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Subject: Fundamentals of Microcontroller

Question Bank
Unit 1:- Microcontroller Basics

1. What is a Microcontroller? Explain basic structure of microcontroller with neat diagram

2. Explain advantages, disadvantages and applications of microcontroller
3. Explain the difference between microprocessor and microcontroller,
4. Differentiate between CISC and RISC architectures
5. Write a note on Von Neumann and Harvard architecture.
6. Differentiate between Von Neumann and Harvard architecture.
7. 8-bit and 16-bit microcontroller.
8. Explain 8051 Microcontroller Architecture with block diagram
9. Draw a pin diagram of 8051 Microcontroller and explain it.
10. Explain different addressing modes used in 8051 Microcontroller
11. What is timing diagram? Draw Opcode fetched machine cycle.
12. What are the Stack and Stack Pointer?
13. Write a note on Data Memory and Program Memory.
Unit 2:- Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for Microcontrollers

1. What is embedded system? Explain following terms in embedded system

a) Editor b)Compiler c) Assembler d)Linker e)Debugger f)Simulator g)Loader
2. Explain in detail different instruction set of 8085 microprocessor
3. What are assembler directives? Explain different assembler directives used in 8085
4. Explain various addressing modes of AVR microcontroller.
5. Write a note on cross compiler.
6. Write a simple program for delay generation using embedded- C

#include<reg51.h> // Preprocessor Directive

void delay (int); // Delay Function Declaration
void main(void) // Main Function
P1 = 0x00;
/* Making PORT1 pins LOW. All the LEDs are OFF.
* (P1 is PORT1, as defined in reg51.h) */
while(1) // infinite loop
P1 = 0xFF; // Making PORT1 Pins HIGH i.e. LEDs are ON.
/* Calling Delay function with Function parameter as 1000.
* This will cause a delay of 1000mS i.e. 1 second */
P1 = 0x00; // Making PORT1 Pins LOW i.e. LEDs are OFF.
void delay (int d) // Delay Function Definition
unsigned int i=0; // Local Variable. Accessible only in this function.

/* This following step is responsible for causing delay of 1000mS

* (or as per the value entered while calling the delay function) */
for(; d>0; d–)
for(i=250; i>0; i – -);
for(i=248; i>0; i – -);
Unit 3:- Peripheral Interfaces-1

1. Write a program to describe the interfacing of led and switch with 8051 microcontrollers

sbit Led = P2^1; //pin connected to toggle Led
sbit Switch =P1^1; //Pin connected to toggle led
int main()
Led = 0; //configuring as output pin
Switch = 1; //Configuring as input pin
while(1) //Continuous monitor the status of the switch.
if(Switch == 0)
Led =1; //Led On
Led =0; //Led Off
return 0;

2. Write a note on interrupt

3. Explain timer and various modes of operations of timers.
4. Write a note on UART
5. Explain I/O Expansion techniques
6. Explain Memory expansion
7. Write a note on RS232
8. Write a note on RS 485
Unit 4:- External Interfaces:

1. Write a program for LCD interfacing with microcontroller

2. Write a program for Keyboard interfacing with microcontroller
3. Write a program for Stepper Motor interfacing with microcontroller
4. Write a note on CAN Protocol
5. Write a note on Bluetooth
6. Write a note on USB

Unit 5:- Introduction to Other Advanced Microcontrollers

1. What is ARM? Explain its features, advantages and disadvantages.

2. Explain Low power feature of MSP 430.
3. Write a note on PIC microcontroller

Unit 6:- Fundamentals of Arduino and Raspberry Pi.

1. What is Arduino? What are the advantages of it?

2. What are the different types of Arduino board? Explain in detail Arduino Uno.
3. Write a note on Raspberry Pi
4. Write difference between Raspberry Pi and Arduino

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