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© Owner/Author | ACM 2023. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use.

Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of

Record was published in: Pau Escofet, Sahar Ben Rached, Santiago Rodrigo, Carmen G. Almudever, Eduard Alarcón, and Sergi Abadal. 2023. Interconnect
Fabrics for Multi-Core Quantum Processors: A Context Analysis. In Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Network on Chip Architectures
(NoCArc '23). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 34–39.

Interconnect Fabrics for Multi-Core Quantum Processors:

A Context Analysis
Pau Escofet* Sahar Ben Rached* Santiago Rodrigo
NaNoNetworking Center in NaNoNetworking Center in NaNoNetworking Center in
Catalunya (N3Cat) Catalunya (N3Cat) Catalunya (N3Cat)
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Barcelona, Spain Barcelona, Spain Barcelona, Spain

Carmen G. Almudever Eduard Alarcón Sergi Abadal

Computer Engineering Department NaNoNetworking Center in NaNoNetworking Center in
Universitat Politècnica de València Catalunya (N3Cat) Catalunya (N3Cat)
Valencia, Spain Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Barcelona, Spain Barcelona, Spain

ABSTRACT [14] and trapped ions [5], not exceeding a few hundred of moder-
Quantum computing has revolutionized the field of computer sci- ately robust qubits [4]. Although existing roadmaps point toward
ence with its extraordinary ability to handle classically intractable processors hosting a few thousand qubits in the near future [9]
problems. To realize its potential, however, quantum computers and improving the robustness of the physical qubits [1, 32], there
need to scale to millions of qubits, a feat that will require addressing is still a considerable gap towards the millions of qubits that will
fascinating yet extremely challenging interconnection problems. In be needed for addressing practical real-world problems [41].
this paper, we provide a context analysis of the nascent quantum Densely-packed monolithic quantum processors hosting a large
computing field from the perspective of communications, with the number of qubits impose severe technical issues due to the effect of
aim of encouraging the on-chip networks community to contribute cross-talk, quantum state disturbance, and the increased complexity
and pave the way for truly scalable quantum computers in the of the systems used to control the qubits [45], which deteriorates
decades to come. the computational results. Moreover, the interconnect between the
host computer and the quantum processor (typically of extremely
CCS CONCEPTS different form factors and placed in hugely different temperature
levels) quickly becomes a bottleneck in such architectures [29, 40].
• Hardware → Quantum computation; Interconnect; • Com-
Therefore, scaling up current quantum computers to host a higher
puter systems organization → Multicore architectures; • Net-
number of qubits in such monolithic architectures remains a huge
works → Network on chip.
challenge, and finding methods to alleviate these constraints is
instrumental to developing large-scale, viable quantum computers.
KEYWORDS A proposed alternative to the monolithic quantum computer
Quantum Computing; Quantum Computer Architecture; Chip In- architecture is modular (or multi-core) quantum processors [16, 47,
terconnects; Cryogenic Interconnects; Network-on-Chip 51]. This approach is based on a scale out approach, i.e., intercon-
necting several moderately sized quantum processing units (QPUs)
1 INTRODUCTION or quantum cores via classical and quantum-coherent links [11], for
the purpose of mitigating the challenges associated with scaling
Quantum computing proposes a new paradigm for solving compu-
up the number of qubits on a single chip. In this case, however, the
tational problems by leveraging fundamental properties of quan-
interconnect fabric within such quantum architectures emerges as
tum systems, such as superposition and entanglement [33]. These
a critical sub-system as the number of quantum cores increases.
properties allow quantum computers to achieve a computational
Since the interconnects appear to be one of the key elements
speedup over classical systems in solving certain problems, some
enabling the scaling of quantum computers, the present paper aims
of which would be intractable otherwise. As a result, this technol-
to provide a context analysis of the quantum computing field, in-
ogy offers a vast array of potential applications spanning across
tended to inspire the Network-on-Chip (NoC) community to engage
various fields, including prime factorization [50], database search
with its unique communications challenges. Towards that goal, our
[12], physics [28], chemistry [37], finance [55], and healthcare [53].
contributions include: (i) a brief tutorial on multi-core quantum
Current quantum computers use diverse qubit technologies such
computers, describing a simplified stack from software to hardware,
as superconducting qubits [31], photonic qubits [20], quantum dots
given in Section 2; (ii) an outline of the main communication flows
in quantum computers and the different interconnect technologies
* Equally contributing authors. Authors acknowledge support from the European
Research Council (ERC) under GA 101042080 (WINC) and the European Innovation that could realize them, as done in Section 3; and (iii) an analysis
Council (EIC) Pathfinder scheme, GA 101099697 (QUADRATURE). This is the author’s of the communications context in modular quantum computers,
version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The
definitive Version of Record can be found at
including a characterization of the qubit traffic in such systems, as
P. Escofet, S. Ben Rached, S. Rodrigo, C. G. Almudever, E. Alarcón, S. Abadal

