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PART 1 (A)
Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
‘Just imagine a day without paper,’ reads one advertisement for a Finnish paper company.
It adds, ‘You almost (1)________ see our products every day.’ And they’re right. But in most
industrial countries, people are so accustomed to paper – whether it’s for holding their groceries,
for drying their hands, or for (2)________ them with the daily news – that its (3)________ in
their daily lives passes largely unnoticed.
At one (4)________ paper was in short supply and was used mainly for important
documents, but more recently, growing economies and new technologies have brought about a
dramatic increase in the (5)________ of paper used. Today, there are more than 450 different
grades of paper, all designed for a different (6)________.
Decades ago, some people predicted a ‘paperless office’. (7)________, the widespread use
of new technologies has gone hand-in-hand with an increased use of paper. Research into the
relationship between paper use and the use of computers has shown that the general
(8)________ is likely to be one of growth and interdependence.
However, the costs (9)________ in paper production, in terms of the world’s land, water
and air resources, are high. This (10)________ some important questions. How much paper do
we really need and how much is wasted?
1. Choose the best option for (1)

A. certainly B. obviously C. positively D. absolutely

2. Choose the best option for (2)
A. delivering B. providing C. contributing D. giving
3. Choose the best option for (3)
A. role B. operation C. service D. task
4. Choose the best option for (4)
A. instance B. date C. occasion D. time
5. Choose the best option for (5)
A. amount B. portion C. number D. total
6. Choose the best option for (6)
A. goal B. point C. purpose D. result
7. Choose the best option for (7)
A. Besides B. Otherwise C. Instead D. Alternatively

8. Choose the best option for (8)
A. order B. method C. system D. trend
9. Choose the best option for (9)
A. contained B. involved C. held D. connected
10. Choose the best option for (10)
A. raises B. puts C. gets D. places

PART 1 (B)
Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
Norwich, a city in the east of England, is a popular shopping centre for thousands of people.
In particular, visitors love to (1)________ the small, unusual shops hidden away in Norwich’s
narrow streets. The Mustard Shop is usually high on everybody’s (2)________ of interesting
shops to see.
The (3)________ between mustard, a type of sauce, and Norwich (4)________ back to
the nineteenth century. Jeremiah Colman began to make mustard in 1814 in a nearby village.
The yellow fields, full of mustard flowers whose seeds were required for Colman’s factory, soon
changed the appearance of the local (5)________. The company expanded rapidly and in 1854
it moved to a suburb on the (6)________ of Norwich. By this time, Colman’s mustard was famous
in many countries. The company is still in (7)________ and many people continue to enjoy eating
mustard with meat, cheese and other food.
In 1973, the company opened The Mustard Shop. It is a careful reproduction of a typical
mustard shop of a hundred years ago and sells a wide (8)________ of mustards. Upstairs there
is a small museum where visitors can examine a collection of old Colman’s posters and an
exhibition (9)________ the history of mustard. It is a shop not to be (10)________ when visiting
1. Choose the best option for (1)
A. enquire B. research C. explore D. analyse
2. Choose the best option for (2)
A. list B. brochure C. account D. guide
3. Choose the best option for (3)
A. tie B. union C. link D. join
4. Choose the best option for (4)
A. comes B. belongs C. goes D. leads

5. Choose the best option for (5)
A. scenery B. view C. background D. nature
6. Choose the best option for (6)
A. frontiers B. outskirts C. sides D. limits
7. Choose the best option for (7)
A. fact B. reality C. existence D. force
8. Choose the best option for (8)
A. extent B. amount C. range D. set
9. Choose the best option for (9)
A. explaining B. announcing C. expressing D. discovering
10. Choose the best option for (10)
A. unnoticed B. escaped C. left D. missed

PART 1 (C)
Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
In the past, British children were frequently encouraged to try out their performing skills
for the benefit of adults. They did this by reading aloud, acting or (1)________ a musical
instrument. As they (2)________ up they were taken to public places of entertainment – the
theatre, opera, circus or ballet. They looked forward to these occasions with great (3)________
and would remember and discuss what they had seen for many weeks afterwards. But nowadays
television and computers (4)________ an endless stream of easily (5)________ entertainment,
and children quickly accept these marvellous (6)________ as a very ordinary part of their
everyday lives. For many children, the sense of witnessing a very special live performance is gone
But all is not lost. The (7)________ of a TV set may have encouraged a very lazy response
from (8)________ in their own homes, but the (9)________ of those with ambitions to become
performing artists themselves does not seem to have been at all diminished. And live
performances in public are still relatively (10)________, albeit with an older, more specialist
1. Choose the best option for (1)
A. playing B. handling C. doing D. controlling
2. Choose the best option for (2)
A. grew B. developed C. advanced D. brought
3. Choose the best option for (3)
A. action B. thrill C. sensation D. excitement

