an existing channel,
that channel and all channels below it will move a channel down. Empty channels will not move down but will be
deleted until the group reaches filled channels again which will move down.

You can add channels to ThemeTV rings (TTV1-TTV15) for TVs that support ThemeTV (2013 and older).

You can add channels to MyChoice packages.

You can hide channels. Hidden channels will not be shown on the TV but will remain installed. The functionality is a
more robust version of deleting channels. For example: It allows the TV to understand what to do when the
broadcaster sends out new information on a channel.

You can mute video on channels without video to show a nicer background then a blank screen.

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Editing your clone: manually adding channels
You can manually add channels. Don’t forget to save!

Editing your clone: Changing installed channels

By clicking the edit button behind the TV channel name you open a window with its parameters. Pressing ok will save
the new channel information to the clone and overwrite the old. Cancel will keep the old.

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Editing your clone: Welcome logo
After loading a clone file, you can upload and select a new Welcome screen picture

Welcome screen pictures should be 1280 x 720 jpeg format

Don’t forget to save after making any changes!

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SmartInfo consist of 2 methods to put information on the TV screens, SmartInfo Show and SmartInfo Browser.

SmartInfo Show
SmartInfo Show is a picture slideshow. You can upload up to 30 pictures and save them to a clone for playout to TVs.
On the TV you can startup with the slideshow or access to the slideshow through the menu. The slideshow shows
pictures every 5 seconds and loops at the end to the beginning.

SmartInfo Browser
SmartInfo Browser are HTML (website) based templates via which you can easily create interactive webpages for on
the TV. The pages are saved on the TV and do not require an internet connection. The guest can use the remote
control to navigate through the webpages to find the information he / she wants. Any (CE-HTML) website can be
created and used, though the SmartInstall Content Management System can only edit official templates. Templates
are pre-defined designs that allow easy editing of text and pictures within SmartInstall.

TV range Size available Size available for HTML type SmartInfo Show /
Websites Pictures Browser
2012 EasySuite NA 20 MB NA Show

2012 PrimeSuite / 4 MB NA CE-HTML 4 Browser

MediaSuite and
Signature (xxHFLx007)
2013 EasySuite NA 20 MB NA Show
2013 MediaSuite and 20 MB (In latest NA CE-HTML 4 Browser
Signature (xxHFLx008) firmware only)
2014 EasySuite / 64 MB 22 MB HTML5 Show and Browser
MediaSuite and
Signature (xxHFLx009)

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How to work with SmartInfo Show
After loading a clone file, Select SmartInfo Show. This will show you a list of created slideshows. To create a new
slideshow you can press the “+” sign and upload a zip of new pictures or a single picture in JPG or JPEG format. You
can edit the slide show by pressing the edit button, you can delete the slideshow by pressing delete or you can
download the slideshow again by pressing download. You can also change the name of the slideshow by left clicking
on the name. Enter or a left click outside of the edit box will save the name.

SmartInfo Show pictures should be 1920 x 1080 jpeg format

If you press edit, a window will open that shows all the pictures in the slideshow. You can drag and drop them to a
different location or download or delete them individually. You can also add JPEG pictures by pressing the “+”

Don’t forget to select the slideshow after making any changes! Saving will put the picture slideshow in the currently
selected clone file.
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How to work with SmartInfo Browser: Installing and working with templates
Select SmartInfo Browser and click on the Templates tab.

To upload new templates, click the upload button. Templates can be found in your original installation folder
(where you unzipped the SmartInstall files used to install SmartInstall). Inside the installation zip there is a
folder called “templates” that contains default templates. Please navigate to your template folder and
upload the first templates (as zip file). You can also find more templates on
In the template tab you can also:
 Edit the name of the template by left clicking on the template name, editing the name and clicking outside of
the edit box to save
 Delete the template by pressing the red “x”. Be aware, there is no undo! Deleting the template deletes it
 Download the template using the green down arrow button for use in another SmartInstall server or for
 Preview the template design using the preview button
 Create a new website based on the template by pressing the creation button. This will bring you
automatically to the template editor

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How to work with SmartInfo Browser: Creating a website
Select ‘create’ button to create a website. You will be brought to the template tab. There you can choose a template
from which you wish to work. Click the create button behind the template of your choice to start editing a website.
You can also edit an existing website by clicking on the edit button behind the website in the Content list.