a given problem. One of the crucial properties of quantum algo-


Quantum Processing
rithms is quantum parallelism, a remarkable feature that enables

Compilation layer
Gate Decomposition
Application layer

Gate Optimization

Network layer
User interface

Control layer
the simultaneous evaluation of multiple values of a function. This

Circuit Mapper


Quantum cores

Router *
capability significantly accelerates information processing, allow-

ing quantum computers to explore numerous potential solutions in

a relatively brief runtime.
In the Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) era of quantum
computing [41], quantum algorithms are expressed as a sequence of
Room Temperature (300 K) Cryogenic Temp. (0.02 - 4 K) quantum gates applied on qubits, forming quantum circuits. These
circuits represent the initial quantum state and the sequence of
Figure 1: Overview of a possible stack for a quantum com- quantum gates applied to manipulate that state for specific com-
puter. *In current systems, the routing operations are set putational tasks. Figure 2b depicts an example a quantum circuit
at the compilation layer and executed at the network layer, consisting of four qubits and five gates.
creating a co-dependency between both.
2.2 Software
performed in Section 4. Finally, (iv) we discuss several outstanding Acknowledging the availability of powerful software development
challenges in Section 5 and conclude the paper in Section 6. kits (SDKs) tailored for quantum programming, such as Qiskit [42]
and Cirq [8], is essential. These SDKs provide crucial tools and re-
2 BACKGROUND sources for quantum algorithm development and facilitate seamless
In this section, we provide some background on the fundamen- interaction with quantum hardware.
tal properties of quantum computing in Section 2.1, its implica- Beyond SDKs, compilers are indispensable components within
tions on the quantum algorithms and the compiling process in the quantum computing stack [19]. As shown in Figure 1, they
Section 2.2, and a general quantum computing system architecture play a pivotal role in translating high-level quantum programming
in Section 2.3, taking the stack of Figure 1 as reference. languages into instructions that can be executed on qubits at the
processor level. Compilers consider the specific properties of the
2.1 Fundamentals quantum hardware, including qubit control and readout techniques,
as well as the processor’s topology, i.e. the interconnections of
Quantum computing technology leverages particular quantum phe-
qubits (Figure 2a). Within the compilation process, gate optimiza-
nomena to solve computational problems. Essentially, the quantum
tion techniques are applied to enhance the efficiency and perfor-
phenomena underlying quantum computation are the superposi-
mance of quantum circuits, making them less prone to errors.
tion, entanglement, interference, and measurement. We refer the
One of the most crucial functions of quantum compilers, espe-
reader to [33] for a comprehensive explanation of the quantum
cially in NISQ computers with limited connectivity between qubits,
phenomena applied in quantum computation. The qubit’s inherent
is quantum mapping [34]. Its process is illustrated in Figure 2. An
properties have profound implications in forming a new paradigm
initial placement of virtual (or logical) qubits from the circuit to
in quantum communication as well, fundamentally different from
physical qubits of the hardware is performed, storing each quan-
classical communication technologies. For instance, quantum infor-
tum state in a qubit. Two-qubit gates are applicable only if the
mation retransmission is not possible according to the no-cloning
involved pair of qubits are adjacent to one another. Hence,
theorem [56] that forbids creating identical copies of an arbitrary
considering the limited physical qubit inter-connectivity, the com-
unknown quantum state.
piler seeks to add as few routing operations as possible to move
Qubits are typically arranged in arrays forming QPUs and are
quantum states throughout the hardware topology so that each two-
often placed in cryogenic temperatures to suppress thermal fluc-
qubit gate is executed on adjacent qubits. For future fault-tolerant
tuations in the environment. This is because thermal noise causes
quantum computers, compilation techniques can include error mit-
qubits to decohere over time, this is, to disturb and eventually lose
igation strategies such as error correction codes, error-detecting
their superposition state and, in a sense, corrupt the entire compu-
codes, and noise-adaptive circuit optimization to reduce the impact
tation. Hence, cooling qubits to cryogenic temperatures serves to
of errors and improve the overall reliability.
maintain quantum states for a longer period of time or, in other
words, to extend their coherence time. Additionally, numerous qubit
technologies, such as superconducting qubits, are based on materi- 2.3 Hardware
als that become superconducting at cryogenic temperatures. The general system architecture of a quantum computer is shown
Manipulating quantum states for computational purposes re- in Figure 3. It consists of a host computer containing the circuits
quires applying quantum gates, in analogy to classical logic gates, to control the execution of a quantum circuit, and a set of QPUs
forming the building blocks of quantum algorithms. Single-qubit containing the qubit arrays where the quantum circuit is actually
gates act on one qubit by performing rotations in the computational executed. Most quantum computers nowadays rely on cryogenic
basis. Two-qubit gates take two qubits as inputs and require both operation, placing the host computer at room temperature and the
qubits to be in adjacent positions on the processor. Quantum al- qubits inside a cryocooler, although recent advances in hot qubits
gorithms represent a set of ordered instructions applied on qubits, [38] and cryogenic digital/RF circuits [36] are paving the way to
utilizing phenomena like superposition and entanglement to tackle having both sub-systems at the same temperature level.
Interconnect Fabrics for Multi-Core Quantum Processors: A Context Analysis

