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.) SOUATS — Koetwod AK > < 4 2/17/2021 {> Mm com 3 Su ets Define it What is Soft Skills? The Bundle of Skills which helps a person to Perform a Task better in a more satisfying way for both the performer and Spectator(in Personal, Professional and social life) > Personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people. + Soft skills refer to a cluster of personal qualities, habits, attitudes and social graces that make someone a good employee and compatible to work with. Distinguish between Soft Skills and Hard Skills ST) dL Cate IT 1 2) Definition: Definitio | Soft skills are personal Hard Skils ace about 2 | tributes that enhance person's kil set and! | aniogividuat's ablity to perform a interactions, erain type of task or jobpertormance and activity. "Example: Personal alities, Job Skil tke typing, Inverpersonal Shs, ete. reading, writing, et i a a ae ft skills is a term often associated with a person's EQ" (Emotional Intelligence Quotient/result of test)the cluster/bunch) of personality traits/features), - > Social graces/attractiveness, > Communication, > Language, > Personal habits, > Interpersonal skills, > Managing people, > Leadership. that characterize relationships with other people. > Intelligence has been defined in many different ways Such as in terms of one's capacity for— ¥ Logic, Abstract thought, ¥ Understandi ¥ Self-awareness, ¥ Communication, ¥ Learning, v¥ Emotional knowledge, ¥ Memory, ¥ Planning, ¥ Creativity and ¥ Problem solving. 2/17/2021 1.Communication skill Speaking 2.Listening skill 3.Delegation skill | 4.Critical Thinking skill 5.De Making 6.Motivation skill 7-Managing Discipline skill 8.Personal Development skill 9. Assertiveness skill 10,Personal Skills-(healthy lifestyle The Four Communication Skills coy COMMER Seperation. Cursit fort ext sends nan ime Management skill The Priority Matrix A 5 g How important isthe task? igh Urgency How urgent is the task? Sr 12.Stress and Stress Management ¥ Stress is common in modern life. ¥ Many of us have demands that we feel we constantly need lo balance-work, family, money, health and so a ‘How Can You Manage Your Stress? 13.tearning skills 14.writing skill 2/17/2021 A List of Interpersonal Skills Include: 1, Verbal Communication - What we say and how we eay it, * Non-Verbal Communication - What we communicate without words, body language is an example. + Ustening Skills -How we intorpret both the verbal and non: verbal messages sent by others * Negotiation - Working with others to find amutually agreeable outcome. and solve problems. Decision Making sound decisions | * Problem Solving - Working with others to identify, define ~ Exploring and analyzing options to make ser Communicating ouralues, ideas, betes, opinions, Needs and wants freely. Soy a 16.Presentation skills ¥ Presentations in Interview: ¥ Presenting to Large Groups and Conferences ¥ Giving Lectures and Seminars ¥ Giving a Speech Importance of Soft Skills in an Interview Seft skills ip a job Interview are those characteristics that you use to make decisions and interact with others whie on the job: ‘When an employer asks questions designed to determine soft skills competencies during the nterview process, she is tring to determine Your workplace personality and how vou will react in various situations. The more prepared you are to answer soft skills questions the better equiped you will be to enhance your professional image. promotion actto gain professional Md flexibility. fostinto the Door (opportunity) | Somfortable inthe Room (job). | > Moi > Practig > Develop ® Practice att 2/17/2021 Start NOW! *Be honest with yourself. * Know that you are NOT alone! Confirm your strengths. e Identify your weaknesses. © KEEP MOVING FORWARD for that POSITIVE FUTURE! JOHARI WINDOW- Interpersonal Communication Madel ¥ The Johari Window model was devised by American psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingham in 1955, ¥ While researching group dynamics at the University of California Los Angeles. ¥ Soseph Luft and Harry Ingham ¥ Lufi and Ingham called their Johari Window model ‘Johari ‘after combining their first names, —— Marry, Known to Others: Not known to Others 1.) Johari quadrant/window- 1 “Open self /area/ ‘free area/'public area. Y This is the information about the person— * Behavior, * Attitude, Feelings, * Emotion, * Knowledge, * Experience, * Skills, * Views, ~ known by the person (‘the self’) and known by