In the content tab you can also:

 Edit the name of the website by left clicking on the template name, editing the name and clicking outside of
the edit box to save
 Delete the website by pressing the red “x”. Be aware, there is no undo! Deleting the website deletes it
 Download the website using the green down arrow button for use in another SmartInstall server or for
 Preview the website design using the preview button
 Create a new website based on the template by pressing the creation button. This will bring you
automatically to the template editor
 Upload websites you have saved and downloaded earlier from SmartInstall including their templates

How to work with SmartInfo Browser: example of template 3 editing

What to edit in the template can differ per template. You can easily edit pictures and text of the template. The
layout of the templates are fixed. Often the text and images can be altered. The items for template 3 are explained
below. Picture sizes can be anything. Best fi size of pictures is displayed next to the image tags. If you wish to create
more pages, please click the “add page” button. Everything is automatically saved.

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After you are done Exit from Template editor with the help of the ‘exit’ button.

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SmartInfo template: how to save to a clone
To save the created template to the loaded clone please press the select radio button.

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Getting a clone from SmartInstall to the TV

Making a USB clone

It is recommended to download the new clone file and unzip it to a USB and try it before sending out to all TVs.

Select Manage files in the menu

On the clone file of your choice press the download button to get a zipped version you can unzip to a USB stick to
clone to a TV.

How to playout a clone or firmware to all TVs

It is recommended to download the new clone file and unzip it to a USB and try it before sending out to all TVs. To
make sure you have the right setting read the “General SmartInstall Settings” in the “TV settings required for
SmartInstall” chapter.

To play out to all TVs:

Go to “Manage Files” in the menu.

Select a clone and if required select a firmware.

Make sure the settings in the “RF Playout Settings” tab are correct. See the “General SmartInstall Settings” in the “TV
settings required for SmartInstall” chapter.

Press “Start RF playout”

The playout button changes to a stop button in case you wish to stop the transmission.

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Cloning or upgrading to a TV, a group of TVs or all TVs using RoomID
With All Philips TVs it is possible to send a clone or firmware to a limited group of TVs or a single TV. The various TVs
have different functionality. Depending on the clone or firmware selected to send out to the TVs, SmartInstall will
show a different Room_ID input field. The room_ID input field can be found in the “Manage Files” menu “RF Playout
Settings” tab.

EasySuite 2012 and 2013 – xxHFL3007 and xxHFL3008

ALL TVs - Room ID should be set to 0000 if you wish to upgrade all the TVs in your hotel.

SINGLE TV - If you wish to upgrade a single TV set this to the Room ID of the TV you wish to upgrade. Make sure the
TVs have proper Room ID (See TV settings). Example: 0011

GROUP OF TVs – You can update a range of 10, 100 or 1000 TVs by setting the number you wish to upgrade to F. All
TVs in a range including the first and last number will be upgraded. Make sure the TVs have proper Room ID (See TV
settings). Examples:

a) Room ID in RF is 123F and thus TV with room ID from 1230 to 1239 shall be upgraded
b) Room ID in RF is 05FF and thus TV with room ID from 0500 to 0599 shall be upgraded
c) Room ID in RF is 9FFF and thus TV with room ID from 9000 to 9999 shall be upgraded
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PrimeSuite, MediaSuite and Signature 2012 and 2013 - xxHFL4007, xxHFL5007, xxHFL7007,
xxHFL5008 and xxHFL7008

Changing the room ID setting in SmartInstall allows you to update a single or a consecutive group of TVs. The
following examples make clear how this works:

FFFF to FFFF = all rooms

0001 to 0001 = single room, in this case TV with room_ID 0001

0010 to 0017 = all TVs with room_ID 0010 to room_ID 0017

0100 to 0133 = all TVs with room_ID 0100 to room_ID 0133

Combinations of other ranges are off course possible, as long as the range is consecutive. This method allows you to
make groups of TVs by for instance giving all Suites a Room_ID of 4000, all executive rooms a Room_ID of 3000,
normal rooms 2000 and the lobby and other public areas 1000. You can either give the TVs the same ID or make a
consecutive range which allows more flexibility and requires more effort to setup.