(a) Topology of a (b) Quantum circuit with 4 vir- (c) Virtual qubits mapped to physical (d) Final mapped circuit. SWAP gates (×) are
quantum computer tual qubits and 5 two-qubit gates qubits. Unfeasible gates are highlighted added to satisfy the topology constaints
Figure 2: Overview of the process of mapping of a quantum circuit into the topology of a particular quantum computer.

Data Converters Control and classical Inter-core

readout of qubits. Both actions require sending specific signals to
300K communications
and router the target qubits, whose nature depend on the qubit technology.
ORCHESTRATION Cryogenic Several qubit technologies utilize radio-frequency (RF) signals
50K control

Multi-core QPU electronics for the state control and readout. For instance, superconducting
qubits are manipulated via precisely shaped RF pulses at the qubit
links microwave frequency, which is typically 4-8 GHz [21]. Similarly,
quantum states of trapped-ion qubits are controlled with microwave
20mK Direct
QPU qubit control magnetic fields and RF magnetic field gradients [52] and the nuclear
Cryocooler spin of the nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond can be manipulated
Figure 3: Overview of a possible system architecture and com- using coherent RF pulses [39] as well. The state readout in quantum
munication flows of a modular quantum computer, whose dots is commonly performed using RF reflectrometry [26, 49]. As
cores may reside in different chips. a result, many quantum computers deploy a large set of coaxial
cables from the host computer to the QPUs for readout and control.
Typically, a couple of input lines are required for controlling a
Regardless of its placement, the host computer is in charge of single qubit, and multiple I/O lines are used for state readout of 1 to
running the compiled circuit, which implies (i) sending the required 10 qubits [29]. This highly dense wiring is considered a bottleneck
signals to the quantum computer to control (i.e. apply a quantum for the scalability of quantum computers, which has prompted the
gate) or read out (i.e. measure and obtain value) a particular set proposal of cryogenic RF switches [40] and crossbar architectures
of qubits at the required instants, and (ii) receiving the result of [24] to address more qubits with less cables, turning the coaxial
the readout operations. The nature of these signals depends on the cable array into a more sophisticated interconnect fabric.
actual qubit technology, as discussed in Section 3.1, and hence may Besides the wiring management problem, there is a bandwidth
require the host computer to be equipped with custom digital and and power consumption issue as well. With current technologies,
analog circuits. This is one of the reasons for using FPGAs. readout of qubits demands around 1 Mb/s of bandwidth from the
The QPUs essentially consists of an array of qubits and the host computer to the QPUs [10]; a simple projection would then
necessary circuits to route the control and readout signals to each foresee a demand exceeding 1 Tb/s in million-qubit systems in the
specific qubit. Depending on the QPU microarchitecture, qubits may future. Moreover, this flow of data should not exceed the heat dissi-
be addressed individually [2] or in a clustered way [24]. The former pation capacity of the cryocooler, which implies the need of trans-
implies having dedicated cables and pins for each particular qubit, mitting data at a few fJ/bit of energy [10]. As a result of these issues,
penalizing scalability, while the latter implies the need for extra recent works have also explored the use of alternative technologies
circuits to route the signals, which affects the quality of the qubits. such as optical interconnects [22], or wireless readout schemes [54]
Another design decision is whether to monolithically integrate to boost the bandwidth and reduce the power consumption and,
all qubits in a single chip, which is complex to achieve as stated hence, thermal disturbance, of the vertical communications.
beforehand, or to distribute them over multiple chips in a modular
setup. In the latter case, extra circuitry is required to connect the
chips and orchestrate their operation, as described in Section 3.2.
3.2 Horizontal Communication
3 A PRIMER ON COMMUNICATIONS IN A On the horizontal plane, communication is mostly required in the
QUANTUM COMPUTER case of implementing a multi-core approach, i.e. having the qubits
distributed over multiple arrays and/or chips (Figure 3). In that case,
Next, we describe the different types of communication occurring
the two functionalities requiring communication are the qubit
within a quantum computer taking as reference the architecture
state transfer and the qubit transfer orchestration.
template shown in Figure 3. We distinguish between vertical and
On the one hand, quantum state transfers are essential when two
horizontal communications, referring to transmissions across tem-
qubits placed in different chips must interact via a two-qubit gate.
perature levels and within the same temperature level, respectively.
In that case, either (i) the state of one of the qubits is moved to the
other qubit’s chip to execute the gate locally, or (ii) a remote gate
3.1 Vertical Communication is applied. Both cases require at least one quantum state transfer,
According to the general architecture template shown in the Fig- which implies the need of technologies capable of implementing a
ure 3, vertical communication essentially relates to the control and network of quantum-coherent links between the chips. Currently,
P. Escofet, S. Ben Rached, S. Rodrigo, C. G. Almudever, E. Alarcón, S. Abadal

