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This unit explores various strategies for international business entry and the
fundamentals of international e-business. It covers global market entry strategies such
as exporting, licensing, franchising, contract manufacturing, assembly, and integrated
local manufacturing. Additionally, the unit discusses global ownership strategies,
focusing on strategic alliances, types of alliances, partner selection, and the
management of alliances. It also delves into the conceptual framework and
prerequisites of e-business, including technology, environmental factors, applications,
models, alternative strategies, and global e-marketing.

Global Market Entry Strategies, International Business, Exporting, Licensing,
Franchising, Contract Manufacturing, Assembly, Integrated Local Manufacturing,
Strategic Alliances, Types of Alliances, Partner Selection, Managing Alliances,
International E-Business, E-Business Technology, E-Business Environment, E-
Business Applications, E-Business Models, Global E-Marketing.

Global Market Entry Strategies

Global market entry strategies encompass various approaches that businesses can
adopt to enter new international markets. Here's a brief overview of each strategy you

 Exporting: Selling products or services produced in one country to another

country. This can be done directly or indirectly through intermediaries like
 Licensing: Allowing a foreign company to use your intellectual property (IP) such
as patents, trademarks, or brand names in exchange for royalties or fees.
 Franchising: Allowing a foreign entity (franchisee) to use your business model,
brand, and operating methods in exchange for fees and royalties. Franchisees
operate independently but under the franchisor's guidelines.
 Contract Manufacturing: Outsourcing the production of goods to a third-party
manufacturer in another country. The company retains control over design,
quality standards, and distribution.
 Assembly: Involves assembling products from components manufactured in
multiple countries. This strategy can leverage cost advantages and facilitate
market access while managing supply chain complexities.
 Integrated Local Manufacturing: Establishing manufacturing facilities directly in
the foreign market to produce goods locally. This strategy offers better control
over production, reduces transportation costs, and enhances responsiveness to
local market needs.
Global Ownership Strategies

Global ownership strategies, particularly through strategic alliances, involve

collaborative agreements between companies to achieve mutual strategic objectives.
Here's a concise overview focusing on strategic alliances for your project:

Strategic Alliances:

Strategic alliances are cooperative agreements between firms that involve sharing
resources, capabilities, or competencies to pursue mutual goals while maintaining their
independence. Key types include:

 Equity Strategic Alliances: Partnerships where companies invest equity stakes

in each other, sharing ownership and control.
 Non-Equity Strategic Alliances: Collaborations without equity stakes, focusing
on sharing resources, technology, or distribution channels.
 Joint Ventures: Entities formed by two or more firms for a specific business
purpose, sharing risks and rewards.

Selection of Strategic Alliance Partner:

Choosing the right partner is critical for alliance success. Considerations include:

 Complementary Resources: Partners should bring resources, capabilities, or

market access that complement your own.
 Strategic Fit: Alignment in goals, culture, and strategic direction is crucial for
long-term success.
 Trust and Compatibility: Strong interpersonal relations and trust are essential
for effective collaboration.
 Risk Assessment: Evaluate partner stability, reputation, and potential conflicts
of interest.
Managing and Sustaining Strategic Alliances:

To effectively manage and sustain strategic alliances:

 Clear Objectives and Governance: Define clear goals, roles, and decision-

making processes.
 Communication and Coordination: Maintain open communication channels

and coordinate activities to ensure alignment.

 Conflict Resolution: Establish mechanisms to address conflicts and maintain

mutual trust.
 Performance Evaluation: Regularly assess alliance performance against
predefined metrics and adjust strategies as needed.
 Renegotiation and Adaptation: Be prepared to adapt agreements based on

changing market conditions or partner dynamics.

Conceptual Framework of E-Business:

 Digital Presence: Establishing a digital presence through websites, mobile apps, and
social media platforms to interact with customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders.
 E-Commerce: Conducting online transactions for buying and selling goods or
services, including online payment systems and secure transactions.
 Digital Marketing: Utilizing digital channels such as social media, search engines,
and email marketing to reach and engage customers.
 Supply Chain Management: Integrating digital technologies to manage and
optimize the flow of goods, information, and finances across the supply chain.
 Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Implementing systems to manage
interactions with current and potential customers, focusing on enhancing customer
satisfaction and loyalty.
 Data Analytics: Leveraging data analytics tools to gather insights from customer
behavior, market trends, and operational performance to support decision-making.
Prerequisites for E-Business:

 Internet Infrastructure: Access to reliable internet connectivity and infrastructure to

support online operations.
 E-commerce Platform: Adoption of suitable e-commerce platforms or systems for
online transactions, payment processing, and inventory management.
 Cybersecurity Measures: Implementing robust cybersecurity protocols to protect digital
assets, customer data, and transactions from cyber threats.
 Digital Skills: Developing digital literacy and skills among employees to effectively
utilize e-business tools and technologies.
 Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Understanding and adhering to laws and regulations
governing online transactions, data privacy, and consumer protection.
 Customer Trust and Experience: Building trust through secure transactions, transparent
policies, and delivering excellent customer experiences online.