Make sure the TVs have proper Room ID (See TV settings).

EasySuite, MediaSuite and Signature 2014 – xxHFL3009, xxHFL5009 and xxHFL7009

ALL TVs - Room ID should both be set to 0000 if you wish to upgrade all the TVs in your hotel.

SINGLE TV - If you wish to upgrade a single TV set this to the Room ID of the TV you wish to upgrade. Make sure the
TVs have proper Room ID (See TV settings). Example: 0005

GROUP OF TVs - If you wish to upgrade a group of TVs, you can add a list of TVs and add ranges of TVs you wish to
upgrade. All TVs in that range including the first and last number will be upgraded. Make sure the TVs have proper
Room ID (See TV settings). Examples:

a) Set Room_ID “0005, 0111, 0013, 0006-0012” means rooms 5, 111, 13 and 6,7,8,9,10,11 and 12 will be
b) Set Room_ID “0008,0010-0020,0199” means rooms 8, 10 to and including and 199 will be updated.
c) Set Room_ID “0000-0123” means rooms 0 to and including 123 will be updated.

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Multi-RC cloning
With 2014 and newer TVs it is possible to not clone the Multi-RC setting. This allows you to use a single clone even
when using TVs with different Multi-RC settings. The Multi-RC setting will remain what was previously set in the TV
no matter what was set in the clone file as long as the Overwrite Multi-RC setting is off.

This feature is supported starting from software .002.028.128 and with SmartInstall 6.21.17+. Older versions or older
TVs will always clone the Multi-RC setting in the clone. Newer clones with this feature can be used on TVs with older
software without this feature and older clones without this feature can be used on TVs with this feature, all settings
will function normally except for the multi-RC setting which will only work on TVs with newer software and the
newer clone file.

The setting is seen in the “Feature and Clock” setting page under the “Configuration editor” of the “Edit Settings”

The options are:

Overwrite Multi-RC – YES -> Multi-RC is overwritten (default)

Overwrite Multi-RC – NO -> Multi RC is not overwritten, the multi-RC as was in the TV remains even after cloning.

Year EasySuite 300x MediaSuite / Signature (500x / 700x)

2012 Always overwrite Always overwrite
2013 Always overwrite Always overwrite
2014 Can choose with correct SW and clone

2014 Clone type 2014 TV SW <002.028.128 2014 TV SW >002.028.128

Clone from old TV or SmartInstall Always overwrite Always overwrite
wo Multi-RC setting
Clone from new TV or SmartInstall Always overwrite Overwrite when setting is Yes, not overwritten
with multi-RC overwrite setting when setting is No

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Changing only part of the TV with a Partial clone
The “RF playout options” in the “RF Playout Settings” tab of the “Manage Files” menu allows you to select which
parts of the clone you wish to send the TV. If you select one or more of these parts, all other parts will remain the
same on the TV after cloning over RF.

Current playout options are:

All – The entire clone is selected and everything is send to the TV. The TV will clone everything.

HotelInfo – HotelInfo, SmartInfo show and Smartinfo Browser are send to the TV

Welcome Logo – Welcome logo is send to the TV

ThemeTV – ThemeTV is send to the TV

Configuration Settings – The settings from the professional and consumer menu are send to the TV

In the case “All” is selected, it is mutually exclusive with the other playout options, ie if “All” is selected then the
entire clone will be send and the TV will update everything.

If one or more of the other options are selected only these parts of the clone will be send to the TV and only these
parts will be cloned into the TV. All other parts of the clone will be unchanged on the TV after cloning.

Stopping an RF playout
It is recommended to download the new clone file and unzip it to a USB and try it before sending out to all TVs.

When the playout is running, the button stop RF playout appears. To stop the playout, press that button.

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4. SmartInstall IP
What is SmartInstall IP
SmartInstall IP is making it possible to update clone content and/or firmware on your TVs through IP. You can update
one or more TVs at once.

SmartInstall IP displays the status of each TV connected to the network.

