C10 Practical WB [Hod]

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10 Chemistry of the

10 .1 Making a fertiliser
The use of artificial fertilisers has increased over the years. This is
because there is an ever-increasing world population that has to be fed
and so an increase in crop production is needed. neutralisation
Crops remove nutrients from the soil as they grow; these include artificial fertiliser
nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Artificial fertilisers are added to crystallisation
the soil to replace these nutrients. titration
Ammonium sulfate is a widely used nitrogenous fertiliser. It is indicator
manufactured by the following neutralisation reaction:
ammonia + sulfuric acid → ammonium sulfate
2NH3(aq) + H2SO4(aq) → (NH4)2SO4(aq)
You are going to make a sample of this fertiliser.

To make a sample of a nitrogenous fertiliser, by reacting an acid with an alkali by titration.

Apparatus and chemicals SAFETY GUIDANCE

l Eye protection ● Eye protection must be
l Burette worn.
l Burette stand ● 0.05 mol/dm3 sulfuric
l 2 × 25 cm3 measuring cylinders acid – low hazard.
l 250 cm3 conical flasks ● 1 mol/dm3 aqueous
l White tile ammonia solution –
l Filter funnel irritant.
l Glass rod ● Note: aqueous ammonia
l Evaporating basin releases ammonia –
l Bunsen burner toxic, corrosive (so use
l Tripod in a fume cupboard).
l Gauze ● Thymolphthalein
l Heat-resistant mat indicator – low hazard.
l 2 × 400 cm3 beakers
l 0.05 mol/dm3 sulfuric acid
l 1 mol/dm3 aqueous ammonia
l Thymolphthalein indicator

1 Put on your eye protection.
2 Pour dilute aqueous ammonia into a 25 cm3 measuring cylinder and pour this exact amount into a conical
flask on a white tile to which a few drops of thymolphthalein indicator have been added. Thymolphthalein
is blue in alkaline conditions but colourless in acid.
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Mak in g a f ert il is er

3 Clamp a burette vertically as shown in Figure 1. Use a filter funnel

to fill it with 0.05 mol/dm3 solution of sulfuric acid exactly dilute sulfuric
to the zero mark. acid

4 Remove the filter funnel.

5 Slowly add the acid from the burette, in small quantities – usually
no more than 0.5 cm3 at a time (Figure 2). Swirl the contents of the burette
flask after each addition of acid to ensure thorough mixing.
6 Add the acid until the aqueous ammonia has been neutralised
completely. This is shown by the blue colour of the indicator just conical flask containing
ammonia solution
7 Take the final reading on the burette at the end-point (just as white tile
neutralisation takes place). Record this value in the Observation Figure 1
8 Follow these steps to obtain crystals of ammonium sulfate without the thymolphthalein present.
a To 25 cm3 of aqueous ammonia in a 400 cm3 beaker add, while stirring, the volume of sulfuric acid
you needed in the titration for neutralisation to take place.
b Transfer half of this solution to an evaporating basin.
c Half fill a 400 cm3 beaker with water and stand it on a tripod and gauze.
d Place the evaporating basin on top of this beaker as shown in Figure 3. Light the Bunsen burner and
evaporate the solution slowly until there is only a small amount left. Do not allow to boil dry.
e Set aside and leave to crystallise.


Figure 2 Figure 3

Volume of dilute sulfuric acid needed for the complete neutralisation of the ammonia
solution = …………………… cm3.

Crystals of the …………………… ammonium sulfate can be made by the …………………… of aqueous
ammonia by dilute …………………… acid.

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1 What was the purpose of the white tile?


2 Why should the filter funnel be removed from the burette before the titration is carried out?



3 To make ammonium sulfate crystals, why was the titration process repeated without the indicator present?



4 Evaluate the method you used and make a list of sources of measurement errors in this experiment.
State at least two ways in which this experiment could have been improved to make sure the volume of
acid needed is accurate and state why they would have improved the experiment.









5 How could the experiment be modified to find out the exact concentration of the aqueous ammonia
using 0.05 mol/dm3 sulfuric acid?




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6 Describe how you would calculate the percentage yield of the ammonium sulfate formed in this
Explain why the percentage yield is less than 100%.





Ammonium nitrate is another important fertiliser. A student was told to prepare a sample of
ammonium nitrate by titrating ammonia solution with dilute nitric acid using methyl orange indicator.
Find out and describe why methyl orange is a suitable indicator for finding the volume of nitric acid that
is needed to neutralise a certain volume of ammonia solution.






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