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1. ‘How long _________ at university?’

‘I started two years ago and I’m in my third year now.’
a) have you been
b) were you
c) you have been

2. What year _________ London?

a) did you leave
b) you left
c) have you left

3. I __________ a girl like you.

a) have never seen
b) never have seen
c) never saw

4. We haven’t seen each other _______ we left school.

a) for
b) since
c) never

5. Have you ever _________ that your students love you?

a) feel
b) felt
c) fell

6. I don’t see my best friend very often but I’ve known her _________ 12 years.
a) for
b) since
c) –

7. I __________ a car last week.

a) ‘ve rent
b) rented
c) ‘ve rented

8. She _______ never been to America.

a) has
b) have
c) was

9. They _________ in that house since their son was born.

a) live
b) lived
c) have lived

10. I have been a member of the Rotary Club since __________.

a) a year
b) my last birthday
c) a long time

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