SmartInstall IP is NOT an editor for clone data. If you want to modify the clone data before sending it out with
SmartInstall IP, you need to use SmartInstall as described in chapter 3. IPTV channels cannot be edited by
SmartInstall. How to modify IPTV channels can be found back in the IPTV manual.

Starting up SmartInstall IP
When SmartInstall package has been installed as described in Installing Smart Install, you will be able to start the
SmartInstall IP tool by clinking the “+ SmartInstall IP” button:

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Managing your TVs, clones, firmware and settings
The SmartInstall IP tool is split up into different parts: Device List, Manage cloning data, Manage SW release and

Device list
When SmartInstall IP is started, you will see the Device list overview:

 assign SW list: contains all the firmwares which has been uploaded into the SmartInstall IP tool.
 assign profile list: contains all the clones which have been uploaded into the SmartInstall IP tool.
 Set SW (to all), unset SW (from all), set profile (to all) and unset profile (from all) will be explained in the
How to setup an IP upgrade.
 delete button: will remove the selected TV from of the overview. When you select a TV in the overview the
button will become available.
 delete all button: will remove all the TVs from of the overview.
 details button: will show all the available details on the selected TV. When you select a TV in the overview,
the button will become available.
 set ON and set OFF button1: will switch the selected TV on or off. When you select a TV in the overview, the
button will become available.
 Reboot button1: will reboot selected TV. When you select a TV in the overview, the button will become
available. This feature is only available for HFL5007, HFL5008, HFL7007 and HFL7008.
 Refresh button: will update the TV overview list with new data if available.
 Force Upgrade button1: will start an update on the selected TV(s) ONLY if a Clone and/or Firmware was set
to the TV. In case the set is On, the TV will go to standby and start the update. This feature is only available
for HFL5009 and HFL7009.
 It’s possible to change the amount of TV which should be shown per page. By selecting another value in the
“Show entries” list, you can display less or more TVs per page.

This feature is only available when you enable power status controls in the settings menu
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Manage cloning data
In this page you can upload new clone data, check details and remove old clone data

 Select file button: will ask for a zip file which contains the clone data you want to upload into SmartInstall IP.
Make sure the name of the clone folder remains the same (Q554B for instance) as when you downloaded it
from TV to USB. The name of the zip can be anything you wish as long as it has the .zip extension. When you
selected the zip file, a new screen will be shown to select the parts of the Clone Data you want to update to
the TVs. You select the items you need and if needed you can add comment to the clone data

 Delete button: will delete the selected clone from the list. This button becomes available when a clone is
 Details button: will show details of the clone. You can modify the comment and reselect parts of the clone
again which should be updated in the TV.
 Download button: will download the selected clone back to your PC.
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Manage SW releases
In this page you can upload or remove firmware

 Selecte file button: will ask for a upg file which needs the following format:
o FUS_Q554B_0.X.X.X-prod.upg (X is a one or two digit number) for HFL4007/5007/5107/7007 and
HFL5008/7008/7108 models.
o TPN141HE_X.X.X.X.upg (X is a 3 digit number) for HFL5009/7009 models

When you have selected the upg file, your screen will show the release number, the file name and the
possibility to add comment. Now you can the start upload button to upload the firmware into SmartIntall IP.
Afterwards you will see the firmware is added to the list.

 Delete button: will delete the selected firmware from the list. This button becomes available when a
firmware is selected.
 Details button: will show details of the firmware. You can modify the comment of the firmware.
 Download button: will download the selected firmware back to your PC.

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On this page you can change the settings of SmartInstall IP

 Set the Time Zone

 Change button: apply the Time Zone value
 Advanced configuration button: go to the Advanced configuration

Advanced Configuration settings

Each change can be saved when you press the Save button, when you want to exit the advanced Configuration you
press the Back to IPTV management tool button

 Set the polling interval for the Time Service. The period the TV will poll for the Date/Time.

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All the values of the Database settings are already filled in. There’s no need to change them as this will give access
issues to the database.

