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Indian Institute of Technology, Madras (IIT Madras) 9/2022 – 4/2024
Diploma in Data Science, GPA: 9.03 out of 10
Institute of Actuaries of India / Institute and Faculties of Actuaries 9/2016 – 4/2020
Actuarial Science; Papers cleared – CT1, CT3, CT4, CT5, CT6, CT7, CB1, CB3
Narsee Monjee College of Commerce and Economics 6/2016 – 4/2019
Bachelor of Management Studies, Major: Finance, GPA: 9.11 out of 10

Deepkamal Health Services Private Limited 1/2024 – 6/2024
Independent Data Analyst
▪ Developed a data standardization and fraud detection tool using Python and Streamlit, integrating with
Google Sheets to manage pharmaceutical stock data.
▪ Utilized Pandas for robust data manipulation and crafted a user-friendly interface with Streamlit,
facilitating easy data uploads and downloads.
▪ Achieved an 80% increase in data processing speeds and a significant reduction in entry errors, as
validated by initial user feedback.

Predera Technologies Private Limited 7/2021 – 7/2022

Data Analyst I
▪ Leveraged web scraping techniques using libraries like Requests and Beautiful Soup to extract data and
Pandas to structure it, then utilized Power BI to design an interactive data-driven dashboard which was
subsequently adopted by data scientists at PCCI for advanced analytics.
▪ Handled incoming client requests for Mastercard’s card-linked services program and created a data pipeline,
utilized by fellow data scientists for further processing; extensively used Oracle TOAD (SQL) for retrieving
and appending merchant data.

Edelweiss Tokio Life Insurance 12/2019 – 6/2020

Actuarial Science Intern
▪ Analyzed the expected value of new business (VNB) to enhance strategic underwriting through profitability
and risk assessments.
▪ Validated the accuracy of the surrender value calculator through rigorous testing, ensuring it adhered to
the operational standards.
▪ Managed monthly and quarterly updates for persistency ratio calculations.

▪ Predicting the next location for an Indian hypermarket - Dmart - Numpy, Pandas, Seaborn, Google Maps
API, Logistic Regression
Leveraged geocoding and machine learning to shortlist potential locations for Dmart's new physical store.
▪ Inventory management using Monte Carlo Simulation - Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn
Analyzed optimal inventory levels for profit maximization by comparing continuous and periodic review
▪ Recipe Rating – TFIDF vectorization, SVD, Random Forest, XGBoost, KNN, Logistic Regression
Predicted recipe ratings using a dataset of recipe names, reviews, and user interactions, applying TFIDF
vectorization and SVD to manage text data effectively.
▪ Income Qualification – Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Random Forest classifier
Assessed the eligibility of Latin American families for aid programs by analyzing income levels and various
household characteristics
▪ Invisibility cloak – Computer vision, OpenCV
Developed a computer vision project that emulates Harry Potter’s ‘invisibility cloak’ effect using image
processing to blend background in real-time.

Python | SQL | Tableau | Power BI | AWS | Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint)


▪ AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner July 2022
▪ Multivariable Calculus (NPTEL - IIT Roorkee. Credit-bearing course) Mar 2023
▪ Calculus of one real variable (NPTEL - IIT Kanpur. Credit-bearing course) Sept 2022
▪ Programming, Data Structures, and Algorithms (NPTEL - IIT Madras. Credit-bearing course) Sept 2022

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