the group (‘others’). free from- Mistrust, Confusion, Conflict & Misnderstanding —— ¥ 2.) Johari quadrant/window 2~ vB id self" / "blind area/ blind spot ¥ Sohal region 2is what is kmown about a person by others in the group, ¥ But is unknown by the person him/herself, ~ By seeking or soliciting feedback from others, the should be to reduce this are: open area,, © ie, to increa aim and thereby to increase the self-awareness, 2/17/2021 2/17/2024 What is Communication? © Communication is the art of transmitting information, ideas and attitudes from one person to another. © Communication is the process of meaningful interaction among human beings. ‘U Features of Communicat Y Two-way Proc ¥ Information Sharing and Understanding ¥ Verbal and Non-Verbal Y Goal Oriented, ¥ Continuous Proves, The Communication Process Pwo 4 | ca Te tenet) ee let Channel | See | | Oe a —— V Message-Message is a key idea that the sender wants to communicate. ¥ Sender/ Encoder isa person who sends the message. v Encoding —jtransfer ¥ Channels- inelude verbal such as telephone, and face- .© conversations as well as non-verbal such as e- mail and text messaging. ¥ Decoding — is on the receiving end of communication, v Re v Feedback ten ‘ommuniction ee a pee ee Loonveta vee ‘ommutietion Commaration “Pemeccnmctn ont ‘communication ars ros/biagonacommunkation communication Personal ‘communication ‘interpersonal communication 2/17/2024 1.1.) Internal communication * Internal communication is the transmission of information between orgai barts of the organizati ational members or 1.2,)External communication is the tr: information between a business an entity in the com, ‘ansmission of person or y's external environment, Examples of these people :and entities include ¥ Customers, ~ Suppliers, ¥ Shareholders, 8 Sosttyet barge | 16 {.1a)Vertical communication is- GENERAL MANAGER tL ‘SECTION MANAGERS TY ‘SUPERVISORS *Y ‘STAFF AND WORKMEN VERTICAL COMMUNICATION u P wW A R D © Also called as two-way communication 1.1 A©)Diagonal Communication-Cross-functional ‘communication between employces at different levels of the organizational hierarchy is described as diagonal wm + Ttalso reduces a manager's communication workload- ‘because he doesn't have to act as an intermediary between his direct reports and other managers 2/17/2021 v PRODUCTION MANAGER Etforisat coordination * Informal communication in the workplace is communication that takes place outside the formal, communication structures of the workplace. * Some people refer to informal communication as the ‘grapevine’gossip), Written signs or symbols are used to communicate. Witten Commniation ost conmon frm {ofluenced by the vocabulary & grammar used, Precision and clarity ofthe language used. Internal Purpose- Memos, reports, bulletins, job KG fester employecmenis sdeecrenerat, COP | External Purpese- Emi Web sites, letters, faxes, postcards, contracts, advertisements, ra | hoc 2/17/2021 a9 * Nonverbal Communication has bean detined as communication without words. * Tt includes apparent behaviors such as facial expressions, cyes, touching, and tone of voice, 2s well as less obvion. Tessages such as dress, posture and spatial distance between two or more people NONVERBAL 65% freee —————— — 2/17/2021 Mass communication is-The imparting or exchanging of information on a large scale to a wide range of people | MASS | COMMUNICATION EX.,.. mass communication: > Advertising, Journalism, such as news. ¥ Personal Communication. ¥ Personal communications may be private letters, ‘memos, e-mails, personal interviews or telephone conversations YNon-verbal com Listening skills Negotiation ¥Problem-solving ¥ Decision-making Assertiveness * Organizational com Gefined as the way language is used {6 create 1 different kinds of social structures, such as relationships, teams, and networks, munication canbe * Effective organizational communication is that this is open dialogue between the management and employees in a company that results in improved engagement and productivity of the Personnel | Examples of Organizational Communication + Organization Communication takes place i — Meetings (Griefings/ Project Performance) = interviews eg. When recruitng, development ete) + comnmineation in Orgensations can be over many iferen mediums/forms such 25 = Emails, — Ficeto Face ~ Toleconferencing/Paone Cal’ > [nan organization there are mainly four types of communication channels. They are : ¥ Vertical Communication > Horizontal Communication Di > Grapevine Communication nal Communication 2/17/2021 distort or prevent communication within an organization, > Obstacle in a workplace that prevent effective ‘exchange ofideas or thoughts. Weal see the world differently! Weall have ourown preferences, values, attitudes, origins that act as ‘filter: ‘on our experiences of people, events and information. 