multiple communication technologies are under investigation for undesired interference or crosstalk between neighbouring qubits.
quantum state transfer at the chip scale, namely: Moreover, scalable control electronics are equally essential. On the
• Ion shuttling [17]: is specifically employed in ion-trapped plat- other hand, when interconnecting multiple quantum chips to build
forms where electromagnetic fields are used to physically trans- more extensive devices, the interconnect infrastructure becomes
port ions across a chip space deliberately left vacant of qubits, to crucial to accommodate a growing number of chips effectively.
place them in physical proximity and enable their interaction. Efficient routing and scheduling algorithms are necessary to prevent
• Quantum teleportation [27]: is based on the transfer of state bottlenecks as quantum states move across chips. Lastly, precise
mediated by strongly correlated particle pairs (normally photons) synchronization mechanisms are needed for effective inter-chip
that are sent to the transmitter and receiver. Its use for inter-core communications.
communications is still in the early stages of development [46].
• Chip-to-chip interconnects [58]: based on the coupling between 4.2 Physical Constraints
two qubits through an appropriate physical medium, which may
Cryogenic Temperatures. As depicted in Section 2.1, most quan-
depend on the physical infrastructure and qubit technology. Al-
tum processors operate at cryogenic temperatures. This is a signifi-
ternatives such as low-loss coaxial cables [23], superconducting
cant physical constraint, as it is hard to ensure millikelvin tempera-
transmission lines [7], and capacitive coupling via resonators
tures across a large space. This may limit the scale of multi-core
[11] are being investigated.
architectures unless the interconnect infrastructure can remain at
• Photonic networks [30]: provide a high degree of connectivity
higher temperatures and become a quantum-coherent bridge across
using photons. These photons can be transmitted through waveg-
temperature levels. Also, interestingly, this can be beneficial for the
uides or optical fibers over long distances with low loss and
integration of digital/RF circuits in quantum computers due to the
interference, even at room temperature, making them an ideal
improved performance of those circuits under a cryogenic regime.
candidate for inter-core quantum communication. Such an alter-
native can benefit from the extensive work on photonic NoCs Ultra-low Power Budget. The interconnects must not only func-
[35] to create integrated networks for qubit state transfer [57]. tion effectively under extremely low temperatures, but also align
with the rigid power budgets inherent to cryogenic environments.
On the other hand, we call qubit transfer orchestration to the control
The cryocoolers responsible for maintaining these temperatures
operations required to avoid quantum state transfers to conflict
introduce specific power consumption and dissipation limitations.
with each other. As the number of QPU cores increases, there will
Thus, interconnects must be meticulously designed to operate
be an increasing need for methods to manage functions such as
within these confines, ensuring compatibility and functionality.
flow control, routing, or synchronization across QPUs, possibly
at runtime. This implies the need for fast and efficient transfer of Variability. Fabrication process variations impact on any electronic
classical data across the chips of the quantum computer, a problem circuit and quantum computers are notably sensitive to process