4. Choose the best option for (4)
A. send B. stock C. supply D. store
5. Choose the best option for (5)
A. convenient B. applicable C. available D. free
6. Choose the best option for (6)
A. inventions B. designs C. exhibits D. appearance
7. Choose the best option for (7)
A. attendance B. being C. company D. presence
8. Choose the best option for (8)
A. onlookers B. spectators C. listeners D. viewers
9. Choose the best option for (9)
A. appeal B. desire C. pressure D. want
10. Choose the best option for (10)
A. favourite B. popular C. famous D. approved

(Mặc định đáp án là A)

PART 1 (D)
Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
Victor Gruen, an American architect, revolutionised shopping in the 1950s by creating the
type of shopping centre that we now call a shopping mall.
Gruen’s (1)________ was to provide a pleasant, quiet and spacious shopping environment
with large car parks, which usually (2)________ building in the suburbs. He also wanted people
to be able to shop in all kinds of weather. He insisted on using building designs that he knew
people would feel (3)________ with, but placed them in landscaped ‘streets’ that were entirely
enclosed and often covered with a curved glass roof. This was done to (4)________ some of the
older shopping arcades of city centres, but while these housed only small specialty shops, Gruen’s
shopping malls were on a much grander (5)________.
Access to the whole shopping mall was gained by using the main doors, which (6)________
the shopping ‘streets’ from the parking (7)________ outside. As there was no need to

(8)________ out bad weather, shops no longer needed windows and doors, and people could
wander freely from shop to shop. In many cities, shopping malls now (9)________ much more
than just shops; cinemas, restaurants and other forms of entertainment are also (10)________
in popularity.

1. Choose the best option for (1)

A. aim B. direction C. search D. view
2. Choose the best option for (2)
A. meant B. sought C. intended D. resulted
3. Choose the best option for (3)
A. comfortable B. agreeable C. favourable D. enviable
4. Choose the best option for (4)
A. imitate B. model C. repeat D. shadow
5. Choose the best option for (5)
A. scale B. height C. size D. measure
6. Choose the best option for (6)
A. separated B. withdrew C. disconnected D. parted
7. Choose the best option for (7)
A. areas B. lines C. strips D. plots
8. Choose the best option for (8)
A. keep B. get C. stay D. hold
9. Choose the best option for (9)
A. contain B. concern C. consist D. compose
10. Choose the best option for (10)
A. growing B. becoming C. raising D. advancing

PART 1 (E)
Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
According to the European Pizza-Makers’ Association, making a good pizza is not a
straightforward skill to learn. The ingredients seem very simple: flour, yeast, water and a bit of
salt. (1)________, water and flour can easily (2)________ a rather unappetizing gluey mix, and
anyone who has eaten a poor quality pizza will know how bad it can make your stomach
‘In Italy, 70 percent of pizza makers could improve on their product, not to (4)________
all the pizza makers around the world who (5)________ uneatable meals,’ says Antonio Primiceri,
the Association’s founder. He has now started a pizza school in an attempt to (6)________ the

reputation of this traditional dish. As part of an (7)________ course, the students at Mr.
Primiceri’s school are taught to avoid common mistakes, produce a good basic mixture, add a
tasty topping and cook the pizza properly. ‘Test the finished pizza by breaking the crust,’ advises
Mr Primiceri. ‘If the soft (8)________ inside the pizza is white, clean and dry, it’s a good pizza. If
it is not like this, the pizza will (9)________ your stomach. You will feel (10)________ full and
also thirsty.