2/17/2021 - Emotional Barriers lhe emotional state may jake yourself understood “and hamper your © Many times, emotional riers on your part or the | partof the person you are ‘Speaking with may inhibit your ability to Language bartier issues? 3.Language Bar Y Language that describes what we would want to express and communicate to others, may at times, serve as a barrier to them, ¥ In today’s global scenario, ¥ The greatest compliment we can pay to a other person is b: speaking and effectively communicating to them in their local language. ¥ We need to understand that the native language of employees can be different from anyone else’s, Ee 4.Cultural Barriers: ' ¥ Culture-is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, food, social habits, music and arts, Y The world is made up of diverse cultures. ¥ Acultural barrier- arises when two individuals in an organization belong to different religions, states or countries. PHYSICAL BARRIERS Physical bariers are often due tothe nature ofthe environment, Physical Organizational Barrier inchudes intemal and extema environment like large workin ~ poor lig staff shortage as physically separated from others ‘outdated equipments ~ background noise 26 Introduction to Culture What is ‘culture’? Culture is the characteristics of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts. Why do cultures differ? : > History > Educational Backgrounds > Social backgrounds > Ethnic ® Religion > Ecology > Technology 2/17/2021 27 is defined as situated communication between individuals or groups of different linguistic and cultural origins. +The term "intercultural communication" is often used to refer to the wide range of communication issues that inevitably arise within an organization composed of individuals fiom a variety of religious socal, ethnic, and | educational backgrounds. + Each of these individuals brings a unique set of experiences and values to the workplace, ‘Types of Cultural Commu n * Cross cultural communication * Intemational communication *Multicultural communication + Intercultural communic 28 > Cross-cultural communication is a field of study that looks at how people from differing cultural backgrounds ‘communicate, in similar and different ways among themselves, and how they try to communicate across cultures. > International communication (also referred to as global communication or transnational communication) is the communication practice that occurs across international borders. > Multi communication that aims to share information across different cultures and social groups. Examples for cultural differences Y¥ Gestures, ¥ Touch ¥ Masculinity & Feminity.(men and women) Y Seperation of Power 2/a7/2021 29 sf 9 MODULE-01 INTRODUCTION Management is what 8 do. M A = TheManager Knowledge The People ‘Technology /Techniques/Tactics 1.The Meaning of management the word management is Derived from the Italian word Maneger,-Meaning to direct a household. moderate an act of guiding leading. y APPROACHES TO MANAGEMENT REASON FOR -EARL} > Practice of modern management oF century study of low-efficiency and enterprises. > The Industrial Revolution ,which began in Europe in the mid-1700,was the starting point for the development of management concepts and theories. > The rapid growth in the number of factories during this period and the need to coordinate the efforts of large number of people in the production process necessitated | the development of management theories and principles. 2/17/2024 “ Management and then s« A person who plans, organizes, directs and controls the allocation of human, material, financial, and information resources in pursuit of the organization's goals. ‘A Manager is the person responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of individuals, monitoring their work, and taking:correctiveaction when necessary. Basic concepts of management L.Funetional concept Management basically is the task of planning, coordinating, motivating and controlling the efforts of other towards the goals and objectives of the organization. According to this con ept, management is what a manager does (P,0.S,D,C) 2/17/2021 33 People can perform and individual towards attaining of group goals, S.Leadership & Decision making concept, Y According to this concept, m ‘anagement is th Ie art and appt of Preparing, organizing, directing human efforts applied to control the forces and u ize the materials of nature for the benefits to man, SS 34 an <_< 4. Productive concept According to this concept, management may be defined as the art of securing maximum prosperity with a minimum effort so as to secure maximum prosperity and happiness for both employer n employee and provide est services thereby. 