that could leverage the expertise of the NoC community. variations [51]. Qubits of the same chip may behave differently and,
more relevantly, different chips may be subject to great mismatches.
This leads to a diverse range of error profiles that interconnect
4 A CONTEXT ANALYSIS FOR designers must consider when designing communication strategies.
In the quest for developing effective interconnect fabrics for mod- 4.3 Workload Characteristics
ular quantum architectures, it is valuable to perform a context
analysis that considers critical aspects related to architectural re- Characterizing the intra and inter-core workload in modular quan-
quirements, physical constraints, and workload characteristics. This tum processors allows to estimate the communications overhead,
section provides an overview of these factors and discusses their helping to guide the design of interconnect fabrics for quantum
implications for interconnect design in quantum computers. computers. In particular, one can infer the spatio-temporal charac-
teristics of the vertical communications by analyzing how quantum
gates are spread over the execution of a quantum algorithm, since
4.1 Architectural Requirements each gate triggers control signals from the host computer; whereas
Latency Sensitivity. Quantum computing’s remarkable potential inspecting which operations occur between qubits placed in differ-
is intricately tied to its ability to execute complex algorithms effi- ent chips offers insight about the horizontal communications.
ciently. To that end, quantum computers need to be able to execute To illustrate the workload characteristics of a multi-core quan-
many quantum gates before qubits decohere and lose their state. As tum computer, here we follow the methodology of [48], which is
a result, all operations (including those involving communication) based on OpenQL [19]. We compile the 64-qubit Quantum Fourier
are extremely latency sensitive, especially in NISQ devices where Transform (QFT) algorithm [33] for an architecture of 8 cores with
the coherence time of qubits is very limited. 8 qubits each, and then extract various characteristics of the inter-
Scalability. To unleash the potential of quantum computers, scaling core qubit traffic as depicted in Figure 4. We next provide some
to a million qubits is required. This will probably require combining insights based on the results of the QFT algorithm, even though the
scale up and scale out strategies, and making sure that all the layers methodology can be used to profile the workload of any algorithm
of the stack are scalable. On the one hand, increasing the number of and analyze the differences among them [48].
qubits within a single chip entails balancing the qubit connectivity Compilation matters. By analyzing the circuit mapping traces for
to maximize the computational power capacity while minimizing the initial virtual circuit and physical circuit in Figure 4a, we observe
Interconnect Fabrics for Multi-Core Quantum Processors: A Context Analysis



# Teleportations and intra-core ops

intra-core ops
0.20 teleportations








0.00 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
(a) Virtual and physical mapping. Computation, communi- (b) Distribution of inter-core com- (c) Number of teleportation and intra-core
cation, and idling are represented in red, white, and black. munication operations per core. operations applied per qubit.
Figure 4: Qubit traffic analysis of a 64-qubit QFT circuit executed on a 8×8 multi-core architecture with all-to-all connectivity.