 IP upgrade polling frequency: this value is used to tell the TV after how many minutes it should start
checking for updates on the server when it’s put to standby. This value is only applied when the Low Power
Standby on the TV is set to FAST.
 IP upgrade polling frequency Green: this value is used to tell the TV after how many minutes it should start
checking for updates on the server when it’s put to standby. This value is only applied on HFLXXX9 models
and when the Low Power Standby on the TV is set to GREEN.
 IP upgrade maximum SW download interval: with this value you decide how much seconds must be
between each Firmware upgrade request to the server. This option is provided to not overload the IP
network as the firmware file is a big file and in the worst case many TVs can be put at the same time in
standby and will request at the same time the new firmware. If you don’t want any delay between each
request, just set the value to zero.
 Define which type of URL are responded by the service…: This is set by default to Emtpy URLs. No need to
change this value as it’s depending what the TV expects. The default value is taken by all models.

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 Power service polling frequency: Only used for HFL4007/4008/5007/5008/7007/7008 models. This value
will decide how many minutes are between each power status update from the TV to the server.
 TV discovery service polling frequency: Only used for HFL5009/7009 models. This value will decide how
many minutes are between each status update from the TV to the server.
 Amount of time from last report to highlight red the device:
 Device table refresh interval: how frequent (minutes) can the device list be automatically refreshed
 SI portal URL: used for SystemUI/Custom Dashboard
 Enable power status controls: only valid for HFL4007/4008/5007/5008/7007/7008 models

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TV settings before you can start the IP upgrade
Before you can start an IP upgrade, the TV first needs to be setup to make it possible to contact the SmartInstall IP
tool on the PC. This needs to be done in the professional menu of your TV.

To prevent doing the changes again and again on each TV, there are two possibilities:

1. Do the setup on one TV, take out the clone of that TV and upload it through stick on each TV. The steps to
setup your TV is described in the Professional Menu IP settings.
2. If you have a DNS running on the network, you can use the URL
“”. This URL is by default present on HFL5009/7009 models
when the TV is taken out of the box. More details how the URL should be translated by the DNS will be
explained in next section

What is a webservice URL

Each TV on the network will need to know how to contact the SmartInstall IP tool. Therefore it will need to know the
URL of the SmartInstall IP application. You will need to find out the IP address of the PC on which you installed

Professional menu IP settings

In case you have a DNS server on the network and you use HFL5009/7009 models, you can translate from
“” into
“$IPaddressPC:8082/iptvmanagement/php/webservices2k14/webservices.php”. The HFL5009/7009 model will call
by default “” to reach the SmartInstall IP tool. Now you can skip
the part in following section where the webservice URL must be changed in the professional menu.

Professional menu IP settings for HFL4007/4008/5007/5008/7007/7008

Following items in the professional menu should be set to enable IP upgrade on the TV

 Professional Setting – Web Services

o AutoDiscovery = Static
o TV Registration = ON
o Power Service = ON

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o StaticCfgURL should be set with the correct URL in case you don’t have a DNS running on the local
network (see DNS chapter). The URL should be as following:

 Clone/Upgrade
o RF Upgrade- Enable = Off
o IP Upgrade - Enable = On
o IP Upgrade - SW Types = Choose the Clone Items you want to update

Professional menu IP settings for HFL5009/7009

Following items in the professional menu should be set to enable IP upgrade on the TV

 Webservices
o TVDiscovery = On
o Professional Settings Service = On
o IP Upgrade Service = On
 Web Listening Service
o Power Service = On

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o URL: StaticCfgURL should be set with the correct URL in case you don’t have a DNS running on the
local network (see DNS chapter). The URL should be as following:

 Clone/Upgrade
o Upgrade Mode = IP
o Auto Upgrade = On

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How to setup an IP upgrade
The following screenshot shows a network with 6 devices after they reported to the IPTV management tool.

Once a device has reported to the system the tool shows their current SW release and clone data identifier in gray
color. Now you can assign to each device a different SW release and a different clone profile among the ones
available in the tool.

Once TVs are registered in the tool you can assign a SW release and a clone profile to each of them individually or to
all of them by using the “assign SW” and “assign profile” controls on top of the device table. In order to assign a SW
release or a clone profile to a device select a SW release among the ones available in the tool by selecting one option
in the “assign SW” combo box and a clone profile by selecting one option in the “assign profile” combo box. Then left
click one of the available devices in the table. The row will change color to indicate the selection. You can select
multiple devices by left clicking each of them and you can de-select devices by left clicking on the selected devices.

