Significances and Prospects of Artificial Intelligence in Academic Writing and Clinical Pharmacy Education

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 8 Issue 2, March-April 2024 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Significances and Prospects of Artificial Intelligence in

Academic Writing and Clinical Pharmacy Education
Deepak Kumar Birla, Karishma Gorana, Ekta Rawal, Muskan Yadav, Nandini Kurmi
Gurukul School of Pharmacy, Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Deepak Kumar

The ongoing academic discourse surrounding the utilization of Birla | Karishma Gorana | Ekta Rawal |
artificial intelligence (AI) in research and education has been a topic Muskan Yadav | Nandini Kurmi
of discussion since the introduction of ChatGPT in November 2022. "Significances and Prospects of
Artificial Intelligence in Academic
This discourse primarily centers around ethical considerations,
Writing and Clinical Pharmacy
maintaining academic integrity, determining authorship, and the Education"
necessity for new legal frameworks. The implementation of AI has Published in
the potential to enhance time efficiency, enabling individuals to International Journal
engage in more critical thinking. Additionally, its ability to recognize of Trend in
patterns within vast amounts of data can facilitate advancements in Scientific Research
drug discovery, improve clinical decision-making, and aid in the and Development
development of guidelines, ultimately benefiting patient safety. (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456- IJTSRD64600
Furthermore, AI is prompting a re-evaluation of the nature of 6470, Volume-8 |
learning and the purpose of education on a global scale. It challenges Issue-2, April 2024, pp.263-265, URL:
traditional teaching methods, necessitating a shift from
memorization-based learning to the cultivation of critical, analytical, Copyright © 2024 by author (s) and
and creative thinking skills. Despite the opportunity to reconsider International Journal of Trend in
educational concepts within pharmacy curricula, several universities Scientific Research and Development
worldwide have chosen to prohibit the use of AI. This commentary Journal. This is an
provides a comprehensive overview of the ongoing debate, Open Access article
highlighting the potential consequences and opportunities for clinical distributed under the
pharmacy research and education. terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)
KEYWORDS: ChatGPT, implementation, prompting (

