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com/yourfriendsname May 27, 2024

Hannah Krienniek
Amedeo College
23 De La Rey road
South Africa.

Dear Ms. Hannah

letter is about my opinion on the visit to a museum.

I highly doubt, with the trend of current museums, that any of the students in year 12 would like a
trip to the museum. As of late, the current trend in museums pay little to no respect to art; the
recent additions of insignificant displays (Love statue, giant blue plastic snail), the counterfeit pieces,
the lack of relevant information on an art piece. Unfortunately, the list goes on. Museums have
turned into tourist fly traps. The purpose of museums has been lost in the trend tide for money and
recognition; it has gone from sacred art(s) grounds to wedding reception halls. Prehistoric museums
have also joined the tide. Disappointingly shocking was the general thought. We can’t possibly visit a
location that doesn’t quite know what it’s truly offering.

I greatly disagree with the proposal for various reasons- the overpopulation and dull, gloomy
corridors in resemblance. Having visitors pay to view a minimal amount of art when the museum
owns far more than displayed is unethical.; not to mention paying to see blandly rhythmic vintage
decoy paintings, then have the employees make up assumptions on it. Museums are also fuelled
with children, and soon it turns into a noisy children’s restricted playground, we don’t want to be an
addition to that pattern.

My personal views and opinions on museums are that they’re not all bad. But there’s a quick decline
in good museums. Museums have turned into a place to upload a selfie next to a popular artwork
and hope it gets you famous. I am confident that visiting a museum is a bad idea.
Yours faithfully

A door sprung open- “A CALL FROM THE MAYOR! HE’LL BE HERE IN 30 MINUTES!” that was the call
which began the great office chaos. “Quick! Clean up, get the paper-works ready, tidy the desks,
products on display, ventilations to be on!” The secretary instructed sharply, tapping her pen on the
silver clipboard. “We’ve run out of alien paint!” A screeching nervous voice from the back replies.
“Check the storeroom!” another replies.

The scent of our new exclusive ‘green tube alien food’ product surrounded the office, it smelt airy,
fresh and like apples. There were papers scattered on desks, multiple keyboard clicking noises
followed by a silent buzzing sound from the printer. I could smell the new brown envelopes -the
smell of new books- and the roast honey chicken in Matthews Greek salad. As I began to work I felt
something roughly soft hit my head, I turned around to see a heap of crumbled paper balls and alien
props scattered across the office. From across the room I could hear Roger’s angry voice as he said
“What are you doing?! You’re making a mess!! We’ll never finish up in time.” I rush over to help him
out with the mess before tripping on someone’s…blanket? I looked up to see Jen sleeping! I woke
him up with a rough tug of his blanket.
“Brr…5 more minutes.” He said, failing to wake up. “JEN! GIANT SPIDER WITH A COCKROACH FACE!-”
at hearing this Jen leaped up screaming before being taken down but a tube of our ‘alien tube-paste’
product. I could hear the ring of several phones, the atmosphere thickened with agitation and soon
the smell of hot leather melting. “SOME ONE’S JACKET’S ON FIRE!!”-in a consecutive manner, we all
looked up. “MY JACKET!” said someone from the corner, tossing away the peppermint and cinnamon
packaging they were working on, in desperate attempt to reach the melting jacket.

The entire office was covered in cinnamon powder and peppermint leaves. “Noo! Now my coffee has
extra cinnamon!” said Mark. “Have some more grinded coffee powder” A colleague said as she
dumped a bag of coffee beans on Mark- “CUT! Stop the play! You’re supposed to throw in SOME
COFFEE not the WHOLE BAG! And why are we skipping out on Marks second line this is the 5 th time
we’re running out of GRINDED COFFEE BEANS!” The producer interrupted.

Everyone grunts. “Just get out and come back next week, WHEN WE HAVE MORE COFFEE BEANS TO
WASTE!” the producer added. I could see everyone on set getting frustrated, but there was nothing
we could do, it was time to go home.

2. Descriptive writing on a busy workplace.

What makes the place busy?-shuffling drawers, flying papers, rushing people, noise.

Why is it busy? A call from the mayor saying he’ll be there to pay us a visit, we need everything to
look neat and display stuff well to interest him, it’s a place which works with alien outfits for movies.

What sounds are heard? Shouting around, printing paper, typing, grunting, snoring, footsteps,
objects falling, phone calls, chattering, someone’s calm island music, the ventilator, keyboard clicking,
doors flying open

What do you see? Everyone’s facial emotions, rush, nervous, excitement, sleepy and groggy, people
eating, others asking if they can share lol

What does it smell like? Smells like ink, smells like coffee, peppermint and cinnamon disrupted by the
smell of something burning, not so delicate, later the windows are open and it smells airy, clean and
leathery, smells like new book from the brown envelopes.

What are the general thoughts and feelings? The feeling are not negative, more playful, nervousness,
laziness, irritancy, agitation, calmness, hunger.
What is the environment like? Agitated, busy, chaotic, paradox like, weird time space (everything’s
slowed and sped)

What are the colours and objects? Papers on the floor, a lot of white paper on the floor and desks,
brown envelopes and beige walls with “stay motivated! Keep riding the tide fellas!” posters
(colourful) and green plants desk plants, yellow envelops and sunlight, grey computers

What do the objects and items feel like? Crumbled paper, hot paper from the printer, slippery pen
from an ink spillage, soft chair, and the floor feels bally and the group tumbles down with papers
flying around, they tumble from scattered pearls

What is happening? The boss and CEO are running around trying to help

What is everyone doing? Some are sleeping, others are running around with phone calls, others are
screaming orders, others are running around with papers. Some are falling down, others are slow
typing with coffee half asleep, clean freaks tiding up.

 Evaluate your views about museums.

Text 1- theme of museums. (Not interesting)
views on museums- not worth it, busy and noisy, hospital corridors (dull, intimidating,
gloomy.), only a tourist attraction, overprotective guards, everything looks the same (very
average, blandly rhythmic vintage paintings), clueless(Ignorant) staff/ lacking details-
information- on the exhibition, poor information, ignorant, dishonest(for displaying fakes),
gatekeeping exhibition pieces. Irrelevant displays.
Text 2- disappointingly shocking, losing their old identity, one popular meaningless sculpture,
losing their purpose(Having weddings in the museum), some good stuff.(add it to the middle)
 Words to use for the first point
- overpopulated, tourist fly traps, money thirsty, dishonest, con schemes, ignorant staff, dull,
noisy, noisy children’s restricted playground, blandly rhythmic vintage paintings, art piece
gatekeepers, insignificant displays, secretive even though we’re there to see stuff, tricks to
spend more at the gift shop, lack of information.
-shockingly disappointing, losing their old identity, one popular meaningless sculpture, losing
their purpose(Having weddings in the museum), some good stuff.(add it to the middle)
 Point 2- overall view to museums, not so positive
do you want to visit?- no
personal views- not very interesting, dull, (words in vocabulary), not interested in showcasing
art, but interested in attracting money and recognition(not willing to fall victim to that) *just
use the vocab to describe it all*
not a good idea, if we had to take away from trips as such, we would have learnt nothing but
dates and places of fake exhibition pieces. The trip will not be fun, we should rather do
something fun and educational

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