1. Choose the best option for (1)

A. However B. Despite C. Although D. Conversely
2. Choose the best option for (2)
A. turn into B. take up C. put out D. make out
3. Choose the best option for (3)
A. feel B. do C. sense D. be
4. Choose the best option for (4)
A. mention B. state C. remark D. tell
5. Choose the best option for (5)
A. provide B. give C. submit D. deal
6. Choose the best option for (6)
A. save B. hold C. deliver D. return
7. Choose the best option for (7)
A. intensive B. extreme C. extensive D. intentional
8. Choose the best option for (8)
A. part B. spot C. side D. slice
9. Choose the best option for (9)
A. upset B. worry C. ache D. depress
10. Choose the best option for (10)
A. uncomfortably B. tightly C. discouragingly D. heavily

PART 1 (F)
Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
Every year, the village of Pettineo celebrates its unique arts festival. For a few days each
summer, artists from all over Europe (1)________ at this village near the north coast of Sicily to
(2)________ the creative atmosphere. During their stay, the artists get together with the local
people to paint a one-kilometre-long picture that runs the (3)________ of the high street. Once
the painting is done, each visiting artist joins a local family for a big lunch and, (4)________ the
meal, the family receives the section of the painting that the artist has painted. As a result,

(5)________ few villagers are rich, almost every home has at least one painting by a well-known
European artist. Visitors to the village are eagerly (6)________ into homes to see these paintings.
The festival was the idea of Antonio Presti, a local businessman who (7)________ it up
several years ago. Since then, Pettineo has (8)________ a sort of domestic art museum in
(9)________ any visitor can ring a doorbell, go into a house and (10)________ a painting. In
addition to this exhibition of paintings in people’s homes, for those who have time to spare, there
is an opportunity to wander through the display of huge sculptures in the village square.

1. Choose the best option for (1)

A. gather B. crowd C. group D. combine
2. Choose the best option for (2)
A. enjoy B. amuse C. entertain D. delight
3. Choose the best option for (3)
A. length B. measure C. size D. area
4. Choose the best option for (4)
A. in exchange for B. in place of C. in common with D. in addition to
5. Choose the best option for (5)
A. though B. despite C. since D. even
6. Choose the best option for (6)
A. invited B. persuaded C. requested D. attracted
7. Choose the best option for (7)
A. set B. put C. got D. had
8. Choose the best option for (8)
A. become B. advanced C. grown D. increased
9. Choose the best option for (9)
A. which B. where C. whom D. what
10. Choose the best option for (10)
A. admire B. stare C. wonder D. respect

PART 1 (G)
Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
In practically any country in the world, you are (1)________ to find a market somewhere.
Markets have been with us since (2)________ times, and arose wherever people needed to
exchange the goods they produced. For example, a farmer might have exchanged a cow for tools.
But just as times have (3)________, so have market practices. So, (4)________ in early times
the main activity associated with markets would have been ‘bartering’ – in (5)________ words

exchanging goods – today most stall-holders wouldn’t be too (6)________ on accepting potatoes
as payment, for instance, instead of cash.
In contrast, what might be a common (7)________ in a modern market in some countries
is a certain amount of ‘haggling’, where customer and seller eventually (8)________ on a price,
after what can sometimes be quite a heated debate. However, behaviour which is (9)________
in a market in one country may not be acceptable in another. Even within one country, there may
be some markets where you could haggle quite easily and others where it would be (10)________
not to try!

1. Choose the best option for (1)

A. sure B. confident C. definite D. inevitable
2. Choose the best option for (2)
A. ancient B. antique C. old D. past
3. Choose the best option for (3)
A. changed B. turned C. developed D. differed
4. Choose the best option for (4)
A. whereas B. despite C. nevertheless D. however
5. Choose the best option for (5)
A. other B. different C. new D. alternative
6. Choose the best option for (6)
A. keen B. fond C. eager D. pleased
7. Choose the best option for (7)
A. sight B. vision C. look D. view
8. Choose the best option for (8)
A. agree B. consent C. approve D. confirm
9. Choose the best option for (9)
A. expected B. insisted C. believed D. reckoned
10. Choose the best option for (10)
A. advisable B. profitable C. noticeable D. acceptable

PART 1 (H)
Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
Captain James Cook is remembered today for being one of Britain’s most famous explorers
of the 18th century. Cook was (1)________ most other explorers of the same period as he did
not come from a wealthy family and had to work hard to (2)________ his position in life. He was
lucky to be (3)________ by his father’s employer, who saw that he was a bright boy and paid

for him to attend the village school. At sixteen, he started (4)________ in a shop in a fishing
village, and this was a turning (5)________ in his life. He developed an interest in the sea and
eventually joined the Royal Navy in order to see more of the world.
Cook was (6)________ by sailing, astronomy and the production of maps, and quickly
became an expert in these subjects. He was also one of the first people to realise that scurvy, an
illness often suffered by sailors, could be prevented by careful (7)________ to diet. It was during
his (8)________ to the Pacific Ocean that Cook made his historic landing in Australia and the
(9)________ discovery that New Zealand was two separate islands. He became a national hero
and still (10)________ one today.