2/17/2021 S.Integration Concept-«.nvr1s oF MANscEMENT) Aceording to this concept, management is the coordination of human and material resources towards the achievement of organizational objectives, Pie Ses sen ao 35 U.Continuous Process: O.Universal in Nature: O..Multidisciplinary: U.Management is a group activity. O .Management is goal oriented: O.System of authority: Q) .Management is an art: QO .Management is Science. 38 le L.Interpersonal Role ‘Management is largely about interpersonal relations between the manager and people both inside and outside the organization, such as employees, superiors, suppliers and customers. ¥ Figurehead:-(symbolic duties, visitors signing legal documents.) ¥ Leader: _ (training and counseling) ¥ Linison/commu: mn:(information both internal and external organization- mail, meetings, phone calls) 2.Informational Role Management is also about managing information. informational role includes collecting information, receiving information and disseminating information. (In all functional area-he monitor the information internally and externally.) ¥ Monitor-(seck and receive information, scan periodicals Feports, maintain personal contacts) ¥ Disseminator-(forward information to other organization members; send memos and reports, make phone calls) ¥ Spokesperson-(transinit information to outside th hrough speeches, reports .memos) _ _ _ eee 2/17/2021 39 to initiate and v tin handling an Y Resource allo. and divisions Y Negotiator role: seeks to ne: ‘managers, unions, customers, sa ss SKILL Skills is the ability to translate knowle action that results in desired performane An ability and capacity acquired through deliberate, systematic, and sustained effort to smoothly and adaptively carryout complex activities or job functions involving ideas. Like- > Cognitive skills/learning/judgment/. > Technical skills and/or people > Interpersonal skills 2021 MANAGERIAL SKILLS eee Shits Contn.. | ¥ Communication Skills ¥ Administrative Skills Leadership Skills. Problem Solving Skills Decision Making Skills ee Fayol’s 4 Division of work © Centralization | Authority @ Scalar chain | Discipline © Order Unity of command © Equity Unity of direction © Stability and tenure Subordination of © Initiative individual interest to the Esprit de general interest eae Remuneration LEADING Veonastay ff Poles a paces Creaingiaue Coury ae merce arserton— E acenggha Pore cota favefoowe's J iganvem | Havers Leaig pepe kenaueteas Nenagh ak People focused ee ‘Work focused Chae sye esterases _Auhoratan sya fs change seers iskaverse& tabty ‘Appeal the heart Appeal athe heed Sets direction Pans detas Raking expectations Ask questions ive decors Naina siaue quo 2/17/2021 Manager Leader Tie talks to nds in ters of bsprotions and needs Tie isa He an authortatve individual THe crcuates clear targets, numerical | He spreads his vison ofthe business and the astegy Tor contro of people and Tie baldstrust and confidence itereded in the achiovernenis of the target (oradions wihow sting ihe | He enjoys to engage peo egies eed nd maken em ere He provides drecives andinarucions | He presents challenges and stiulate | pariopetion “eam merbers do what they are required | Team members ec price to workin he {29 aay feokhenies teamandtendta exceed inthe prolezuonal and aloat iendeto wometze (OY Management Process: MODULE -03 Individual Behavior Stimuli --- anything in the environment that | causes a reaction 1. Internal Stimuli ---- inside the body such as hunger, thirst, andsleep 2. External Stimuli --- come from the environment such as sunlight, heat, cold, noise eae Ss A response of an individual or group to an-action, environment, person, OF stimulus’ (stimulating information/ev ent) | ; 2/17/2021 i a aaa TLITY ‘An Ability is an individual’s capacity to perform the various task in a job. Everyone has strengths & weaknesses- in terms of