The launch and rapid development of artificial of generative AI models designed to aid academic
intelligence (AI) models for public use in 2023 have research and writing. There exists a vast array of AI-
been a prominent topic in the news. One of the key powered tools that cater to different stages of the
areas of discussion has been the use of AI in research process, from formulating research questions
academic writing and publishing within the university (e.g. Elicit AI) to analyzing scientific literature
and scientific community. This ongoing debate databases (e.g. Search Smart), conducting literature
encompasses various ethical, practical, and reviews (e.g. Litmaps, Consensus, Connected Paper,
philosophical aspects. Different universities ResearchRabbit, Scite, OpenRead), interpreting data
worldwide have adopted varying approaches to (e.g. ChatGPT4, ResearchGPT, Lateral), and
incorporating these models into student assignments. structuring academic assignments, journal
While some institutions have chosen to ban their use, publications, and grant applications (e.g.,
others have integrated them, and many have taken a Quillbot) [not an exhaustive list]. While these AI
more nuanced, case-by-case approach. This tools enhance efficiency, perform data analysis,
commentary aims to provide a summary of the identify patterns, draw inferences, and provide
existing debate and explore the consequences and contextual information, they fall short in terms of
opportunities for clinical pharmacy research and intellectual reasoning, creativity, and developing
education.1 novel theories. The effectiveness of these tools is
Significance of artificial intelligence in scholarly contingent upon the breadth and depth of sources
writing utilized, which are often undisclosed and vary
The introduction of ChatGPT (Open AI) in November significantly across different platforms based on the
2022 signified a significant advancement in the realm programmed functions.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64600 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 263
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
The ongoing discussion within the scientific and needs-based, outcome-focused approach in pharmacy
academic community primarily revolves around education, allowing for advancements and
ethical considerations related to academic integrity, innovations. Undoubtedly, the utilization of artificial
particularly plagiarism. Critics argue that the intelligence models in student assignments, teaching,
utilization of AI in academic writing undermines the pharmacy curricula, and skill-based education
genuineness of scholarly work, potentially leading to qualifies as a significant innovation.5, 6
plagiarism or the erosion of original thought and In a recent set of world café gatherings, organized
critical thinking abilities. The issue of claiming with undergraduate pharmacy students at the
authorship for AI-generated content is also a widely University of Innsbruck, students articulated their
debated topic since, from a legal standpoint, artificial
firm expectation that the ethical and practical
intelligence models cannot be held responsible for the application of AI tools should be integrated into the
content they produce. The responsibility falls on the pharmacy undergraduate curriculum [unpublished
user of these models, but it becomes challenging
data], possibly mirroring the perspectives of many
when the process of information generation and its pharmacy students globally. Students even pondered
basis are not transparent. The level of human the possibility of replacing lectures and face-to-face
contribution in AI-assisted writing becomes intricate knowledge transmission with methods such as AI-
and emphasizes the necessity for adapting legal
facilitated learning in a flipped classroom style
frameworks surrounding intellectual property (IP) to pedagogical structure, allowing university time to be
enable the definition and protection of IP in this new focused on enhancing practical skills, applying
context. Considering the limited understanding users knowledge in experiential settings, and cultivating
have regarding how these models generate their critical analytical thinking skills.7-9
output, significant concerns arise regarding
objectivity, biases, and fairness. There is a inherent The skills-based learning approach for pharmacists
risk of diminishing the quality of academic work and has been a long-standing component of accreditation
oversimplifying nuanced academic arguments, standards for pharmacy education worldwide over the
ultimately leading to a loss of innovation and novel last two decades. However, a recent study in 2020
critical thought.2, 3 comparing pharmacy education curricula from 16
countries and territories revealed significant
In distinction, the utilization of AI tools has the
disparities in content and emphasis, with not all
potential to facilitate the advancement towards the
countries having accreditation standards in place.
unrestricted and open accessibility of research papers,
Many curricula are described as fragmented,
thereby democratizing research and academic
outdated, and static, with varying allocations of time
resources and creating a more equitable environment
between chemistry, physical science, and practice.
for all individuals involved. By streamlining various
Perhaps the introduction of AI could prompt a shift
tasks in the research process, AI tools also allow
towards a more skill-based learning and teaching
researchers to save time, enabling them to engage in
approach in all pharmacy curricula, incorporating
critical thinking, nuanced analysis, and intellectual
peer collaboration, team-based learning, experiential
processing. Moreover, the ability of AI to recognize
activities, interdisciplinary education, and reflective
patterns across extensive amounts of data can
self-assessment practices.10-11
potentially lead to new insights in drug discovery and
development, anticipate trends in pharmacy practice, Different assessment formats, such as open-book
enhance clinical decision-making, and contribute to online exams with assertion-reason questions,
the development of guidelines, ultimately benefiting objective structured clinical examinations with
patient safety and reducing healthcare costs.4 simulated/real interactions, and practice portfolio
Impact of artificial intelligence on clinical style assessments, should replace recall-based written
pharmacy education and verbal assessments. AI also provides
Institutions worldwide are actively exploring the opportunities to reconsider research skills, enabling
integration of AI into curricula to enhance learning more data-driven analytical teaching and a flipped
outcomes while upholding academic rigor. This approach to teaching the structure of scientific papers,
integration is leading to a reassessment of the nature practicing good scientific writing, and developing a
of knowledge, learning, and the purpose of education clear and concise writing style. Furthermore, AI may
on a global scale. It challenges conventional teaching facilitate the development of personalized learning
methods, necessitating a transition from and intelligent tutoring systems, allowing
memorization to the cultivation of critical thinking, tutors/lecturers to better identify and support
analytical, and creative skills. The International struggling students, as well as helping students
Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) advocates for a improve their time-management and planning skills.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD64600 | Volume – 8 | Issue – 2 | Mar-Apr 2024 Page 264
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
It is crucial to prepare students and adapt curricula for systematic review of empirical research from
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