The following screenshots shows the selection of a clone profile from the “assign profile” combo box.

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The following screenshots shows a device table with a row selected.

Once you selected one or multiple devices you can assign SW and clone profile to them by pressing the “set SW” and
“set profile” buttons. This will assign the SW release or the clone profile in the respective combo box to the selected
devices. If the assigned SW release or clone profile is different than the one currently reported by the TV the table
will display the assigned SW release or clone profile in blue color.

TV accesses the ip upgrade component of the IPTV management tool every 10 minutes. When TV accesses the ip
upgrade component it reports its current SW release and clone profile. If the SW release and clone profile is

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different than the one assigned by the user the tool will respond to TV with the URL of the new SW release or clone
profile. At this moment hitting the refresh button the table shows the accessed data in orange color. This indicates
that TV has accessed the new data but it didn’t report yet a successful update.

TV will then download the new release or clone profile and apply it. After applying the new release or profile TV to
reboots in standby. The next time TV accesses the tool it will report the new SW release and clone profile. After this
happened the color of the SW release and clone profile in the device table becomes green to indicate that TV has
successfully applied the desired SW release and clone profile. Remember to click the refresh button every now and
then to update the status of the devices.

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5. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: I have made a clone, uploaded it to SmartInstall and pressed play, after which I manually trigger the TV to
upgrade or update its clone file. This works. If I change settings on the TV and test the same TV with an automatic
update at 4am (by changing the clock forward) without stopping SmartInstall the TV does not update anymore. Is the
TV broken?

A: Your TV does not upgrade or update automatically as it recognizes the stream from the manual upgrade or
update and assumes it is the same stream, so no update is required. If you stop and restart the playout on
SmartInstall the TV will recognize a new stream and will update or upgrade. Manual should always work, even if
the TV has already been updated with the same stream before.

Q: Can I update a TV multiple times with the same software or clone file?

A: Your TV will recognize if the software or clone file it receives over SmartInstall RF upgrading is the same file and
will not update a second time.

Q: Can I downgrade a TV with older software?

A: If you send an older software version to the TV using RF upgrade / SmartInstall the TV will accept the software
and downgrade to that version. You cannot downgrade lower than the original software from production. Be
careful, unexpected results can happen. This type of behavior has not been tested. It is recommended to always
use the latest software.

Q: Can I update or upgrade a hotel if I have both 2012 xxHFL3007 and 2013 xxHFL3008 EasySuite installed?

A: You can safely upgrade or update the hotel by sending out the 2012 clone and firmware and after sending out
the 2013 clone and firmware. The 2012 EasySuite will ignore the 2013 files and the 2013 will ignore the 2012 files.
You will need to update and upgrade the sets one at a time, ie first you need to upgrade the 2012 sets, then wait
24 hours while SmartInstall is running, then update the 2012 sets, then wait 24 hours while SmartInstall is
running, then update the 2013 firmware, wait 24 hours while SmartInstall is running, then update the 2013 clone
file, then wait 24 hours while SmartInstall is running. Easysuite 2012 and 2013 will not accept firmware and Clone
files at the same time.

Q: Can I update or upgrade a hotel if I have both 2012 xxhFL4007 primeSuite, xxHFL5007 MediaSuite and or
xxHFL7007 Signature and 2013 xxHFL5008 mediaSuite or xxHFL7008 Signature installed?

A: You can safely update and upgrade all 2012 PrimeSuite, MediaSuite and Signature with 2012 software (2.x
branch) and use cloning files from TVs running a 2.x branch to clone safely to those TVs. You can also safely
update and upgrade all 2013 MediaSuite and Signature with 2013 software (4.x branch) and use cloning files from
TVs running a 4.x branch to clone safely to those TVs. Using cloning files from 2012 2.x software on a 2013 4,x
software will lead to unexpected results! If you have a mixed hotel, it is best to upgrade all firmware, 2012 and
2013 sets, to the 4.x branch. After you have done that it is safe to update all sets using a clone from a 4.x TV.

Confidential. Copyright TPVision.

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