1. Choose the best option for (1)

A. unlike B. contrary C. distinct D. different
2. Choose the best option for (2)
A. achieve B. succeed C. manage D. fulfil
3. Choose the best option for (3)
A. noticed B. viewed C. glanced D. remarked
4. Choose the best option for (4)
A. work B. trade C. career D. job
5. Choose the best option for (5)
A. point B. instant C. moment D. mark
6. Choose the best option for (6)
A. fascinated B. eager C. keen D. enthusiastic
7. Choose the best option for (7)
A. attention B. organization C. observation D. selection
8. Choose the best option for (8)
A. voyage B. travel C. excursion D. tour
9. Choose the best option for (9)
A. major B. superior C. serious D. leading
10. Choose the best option for (10)
A. remains B. stands C. maintains D. keeps

PART 1 (I)
Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
On the night of 21 October 1931, millions of Americans took part in a coast-to-coast
ceremony to commemorate the passing of a great man. Lights (1)________ in homes and offices

from New York to California. The ceremony (2)________ the death of arguably the most
important inventor of (3)________ time: Thomas Alva Edison.
Few inventors have (4)________ such an impact on everyday life, and many of his
inventions played a crucial role in the development of modern technology. One should never
(5)________ how revolutionary some of Edison’s inventions were.
In many ways, Edison is the perfect example of an inventor – that is, not just someone who
(6)________ up clever gadgets, but someone whose products transform the lives of millions. He
possessed the key characteristics that an inventor needs to (7)________ a success of inventions,
notably sheer determination. Edison famously tried thousands of materials while working on a
new type of battery, reacting to failure by cheerfully (8)________ to his colleagues: ‘Well,
(9)________ we know 8,000 things that don’t work.’ Knowing when to take no notice of experts
is also important. Edison’s proposal for electric lighting circuitry was (10)________ with total
disbelief by eminent scientists, until he lit up whole streets with his lights.

1. Choose the best option for (1)

A. went out B. came off C. turn out D. put off
2. Choose the best option for (2)
A. marked B. distinguished C. noted D. indicated
3. Choose the best option for (3)
A. all B. full C. entire D. whole
4. Choose the best option for (4)
A. had B. put C. served D. set
5. Choose the best option for (5)
A. underestimate B. lower C. decrease D. mislead
6. Choose the best option for (6)
A. dreams B. shapes C. creates D. forms
7. Choose the best option for (7)
A. make B. gain C. achieve D. get
8. Choose the best option for (8)
A. announcing B. informing C. instructing D. notifying
9. Choose the best option for (9)
A. at least B. by far C. even though D. for all
10. Choose the best option for (10)
A. received B. caught C. drawn D. gathered

PART 1 (J)
Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.

While skyscraper offices and elegant apartment blocks remain the public face of most major
cities, these cities also have a mass of secret tunnels and hidden pipes below ground which keep
everything working. This other world exists, forgotten or neglected by all but a tiny (1)________
of engineers and historians.
For example, there are more than 150 kilometres of rivers under the streets of London.
Most have been (2)________ over and, sadly, all that (3)________ is their names. Perhaps the
greatest (4)________ to the city is the River Fleet, a (5)________ great river which previously
had beautiful houses on its (6)________. It now goes underground in the north of the city and
(7)________ into the River Thames by Blackfriars Bridge.
The London Underground (8)________ 1,000 kilometres of underground railway track
winding under the capital and more than 100 stations below street level. Along some underground
railway lines, commuters can sometimes catch a (9)________ glimpse of the platforms of more
than 40 closed stations which have been left under the city. (10)________ some are used as film
sets, most (11)________ forgotten. Some have had their entrances on the street turned into
restaurants and shops, but most entrances have been (12)________ down.
1. Choose the best option for (1)
A. number B. amount C. total D. few
2. Choose the best option for (2)
A. covered B. protected C. hidden D. sheltered
3. Choose the best option for (3)
A. loss B. miss C. absence D. waste
4. Choose the best option for (4)
A. once B. past C. then D. prior
5. Choose the best option for (5)
A. banks B. borders C. coasts D. rims
6. Choose the best option for (6)
A. flows B. gets C. leaks D. lets
7. Choose the best option for (7)
A. has B. holds C. contains D. consists
8. Choose the best option for (8)
A. brief B. rapid C. fast D. sharp
9. Choose the best option for (9)
A. Although B. Despite C. Unless D. Since
10. Choose the best option for (10)
A. pulled B. broken C. brought D. cut


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