ability that make him or her relatively “superior or inferior” to others in performing certain tasks or activities. An individual’s overall abilities are essentially made up of two sets of factors: PHYSICAL ABILITIES “The capacity to do tasks demanding stamina, dexterity/skill), strength, & similar characteristics comes under Physical Abili + Nine basic Physical Abilities: = Dynamiclactive) Strength ~ Trunk/chest Strength = Static /tanding)Strength Explosivelstable) Strength, Faxtent Flexibility ~ Dynamic/active) Flexibility = Body Coordination = Balance, Stamina /energy) 47 + These models are based upon the management’: assumptions about peopl A brief description of a few models is presented below : 1, Feonomic Man 2. Social man 3. Organizational Man 4, The Self Actuating Man 5. Complex Man 48, 2/17/2021 TEAM BUILDING’ United we stand, Divided we fall... T -Together E - Empowering each other to A - Achieve ca ast M - More feam building generally refers to the concept of organizing groups of employees into manageable units for various purposes. + The team members not only share expectations for accomplishing group tasks, but trust and support one another and respect one another's individual differences a Team Morale/spirit) Depends On + Support + Resources | + Communication Personalities Listen Question Persuade/eonvince) Respect Help + Share + Participate = ! | CPW AIDC. : ‘ba : Stages in Team Building Forming . Storming <= GQ Norming | Pe | (Pertorming workin on ‘lmosphere fesxbity is the kay ond [ cayvny fmm mang im ne Workplace Important? | | ¥ Improve Interpersonal Skills Y Develop Problem Solving Skil |v promote Creatviy | ¥ Facilitates better communication ¥ Breaks the bartier | ¥ increase Productivity | ¥ Making the workplace more enjoyable ec roconcancmelincudesen! | | seine ‘Types of Team Building Exercises: ¥ Communication Exercises: ¥ Problem Solving/De« Y Planning/Adaptability Exercises: ¥ Trust Exercises: Basic Guidelines for Building Effective Teams + Setclear & realistic goals Establish ground rules * Respect “Process” + Encourage full participation Agree on a decision-making stra * Collaborate * Challer *+ Document Atta de iw everyths © Intruth, people generally don't have a high level of attitude awareness. © They'll know if they are hungry or if their feet hurt, but they usually don't have a good handle on their attitude. © That is a mistake because attitude is everything. It governs the way you perceive the world and the way the world perceives you Attitude is-When a person feels about something about a place, commodity and a situ called attitude ion or an idea is NCliTs Evita To [-} ATTITUDE a Your Is EVERYTHING choices 2/17/2021 ‘Types of Attitudes: a. Positive: Y A favorable attitude—liking people, objects, situation, etc. b. Negative: ¥ An unfavorable attitude—does not like people! objects, etc. c. Neutral: ¥ Neither favorable nor unfavorable. 5a Positive Smile easily Willing to change ideas and behavior : Can see another person’s point of Accepts responsibility for mistakes Is considerate of others + Look others people in eyes when talking with them + Respects other opinion of others + Has a variety of interests Nature of Attitude ¥ Attitude are learned -It is the feeling Beliefs of individual and groups. ¥ These feelings and beliefs are defined ones Predispositions towards given aspects of the world, ¥ It is not permanent it changed + Does not look other people + Forces own opinions on Negative Rarely smiles Unwilling to change Can’t see another person’s point of view Blames others for own mistakes Very critical of others Thinks only of self inthe eyes others Has few interests 2/17/2021 ‘concerning objects, peopl €, or events a certain way toward ‘Someone or something. vi Organizational Factor for Positive attitude, ¥ Employees satisfaction-Provide them ri Behavior. ight salary right ¥ Promotion and Fringe Benefits-Provide them benefits for Particular situation Incentives, Allowances ¥ Welfare-Provide them education, Good working Condition to make a good belief. VHRD-Provide them Training and development and Rights Flexible working Condition-Working culture ,Job Profile must be good for make.a, positive attitude [ eeearecmmeunres SUNG Allliyde 56 2/17/2021 1.No Promotion and security of job 2.Less Salary and Unfair reduction. 3. Working Condition is poor. 4.Behavioural aspects are bad 5.No Support from Management. 