the distribution of communication qubits and computation qubits compile-time mapping and routing, which is the technique cur-
during the program execution. The algorithm structure determines rently used in quantum computing. However, existing compilers
the number of gates, the two-qubit interactions and the inter-core use algorithms that hardly scale to millions of qubits, suggesting
communication requirements. Then, the circuit mapping process that some functionalities (including qubit routing) might need to be
seeks to orchestrate those interactions minimizing their overhead, executed in run-time. Therefore, developing techniques to minimize
which has an impact on their position (in space) and order (in time). the communication latency is instrumental for the development of
Spatial distribution. In Figure 4b, we showcase the inter-core traf- modular quantum processors. One might find inspiration in NoCs
fic by pairs of cores. This analysis aims to evaluate the uniformity for real-time systems [13], fixing deadlines and assigning priorities
of operation distribution during the program execution time, es- based on the time left for the qubits to decohere. In any case, qubit
sentially orchestrated by the compiler. Ideally, favouring a uniform technology has to be taken into account as it dictates the qubit
distribution of inter-core communications across the nodes would decoherence times, topology, and others.
balance the workload, reduce latency, and improve the efficiency Co-Design Methodologies. Abstraction layers in communications
and scalability of a modular processor. This can be achieved by and computing appear when there are enough resources to support
ameliorating the compilation and networking techniques such as it. Alas, currently quantum computing cannot afford the loss of effi-
initial placement, scheduling, and routing. ciency typically associated to abstraction layers, given its extremely
Not all qubits are treated equal. Another important aspect is stringent latency and power budgets. Instead, quantum computing
the number of communication operations applied to each qubit. requires a coordinated effort between hardware and software, also
This is because each operation decoheres the involved qubits, so because the performance of quantum algorithms often depends on
that uneven distributions may reduce the validity of the entire al- the specific characteristics of the hardware. Then, it is expected that
gorithm. As a result, we also evaluate the distribution of operations co-design will be exploited in the multi-core quantum computers.
by determining the number of teleportation and intra-core compu- Clear examples are mapping and resource allocation techniques,
tation operations applied per qubit. As displayed in Figure 4c, the whose success greatly depend on aspects such as the algorithm
distribution of both types of operations depends on the algorithm structure, qubit connectivity, gate fidelities, or the or the cost of
structure that dictates the gate sequence applied on each qubit, moving qubits within and across chips. Similarly to recent trends
as well as the number of communication operations necessary to in co-design in deep learning [25], one could conceive techniques
comply with the execution of the program in a multi-core setting. where the algorithms, the compiler, and the runtime techniques are
This calls for methods to establish priority (in a sort of QoS fashion) co-designed with the interconnect.
for qubits subject to a higher number of operations, so that the Simulation Tools. Multiple software tools have been presented
overall load is homogeneously distributed across all qubits. in recent years to simulate quantum computers on the different
layers of the stack. Functional simulators such as QX [18], Qiskit’s
Aer [42], or mpiQulacs [15] simulate the output of a quantum
5 DISCUSSION algorithm in ideal conditions or under specific noise models, yet
at the expense of huge computational and memory requirements,
As outlined in previous sections, building robust modular quantum whereas other simulators have instead focused on other aspects
processors is highly contingent on designing and implementing an such as the control system surrounding the quantum computer [44].
efficient interconnect fabric for communication across the quantum However, simulators of modular quantum processors integrating
chips and to the host computer. To this aim, several challenges various inter-core communication protocols are still missing, mostly
need to be tackled across the full stack. Here, we discuss several due to the lack of quantum-coherent link models and because the
overarching challenges and possible ways to address them. impact of noise (including that of the quantum-coherent links) is
Compile-time vs Run-time. The very stringent requirement of not fully understood [43]. To bridge this gap, Quantum Internet
latency (rooted in the limited computation times given the qubit communication simulators such as NetSquid [6], together with
decoherence) renders the scaling of quantum computers extremely
difficult. The former calls for executions completely driven by
P. Escofet, S. Ben Rached, S. Rodrigo, C. G. Almudever, E. Alarcón, S. Abadal

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