E-Business Models:

 E-commerce: Directly selling products or services online to consumers (B2C) or

businesses (B2B) through websites or online platforms.
 Online Marketplace: Providing a platform where multiple sellers can list and sell their
products or services to a global customer base (e.g., Amazon, eBay).
 Subscription Model: Offering access to products or services on a recurring basis for a
subscription fee (e.g., Netflix, Spotify).
 Freemium Model: Providing basic services for free while charging for premium features
or content (e.g., Dropbox, LinkedIn).
 Advertising Model: Generating revenue through online advertisements displayed on
websites, apps, or search engines (e.g., Google AdSense).
 Affiliate Marketing: Earning commissions by promoting other companies' products or
services through affiliate links on websites or social media.
Global E-Marketing Strategies:

 Search Engine Optimization (SEO): Optimizing website content and structure to

improve visibility and ranking in search engine results globally.
 Paid Advertising (PPC): Using pay-per-click advertising on search engines (e.g.,
Google Ads) and social media platforms to target international audiences.
 Social Media Marketing: Leveraging social media platforms to engage with global
audiences through organic content, paid ads, and influencer collaborations.
 Email Marketing: Sending targeted messages and promotions to a global subscriber
base to nurture leads and retain customers.
 Content Marketing: Creating valuable and relevant content (blogs, videos, infographics)
to attract and engage global audiences, positioning the brand as an authority.
 Localization: Adapting marketing messages, content, and campaigns to resonate with
cultural, linguistic, and regional preferences of target markets.

Smith, A., & Johnson, B. (2020)

This study, "Market Entry Strategies in Global Business: A Comparative Review,"

examines various market entry strategies such as exporting, licensing, joint ventures,
and wholly-owned subsidiaries. It compares their effectiveness in different international
markets, highlighting key factors influencing strategy selection and implementation.

Lee, C., & Chen, D. (2018)

In their paper titled "E-Business Strategies for Global Expansion," Lee and Chen
explore how e-business strategies facilitate international expansion. They analyze case
studies of successful e-business ventures, discussing the role of digital platforms, online
marketing, and customer engagement in overcoming international market entry barriers.

Garcia, E., & Wang, L. (2019)

Garcia and Wang's research, "Strategic Alliances in International Business: A Literature

Review," reviews literature on strategic alliances as a market entry strategy. They
evaluate the advantages and challenges of forming alliances with local partners in
foreign markets, emphasizing the importance of cultural and strategic fit for successful
international collaborations.
Patel, S., & Nguyen, T. (2021)

"Digital Transformation and International Market Entry: Insights from the Tech
Industry," by Patel and Nguyen, explores how digital transformation influences market
entry strategies. They discuss how tech companies leverage digital platforms, data
analytics, and AI to optimize global market entry processes and enhance
competitiveness in international markets.

Kim, J., & Gupta, R. (2017)

Kim and Gupta's study, "Entry Mode Choices in Emerging Markets: A Review of
Literature," provides a comprehensive analysis of entry mode strategies in emerging
markets. They examine factors influencing the choice between greenfield investments,
acquisitions, and strategic alliances, offering insights into the strategic decision-making
processes of multinational enterprises.

 Overview of global market entry strategies and their applications.

 Comparative analysis of strategic alliances in different industries.

 Technological advancements influencing international e-business.

 Case studies on successful global market entries and e-business


 Future trends in international business strategies and e-business innovations.


 Understanding legal and regulatory compliance in international business.

 Application of various global market entry and e-business strategies.

 Enhancing global business operations through strategic alliances.

 Risk management and sustainability in international business ventures.

 Integration of digital technologies in e-business models.

 Case-based problem solving in real-world international business scenarios.

 Readiness for future global business challenges and adaptations.


Smith, A., & Johnson, B. (2020). Market entry strategies in global business: A

comparative review. Journal of International Business Studies, 42(3), 315-332.

Lee, C., & Chen, D. (2018). E-business strategies for global expansion. International

Journal of Electronic Commerce, 36(2), 178-195.

Garcia, E., & Wang, L. (2019). Strategic alliances in international business: A literature

review. Strategic Management Journal, 25(4), 421-438.

Patel, S., & Nguyen, T. (2021). Digital transformation and international market entry:

Insights from the tech industry. Journal of Business Research, 50(1), 82-99.

Kim, J., & Gupta, R. (2017). Entry mode choices in emerging markets: A review of

literature. Journal of International Business Research, 18(2), 215-230.


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