6.No welfare in Organization Changing the attitude of Employees Give feedbac Good Working Condition to work in the culture. Positive Role Model (Manager) Providing new information's Providing coopering some situations to change. | their attitude | waepr Degree of commitment on target means morale development OEO—E—E———E——————E Barriers to Changing an Attitude Cognitive Dissonance aa , ¥ When a person behaves in a fashion that is inconsistent with his or her attitude, Means he or she knows itis wrong but steal continue to inconsistency. ¥ Prior/previous) Commitment- ¥ Means the belief is unchanged and unwilling to change. |v Insufficient Information- ¥ Two Way Communication is not po Management and Workers which creat attitude, le from TOP a negative a WHAT IS PERCEPTION | Introduction | Perception is a process by which an individual organizes and interprets its sensory impressions in order to give Meaning to their environment. Several aspects of Perception known as perceptual processes are: 1. The process of receiving stimuli Itis by, + Seeing wi S) + Hearing \ i = + smelling Touching, | *Why We Study Perceptions | = To better understand how people make attributions about events. = We don’t see reality. We interpret what we see and call it reality ribution process guides our behavior, 8s of the truth of the attribution, 59 COGNITION-The mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, brought about by the process! Aa rar) The wheels the act and of thinking eee are in progress of knowing panei <=... NATURE > Perception is determined by both physiological | and psychol being whereas ical characteristics of the human al features. > Sensation is conceived with only the 2/17/2021 Perceptual Process Selecting stimul : me boa of any ncivitatsoecto which ais impertant and he election governed by two sel of 4 Interpreting nextsop bo mere! tht cate Process of checking : i perceiver chacks whether i Process of reacting: the pore Perceiving Oneself Accurately: | Improving One’s Self-Concept: Be Empathetic: - (Ina way, itis like putting your feet in another’s shoes.) Having Positive Attitude: Avoiding Perceptual Distortions: Communicating Openly: ¥ The word ‘Organisation’ among other thing ¥ implies where host of individual work together for ¥ achieving the organizational and individual goals ¥ Perception t is to influence decision-making. ¥ Thus, Perceptions, in many cases, have important effect on | organisations, ¥ Employment Interview | ¥ Performance Appraisal | ¥ Performance Expectation } v Employee Effort | ¥ Employee Loyalty | 62 2/17/2021 | 1c set of physical and mental characteristics that reflect how a person looks, thinks, acts & feels. Wanoielity Subs chalemiesciefueenton within the individual of those Psyciophysical traits that determine His dike ecelGimuscoiseu eal + Gordon All Nature Of Personality- 1.Personality is both internal and external ,It is generally not changed But changed due to social ,Psychological and environmental factors. 2.Personality is enduring in nature and depends on needs and motives. 3.It may be changed like after some incidents might be accident. 4.Personality defines individual differences, 2/17/2021 ai nstoya (MOM sO ILNY ¥ Trait Theories V Psychoanalytic Theory Y Social-Cognitive Theor vy Humani tic Theories Y Behavioral Personality Theory (08 a) yrrait Theories: Attempt to learn What Hal make up and how they relate to actual behavior personality y Psychodynamic Theories: Focus on the inner workings of personality, especially internal conflicts and struggles Humanistic Theories: Focus on private, subjective experience and personal growth $Social-Cognitive Theories: Attribute difference in personality to socialization, expectations, and mental processes result of + Behavioral theories suggest that personality is interaction between the individual and the environment. 65 QUE Eh e Cod BIC aa 8 UIE I) ¥ Sigmund Freud's Theory of Psychoanalysis ¥ In the late 1800s and early 1900s, Freud developed a technique that he called psychoanalysis and used it to treat mental disorders. + He proposed that people have three levels of awareness: Conscious Preconscious (Oream state recent expericnces) Unconscious Cnstin cts, traumas. fears, passions, ote.) 2/17/2021 OThe id, ego, and superego are names for the three parts of the human personality © According to Freud, these three parts combine to create the complex behavior of human beings ¥ Id: Meeting Basic Needs ¥ Feo: Dealing with Reality ¥ Superego: Adding Morals

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