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IX Semester - I

Duration : 2 hrs. CHAPTER - 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Marks : 40

Q.1. (A) Fill in the blanks : 2

1. Oil spills in oceans are cleaned with the help of ............... bacteria.

2. To draw graphs based on the quantitative information obtained in an

experiment, one uses ............... .

Q.1. (B) State whether the following statements are true or false. If false 2
rewrite the correct statement :

1. Forecasting is difficult for places where climatic changes are slow and of a
limited nature.

2. Carnivores occupy the second trophic level in the food chain.

Q.1. (C) Select the odd man out : 1

1. Root rot, rust (tambere), rubella, mozaic.

Q.1. (D) Rewrite the correct statement by selecting the correct option : 5

1. Leaves of ............. show reticulate venation.

(a) bamboo (b) banana
(c) onion (d) banyan

2. Oxygen is released in the process of ............. .

(a) respiration (b) decomposition
(c) combustion (d) photosynthesis

3. Malaria is caused by ............. .

(a) protozoa (b) bacteria
(c) fungi (d) virus

4. .................. is a long term predominant condition of the atmosphere.

(a) Climate (b) Weather
(c) Pressure (d) Biosphere

5. Full form of RAM is ............. .

(a) Roaming Application Memory (b) Random Accessible Media
(c) Random Access Memory (d) None of the above

Q.2. Answer the following questions : (Any 5) 10

1. Distinguish between Dicots and Monocots.

Give scientific reason :
Energy flow through an ecosystem is ‘one way’.
... 2 ...
3. How is a vaccine produced?

4. Give any four uses of Lactobacilli.

5. Write a note on Plastic Waste.

6. What precautions should be taken while using various types of software on

the computer?

Q.3. Answer the following questions : (Any 5) 15

1. Which criteria are used for the classification of plants? Explain with reason.

2. Explain in detail the inter-relationship between the food chain and food web.

3. Write a note on Antibiotics.

4. Describe the monsoon model of climate.

5. How is first aid provided to victims of disasters who are injured?

6. Write the Full forms of the following:

(i) OS (ii) ROM (iii) PDF

Q.4. Answer the following question : (Any 1) 5

1. State the scientific and eco-friendly methods of waste management.

2. Describe the carbon cycle.

Best of Luck C

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